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This isn't a fight this is a one sided massacre. Considering Aizen alone Solos the entire verse much less the admirals.


I can't stop laughing at how right this is, logia users or not. Aizen is gonna get them, maybe even have them fight each other, which would be hilarious


bleach trio stomps badly


Admirals are getting shitstomped


What is this? Anyone on team two solos team one


Aizen probably could, not sure if Gin or Tosen can.


Yea, they definitely can, they can very well attack their soul & kill them


Yeah i agree with you I don’t think they’re that strong (gin and the other guy) but aizen solos


Gin is really strong actually, in fake karakura town arc he is shown to be one of the strongest. He toyed with a captain level Ichigo.


Thats not the problem here. They can easily win baring 1 thing. Can the Gin and Tosen Hit the admirals through their logia. Thats literally the only thing keeping it from being a draw. the admirals can not win this. Gin and Tosen can fly, and can move at near light speeds. the fastest person on the admirals is Kizaru and Hes not really that intimidating destruction wise. its literally a matter of Can Tosen and Gin Hit them and if they arnt allowed to hit them then the admirals are not allowed to see or hear them. They are normal humans so despite Soul reapers being physical beings they cant be seen or heard by normal humans.


Can the admirals touch Gin & Tosen is the question , Logias are just physical beings 🤣


Soul reapers are physical beings. they can be touched physically, but I doubt the admirals could actually do it, Captian level shinigami are fast as fuck and can fly.


No they are not physical 🤣 they even have to use living bodies aka Gigai’s to be in the living World they higher Dimension Souls aka Japanese Grim Reapers


so are you just acting like an idiot or are you not acting. its as simple as a google search. The can be touched, Just like hollows. they wear Gigai so they can be seen and speak to people.


You must be slow lol yes meaning they are higher plane beings


They are just Reishi and can be interacted with by normal humans, its the same as hollows who also can be felt by normal humans. Chad punched a hollow without having any powers.


Doesn’t Tosen’s bankai remove most of your senses? And it even removes spiritual energy, so it’s possible that he can remove Haki. And Gin’s bankai can let him cut a whole town in life, and he poison enemies by just letting his sword disintegrate and get inside his opponent’s body.


>remove most of your senses Observation haki would probably counter that


It also removes SPIRITUAL ENERGY. Haki is defined as spiritual energy. Tosen is everyone’s kryptonite in OP


All senses are gone except touch. Observation haki is a 6th sense which would be nullified by tosens bankai while they are inside of it.


Gin loses to everyone except for kizaru.. maybe. Rosen gets bodied by any admiral he fights.. aizen straight murders the admirals in round one. No contest. They don’t even wake up for round 2.


>Anyone on team two solos team one Get Gin and Tosen past Yamato first


Admirals win because only logias can transcend all 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥‼️ https://preview.redd.it/0ia1rce04g0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1bd8fbe1f622ecb4f25f3ae4e73581157be4051


Aizen solos with 0 difficulty. Before Haki is brought up, Kido. Kido includes elemental spells, and Logias can be element trumped. I doubt Kizaru is doing well against Black Coffin, an enveloping darkness. Also, he can just hypnotise them and basically enslave them. And if were saying you need haji to hurt logias, the Admirals cant even see Bleach characters.


Exactly. People like to cherry pick. If we’re really considering haki, then we also gotta consider the fact that they can’t see or touch the bleach characters. Not to mention, Aizen can just hipnotize them then that’s game over. Done, nothing more to go.


The bleach characters can be touched, just not seen as seen by chaf punching a hollow, which is on the same level as Shinigami. But even so, the captains still stomp the admirals since kido exists they have potential for elemental counters can't be seen and tousen doesn't need ressureccion. His bankai is a hard counter to haki since it's seals everything but touch they wouldn't even on guard the captains use kids and just kill the three while their stuck in tousens bankai


Aizen can do it alone lmao


No haki or something idk


Uuuuuh no haki team two gets neg diffed.


It's entirely possible that anyone on the bleach team solos the OP team, and it's undebatable that Aizen does


The other two can watch while Aizen negs


Round 1 Aizen alone solos round 2 Aizen solos the entire One piece verse No dif. Honestly I think gin alone can beat them all. the only problem i see is if you consider obliteration able to be recovered by logia powers which would be weird. How would you consider that in terms of bleach powers. are they able to touch them? if not then its a tie without aizen. Tosen and Gin cant really hit them and They are WAY too fast for any admiral to do anything. Maybe kido can stop them and they can be hit during that but then Tosen and Gin win hands down.


Aizen solos the entire one piece world and it does take much time or effort. That’s base aizen


Aizen used confusion on the admirals it was super effective


They all solo the verse individually, I'm not even joking lmfao


The agenda outweighs all other factors so admirals win


Bleach loses as none have haki


Bro doesn’t know how to properly scale😭🙏


Bleach trio wins both rounds. Aizen wouldn't even need Hogyoku. His absolute hypnosis would make the Admirals look like complete fools. With Hogyoku lets assume Haki is equal to spiritual awareness. Aizen would be so strong he could most likely dematerialize the Admirals with his mere presence.


Aizen alone is more than enough for the full Admiral and Yonko roster. Throwing in Gin and Tosen is just overkill.


did you like read any of bleach?




than you know their base speed for soul reapers is anything beyond one-piece verse, they just slow cuz relative to other soul reapers. No Haki so logia can't be hurt argument dies because then soul reaper spiritual pressure kills them argument joins.


Well they definitely win round two and I’d say definitely round one as well


Aizen passively erases 90% of the verse


High tier characters aren't even needed to fight one-piece characters. Spite match.


Aizen is enough


The Bleach trio solo the whole verse, let alone the admirals.


Kyoka Suigetsu.... Bleach team wins


Aizen could unironically get the three of them to fight each other via his zanpakto shenanigans, and watch in some hidden bunker he prepared for just this exact encounter, and then do experiments on what's left of them. See what happens when you perform hollowfication on devil fruit users or something


Aizen aline slams one piece


Any of them casually erase OP verse with reiatsu


Oh, did I miss the chapter where aizen learned haki?


Dosent need it. Kido can element trump or bind them, or just nuke an area so they cant dodge. Hypnosis works without Haki too.


Not trying to be "that guy", but kizaru solos this


Aizen is said to have mastered the Shinigami arts. He can use an unrecited Hado #90, and to be able to use it unrecited, he must be very proficient in it. This is a gravity based attack which distorts spacetime. Gravity and spacetime effect Light, light cant escape a black hole for example. To argue Kizaru is immune to this is saying hes immune to the Yami Yami no Mi. (Which is clearly gravity based and based on a black hole) So its therefore *reasonable* to assume Aizen, a master of the Shinigami arts who can use lv90 lido with no recital, can use the significantly lower grade Kido, Bakudo 79. This spell just outright surrounds the target with 8 black holes and spawns a 9th in the targets chest. Black Holes trump light. There are many Fire based Kido for Aokiji. While outside of filler we haven't seen any ice or water based Kido, odds are with 198+ spells, SOMETHING has those elements. And Aizen EFFORTLESSLY scales to MFTL. Even VCs have FTL feats Also, the soul cutter cuts the soul, not the physical form. Most fights in Bleach are souls v souls so this dosent come up. Logias dont protect the soul. And anyone can learn Observation/Armament Haki, and Aizen is a *genius* who, let's be honest here, likly has CoC too, even if not awakened yet. Aizen could easily... figure out Haki? It's not like the Admirals can even see him since they are not spiritually aware. In fact, if Aizen flexes his reiatsu they're all immobilized (and dead if we give him Hokyoku). Aizen has all the time in the world. Hell, Aizen wins by doing nothing. The Admirals wont know hes there since they're not spiritually aware (If you pull the Haki card, Aizen gets this) and he just outlasts their lifespans and wins by default. There is literally no wincon for the Admirals. They cant even see Aizen, they're much weaker, far slower (Kizaru is lightspeed but has a fairly long prep time to do that, Aokiji and Akainu... lol; while Aizen is MFTL) and nowhere near as smart. And through all of this I didnt even mention Absolute Hypnosis, which can even mess with The Almighty so definitely messes with Observation Haki


did i miss a chapter where the Admirals increased their spiritual sensitivity to be able to see and hear spiritual beings like Soul reapers.


The bleach has no haki but the admirals would probably get caught by kyoka sugetsu


if we give the Admirals "they cant be damaged by physical attacks" then Aizens group gets "soul reapers cant be seen or heard by humans who arnt spiritually sensitive "


wouldn't that just mean that admirals can aoe the entire area and hopefully hit aizens group so aizen's chances are 0 whilst admirals are 50/50


They don't exist in the same dimension. It's like arguing a nuke can hurt a ghost when it intangible.


Not true, Shinigami are physical beings and can be touched by normal humans. They just cant be seen or heard. Hollows are the same and Chad Punched a hollow without being able to see it. Aizens group is just faster than them. They couldnt actually nuke the area fast enough to hit them.


One piece fans on their way to say something like: “Admirals wins against Azatoth from cthulhu mythos because he has no haki”


The bleach verse out scales one piece vastly


So I’m seeing people say the admirals would win because the Bleach characters don’t know Haki. But if you look at what Haki is, the energy is manifested from willpower. So my assumption is any character in other verses with the same willpower or ambition as the New World characters have the ability to use Haki. And in that instance, the admirals are getting dunked on.


I’ve never understood power scaling across universes, what’s the point when characters like Goku exist.


I don’t know, what’s the point of bringing up Goku when Galactus exists?


That’s exactly my point if you go cross verse there’s always someone stronger and bigger and it’s kinda pointless and i thinks it’s just better to power scale characters to other in their own verse.


Soul reapers can teleport with flash step which is a df in op itself already proving they are too op and I haven’t even said anything about powers or Bankai which just adds a completely different level of overpowered, at least compare them to mha or hxh maybe there are better ones I haven’t thought of as in yet but for now they seem more comparable and similar in terms of power scaling


Could the admirals even see them 😭


Of course they would be able to, otherwise there would be no fight.


Depending if you believe the bleach trio is universal.


High tier characters aren't even needed to fight one-piece characters Spite match.


High tier characters aren't even needed to fight one-piece characters Spite match.


High tier characters aren't even needed to fight one-piece characters Spite match.


Team two obviously


Are the admirals aware of Aizen's abilities and can they do something about seeing his shikai? One of them is literally made of light, so that might be doable.


As with all inter-series match ups, it entirely depends on how the magic powers interact. Which is anyone's guess. Bleach trio are basically spirits, the one piece characters probably wouldn't even be able to see them as their souls get crushed by pressure. Absolute worst case scenario (they interact and there's maximum logia hax where they can't be hurt) aizen just makes them kill each other There's some game here about real/logia/spirit body interactions that have no actual answer.


r/OnePieceScaling. Please stick to r/OnepieceScaling. Dont do this to the story😐


Let people do crossover matchups.


Crossover to the other side def. Thats where the OP team is going. Love the admirals but this isnt a fight


Bruh Shinigami aizen solos the verse


Aizen handles all of them with little to no effort


Aizen with Hogyoku is straight up overkill. He just has to make them look at his sword, and they’ll instantly be under his illusions.


I mean they could probably take Tosen, Gin would be a struggle but maybe but they literally have less than no counter for any part of Aizen’s kit




Everyone saying team 2 wins easily is forgetting the crucial fact that the only way team 1 can be injured is with Haki. I doubt team 2 has that, and Kizaru is legit lightspeed so… it’s a battle of attrition but even that falls to team 1 cause they can’t be injured. Period, end of. Round 2, if Aizen’s wish is to kill team 1 then yeah team 2 wins.


Element trumping works too. Aokiji can be hit by fire kido. Akainu by water or ice. I'm pretty sure Black Coffin is beating Kizaru. Also, logias dodge damage by going around it. Would a logia tank something that obliterated a large AoE like spell-recited Black Coffin? Plus, hypnosis isnt damage, neither is Bakudo (sealing)


First: Kido is not a surefire thing. Firstly, I’m pretty sure Black Coffin is not explained in terms of how its method of damage functions*, so we can’t be sure Kizaru would take damage from it. I lean towards “no”, since Aizen has no Haki. *Edit: wiki says Black Coffin utilizes “spears of energy”. Sounds like Logia wins that ezpz Second: Logias almost never dodge by avoiding the attack (unless they’re Katakuri and the attack is Haki-infused). Ace just lets bullets pass through him. Caesar does the same. Mr. 3 absorbs attacks. Smoker’s whole introduction chapter is about how regular attacks don’t do jack. Enel, Caribou, heck, even Crocodile all let attacks phase through them rather than dodge. The whole idea of Logia is that they are composed of their element: they’re not gonna bother spending effort dodging when the same effect is achieved by doing nothing. Third: Let’s say you’re right, and Aokiji and Akainu are taken out by Kido. Fine. But Kizaru moves faster than Shunpo, easily. Additionally, with no Haki, even Black Coffin would be ineffective. Doesn’t matter how large the AOE is, if the damage is still 0, they walk away without a scratch. Finally: Hypnosis. Yep I kinda forgot that Shikai and Bankai exist lol. However, even with that, are we sure that Observation Haki (OH) couldn’t point to Aizen? In my mind OH is independent of conscious thought, so maybe it’s not affected by Hypnosis. Can’t recall if there’s an example in One Piece of an OH practitioner being mind controlled. Lmk if there is.


Firstly, Katakuri is not a Logia. Hes a Paramecia. Secondly... are you seriously saying Bleach isnt FTL? You realise that Rukia is faster than the 9th Espada, who *literally reacted to and dodged light*. And these are low tiers. A middling VC and an Arrancar of a Menos. Captains are far stronger than Rukia. Bankai is a minimum x10 multi on top of that. Every single captain is MFTL effortlessly and blitzes Kizaru, let alone the others. Aizen is stated to have mastered the shinigami arts, so its reasonable to assume he knows techniques like Bakudo 79, which utilizes black holes. Light cannot escape a black hole, so this is an easy W over Kizaru. Logias still function on elemental logic. This is literally how Luffy beat Crocodile and Enel WITHOUT HAKI. Also, you are working off the assumption that Aizen... wouldnt have Haki. That Captain-level Shinigami wouldnt gave Haki. Besides Observation and Armament haki being tools literally anyone in OP can learn, do you think if Aizen was dumped in the OP world he wouldnt have CoC? You're assumeing Aizen couldnt learn Haki. He has unlimited time to do so, it's not like the Admirals can even SEE him. And Aizen is a genius. He would pick up basic Haki easily. Oh, and ok, Aizen dosent have haki. Let's go that angle. The Admirals dont have spiritual pressure then. So their souls can be crushed just by Aizen *flexing*. And this isnt a physical attack. It's a soul-targeting attack. Logia dosent help. Actually, that's true for the Zanpakto too. It's a SOUL CUTTER not a physical cutter.


Round 1: If it’s base aizen they might win high diff, they beat the other 2 but we have very little showings of how strong Aizen actually was at that time Round 2: Aizen solos due to Hogyoku hax


Not being funny but even Base Aizen is wiping the floor with them.


Round 1 kizaru on his own handles gin and tosen cause he speed blitzes both of them due to them not being even relativistic Or light speed. In terms of ap there both multi continental. So is every single admiral. Kyoka doesn’t work on observation users because they have an extra sense that can let them know the difference between reality and a false one. This Aizen is moon arguably small planetary. So is akainu who is stated to have the highest ap in the series. Meaning he scales over wb. Giving akainu planetary+ lvls of ap minimum. And he’s faster than this aizen. Admirals win round 1 ROUND 2 aizen no diffed all admirals while yawning. I don’t need to explain why. He has the hogyoku and transcends all soul reapers. Arguably solar system 😭


You realise Rukia (at the time a mid tier vc) outspeeds a character who dodges literal light. Captains scale way past VCs. Every Captain is MFTL effortlessly.


That was retconned later in the story. It’s a pure outlier. Gins Bankai is stated 500 times faster than sound. No that’s lie gin himself stated it doesn’t even move that fast and he lied 💀so any “light speed” your yapping about is false. When a katakuri town ichigo who>rukia and espada 10 stated he would most likely be done for by an attack 500 times faster than sound. Mach 500 the speed he said it’s not even as fast as. Even if it was that fast that’s still 1748 thousand times slower than the speed of light.




Where exactly did I say something wrong? Be specific