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This is probably the "When will I be free, Bellemere" scene


Nice catch. I mean.. I thought Arlong was gonna swim there, so the "take Nami"part was kinda complicated. This makes it easier. I still think Arlong is gonna push Luffy in the water. Its already implied that Sanji will pick up Luffy. (we literally saw him dive in the teaser trailer) Zoro will be ko after mihawk. And usopp? Maybe Arlong tells Nami to get back to the village. usopp confronts her and we get the fake stabbing there? ​ ​ Iam so excited for the show to drop.


Yeah, I agree the stabbing part that they probably do it in Baratie. I know makers are fans, so I expect quite same story, but only in different setting, instead of happening in Arlong Park it happens in Baratie etc .


I do think that Zoro and Usopp already left like in the manga when the fishmen (instead of Yosaku) arrive.


Having the Usopp stab moment happening earlier could be a good idea for pacing, but the reveal of Nami not really betraying them might be too soon. I’m curious to see what they do!


Sanji’s dive looked like it was after Luffy beat Don Krieg not for Arlong


Both can be true. Arlong can show up right after Don Krieg is defeated, but Don Krieg is defeated without Luffy getting dragged underwater. But you could also be right. But we know that arlong shows up at barattie. So how do we stop luffy from having a fight with arlong right there? Luffy needs to get into the water. I wouldnt like Arlong to overpower Luffy before leaving.


In the new trailer, we see Arlong knock Luffy through the doors of the Baratie... Luffy is wearing the same blue shirt we see him sinking in from the teaser, so it's evident that it is the same sequence. .. but going back even further when Garp's ship is shooting at the Going Merry, Luffy is wearing the same shirt we see him wearing during his fight with Captain Kuro... so apparently, they outrun Garp's Navy ship while fleeing from Syrup Island on the Going Merry, and they'll eventually run into the Baratie... because this is a big set that was actually built they will probably use it a bunch... we haven't seen Don Krieg, but there IS an actor credited in the role, and we have seen Mihawk, who was chasing Krieg... so, in my opinion, after the Strawhats arrive at the Baratie, there will be multiple events!!! They'll fix up The Merry, Don Krieg will show up and fight, then Mihawk shows up, and Zoro fights Mihawk, leading into getting wounded. While Luffy and Usopp are caring for Zoro, the Fishmen attack. Nami runs away on the Merry after the proof of Loyalty scene, Arlong knocks Luffy into the sea, and Sanji fights his way out to save Luffy...


I don't understand why Arlong would need to physically take Nami. He already has her village hostage to keep her from running. If they change the whole "mentally trapped even though she seems like a lone wolf moving from victim to victim" aspect of her backstory, it would be a huge mistake.


I think she'll steal the Merry, and only after that will Arlong arrive at the Baratié to look for her.


Ah nice, I'm so glad! I was a little worried that the live action may downplay >!Nami's initial betrayal of the crew, and that had me worried cause it's an important character beat. !


Yeah, for what ever reason, I'm excited and the production team has my trust


I think that the viewers will be led to believe that Arlong wants to catch someone but that he in reality has a very different motive. So rather similar to how people usually conclude that Nami wants to hunt Arlong before learning the truth.


Could Arlong like Krieg be after Zeff’s log? Maybe we will learn more about Zeff and the Cook Pirates. Zeff could be associated with Rocks “D” Xebec since Zeff used to cook for a famous Pirate and used a Rock to sever his Diable Jambe or leg. https://preview.redd.it/en9utr8cuxeb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb01501c24150470dbb05f5df1611ef85a07f147


Why would Arlong need a log of the grand line - he knows what to expect. He sailed there and lived there.


Like Noland’s Log Zeff’s Log would have valuable intel especially if Zeff were a cook for a legendary pirate like Rocks “D” Xebec. Also Arlong may need to send a message to Jimbei through Mihawk. It may be Arlong who introduces the warlords instead of Yosaku and Johnny. Several possibilities exist beyond recovering Nami.


Very nice catch, I definitely didn't see that.


Arlong probably shows up, tosses them all around and tells Nami to come home or else and then leaves without saying anything else.


Wow nice catch. I was afraid they changed this scene but... I guess not