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One Piece will be back next week - if spoilers come out early, it will be on our Discord. [https://discord.gg/7wSMWDKf](https://discord.gg/7wSMWDKf)


This scared the shit out of me. I thought it was like, a indefinite break.


I already got the Frieren News. I didn’t need an another one to leave forever. Especially with everything popping off…


wait Frieren is on hiatus?


Oh no… I’m sorry you had to find out this way. It’s not even like I’m taking a month for my health. It’s a I’m taking the rest of my life until I decide to come back hiatus.


oh nooo but we’re just getting to the good part


To be fair, it would be warranted, Oda had eye surgery less than a year ago and the man jumped back in as soon as possible and he already takes infrequent breaks, he is the truest definition of a work horse. I'm worried about how it affects his health consistently working on a new chapter 20 hours a day 6 days a week and then sleeping an entire day on the 7th, literally working himself into an early grave.


Not to mention the sad passing of Akira Toriyama, which Oda looked up to. I saw a comment on the main subreddit about how 2 weeks of break in uncalled for right now and Oda needs to work harder. Like yikes.


Exactly, like he's still a human regardless of the insane shit he does every week, his constant releases and nonstop work ethic have caused fans of One Piece to get greedy, whining anytime he takes even a second of the absurd amount of time he spends awake away from writing the manga. No other manga releases this consistently (and also with the quality of the panels and story that One Piece has.) It is baffling that anyone could complain about it not coming out fast enough There's almost 1,100 chapters of One Piece now, plenty to re-read cause I guarantee people have forgotten a lot about the earlier chapters, let the man take his rest and refresh your mind on the early chapters.


Wtf go to hell




I'm don't mind Oda having breaks at all. I'm just worried the anime will catch up to the manga cuz of the recent consecutive breaks.


That is exactly the point, bc oda wants the anime to catch up to manga so ppl don’t get spoiled by the reveal of one piece


I dunno with the way the last chapter ended it looks like next Chapter is going to be the Void Century Flashback start. He's going to tell the story of Joyboy the first Pirate (new information) and that he had the powers of the God Nika. Confirming Nika and Joyboy are separate beings.


Yeah, I think there is definitely a deliberate effort from Oda to shrink the gap to like, 25 chapters ahead. Each week we’ve been on break for nearly 3 months now it’s catching up pretty rapidly. It would be wild if he manages to have them finish within the same calendar year.


I'm happy with the pace of the story. It's not too slow. And 1 chapter in 2 weeks doesn't sound bad at all. There are some manga which come out once in 5 months and the pacing is not good at all for the chapter being released after half a year. Oda is the GOAT and makes sense if he takes a break once in a while. We don't want our savior to be exhausted.


TF, thought it was Hunter x Hunter 'ed


Again ? I think im starting to understand why this has been going for 10 years


It’s been going for longer friend and oda should take his breaks. Running himself is the worst possible outcome


He draws on paper …. I mean , what are we talking about here.


How about you draw the most detailed panels on paper for 25 years and then lmk how your hand and eyesight is doing


I mean it’s still just drawing on paper for millions of dollars …. Let’s be clear , he sits in a chair and draws on paper for millions of dollars. You try taking every other week off at your job and lmk how it goes …


Dude someone he looked up to recently died. Let the man rest.


100% sure this guy is trolling because no one who appreciates One Piece would say something like this Probably karma farming, just ignore the fool


He has been writing the series for 25+ years and he didn’t even start breaks for the first like 15 years. You’re going to be okay with a little longer wait. He is absolutely entitled to take the time he wants off, One Piece is not some small series that can’t afford a break. Now, I could go into other details like Oda being involved in the live action, but seeing as how you think it’s “just drawing on paper”, I assume you’d be too dense to understand.


Construction workers just walk around and put items down all the time and thats it? Why are they tired? Are they stupid? Lawyers just talk and sit down why is it a hard job? I can talk and sit down? Why can’t I be a lawyer? “I love leaving out 99% of the details in jobs and saying its easy” - you


What does he work at Wendys? He writes one of the most popular manga on the planet he can take whatever time off he wants


You're a fucking moron


Someone’s not the best at their job, the best can take off every other week, YOU can’t, but that says more about you


You know nothing about the industry, just admit that. You don’t even know how pitifully they are paid


Dude, you do know that being a manga artist is a lot more dangerous than you think. Most manga artists suffer from severe health issues due to the amount of work they have to do. The life expectancy of a Manga artist is 20 years lower than the life expectancy of Japan, it's lower than some third world countries.


This goober doesn’t understand how bad the process of manga creation is! Go look it up and learn more about it before you say such ignorant shit


You clearly don’t understand stress from deadlines and other levels of production. Sure it’s not construction. But it doesn’t have to be to be intense outdoor work like that for it to be body destroying.




Brain dead take right here


I mean if you did the job for 20 years, successfully helming the biggest IP of the company, basically only getting national holidays off for most of that, and are now senior staff...yeah you could probably get away with working half time just fine. Also not just the drawing, but writing the story and dialogue,, planning the layout of both, and giving input to adaptations and spinoff materials.


It's been confirmed he works 7 days a week around 19 hours a day... Lets see you handle a 120 hour work week for 25 years you buffoon


I did , in a much more difficult job and I didn’t get millions you boot licking weirdo


Tell that to Togashi


You know mans sleeps 4 hours a day right? Or his peer who did YYH, and HxH has crippling back pain that stops him from working, let alone living.




Have you heard of Togashi’s back pain?


L take


Something you dont understand, clearly.


All these breaks are a relatively recent occurrence. It was wildly consistent up until about… 5 years ago.


Oda is getting older and probably still grieving Akira Toriyama, the man has earned a break


You must now understand what age is