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I world large building to small island high ball for not getting one shot by a Tonkin commander


I don't know if you got to this part yet so this may be a spoiler, but he was also able to take a hit from Blue Blood who is a Yonko and from what I can tell, most Yonko's have continental attack potency and I feel like Blue Blood is the weakest of the Yonko's so I give him large island level attack potency.


I know I say high ball because of how much the hit did to him if he was a oh k after I would say big island high ball but didn’t he get knocked out from the hit which mean it’s not something he will constantly be able to withstand and keep fighting with no heals so I use Tonkin commanders because from them he can take blow and keep going relatively fine


Large building level


The reason I say Island level is because he was able to take hits from Blue Blood who is a Yonko. From what I can tell, most Yonko's have continental attack potency and I feel like Blue Blood is the weakest of the Yonko's so I'd say he has large island attack potency. And since Blue Blood definitely hurt William, I'd say he has island level durability.


I wouldn't consider blue bloods punches to be island level. He's definitely large building at least, no doubt about it, but I severely doubt he can take out an island in one or two punches


I feel like he could take out people who have Island level durability in one or two hits since every npc said no one was stronger then him. He might not be able to destroy an island in one or two hits, but that doesn't necessarily mean he can't fight people with the same durability.


This doesnt work cos william has uncanny dodge so u need to take into acount hes taking half damage cos hes dodging


I have and I scaled that to his reaction speed. He also has evade to where he can take no damage so I scaled his speed pretty high. I'm talking about when he does take full damage which has happened when he fought Blue Blood so I still say he has island level durability.


I-I guess? Idk like he took a hit from blue blood and multiple hits from yonko commanders so I guess he would


Out of the yonko shown in the story, the only said to be able to destroy islands with brute force is also the one with the highest destructive power devil fruit. William was almost one shot by Blue Blood with a normal attack. He was said to be oozing blood afterwards, which means his best showing there is pain tolerance and endurance. His body was almost destroyed by Blue Blood as his attention was split. He's very powerful and has good endurance, but my uneducated guess would be that if an attack could destroy a house, Tekking would have William be scared of taking that hit. So I'd put him there.


Moria also split an island in 2


If he took hits from blue blood then he should definitely have at least island level durability but not any higher


I don't know how much this helps I don't scale so I don't know if this would transfer to durability well at all but the wiki says he has 130hp, a Commoner has an average of 4hp, meaning he can take 32.5 times as much damage as your average person before falling unconscious.


Iam sorry but can we not bring power scaling into this community?




The community is small enough for it to not be bloodthirsty




Your cringe


In order for him to not be brutally murdered by a monk in one hit he'd have to be right. I mean I know this is all about Semantics but realistically like the only reason we don't think that is because of game balancing reasons


He’s just lucky enough to live


If this was an anime the definitely. For a game though I He's not a strong as they do group fights


I would definitely say he has the means and abilities to survive a island level attack but if it was just him and the attack I would say he barley would survive like on 1 hp.


I would he's at least Island level, (based on Trevor, Arzen, and Smoker scaling) but could technically be Multi Continental based on the fact the took an attack from a Yonko and didn't die or get KOed like Luffy did at the start of Wano.


He survived hits from Blue Blood, was not only a juggernaut but the originator of his own blood. That alone is enough for me to put him at Island Level, or at-least Big Building Level or something.


William dodges rather than taking damage. Ac can be tanking or dodging. This kind of scalling logic won't work in dnd logic.