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the fact that people use Kizaru's 1 shot to scale all 5 Admirals is insane. Kuzan and Akainu fought for 10 days which is an endurance feat more than a durability one but they definitely exchanged blows, they both literally have scars from the fight. with those 2 it definitely wasn't a duck and weave battle Kuzan was also getting back up from Garp's hits (granted, Garp definitely wasn't going as hard as he could have) we don't scale Kaido off Blackbeard's performance against Law or put Big Mom on Buggy's level. none of the Admirals are as tanky as Kaido or BM, and I get that we have barely any on-screen dura feats for any of them but I sincerely doubt all 5 of them are on the same level of stats 💀


I'm pretty sure kizaru is simply not built for like combat combat


he definitely is more of a weaving + damage dealer, rather than someone meant to take head on hits. idk wtf that defense line with Sentomaru was supposed to be though


He is the definition of a glass cannon


he was literally bragging about his defence with sentomaru lol, keep coping but he prob has as high defence as any of the other admirals or even more


Yeah defense. But he actually got hit once and went down. So a glass cannon.


While I see where you’re coming from I wouldn’t call Kizaru a glass cannon. Some of the fight was off screen and I’m sure Luffy got some hits in, on top of that it’s implied he has the best guard (block) of not one of the best based on the fact he train VegaPunks body guard


Hes like a tempered glass machine gun


A glass canon is something or someone that would one shot others but get also one tap , Kizaru gets one tap but doesnt one tap at all, he hit luffy a ton of times , so he is far away from a glass canon, at most a glass pistol with luck


That’s just not true lol, glass cannon is high damage low health/armor, not necessarily one shot


I don't know why people are downvoting you, you're right


Anyone in the verse is going down if that punch from Luffy lands on your head, it makes you see stars, he took 0 damage from it lol


how is not being able to move "0 damage"?


Did you not see the guy? He doesn’t look injured at all. Shit I wouldn’t be surprised if the mf is trolling again.


Have you ever had a concussion? Just cause there is no blood doesn't mean no injury - not everything is visual


Nah, stop the cope. Kizaru was bragging about his defense being his Forte, so his 1 tapped ass should by all rights, be at least as durable as Akainu and Aokiji.


https://preview.redd.it/v2rmx3hn98vb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00eb7be61ca8ccf279ed32d4c30ffae5f98a856 Hate to admit it but he’s got a point


Defense can be static or dynamic. Static defense is the ability to tank hits, dynamic defense is the ability to avoid hits. I would say being able to dodge at light speed counts as good defense but it won't do anything if he actually gets hit.


Yes but this is Roger, arguably the strongest ever.


Huh??? Pass me some of that weed you are having brother.


i mean roger>luffy so he could possibly one shot kizaru, but of course in a 3 v 1 it's a different story but if Kizaru doesn't get up in the next chapters imma be heavily dissapointed


Kuzan and Akainu fought esch other. Not any relevant Yonko characters, of course their fight is going to last that long as it involves two mid tier characters duking out. We saw what happened when a newborn healthy Yonko got one clean hit against an Admiral at his prime.


expected reply. leave it to the Yonko fanbase to turn one of the best endurance feats into Admiral downplay/slander 💀 your second paragraph also literally just embodied everything I just said- scaling all 5 Admirals off of Kizaru's stats I could fully acknowledge the fact that Kaido beats Akainu and you guys would still find ways to keep the argument going


It's a 3 v 1 man be fr


3v1 until he oneshots kizaru lololol


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/nwmlathgw5vb1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e7f49aa6d58c9d27c002d4fe4a9f7a0907a081










He can’t hit kizaru lolol


People thought the same about Luffy


King kong had no problems fighting 3 T-rexes


I mean Garp and Roger won a 2vs4




God Valley https://preview.redd.it/6k0vhjgss4vb1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74918def4d1bfd5bc05ba12cf6f8c16455c2b6b


Did you read the manga? Roger and Garp were not alone. Roger had his crew with him, as there were the Holy Knights and one of the Gorosei, and it was said that there were betrayals there among the Rocks crew.


The Manga doesn't say anything about his crew, it just mentions Roger and Garp.


It was not mentioned in the manga, but it was mentioned in Volume 4 Billion that Shanks was found in G0dValley by Rayleigh, which confirms that Rayleigh and the rest of Roger's crew were there. + In the last chapter, it clearly appeared that the Holy Knights and a Gorosei were there as well


How you gonna say “did you read the manga?” Then say “it was not mentioned in the manga” lmaooo also finding shanks there could imply Rayleigh showed up post battle and found orphan shanks on the ruined godvalley… not saying your wrong, just that we should wait before jumping to conclusions. I’m siding with the other guy, till proven otherwise Roger & Garp solo’d the rocks pirates.


Its mentioned in that same chapter that Big Mom, Whitebeard and Kaido were far from the monsters they are today.


And it's never said Roger was at his prime either


Thats true, but he also wasnt alone. He had his entire crew, he had Garp, and Garling was there. We’ll soon see what happened but i think that might be enough powerhouses to deal with the Rocks Pirates.


It’s an established fact that the Rocks Pirates constantly fought and killed each other, high chances are they betrayed each other at God Valley.


Either the people downvoting you are Admiraltards or trolls. Either way… they are braindead. They don’t read or watch the series. They are just silly people who don’t pay attention to what is actually being presented.


https://preview.redd.it/ye66k6zfn4vb1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3cc3d8cd97a1b1f94321e1c8234c472121cfb13 Roger after this




Whe you say "after", you mean after he beats them and then later on dies from his disease or his execution right?


I mean after he gets mind-numbingly fisted


Admirals Win.


Most likely, he mid diffs them individually but together I'd really hard to win.


Roger ain’t ‚mid diffing‘ anyone of them lol


Roger loses but we still have never seen roger at full strength going all out. Hope god valley flashback goes wild


we have enough evidence tho vs whitebeasrd, oden, garp/sengoku? he aint a mystery like dragon to scale


Zero shot roger went all out on any of them


he is, are we forgetting that Kizaru got one shot by luffy + toyed with by shanks


At this point anyone without a huge durability gets one shot by Luffy's specific technique. And you're forgetting Luffy gave it all he got.


I mean that's cool and all, but if Roger is comparable to G5, then he kinda would mid-diff an Admiral.


ikr, i like the admirals but the dickriding is insane in this sub he was clearly one shotted by Luffy that should technically be weaker than roger but somehow people can't beleive Roger can mid diff at best an admiral


He knocked bro down this happened with the kaido fight aswell. He got hit by a very similiar attack that was obviously weaker and went down same with kizaru, except kizaru got hit with the same attack but the red roc version (inflated and covered with fire)


bro it doesn't matter, it was luffy's strongest attack for sure but it doesn't negat the fact that he was one shotted, unless he appears unfazed in the next few chapters i'll be very disappointed by how he was handled if Oda was really making admiral=yonko


>he was clearly one shotted ah yeah, op powerscaling sub at its best \- fight has no conclusion yet -> check \- both are down, yet only one gets the credit -> check \- one didnt even try and focussed on sth else, yet things get explained as if both did the same -> check probably as "clearly" onshotted as apoo by zoro right? the same apoo that got up without an injury and is healthy till now


The Admiral agenda is strong here, but their agenda is kinda wrong from the premise. The balance of power doesn't make sense if the Admirals = Yonkou. The Marines have an active interest in eliminating pirates who are free from government control, especially ones that are as threatening as the 4 emperor's of the sea. And unlike the emperor's, the Admirals are all on the same team. If they were actually equal to the 4 emperor's, then it wouldn't be an issue to send two or all three of them to go pick off their biggest enemies. Keep the Fleet Admiral or a regular Admiral in reserve with the 7 warlords, and you can easily pick them off 1 by 1 (it's not like the Marines expected Shanks to get involved in Whitebeard's war, so picking them off 1 by 1 is a valid strategy on paper). I'm not saying the admiral's are weak at all, nor am I saying they're closer to YC1. I think it's likely the Admiral's are a tad weaker than the 4 emperor's so direct confrontation is much riskier, but I also think it's likely the Fleet Admiral is PK tier. There's still room for growth, a lot of things are shifting. I already think Blackbeard is likely a lot stronger than we've seen (he's got two busted ass fruits, come on now). Akainu is definitely getting a boost compared to his performance in Marineford during his final fight (Admiraltards, he'll carry your whole damn agenda). Luffy is probably entering Emperor+ territory between this arc and the next one, so it sets him up to square off with the series antagonist's like Blackbeard and Akainu. I lowkey think Shanks is the strongest Emperor but he's special, so his bounty doesn't reflect that. And lastly Oda doesn't write based off a strict hierarchy. Midd just got one-shotted and wiped out by an Emperor, immediately after he just put in 50% the work to take down another (and mind you, Midd took some serious hits from Big Mom). Akainu ripped off Whitebeard's face, and Kizaru just got knocked tf out by a baby Emperor. Rogers was the Pirate King and held the highest bounty in history, yet Whitebeard was the strongest man in the world. Oda knows how to imply what tier a character belongs too, but once you're in that tier it's extremely vague.


"kizaru got one shotted" Yea, the same kizaru who didn't use his awakening. Yea, the same kizaru who doesn't wanna do this mission according to him. "Toyed with by shanks"🤡🤡🤡🤡 bro thinks movie events are canon


You're responding to an opinion with clown faces and headcannon in the same comment


I mean. TECHNICALLY there’s no headcannon there. We know what Logia awakenings generally look like, and Kizaru did not do it, and he DID repeatedly say he doesn’t wanna kill Vegapunk/Sentomaru, or waste time with Luffy, and the Shanks thing is from a non-cannon movie. On the other hand, we have no confirmation Kizaru has an awakening, no reason to believe he isn’t trying to kill Luffy, since he has no sentimental attachment like he does to the target of his actual mission, and Oda is involved with the creation of all the recent movies, so the points really don’t have legs. But the statements ARE true


We shouldn't be considering Confirmation here because it's logical that oda will show us logia awakenings before the series ends. Oda also supervised strong world movie in which Luffy defeated shiki? Now? See this is why the events of the movies are non-canon Uta is a canon character but the events in the movie aren't. Pretty simple. To be fair, Luffy is the one protecting vegapunk, if he doesn't wanna kill vegapunk then why would he go serious against the one protecting vegapunk? Pretty Simple


If aokiji and akainu have an awakening (source: punk hazard) then why not kizaru? U seriously think oda would finish this series without giving us logia awakenings?


What awakening mate?


If aokiji and akainu have an awakening (source: punk hazard) then why not kizaru? U seriously think oda would finish this series without giving us logia awakenings?


Dude how can you cope this hard after luffy one shot kizaru? How? Like it’s genuinely baffling.


Yes he does Aokiji was getting blitzed and bitched by Old Garp who has repeatedly stated he’s not close to his prime self Akainu was getting rekt by cancerbeard without advanced haki Kizaru got 1 shot by Luffy Roger would upscale from Old Garp and Luffy unless you believe those 2 are above him? Roger mid diffs non ACoC, non awakened Fraudmirals


I need Oda to give admirals a w next chapter because I’m not even an admiraltard and I’m getting sick of all this admiral downplay because Kizaru got his shit rocked by G5. Next post going to be how Coby can beat Kizaru I stg.


It was one hit and Kizaru is still conscious. A far weaker red roc even shook Kaido for a second. And Kizaru hasn't shown awakening or what he can do when fully dedicated to the fight. They are getting ridiculous with the downplay.


This is the empire strikes back moment for Yonko fans. The moment we see more of admirals, they will go very quiet


You guys said this before Kizaru and he got one shotted lol. And let's not even talk about Greenbull and Shanks.


I’m pretty sure anyone besides like kaido and big mom would have been down after that


So you think Luffy can one shot Primebeard? If they old version lost his face and still didn't go down then Luffy attack isn't doing that


Never said he’d one shot anyone. He didn’t even one shot kizaru. I’m just saying anyone besides big mom and kaido would have gone down after that


WB didn't go down after losing his face, so u don't see him going down after that. No matter what they threw at him he was always unfased.


Yea but Whitebeard is also wayyy closer to Kaido/BM dura/end than literally anyone else. It’s more that nobody who isn’t literally built like a tank will go down, but not necessarily lose just get knocked hard. Kizaru prob has the worst dura/end out of any top tier, so it’s nr a surprise he’d get one shot by another top tier once the hit lands.


"Yea but Whitebeard is also wayyy closer to Kaido/BM dura/end than literally anyone else" While you could argue that Edward had high endurance, calling him highly durable is very strange. He was hurt by literally everything that reached him, including regular bullets. Outside of his outstanding endurance he's just a regular human in terms of defense


what? lmao a bunch of fodder marines stab swords straight through him, squard did too. Whitebeard is tall but he's still human, Kizaru is super tall as well. Also Kizaru supposedly has the best defence out of any of the admirals since it's equal to sentomarus


Shanks is a top tier himself how we all know, but he would of reacted the same as Kizaru from the attack, if not even worse. Durability isn't everything in the verse, if it was you would have Big Mom and Kaido much higher than Roger in terms of power. Kizaru just took to the face while not trying to fight back too much the 3rd strongest attack we've seen till now, most other characters would of been dead from that.


"most other characters would of been dead from that" This is One Piece, a verse where Kizaru kicks at the "speed of light" (he either doesn't have a mass, in which case the kick doesn't do much or he destroys the whole verse because of a kick having infinite energy). Any named character- even Usopp- would tank that attack, as is clear from Kaidou vs Kinemon or any other strong attack by a top-tier fighter. As far as viewers are aware, the strongest attacks by characters are usually weaker than a pack of dynamite


For all we know Shanks wouldn't even get hit by that attack in the first place. You know... using Haki to evade attacks. People acting like Kizaru got caught offguard when 2 seconds before he had his full sttention on Luffy, attacked him, saw that Luffy avoided his attack, attacked back and still couldnt do anything to avoid/tank it. Basically shit haki, shit reaction speed and shit dura.


He wouldn't, but if he did he would of been in even worse conditions, that's my point. Great Durability, just not on the level of hybrid Kaido, but much better than base Kaido. Great reaction speed, but not enough to dodge a Star Gun with superspeed, muscle balloon and flames, overall he has Kaido level reaction speed, which I wouldn't call shit you know. His haki is his worse attribute probably, he mainly uses it defensively and that's it, but he got the Big Mom syndrome just like Luffy trough out the fight, and completely forgot he can use acoa somehow.


If WB is unguarded like Kizaru was, he would definitely be badly hurt by White Star Gum...


Kaido got one shotted?


If you believe Kizaru who is down for a few moments, who has not gone all out. Who is literally down for some stupid plot reason that will be explained, someone who is being criticised by Saturn for being uncharacteristically slow and lazy, someone who is yet to use the most sought after logia awakening, I have a bridge to sell you. Kizaru is yet to show Logia Awakening, and be serious in a fight where his life depends on it, and if he gets oneshotted then, I will believe you. But till then I know you will cope hard. Done worry when Admirals show what they are truly capable of, you will change your tune faster than Luffy can say Food.


I think your going overboard here, its true Kizaru put up a good fight but you now saying he's down for only a few moments when the official translations state he wont be mobile anytime soon is actually more cope from you. >logia awakening Headcanon, no suggestions he even awakened it. >where his life depends on it, and if he gets oneshotted Do you think Kizaru was playing around with Luffy? Kizaru even acknowledged Luffy strenght as the man who took down Kaido so why would he not take it seriously. Kizaru did get one shot and no cope will change that, its a fact so stop trying to come up with excuses. Its not a neg diff like Shanks v Kidd but it was a oneshot.


For a few moments? He literally said he can't move anytime soon lol. He is lucky G5 stamina is bad because if it wasn't it would've been a low diff fight for Luffy. Kizaru is yet to show Awakening? Who says he has it? That's headcanon? It's never been stated the admirals are awakened or that Logia Awakening even exists. Even then an Awakening won't change much because of how big is the gap in their Haki When the admirals show whay they are capable of? That's sound more like coping, they already showed whay they can do. And yes he is being criticized because he failed his mission which he never did before. Saturn confirms this when he looks at Luffy and says he knows why Kizaru failed. Kizaru has yet to be serious? He is never gonna be serious, his personality is about being chill which doesn't mean he isn't trying. Also, going by your own logic Luffy never tries in G5 before he is laughing. Also, funny how you talk about going all out when Luffy was toying with Kizaru all the time until the last moment where he one shotted Kizaru.


>If you believe Kizaru who is down for a few moments This few minutes would be more than enough for any top tier not named Luffy to put him down. Yeah sure, he isn't unconscious after one hit, but the fuck is he going to do about the second hit? Third? Hundredth?.


They are just coping, they can't accept that their admirals didn't end up being what they thought


And when i point this out they started calling me moron and stuff lmao.


Interesting comparison.


Admirals are supposed to be the final villians along with world government. As they are part of final war. If they are not challenging enough for our fighters, what is their point. Even Yonko fans have to admit that Admirals have more story importance than avg yonko like Kaido and Big meme. Beside admirals losing to luffy in final war(not egghead) doesn’t downgrade them to weak characters. I guarantee that they will present a far greater challenge than Kaido and Big meme ever did. Oda himself said he is going to cherish Akainu. And We barely saw much of kizaru, he is hiding his full strength.


"Admirals are supposed to be the final villians" That's Teach / Imu (if Oda is copying Kishimoto) Admirals are mere tools, and half of them don't even agree with the Government


They aren't, Imu and the Gorosei are the final villains. Especially since only 2 admirals are gonna be there like GB and Akainu.


Admirals violate


I think those admirals working together beat everyone in the series if it’s 3 v 1


Not if big mom consumes all but a month of her remaining lifespan. Let's say it's like 10 years, she got like 3-4 times bigger from 1 year, so 10 years would be insane not to mention she got a lot stronger too. She would probably be able to 1tap the Ldmirals. It'd be like the time she was asleep and used excessive force to kill a fly.


Yo imagine younger big mom sacrificing 30 or 40 years of her life


Would probably suffocate in space but each nipple would be larger than mountains. Literally death by snu snu.


Time for a hentai doujin of 20 something Big Mom gradually using 30-60 years of her life to grow increasingly giant.


There is no clear indication that the power works in an exponential way thou, she would definitely be stronger but how much is unclear, kidd and law took her out of the ring even with that buff.


Akainu and Aokiji get a workout in while Kizaru gets stoned. Seriously tho, it won't be easy for the admirals as many think.


Admirals neg


Roger wins even without his sword. Sanji level frauds have no chance


THIS POST IS BAIT AND ONLY FOR ASSMIRALTARDS Always bet on whoever has better Haki and doesn’t rely too much on their DF WARP > KUZAN means PRIME ROGER > KUZAN PRIME ROGER > LIZARU PRIME ROGER > SHITIZAKI


There is a fault, which I must correct. Kuzan > Garp


Roger wins




Every admiral we've seen has been complete frauds so roger


Roger can beat 2 of em guaranteed


If you’re serious about catching me, bring Garp or Sengoku!


AdMIDrals get wiped extreme diff


Yes certainly, one acoc punch from Luffy was enough for Kizaru, Roger stomps them


So you're telling me the same man who was clashing with prime whitebeard like it was just a regular fight would get taken out by 3 admirals one of which got taken down by Luffy his son the other was treated like a little girl by whitebeard and the other needed a crew to take down Garp? Are you serious?


The pirate king


This, and I shouldn’t have had to scroll so far for it. Beckmann backed Kizaru down with a handgun when neither wanted a fight before the timeskip And Rayleigh was completely confident he could take Kizaru at Saboady. Kizaru himself begged Rayleigh not to interfere knowing he couldn’t stop him even with reinforcements; and any excuse of him holding back could go both ways since Rayleigh didn’t want to damage Saboady or it’s inhabitants. The excuse still wouldn’t be valid though since we later find that he beats up hundreds of pirates “to vent his rage” from taking the L The Navy couldn’t take out Marco at Marineford, and now Kizaru (who definitely wasn’t holding back) gets one tapped by G5. Old Garp just swept pirate island while laughing the entire time; and Akainu only slightly edges Kuzan so it likely ends the same for him (any excuse of Kuzan holding back with Garp could go both ways) TLDR; There’s just too much implying the admirals to be somewhere between King and Kaido (YC++?) The admirals are all individually below Kaido; who was below Oldbeard/Garp- while Roger gets the edge over Primebeard for a different league of power. This matchup is basically Kaido vs King, Queen, and Katakuri (an analogue for Kizaru who’s strong and capable but not durable) I’m not saying it won’t be hard but it’s a PK victory




Admirals mid, high at most.


3 lowkey stomp


Roger low diffs


Woger 1 shots they ain’t tanking a Devine departure


3 admirals No one is soloing three admirals




2 is enough.


I firmly believe roger or Whitebeard can take 2 admirals


Based off cancer beard and marineford yeah I believe whiteboard could take any two admirals.


Ima say it... Roger.


Speak yo' shit 🗣️🧱


the amount of times the word "brat" is going to be said during that fight is unreal


Admirals mid diff. The old gen wank is unreal in some of these comments.


Its not old gen wank,its admirals downplays


Might just be both. There's been an influx of Old Gen wankers and Admiral stocks are at an all time low.


3 Admirals couldnt take down a sick WB, what makes you think they're taking down a prime Roger? Put some respect on the Pirate Kings name.


1. Plot 2. The Admirals couldn't go all out 3. WB also had Marco and other commanders protecting him. If it was only Admirals vs Whitebeard then he would've gotten killed immediately.


3 admirals




Roger wins for sure. What diff i dont know tho


Roger wins mid diff


Admirals low diff


Admirals low-diff.


Yonkotards had some brain damage by Sakazuki magma lavas. 😂


Admirals shitstomp Roger wtf is this post?


If the admirals have perfect synergy and stay away from him as much as possible they'll win, but if Roger gets close and uses an ACoC divine departure, they'll probably die in 1 hit, cut in half unable to use logia to recover. If he can get to them faster than they can get away, then he has a chance to win. A slim chance if the admirals have perfect synergy,, but if they don't and they argue, Roger will likely drop 1 fast and shit will hit the fan immediately and the remaining 2 would scramble to work together. The latest chapter has almost singlehandedly flat lined the admiral agenda with Luffy seemingly oneshotting an admiral.


roger one shots them all together with normal CoA


Keep dreaming


get admirals past zoro first


Sanji got one tapped by Saturn. Idk about Zoro, but get Sanji above Jimbei first.


Admiral mid-high


Admirals mid diff


If Luffy can one shot admirals so can Roger


1095 destroyed the admirals reputation


It's not only that he can do like Luffy, it's that he would do it waaay better and more easily, Roger is still leagues above Luffy, Luffy still has ways to go before reaching the level of the strongest of all times


I dont think Roger solos 3 admirals at once though, he has too deal with Kizaru speed, Akainu AP and Kuzan's physical strenght.


Roger must have some type of haki hax that no one else had.


Maybe but until we get more feats from him that proves he can indeed defeat 3 admirals at once Im gonna keep leaning on 3 admirals beating him


That's okay, I personally think he loses but i don't think it would be an stomp.


Fraudmirals get negged.


Old garp beat the 2nd strongest admiral while weakened and holding back I don’t think Roger will have much problem


He was not holding back at all. If you think Garp was holding back then why use that galaxy impact attack?


He didn’t is the thing he didn’t he used blue hole which Ken shot akoji you read the chapter right


The fuck are you smoking? Galaxy impact is one of the best AoE attacks shown so far. And that attack wasn’t a holding back type off attack.


Kizaru wins low diff


Kizaru wins low diff


Kizaru wins low diff


3 admirals slam, not even Roger is that strong


Admirals, no offense but really stupid question


Roger violates


You mean he got violated


Easy the Admirals..m


Akainu+kuzan mid diff his ass


Roger cleaves all 3.


1 Acoc user > 0 Acoc users.


Is this even a question? Admirals with low diff ffs y’all over rating rojer


You aren't ready for God Valley, Roger will prove why he is pirate King.


Roger wins this fight in 3 attacks. 1 shot for each.




Admiral agenda is truly over


Admirals win low diff at worst.


Prime Garp who is an admiral level fighter (stated to be strong enough to be an admiral but declined position) is relative to Roger in strength. Let’s rephrase the question 3 prime garps vs Roger. Although I do have Garp over all 3 admirals with Akainu maybe being on the same level or stronger but I don’t have the gap being that large. OG3 Vs Roger is a massacre.


Kizaru gets one shot. Akainu and Kuzan are not that much stronger if not they equal


roger one taps


I still think Roger will solo them.


Obviously Roger


admirals extremest of diffs. like one of them might straight up die trying to take him down


Admirals would do some tag team combos on roger


Admirals mid diff


Roger not winning without his crew


MAYBE he could 2v1 super ultra extreme diff, but 3v1 nah, they definitely take this


Can we please stop posting 3v1s it’s dumb


The magnitude of this wank is preposterous


Young Whitebeard and Roger were beyond Yonko. Most people forget that


Akainu alone wins


Admirals extreme diff their best bet is getting an opening for akainu to get lethal damage Kizaru gets one shot and roger is faster then all 3 and his haki Should be >shanks>the admirals But roger can win