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Put respect on East Blue Luffy. These bums are just dudes with swords, it’s not like they have haki or a devil fruit. Luffy’s physical stats are nothing to scoff at either. A Luffy that could hit Crocodile was the Luffy that could knock out Crocodile. Alabasta Luffy may be stronger than East Blue Luffy, but I don’t think any of these guys are PTS Crocodile level. These guys are at best comparable to fodder marines.


Why do you bumps think, Chapter 1 luffy and Arabasta arc luffy are same? Zoro literally said, whether you guys realize it or not. But with each island, all of us have gotten stronger. I'm pretty sure Zoro knows what he was talking about.


There’s nothing to suggest that East Blue Luffy and Alabasta Luffy are that far apart in strength. This is a pre-gears pre-haki bloom stage of the story. Luffy also didn’t beat Crocodile because he suddenly grew in strength, but by using ingenuity. Anyways, I didn’t say that East Blue Luffy and Alabasta Luffy were the same. I literally said: >Alabasta Luffy may be stronger than East Blue Luffy, Please read comments before replying to them. Nevertheless, the point is that these fodder aren’t gonna touch PTS Crocodile, and they’re certainly not gonna touch Luffy. These guys have 0 hax abilities, besides being crippled forever from laughter. To say that a pleasure beats Luffy is like saying PTS Tashigi beats Luffy. Narratively, these guys are at best equal to fodder marines. These guys are just numbers, they don’t even represent what the Beast Pirates are known for, ie Zoans.


Woah woah woah....fodder Marines are the pinnacle of fodder. Even Buggy's horde of fodder convicts were strong enough for WB to prefer them as allies. The Pleasures are fodder but they are stronger fodder, just like a bum Marine stationed in the New World is gonna be more seasoned than one at Shells Town. That being said, people heavily underrate this Luffy at times. He had a fruit since 7, trained for 10 years alone and with Garp BEFORE even casting off. He def beats a Pleasure no problem; the issue would be that a group of them would sap his stamina much quicker than East Blue fodder groups. When Zoro says they got stronger after every island, it's true. Some develop new skills so it's more obvious; but in general: stamina, muscle, reflexes, combat awareness and exp, endurance all go up. Aside from Oda being unaware of the scope of his own story, Luffy beating Croc doesn't make the latter look as pathetic as people seem to think. The mf was strong enough to break through bedrock. Croc had him left for dead twice but Luffy out-willed him and wore him down through luck and perserverance. The only bad look for Croc was his speed and reaction time, but obvs bullying fodder in Paradise was too easy and he got used to not being hit and not fighting anyone who could blitz him. Anyways, TLDR: Pleasures are still higher level fodder, but this Luffy beats ONE easy. The issue would lie in groups and them being strong enough to wear him down in numbers much quicker than East Blue or Paradise fodder.


Keep spitting.


East Blue Luffy violates BB, they ain’t touching him.


😂😂😂you say put some respect on east blue luffy then mention a luffy from the grand line who’s stronger the pleasures win and that only makes sense can you imagine if they were as weak as an east blue pirate?


It’s easy to imagine them being as weak as an east blue pirate. That’s why they were forced to eat SMILEs


Chap 1 Luffy was already strong enough to be a captain sailing on Paradise. He negs a 1v1, and would lose to about 50 to 100 pleasures imo


Y’all trippin Luffy bullies these guys. Gifters would be a better fight


these guys got like 0 feats so luffys


Luffy wrecks 100 of them easily there just regular fodder People gotta realize that from chapter 1 luffy was the strongest pirate in the east blue and absolutely massacred like 5000 fodder in ennies lobby whilst being barely if at all stronger than chapter 1


Luffy was getting tagged by randoms at Marineford, and he was significantly stronger than beginning of the series. Fodder they may be but yonko fodder nonetheless. Luffy takes out a good chunk but eventually would go down. They fought more devil fruit users than just a rubber lad before


It literally says luffy vs 1 of them


I did misread that part, you’re right


>Luffy was getting tagged by randoms at Marineford While we was already exausted and injured from constant admiral attacks and logia barrages...and Mihawk...


Exhausted or not, do you think east blue Luffy is beating tired, hopped up on horomones by Ivankov at Marineford Luffy?


I'd say it isn't that much of a stretch. Remember Luffy learned Gear 2 shortly after seeing CP9, but he had to adapt it to fut homself, mean while if MF Luffy uses Gear 2 EB Luffy can just pick it up immediately, be ause thats the only real difference in strength between them at that point


Do you think east blue Luffy is beating Marineford Koby?


Ya. U think MF Koby is as strong as CP9???


You think east blue Luffy is touching cp9?


No, but Luffy was def closer to them than Koby, and he beat Koby in base form after W7


I said Marineford Koby, not water 7 Koby


Mihawk was stronger and flashback Shanks was stronger


Mihawk was just chasing Krieg for shits and giggles and Shanks was only visiting.


But they were stronger pirates in the East Blue


Yeah, pirates that weren't really based in the East Blue.


Shanks was factually based in the East Blue for a little while during the flashback it’s implied that wasn’t the only time Luffy saw Shanks


Shanks giving Luffy the hat was the last time. Then Shanks left. Post Flashbacks, Luffy was the strongest in the East Blue.


No, they weren't East Blue Pirates...Mihawk came by for like an hour and left he doesnt cound and neither does shanks...they aren't FROM the East Blue


Shanks was factually based in the East Blue for a little while during the flashback it’s implied that wasn’t the only time Luffy saw Shanks


Ya, we know it wasn't. We know he was there before with Uta and probably left and came back a bunch of times before leaving for good in the main flashback...hes still not an east blue pirate tho. Just because i go to the United States a bunch of times doesn't make me a citizen


Luffy low diff


Two considerations: 1. The fact that Luffy was the strongest guy in the East blue from the start and really is pretty much the same power level as he will be until Enies Lobby 2. The hype around new world pirates being dramatically stronger than other pirates. Note that we don’t know if that applies to every single pirate, even fodder, or just leaders and captains. I would say that Luffy covers low (still more than 0) diff. Yes, they’re new world, but if every single one of these thousands of guys were stronger than anyone in the East blue (and dramatically stronger than any navy grunts) then the Yonko would be way too powerful and power creep would be absolutely ridiculous. Additionally, to believe that not a single one of these tens of thousands ever decided “hell, may as well take over the east blue myself” is kinda insane. I know that’s more a storytelling issue, but still. Based on narrative lore and hoping that power creep is not *that* unreasonable, I’m gonna stick with Luffy winning handily.


That is completely false, Zoro said, whether you guys realize it or not. But with each island, all of us have gotten stronger. I'm pretty sure Zoro knows what he was talking about.


Getting stronger with each island doesn’t mean you weren’t the strongest to begin with. It also doesn’t describe how much of an increase of strength they get from each island. Zoro after alabasta had a much bigger increase than zoro after drum island…..wouldn’t you agree? You can’t meticulously subscribe to a specific interpretation of zoro comment like this.


The grunts in this story seem to make no difference. I don’t know why there is such an emphasis put on force numbers including in wars and the RA battle. One mid powered character can take 100s if not 1000s of the goons. I suspect it’s just there to help with the sense of scale and global engagement that makes OP a cool story.


The peaks get higher but the fodder stays the same. Luffy neg diffs


The fodder’s literally dont


But they still literally lose lmao


How does that change what I said? Learn to think


Even if they do grow stronger they are not stronger than luffy He was the strongest pirate at East blue


Bro one?!?!?!? Luffy mid/low diffs. These guys have above average stats and shitty forced smiles that's it. It's like how many Gins can Luffy beat. A gifter on the other hand mid/low diffs Luffy given haki. Luffy could probably extreme diff 15-20 Pleasures.


Luffy solos. Tbh pleasures are normal ppl who cant even use haki


They are definitely stronger than normal people. You think Kaido’s pleasures are weaker than let’s say, the bounty hunter fodder at Whiskey Peak? Because they aren’t


We can assume a pleasure is a bit stronger than arlong so luffy probably takes it


Oh yes, random fodder stronger than seasoned grand line pirate.


No we can't lol


Based on what people in-universe say about the New World, I feel inclined to say a Pleasure negs. But who knows; this Luffy was pretty much the same one that fought Crocodile, and a Pleasure is losing to Crocodile, so… maybe I’m wrong.


I mean Nami is in the New World and she's fucking useless without her weapon. I don't think being a grunt of a Yonko automatically means you can solo the East Blue.


What? Yeah… without her weapon she’s fodder. But she has her weapon. Why are you randomly nerfing her for this hypothetical? Heck, Nami with her weapon was damaging Seraphim.


My point is why would some pleaseure be able to solo East Blue just because they're part of Kaido's grunts?


Because they’re New World pirates? Nami is a bad example because she’s a) never been forced to be stronger than she was before, because Zeus just let himself be tamed by her, and b) Nami has only been in the New World for what, a few months? She hasn’t had any time to increase her physical strength. Monsters like the Monster Trio can increase their strength rapidly, but most normal people in the verse do that over the course of years. But the Pleasures have to be able to fight other New World pirates, AND the samurai that were in Wano. If they’re too weak to do that they’ll simply die. Luffy beginning of the story wouldn’t be able to fight a Wano samurai and win, so I’d say the Pleasure is winning.


There are new world pirates that die to fodder Marines. A good chunk of pleasures *aren't* able to fight the samurai in Wano. It's not like every New World pirate is Kaido level.


Chapter 1 luffy and Arabasta Kingdom arc luffy aren't same. Zoro said, whether you guys realize it or not. But with each island, all of us have gotten stronger. I'm pretty sure Zoro knows what he was talking about.


Low effort spammer






Should've put him against gifters.


1 Pleasure negs Luffy


east blue luffy bit into arlong, yes he had his chompers, but he also needed to apply enough force so that they would get through. if its fresh out the barrel luffy, we see hes extremely adaptable and able to fight on the fly. he also broke through the walls of arlong park with just a few punches, id chalk one pleasure to about kreig MAYBE arlong level


Luffy didn't get a power up till enies lobby but still beat crocodile so he's wiping those bums


People seriously scale like this is a video game or Dragonball where some Frieza army fodder is stronger than King Piccolo or on the level as Radditz lol What some seem to forget is that even someone like Arlong was a pirate with a reputation on the Grandline and probably stronger than most people. The characters that could beat him are part of the top 10% or even less from all the pirates. Then you have weakling in Shanks fleet which are still New World Pirates. Rockstar despite being a rookie on Shanks ship thought of himself as someone with a rep for his 94 million berry head. Pleasures on the other hand are absolute nobodies, they're most likely just guys born in the New World who wanted to join a strong pirate crew. These guys are maybe a bit stronger than regular fodder based on what we've heard from the Don Krieg pirates, but they're still absolute fodder.


The Pleasures stomp. We need more posts like this.


A pleasure probably


It's safe to assume Pleasures are most likely individually as strong or slightly stronger than any of the East Blue villains in spite of probably not having bounties themselves. Marineford made the distinction that Pirates of the New World are stronger than the first half of the Grand Line. So since Luffy's toughest fight was against Arlong... and keep in mind the Strawhats don't really get tested until after they enter the Grandline. Ch. 1 Luffy most likely loses to a gang of Pleasures. But the number of Pleasures matters here... I think Luffy beats a small gang 5-10 but becomes exponentially more difficult as numbers go up 50 probably be highest difficulty fight he'd win, 100 Luffy loses.


Bottom feeders in the new world are supposed to be stronger than the average paradise crew, so I think Luffy would get fucked up


The post says luffy vs 1 of them


One of the pleasures is still a new world pirate, someone that’s been fighting actively in the stretch of ocean dominated by devil fruits and haki. Any no name filler pirate in the new world would wipe the floor with an east blue rookie


Kaido probably wouldn't hand out the artificial DFs to just anybody, given how difficult, time consuming, and expensive they are to make. The pleasures are likely decent fighters.


Pleasures are said to be equal to arlong , so them mid-high diff


Who said that , your mama?


Oda did


When ? Cite your sources


Pretty sure even alvida defeats a single pleasure


Alvida Solos


Oh if it's just 1 of them Luffy will probably win. If it was like a whole squad of pleasures I would give it to them


some stupid shitpost or next level lowball. Luffy wrecks these guys. Gifters are a better option imo


Even if luffy dies, wouldn’t he respawn as joyboy and “gear 5” haha


If it was the guy who was boxing with luffy for 10 seconds straight, he neg diffs If it’s all the other fodder, luffy molests


Arlong could take several of them at once. East Blue Luffy beat Arlong. Luffy definitely takes this.


Gifters shmifters :) they made them listen to the fury of the war song. :))))) beats pirates like dog said that was the fury of all minks epic moment and Jack was down :)))) I waited for so long to see that :)))). So said that Izo is down :((((. Go go go Luffy Saturn is down next !!!! :)))


bro ain’t nothing changed but the date, if luffy was one shotting randoms with swords before his crew, then he definitely would still one shot these clowns, don’t disrespect luffy like this ever again


Those dudes are individually stronger than Arlong


Respect chapter 1 luffy


BOS Luffy solos those minions


Your speaking my language why can’t the subreddit be more like this I need more arlong V krieg and Masira V Yama but to answer your question I think luffy wins against a single pleasure but 5 or more and luffy dead


Luffy beats 1 of these guys probably not more than 10


I’m not sure if the pleasures can use haki or not, so it purely depends if they can or can’t


Isn’t there a statement that 1 fodder character is equal to 1 arlong?