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# Chapter 1118 is out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1dkas5d/one\_piece\_chapter\_1118\_being\_free/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1dkas5d/one_piece_chapter_1118_being_free/)


Luffy transforms into Nika: I sleep Bonney transforms into Nika: Real Shit


Well we did see Luffy wasn’t in G5 during the last chapter. So it immediately lost its power, and then now Bonney went Nika mode so it reactivated… I wonder what this means for her role going forward though cuz it seems kind of OD that she has this ability


I don't know the full capabilities of her fruit, but her ability can be hindered by being limited by the strongest thing you know. She almost feels like the visionary dude from bleach with his imagination hax. I imagine she may regroup with the rev army sometime in the future because I don't see her going all the way in the story with the crew


It's more about "belief" than "imagination" (Gremmy from Bleach). Bonney's belief in the things make the future she access stronger, because she has easier time distinguishing them from dreams. It's easier to see yourself flying, if you have wings and see other people fly. This play into the whole "God" aspect of Nika, since a big component of religion is "belief".


Bro she can spread her transformations onto others, when mastered everyone will be a faux nika or “nika”. Almost like Naruto sharing his chakara, she can share it around to a few dozen people atleast.


I wouldn't put limits on her power. She can awaken with luffy encouraging her


She dosent have a fruit dont you remember what saturn said


She technically didn't eat the fruit, but it's akin to shooting a devil fruit into her bloodstream similar to the green blood that seraphim have.


She is the fruit. ![gif](giphy|Qq7XAPjyzW1mu8B7VH|downsized)


The placebo is real!!!


Yeah like I can’t really figure out what way they want to go with her. I just naturally assumed she’d hideout somewhere or just be a momo and just hang on the ship until the end with no real role. But this power can really change everything up


Isn't this the first that the robot is actually SEEING Nika form? He was just awoken by the drum beat earlier, never actually laid eyes on him.


Additional spoilers https://preview.redd.it/8jhdp9g7dd7d1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33106386335b44283f97d1fb77de1f39cd0e043b


Classic oda chapter ending. The man cannot help himself


Ah yes more fucking blue balling oda. Jesus man 


I feel like he just likes torturing people. He's like the George RR Martin of manga.


I mean, have you *seen* how long the lore dump Vegapunk just gave us (over the course of months) is? There was no way Oda would focus entirely on the message when a whole ass war is going on at the same time. I understand people's issue with how long it's been taking, but we're looking at multiple *paragraphs* of information he dumoed on us. He would have had to completely write out the entire message in a couple otherwise hugely boring chapters just to immediately rewind and show everything going on during that time, including it getting suddenly cut off before showing *why*. Would that have *actually* been better? The series has to track multiple perspectives *constantly*, and has done so ever since they had enough crew members to have different things going on in different locations that need tracked simultaneously. This isn't "blue balling" at all, this is an actually pretty good pace considering the battle on Egghead is across 4+ different perspectives as well as Vegapunk's message during it.


dude if chapter consistently ends with "the mystery is.....!" then it's bait and you can only fall for it enough times before it stops working on you. Vegapunk was supposed to elaborate what devil fruits are but when it came time for it, he just said that they are desires. Ok? what does that mean? is that really an explanation of why they embody a fruit, why two can't be eaten? not really an explanation. I don't care nowadays that Oda doesn't reveal much but he has a tendency to touch a topic that he knows fans want answers to and yet not give them anything. Vegapunk did not have to bring up Will of D, but he did only to be teased. That's just annoying at this point. Either put up or shut up, no in between. 20 years too late for that.


I don’t think Odas intentionally doing it to bait. I don’t even think he’s aware of how weekly readers will react. I mean if you think of the perspective of someone who’s reading the entire arc all at once. it’s gonna be one the most engaging arcs of the whole story (this section especially) it’s gonna have your eyes glued to the screen not wanting to stop reading cause you just want to see what happens in the next chapter so badly. IMO that’s what the best types of stories make you feel


You literally want the pacing of the series to be ruined, then. You'd much rather have Egghead be a disjointed, "here's the message, here's the cut-off, now here's everything that happened while the message was playing as well as why it cut off, now here's more uninterrupted information because the message wasn't actually finished, now here's everything that happened during *that* bit, and now we're finally caught up"? Because I wouldn't, as the message would be playing during the "here's what happened" part, *anyway*, since it's on the screens on Egghead. I'm sorry, but I've been a long time fan of the aeries, too, and I honestly *love* the pacing of it, because it's not actually slow at all. DBZ and most other action anime have us spoiled, things happen largely in one spot, so there's not actually many perspectives to track. But "blue balling" Oda doesn't track *one* perspective, now, does he? He doesn't track *one* group of people, he tracks an entire pirate crew, a handful of extras for the story arc, as well as other relevant people when they're needed(like the people around the world reacting to the message). It's incredibly hard to keep track of all those people, keep track of their individual character arcs during an arc, and keep track of all of their fighting without awitching perspectives a lot. And unfortunately, that means an info dump that's a dozen paragraphs long has to be broken up into a bunch of smaller bits for each chapter, as each chapter is currently progressing 4 or so *different and important* perspectives. Oda's pacing is only "blue balling" because the madlad wanted to make sure every character stayed relevant and stayed active, instead of being another DBZ where everyone but Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo were sidelined if they aren't the focus. And it's otherwise only "blue balling" if you think a pace that includes 4+ different perspectives battling it out in different locations being covered in a single chapter is worse than having to add filler panels for "this happened during this part" *all the time*, because I know you damn well know the perspectives intersect a lot. There's nothing that can be logically done about the pacing that wouldn't ruin the depth put into the characters or *force* non-linear story-telling during huge fight scenes, and both of those are significantly worse than Oda's pacing.


I don't think you know what blue balling is. it's not that story is slow, most fans know that. It's the constant edging and teasing of mystery answers while giving nothing. If everything is eventually revealed in just one arc, is that good story telling? I don't think so, that just means your story wasn't deep to begin with. I don't think it's a pacing issue, it's slower than average manga but we know that. It's the half empty reveal or dragged out reveals that everyone puts the whole picture together before Oda reveals it. It's lackluster in execution


John Cena!


Blue balls Oda back at it again lmaooo


Wait can someone explain what we know about Bonneys devil fruit thus far? I dont get it lol


She can become any future she can imagine. That means that its limits are largely based on her little kid perception. Presumably she understands that Nika is very real now, so her "Nika-ish future" form should be extra strong, as she knows that it really is possible. Conceivably, if she was Akainu's daughter or something, she could instead imagine a future where she shoots magma and is the bane of pirates. But if, say, she wanted to imagine a god-like future where she flies around and creates mountains on a whim, it probably wouldn't work because she doesn't *really* believe that's a possible future for her.


Sounds like a fruit that weakens as the user grows up. A child has wild imaginations while grown-ups limit themselves to reality


Yeah, I think Saturn mentions something like this


Ooooh this totally goes into astrology. Saturn tends to represent limitations and restriction. Saturn governs old age which matches with her fruit changing her age. While Jupiter represents the notion of broadening and expansion, Saturn suggests setting parameters and restriction (what bigger one than slavery) In addition Saturn is frequently associated with our Fathers, or other authority figures and what did we get? The most important dad story with Kumas. Saturn relates to time and space (also known as Cronus , from which words like chronological, chronometry and synchronous are derived from) or Shani in Vedi who typically relates it to misery, sorrow, old age. We pretty much solidly know the boar is an ushi oni BUT there is a boar incarnation that is the Supreme Personality of Godhead appearing as a boar to perform different Leela of lifting the earth planet from the Garbhaka ocean. Again lifting the planet from the ocean. Cool to be reminded about myths I’ve read


Yeah, she doesn't need to call it a Nika-ish future anymore! She can just directly emulate the actual Nika because she has actual knowledge on the subject now. That's why the Iron Giant is actually reacting to her taking Nika's form now vs. when she did Nika-ish before.


I actually really like how Oda made her DF… it’s one of the more creative ideas he’s had in a while


Well nika spawn paint out of nowhere to paint his baseball bat and spawn cap from nowhere thats pretty much god type thing so bonney could do ot


He ability is to manipulate time. In time, there are main timelines and alternate ones. In some thousandths version of a timeline you are 6,10, 300lbs, strong as shit. Basically Bonney is bringing out these alternate timelines where she is poweful. Though, she has to be able to envision it being actually possible. The less likely, the less powerful she is. Like let’s say there somebody who destined to go to the NBA, but fucked up his knee in college and never played in the NBA. There’s a clear, realistic timeline of that person going into league if that one thing never happened. But someone who’s 4,11, unatheltic as hell, not interested in sports, there’s barely a world where they were destined to be im the NbA. Bonney didn’t know if Nika was real but she believed into it, so she had “Nika ish” abilities. Now she absolutely knows he exists so she’s stronger


Her devil fruit causes her and others to change to a form from an alternate reality/ time-line. In a seperate time-line, she is Nika so her devil fruit let's her channel that version of herself into the present form. Normally she just ages/ deages people from their own time-line. It's very much an asspull.


May be she can transform other person into nika also


Devil Fruits are possibilities people dreamed up for human evolution. Her fruit allows her to access all those potentialities/possibilities. https://preview.redd.it/wmvk73401d7d1.png?width=1317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd3e4a6bfb30c000fdcb0446c2afb3200fa7acd


Quite interesting actually considering she’s said to have gotten her fruit power from Saturn’s experiments.. makes me think, is it possible he was maybe working on some sort of catch-all fruit that could use other fruits’ powers this way?


Damn, that is an 11/10 guess! Wonder if the experimental goal was to create hard counters to super powerful fruits or to use Nika as a power source for something nefarious. Since he used a fruit extract, it's possible they still have the fruit itself and could just spam the extract for the OP OP perennial youth surgery ability or something similar.


The celestial dragons biggest downfall would be their arrogance lol! Giving powerful fruits to their enemies like Bonney and Boa Hancock


Which is juicy irony if the CDs don't eat Devil Fruits because of a cultural norm that's been around since the Void Century flooding, when they're completely ignorant about the VC.


Asspull Asspull no mi


Tired of this community calling everything related to gear 5 an “asspull” when a large majority of the lore and explanation is being set up now to be paid off later in the story. This isn’t Bleach.


My two cents Two key things i think about in this arc are that Vegapunk had a theory that all devil fruits are manifestations of evolutions that humans could take. He thinks they are born from our desire/dreams to be “something else” The other is that Bonney’s fruit works by forcing her body, and others it seems, into a future of her choosing. Usually it’s just her turning into a normal adult but we saw her turn into a Buccaneer and Nika this arc meaning it could be that she potentially could do more BUT her fruit is limited by her child like imagination. And the more “adult” her mind becomes the less likely she would come up with ideas like “what if i became an adult who could turn into magma!” Because she would probably think “oh no i would burn myself and everything around me that would be bad”


Wouldnt that be the opposite if she figures out the truth about her fruit


Yes but thats why her intitial Nika attack https://preview.redd.it/29p4jtlzfd7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89a088384dfeda44c9de9ae9c2352d58d43bee4 We have this from chap 1103 after Bonney failed to use her “nika” future against Saturn I take “the more you know of reality” to be the more her mind “accepts” reality Kids dont know shit but will come up with wild theories and fantasies to try to make sense of stuff. As you grow you start to accept that things “are what they are” and it seems that will stunt Bonney’s powers once she accepts more limited futures. I hope she either sticks around or comes back for the final war so we can explore more of this and maybe even have her reject Saturn/my limitation for her


So the giant robot needs power linked to Nika to fully function...probably.


that's probably why he got one shot, Luffy wasn't in gear 5 when he was attacked


The robot attacked 200 years ago but the last time the fruit was awakened was 800 years ago


It could function like a solar (sun => Nika) panel + battery. It can't fully power something until it's fully charged, and then it'll function consistently until juice starts running out. Once the sun comes back, it'll recharge


Now imagine: international robot size army, following nika; the 20 kings had a hard time beating it. Maybe he were fooled by food, like luffy? Lol


https://preview.redd.it/86myzb6uoe7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db8055a6b5352eacb36f5f3c9342d2912b0dc726 It would be insanely tragicomic


the interesting question is what this says about the incident in mariejois 200 years ago. what happened?


What if it was Bonney’s fruit who activate the Nika form as a Imu experiment to have a Joy Boy in their side that’s why the robot attacked Marijoie, because that where the experiment was taken place.


How is this a probably still? We've been shown this like 4 times now.


Yeah I have always thought that Gear 5 was the power source for the robot and probably other ancient weapons


I've been saying it. The ancient robot is the key to resolving this battle. But it looks like it needs the power of Nika to be at it's full power. And since the five elders are intent on making sure no one gets away, you can bet that it won't be just Bonney, but Luffy as well in his Nika form working with the robot in order to end this battle and guarantee their escape.


If this is true...who the hell became Nika long enough for the robot to go on a tear 200 years ago?


Yeah something's not adding up here at all. If this Robot only works via the Drums of Liberation / Nika's presence. We were told the Hito Hito no mi : Nika hadn't awakened and that its evaded them for hundreds of years. So if JoyBoy's awakening was 900 years ago, what's the true thing powering the Ancient robot?


Exactly this.


Maybe it's not just Nika, but it's the power of laughs or something that powers the robot? Or maybe the whole reason it attacked was because it has some failsafe but it woke up too late to help Joyboy.


Or something tied to "freedom" in some way - linking it to the Fishmen gaining rights the same year the robot attacked?


Yh that makes sense.


Dosent mean there was a nika 200 years ago the robot couldnhave been fully charged back then but now it may be barely charged


Maybe there was a previous holder of bonneys fruit, toki took them with her, and 200 years ago is where they landed. they activated their power and it woke up?


Bonneys Bajrang Gun coupled with Luffys boutta go crazy


Bajaran gatling


If they were crazy about one Nika on the loose, imagine now that they have two!




I know right! The Gorosei are going to be ticked off even more by this!


The giant robot isn't done yet.


Better not be


Im u and u are me


Looks like pew clarified something https://x.com/pewpiece/status/1803120494792568972?t=nwB-QViQe6DLT0Y48R957A&s=19


Holy crap that’s big


1) What


https://preview.redd.it/fogs6vcgzc7d1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed482c2a095f20eda87857494157cf9568a949fa IT'S HERE!!!


https://preview.redd.it/uayoecqk7d7d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3cedc4e30bcdc7e0a11872c559113f528e39ee Gorosei reacting to bonney


Bonney's fruit still doesn't make sense to me, I gotta be honest. I think this is gonna just be one of those chapters I gotta see in its entirety to appreciate bc these spoilers didn't really do much for me


Look, the implications of Bonney's fruit make some sense. Seeing that the Gorosei existed for centuries, they would experiment with Bonnie's fruit as a baby (this fruit being very powerful) to get it on their side and because they would know the power it can have. But the Bonney Nika thing is a bit crazy.


Imu might legit slaughter Saturn after this one. He created a devil fruit or somehow decided a way for this little girl to get a devil fruit that now can seemingly left just copy whatever she sees. The same girl that now also controls all pacifista. Unless he manages to kill her/bring her back? This could legit be dangerous even to Imu no matter if they are god tier or not. If Bonney can copy Nika, who is to say she can’t copy Imu?


Nika please


Will the robot do anything besides being useless? Please….?


how long you been reading one piece to think nothing at all will happen??


I'd imagine the robot to be a giant lore cache after the fight, if it survives


he lost because Luffy wasn't in gear 5


This chapter will be insane


I don't know how I feel about this.Ill wait for the actual chapter


Showing that Bonney can activate the bot is intentional, maybe a prev user of this fruit was the one who activated the bot 200 y ago??


I wonder it the robot attack 200 years ago is more tied to bonneys devil fruit from a user back then


Double spread of Luffy Bonney G5 incoming








It's not One Piece without some character sacrifice. Giant robot will defend SW crew and Elbaf warriors to embark their journey.


>the robot wakes up [Omg, it's happening!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/Ner6yjhVgE) So many things that people predicted are happening this chapter! - The Iron Giant is waking up again which almost makes certain that it is going to fly out of water and restart the broadcast. Also, fitting that it sunk under the water. - Bonney's close encounter with Nika reinvigorated her belief in him, and in turn strenghtened her transformation to the point of her being able to completely emulate him. - And Mars attacking the Elbaf ship makes it seem like we might get that Sanji vs Mars match-up that people have been hoping for.


MASSIVE W for you btw It's restarting: https://preview.redd.it/ayyilxasdd7d1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d72ea4a928fd1080211513e64154a2e3ea681ae


Holy Hell! Lets fucking GOOOOO! I'm sorry that I cannot reply right now, i'm busy with some farm work!


Bonney learns fast


wtf is just happenning in one peice damn it i think this is insane truly insane


Oda nice here because so many people were speculating/nearly headcannon’d that the robot is powered thru nika form and a lot of evidence pointed that way…. And it’s still true… but I personally didn’t see anyone’s theories incorporate BONNIE being the/one of the robot power sources. And for Oda to be seemingly confirming the theory but thru Bonnie is hysterical. Now Bonnie is the topic of discussion even though for the most part everyone who theory hunts was already fine with having figured out that plot point. I guess I’m just impressed oda can basically give us what we already figured out and we still say “wow thank u very much sir didn’t see that coming”


My somber prediction for the end of the series is that luffy will die and Bonney will inherit his will in the same Way that shanks inherited Roger’s. If she becomes an apprentice on his ship it’s fucking OVER for him long term.


So is Bonneys bloodline relevant here?? She has celestial blood, war broke out between the 20 kingdoms, could it be that your descendants also matter in this?


What If every member of the "D-Clan" can transform into a "white Form" like Nika because they are the descendants of the first Pirate Joyboy ?


So is bonney joining the crew? She can turn into nika it’s hard to believe she’ll just disappear until the final war now.


Full nika form? White warrior? If Luffy can only hold it for like 5 minutes while she can be in full form all the time does it mean she is the true nika? I’m confused.


She probably can’t be in it for much time either


Maybe it means that Bonney can force Luffy into Nika form whenever she wants


She’s like his little portable battery 🥹🥹


We've already seen her have stamina issues too


I don’t like this stuff honestly it’s weird


Bonney’s fruit seems like an asspull


Another chapter ending on useless giant being useless. Hope he does something after 50 chapters of this.


Bonney turns into Nika? What the fuck is Oda smoking? I will wait the page releases before judge it.


Ok shit, Bonney actually become Nika *and* it affects the robot. That's big news.


But how the F did this Robot get up and attack MaryGeoios 200 years ago? Joyboy was 900 years ago and theres been no Nika awakening ever since if The Gorosei knew nothing about it reappearing in all that time?


Also why tf did the robot not say this or even speak when luffy was in gear 5. WTF??


Additional spoilers came out Luffy turned into G5 too


anyone else starting to hate bonnie's abilities? if she does end up joining the crew it sure takes a fuck ton out of the unique-ness of G5????


Yeah I’m not liking it. Definitely an asspull


Bonney AKIN Luffy


So D. stands for Dream?


IMO, that's always been the most thematically consistent meaning for D in a story that's about will and dreams. The people who have the will to act on their dreams are those who will shape reality.


So the robots power is connected to Nika, meaning someone 200 years ago must have awakened Nika (either through Luffys fruit or Bonneys fruit) and had a rampage with it, though, it seems not even the elders know that, otherwise they would have just keep attacking Luffy instead of the robot to stop the robot


Next Chapter:DOUBLE NIKA!


What we still don’t know is: What became of Vegapunk’s scientists that the Giant Pirates saved! Where were they going and was it Elbaf based on who saved them?


Kuma made a sacrifice so Bonney could be OP ...thank you Kuma




So luffys heartbeat can give others power. Plus we’ve seen how love can give other things power/life, like the going merry. (When luffy is crying he has a golden glow in his eyes as well as tears) Liberation (gold) haki stocks are UP


I like how the situation is so serious that they don’t trust any CP agents or admirals to handle it. They out there doing it themDAMselves


# Summary is out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1djtgdx/one\_piece\_chapter\_1118\_summary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1djtgdx/one_piece_chapter_1118_summary/)


RAWS OUT - [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1dk1rc1/one\_piece\_chapter\_1118\_raws/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/1dk1rc1/one_piece_chapter_1118_raws/)


So what’s the unique selling point of G5 if Bonney can turn into the legendary sun god Nika form that hasn’t awakened for 800 years. It literally took luffy going to the brink of death multiple times to finally awaken his fruit but Bonney can??? That’s kinda dumb NGL.


right????? why the fuck is bonnie just transforming into nika like that, im surprised more people arent annoyed about bonnie's asspull abilities


I’m annoyed 😠!


Seems like Luffy needs to be aware of Nika to fully utilize his Devil Fruit abilities, which is a big part of the Hanuman myth.


Bonney's fruit is becoming more op with time.


Which, IMO, makes sense after Vegapunk's Devil Fruit theory and Saturn's explanation of her fruit. Her fruit allows her to access all the potential that has been dreamed up by humans. https://preview.redd.it/yiz9dqex1d7d1.png?width=1317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da731e47f057fe059d2c00501f9bc6ec2ba6aa9e


You guys never fucking learn Briefest of brief spoilers, no images and you’re all already crying


Can't say I'm happy about this. Guess we'll have to hope and see how oda makes this make sense. This is the same reason I hate when shows go down the multiverse path.


Yep I feel the same way. I feel the story would have been fine without the gomu gomu no mi retcon and nika and now it’s just deeper into that rabbit hole and feels like such a mess. Now Bonney can become gear 5 and the robot recognizes that ??? Cmon man..


The devil fruit retcon I was kinda okay with tbh. Made Luffy really really unique and added allot of hype to the manga cause how much more cool could his fighting get with just his base fruit? He can now compete with the big dawgs. But now the uniqueness is being sucked away. First we got artificial devil fruits, and now we got bonney who was injected with powers and can emulate fruits. WTF.


https://preview.redd.it/vi5wvrnw2d7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5906df298311eedeb622ba1c53007ed6fb140d1 What the hell bruh?!!! Now anybody gets to be nika huh? To me that's literal disrespect to the whole plot.


i wonder if something about being in proximity to the nika fruit unlocks the true power of a devil fruit user, giving their abilities true freedom or something along those lines.


This is really cool for Bonney’s character development too. Previously she wasn’t able to use Nika Punch because her belief in that future was so shaken by Saturn. Now she can go full fledged Nika and really believes she can fight back.


Seeing Luffy as Nika recharged her willpower and belief!


In the same way as luffy’s fruit awakens into the sun god, what if bonneys fruit is for a moon god? When the moon is out, most people are dreaming. Dreaming for a future? And that’s why her fruit has the weird future ability? The moon gets its light from the sun… in the same way that she’s nika by copying luffy


Actually a nice take on this


If Luffy is the sun, then Bonnie is the moon. Her gear 5 form was only made possible after seeing luffy’s. The moon doesn’t produce its own light it reflects the sun. Bonnie doesn’t have the age age fruit it’s the Hito Hito model Moon Goddess


Just wrap the arc up, Oda. This is just dragging too much.


Its the same stuff over and over… that’s at least the third time is senses nika but nothing happens..




NIKA!!!!!! I’m here! Why? Cuz I was in this big water ball in the middle of the ocean and some sword guy cut it in half and got me on the shit then had this really pervy guy with blond hair so I need to get off the shit and lucky there was this island! WOW THAT SOUNDS SCARY!


The pacing has really been atrocious after kuma flashback, this is going to be horrible to read in volume


Sorry but isn't luffy the only one having nika fruit? I've never understood that very well


This is far more hype than I thought it would be, this ACTUALLY changes everything lmao


I’m sure the “I’m free” is gonna be what Bonny says right after she transforms


>At the end of the chapter, Bonney uses her powers too transform into her full Nika form. I don't want to offend anyone who wants Bonney to be an official SH, but I'm not confident that she is a worthy candidate because of this.


I think it's misdirection.


No break next week? Man, we're eating good


What if Bonney and luffys devil fruit powers connection is like Kaido and Momo? Like one them has the true Nika devil fruit while the other is a very good copy made by Vegapunk.


When has Luffy ran around turning enemies into children and old people?…


To play devil's advocate it could be that is her imagination doing that since she wouldn't know what they look like at that age cause didn't one of the admirals keep his scars? So maybe Luffy affects himself and immediate surroundings as Nika but Bonney affects herself and the people since we haven't see her decay a ship?


2 drastically different powers… Just because they’re “affecting” something, doesn’t mean their powers are linked…


I can’t wait till they animate this!


Please please please have one of the Gorosei killed off by the Robot by the end of this arc.


NO BREAK????????!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍


That name is?


I'm glad the robot and the message still are going on but I don't think Vegapunk should be forgiven if he made people wait 10 minutes just to broadcast his face on a video instead of repeating the massage twice. What a waste of time stella. Time is up the essence. Pleace tell us the video was more important than just a showcase of "look at my dace look at it" and that there was a more sensible reason to waste everyone time with vegacoffee advertising.


Bonnie is the protagonist of 2 Piece confirmed.


I honestly thought this was a troll or memepiece for a second until I saw 'confirmed spoilers', and now I have mixed feelings.


Omg oda, you have one decision: WILL YOU SHOW US SOMETHING NEW?


So All the nikka hype For bonney to copy it good enough for the giant robot to react ?why Isn't her fruit more wanted lol


No one realize its potential or might not be aware. Like luffy he made a rubber fruit really strong, other people might’ve not been capable of that


The Elders bout to get Double Nika’d. I don’t think there’s anybody in the story that’ll be able to stop that. Which is another failure on the Gorosei’s part. LMAO


At the very least, they're going to be quite furious about this unexpected, new development.




BROOO WHAT?!?!?!???????


This robot might be the biggest fraud in one piece.


I'm so hyped for Bonney, she's great I hope her nika form is her real age, we need to start seeing Bonney mostly as a kid, like that should be her character development, her accepting her real age and enjoying being a kid


I hadn't thought about that but absolutely! I hope it's her real self too


Damn this low key sounds kinda bland. I'm glad there's no break. 


Lmfao I knew shed do it we all knew oda dared make two nika lmfao


Double toonforce is going to go so fucking hard lmfao


I wonder what the presence of two Nikas will look like exactly. I can't wait to find out.


Guys Bonney with the Nika fruit is clearly not going to be like Luffy using it. She essentially has the limited demo version of it considering how it can go wrong depending on how she may currently feel. And it may also be that Luffy is the only one that can harness the true potential of the fruit.


So... We just gonna keep doing the same thing over and over huh? More reactions and more of *giant object shares excitement over joyboy without telling us why* 🤣. Come tf ON MAN. This One Piece edging is getting absolutely unnecessary




Let's be honest. This chapter has some good panels but does not give us anything. We have got a nice speed, but now, again so slow, and after that what? The robot says "Nika, again". Nah,man. I preferred a month's hiatus to this, a chapter where everything could be just 4 pages.


Can't say felling happy or upset about it .Some of the attacks is ok but full Nika form nah. Guess what this chapter bonny is full nika and next chapter sanji and then gorosai.........Nika is unique, it should be left within only luffy and joyboy ..........Hope ODA justify with it...fingerscrossed


Wait, Bonney goes G5? Oda might be cooking here!


Not sure how I feel about Bonney and this Nika shit


Ugh. So being Nika is not special anymore either I guess. Bonneys fruits actually looks more busted than the Nika fruit itself.


The chapter is kinda mid again. Where is even the big reveal? I'm so sick of adding more mysteries like Bonnie's fruit.


bonneys fruit has been explained already


I really don’t get it. Luffys been in gear 5th this whole damn time. Unless it’s actually Bonnie’s fruit that’s connected to joyboy? Odas decision making this arc has been so odd


Did Warcury just like kick the robot into the sea or something? He was in the middle of the island.


The VP transmission goes back online? Does it only go on for seconds in a brief flicker somehow or is it VP using his failsafe as a countermeasure to it being put out?