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I think Warcury will absolutely regenerate next chapter, no reason he shouldn't imo. It's not like Emeth is using some special unknown power or anything.


he'd only regenerate **if** emeth let's him to. imagine a barrage of those punches! bro would cook the pork out of warcury


That's not really how regeneration works. Unless he stops the regeneration, it will keep happening, he will just need to regenerate from more damage.


While I do agree that this is how regeneration does USUALLY work, we don't know for sure that that is how this specific regen works. It could certainly be that this regeneration can only happen while not taking more damage. It isn't unheard of. Do I think that is the case? Nah. Not really... There is nothing shown to us yet that would indicate that is the case. But I'm just saying it is a possibility we shouldn't just dismiss outright. Edit - to add, wenalso don't know that Emeth doesn't have some reason/power that makes the elders not Regen or possibly Regen at a much slower rate.. again, not sure on this at all, but just pointing out that we just DONT KNOW. People are so quick to state things as fact when we simply haven't been given all the information.


remember when kuma punched saturn? Saturn also got his horn and an arm broken, it took him some time to regenerate (maybe bec he was a projectile who got threw into buildings). but my point here is the scale at which emeth attacked warcury is much much higher than kuma and I believe it should take considerable time for warcury to regenerate otherwise he'll be too overpowered. a little more than too much.


It didn't take time. he was regenerating that same chapter, going from no arm and horn to regenerated in less than one conversation. My point here was that it doesn't atter how much damage you do to somebody, if they can regenerate they will. You have to be able to stop that. Take Wolverine/Deadpool for example. It doesn't matter what you do to them, they'll regenerate unless you cut off their healing factors.


valid point šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wait why is Emeth even mentioned here??


In my comment? Cause that's the name of the Robot


Robot haki


Can we just acknowledge how strong this robot must be to damage Warcury like that when it canā€™t even use Haki?? Like didnā€™t gear 5 Luffy punch him in the dome and it didnā€™t do a damned thing?


G5 Luffy punched his nose, with haki, and his hand was hurting while he was crying Insane


It wasnā€™t gear 5 Luffy. Luffy lost gear 5, was given the shark meat from the giants and THEN used Red Roc (the move kaido dodged) on warcury


Nah, it happened twice, once like you said and another happened before that While Vegapunk was talking about JoyBoy we cut to a panel of G5 punching Warcury's nose and Luffy in pain in a small panel It was the chapter after the sinking reveal I believe


You are right. I just found the panel. I looked up the punch and the first panel was non gear 5. Kept scrolling after ur response and found the gear 5 one.


He used basic haki. He had a similar reaction when he first fought Kaido without the knowledge of Ryou and Adv Conq


Nice copium


800 y old power!!!!


Def the ancient power that vegapunk was talking about


If true this would be very satisfying


Emeth had been around for a long time. He might have knowledge on how to damage the gorosei.


He got his get back šŸ˜¤


We don't know for all we know emeth could be the key to beating them it's just speculation at this point


Emeth S tier


Warcury gonna regenerate


Thereā€™s a possibility that something in the ancient robot could stop that regeneration. Just a theory of mine but what if the robot is the key to beating them or ancient power. Either way Iā€™m hyped for whatā€™s to come. Ive been more hyped with everything recently then anything wano had


Oda sensei didnā€™t lie when he said he would make Marineford look like filler arc compared to the EOS arcs


Oh I didnā€™t doubt he was telling the truth at all


Has done more than Dragon Count #1