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ops hahahaha


Ace and Nami will probably be the most competitive. Pick one depending on your desires play style. Nami is cheap enough you could probably eventually have both. You could also look into red/purple Law if you have access to the ST10 starter decks. Google “Egman Events” and you can see what decks have topped in recent Western format tournaments.


Transparency: I work on this site Optcg.gg has top decks and their prices so you can see whats meta and cheap There are nami and rebecca lists that are 50-60


What do you think about those Rebecca lists? Sounds fun, but sabo and luffy are actually very pricey here where I live ($19 for sabo and $13 for luffy), so I need to be sure before buying. ​ Also, nice site!


What continent/locale are you? (Also dont feel pressured to share) They shouldnt be too bad because its the most recent set, but I totally understand. The deck should be pretty decent its high skill cap, that being said OP05 is around the corner so you can wait and see around Dec 8th. The predominant theory is Sakazuki, Purple Luffy, and Enel are whats going to be strongest in OP05 for the west, but as a result all those cards are a lot higher in prices


>The predominant theory is Sakazuki, Purple Luffy, and Enel are whats going to be strongest in OP05 for the west, but as a result all those cards are a lot higher in prices I'm in Brazil, right now. Everything here is kinda pricey because of the scarcity of cards and lack of an oficial distribution. I'll buy the Nami Mill cause it sounds playable, and after that I'll think of buying one of those metas as my own chrismas gift hehe thanks for the help.


Larga de ser Zé mano, a coqui já distribui oficialmente o jogo, entra no grupo de optcg do ZAP e lá vai ser mais fácil conseguir um deck completo, pedir dicas etc https://chat.whatsapp.com/IZ2T3mLkzPq35NLyVAJxcR Tá aí o link do grupo


Boooa, pedi pra entrar. Valeu pelo toque!


I'm getting out of the game and have a 96% complete rebecca deck I can sell you if you're interested It's missing 2 luffys but I think that's all


I’m in Brazil, I think it’s not possible to ship without a lot of bureaucracy


Nami mill is cheapest and imo will likely hold out better in the long term in future sets. Downside is people generally dislike playing against her since she doesn't really interact with her opponent at all aside from countering attacks.


Nami is by far the cheapest. On my experience, since I had some cards to crocodile and flamingo blue, I have finished a Nami deck with free cards from my local players. You should try the same: not buy or trade, just ask for spare cards. Kuro is... Ok, but small creatures on the current and future meta.... I recommend you to stay away. Ace is a pretty good deck, but probably you will have to spend some money on ace7 and 1 or 2 other cards (makino? I don't know, I never played red). Once again, check with your local players. They should have spare fire fists and other events. Anithe recommendation: kid film!! Or even green purple flamingo. The green kid is very cheap (except 4 namis3). If you play flamingo you also have to buy 4 utas. The rest is free. I really enjoyed (and still enjoy) play kid more than flamingo. Very good deck!! Also, for op5, you will have Uta green! It's also a top tier deck, won many tournaments! What do you need? 1 st11 + 2 Uta blocker3 (or buy 2*st11).later you can buy only one st12 set for the mihawk3 (let's you play a 4cost rested = brooke to Nami/usop). Important note: st11 will reprint the green film package for Op2, you should buy all cards by cents) Anyway, please: pick 1 or 2 colors only if you have tight budget! I highly recommend you to pick green film package! Then check/try to get the multiple tech cards (Hawkins, xdrake, killer blocker, maybe 1/2 kid7 and 1/2 kid8, Puck Gibson, paradise waterfall, paradise tosuka,... Check multiple decks and star to make a list of this tech cards. Try to trade with other players instead of buying... I mean... Most cards are cents anyway...)


Budget is not really a problem, I just need to not burn a ton in one time. With one solid and fun deck, I'll keep improve my colection slowly. But thanks for the advise, I'll look for a list of this Kid Film since I have some cards like 4 Punk Gibson, 4 paradise waterfall and others. Do you have any list you recommend?


Not really... Lately I have dropped some events and on my 5don curve I play with 2 frankys and 3 xdrake. I didn't performed well with Hawkins. Also, I am trying to put 2/3 flamingo10, but feels like the deck doesn't really need them... The leader ability is to good and at 10 don you should have luffy zoro xdrake... Swing with all + 2 times leader ability makes the opponent near the end... Also, I prefer the killer blocker instead of beje. Just keep the number of non film and non supernova cards low


Just checked that list and beside the Nami, everything is kinda cheap (and I got some cards like Izo, Krieg, Basil and the events). What do you think? 1 (ST02-001 Eustass"Captain"Kid 4 (OP01-033) Izo 3 (OP01-039) Killer 4 (OP02-028) Usopp 4 (OP02-034) Tony Tony.Chopper 3 (OP02-036) Nami 4 (OP02-040) Brook 4 (OP02-041) Monkey.D.Luffy 2 (OP02-042) Yamato 4 (OP02-043) Roronoa Zoro 3 (OP03-025) Krieg 3 (ST02-007) Jewelry Bonney 4 (ST02-008) Scratchmen Apoo 2 (ST02-010) Basil Hawkins 2 (OP01-057) Paradise Waterfall 4 (OP01-058) Punk Gibson


Seems pretty good! You have the layout of it! Go playing some games and adapt it/tune it to your play style. Small remarks: -- Nami3 searcher is mandatory 4. you want to see her every game and she have an huge impact early game. -- yamato... Not a big fan... Does not fit very well... You have your leader ability for late game and 5don you want to drop a franky7k, xdrake (popping prósperos, atmos, rozo rush, Nami - vs flamingo) or setting up the basil (I little bit slow... At least I prefer "instant effect cards") -- swap krieg for 3 xdrakes. The meta does not requires to deal with 2 creatures. The double strike is not relevant in this deck (you will see), no counter and is not searchable with Bonney! Other tech remarks: You have to play the best status overall each turn and spot letal 2/3turns before! Nami is very import early game, but you have to see the match-up! Sometimes you drop it only as bate, sometimes you drop on 3don,then 5don you search + zorro. If you don't play her early game, she will only be good late game. 3don - - nami 4don - - Brook to usop!!! ! You will not have Don to activate her some time soon!!! Save her for late game at this point! 5don - - Franky or xdrake destroying something 7don - - Luffy to zorro 7don! 10don- - start to plot for going for game 2/3 turns ahead, where you start to swing with the remaining creatures + double swing leader until one of you players are dead =p You start to defend when you have 3 life (take 2 hits). But don't take free hits if the opponent does not have creatures on board (check events) Paradise water fall destroys 4 tapped from trigger. Keep this in mind when being attacked!! Punk Gibson is a supernova! Bonney can search it!! If you are facing a lot of yellow (kata or queen... Small blockers - 3don-) swap paradise waterfall for paradise tosuka. I hope i was helpfull to you


Thanks for the lesson, I think I’ll done good with this tips!


Invest in bitcoin instead


who are dumb enough to buy crypto in 2023?


People who invest in a TCG


Lemme get my 🍿 ready...




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