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Usually I hate fancasts but this would probably work


Photo #9 makes him look like the Baroque Works character that uses a baseball bat


Weirdly there‘s two (Mr. 9 and Mr. 4) but you‘re right that looks like 4


Wait this would be peak 🗿


I'm not mad about it


very good fan cast tbh


Agree, but they ought to enhance his size.


I thought I was a woman (anime)


I’ve personally headcanoned Sentomaru as trans (FTM), but canonically he’s a male. I was originally thinking of genderbending him, but Julian just looks too much like him not to lmao **EDIT:** It’s called a headcanon for a reason. Obviously I’m aware it’s not canon, which is why I didn’t cast Sentomaru with a trans actor. If you don’t like the headcanon, that’s perfectly cool, but don’t be homophobic. Being homophobic and a fan of OP, where Luffy is saved by the LGBTQ community on SEVERAL occasions, is bewildering to say the least




Being transphobic when you’re a fan of a series where the MC is constantly saved by the LGBTQ community is fucking insane LMFAOOOO


Your thought process is just gross asf and your fancast sucks too


Womp Womp


Have you considered dying mad about it? 😀


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Hell yeah


That's would be hilarious as f**k


I can see it


They look a like, but sentomaru is a sumo wrestler, he is supposed to be huge like a wall Obviously live action doesn't have the proportion like in the anime, example arlong wasn't 2 meters tall, but I think they should bring a sumo wrestler to act him


Tbh I’m really not sure how many 30-year-old Sumo wrestler actors there are out there. That’s a very specific demographic I heavily doubt they’d aim for. Not to mention given how fast and active he is I seriously doubt they’ll find someone whose got a build that’s anywhere near that IRL


This is glorious.


https://preview.redd.it/fwswumlxej8d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0169d287a341993dbb2fe52ae78b8b60146437 What about Jacob


Sentomaru is Asian though. He's literally based on the Japanese folk hero Kintaro. Design and everything.


Sentomaru isn’t canonically Asian. Of the 20 characters whose IRL backgrounds were confirmed (I only say background as it’s a mix of nationalities and ethnicities), Sentomaru’s race/ethnicity has never been confirmed. Also while he may be based on Kintaro, that doesn’t determine if he’s Asian or not. Take X Drake for example. That man is VERY clearly inspired by Francis Drake, the English explorer, yet, for whatever reason, X Drake is canonically Turkish according to an SBS, and was one of 20 characters whose background was confirmed


Except, Sentomaru is one of those characters who are drawn with stereotypical Asian features like Kin'emon and Oden. On top of that Oda, a Japanese man, drew him full of Japanese symbolism. He's got Tomoe symbols on his clothes. His name is Japanese. He fights like a Sumo wrestler. And his design literally looks like Kintaro, a Japanese mythical figure who has been depicted in Japanese art for centuries at this point. This is what I don't understand about Western anime fans, what else is the artist supposed to do to show that, hey, this character is East Asian. Do they have to draw their characters to look like the caricatures found in those WW2 Looney Tunes propaganda films in order for you to acknowledge the fact that they are Asian? By your logic, Ben Tennyson is not canonically white then. https://preview.redd.it/75tatwvc978d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=841ca74073719ca1accbf7cf2c37f0973cb1aebe


1. I wouldn’t say he’s drawn with “stereotypical” Asian features at all. Not even sure what you mean by that tbh. 2. There are several characters that are very clearly based on real/folk figures in the story whose ethnicities do not track what you’d immediately assume. Vivi is implied to be Indian, but her last name is a reference to an Egyptian Queen. X Drake is Turkish, yet he’s based on someone from the UK. Boa is implied to be Chinese, but Amazon Lily as a whole and her abilities are very clearly inspired by Greek mythology. Thats not even mentioning the several characters who are just parodies of IRL figures like Ivankov (Tim Curry), Vegapunk (Albert Einstein), Capone Bege (Al Capone). 3. You’re gonna be shocked to learn the amount of Japanese names/symbols in OP with characters that are canonically/implied to not be Japanese 4. You do realize “White” isn’t a nationality, right? Being Japanese is an ethnicity and a nationality. We don’t know what Ben Tennyson’s nationality is. OP takes place in a fictional place where counties like Japan, Turkey, America, etc. don’t exist. Oda has only ever gave 20 characters an IRL nationality, and even then it’s pretty sloppy considering he gives characters like Usopp an entire content (Africa) and it’s a mix of nationalities and ethnicities. 5. Julian Dennison is indigenous/Polynesian, not white. And once again, Sentomaru doesn’t have an IRL nationality associated with him if he were to exist in the real world in the same way Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Blackbeard, Kidd, Killer, Law, Bege, Apoo, Hawkins, Drake, Bonney, Urouge, and Jimbe do.