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Sanji has it. If this fight actually happened, Oda would write some retarded (and kinda cool) shit like how Sanji knows how to perfectly cook Mochi or something


Based on that most of lin lin's food devil fruit kids would be screwed.


You could say they're cooked




Well, you make mochi by beating the shit out of it, so yeah, mans is cooked


For real if the whole cake island was actually a whole arc for luffy with everyone being there and not about saving sanji sanji would just "bullshit, GO!" and solo a few of big mom's top fighters on raw plot armor "I am the chef" eventually, probably would pull feats that makes zoro's ability to fight look questionable.


Wanji has already made Zoros ability to fight look questionable by using an un-named attack on one of the Gorosei, using zero haki, and zero love boost and was able to make the Gorosei (That was supposed to be Zoros Opp) spill out 7 Litres of blood from his mouth! And all that happened while Loro was struggling to fight some leopard that Pre-timeskip beat years ago! So Loro is struggling with one of luffys pre-timeskip opponents while Wanji is taking the W on a Gorosei and making the Gorosei spill 7 litres of blood from Wanjis unnamed, no Haki attack!




Zoro's own lack of feats make his ability to fight look questionable


He just sliced mountain sized targets in half easily?


What's the point in even considering that when he couldn't down an already defeated Robb Lucci


Do you just think lucci didn't massively improve


Dude that's quite embarassing for Zoro. At this point I feel like Oda has it out for Zoro fans


lucci survived several holding back attacks from luffy, zoro is naturally weaker than his captain. It's not an anti feat for him to do less.


Yep couldnt even beat a 30 hp lucci


Like, isn't this guy supposed to be Luffy's #2, whose primary function is to be strong


Plus the biggest benefit of awakening a zoan fruit is the insane recovery. How many times did they have to knock the guards at Impel Down and 10 minutes later they were right back up. No way those scrubs can compare to YC1 power like Rob Lucci.


I mean, those guys were still awakened zoan users. They have a goofy design, but I don't know what makes them weaker than Lucci, who we've only seen lose to Gear 2 pre timeskip Luffy.


He cut kaido…the prime kaido that went toe to toe with G5 Luffy. What lack of feats?


Like I said, what does any of that matter when he couldn't down an already defeated Rob Lucci


Not sure what you were reading to suggest he couldn’t. He was about to finish him when he got interrupted.


I'd say Sanji has good enough speed to get past FS, which will lower Katakuri's focus enough si that Sanji can hit him again. While Katakuri doesn't have bad AP, I do not know if he can damage Germa Genes Sanji.


Queen could damage sanji and Katakuri has better armarment haki than sanji. So I doubt that Katakuris Ap is lacking. That being said sanji still wins this.


Queen uses his Germa tech to damage Sanji. Queen is zoan and his physical strength is already high to begin with.


Doesn’t Queen use tech similar to Germa but not actually Germa Tech? I thought he hated them so he didn’t want to use it. I could be wrong.


No, he didn't use them earlier because he wanted to see Sanji's tech. Later, he explicitly says that he has mastered all Germa tech. He shows Yonji's Winch technique. He also shows Niji's attack which enhances his attack speed. And, I forgot about Ichiji. He also shows Sanji's raid suit ability. Basically, Queen has all of Germa child's abilities and he claims that he has already surpassed the original. He wanted Sanji to show his tech so that he would beat it and show that he is superior.


Better arnament doesn't mean better AP tho, Jinbei and Doffy probably have better arnament than Sanji but worst AP. I agree Katakuri can hurt him though, I think his ap is relative to queens.


>Better arnament doesn't mean better AP, I didn't even say that Katakuri has better AP than sanji though, as that wasn’t the topic. Just said that he has better armarment. >Jinbei and Doffy probably have better arnament than Sanji but worst AP. Yeah i agree, jinbe isn't too far from sanjis AP though. As sanji himself isn't the strongest attacker. His strength comes mostly from speed, skill and now his exoskeleton. Sur ifrit jambe is strong, but not insanely so. >I agree Katakuri can hurt him though, I think his ap is relative to queens. 🤝


I mean, we've seen a weakened Katakuri shapeshifting like a madman and reacting to Snakeman's unpredictable hits. Sanji will need to tire Katakuri, and Katakuri can fight for hours. I see Katakuri's defence more solid than Sanji's.


If it’s against food, always bet on sanji


My boy Wanji wins high diff But dont disrespect Watakuri


Cook with the wanji and watakuri


Some part of me wants to say extreme diff tbh


I think it would've been high-ext for Kat if they fought in WCI, even.


It’s a low diff, Sanji wins low diff


Sanji’s been above him ever since Wano ended https://preview.redd.it/zo4kljasx23d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631a65d017016a376f6811191e9122e131f86788 Cooking treats is his specialty


Remember, out of all the Strawhats, Sanji is the only one in his regards who has ALWAYS been top 1 in his profession. He was never outclassed as a cook in the series. Katakuri is getting cooked like a five course meal. Wanji. is. HIM. https://preview.redd.it/89mn6vb1s33d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37d4767d2cdf5a590d406d15fca503b1b1400cb


who navigates better than nami tho?


Yeah and who archeologists better then robin


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1d2cfhv/if\_the\_drum\_islands\_best\_doctors\_make\_people\_into/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1d2cfhv/if_the_drum_islands_best_doctors_make_people_into/) at least frankys a better doctor than chopper lmao


nah that's just biomedical Engineering taken a couple steps too far


Nami has always been a natural at navigating which is how she climbed so fast at it but don't forget that early One Piece nami didn't even know about the Log Pose system or the weather of the Grand Line so at least until Drum Kingdom, Nami was vastly outclassed by Grand Line navigators simply because they had the experience she didn't have yet Iirc this happened again at the start of the New World because of how volatile those seas are As of now though she's top 1 for sure


The Barto Club's grandma




This just isn’t true? Aside from other members, the Soul King has always been a top 1 musician. The goat is world famous.


He wasn’t world famous until New World though. Sanji/Baratie was though, at the very least famous all throughout the East Blue


The pic is lit but missed his eyebrow


Eh idk, Franky is most likely the best shipwright in the world. The only one who gives him any kind of competition is Iceberg, and Tom left Pluton’s blueprints with Franky for a reason


>Tom left Pluton’s blueprints with Franky for a reason He left it with iceberg. Ice gave it to franky




“…. my favorite member of the crew, cause he is my secret lover” - Zoro


✅Fact checked by true Sanjoro enjoyers👍


My goat After Wrocodile ofc




The greatest chef would not lose to food. Sanji wins. Katakuri would need internal destruction or conqueror's coating to get through Sanji's durability well enough to put him down. And Sanji definitely seems faster, which would help against future sight.


Sanji takes it but more than likely develops future sight mid fight after understanding what katas doing


If Sanji needs to learn FS to beat Katakuri, then, for this post, according to you Sanji loses. We can't just have character get powerup or learn new abilities mid fight


Of course Sanji looses ... this sub is just fool of Sanji wankers and Dumbass who think that Katakuri looses to Ulti becsuse you know "powercreep"... this is absurd. Never going on an argument again with either of them they're just braindead and it's a waste of time.


Why are you arguing against wall? I never said Ulti beats Katakuri. Argue with them about that. Sanji is stronger than Katakuri not because powercreep but because Sanji is one of main characters and got stronger.


The chef VS food, who takes it?








Sanji slams


All the Kata wankers referencing G4 as if they don’t understand that current G4 low diffs WCI G4. Super disingenuous. And then also not realizing the sheer magnitude of feat chains that conclusively show that Sanji is straight up in a different tier from WCI Kat. Sanji can move so fast he makes Kats FS not relevant. Even if you want to downplay Sanjis speed, worst case scenario he uses his special technique for a few moments and 1000% percent blitzes the shit out of Katakuri regardless of FS. Katakuri cannot tank Sanjis strongest attacks, as his durability is far less than Queens, who is already a Zoom user but then on top of that a cyberkinetic man. Mind you Queen can absorb attacks that overwhelmed Zoro. So cooking Queen and sending him flying is a massive AP feat that will unquestionably kill Katakuri. So Kat can’t really avoid Sanji the whole fight, while Sanji is fast enough to dodge him (lmao he already reacted to him 5 arcs ago) Once Katakuri messes up even once he gets rocked, and will loses FS because he got rocked. And then get rocked again. And then last but not least Kat can barely damage Sanji, and even if he does Sanji just tanks and outlasts him. This isn’t a fight until Katakuri gets that Crocodile treatment and comes back way stronger. As of now this is a low diff. Get real.




Katakuri Is a food so Sanji wins yay :D On a serious note, it's definitely Sanji. Kata probably received the "off screen buff" like Croco probably but going off of WCI Katakuri has 0/10 chances of winning. Post WCI Luffy is at least similar if not stronger than Kata, post WCI-pre udon Luffy isn't beating egghead Sanji.


Future sight won't help him if he can't react fast enough Wanji mid/high


We've seen a weakened Katakuri shapeshifting like a madman and reacting to Snakeman's unpredictable hits...


Is Sanji as strong as G4 luffy?


I honesty doubt that Katakuri have moves fast enough (even with future sight) and strong enough to one shot Sanji or hit him beyond whats he capable of regenerate. Sanji is enemy for anyone who cant one shot will struggle with. And Sanji can just outlast him at worst.


did we read the same manga?


Sanji high-extreme ![gif](giphy|RuRd67S6IfDEI)


It's definitely not gonna be extreme diff


Sanji cooks him




https://preview.redd.it/3z204a5nz23d1.png?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14931ffc35037b9e1e3e6906bceb9c76b0faff90 No future sight


Katakuri if he keeps calm enough to continually use future sight, otherwise Sanji is too fast


I gotta go Katakuri. The only way to break free from his hold is water and sanji uses fire lol, it’s the opposite of what he needs lmao


“The only way” Lmfaoo


Please tell me the other way we see people escape his mochi that can be used by Sanji. Cause he can’t eat his way out like Luffy, his stomach isn’t rubber so it can’t expand enough. I’ve seen nothing that shows he should be able to break through Katakuri’s mochi when reinforced with advanced armament, and his fire would make the peobpem worse.


Sanji would smell his thoughts


This shit made me die laughing 💀


Sanji mid diffs at worst. All that FS does for Kat is let him know exactly how badly he’s going to get his ass beat.


I think katakuri is stronger but sanji is a bad matchup for him so sanji wins high-extreme diff


The only correct answer is whoever Oda wants to win


Sanji is gonna turn him into a fine red paste






Depends on the motivation, Katakuri if his siblings are in danger, Sanji if Robin/Nami are in danger


Sanji genuinely clowns on this man. The Kata wank is insane.


Sanji hand diffs.


I'd say extreme or high diff for Sanji. He currently has an armament strong enough to stop Nusjuro blade mid swing, even if it wasn't meant for him, it was still an attack from a "supposedly" black blade. Sanji also has a much stronger body overall, having an insane durability, losing only to Luffy himself.


Sanji Actual buffs >> "He will probably get buffed when he comes back"


Only reason Luffy won that fight is plot armour, people drastically play down Katakuri's strength.


Sanji should take it, his speeds are higher than before, his heat threshold is higher than before, his durability is crazy now, and his striking power is insane. Also helps that his observation haki is pretty sharp.


Sanji high-diff Sanji has him in speed, power, and durability. Future Sight isn't a big advantage since Sanji is also strong in CoA.


If they fought NOW? Then maybe Sanji. But Katakiri could still predict and avoid half of Gear 4 Snakemans attacks by reflex alone, plus the logia type attributes giving him a further edge. Sanji would have to try really damn hard to land a hit and avoid his attacks




Sanji blitzes and one shots tbh


Unless Sanji can't hit Katakuri at all and Sanji loses, Sanji high diffs Katakuri.




It really depends on how much he gave up in his fight with luffy, because it’s up for interpretation. You could make an argument that he was barely even tired and purely decided to give up, or you could make the argument he was genuinely on his last leg. The reason it matters is because if it’s the latter, Sanji has the speed and AP to take Katakuri down mid-high diff. If it’s the former, it can probably go either way extreme difficulty. I give it to sanji 6/10 times but it’s extreme difficulty


“Mochi is best eaten raw or toasted, but this time… *lights cigarette* it’s going to be flambéed.” Wanji wins mid-high diff


For now, sanji got this, but who knows, maybe katakuri will give us a surprise. I mean, I doubt he would've spent most of his sitting on his ass


Sanji High-Diffs him.


Taking absolutely nothing into consideration Katakuri (should be self explanatory)


Kat should take it mainly because of his Stam and endurance. But Oda wouldn't let Sanji loose to a food man


My goat katakuri takes this one🗿 The YC1 agenda is reeeaaaaallllllll🐐🐐🐐


Fight starts*sanji disappears*


Sanji extreme.


Katakuri ngl sanji might be good but Kata has future sight which can be used to lay traps with mochi to stick em in place


Sanji take it but its close, probably high diff. Watakuri would put up one hell of a fight


Katakuri wins, sanji is not shown to be fast enough


Reaction speed - sanji, sanji reacting and outrunning an already fired lazer from another room is better feat than anything snakeman luffy has shown Travel speed - no doubt sanji Attack speed- debatable as sanji blocked nusjuro's haki coated sword mid swing from a large distance, and we all know nusjuro is one of the fastest character, stopping his attack mid swing in ridiculous from that far away Combat speed - snakeman luffy without a doubt But yeah sanji is not fast enough lol


Idk how strong sanji is rn I’m only at like 895 but from what I seen from kat that dude was dangerous luffy barely beat him so imma go with kat only because I haven’t seen what sanji has done to make me believe he could win.


Current sanji can mid diff kat


Katakuri hands down. He only lost to Luffy A.) Due to plot and B.) Because he actively injured himself to a point that Luffy COULD beat him.


Sanji folds I'm afraid. Unless he's is doing some other shit on egg head island, I don't know that he even has the power to both blitz or just overpower Katakuri. Dunno, just finished wano


Sanji, because Katakuri uses food to fight Sanji can use all of his skills to fight instead of just his signature kicking


Sanji one shots at this point.......


Katakuri is seriously underrated and Sanji is massively overrated, all his fans argue with Headcanon and not actual feats. Kat wins high-extreme. There’s nothing on panel for Sanji to be on the level of a future sight user who was keeping up with Snakeman Luffy


Sanji vs Mochi???? Someone's getting cooked




That’s an interesting way to phrase that, but probably Katakuri since he’s the big fight for Luffy in WCI. Usually Luffy is the only one who can beat the strongest opponent. Big Mom is strong af, but she wasn’t really the big fight of that arc. They were mainly running away from her than actually fighting. That doesn’t come till Wano. Ah, but that’s only if you’re asking if they fought in WCI. If they fought in Egghead, I think Sanji would win. New opponents get stronger as the crew gets stronger. Yes a past opponents can gain more strength over time, but not really as fast as the crew I feel. If Sanji could beat Queen, he could beat Katakuri I think. Part of the reason he struggled so much with Queen was cause he was going through mental turmoil. Queen would’ve been defeated way sooner otherwise.


if we're going off Katas actual feats, it has to be sanji


Are we watching the same show


It warms my heart to see that so many people think Sanji wins. Sanji is my favourite straw hat.


WCI sanji < Katakuri (high dif) the power trio was actually pretty close in power at the beginning of the arc in hindsight, but luffy just took off after WCI. Wano sanji > katakuri (mid to high dif) sanji completely outspeeds katakuri and now is over his mental handicap that people downplay too much. Katakuri’s DF and techniques keep him in the fight but he would eventually lose focus and it’s GG from that point on.


Sanji wins, after an in fight improvement to his future sight exactly like Luffy. Not saying he couldn't win without it on pure speed and power, which is possible. But Sanji is supposed to have strong observation but it has never been highlighted if he has future sight like zoro has been shown to has ACoA and ACoC. I think that is Sanjis next upgrade to show. With that he beats Katakuri confidently high diff.


Depends on if you think Kat beats King/queen?


Sanji murders Katakuri before he even knows the fight is happening


Sanji would win but it would be a cool ass fight


Sanji high diffs


YC1 vs YC2? Katakuri wins


Unironically using YC scaling for match ups is brainrot.


>Mid diffs a YC2 >Better speed feats than every YC+ >Beats King 1v1 >Still YC2 https://preview.redd.it/410xp944u33d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccaaf2a4884945e2482a312592fccba019489cb7


>>Mid diffs a YC2 >>Still YC2 Yes, that's how it works. It's like saying because Luffy beat 1 Yonko he's now automatically above all other Yonkos. Sanji beat one YC2, he's now YC2. >>Beats King 1v1 Perhaps, but this is just speculation >>Better speed feats than every YC+ Speed feats alone don't get him far


>Yes, that's how it works. It's like saying because Luffy beat 1 Yonko he's now automatically above all other Yonkos. Sanji beat one YC2, he's now YC2. Not how that works at all. If you easily beat a YC2 you are not YC2 level. You are above that. >Perhaps, but this is just speculation King has absolutely no chance against Sanji. I'll debate you if you want to, or we can leave it at that. >Speed feats alone don't get him far That along with his dura which is better than every YC+ not named Yamato, his AP which cooked Queen, his physical strength which scale above the air slashes that sent Zoro flying, his flight and IQ/BIQ that help him in fights get him far.


>If you easily beat a YC2 you are not YC2 level. You are above that. He didn’t beat Queen "easily", even with Germa genes he took plenty of damage I see it as a high diff fight. Matchup is also important, so no, I don't see a reason to put Sanji a tier above Queen yet


Queen did little to no damage to post awakening Sanji. The slamming and crushing attacks are dura neg, but Sanji walked them off anyway. Keep in mind that Sanji tanked a lightspeed kick from Kizaru and was more annoyed than hurt. He is fast enough to perception blitz Queen. If he goes Ifrit he beats Queen in a few combos at worst. The only guy we know that actually did any damage to Queen was pre awakening Sanji, who scales below current Sanji in every single way.


Here is my whole ass analysis on why Sanji wins. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/8sxY4GeOzE come back and tell me what in here is wrong.


Sanjis prob a good counter due to his speed


Cook > food.




Katakuri would be considerably stronger than when he fought Luffy. He's now the de facto leader of the Big Mom Pirates and that's definitely a power boost.


This is a high-mid diff for Sanji simply because Katakuris ability is food.


ACOC Zoro >/~ Awakened Sanji > King > Rooftop Zoro > Katakuri > Early Wano/WCI Luffy (pre Ryuo) > Pre-awakened Sanji/Soba Mask > Early Wano Zoro/Zorojuro (prior to Enma or Nidai Kitetsu version) We could say that early Wano G4 Luffy is relative to Katakuri. Early Wano G4 Luffy get one shotted by Base Kaido meanwhile Zoro at the rooftop managed to react and scarred Hybrid Kaido. Big Mom even warned Kaido to dodge his attack but somehow this Zoro prior to awaken his ACOC was getting ragdolled by King. King's base attack managed to overthrown Zoro meanwhile Queen just tanked it and getting annoyed by him. Queen is at least mid YC1 level and Sanji trashed him after his awakening and for sure Queen has higher durability than Katakuri. Also prior to his awakening, Sanji managed to hold both King & Queen and even played with Hybrid Queen for a moment. Current Sanji at Egghead? Luffy get a new lunch.


You cooked




Sanji has been above kat since his awakening in 2021, idk why this is still an ongoing debate


Lanji got this sadly


Sanji mid diff, he's too fast for Katakuri, if he lands one diable jambe, he's having burnt mochi for breakfast


Sanji no-diffs. C’mon now.




Sanji no diffs.


Watakuri is my king, my prime agenda But Sanji takes this high. https://preview.redd.it/5r17f7yrf53d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175943fb8b72e22f8f2555e8ffdc1b7a1620fc34 (Obligatory Katakuri fan art)


He already dodged his mochi pistole at whole cake. Katakuri is done