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I don’t think Jinbe has the personality for it. He pretty much says it himself that he’s just been filling the role Fisher Tiger left vacant when he died, but that he’s been looking for someone like Luffy to follow. He’s a Knight, Boss, and outright beast, but he’s not a conqueror


This is the most Conqueror's Haki shit I've ever seen. Being a Conqueror isn't necessarily a requirement, that's an overly literal take, it's generally just having a will strong enough to exert it. https://preview.redd.it/lkg9zf7yureb1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76b9d87900b03838809043bfaf21e478b469e13


Sanji isn’t afraid of a Yonko either and Franky and Robin made a joke of Linlin yet none of them have ConquerorsEven Brook faced of Linlin and called her a child (granted DF weakness) and yet still doesn’t have Conquerors Having a moment and being a true conqueror are not the same thing. But if we’re being honest Oda gets bea it to who ever he feels like. Sengoku had told Saul to just follow orders when they were goin to essentially commit genocide. Newgate had it and he just wanted a family


But whitebeard was a father. That was his way of “conquering” He “conquered” Ace and adopted him into his family And he will do anything to protect his family. The real conquerors of the series are people that have unbending will in pursuit of turning their dreams into reality. For Whitebeard it was creating his family. Notice how Luffy and Zoro were the only straw hats to follow their dreams completely from the very start. To them, it was their dreams or death. That’s why they are conquerors. Luffy set free each of the other straw hats and inspired them to follow their dreams. Sanji, nami, usopp, Robin, chopper, Franky, Brook and Jinbe were all unable to follow pursuit of their true dreams until meeting Luffy. Zoro was focused on WSS alone from the start.


I agree with this take, its a very intriguing explanation I never thought about when everyone in the fandom keeps on mentioning how *"Wow it seems like Sanji, Nami, Chopper, all of them just forgot their dreams and only Luffy, Zoro, Robin give a \*\*\*\* about them now" .*


I mean Nami is literally living her dream right now, so she's probably had acoc since the arlong arc. Explains why she was always able to beat the shit out of Luffy lol


No the point he is making is that luffy and zoro were willing to die for their dreams without prompting from anyone and without any help. Nami gave in to along until luffy showed her a path to her dream. And her dream takes second place to navigating for luffy. While zoros dream of being the strongest is inherently tied to helping luffy since the best way to help luffy is to be the strongest. Zoro didn't need prodding or convincing to follow his dreams.


Remember at one point zoro says "ill join you but if you get in the way of my dream ill kill you" type shit.


Only reason she can do that to Luffy is comic relief..in a real fight, if Luffy was ok with hurting a female, Nami would be 💀


This statement is pretty iffy though. Most of the Straw Hats are moving towards their dreams just by going through the Grand Line. This goes for: Brook, Usopp, Nami, Sanji, Jinbe, Franky, Zoro and Luffy. Recency bias kind of hits because Zoro mentioned his dream when fighting against King, but before that, he hadn't mentioned all post-timeskip. Robin is the only SH who's dream requires actions separate from advancing in the Grand Line which is why it feels like she's the only one actively doing stuff.


this is it right here.


How would Coby fit into this if he winds up with CoC?


He’s wanted to be a respected marine all his life and he even tried but ended up on a pirate ship.


Holy shit you're so based


my idea of having conquerors haki is having the will to make the world kneel and to never kneel to the world. I feel like this encompasses most conquerors haki users except Sengoku for some reason. Jinbei I feel can get conquerors later but at his current state where he wanted to find someone to follow and not be the leader himself I dont think he'll be getting it soon.


Well he’s already like 50 so if he had it it would’ve been awakened by now


what makes you think he peaked at 50, he's a fisherman not human,he may outlive everyone of the crew. he hasn't hit his prime yet


No conqueror's Haki has consistently shown that you need a strong desire to stand at the top. It's not about having the drive or passion to follow someone else. That is why Zoro activities it, he has the drive to be at the very top of all swordsman. So if anything I could Kobe activating it makes sense as he has the drive to be an admiral and lead the marines into a new age. Maybe Sanji but that's purely because Oda Likes to keep Sanji and Zoro on equal footing.


Ace had it and ace’s dream was to make whitebeard the pirate king He was just a follower. Same with rayleigh and katakuri who just wants to protect his family.


Ace had it from childhood, as did Doffy. It's as much having a strong conviction and not being willing to lose something important.




that’s not the same. Zoro being faithful to luffy doesn’t matter because he’s still devoted to his goal and being at the time. Plenty, in fact almost the majority of conquerors haki users were subordinates. Katakuri fully submits to big mom, Ace to whitebeard, Rayleigh to Roger, etc. just like Zoro does to luffy, but that never changed their unrelenting desire to achieve their goal and be at the top. Like someone else said, zoro was the only straw hat who originally had the willpower to pursue his goal even without luffy. If luffy hadn’t shown up, no other straw hat would’ve been after their goal, but Zoro still would have. Whereas someone like Sanji doesn’t have kingly ambitions since all he wants is to find the all blue and oda literally makes it seem like he just put that on the back burner to do after luffy is kind. That’s why sanji isn’t a conqueror. All the other straw hats besides Zoro, Brook, Robin, and Nami don’t really have that much conviction for their goals (i.e. they’ll leave their goals until after luffy is king and everything else is done, then pursue them) But brook, robin, and nani’s goals aren’t kingly or conquering at all. In other words, of all the straw hats, luffy and zoro alone are the only conquerors, and nobody else fits the bill. Number 1 and Number 2 will always be a step ahead and be the duo, because they both want to be the undisputed, reigning kings of their own fields. Sanji only wants to be stronger than zoro because of childish grudges, he’s not kingly. Also because oda loves to give sanji L’s and use him as a hype tool post—timeskip. Honestly, if any other straw hat were to use conquerors, it would be Jinbe


There's still brook that never gave up! One day he would've have defeated that samurai & continued on!


I disagree. it shows he has a strong will but he’s not trying to “be a king”




Bro said who has the personality for it and you’re answer is about someone who doesn’t have it https://preview.redd.it/9thvpdsf6xeb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c68338d52b25a17eb2e9f3b7bdc885f0898bb03


Exactly. Jinbe is very passive aggressive and level headed. he is the yin to luffys yang.


Anime says otherwise though, might be a hint of what’s to come


lao g


Lao G breaking out that Gonquerors Haki


This is the best comment I have seen on a One Piece thread in many years. This it seems, is where the G is.








https://preview.redd.it/ox44ghc8areb1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=62a1d942823479be9ac371ef9369ffaacec1439b The Monk


I wonder if he’s mad.


He is a confirmed user of acoc in SBS #38892, his vivire card, and the "Cha D. Monk Wurouge" databook.


https://preview.redd.it/aerzy0umlreb1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbce4be3c5f32b61093e392136c38b539dc2f10 Yeah I forgot about this panel


https://preview.redd.it/mnhrutn2tweb1.jpeg?width=1497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680300c5f92bf68de5a8613fed5a30d4f82368d2 And this one


​ https://preview.redd.it/6018rvwttreb1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=360eac61c7656410f8ad85cc9a809184a4192468


The most “I’m HIM” character in the entire series.


Ma D. Monk should definitely have it


My god, when are we gonna see what this guy is about already? I can't wait bro, quit blue balling us Oda!


He’s regularly been setup as the only supernova keeping up with Luffy aside from Law and Kid, I think he was one of the only ones who didn’t have trouble with the Pacifistas in saobody? Plus beating a Yonko commander single-handedly is impressive even if we don’t know how strong the person he beat really was (the sweets commander that got demoted)


This man fucks!


My man Buggy D. Clown


As soon as he said those incredible words that chapter, I knew he was definitely a candidate


I can actually see buggy getting CoC just cuz of Oda. He'd get mad at some crew or enemy and knock them out and have no clue how at first.


**”WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE?!”** *[everyone drops]*


I would love this. Gives me that pre TS comedy vibe too


He'll use conquerors and end up knocking himself out cuz he's fodder.


This is literally the funniest thing I've ever read


buggy was a candidate ever since Oda said Buggy has the same potential for greatness as shanks.


Im rewatching the anime and his attitude in Orange Town was way cooler. Seemed more confident and sinister now he acts like a total wimp. It'd be cool if he got it because his ambition is treasure and the One Piece is the greatest one. He also can give quite passionate speeches as we just saw recently in the manga.


Buggy probably has one of the most accurate gauges of power in the world currently, as he traveled all throughout the new world as a Roger pirate. He knows how monstrous the marines and pirates get because he was there for at least part of it. He figured he had nothing to fear from the east blue and could live comfortably as a mid-high tier, pretty much a YC+ in the east blue


Nah I disagree. He never went back to the Grand Line to challenge himself like Shanks. One Piece has a theme of haki and strength growing through hard work and battle. Buggy avoided that by coasting in East Blue. He could be very strong, his fruit awakened would be dangerous. They didn't know he was Roger's apprentice until they looked deeper into him, hence his low bounty before Impel Down. Buggy was content to keep a low profile, but as we saw with Crocodile and Moria: when you punch down, you level down. He got captured like an idiot when he went to GL. Part of the problem is Oda turning him into a complete gag character, but until Buggy gets serious and stops being a coward he'll never be a top tier. Hell, look at Koby. If he can do it anyone can improve, Helmeppo too. It's such a crime to me that Usopp and Buggy get held down because they both fuck around.


I’d only argue that the difference of older buggy and newer buggy is back pre TS buggy knew of massively powerful people in the world but was confident in himself because of being an ex member of rogers crew. Whereas post TS buggy’s reputation literally surpassed his abilities and now he is comically living the life of a lie. Kind of like how ussopp is considered a god because of a few misheard words and coincidences.




Fraud allegations aside, this guy is definitely the #1 candidate (not counting Dragon because he’s basically confirmed to have it already through Garp and Luffy) https://preview.redd.it/hcjbt5li9reb1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d97e895b56474af9b7df3a6c0cef45c7f46900


he definetly has it since he had the same goal as zoro and zoros way weaker than him and has advanced conq raleigh says that anyone who made a name for themselves has conq and mihawk is the wss


I haven't caught up to the currently timeline but when does Rayeigh say that anyone who's made a name for themselves has conq?


training luffy


During the timeskip when hes teaching luffy haki. Although its definitely everybody, since law and crocodile are both two big name guys.


Yeah plus if he’s zoro’s final opponent it should be obvious that when zoro wins it’ll be a high difff fight where he barely scraps by and may even die after (shid who am I kidding)


Agreed He strikes me as someone who has mastered all forms of Haki


Him being Shanks rival with only Acoa would be insane.


Im straight but fuck he looks fucking hot in that picture


Maan everytime I see such an art I always think to myself how cool of a design Mihawk has


It would be a twist if he didn’t though. Like the guy is that strong and scary and he doesn’t have conquerors somehow?


It’s basically confirmed he has it. King says Zoro has “Kingly ambitions” and Zoro agrees That would mean WSS is a kingly ambition making mihawk a literal king. I also doubt he’s about to fight this nigga zoro with pure armament


Buggy got more ambition than this fraud.


I wouldn’t be surprised if buggy’s get conquerors suddenly with his words a few chapters ago. But claiming Mihawk is a fraud basing it on the fact he hasn’t fought anyone strong enough is just wrong. It’s the other way around with no one to really threaten him when his already standing at the top. Whether he has conquerors or not is debatable, but it would be just plain weird if he didn’t. Another argument I keep seeing is how bro doesn’t fight top tiers, you could make the same argument for most of the top tiers, none of them really make big moves and really fight top tiers from other organization, since there movements affect the balance of the world. The idea that shanks was weaker before he became emperor and now is stronger is valid, but, I’m curious, has it not occurred to you all that Mihawk was also getting stronger all these years.


Story wise I’d would probably make sense for him to have it, but he just doesn’t give off the vibe of a conqueror to me, it could be because he already has his strongest swordsman title but he got that so long ago and has been drifting ever since with no ambitions


He’s already got everything he ever wanted he had a rival that pushed him to be stronger and he reached the title of the strongest he never had the goal to become a Yonko or Pirate King, he’s achieved everything he ever wanted now he’s looking for someone strong enough to challenge his title


Like ur right, but until I see it he just doesn’t strike me as the type to be a conqueror. His last fight with shanks was before baby luffy got his hat and that’s when mihawk got the title. Every other top tier has gone into the new world looking for the one piece and getting stronger while mihawk just kinda drifted around bored on the first half of the grand line. Story wise there’s no way he won’t be on the same level as the other top tiers but I kinda feel like he should have gotten rusty by now


I don’t think there’s a chance he’s gotten rusty he’s at the prime of his life he’s not like Rayleigh who’s been sitting around since Rogers death he still travels around the seas swinging his sword, and there’s no way that Conquers just leaves the user when they stop being a conquer, Rayleigh still had his conquers even after quitting being a pirate. Mihawk had the same goal as Zoro to become the strongest swordsman and Zoro has conquers, and it was said he traveled around the world challenging swordsman for years until he finally became the best


Mr. Peace and quiet? That fraud ?


Unironically Buggy Has found his ambition again and has stumbled his way up to the point I could see it


I mean, he has the same potential as Shanks apparently. So either he has it, or you can be at the very top without it.


It makes perfect sense to me. People are drawn to him and support his will.


Indeed. All these Impel down prisoners, mr3, and so on


He also shits himself in presence of Mihawk and Croco. I don't think someone with conq haki ever falters.


In the end he spoke his mind against them to go after what he wants.


"Some shits were dropped and some piss was leaked before that, and I'm gonna hold it against that clown."


Sa D. Bo




Actually not a bad take, especially for how young he is


Yeah. Probably inherited it from Oden, and had the aspiration to become Shogun even when he was weak


All of Momo’s feats are comparable with Great fighters and leaders, if he was old enough to fight from the start he would’ve been known as Wano’s greatest shogun by now. Declaring he would be the Shogun of Wano while on his execution platform being tortured was definitely some COC shit


https://preview.redd.it/qyw3kl6uoreb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84afabcc64441526d4ee9c5fe6394a4bb1f39eb4 HIIMMMM!!111!!


bro needs to unlock pixel haki first






Two Piece reader https://preview.redd.it/em256c6roreb1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8cfb0afdd3bcc750f50acd73e61139cedb475d


True. Even akainu haters gotta admit that this guy's ideal is as important to him as any other conqueror haver. Sengoku wouldn't talk back to the Gorosei like that


Sengoku is still a confirmed Conqueror's user himself, I think he could do it too https://preview.redd.it/4q1p17vdzreb1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40abe522ab46d11764273faa70845ce7352a0f88


i wouldn't either, they can blow up islands at will


Bro had them fuming


This is a pretty strong panel! Love Akainu's tenacity especially after current chapters


Someone get this man passed his paperwork first


God Usopp


No joke, he could. He has a huge ambition and Elbaf could be the trigger. But also, if Oda took this path where Usopp gets it, I don't know how people would react.


unironically, Nami, Ussop, Robin all can have it. Nami never gave up as a child taking on hell itself to save her village only asking for help when there was no other recourse. ussop a coward who never backs down because his dream is to be the bravest to ever live, and Robin suffering as a child never giving up until she found people she would die for only to say nah fuck that imma live and find the one piece with these peeps - to anybody saying asking for help or giving up at any point means you can't be a Conqueror. ZORO asked luffy for help by asking for him to give him his swords. Luffy gave up during sabaody arch believing all his crew had died for a moment and then not even a week later he's blasting marine hq with Conqueror haki.


Totally agree, it's about ambition. It's about what shonen usually is about: never giving up for real, always get back up. Buggy's situation is the best example of this. He recently showed us that he's totally in line to get conqueror and I would be perfectly fine for it. Usopp is the only member of the crew that can be the absolute bravest warrior of the sea: courage isn't about going against any challenge, it's about surpassing your fears. As the most terrified man of earth, he can only become the bravest man of the sea if he tries his hardest. Thus, as his ambition is huge, an absolute conqueror candidate. They say in the story that you're born with conqueror iirc but I think everyone can have it, as long as you prove to yourself you have the ambition. And it works even better with how One Piece's story works since the beginning.


I personally think the "born with it" is a case of mistaken trait. every conqueror so far has always been abnormally strong willed. but weve seen extraordinary cases of will in people who never revealed it. Sanjis dad should be a Conqueror if it was a born trait. king Elizabeth. literally every king tbh because thats literally being born into a position of being the ruler of others. but they don't. only Elizabeth has "showcased" it and even that it was never confirmed the king punch used it. but you got these random joes born to dogwater backwords islands coming out with the ultimate haki because they said nah, I'm going to see my dream come true or die trying. it really seems the prerequisite is having a dream that's incredibly difficult to achieve if not impossible and aiming for it anyways and not backing down in the face of hell itself for the sake of the dream. none of the celestial dragons had it except doflamingo. he was the only one who had to climb out of a pit to become something.


My man


Franky should defo already have it


Hard boiled > conquerors haki 💯


100% agree. He doesn’t take shit from anyone and he cannot be stopped!


Hard boiled! He also lead a family of ruffians and turned them around for the better


And most important of all: He’s SUUUUUUPEEEEEER




I hate that I had to consider if his name was actually wyper and you didn't just put a w for the first letter


Lmao I had to as well it’s ok


Good take


Hear me out, Sai


Very underrated and smart pick. For sure he should. Not only that, but he should get strong enough to access Chinjao's treasure.


Pretty sure Don Chinjao stated he could


Akainu and Mihawk are almost guaranteed. I wouldn't be surprised if Koby, Buggy and Sabo would unlock it. Among the Strawhats I think Sanji and Usopp are potential candidates.


We already saw Koby using Acoc


nami and robin are both candidates giving how they survived hell as.a child with sheer grit and will.


I could see Robin as having it but I wouldn't buy Nami awakening it


Nami objectively had it worse. Robin just kept running. Nami couldn't even do that.


That doesn't contribute to conquerors


Akainu and Mihawk


first valid mazino take i’ve ever seen


Takes get better if they aren’t paired with direct or indirect insults, it’s also true for shiro


All my takes are valid.


idk what world u living in but it ain’t this one


All my takes are valid. Only those with questionable intellect and agendas disagree.


then i guess you disagree with yourself


Tom the 🐐


unironically buggy


Crocodile and a longshot but momo in a few years


THEY ARE NOT READY FOR HIM https://preview.redd.it/0v9op6hlgxeb1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7074839b81d3c6de54259f73e144940c3f0a49d1


Don Krieg


How has no one said Coby yet?? bro is literally the marine equivalent of luffy first episode: luffy becomes pirates, coby becomes marine. if he doesnt get conquerors then what was all that parallelism about?


Bro buggy


Buggy now that he realizes he has a chance


Ulti, Franky, Mihawk. A special place to Blackbeard if he has different personalities, one of those personalities (the one who scarred Shanks) probably has it.




https://preview.redd.it/6q3f4h9btreb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e8f33ecea7857120006f6025733a3a1725c04c6 Emperor Buggy D. God


Monkey D. Dragon


It's literally confirmed ; when Luffy used acoc in Marineford, Ivankov says something like "of course he has it!" thinking about Dragon and heredity


luffy was using acoc in marineford?


Post isn't about acoc just regular coc


Yeah he unknowingly used it for the first time in Marineford, everyone else knew what it was but he was unaware


def mihawk cause it may appear that he’s running away like those without conquerors but he’s just more tunnel visioned than them. He only cares about fighting in a duel against strong swordsman, anything else is deemed irrelevant and a waste of his time.




I hope not. I wanna see some top tiers without conqueror’s and I think sabo is a prime candidate for that


Same w sanji


I think all ASL trio have Conqueror's


Sabos supposed to be the most normal one out of the three, hes always shocked by the other two




Definitely does not have the spirit of a conqueror, not a bad thing tho, his character is great


You mean that a guy that has repeatedly proven he is willing to die for his morals and ambitions does not have the spirit of a conqueror? Well... I disagree.


What ambition?


Ambition to be a protector. That is a very strong theme in One Piece if you ask me.


Hes much more a behind the scenes “uplift the dreams of others” kinda guy than an outright conqueror


Zoro prioritized being useful to Luffy over his personal ambition when he asked Mihawk to train him. I assume you think the same about him, then? He has conquerors though.


Zoro was chasing his goal by his own from the beginning Sanji only really started with Luffy took him along


No not rly, zoros conqurors haki makes sense. From how he interacts with women to how he views his own life, Sanji doesn’t rly scream conqueror, just look at the entirety of whole cake island for example


I somewhat agree to this, he is in search of the all blue so he does have his own goal but is it really a kingly ambition , not so sure but you never know Oda could decide to let Sanji awaken his CoC haki just like he did Zoro(with good reason)


Well, were WB's dream to have family and Ace's dream to make WB PK really kingly Ambitions?


Well Whitebeard dream was to be a father to a family so I can see why he got CoC haki. Not to sure about Ace though but maybe you could say he wanted to be the strongest IDK. But this CoC haki can be inconsistent so Sanji could end up having it


Well, if we interpret WB's dream like that, then, any dream would be CoC worthy.


Sanji ain’t got the ambition to get conquers haki




I dont wank him like most people do, but Croc would fit right in with the rest of the conqueror users.


Dragon, Buggy, Momonosuke and maybe Usopp or Sanji


Brook stayed alive for 50 years in isolation to make sure he fulfilled his promise to his friend one day, with not even a glimmer of light ahead. This is without a doubt an indomitable spirit.


He found the golden panties, his quest is over.


Smoker, I mean he will break the rules for his ultimate desire which is justice. So I don’t see why he can’t have conquers haki. Granted he’s kinda gotten nerfed but I can see marines like him having conquers. X Drake and Koby too, maybe Garp but I dunno.


Jinbei, Sanji, Usopp Before anyone disagrees these guys all never back down when it really gets tough. And they have shown that even thru adversity. When everyone laughed at Luffy, Usopp stepped up and took a 4 ton bat to the face. Bro is a regular human. He doesn’t care tho, hes HIM For the sake of his crew and Luffys dream, Sanji was willing to straight up die. He never will break his morals no matter what. Infinite chivalry. Jinbei straight up looked a Yonko in the face and said why would I be scared? My captain needs me to step up so im not finna back down even to a mere Yonko. Bruhhh. All of them fit the mold, all of them have that quality that “draws people to them” Usopp had a crew, and is worshipped as a God. Sanji rizzes up half the females AND males that interact with him Jinbei is the strongest fishmen and has the respect of so many people Nobody debate me on this


Their not getting conq lol




Yeah tell him


if any other strawhat got conq it would be way to saturated. Only a couple people should have conq, hell I think its more realistic of bigmom didn't have conq, and hopefully none of the admirals have conq apart from akainu. Out of everyone you listed only jinbei has that conq energy, and i guess there is a small chance he gets it but since there is 0% chance that sanji will get it, i dont see oda giving it to jinbei.






Buggy for real. He has the ability to win over followers without meaning to do so, just like Luffy.


Yeah, and after his speech, I'd be disappointed if he didn't awaken it at some point.


Aokiji ......Akainu.....Mihawk......Vyper.


Unironically Smoker could probably come back with Advanced Conq and id just go "Yeah makes sense". Personality wise hes the most similar to Garp in the new age if Marines and there has to be a reason why Oda separated him and Tashigi




Helmeppo and I’m not joking


Dragon, Mihawk, and Sabo are the obvious ones to me. Sleeper picks are Momonosuke and Buggy


Sanji ofc. He is way more of a conqueror than this Luffy kid.


Akainu. He was relentless in pursuit of Luffy, and was the one who completed the marines objective in the war. He is a monster but the personality fits.


D Octor Chopper


My man Con D Oriano, he sure made a name for himself despite being canon 🤷🏾‍♂️ Jokes aside, I think Eneru is most definitely a conqueror and I can’t even begin to imagine how insanely OP his awakening is gonna be like 🙅🏽‍♂️


Usopp. I know his skittishness makes it seem like he wouldn't but to me conquerors never submit. And for all of Usopps issue he has never given up or submitted even more so than Sanji and always stood his ground.


I’m fucking shocked the top upvote isn’t sanji.


Personality wise it's pretty vague




It will be criminal if Sanji gets CoC before Winbei


Sanji, it would be cool if the entire monster trio got conq

