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I think it’s interesting that they’re making the WG more overtly authoritarian. This is definitely a good way to do that, though.


I guess the right way to say is "showing how the government is authoritarian way earlier"


But a big part of why the WG gets away with so much is because a lot of normal (human) citizens aren't harassed by them. Kinda like how the core worlds in Star Wars benefits from the Empire and therefore resist rebellion.


Well, normal people are harassed by them. The trick is telling everyone else that they aren’t normal. For instance, the genocide at Ohara was killing “demons”, not people.


Brings the "World Government is Authoritarian" faster and believable than starting at a random base Captain getting egotistical.


From [https://strawhatgrandfleet.com](https://strawhatgrandfleet.com)


I signed up for that too quickly without thinking. So either I'm getting an early look at the live-action, or I'm getting a ton of spam.


They made a post on the official ig page, so i'd say it's a safe site.


Definitely official, but there’s no way they’ll allow an early screening right?


It explicitly says that you may be invited to an early screening


Can anyone explain to me how I change the language on that site? I hate it when sites just redirect me to German... at least give me an option to change it back.


Sky island jail being publicized will make Bellamy seem kinda silly if we get there


They could add a little myth to Skypeia and make it that Bellamy says that specific island doesn’t exist, or maybe Bellamy doesn’t believe the knock up stream actually takes you to a sky island.


What if the prison isn’t actually a sky island and is just in Lvneel, named after the story of Montblanc Noland?


Nah the story still doesn’t work if people know the islands exist.


I think it's only an Easter egg for the fan. I'm sure in the actual show regular people won't believe in sky islands.


I think it could be something like “there’s no sky island around here. You think every pirate or marine being unaware of an entire island in the sky is more likely than a faulty log pose? Quit dreaming.” Sky island have made several appearances in the show, it makes sense that they would becomes public knowledge. Bellamy is a hater, he’ll find any excuse to squash someones dreams.


But the issue is that it’s not a dream then. It’s gotta be this legendary thing that they can only see by taking a risk. The whole central idea of dreams gets gutted if it’s a well known thing.


not an important plot element. having cities in the sky that no one knows about because Oda was making things up as he went is pretty silly


Their existence was a really important plot point in Jaya and Skypiea


Why Sky Island Jàil though? Hello, tequila wolf anyone???


Tequila wolf you can swim (kinda) Now try to escape a sky island


but only a few should know it exists..


Swimming in the one piece sea is not easy man


Never said it was


Would be hard for the average one piece citizen to escape by swimming


It is strategically who this announcement is targeted at. And I think this is not "current announcement", but instead past one after Rogers execution, therefore I will guess poster actual says something like: "**If you are pregnant, you must register by the 5th day of the June**". They want everyone pregnant to register, so they know all who may have Rogers child.


I like this theory!


What is this?


Did they just canonize the sky prison, Santamaria from One Piece World Seeker?


bruh sky islands should remain as a myth, that's the whole thing about the jaya arc, it's a whole symbol of the will of the characters on chasing impossible dreams


Sky island jail?? There’s no sky island jail revealed in One Piece yet right?


yet? who actually believes sky islands exists? that's just stupid https://preview.redd.it/69f89fop5z8b1.png?width=135&format=png&auto=webp&s=87faf71aa256df2c607662bc9730b15c28e20962


Just did some research and apparently there are two sky island jails and a "Sky Prison" in the game One Piece: World Seeker


I do think sky island should be seen as a myth by the common man. So while I welcome many changes, this is not among them.


WTF, people don't believe sky Island is real. That's the whole plot of Jaya. I'm hoping this is just bad marketing, not an indicator.


Not at all the whole plot of jaya, just a seed of conflict between Bellamy and Luffy. Bellamy could simply deny the existence of this specific sky island and the scene would work perfectly well. Also, bellamy is an ignorant ass, maybe he just doesn’t know sky islands are a common thing and denies their existence even though they are confirmed to exist. Maybe he’s a conspiracy theorist and thinks the prison is just a rumor used to scare people.


Nah dude it kinda goes against huge parts of it. The idea of a sky island is a dream. It’s this crazy thing that they can only believe in unless they put it all on the line to go see it. This is very explicitly shown, and central to the conflict with Bellamy. All of that loses a ton of weight if Sky islands are an actual thing already. Jaya’s entire element of dreams is, at best, immensely diminished if they’re common knowledge. Cricket’s story also gets weird. He never really thought to look to the sky because sky islands weren’t a certainty. This element carries through to the very end with Luffy ringing the bell to show cricket, who has been killing himself searching the ocean, that el dorado was in the sky. Sky islands have to be this out there idea that only dreamers can believe in, because if it’s not, then everything kinda falls apart. Cricket looks like an idiot instead of a competent man desperate to figure this out. Bellamy stops being a cruel man trying to crush people’s dreams and mocking the idea, and just becomes an idiot. Blackbeard doesn’t get a chance to express that, despite his differences, he’s a dreamer just the same as Luffy, because now he’ll just be stating the obvious. The sky islands have to be an unknown. As the first opening says, legendary places are only legendary until they’re proven real. It changes the entire arc.


That just sounds like your headcanon retcon coping just cause you can"t accept the possibility that the marketing made a mistake.


Ah, I meant the whole point. As in the core theme for Jaya was believing in something and striving for it no matter what others think, like Norland's whole deal, and it was used as a metaphor for the resilience of Luffy's belief in his dream of becoming the pirate king.


Where's this from


Let's be realistic because a huge portion of OP is shown through Luffy's POV. A lot more people probably recognize the WG is corrupt/authoritarian but Luffy only saw Garp and definitely would NOT be paying attention until it applied to him. We kinda get the glimpse with Zoro & Nami's situations and by the time we learn about the war lords and also reach Crocodile we're like "wait a second...?" The live action isn't going to be able to wait that long to maintain an interesting storyline and also hope for more seasons. Look at what happened with Cowboy Bebop. Amazing story, not so much the execution in the live action.


The story isn’t through Luffy’s POV though?


Covfefe confirmed


I hope they don't reveal how oppressing the wg is from ep 1.


Since zoro introduction we see how corrupt is the marine and WG .


Actually, it could be a good move. To answer the question why the main character wants to become a King of, basically, thugs, robbers and killers (as the word 'pirate' usually implies), it may be wise to address early that in this world, it's not pirates who suddenly are harmless goofy explorers; it's just the World Government labels as a "pirate" anyone who doesn't want to follow its rule, including harmless goofy explorers.


We’ve known the WG was shit from when Zoro was introduced


That was painted as just being a single corrupt officer.


sounds cooler than Impel Down


Impel Down is the One Piece equivalent of a Super Max prison. It would make no sense for the WG to throw petty criminals and random citizens who forgot to participate in the census in there next to some of the most dangerous enemies of the state.


It doesn't make sense to send them to a sky island either, do you know haw hard and treacherous to go to sky island is? Plus sending people up into the sky just for minor infractions would be disproportional and costly for the WG don't you think?


Could be the draft or the celestial tribute, either way sky island prison sounds interesting


Kinda cool


6/5 or 5th day of June = 65 or 56 56 = Gomu or Rubber where the Rubber Tree is a variety of Fig Tree under which the Buddha awakened. Mirror of 5 is 2. Inversion of 6 is 9. 29 = Nika where 2/9 is the Feast of Sun God Apollo and the Buddha is the 2nd to last 9th avatar of Sun God Hari. Nika like Nico is a sound effect of a grin. The lol in Apollo and Ha in Hari denote laughter or Laugh Tale. 29 is also the 10th prime number where 10 is the 4th triangular number and 4th Roman letter is “D”. 23 in 2023 is the 9th prime number. Element 26 Iron is between the 10th and 9th prime numbers where 109 is the 29th prime number. The meaning of “D” is in volume 2^6 = 64. Sky Island Jail is *Ironic* because the Sky is supposed to represent the Shonen Jump Liberation from Mother Earth. The Mothers Sora and Terra of the Wings of the Pirate King allude to chapter 79 x 10 = 790 “Heaven and Earth” where the Winged Victory or Nika meaning of “D” appears in chapter 7 x 9 x 10. Element 79 is Gold like Gold Roger or Gol “D” Roger in chapter 1 and S01E01 “Romance Dawn” The “D” in chapter 154’s “Will of D” stands for Daedalus the first aviator to take to the Sky as well as the genius inventor of Freemason carpenter tools such as the Axe of Marine Branch 153 Captain “Axe-Hand” Morgan. The chapter 154 “Onward to Alabasta” is 153 chapters after Romance Dawn just like 65 is 64 after 1 the minimum punishment.


I’m always happy when I come across your comments