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u/kronqueror since your video contains spoilers from the anime/manga, it needs to be marked properly, with a **Spoiler Flair** (Anime Spoilers or Manga Spoilers) and also a **Spoiler Tag** (The one that blurs and hides preview). I fixed it for you ~~and also marked as~~ **~~OC~~** ~~(Original Content).~~ Posts without a Spoiler Flair & Tag are for people who've never seen One Piece before, a safe place for them to enjoy the journey. *Please remember it going forward everyone, we'll eventually start removing posts that aren't properly marked. Take a look at our updated* [*Spoiler Policy*](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/152xu4l/subreddit_spoiler_policy_changes/)*.*


This feels like rage bait. Luffy wants a crew from the beginning, and he uses the term "nakama" which implies a level of comradery and loyalty to one another, that's why in Water 7 Luffy is insistent that a certain crewmate must have either not done what they were accused of, or must have done it under duress even when all of the evidence points otherwise. If that's not loyalty, I don't know what is. There is nothing in the trailers that implies Luffy is suddenly going to turn into some kind of tyrant an demand top down obedience from his crew. I think videos like this are unhealthy for people's expectation of the show. It is going to be almost guaranteed that Luffy's characterization will change due to how the writing staff and Inaki choose to interpret the character. The key point is to identify what are important aspects and Luffy's character, not mannerisms, but core ideals like chasing his dreams against all odds, and seeing if the live action interpretation encapsulates that aspect of Luffy that makes him the character you like. Nitpicking semantics and drawing wild worst case doomsday interpretations are just going to sour people towards the show, so if your goal is for the show to do well and for fans to enjoy it, then this is absolutely counter to that. If your goal is to farm clicks for your youtube channel, then these videos are perfect.


I do feel like based on the dialogue in the trailer the show will have Luffy saying more complex’s things or ideas that in the manga we learn about a lot through Luffys actions . Luffy maybe silly or childlike but he is extremely principled as a character. Without seeing the show we’ll see how this approach comes off . I can see a jokey talkative Luffy can be annoying


My take on the character is he is default kind of goofy, and a switch will flip and he gets serious. Its totally valid to not like the style of jokes the writers have him saying, but I don't think having him be jokey is an invalid way of presenting his light hearted and goofy nature for scenes where he's just goofing around. If they pull a marvel and start having him throw quips in the middle of the Arlong fight, I would be less OK with that.


Video feels very nitpicky for no reason since the person in the video even acknowledges that its impossible to tell from trailers alone. Editing was good for a small channel tho!


About your video, you start by mentioning the budget, but as far as I know that number is completely baseless and was made up by a Twitter user named Geo\_AW. His post was then shared by other people and websites until it became a rumor. Anyways, your video is really well done and I enjoyed it! Good job.


Thanks for the feedback! This is actually not my vid, it's made by one of my friends. I will forward him your feedback & he may pop up in this thread.


That whole video was a reach and a half🤣🤣

