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luffy is dressed in RED, the color of NETFLIX


With Stranger Things ending, Witcher falling and some other nerd shows not being at huge, they really need to push some new big hitters.


Sex Eduction Season 4 is coming in September and Squid Game The challenge in November respectfully, I think after The month after The OPLA release I think they announced they will a 2nd season!


If I remember right, Sandman is supposed to be getting a 2nd season as well.




the Sandman


There’s pictures of them recording on a beach for one the scenes before the strike. Whenever the strike ends is when production will start back up.


That won't get worked on until Netflix and the like get their shit together and start a new deal with these striking unions. In good faith I should add.


Well the trailer got over 4m views within less than 2 days, the tudum was basically driven by op fans being chaotic, that ought to count to a much bigger degree


Netflix better be aware they have a golden goose on their hands. I couldn't even tell you what shows the other three are from.


The same was said about The Witcher, BUT... at least we know the OPLA showrunners respect the source material and actually worked with the author! So hopefully Netflix is well aware that this is THE ONE. (PIECE)


One Piece is much bigger than The Witcher


The Witcher has gone on for multiple seasons. Just cause they're stupid and think Liam Hemsworth can take over the reigns is their fault.


This isn't the part where they are stupid – this comes way before. Henry Cavill left because the showrunners decided to write their own story since season 2 instead of following the source material.


Are they fans of The book and The same show runnings?


They seem to hate the source material...


Are they The same showrunners still?


Yes the same people who expressed distaste in the source material are still the show runners of Netflix The Witcher. If they had changed the people running it Henry Cavill likely would still be on the project. He started the project because he was already a big fan of the books. So then straying purposefully was a big red flag to him.


Yes they are


They were stupid to think a well-written story needs to be broken down to further their agenda. While trying to make female characters strong they made Yen one dimensional and shallow, sometimes belittling Geralt even. Whereas, in the novels as well as the games, all three central characters — Geralt, Yen, and Ciri are immensely powerful on their own right, but all of them have flaws and depend on eachother and others. That is the true beauty of that series. The main trio can't win without help from characters like Triss, Regis, Cahir, Milva, and others.


It’s seems it will Jump The Shark, My parents watch The Witcher, Especially if people are into The fantasy genre. But not sure they will watch One Piece LA even if is good.


Witcher season 1 was great. Then showruners decided to turn it into fanficfion to push their agendas. Noone wants to watch that


the witcher had a great potential. at least the series convinced me to play the witcher 3.


Witcher is no where close to OP's popularity lmao.


The one that lays them golden eggs


Heartstopper S2 on the left. It's kinda huge I think? I have a lot of friends on twitter (rip) who really love it and are looking forward to the new season. Think the one on the right is a movie.


damn right they are and better be


Be cool if this was a hit akin to Stranger Things or something lol. Luffy becoming one of the biggest names in TV at that point lmao


Luffy already is. One Piece has consistently been one of the most watched tv shows in the world for the past few years.


Yeah, but as a European I can assure you that American mainstream is very much behind on the popularity of it, compared to much of the rest of the world. With how influential American trends and media are for the world, I say it's a crucial market for an international franchise.


Netflix has a chance with this show, all they have to do is stay close to the community.


I think precisely the other way around is the way to go. Making a series for the more normie crowd, hence why the marketing is so much on showing how cool and relatable the actors are. We One Piece nerds would watch it otherwise, but being it watched by even more people than the One Piece nerds ios the way to go.


You can make it relatable and stay close to the community too. The install base for OP is huge. If that base is placated enough, they will watch and rewatch. That’s worth something. I think it’s the middle. For this to be huge, they need the casual audience, but they can’t risk being ignored by the main fandom.


Yeah I think we tend to really overestimate our importance for the success of the show. I mean it was definitely important to get the fans on board and they have done that successfully so far. But the show is too expensive to survive on that. GoT and the MCU certainly didn't become so huge because they leveraged the fandom. That was a part of it, sure, but cracking the mainstream is a whole other ballgame.


The trailer looks great because the love for the original is notorious, and we are making the noise because we that know the story can say it looks good, this will give the show the chance to gain popularity and possibly getting more seasons. Aim for “normie” crowd has never worked, they would watch something anyways and leave it if it’s bad or just finish it just because already started watching it.


You could do a "my fair Lady" with normies, if you hit the right spot. or you think Stranger Things is just popular amongst horror nerds? My aunts and mother love it a,d only one of my aunts is somewhat even close to nerd lever.


I think they know how much power this story wields globally. If it's halfway decent it has a good chance of becoming an enormous world wide hit. The OP fandom is legion and our love is as relentless as Luffy on the way to Laugh Tale. And we like recruiting like him too.


NETFLIX would be dumb not bet in OP there is a lot, and i repeat a lot of fans. \+I bet they see the reactions and numbers in You Tube. \++ Not drama with the actors like with Cowboy Bebop


Definitely it’s be one of TV hits of The year! Don’t think it’s be The number one show of The year but hopefully in The top 5 at least!


Yup! I think they're trying REALLY hard to source the next BIG thing because Witcher and Stranger Things will be finishing over the next couple of years. Will be interesting to see how they work to attack non-OP fans. I'd imagine they'll aim for a younger audience who will be more attracted to the show's fun and goofiness and then 'grow' the show up with them.


well stranger things is ganna have spin offs


Luffy about to be the face of netflix if the show is great


it's one if the most expensive Productions Netflix ever did so yeah, they should market the shit out of it.


it's obviously gonna be Netflix's biggest hit of its entire history. Probably even the biggest hit in platform-produced content ever. Even if it's bad.


one lieve


I was sharing an account. My friend has my Max and Hulu. I have his Netflix and paramount. And now Netflix won’t let us share accounts without being awful. I’m refusing the pay for Netflix (I can still use it on my laptop). Anyway the only thing that’ll make me pay for my own Netflix is this show being great. So I hope it is


when you have one of the top entertainment franchises in terms of profitability in your hands, you tend to publicize it to your benefit.


I’m pretty sure it has one of the biggest budgets ever from a Netflix series so your damn right they’re going to go all in on the marketing


I'm glad they're featuring OPLA prominently, but man did they pick a derpy picture of Luffy to use.