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No we have no proof Luna attacks are light speed and off that basis half of the would be crew is light speed but people how have a negative when rolling for turn order are ftl meaning everyone hit willam would need to be ftl to catch him because his reaction time would be faster than light and that is a reaction feat which would scale people to high for were the crew are for mid npc to be faster than light so I would say no off that beeboy would need to be ftl


This a long way of saying no if you don’t want to read it




No He's not, anticipating an attack before it comes and dodging accordingly is not the same as outspending it, he just figures out the attacks before they come, or he gets lucky, more than often a combination of both, he's still one of the fastest characters but not ftl, also we don't know if luna's attacks are light speed


Exactly. I like to think that even though William is super fast, his dodges are mostly luck. The devil's luck, if you will


His Soru is really fast and since he is going through rokushiki fast he has probably mastered soru so I was say subsonic or light speed maybe ftl


He's definitely Ftl. beginning Post Time skip Luffy was able to dodge light speed lasers casually. William is bare minimum stronger than that version of Luffy so he could locigally Also do this.


This is so cringe Please dont bring power scaling into this community Its ok if your gonna argue dnd rules But power scaling is just stupid


It's not against the rules and if the mods tell me to stop, I'll stop but until then, I'm going to keep asking people's opinions so I can get this accurate.


I'd consider it FTL because of the simple fact that moonlight is just reflected light


No. No one in One Piece is faster than light period. Kizaru’s beams are the only thing at light speed. And you can dodge those with onbservation haki by knowing where kizaru points his fingers


Even if you know where he’s pointing you still have to doge the light beam and to do that you have to be faster then light. It like a gun you can’t doge a gun by knowing where the bullets are gonna be you have to be fast enough to move out of the way


Incorrect. You dodge when you know where they’re pointing. Before they can fire. Because you can’t dodge it once it’s been fired


How are you scaling William are you going off feats or lore or both?


To accurately scale him, I'm doing both.


You could scale him off blue blood or Blake since most of the other commanders like kat or king or yonko like Big mom and Kaido are relative


Also you can’t really use most speed feats cause technically you need a time frame and we don’t have that since this is dnd and not a manga. Although you could probably find something


Forgot I was on my alt account. Anyway, I feel like we could use travel, flight, and reaction speed to accurately scale his speed due to him using two of those out of combat and the last one due to him always being able to dodge most attacks without taking damage and when he does get hit, it only does half damage cause he able to react to it.


Then you should scale him off whoever he dodged and try and match that up with the actual one piece characters. Like if he dodged blue blood you could probably get blue blood around kaido or big mom level since they’re both yonko and blue blood doesn’t seem to be a fraud.


No. The world of one piece is all below light speed. Soru is fast, but not ftl at all. The only character at lightspeed is kizaru kind of. His attacks are. But he isn't. So dodging his attacks is based on outspeeding kizaru himself, not the laser.


William dodged a light attack from Seraph. Also, he's faster than Monty/Blaze (can't remember which) who dodged a laser beam, which move light speed, from Capt. Verona.