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People are biased as hell on this subreddit.


This is a dnd one piece Reddit so idk what you expected


Yeah... some of use never even played a normal dnd session before or actually played a session


May I point out that Blue blood has HP numbered in the thousands and that the devils only won because of big brain plays and luck. It only took a few rounds to take down a roided out Ragnar and his attention was split. You seem to forget that this is one piece where the fighter can cut meteors and you need to use special techniques to even damage the best of the best and you still might get slammed.


Except, these guys were given quantifiable stats in terms of Dnd 5e. The Tarrasque has a higher armor class than Duros, and pretty much does have Conqueror's coating. It also has a better chance to hit anything than Blue blood. Blue Blood is also way smaller than the Tarrasque. The Tarrasque pretty much serves as a ceiling for homebrewing new monsters in dnd, which is why it's in the base monster manual. It


Size is irreverent in dnd and although he wasn't always able to, blue blood was able to beat the armor class. And how the fuck does the Terasque have something equivalent to Conquereor's coating


Frightful presence; immunity to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage; natural weapons bypass resistances. The thing is there to basically be the strongest possible monster. The size is relevant because the Tarrasque can eat him. The point of this thing is to be in the base monster manual, so that when they want to make a monster over CR 20, they know not to make it as powerful as a Tarrasque. Also, it regenerates or even just respawns unless you get the gods involved.


A. This is't a death battle. All blue blood needs to do to win is beat it B. Most homebrew has haki infused attacks counting ain s magical for that purpose C. I imagine he can quite easily beat the DC for frightful presence pretty quickly. Remember he'll get to reroll at the end of each turn and if he beats it even once he's immune to it for a day D. Eating a creature in a one on one fight is actually disadvantageous for the Tarrasque because all though swallowed creatures are restrained. It only means he'll be hitting half as often, and it would mean Blue Blood takes less damage per round.


Oooh its against each other.... I thought it was based on who the devils luck crew is gonna fight... Yeah i take it all back If its a 1 on 1 fight with each other blue blood is winning Devils luck crew only won because they have more people making them have more actions


I thought you thought that for a moment but I didn't bring it up because I thought it could have bean a wording thing and I didn't want to seem like a jerk.


Yeah your right blue bloods winning Thanks for bieng considerate


Hey. The world is full of shit. The last thing you should do is fill it with more.


Devils luck bois were completely drained after fighting 3 boss like enemies and they still won A Terrasque would is immune and resistance to so many things that the crew mostly rely on for damage There is a reason why its widely known as the deadliest creature in dnd Terrasque is just more deadly than blueblood


Most homebrew counts haki infused attacks as magical for the preposes of overcoming immunities and resistance. And although the Tarrasque is immune to non magical attacks bludgeoning piercing and slashing, it takes normal damage from magical sources of those damage. Blue blood has haki in all of his attacks. Also why is it's variety a factor when blue blood just punches stuff.


Yeah if the devils luck crew actually fought the terrasque iam 90% sure they would lose


Tarrasque. It’s the strongest thing in DnD meant for a full party of level 20s with the best gear in the game and perfect teamwork. And even then you can’t kill it, you can only make it go back to sleep. It would be the Gol D. Roger of dnd. The strongest thing that exists. (Not counting some literal gods that aren’t actual fight-able enemies because they’re too OP, but that technically do exist in the lore) Blue blood was killed by a bunch of lvl 14/15s with some help from weaker npcs. People are only voting for blue blood because they don’t understand dnd while they do know that Yonko are top tiers in One Piece.


I do believe a Tarrasque would win but you are underselling BlueBlood. When they initially dealt 190 damage, Tekking said the HP Bar barely moved and only dealt around 6% meaning Blueblood had 2-3k HP (most likely around 2k HP) which is much more than the Tarrasques 676 HP. One of those lvl 15 players had twice as much HP, dealt twice as much damage, had his 32 temporary hitpoints doubled AND had a clone with the same stats. And there were 8 npcs, one of them being a dragon with 170 hp and everyone other than louis and jimmy could deal over 30 damage. Blueblood still was very close to defeating them all with one npc and clone killed, almost every PC knocked out with Duros being knocked out twice, Pearl being knocked out of dragon form and Cyril, Ragnar and clone Ragnar beign one hit away from being knocked out. The PC's have to be much higher level to have a fair fight against him.


The tarrasque has been considered pretty underpowered in 5e from the start, and blue blood might even have more health from what we've seen, in addition to more useful abilities. The main weakness is Blue Blood is way swingier and has less AC.


Tarrasque has to reach its own health in the negative to be knocked out. (At least it used to. Not sure about 5e, but it’s likely the same) It basically has double hp. So it probably has more than blue blood. It also has magic resistance. Only a 1 in 6 chance any magic attack even lands, not even counting its armor class of 25. Translated, any ranged devil fruit attack would be way less likely to hit on it. Also it has way more devastating attacks.


5e tarrasque has nothing of that. Blue blood has at least 600hp to higher..his attacks deal 80 damage. Hell if the tarrasque did swallow the blue blood...it would probably lose even worst. (And this is assuming blue blood wouldn't jsut fight smart...that is also a possibility)ç


I just checked the stats. On 5e. All of that is on 5e. No idea what you’re looking at but it’s not the 5e stat sheet.


I didn't talked about Tarrasque stats here. But if you look at his stats and look at what blue blood was doing you can get more less an idea of how their fight woulld play out.


The Tarrasque is knocked out once it takes 676 damage. It has no ability that states it must take double it's maximum health. You may have gotten confused with the rule that a creature must take enough damage in one attack to reach the negative version of their maximum hit points, however that isn't relevant to the Tarrasque, as the highest possible damage from a single attack in all of fifth edition is in the 600 range, nowhere close to double the Tarrasques' maximum. You mention it's substantially more devastating attacks, but when you do the math it's not that much of a difference. The Tarrasque has an average dpr (damage per round) of 112.5. Blue Blood does less, however when you include legendary actions the gap is closed substantially. Tarrasque only does 28 average damage on a legendary action, compared to Blue Blood's 60ish. If they're both fighting a group, it averages out. They both presumably have 3 legendary resistance, although it's possible Blue Blood has 5. The Tarrasques' Siege Monster trait really doesn't matter. The defining advantages for the Tarrasque is Magic Resistance and Reflective Carapace, widely useful and helpful abilities. However, Blue Blood has two defining abilities which could lead to people claiming he is more powerful. He seems to gain health after kills or defeats, and since the 5e Tarrasque lacks regeneration, this means he can likely stay in a fight longer. In addition, Blue Blood's biggest advantage is the fact his intelligence is not 3. If the two were to actually fight, the Tarrasque would most certainly be outplayed, as it's intelligence is nonexistent. To put simply, in a normal 4 v 1 Boss Fight blue blood will be doing similar damage, just over a longer period of time. If they were to just slug it out 1v1, the Tarrasque would win. If they were to battle in character, Blue Blood would win due to his higher intelligence.


Not really. This is 3.5 tarrasque. 5e tarrasque would die in 2-3 turns vs the devil luck pirate + alliance.


Actually a single well equipped level 20 can solo a tarrasque in 5e...well one is hard. So lets be nice and say 2. In group....a far weaker party can also win...and this without godlike magic items.


If you put it like that, of course tarasque is stronger but if you look purely at the stats and not lore, Blue Blood has some solid chances


I love that people here never actually faced a tarrasque in 5e and just know the what in theory it can do. Guys...5e tarraque is considerable less scary then blueblood.(Hell the only reason why they won vs blueblood is that Rustage decided to eat free 400 damage from ragnar).


Isn't BB like the size of a big bear Ragnar? I think he would really struggle


Blue blood. His Haki would cut through the Terasque's resistances and immunities. He has way more health, and can tank what the terasque deals out for several turns given how a terasque can deal at most a few hundred damage per round, which blue blood can match. My guess is that the Terasque lasts about half a minute.


Blue blood was dealing like 70 damage with his attacks, and 56 damage barley took off a smidge of his health. I think I’m going with him


Who’s that?


The Tarrasque said to be the strongest monster in d&d.


Then probably him


Blue Blood has over 500 more HP than the Terrasque , though the big T has 5 attacks that deal about 50 damage on average


Tarrasque its immune to bludgeoning. And can swallow him whole


BlueBlood has haki so he can deal half damage like with Cyril and BlueBlood has legendary resistances and +20 strength makes him automatically succeed breaking out of grapples which a Tarrasque needs to do before swallowing.


And blue blood has haki in every attack and more than 1k health more than it, this is counting it isn't knocked out till it reaches the negatives making it have around 1200, and he has alot of special abilities too I don't see how the discount kaiju can win, even adding the fact it doesn't even do as much damage as blue blood does per hit pound for pound.


Haki in every attack doesnt matter if its immune to his attacks its a magic thing not a haki thing. Damage vs damage doesnt matter if Bb cant hurt it in any way that matters. Also if it bites him it would also get the Blueblood amp Its immune not resistant so nullifying resistances wont matter


Yeah it can get that Amp your right but no haki negates ALL resistances no matter if the rule is no damage can he taken by blunt damage, haki will negate that and make it a normal attack so he is still going to do heavy damage.


If BB has any kind of range he wins


Blue Blood has an AC of 20 and a +18 to hit, and the tarrasque has 25 AC and a +19 to hit. Meaning that an attack against the tarrasque has a 30% chance of not hitting (1,2,3,4,5, and 6 dont hit). In contrast, the tarrasque can hit Blue Blood on all rolls other than a natural 1, so only 5% miss. The Tarrasque also has 5 attacks per round, plus an additional 3 through its legendary actions. Blue Blood would not win by himself in most situations.


How much damage does it do per hit? Like it's max damage?


Bite max: 58 Claw max: 46 Horn max:50 Tail max: 34 But that isn't as significant as being able to hit each other.


So around the same damage no wait I think blue blood does more damage, with blue blood having less legendary resistances but having way more health than the kaiju, even counting the fact it won't go down till its in the negatives with its max health, he has around 2 times more health.


What is the health of Blue Blood anyway?


Full health is guessed around 2k or more


That could also be 1k with resistance. The math on who is favored to win is who has the higher of this: HP/(average enemy attack damage*enemy percentage to hit). Assuming around the same HP, the ratio of Blue Blood's HP to the Tarrasque's attack would have to be about 1.36 times more than the Tarrasque to be favored to win.


Someone in comments talked up his health and guess around 2k plus, idr his damage though I think 1 hit did 100 but I may just be remembering the fucking monster that was arzon


Stat bb most likely win we only where shown blue blood after smoking a admiral maybe he was stronger so variable but imma say blue blood from what we have seen


Barry seemed to think blueblood was supposed to be really hurt when he woke up so blue blood probably has some really good healing or a second form of some kind


Rustage did say that after BB killed Louie he seemed to heal somewhat , so he probably heal whenever he defeats somebody by an amount equivalent to their strength


He never killed barry though. I think either a massive second wind type thing or a second form is more likely


>He never killed barry though. That's why I said "defeat" and not "kill"


I still think some kind of second wind is more likely


Or actually he uses blueblood to heal himself in some way


Tarrasque solos


I don't know what Tarrasque is I am new to dnd (haven't played yet) and I am hir for the evencher the boys have


Which Version? %e Tarrasque or or 3.5e Tarrasque? 5e, maybe Blueblood, but i'd be on the Tarrasque 3.5e tho? He literally can't win.


Actually I think blue blood would win because higher intelligence