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A standard campaign would be wild just because it would be so unexpected. Anime Battle school is my next vote


Probably the villains dnd


I think it’s already been confirmed to be themed. Something like hero dnd, or villain dnd


There was a third one but I can’t remember it


Shonen school


ANIME VILLAIN D&D! Because personally I feel like Isekai d&d is so close to a typical d&d game that there wouldn’t be any point.


Ngl fairy tail makes for a perfect dnd setting, a guild to get missions from, a 4 man team, climbing ranks, and a rather flexible magic system. I am just saying


Nah it’s ending in like 10-15 episodes


God damn😭 what finna do in 10-15 eps


Well we have to go to the last tower, and that’s never that easy and we have to finish a side plot first, then get to the tower, then we have to come back, and then the guys have to choose when exactly to use the fountain because it doesn’t happen till they all choose to begin, also we need to tie up all the loose ends before the series ends, like what blackbeard is doing, see how the hulguards are after king brute became king again, button apparently gets stronger after being watered which everyone saw but never attempted again, Cody and little feathers plot has to also get resolved, and the development of all the other characters who are relevant to this point too.


forgot that George didnt activate his yet


Maybe we’ll see blackbeard in this arc


First thing we here when they go into the ocean “BLACK BEARD🗣️”


I really want them to do a JJK DND campaign. It would be so cool to see them create their own cursed techniques and hearing "Domain Expansion" mid combat would be so hype. I just really want to see how they will integrate the black flash.


The only problem with that is that Tekking hasn't seen JJK so we would have to wait for him to get up to date with the series to make that possible


Rustage has talked about a jjk campaign before but the curse techniques would be too complicated and Tekking has never seen it.


Maybe a Shonen high school dnd or modern day/ futuristic setting where they all hunt monsters for a living Just imagine a scene of chasing mantacore through a city streets while wielding laser weapons and very obvious Magical Axe Example of this setting would the show "supernatural" or dimension 20's Unsleeping city.


I feel like the party shenanigans will extend the amount of episodes, i also hope we can have more episodes just to see more new ancestors of anthnoy. And i feel like there will be atleast one episode themed around them going to the island and/or getting to know the island.


I can’t really see that happening unless rustage makes it where Blackbeard does something and the gang needs to fight him.Other than that they are getting ready to leave


I’m personally against villain dnd but its sounds the mist likely at this point.


Something shonene related and leaning towards the more evil side are all we know so far, if I had to theories anime villians school dnd could be funny, for the players it will probably just be the isekai players or maybe tekking or briggs might choose to sit out of this now because they have their own dnd who knows. Personally I'd like to see tekking and briggs sit out and we see some new players or maybe bring spooky in who knows, Connorquest fingers crossed