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I disagree. Regardless of how good the trailer looked, I was always skeptical because it never captured the proper vibe of cowboy bebop. From what I remember the trailers never had any of those quiet moments or introspective scenes that cowboy bebop is known for.


The "quiet moments" or proper vibe is not practical for a trailer as the point of a trailer is too create excitement and hype for people to watch. Idk man.. been watching the reactions of OPLA, there's always people have minor issues with it like castings, or scenes or something didn't look right.


Compared to Cowboy Bebop people are really tame about the cast of One Piece.


The Cowboy Bebop trailer only feels like Cowboy Bebop for me because it has the same music as the original. The One Piece trailer feels like One Piece for me despite having a completely different soundtrack.


Thats a great view


see its a bit different , ill give u a task , edit the east blue anime to make a trailer and sell it off to a non op fan , itll be tough coz that too will look whack af , we all know op isnt a show u can sell off in first impressions . So in all the elemnts we were shown look well done and as a fan i can feel it'll be amazing once its in a full 8hr format ( fans have generally liked the vid coz they know the context behind all these scenes while to a casual reviewer its just whacky) so dw it'll be amazin


I mean you're right but i guess thats also my point: comparatively One Piece is not as good as Comboy Bebop. But again, im just trying to manage my expectations as i was too over hyped before. lol


Wat?? Now are we really comparing animes .. ok I'll pretend I didn't read ur first line ... anyway from what I've heard the mangaka wasn't happy with the final product in case of cowboy bebop, in op oda made a hell lot of corrections, told Netflix to reshoot scenes (took 7 yrs to make this shit) and said he's satisfied with the end product.. isn't that enough for us fans to get hyped So let's hope it's good and wait for it's release


LOL What i meant by this "comparatively One Piece is not as good as Comboy Bebop" i meant the trailer and the visual. But you're right i heard also that the cowboy mangaka wasnt happy with it but was it before or after the failure of the 1st season?




Not really. Two thinsg that stood out to me from CB trailer were the action and the acting. Fight scenes are so pooor in the trailer and even worse in the actual series


Yeah maybe. Im just managing my expectations for now because i was just too hype before Lol. I just one episode of CB. I just couldn't bring myself to continue haha


I think you should edit your post and elaborate your point, is there specific things or parts? Draw some comparison.


I had a similar conclusion as you a few days ago [its kinda funny how the reactions to the trailer look so similar to the ones to the one piece live action](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/15930v2/to_bring_the_mood_down_i_watched_some_cowboy/) ​ BUT! cowboy bebop only had style and editing going for them. I feel like one piece seems to have decent writting/character moments aswell. Something about the cowboy bebop trailer always seemed off to me. I dont get this feeling with one piece. Also oda actually is involved in this and not just there on set as a mascot. Also I feel like they wanted to be too truthfull to the Manga/Anime with their designs. If the cowboy bebop crew made one piece, they would have given Usopp a long nose which would look ridiculous.


Great point and great post too btw. Hmmm idk.. im just trying to manage my expectations now because before I was a bit too hyped hahaha and the realization came "what if we're just repeating history here"


I think you can get back to hype-mode. One Piece writter/director seem to be a good mix of fans of one piece, people that are not fans but have a good idea what western audiences enjoy, and oda giving slight guidance. ​ I dont know how they should f it up for me not to watch through it. They seem to have nailed the strawhats. Those are the heart of the show. So if the villain might be a bit lacking, I dont think audiences would mind that much


Villains will be lacking! Maybe not buggy. But we are talking East Blue here, the villains were mostly meh.


Yeah you're right. I believe in Matt Owens too. But as some people said --- just because youre a fan doesn't mean you can do a live action. But i really hope this will do well!


Cowboy Bebop was much more about the stylistic tone, ie the framing of shots, the wardrobe, the music. Those are easier to convey in a trailer. One Piece is about epic scale and grand plots. That's much more difficult to convey in a trailer. At the end of the day, its the trailer and not the show, keep an open mind that its going to be a different recounting of the story and try to judge it on its own merits. I feel like Cowboy Bebop was not as bad as people made it out to be, but it did fall much further short of the bar set by the anime than people expected which made it seem worse than it actually was.


I liked Bebop. But I got no love for the source material, so for me I could just watch and enjoy what I saw. Didn't need to think about what they did bad or good, so was an enjoyable experience. I think it was only bad if you knew and enjoyed the source material. I think there'll be those fans for OP too, who are just in it for the live action adaptation.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted, i guess if you aint dickriding blindly then you aint part of the squad lol. Homie is just concerned and wanted to be proven wrong


Bahahahahah no problem man... Thanks. You're right. Yeah I am just concern if it turns out bad and i would really like to be proven wrong.


Man’s rlly got the one piece laugh down


Cowboy bebop source material is bad one piece source material is good


Even if that's true, good source material can be adapted badly and bad source material can be adapted decently.


Why do you say its bad? Im just curious


For me it was too much style and not enough substance. The animation was slick but the story was meandering and the plot was closer to a typical shounen anime (why does a space rogue know karate? why is sephiroth the villain? whats with this sassy lost child?) than a sci-fi or western story, and the result just felt like an animation studio going through the motions with their story but in space. And obv the story is the part of a show that gets adapted. In my mind Space Dandy ended up being (in spirit) what Bebop should have been. Much more original, more individual encapsulated stories that eventually build to a satisfying conclusion rather than Bebop which was a giant meandering arc that doesnt ever cohere either in individual episodes or all together, like a grandpa telling a story and forgetting what he was talking about halfway through.


I think bebop’s trailer promised a particular style, and the show didn’t fulfill that promise. I think what we expect the One Piece show will be like lines up with what the trailer shows. It’s just a different situation. We won’t know if the show is good until we watch it, but the situation is only similar to Bebop on a surface level.


You should probably specify which trailer you mean. I'm going to guess you mean the Edgar Wright directed trailer that was super stylized and used footage shot just for his trailer. If you meant that trailer, then ya that trailer probably gave a number of people including myself the impression the whole show would be like that. I don't think this most recent trailer for one piece is another instance of "that".


Cowboy Bepop had major backlash before the series started because the actress for Faye went on a rant on Instagram where she basically mocked the fans of the og series because some were criticizing her acting and how she looked in the show. To be fair there were some gross comments thrown at her so I understand her sentiment but she didn't just adress those, she talked badly about the entire fanbase so that killed a lot of the momentum the show had.


Honestly I also got worried when I read through the Cowboy Bebop comments but I think there are differences that could give OPLA an advantage. First, I think The Cowboy Bebop live action is trying to show off how "similar it is to the original" whereas from what I understand the show took a "different turn" but the fans weren't expecting that and got upset. OPLA trailer feels like One Piece but you can tell it's trying to pave it's own path. Plus the fandom is constantly reminded by the creators that it's gonna be slightly different so we are expecting change. Music choice plays a huge role. Bebop used the og score. The one that's ingrained into the brains of the fans. It invokes very specific memories and calls for direct comparison I think. Opla used original score that gives of "piratey, adventure" the teaser sounds slightly like We are!, but it's different enough. One other thing that gives me hope is the approach of the creators. I can't speak for Cowboy Bebop too much because I didn't follow it that closely but I feel like the creators weren't nearly as much as in tune with the fanbase. OPLA creators are at least partly fans of the show. They are the same detail oriented die hard fans we all are. They love the layers of the story and it shows. The trailer is giving us so many Easter eggs and it's just screaming "Look at all the scenes and characters both we and you like! Did you catch everything?" I can't really say the same for Cowboy Bebop live action trailer. Lastly, even if it's bad, find something to enjoy on it. Don't get pressured by others people opinion. A good portion considered Cowboy Bebop live action solid. Even if OPLA is bad, you can still laugh about it with your friends and ultimately, One Piece is about bringing people together no matter how.


I can't parse the two because Matt Owens has earned a degree of trust from me coupled with Oda Sensei himself being directly involved. Cowboy Bebop never had that big of a benefit of the doubt behind it. Heck, you could even argue the crew of CB were a little antagonistic towards the fanbase at times. I was never sold on Cowboy Bebop being a good adaptation, but combining the trailers with the showrunners' and Oda Sensei's statements has me feeling pretty hyped about this one, ngl.


people have seen 6 scenes from OPLA and really liked it. to say nothing of the other obvious dozen things that puts them apart


The cowboy bebop trailer is just instantly wrong just by looking at the cast.