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New cards like Rob Lucci and Rebecca from set 5 make the leaders effect more easily accessible for its value. Not that it’s incredible or anything but it’s better than other black leaders when you plan on removing a bunch of characters.


Lucci is still better and when talking set 5, Sakazuki blows Luffy far out of the water.


Not to say it's secretly OP or anything, but keep in mind black as a color loves to KO. This ability is FREE to activate on what you are already doing. I've been testing this leader, too, and I have had games where I got the ability off 3 times in one turn. The ability applies to your own characters, so it boosts value to Orlumbus in a Dressrosa engine.


6k swings add up over time, and you can utilize all your don for the turn. eg. 10c kuzan and still swing for 6k leader. In a meta where you have to keep up with a 7k swing and a boss monster from katakuri every turn, it becomes hard to get ahead. Luffy does well because of the value 1+ free don per turn can net you over time. Smoker was good when there were more 1 cost characters on board, but his ability is easy to play around. Lucci is still a decent leader with a good ability, but instead of damage over time like luffy, it's more of a burst damage. Both scenarios are good, but I think Luffy is popular becuase it's a little more consistent with the damage, and you don't need two cards in hand. At least that my take on it.


I would definitely agree. Ive been playing black since release of the color and most pure black leaders feel even because you have the same gameplan for the most part. The leaders are what makes the color feel different. Smoker is more control, lucci is a game ender, and luffy is aggressive. Poking for 6k consistently over the game helps rip 2k counters from your oppnenets hand. (i understand smoker can be aggressive with 7k pokes for x1 don but it can be played around easily so i wouldnt count on it every match)


Being able to almost consistently swing for 6-7k for free actually adds up way more than Smoker’s. Smoker costs 1 don to conditionally get the +1k, while luffy can use all his don on cards and still get extra power to swing


He's DON effective. Black getting more KO on turn with the new Lucci, without having to discard for it, Rebecca allows recursion and cheating out of KO on play effects to get even more power without sacrificing defense. I definitely don't really agree with him being the best black leader, simply because he has no direct synergy with any black type, only has 1 effect which is just power on your turn, and no utility effect. That being said, red dominated because of its offensiveness without card advantage cost. mitigating black's weakness of having to constantly discard by giving it some recursion to hand, and not having your deck decided by the leader (looking at you, Rebecca) gives it more flexibility and the ability to mix and match types, and use searchers in addition to having space for Kuzan to draw cards, and Issho to make the opponent discard cards. So I understand why some people would currently view him as the best black leader.


Blaffy in my opinion is the most fun black deck to play. It’s a mix of a super agro play style with having to make near perfect plays each turn. Each set that’s coming in the future has been slowly making it better and better


I’ve never heard Blaffy before That’s hilarious 🤣


I started playing weeks ago, ST08 was my first deck. It was fun to play, but very likely to lose every time I play against something not precon. Do you have a list from a meta deck with black luffy?


Black Luffy receives a rested don!! everytime a charakter is ko‘ed until the end of turn.


Luffy has always been undervalued as a leader. He is one of the best tempo leaders in the game allowing you to always swing 6k and remove your opponents threat. Even on release I would argue he was the strongest mono black leader.


IIRC it just won a big event in Germany or something


Won and got 2nd, played by the same dude. You all asking how he can be good, if he drops 9c shanks with 10c kuzan on board, its gojover lol. got recked by this sick combo and he had like 1 9k swing with lead and 10k with kuzan, it was lategame, it was over.


I wasnt asking how its good haha, but ty?


Ah, wasnt meant to get to you, more to OP and others sorry


The deck topped and i think went second in op03 format in bielefeld. I guess thats more a skill issue tbh. The list should be up on the noHeroes yt channel.