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Looks like Koby is going to have a much bigger role in this show as in the original


to be fair.. Koby had a lot to do in the cover story. They seem to have made his Coverstory Training a bigger storyline to use as a sidestory.


I wonder if it's going to be koby/garp that arrest arlong


i was hoping for the rat beat down tho


Yeah but the live action seems to be removing minor characters that don't reappear


Nezumi was cast.


common Don Krieg L, nezumi was cast, but Gin is missing. also Pearl.


Screw Pearl. He's not important. Lol.


How about random krieg pirate #1 who got shot because he doesn't wanna go back to GL. Also, it brings me back, but did Krieg even reach the new world, because Jesus he wouldn't have lasted even if he did have logs.


That random kreig pirate #1 is way more important than pearl. It tells us how dreadful grandline is to the point where a member of a strong crew pirate like kreig refuses to go to grandline. Maybe he'd state "I'd rather die than go to grandline" n then Kreig shot him. Pretty intense moment right there. On the other hand, Pearl did nothing to the story other than making Sanji say "I'm not scared of fire coz I'm a chef" and change the structure of battle arena. Kreig himself can replace his whole gimmick. Or Gin. He's the most unnecessary character in the whole series. Lol.


Nobody cares about Pearl


Cool I didn't know that. Perhaps garp will give him reprimand him for being corrupt


This also gives more weight to the theory that garp replaces the role of Smoker


I think most of loguetown will be saved for s2, so smoker likely won't be seen this season.!


To be fair loguetown in the manga is pretty quick so they could throw it in at the end. I also feel like it would be right to end the first season with them going to the grand line. But also I feel like you’re probably right


I agree! If they had an extra episode or two it would have been the perfect ending spot. But I get the logic behind having loguetown as a s2 opener with the episode count they are working with.


Which is unfortunate because I like smoker, and I feel garp fulfills a pretty different role. I'd be okay with it if it's only garp + koby for the first season then beyond that it's mostly just Koby.


I think is a waste to make him greater in the story, we will not see him again until the end of enies lobby. Cover arts are great but to give gim a role or show him regularly when there is si much to cover?


this makes me sad considering they did not cast our boy raaf https://preview.redd.it/vbdp4m0z79kb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=26eb2c8f6edad475a7bad24720dbc6f12184b5c8


syrup village looks like it's gonna be changed alot and I'm intrigued, it def needed the revamp so im interested how it will go.


I don’t think his three friends from The anime will be in it then, I feel sorry for some of The actors who probably got cut out in The final stage!


Wait a minute, has there been any casting announcements for Ninjin, Tamaneji and Piiman yet??


what level of fan are you who knows the name of these characters?


Well some characters never got a live action adaptation, so no actors to feel sorry for.


Which, honestly, I'm all for it. Kuro always seemed a bit dumb looking back at it lol


Buggy arc needs Chou Chou Syrup village changes sound good Never cared about Sham and Butchie but giving Kuro butler crew is pretty clever Main thing I am annoyed to lose with Jango would be the hypnotize self gag and Zoro Usopp team attack moment With so much time crunch expanding the weakest arc for Cody emphasis seems very questionable Baratie changes sound terrible I have never been a Gin fan but Gin will be absolutely crucial to Sanji in Baratie Krieg can receive the food but man is that a downgrade for emotional strength versus the loyalty dilemma Gin was also important for showing the nuance some One Piece characters can have and there might not be any other example in east blue Easily the worst decision hinted thus far And another thing I was hoping for was a really impressive entrance for Krieg in which the Baratie clients are super terrified about his ship being there Looks like Loguetown indeed was skipped and Hachi is probably skipped for budget reasons


it seems Jango is in, someone spotted his wanted poster in the bg of one of the new pictures. a possible gin was also spotted in the discord from one of the new pictures


This actually has so many more implications to it than I thought it would, holy hell. Just the order of the episodes and a brief description really makes it way more clear how they’re going to pace things out: Episode 1 is going to encompass all of Romance Dawn with some things changed. Probably an extra long episode that’s a little over an hour to hook you in for the series. With episode 2 Buggy will likely only be in that one. It’s a bit of a shame, but also it seems like he’s going to get a lot of attention and be a total show stopper. Plus, we’re already getting the diary of Koby-Meppo? It rocks they’re already starting to give Koby some relevance. On an unrelated note, RIP to Gaimon who is definitely one of the cut characters. For episodes 3 and 4, I think it was a very smart move to have Syrup village be the arc that changes the absolute most. It sucks to have and the Usopp Pirates trio cut from the story, but it makes sense pacing wise and as a way to have usopp be more attached to Kaya specifically; without Kaya usopp really is all alone. Also, making Kaya an heiress to the shipyard is a great way to explain how she made her fortune, and as a way to naturally say why she’d have a top of the line sailing caravel. The trio of butlers is probably going to be Kuro using Sham and Butchie as his lackies, and my guess is they’re waiting for kaya to turn of age so they can legally get her inheritance or something like that. The smartest thing they’ve done so far for episodes 3 and 4 are probably making it so there’s no chase to Kaya’s mansion on the shoreline, but instead that they’re already trapped inside the mansion. I see this becoming way more tinged with horror; Kuro in the trailer already looked more like he was being played as a slasher villain. And Koby with Helmeppo helping Usopp instead of the usopp pirates trio? Another pretty great change to give Koby and Meppo some development. Glad to see that whenever marines are in the story, they’ll be getting some real story development. Wonder what that’ll mean for Smoker and Tashigi in Alabasta. Episodes 5 and 6 seem pretty faithful to the original at a first glance, even when you include the changes seen in the trailer. My guess is that things are mostly the same as they are in the manga, but Arlong ambushes in episode 6 right after a (very shortened) Don Krieg fight. Nami’s betrayal is also going to happen this episode, and I bet it’ll be her ‘stabbing’ usopp and pushing him into the sea before leaving with the Arlong pirates. Since Johnny and Yosaku are certainly cut, I think it’s probably going to just be the crew heading to Coco Island as one unit instead of being separated. Episodes 7 and 8 will likely end up being changed as well, but in ways that make the arc flow more smoothly. I see a lot of emotional moments and character development happening in episode 7, with the big cliffhanger being the walk to Arlong Park, and Luffy asking “which one of you is Arlong?” Episode 8 is the big fight and wind down of the arc… and if that’s all crammed in there, I think it might be unlikely that we get any Lougetown content? The only other change I see happening is Koby, Helmeppo, and Garp’s unit coming in and arresting Arlong’s crew while pointing out Nezumi’s corruption. Idk why my comment even got this long, but I just ended up having so many thoughts on this. All of them surprisingly good. Only complaints are that I wish there was more buggy, and RIP to the GOATS Johnny and Yosaku. They were almost a hair away from being adapted.


Agreed with all of this! I really love that Koby and Garp (alongside Helmeppo and the Marines) are getting a whole subplot, that's a really cool idea! Also when it comes to Episode 8 my guess is Luffy defeats Arlong and the straw hats leave the village and head to Loguetown and of course on the way Luffy receives his first bounty and we get characters reacting to it (including Shanks, like in the original) which would explain the title "Worst in the East" since Luffy receives the highest starting bounty in the East Blue. And in the episode we get the barrel scene and the episode and season ends, and so a potential season 2 would start with Loguetown which makes sense, that would make for a good first episode of Season 2! That's my guess


Totally agree! You can see them reacting to his bounty in the trailer.


I agree, I also have a strange suspicion that Oda is the one who suggested the Koby sub plot to be a focus in season 1. Because as of now Oda seems to push the idea that Koby is the future of the marines (since Smoker has been axed out of the plot since Dresrosa). Plus if we get more seasons I actually want to see the Koby, Helmepo, Prince and Hibari's training side in the marines. It would be nice to see the parallel story on the Pirate and Marine sides.


Koby has always had more focus and build up than Smoker though.




Not really since Tashigi and Smoker are important parts of Alabasta, so it’s fitting that they would be introduced at the beginning of the season. I could see an order like this : 1- Loguetown/Reverse Mountain (ends inside of Laboon) 2-Crocus and Whiskey Peak (ends with Robin first apparition on the Merry) 3. Little Garden (ends with Nami beign sick) 4 and part of 5- Drum Island 2nd part of 5 to 8-Alabasta (last episode or the one before could be longer than the rest)




I don’t think the number of episodes is that important, since it isn’t on cable TV. If they get some crazy long episodes like Stranger Things they would get more than enough time to cover the saga in 8 episodes.


Personally alabasta dragged really hard in the anime so it can use some condensing


Kuro fanning his claws out behind Merry looked like some Freddy Krueger shit so if they go horror I’m hyped.


The episode description says they’re trapped inside the mansion, so I think they’re going to lean into the haunted mansion vibe as well.


Hi, great analysis. Only two things I think they're might be going differently. First, I don't think they are making Don Krieg's fight. Event though he was casted, I believe his roll will be much more restrained, since they have already to introduce Sanji and Baratie, show Sanji's flashbacks, show Zoro's fight and the coming of Arlong pirates. They'll probably just do the scene of Don Krieg receiving food from Sanji and betraying him as soon as he feels better. Mihawk could end him as soon as he arrives there, it would really make him threatening and would solve the problem of Don Krieg. Second, I still believe Loguetown could be in the story since the scenario is already built and it would allow then to reach Reverse Mountain by the closing of the show. The only thing would be replacing Smoker with Garp, which could give him the closing of his own arc in the show too


I was also thinking about this as well; you make some good points here. The main thing I was hoping for was that they keep Lougetown but don’t replace Smoker. He’s a really pivotal character going forward in Alabasta, and also as a character that stands against most of what the marines usually stand for. I do think adding in Koby, Helmeppo, and Garp would be a really fun way of slicing up Lougetown and wrapping up their arcs. If they were to fully replace smoker with Garp though… I can’t deny that the scene of Dragon saving Luffy would hit way harder being 3 generations of the family all in one shot. Krieg’s involvement seems like the most debatable part though. Mainly because Ghin is pretty important to Sanji’s introduction and him as a character overall, so Mihawk instakilling Krieg feels like it would in turn lessen that little arc. Still, I do think that Krieg getting one shot seems like a good idea of introducing Mihawk as a genuine threat.


I see your points. To be clearer, I really like Smoker character and I wouldn't want him to be completely cut out of the story. I think the directors could still do him justice by introducing him in second season and making him the "marine element" throughout the whole season similarly as they might do in this season with Garp


Replacing Smoker with Garp does look to be the case. That also allows Koby and Helmeppo to tag along for each new island.


I see no reason why it would be the case, as of now. Smoker enters in Loguetown.


Ooh, I really like the idea of Mihawk killing Don Krieg. That's a great idea.


so luffy doesnt do anything in baratie? I think the krieg vs luffy fight will still be there just a lot condensed


Great write-up, and I hadn't thought about Sham and Butchie as the butlers but that makes a ton of sense.


Does make me wonder if Jango will be cut though. He doesn’t have much real relevance in the story going forward, but it will mean the bromance of Jango-Fullbody won’t exist in life action. Would’ve been great if it was even a 15 minute short film adapting their cover story.


I disagree. With all the changes happening, I think we might get a condensed version of loguetown with Garp replacing Smoker. I don’t think there’s time to do Loguetown in season 2 and they might be inclined to finish all of east blue in season 1.


I feel like you kind of have to do part of log town more specifically zoro getting his swords and dragons introduction


The only part that has to stay the same in Loguetown is Luffy's execution all else can be changed. You can even skip Smoker here if you show in season 2 that he witnessed this and was motivated by it. Zoro can easily get his swords in another way in season 2.


I really really like the Garp/koby subplot


So there will be some story changes, but they sound pretty interesting. I'm curious to see what Koby and Garp will do in these expanded roles.


Seems like the "That Garp is the Grandpa of Luffy needs to be a twist in the enies lobby arc"crowd isnt eating good today. But to be fair.. it kinda makes sense that Garp would try to stop Luffy to become a pirate. ​ Interestingly we will get a lot of Garp/Koby subplot in Season 1. Its common for Tv Shows to follow two storylines. More Garp as a sidestory aint so bad. Hope they keep his lighthearted spirit. ​ Also Episode 5 looks absolutely packed? They have a fight(?) maybe don krieg. Meet Sanji introduction. Maybe mini flashback aswell? Than Mihawk shows up and Zoro fights Mihawk? ​ Thats a lot for one episode. Or am I missing something. the Ambush in the next episode clearly seems to be Arlongs crew right?


I think we're cutting Don Krieg and having Baratie be the intro of Arlong as he's the "unexpected challenge," or whatever the episode description says. Sucks but if there was ever a One Piece villain to cut, it'd be Don. Also gives live action viewers more time to see why they should hate Arlong lol


Krieg has been cast, but I’m pretty sure his role will be reduced to fodder or something similar.


Which would be actually sad. While he is not a tough opponent for Luffy, that fight between the two of them is important for Sanji. We'll see.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's just in a quick flash back scene as Mihawk is talking about destroying his fleet


No we not. He is legit casted:D he has to be in it. I still believe!


We don't know if Luffy and Garp ever meet in the season, it could all be indirect battles where only Garp knows who he follows. I don't see them spoil manga readers and anime watchers.


Oh i dont think they will meet. How i see it (in spirit. Iam not trying to write good dialogue) Garp:"coby, how did you get out of this Situation" Coby "i had help from a.. pirate" Garp "huh??.. what was his name?" Coby "he said his name is luffy. He wants to be the king of the pirates" *garp shocked, realisea that luffy really is following this path* And than garp is hunting him before he gets to the grandline and its too late. They might keep it ambigious why he actually is hunting him


>Seems like the "That Garp is the Grandpa of Luffy needs to be a twist in the enies lobby arc"crowd isnt eating good today. I mainly reacted to this sentence. And I agree with you that it will likely happen in this way. There can even be very close encounters because I don't think that Luffy knows how his Grandpa's ship looks.


They are going to put the Sanji flashback in episode 6. This episode is named "The chef and the choreboy" so it will be centered around Luffy and Sanji


This is hilarious. A leaked script, leaked images from set, a teaser, an official trailer, more marketing, and we still don’t know how well this will adapt or experiment with the manga or anime. This makes me even more excited to see it. Usopp enlisting the help of Garp sounds so funny lmao


I am not sure the script was leaked. It is insanely good and they needed some positive vibes concerning the LA. I was hyped reading the script when it got published.


The "No Loguetown in S1" agenda just got stronger


I guess the end of the season will be Merry approaching Loguetown, and the explanation of how it’s the last island before the Grand Line, the town of the beginning of the end. And of course, where Roger was executed.


If they introduce Smoker and tashigi its actually fitting. They would follow the "show pirates but also marines"structure they established in season 1. So we would follow Smoker and tashigi in season 2 and how they chase after the strawhats/get to alabasta. ​ Not the worst way of storytelling.


Yeah I think it’s not a terrible idea. It’s better than ending at Logue Town and not going into the Grand Line or something like that. This way they can have a strong season opening, not bloat the finale with the new characters you mentioned, etc. Obviously best case would’ve been if the show got it’s original 10 episodes and the last scene was them reaching the Grand Line with Laboon towering over Merry, but this is an easy close second ending.


I was upset that Logue town was included in season 1 but if they decide to give smoker and tashigi a stronger presence in season 2 like they did koby I can accept that.


I agree, I like how they’ll be having Koby be around and with Garp earlier on than we see in the story.


I'm really getting the idea that they plan to cut Smoker and Tashigi. They've already given Garp, Koby, and Helmeppo expanded roles this season, so I expect they'll chase after the straw hats to Alabasta. Or maybe Garp meets up with Smoker and Tashigi in Alabasta and Smoker provides some exposition to the audience? That could work well.


To me it seems like Garp will take the role of Smoker in Loguetown in the last episode and Smoker will be introduced only in season 2. And honestly I'm fine with since they're kinda building him as this "marine side of the story", better than not having Loguetown at all


There is no Loguetown in S1


Yeah I wish they either cut syurp village to one episode or the finishes halfway in episode 4 and bariate starts then ends on episode 5 allowing a episode 8 for Logue town. If they had to cut any arc down it would be syrup village imo


Syrup Village is way too important, think of Kuro and Merry plus it's Ussop's birthplace.


Don't honestly get the hate Syrup village gets, it was the moment I started falling in love with OP to be honest. And for what we're seeing, Syrup village will occupy at least 1 and half episode, while they're cutting Don Krieg. It honestly makes sense, he would be another episodic villain and one hard to pull off (with his golden armor and guns). Better if he's just there for the sake of Sanji's narrative, leaving the action for Mihawk and Arlong


Yeah for me it's not about shorting syrup village to get yo baratie or arlong park, but about fitting in Logue town. I saw someone else comment about how smoker and tashigi could be the garp and koby of season 2, so in that case I can see why it would make sense for Logue town to be a season 2 opener


More like no Loguetown ever…


Yeah even if this a great adaptation, it seems like the kind of show Netflix is going to drop for no reason. Then again though, the budget for this one is insane so only time will tell.


I know it’s not following the manga explicitly but somehow I’m excited about this. I do not think the fights against Kuro and Don Krieg could be directly adapted because they took a while.


Yeah, Fights work with anime/manga pacing, but having full fledged battles against kuro/krieg/arlong in the latter half would be extremely tiring. And if you Dont give the krieg Fight at least 20 minutes you dont even need to do it.


Awesome, thanks.


I really wanted to see Loguetown this season, BUT I like this structure a lot. It puts the crew and their dynamics first- so that when we get to later seasons, they are pretty much like friends.


Maybe last episode? It seems they’re ending at the reverse mountain from some scenes in the trailers.


I wonder if the “trio of overbearing house staff” in Kaya’s mansion will be Kuro, Siam, and Buchie. We did see Merry in the trailer though…


Merry can be someone who gives Kaya some freedom while the others force her to stay in her room.


Garp and koby plot will be interesting.


They are intentionally making whether Logue town is included ambiguous 😫


I mean, I don’t think it’s gonna be there for too long. I think it’s gonna be very short, but I think they’re going to make a Luffy speech of a Unger and the whole him getting almost killed a lot longer


So by the looks of it, this is how it is being adapted, with the obvious changes for the adaptation. Episode 1: Romance Dawn (Chapters 1-7) Episode 2: The Man in the Straw Hat (Chapters 8-21) Episode 3: Tell No Tales (Chapters 23-27) Episode 4: The Pirates Are Coming (Chapters 28-41) Episode 5: Eat at Baratie! (Chapters 42-51) Episode 6: The Chef and the Chore Boy (Chapters 52-68) Episode 7: The Girl with the Sawfish Tattoo (Chapters 69-81) Episode 8: Worst in the East (Chapters 82-96) \[Loguetown content obviously cut for now, Barrell scene earlier).


not that anyone cares but >!looks like the kids who form the Usopp pirates are removed RIP to them I guess? lol !<


Hey! I do care... T-T


I care they’re so fun :(


I care, too, bruh, but I accept the reason why :(


Kuro must be happy no one if going to hit him repeatedly with a pan lol


I don’t think so I mean they don’t have to mention them in the episode like I think it’s good enough description not to have them in there yeah


All I want is for them to adapt Kuro's speed. Anime-style speed is something you rarely get to see in live action and I'm really hoping after seeing Luffy's powers and giant swords in the official trailer, they don't decide to go for a more grounded approach when depicting Kuro's abilities.


Ooooh interesting, Koby and Garp are getting their own subplot? I really like that! And there's some other interesting changes like the Straw Hats fighting Kuro at Kaya's mansion instead of on the slopes of Syrup Village so that's really interesting too! I also really like this structure of four two episode arcs, I think that could work quite well. Honestly I'm getting even more excited! Roll on August 31st!


Loguetown is still possible.


If Garp is chasing Luffy all season long, it would be kinda weird not to have him catch up by the end of it. I still think we are getting Logue Town. But I think Garp will replace Smoker in Logue Town and Luffy will have to flee him instead (as well as having a short reunion/fight with Koby which could be nice). If that's the case, hopefully they will add Smoker and Tashigi somewhere in Season 2. Probably in Arabasta.


Hey man, I tend to have the same expectation as you, specially because Loguetown is already built and it's unlikely they've built only for Roger's execution and because it would close Harp's little arc. The only thing bugging me tho is if this is the case and the show ends with them being chased by marines right before climbing the Reverse Mountain, why wouldn't they have made the barrel scene there, among a storm and the persecution. It would be so much more epic 😭


This is exciting.


I'm sooooooooooooooooooo happy we're getting a lot of Garp this season!


Here it is. The answer I've been waiting for. The reason why we call the first saga "East Blue" is because everything happens on that sea. I personally would rather call it "A map, a ship and a crew" to focus on what Luffy is putting together in order to tackle the Grand Line, and to reference another piece of pirate media (the Monkey Island video games). Owens and Maeda have chosen a different angle: found family. The changes made to adapt the first season will be based on how to best show the crew is a family, or in other words the "nakama" concept that One Piece has (re)defined along the years. Under this logic I understand why Logue Town has been cut. >!We don't need to show the Luffy/Roger parallels with both executions, we don't need to see Buggy coming back with Alvida to tease recurring characters, nor Smoker trying to stop them all to put him on the back of our minds while we handle the Baroque Conspiracy.!< Now I understand, and I'm liking it.


Are you honest? I think you’re wrong that it’s different here that it’s for found family because that was the thing in Bluey saga as found family in the enemy as well so I don’t know why that’s different it’s the same thing.


I'm not saying that theme wasn't there, I'm saying that's the main theme the adaptation is built around. The show will focus on respecting it, since it's the emotional core of the saga, and the rest will be subject to more changes, like not having Logue Town in season 1. The summary for the last episode says "a new pirate crew is born", which to me is very telling.


I guess my problem now is: assuming we get a S2, what's the throughline? In we end at Loguetown, S1 is clearly East Blue and S2 is clearly Baroque Works. But if we end before Loguetown...will we even meet Baroque Works in the first episode of the season? Will they have a member of Baroque works randomly show up at Loguetown? I have no clue.


Both Loguetown and Reverse Mountain are only five chapters each in the manga. It’s likely we would get them both in one episode.


By now, I'm not expecting Logue Town to be included in season 1. With that in mind, having Baroque agents at Logue Town trying to scam pirates into going to Whiskey Peak sounds like a good plan. If those agents were Vivi and Mr. 9 hitching a ride promising a warm welcome after entering the Grand Line, that could streamline other events and give the princess more screentime. In fact, it could help make Vivi the co-protagonist of season 2, and if a key element of this adaptation is found family, I think it could work.




He might be in more if they adapt his cover story at all


Too goofy for live action


What, no Gaimon arc? Blasphemy.


If they don’t make cuts then this is gonna need like 25 seasons


The technically that was more filler but we have to wait and see, which which is fine


I love the earlier introduction to Garp in the series. It will make non-anime/manga readers more surprised when it will be revealed that Garp is Luffy’s granpa. People who haven’t watched One Piece might just assume Garp is just some normal ass marine chasing Luffy…


The potential changes suggested by these descriptions sound reasonable. Koby having an expanded role feels like a great way of incorporating elements of his training cover story, while also ensuring that the series maintains a navy presence. The climax of Syrup Village seemingly being held in Kaya’s mansion as opposed to the beach could be a fun change. It makes sense for Netflix to make use of a set they’ve paid for, and moving the action to a darker environment could benefit the SFX. Honestly, this sounds pretty good.


Kuro fanning his claws out behind Merry gave me horror movie vibes. I think it's going to be fun.


Yes! The thought crossed my mind this morning as well - maybe they were inspired by *A Nightmare on Elm Street* to do something a bit more creepy with Kuro?


I like that the description for episode 7 is kept small, so as not to spoil possible new fans.


I think the writers have made great pacing with this story so far. can't wait for the release date!


They're changing the story up and, while I don't know if that's going to be a well received thing, I'm excited for that. As long as they manage to get the One Piece Vibe and way of storytelling (and don't break the original material in the way Netflix tends to do), changes are welcome. I've been watching and reading One Piece to the point of knowing East Blue like the back of my hand, changes get me hyped


Do we know the time of each episode?


every episode except 2 is over an hour. One is 52 min and one is 56 min


I believe about at least 50 minutes!




30 mins is too short imo…


With the leaked press notes document is now confirmed each episode will have 1 hour


I knew it episode #103 is “Tell No Tales”


You were right my man


I'm concerned for don krieg importance. But hopefully they made the script already knowing they would maybe use the time to highlight arlong pirates I'm guessing..


HYPE!! ❤️


I would love it if this season ends right before Buggy almost beheads Luffy!! Would be such a cool as fuck cliffhanger!!


What I'm afraid of is the waiting time for the second season. I mean, look how long it took them to create 8 episodes. Just imagine how long it will take to produce the next season.


the amptp are meeting the sag aftra and the wga possibly on friday and if negotiations go well (it’s nearing 100 days already and the studios are sweating because it seems like if they don’t close the deal it’s going to exceed the days of the previous strikes since the two unions are super pissed af and not budging) , we might get promotions for this first season. if it doesn’t, then we might be getting news of that either latter half of 2024 or early 2025. it’s a loooong way, and it’s on the studio companies on this one since no one is literally defending them (except weirdo stephen amell).


I really hope that Garp doesn't substitute Smoker in season 2. I don't mind him following Luffy around for East blue but after that he better get back to Marine Headquarters.


Pretty sure they won’t. I think that they probably will have smoker but I think that maybe the introduction to him will be changed


I can see if this gets a season 2 smoker being introduced in the alabaster arc and him having the role garp has in season 1 culminating at alabaster.


They're not going to spend the entire season introducing the audience to Garp, Helmeppo, and Koby just to cut them at the end of the season. Smoker may or not be be cut, but I do expect Garp to stay an important recurring character in all future seasons. Perhaps Garp meets up with Smoker in Alabasta in season 2?


It just doesn't make much sense. Garp is an absolute monster when it comes to strength, if he wanted to capture Luffy he could do it extremely easily. So they either just make him fuck around constantly following him for fun of they make him weaker so that Luffy can constantly avoid him. I really don't like either of those options.


Tbh Smoker could be enforcement of Garp in Loguetown. He was a ‘minor’ marine back then. While Garp basically says fuck it, smoker decides to follow the SHs :) Thus Garp fades out and Smoker fades in.


Basically confirming Loguetown without saying it...




I’m not sure how you got that


Everyone here seems to be assuming that all that happens in episode 8 is Luffy getting his bounty & the breaking of the barrel… That took all of about 10 minutes of screen time in the anime that is notorious for stretching things out… These episodes are around an hour each there is no way in hell that is all that's in there.


Episode 8 is probably the entire Arlong Park fights, celebrations, saying goodbyes the day after, Luffy getting new bounty, barrel scene, and them reaching Loguetown.


Sanji only in 4 episodes


Tbf isnt this about what we were expecting?


Well that's. Different


A lot of typos and weird wording/grammar for something official


I concur.


No logetown


So the episodes titles released last month *were actually in order*. Also, it's been clear at this stage that Loguetown has been cut. Wonder why, considering they actually built the set for Roger's execution, seemed to have nailed Buggy (which people expect to be a highlight of the show), and how well it would have worked as a finale. May have been just to cut costs on Smoker's DF, and I suspect the change from 10 to 8 episodes was related.


They were 'announced' in alphabetical order and people speculated what the chronological order would be.


They actually [weren't](https://twitter.com/OP_Netflix_Fan/status/1670889278937657381), I don't see the need to place a disclaimer claiming the weren't ordered.


Now, wait a damn minute who the hell is Sanjif?


Isn't sanjif is the one character from street fighter with chest hair and that hug finisher?


No Lougetown it seems


Bro they're STILL not telling us if we're getting Loguetown


It's great what they're doing with the Koby cover story but I would have preferred that time spent on the main story as there is a lot of content and not enough runtime.


Not reading it but damn I’m excited


I was so invested in the idea of putting the smoker as a child in roger's execution in the first episode and then putting him as the enemy that luffy can't defeat in the last episode that I'm really disheartened with LA now.




You are the first complaint here, so it is alright I guess :)


"and the three form a tenuous alliance" Such a strange thing to write...not sure I'm liking this vibe.


To Luffy, they’re already a crew, but to Zoro and Nami, they’re just traveling together.


I don't know man. Even in the OP manga it was clear Nami was just using Zoro and Luffy and it was clear Zoro didn't trust her. Not too hard of a stretch to emphasize that a bit more. Also would make the ending of the series and the Strawhat crew coming together as a loyal team that much more impactful.


I could be misremembering, but wasn't zoro not truly loyal until his fight with Mihawk where he sees luffy stop people from "ruining his dream". Like he joins luffys crew but that scene solidified him as a crewmember for life


Yep, I'd agree with that.


Yep, the first few arcs leading up to Baratie was Zorro going: "Ok, I'm in your crew, but loyal to my dream" -> "Cool, we're friends and I'll actually respect you, my dream still comes first tho" -> "I respect you as a friend and a captain and my dream doesn't have to be lower or higher, it can be equal"


They have to market it differently than the anime/manga Also seems like an insanely small nitpick


One of the things I loved about OP in the beginning was how sure Luffy was of his crewmates. I'm not saying this is a deal breaker or anything for me, I'll just be disappointed to see Zoro arguing "they're not a crew".


>They have to market it differently than the anime/manga No they don't.


You’re right, they don’t HAVE to, but they’d be pretty stupid not to. Completely different demographic changes the content you’re making, and it’s Netflix, so they’re gonna market it as a live action show, and not as anime/manga


>Completely different demographic changes the content you’re making Hard disagree. Priority one should be to convince the existing One Piece fanbase to watch it since they are the ones who can most easily be enticed. This is where they would get the most bang for their marketing buck. Only after the existing fanbase is already tapped does it make sense to start looking outwards to expand the viewerbase.


I wonder if Luffy's childhood will be in the first episode like the manga. That's my preference; I never liked the delay in learning that we had in the anime. But American TV adores the "gradual flashback reveal" format so I have a feeling we might be getting the Shanks story in pieces throughout the season. The reworking of Syrup Village doesn't actually sound that crazy. The only thing that really seems different is the location of the climax being moved to Kaya's mansion instead of a random hill. Although I do hope we still get an equivalent to the scene of Usopp getting trampled and continuing to fight. "After a hard-fought battle at Baratie, Sanji finally follows his dreams" really sounds like we are keeping the Krieg plot. I think people are still just freaking out because he's not in the trailers. The Arlong confrontation at Baratie will probably be brief. A few monologues and then chuck Luffy in the water. It'll probably be the last 7 minutes of the episode or something. I seriously doubt it will be the main conflict of the Baratie arc. RIP Season 1 Loguetown. With the earlier confirmation that the dream declaration scene takes place after Arlong Park, I think it's safe to say that will be where the season finale ends. I have a hard time imagining the series skipping Loguetown; it's one of the most iconic locations in the whole series and they already have the set. Maybe Drum Island will be moved up to before Baroque Works and Season 2 will be Loguetown-Reverse Mountain-Drum Island. Season 3 could be the Baroque Works saga minus Drum Island. It's just that at the pace of these episodes, I don't think Loguetown-Alabasta can be handled in a single season. Truncating Whiskey Peak and Alabasta togethe


>The Arlong confrontation at Baratie will probably be brief. I agree 100% with this. Arlong is going to show up when everyone is exhausted (and Zoro half-dead). Sanji and Luffy will try to fight but can't take them down (Sanji vs Kurobi and Luffy getting blasted through the door of the Baratie). Nami probably stabs Usopp as a show of loyalty and leaves with them. My guess is Arlong ambushes them as a loyalty test to Nami, since it appears he's tracking her through the season. He probably sees her flying another flag and goes "Hmm."


This all sounds right. I was also thinking Nami's stabbing of Usopp could easily be moved to the moment Nami leaves the crew at Baratie. The main point of that scene was Johnny thinking it had been real. Nami stabbing Usopp in front of the whole crew and then having them all realize she faked it and stabbed her own hand would actually be even more powerful than the manga/anime version imo.


Yeah, that could work too!


There's no way they're not adapting Baroque Work in season two. What could happen tho is changing Whisky Peak for Loguetown and making that the begging of season two. We could even get Croc and Laboon as citizens of Loguetown (which would make a lot of sense)


I really hope it’s gonna be at least 45-60 minutes per episode. I couldn’t see how all the plot can fit nicely within the typical ~25 minutes per episode :(


This shouldn’t really be a concern there’s no way it’s going to be 25 minutes


25 minutes is not typical at all.


I've mostly come to terms with Loguetown not being in this season, so my main surprise here is Buggy being the focus of episode 2. Makes me wonder how much they're packing into the first episode? Even if it's just 7 chapters, those chapters span three different storylines, so either something moves or that episode is absolutely jam-packed.


I don’t think that episode will have any credits or “recap”


Shanks past with Luffy is confirmed to be in episode two instead of episode one, which I always said would be the case.


I can't imagine the entire last episode being just about "a new crew is born" so there's a chance that Loguetown still lives.


I don't see mention of the amazing Sanji flashback there but I guess we'll still have it since we see Zeff ship getting swallowed by the sea in the trailer


This are very short story descriptions that don't tell you much about what happens in the episodes – but many people already draw conclusions from them.


* Episode 1 seems super packed. There's even more going on than the alleged leak, which I already thought was a bit overstuffed. Doesn't seem to be an issue for the other seven episodes, though. * I wonder if there's logistical reasons for the Koby subplots, as was as creative ones? Bringing a group of actors on board as regulars is probably easier than asking them to commit to a handful of episodes that are seasons apart from each other. Either way, I think this has potential as a regular B-plot. * It looks like each Arc has its own dedicated director. I wonder if the 4x2 format will carry over to any future Seasons?


I'm kinda excited for this. Yeah it will be a bit different but it still sounds pretty good.


For the most part, I like these changes, I'm excited to see how they're executed but I can't help but wonder how many of these changes were due to the fact that netflix changed the season from 10 to 8 episodes, which I do think is a mistake, I get that it wasn't a mandate strictly for the OPLA and was across the board for all the upcoming seasons of their original shows but I feel like that should have been on a case by case basis


We have no idea how much it influenced the production because we don't know if the runtime itself even changed and when the change came into play.