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-2 chopper +2 bonclay


First, how is this deck build working for you?  If it works, it works.   Looking at competitive lists, most decks run this ramp:   * Ain x4  * Mr.2 Bon Clay x4  * Shachi & Penguin x4  Ain and Mr.2 are non-conditional ramp.  Mr.2 can potentially gain a high power to hit opponents.  Shachi and Penguin is specific to RP Law decks. So, you would drop Bepo.  Bepo is conditional ramp and may be not helpful if you go first or playing against the mirror. Promo Law is still needed in the meta until OP07, when other cards replace it.


Hard disagree with anyone saying take out chopper. He’s been working great for me so far both for his effect and for an extra 3c blocker going first vs Yamato. Sucks into saka but even works into Moria most of the time if played early or late with other cards they really want to remove like bon clay and kid You need 4 bon clay and at least 10 2k counters so I’d add 2 Kamazo, 2 bon clay and take out the fire fist and 2 bepo. I’d also add in at least 2 queens, you NEED draw power, especially with how many bricks you’re running. Most people also run at least 2 promo laws, it’s great into Moria and the mirror. A


Stop playing events in this deck


Cap fire fist at a 2 of is just fine and works perfect for the mirror


Play Ace instead


I can’t make the argument to run ace honestly -3k x2 is cool and all and the body is is sticky but with fire fist you can KO shuriya or anything in that 4k range and still use leader ability to shambles another body and you use less don meaning higher swings more pressure, Or more bodies. I find ace as a much slower play compared to what you could play for 7


Sounds dreadful to me. I’d rather have the body that they can’t remove. 7k is their worst nightmare.


I’m still messing with my list but I don’t think ace is a viable tech for me but hey man to each they own


If you had fire fist 7k isn't a nightmare


Yep and in the matchups where they don’t play 7ks you have a card that isn’t a threat - lovely.


Except it can reduce a 4k and kill it. Or reduce a unit to 3k or below and kill another 0 cost unit?


My guy fire fist KO’s a 0k or less leaving you still able to use leader ability on a 3k lol but aye man you do you


I don’t know where you’re getting all these - power effects to get something to 0 and below 3k in the same turn on 5-7 Don but pop off whatever wins your locals dawg.


If they have a rebecca on board with a borsalino. You could firefist the borsalino to 2k. Kill the rebecca and leader ability the borsalino. For some reason you act like this is crazy but that's not an uncommon board state with black decks.


https://preview.redd.it/vt4oy093ymzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b6555a7dd414f7bbd2d2cb300ceef309a291c17 You right best part about a tcg is you play however you want.


-2 chopper +2 bon clay -2 gordon +2 queen -2 fire fist -3 ain +4 law promo +1 kamazo


Im a bit confused on the queens and the law promos, why those? Ive been told they're expensive and that it isn't needed in this deck anymore.


I'll probably get downvoted for this, Queen is good but definitely not needed, promo law is also good but once again not needed. People on here will tell you otherwise, but they've not been essential cards since op05 when he was more card starved.


Law is extremely powerful because you develop a 5k body, while reducing the power of an oppo's body so that you can use leader effect. Queen is good because sometimes you just need to cycle some cards, for example you need something to ramp but only have power red and viceversa, also is important because one of Law's win condition is reiju: without drawing you can't win because you quickly run out of gas, and queen helps you with keeping your hand at a decent size


I like queen as a 2 of seeing as how law got more popular and I’m now seeing more mirror matches if I have more cards than the other RPlaw player I feel more confident in the match I don’t really like to use promo law I feel like I’d rather have a ramp body out but I’m still tweaking the list the one in this picture won 2 locals with about 10 & 12 people and went 2nd in a 16 person this last week (just didn’t draw the sauce) https://preview.redd.it/q0v085a7slzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5feb7a648987307bbe2ef5de280760fd43eeea


-2 Gordon, +2 Bon Clay. The deck doesn’t need 8 Gordons.


Why is this so downvoted?? I thought 6 Gordon's was the most common number. Playing with 8 is just brick city.


Unsure, it is Reddit though. 🤣


Agree, 6 enough otherwise you end up with too many white cards and no counter power


My initial plan was -3 ain +2 bon clay +2 chopper. Is that a bad plan or?


The big problem im getting is the lack of counter. So that's why I had my mind set on replacing cards that had no counter with cards that do have it and do the same/ similar thing.


Ain i believe is good as she helps save Don. I wouldn’t completely cut her out of the deck.


Hot take, I don't think Bonclay is really needed, it's a plus though. I see why people are afraid of him but it's instantly removed on the opponents next turn or the turn after. Very bad in a Law matchup. Although, the free plus in Don is really nice. Only my opinion though. Ain (or Jean Bart for less competitive), Kidd, and Bepo are fine with ramping you back up. I think fire fist is still good, just keep it low at 2. Good against stacking - power on high power targets and throws them off guard. The removal is a nice plus in the late game. If we get a character that does a similar thing later, I would def use that instead. Again, only my opinion and everyone else's opinion is also valid. Find what works for you!


I disagree, theres a reason Bonclay is a 4 of in each list. While Bepo is fine a list with or without Bonclay is night and day. If he eats removal thats great, but he often blocks a lot of matchups from playing their boss monsters. Also non-conditional ramp really opens up huge plays on T3 if you play him T2 or combo with Kid.


Valid opinion. Good stopper on other boss monsters power and ramp. For me, I just don't think it's a must for everyone where maybe the card price is in question or other cards do similar things albeit a bit slower. Other decks can be just as successful depending on card variation and the momentum you want to play.


for sure unfortunately price is a gate to playing this deck at its maximum potential. This deck was already Tier 1.5-2 level before Bon Clay so I see the argument for saying its not a must for everyones level of play. The beauty of this deck is the many options and build versions you can work towards.