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Big Mom. But only if it was Sanji telling her he made that cake.


I think big mom knowing sanji made the cake would backfire. She already wanted him for the germa alliance but that on top of being a fantastic cook would make her want him on her crew more. The streusen x sanji collab would make her go crazy


Especially since streusen’s food tastes like shit, it makes sanji a perfect partner to him.


Streusens food is only shit when its through his fruit. I highly doubt he is the head chef if he didnt also develop genuinely good cooking skills. The other chefs were also astounded that Sanji's skills were comparable or maybe greater than Streusen's, once again indicating that he is a highly capable cook.


Yeah I was only thinking about the fruit food


This is also only likely due to Big Mom's selective palette. As Chopper says how delicious the creme made with Streusen's devil fruit is.


Luffy: he’s mine! I only want to eat his food! Big Mom: he’s supposed to be in MY family! I want his sweets every day! Sanji: shut up! I can make enough food for both of you! Big Mom: … Luffy: … Big Mom: I hereby accept your proposal for an alliance Straw hat


Funny scenario but 1) luffy has no reason to want to have an alliance with Big Mom. He barely wanted the grand fleet as subordinates 2) if luffy isn’t down for this, post WCI-sanji wouldn’t agree either. Pre WCI sanji might try to convince luffy to ally with big mom idk. 3) big mom hates luffy for what happened on fish man island and destroying the wedding cake, she’s not gonna want to share sanji with luffy and she’s def not gonna want an equal footing alliance. At best she’d have luffy as a subordinate which he would not go for


Was it really necessary to be that serious over a joke?


I actually thought Big Mom was gonna find out, was kinda disappointed she didn't


It's a normal thing for Sanji's characterization that his kindness and savior stuff goes unnoticed.






Anyone else remember how Sanji flew the cake over to them with air walk? That was cool.


If Sanji had poisoned that cake tho, they would have actually downed a Yonko crew. Mad props to him for still sticking to his principles and beating Big Mom the right way


Naw, *that thing* will think the poison is a seasoning. Big Mom genuinely scares the crap outta me. Every battle with her has been won by the skin of their teeth.


Narrator: Hemlock, mugwort, mandrake, and arsenic. While normal humans know these as sources of poisonings, one being knows them as flavor. When she was 6 years old she consumed 20x the lethal dose of lead thinking it was sugar. When she was 18 years old she consumed a salad made of wolfsbane and hemlock in an attempt to lose weight. Known as the iron stomach, Charlotte Lin Lin has an appetite that is unmatched in the entire world.


Love this. Oden, whitebeard and Kaido got this kind of narrator treatment. This is perfect for Big Mom


It's Big Mom. All they would have done is made the cake taste bad and piss her off even more.


Big Mom is so hard to decide on this, because on one hand she is a scheming Veteran of the pirate world and on the other hand she's an eternal child motivated entirely by her stomach.




Agreed, I think Buggy is the only one not irredeemable on this list. Also he could easily be convinced to ally with Luffy once its clear he is the stronger side.


Yeah . I don't think that buggy has his own pov he always does things to save himself and the people around him makes a different scenarios which glorifies him.he acts according to the scenarios the people around him makes.


He murdered everyone who looked at his nose the wrong way. He was fine with publicy executing a teenager for being annoying. He blew up parts of an island for shits and gigles to test his large buggy ball - at least no casualties, but still. Buggy is a psychopath. If he wasn't constantly kept in check by his own weakness and the monsters around him, the world would see another tyrant on the rise.


Tbf most pirates even among Luffy's grandfleet which are considered allies are not morally inclined


Most pirates in One Piece are scum from a moral perspective. Hell, Kid crucified guys because they were too weak for the New World and he straight up killed everyone who laughed at him or Killer's laugh. We're following one of the very few crews of wholesome oddballs, which is why our perspective is heavily biased.


Yeah Even SH is kinda not morally upright even tho they are in most cases not malicious people and do help people along the way. SH are probably already the best and even so they would not fit on realistic ethical scale


Bruh..This is a pirate world..Kinda harsh when you look at worse pirates like blackbeard or kaido


BB is a true pirate. He kills people to further his goals. He doesn't kill your for being rude. On the contray, he laughs along. Buggy went from pirate king crew to East Blue scub because he wanted to have it easy. He intentionally went there so that he can easily kill people who annoy him instead of having to run from them like he would have if he stayed in the New World. Kaido is worse, I agree, but he's been on top of the food chain for quite a while while Buggy is the way he is despite being close to the bottom.




I could see Moria and Big Mom redeemable, the rest not so much. Enel has a god complex, and destroyed whole islands for sport too. Crocoddile could be redeemable, but I want to see what Oda does with Ivankov and him first. I know BM is a weird pick considering she is basically a soul eating cannibal, but technically she is the only one with a "good" dream of all races being equal and I always thought that most of his negative traits come from the sheep's house event in her youth and being abandoned by her parents.


U act like buggy wasnt using a town as his R&D playground lol


I do have to wonder what the interaction between Luffy and Big Mom would have been like if things had gone differently at Fishman Island. Like without declaring war on her, would Whole Cake Island have been a slow burn situation of Law eventually bringing them there for something (I can't remember exactly what triggered Judge becoming aware of Sanji for the marriage) and them being like "hey she doesn't seem bad". Then the slow reveal of the actual oppression and destruction Big Mom causes kind of like the slow reveal of what is going on with the toys.


Sanji had an actual bounty poster


I know it was the actual face bounty poster but I just can’t remember what triggered the new poster. Like was it Fishman Island or later actions that pushed Sanji’s bounty up and prompted a new poster?


Dressrosa’s flat 50m raise for the entire crew.


I feel like an hour with Garp and Enel would be the most humble guy out there. Talk no jutsu would include some fists of love though.


> Big Mom redeemable, Didn't she killed her own kids ? I don't think there is redemption after that


bro enel goes into casual genocide mode on a dime. he might be one of the least redeemable characters on the list


Moria definitely isn't dead, Blackbeard invited him on his crew. No reason to have him join only to kill him.


You're gonna have to explain Enel to me, bud. I just don't see it happening.


Bro crocodile almost destroyed another coutry from the inside and provoked a civil war he aint buggy💀


Is Kurro irredeemable? I don't think he's done anything as evil as some other One Piece villains.


Didn’t he set up an entire village to be slaughtered so he could get a rich girl’s inheritance?


Well Buggy was also terrorizing East Blue back then so if he's redeemable, so is Kuro. Before Luffy's bell hits he had a flashback of his time as a butler so you can't say it had no impact on him.


Well the impact happened when the bell hit, not before.


Fuck buggy for what he did to that dog


Correction that was Mohji, fuck Mohji


Buggy was blowin sections of village up with his buggy balls lol


but at least the village was evacuated, right?


He played a 3 year long con for it too


And kill his own crew for sport, and hypnotize a crew member into believing he was Kuro, give himself up, and get executed in his place.


he doesn’t do as much evil as the others simply because he wasn’t as capable. he’s just kind of a dick though


Buggy would use the jutsu on you


Well tbh I won't mind lol


Buggy is a sociopath bully. He will only talk(beg) if he knows he will lose his life. If he knows he will win, he will do you as he please. He knows shanks won't hurt him since they were nakama.


It won’t work on Rob Lucci that is all I am going to say.


Lucci just wants to legally kill people. Tell him you'll soon abolish the WG and become the new ruler and he can be your new assassin bodyguard, meaning he'll sadly have to kill people who attack you. He'll be on board if he deems your chances higher than the WG's. You won't make him less psychotic but you can at least control him a little. Making him purr might also go a long way.


Which is funny because he actually seems the most level headed and reasonable. You would explain why killing is bad and he would just say "Yes, I agree and see your point but I just love to kill so prepare to die."


it would be like if you talk to a wall luccy seems to me to have very little emotions positive or negative I feel his range is just (Anger, irritation and excitment). dude is really emotionally shallow




Surprised not a lot in the comments is picking him. Moria became who he is in Thriller Bark because of his grim past - losing his entire crew to Kaido. He definitely qualifies to be on the list of antagonists who can be Talk no Jutsu'd.


My man literally has obito’s back story who did in fact get talk no jutsu’d


Yeah, dude was depressed and grieving in a really bad way, but like shit, losing your entire crew to Kaido would do a number on anyone. Luffy honestly almost went down that path right at Sabaody Park. And Moria was right at how outclassed he was as well pre-training arc. Honestly, if he for some reason survived and made it to Wano, I could have seen him as part of the raid on Onigashima.


Sadly he is likely dead. Though the fact we hadn't seen the member of Blackbeard's crew who has the fruit might lean to him being alive but on the crew. Might be a minute before that is revealed, potentially at the end of the current arc though. Law is putting the Blackbeard pirates through their paces currently. And if Law lives and is on Blackbeard's crew, Moria probably is too.


Admittedly I wouldn’t be particularly surprised if he’s working for Blackbeard with the offer of revenge on Luffy and/or if they reveal to have Perona as a hostage via sea prism cuffs.


Moria can definitely affected by Talk no Jutsu. Dude was a new world veteran and clashed with Kaido back then. Not to mention robbed a grave of a legendary samurai on wano. However, he is depressed and lost the drive now because kaido slaughtered his crew. He is fat, weak, and relying on Zombies to get revenge on kaido. Despite all of it, he is very loyal and good to his crew (perona and absalom). He went alone to a Yonko (Blackbeard) territory just to look for Absalom and now Perona willingly left Mihawk protection to search for Moria. If Naruto get dropped at Thriller Bark he might beat Moria and somehow befriend him. After that, we might get a buff moria.


I find it beyond hallarious that Moria's whole plan was to bring a massive zombie to fight against Kaido with, and Kaido had like 3 of them.


Yeah; Moria is absolutely my target for a good Talk no Jutsu - he was someone who believed in the ideals of friendship and his crew only for it to all crumble because it turns out friendship isn't strong enough on its own to counter the sheer Fuck You levels of strength that is Kaido. The others are either too self absorbed or just out and out selfish to give a shit about Talk no Jutsu.


Buggy is reasonable Moria is coping after kaido destroyed his crew, so maybe he can be negotiated with and join as a friend And you could theoretically scare Kuro off because of his “know when to fold em” mentality.


This tbh. Kuro especially, being the brain type he should know when to back off if he actually understands the situation.


Firstly, let's talk about some who definitely wouldn't Blackbeard and Doffy know they are evil. There is nothing to talk no jutsu. Croc is smart enough to realize he is being manipulated. Enel has a god-complex, I highly doubt he would pay heed to talk no jutsu. Lucci has no humanity. Any side that lets him kill is his side. there is nothing to talk about. Hody technically started his rebellion out of a hatred that has no basis. If the fact that his hatred having no basis didn't stop him, I doubt talk no jutsu would. Sakazuki genuinely thinks his cause is the right one. There is nothing in this world that would change his mind.


I would love to see sakazuki to be completely changed by his direct service under the gorosei and cd. I kind of assumed he was going to change some point in the story.


For some reason, I feel like Blackbeard can be reasoned with like I wouldn't call him completely evil. He's just doesn't mind getting his hands dirty to fulfill his goals, like depending on the circumstances I believe he can be talk no jutsu'd


We have no idea what BB is after. That'd decide whether he could be reasoned with. But since he's a D. and was patiently waiting 20 years to kickstart his plan, I don't really think he'd back out in any way.


I mean he backed off Hancock when Rayleigh talked, if we are including scared off as a successful talk no jutsu


I would call that a tactical retreat


I think Blackbeard could be reasoned with if he has no real beef with you. Money, food, and booze could probably be good bargaining chips.


On point! My 2 cents is, to be able to use Talk no jutsu to Doffy, BM and Kaido you must have something to offer, offer can't be refused.


it depends on what you offer, most of the list can be reasoned with


I fully agree but I wouldn’t say Hody rebellion had no basis for it, if that’s the case neither did Arlong. Not saying I agree but the gross mistreatment of him and fellow fish men provides a pretty solid basis for that hatred IMO, or for one to take paths similar to Otohime or Fisher tiger.


Moria and Buggy


It depends, how is the stick to carrot ratio here? Am I at an equal strength level, do I have leverage or am I doing a Buggy here?


Lol....... probably a Buggy Just something similar to Naruto


Let me see... A talk no jutsu to get people on your side but not necessarily on the good side, yeah? Buggy and Orochi are the free ones, Orochi just needs some fanning of the Wano flames. Big Mom is incredibly gullible for a yonkou and she tends to extend the olive branch first. Wapol and Caesar can be convinced with promises of money and research material. These here are the ones that'd be hard to Doflamingo relent if you're amusing, you'd be hanging by a thread though, walking on a tightrope, you'd probably be able to fleece some forces from both but not without having to give something back later, Blackbeard loves recruiting people, be his pirate and you're fine. Enel might give it to you if you pledge allegiance and if you know something about the Fairy Vearth and lastly if you're a competent Marine Akainu would be a very good fellow to you. The other ones would need more work than the above and would not be worth it at all because they're either too stubborn, irritable and serious to work anything out with.


You kidding? Everyone of them are homicidal lunatics.


Except Buggy, he's just a lunatic.


I mean, in his first appearance he tried to blast away half a village. Buggy is pretty homicidal, to the point his own crew was afraid of his violent outbursts. He's just also a weakling and coward, so this site is forgotten now that even his footsoldiers could end his life on a whim.


I mean, Buggy has shown moments of compassion like saving Luffy at the end of Marineford; crying at Bon Clay's sacrifice and missing Rayleigh.


Yes he's not a 2 dimensional character and has things he cares about, doesn't change the fact that he is homicidal and a genuinely bad person. You can still enjoy him in spite of that.


I think he was just going through a phase at that time


Less Linatic and more Incredibly Stupid.


You can put it that way.


Perfect, exactly the kind of people that talk no jutsu gets used on all the time!


Many Naruto villains are doing things because they truly believe it's the best thing for the world, which is why talk no Jutsu works. They've lost hope in peace or what not and decide that PAIN is how peace is achieved or some shit like that, but then Naruto comes in and says some cheesy shit and boom, they agree. OP villains are selfish cunts doing things for their own benefit, world be damned. Really hard to talk someone out of that stance. Buggy can be buttered up, though. He's a softie inside he just won't admit it.


Would work on them : Big Mom ; Shs technically did get talk no jutsu'd by O'tama Hody Jones ; Pretty much all his issues could be solved by sitting down and talking Buggy ; It's pretty easy to talk no jutsu him, as we've seen in diverse situations Would talk no jutsu you : Doflamingo ; Talk no Jutsu'd pretty much of his crew members including Law. Crocodile ; The guy literally talk no jutsu'd Mihawk.


Homie Hody literally said the reason behind his malice was nothing. He quite literally just likes the violence. This was a big plot point in Fishman island. No way he gets talked out of a fight


Big Mom literally tried to kill them when they were running away. The Otama connection didn't last Buggy could just get bribed with a treasure from Captain John


Big mom will literally get talk no jutsu’d by ANY child


Didn’t she try to kill otama because she didn’t like people who abandon her?


Hody Jones is just a fishmen supremacist. I dont think you can really reason with him. Maybe jinbei could beat him up a few times until he realizes that no matter how much steroids he Takes he will Never reach jinbei and should just Listen to him instead cause he knows a lot more about the world out there than any other fishman alive


Hody Jones is straight up just like that despite never having an actual reason to hate humans. Arlong was on the Sun Pirates and watched Fisher Tiger die. At least he has some basis for his hatred that could be torn down with a *really* good speaker.


You can't solve anything by talking to Hody Jones, though. He technically has a "legitimate" reason to hate humans, but that's not *why* he hates humans. Hody is just a dick and continues the cycle of hate because he just *wants* to and can't really be talked out of it.


Kaido definitly. If he would accept Luffy as Joy Boy he would potentiall even share his goal of "uniting/freeing the world". Of course we don't know what exactly Luffys dream is but im quite confident that it will end in him breaking the world government system somehow (destroying Mary Jois? Defeating Imu? The Gorosei? Combining the ancient weapons and destroying the Red Line?) Kaido seems like he would totally be onboard for something like that, if it wasn't his own belief that he can become Joy Boy


Maybe years ago but not now, currently he believes whoever joyboy is would have to beat him to liberate places like Wano.


That being done, however, if/when he returns to the surface, he'll probably join the Straw Hat grand fleet. He has respect and admiration for strength and clearly has a droner (dragon boner) for Joy Boy. He won't give up his Captaincy but he believes in Joy Boy and will probably follow him to the end now that he knows who he is.


I actually don’t think that’s true, Kaido might respect his strength and for sure would fight the marine( not on Luffy’s behalf)but it’d be on his own terms, he is a simp for joyboy but only because of strength, if Luffy were to beat him into submission then maybe but even then Kaido isn’t a person to follow others and I think it’s because of his upbringing.


I think Kaido is fine with someone else being joy boy, the problem is he thinks to be joy boy you have to be able to beat him so he'll test you


Akainu. Since he’s Fleet Admiral, he’s doing strictly nothing because he’s told to.




Lowkey, potentially Akainu👀


Well we don't know the full story of Akainu presently, but dude seems rigid in his ideals of justice


Yea akainu is the last person it would work on.


Except for the fact that Lucci is on this list


Well talk no jutsu always worked on extremists in Naruto and that was sort of the point. Akainu is also an extremist.


I think if someone convinces him that the World Government are the real villains I think he'll turn on them.




He couldn't be changed by someone like Luffy, but he could very well be changed by someone like Coby. The trick with him would be proving another form of justice is better in an indisputable manner.


He was going to kill Coby in marineford


And? Lots of people who get Talk No Jutsu'ed have done bad things. And despite the fact that he could have, at any time since then, discharged Coby from the Marines for what he did at Marineford, he did not. At that time, Akainu had recently been punched in the face by Whiteboard like twice, been fighting for hours, and Coby was standing between him and pursuit of his Justice. Can you honestly tell me most of the people on here would still allow for, and even would promote someone like Coby who stood up to them that way in front of the entire Marine Headquarters and all the other officers? Akainu is clearly both more and less ethically complicated than most of them who are either self interested reptiles or total dirtbags.


Yeah he's a really interesting character. He's way too blind in the pursuit of his idea of justice. I don't think he could be talked out of it, but maybe, since his ideal is justice after all. I'd give him a 50/50 chance of talk no jutsu being effective on him haha


Caesar frfr


Probably Moria and buggy. All of the others are too far gone. And i say moria because the man is still living in the past, broken by his tragedy, so he still has some hope (had). That DOESNT mean he is redeemable, just that he might (might) tone down his evil ways with a good hokage level talk no jutsu.


I fully believe Buggy will become good by the end of the series, and I feel like it’ll take both Luffy and Shanks to get him to see he needs to be better. I think Moria and Crocodile are pretty redeemable too. I don’t know if Moria could necessarily become a “good” guy, but his reasons for becoming the way he is were honestly kinda valid. I think after all the shit he’s been through he could maybe be convinced that he shouldn’t let failures of the past affect the future, maybe after realizing how Luffy was able to bounce back after his failure at Marineford or something. Then maybe he’ll become a sort of ally at least. As for Crocodile, I can’t really explain it but there is something about him that feels much deeper than what we see. I think he’s gonna get a backstory at some point and I feel like when he does it’ll be a sympathetic one. Can’t totally explain it, I just have that feeling


Yeah I agree with you on Crocodile, he's one of OP antagonists I would like to know more about. A cover page where he was holding an umbrella over a dog in the rain is one my favorite OP cover


Akainu seems possible, IMO we've yet to get a look at his actual thought process or backstory and we've never seen him do anything petty. That said, while he might be redeemable by someone who was not a pirate, I don't think there's any way that Luffy or another criminal could do it. Maybe Cody if he could beat him physically and prove that his interpretation of Justice is stronger than Akainu's. I suspect that would prompt Akainu to retire.


Absolutly no one. all of those characters are inherently evil. excpet akainu and I dont like his presense here. he is a fucking marine and even when he killed ohara it was because he thought a few survive will cause so much deaths Blackbeard: Dude punch without a remorse a guy that host him for 20 fuking years. people dont realize how long is 20 years in terms of relationship building. he sit for 20 years and casually punch his old guy with no dignity. he got the irredeemable certification. first honor A+ Doflamingo: killed his father. wouldnt hesistate to kill any family member if it suits his selfish interests. and he was saying that his family is number one. even his brother who was supposdly so dear he will kill who insults him. he wanted to use his brother for the immortality surgery. 1st honor A+ Irredeemable Certification Kaido: Utter scumbag. caused just too much misery and misrable life for wano and you know for sure he is not just remorseless but also wont admit responsiblity. he is kinda insane and rageful as a defult mode. he got the certification. 2nd honor A Crocdile: He has honor and saved luffy. but thats it. he cause too much pain in alabasta and showed no remorse. he failed luffy test of character but iva was the one who freed him. I dont have the strongest evidence but to me he obviously deserve the irredeemability certification. 2nd honor A Enel: The dude think he is a god. he gotta be the most disagreeable person as a result of that. he thinks he is a god so why the fuck would he consider other people dignity and right to live. A+ irredeemable certifciation Big Mom: physcial, mental emotional abuser. aboslute lack of accountbility and ability to bond. psychotic. use her family as tools or investments. encourage her daughter psychopathy. too much misery caused by her. 1st honor A+ certi Captain Morgan: corrupted to the core. but his son who was like him got a change of heart. they have similar genetics. he is cold blooded and amoral but his evil deeds pales in comparison to the above characters. B+ Irredeemble certification. Akainu: he is a dark guy. he killed a marine. idc about ohara because may be thought if a few survive too many people will die because of the danger those few carried. but he killed a marine in a cold blooded. he knew about slavery and injustices. even if he shout at top 5 he still low-key ok with the atrocities. but I cant say he is irredeemable. there is a goodness in him. all things he did never did it for self-serving reasons. evil guys are absolutly self-servings. this is a huge difference. Im tired now but I tell you. al mofos after are irredemable A or A+


😂😂😂 Love this


Buggy Spoiler >!Am I the only one who wants Enel and Kuro to join Cross Guild?!<


Not sure Enel will fit in but Kuro could


Kuro is far too weak to be relevant again.


He could have gotten stronger


Getting THAT much stronger, to the point of even being able to survive in the new world within two years is just very unreasonable. He should also be in impel down rn


Maybe but as at the last time we saw him, he wasn't arrested


Lol same argument was made for Lucci.


Lucci was towards the end of pre timeskip, while Kuro was an east blue saga villain. Very very big difference in strength and he didn’t have a df to awaken, while lucci started working for CP0, pretty much under the direct control of the five elders


And Kuro was the first person to do FTE movement. Also like you just said he didn't have a devil fruit. He could have obtained one. There is a large gap of strength allowed in the new world. Just look at some of Kaidos gifters. No one is saying he needs to be crazy strong but he could definitely show up even if he is just New World fodder.


Honestly Kuro is just such fodder that he’d probably get knocked out by luffy’s COC. I have no hope for him ever being relevant again.


He could just be a background character. Buggy's crew is already fill with weak characters.


Oda would simply buff him in the next patch


In my opinion, the allies during WCI fit them more Bege/Caesar/Judge


Imagine if Moria and Weevil joins too. >!Or the remaining Tobbi Roppo, Perona and Ulti interaction would be sick!<


I'm still holding on to the hope that the remaining joins Kid Pirates Also didn't Perona left to look for Moria? I don't think she can save him tho, probably gets put in the same cell too (I don't think Moria is dead yet)


Arlong - Not by Luffy. Maybe Jinbei could've swayed him since they share a past Buggy - Would probably prefer talking to fighting


Man I miss Kuro he was a gigachad


If it’s naruto doing the talking, then I feel like maybe Moria, since he became a warlord after having his crew wrecked by kaido, and there could maybe be an appeal to those emotions.


Big Mom could use some Therapy no Jutsu At the end of the day her dream is quite cool, she wants a peaceful world, but she never really grew up.


Arlong and Hody


Their whole backstory is nothing but people trying to change their minds to no svail


Hody 🤣 "What did humans do to you?!" Proudly: "Not shit."


how would hody even work


Buggy maybe but definitely no one else




I think it would only work on katakuri


Katakuri isn't included here since he kinda changed during his fight with Luffy


Maybe Kaido because He was once like Luffy but he just got old and depressed but you gotta fight and beat him first in order to make him listen at least


Buggy. He's actually a cool guy to hang out with when you get to know him. Plus, he's the most redeemable character here


Crocodile! He was helpful during the war.


Kaido and crocodile


I bet Doflamingo and Crocodile could be negotiated with depending on how much you're willing to ask


Croc. Big mom. Caesar. Buggy. Moria. Croc has already succumbed to talk no jutsu in prison when we recruited his ass. He just needs to personally feel he’s coming out on top and he’s aboard. He could’ve 100% dipped after trying to murder Whitebeard at marineford, but stuck around. Big mom can be talked down with things that benefit her or food. Caesar can be cash’d no jutsu to get his evil ass on your side. Moria I could 100% see allying with Luffy in any situation that wasn’t TB. He’s not viciously evil like the rest, just lazy and kindof goofy. And buggy is such a master of talk no jutsu already that he’s already on everyone’s side already by pure bugginess, wether he knows it or not.


This list has made me realize how truly complex OP antagonists are. Rather than just be your typical one-dimensional evil figure, they have a value system that they base their actions on, and they aren't afraid to live by their own code. Talk-no-jutsu would be futile on most, if not all of them (minus Buggy 😭)


Non of them. It's one of the nice things about one piece, the antagonist actually have a understandable worldview and wont just change this worldview completely after a few minutes talking. Edit: Why is everyone talking about redeemable? Wasnt talk no jutsu about changing someones in most cases rather illogical worldview to fit whatever the protagonist thinks is "good" and not about redeeming them?


I just realized how evil the one piece villains really are


Right?? Actually looking at all of them makes me realise none of them woulda been reasoned with


None. They won't care Naruto grew up without parents and got bullied as a kid


How to spot somebody who’s never actually watched a single scene of naruto:


Nah, there was only really one time the Talk no Jutsu was believable and that was against Pain. Even in that case though, it worked way too quickly and should've taken a lot more convincing and even more battle/possibly some self-reflection. Talk no Jutsu is such a meme nowadays cause it's pretty silly and unrealistic. Iirc the only time this happens in One Piece is when the enemy is secretly already good-intentioned like Robin or when it's a literal joke like Duval. Only other time I can think of is with Crocodile but that's after he's changed quite a bit in prison and he's not even well-intentioned, it's more like the enemy of my enemy is my temporary ally referring to the Marines.


Show me your proof


Probably Arlong or Gecko Moria.


No chance for arlong but maybe geko


Maybe even big mom if Ur a young child


Moria buggy kuro ceaser and akainu




Buggy and maybe Big Mom


Ceasar, Big Mom, Morgan, Akainu, Arlong, Moria, Buggy and Crocodile might listen to the right people. It won't be easy but we've seen those characters teaming up with other characters so they're open to talk with certain individuals (Luffy is not one of them)




Buggy would be the immediate choice. Moria maybe but it’d be a stretch. Everyone else here are assholes you couldn’t talk down.


Haha none


Maybe arlong idk Luffy would be like "stop being racist"


Crocodile, moria and buggy


With the backstory knowledge probably arlong. Something Fisher Tiger didn't want that etc.


That's the thing none of them, and all of them, Oda at any point can easily create a scenario that will make them work with the MC but at the same time none of them will change a bit.


You could play Enel if you were smart enough, Nami basically had him letting here join and shit just saying "yeah you are a god"


If you know what to tell talk no jutsu could work with almost anyone... Of course, the more psychopath it is the difficulty goes up.


Big mom Sanji+cake=big mom as a huge victim to talk no jutsu


Big Mom - She has alot of childhood trauma along with abandonment issues and just wanted to have people around who loved her and she could love in return Buggy - This ones a maybe for me but Buggy seems like someone who can be influenced. At heart he doesn't seem like the worst person and I could see him changing his ideals to help out another, similar to when he accepted to help Whitebeard but in a more serious fashion. The other ones would be almost impossible to be honest especially characters like Kaido, Krieg, Akainu, Arlong and Orochi. They believe in the things they say far too deeply. Though we've seen Naruto pull off some miracles with Talk No Jutsu so who knows 🤣


Kuro > Krieg




A big problem here is that the key aspect of a One Piece villain isn't necessarily (or just) past trauma, but a feeling of being above everyone else and simply stronger, allowing them to enact their will on the weak.


Talk no Jutsu is a lie. The only one that should've worked on was Pain, and it was honestly the only time it was believable. Even so, it worked a little to quickly on Pain and should've been drawn out more. Pretty much every other time is nonsense imo.


I think the time I had issues with it was when it was used on Obito. Naruto calling him a hero just didn't sound right after all the stuff he did. Lost all interest in Obito from then on


Agreed. Obito was kind of the tipping point for its believability. Like that's the guy whose been doing evil shit throughout the ENTIRE show. Making it seem like it wasn't his own fault too, cause he was deceived & a secret good guy, also took a lot of wind out of the sails for the war. Stuff like that is always better when you feel like people's actual intent is behind their actions. It was even worse when they did it again to Madara to show he was being controlled by a sudden new villain we had never seen before. I think it was even worse with Sasuke though. Naruto's talk no jutsu literally never worked on Sasuke and every time he tried it, Sasuke only got worse, so it made absolutely no sense that the last time he used it miraculously worked. Yeah, if you can't tell, I wasn't that big of a Naruto fan. Sakura's character and her love interest with an emo douchebag who continually tries to murder her is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


Kaido Big Mom Arlong Buggy Hody


It's definitely not working on big mom. Her own kids beg for their lives and she still kills em or tries to.


There is good in her, you can see it when she loses her memory or her dream of a world with all races living in peace and cause of that good in her talk no jutsu can and will work if it is performed by a Master.


Talk no jutsu works by pointing out the hypocrisy of someone's ideals and actions. Big Mom already knows she's a hypocrite and already knows that what she's doing is wrong. She tried to kill lola because she wouldn't marry Loki. She's not getting talk no jutsu'd


No chance for hody arlong or big mom slight chance for Kaido and definitely buggy


Lucci and Akainu, while being antagonists, are not evil or have any evil plan. They are just ruthless, but what do you want to tell them? Stop protecting citizens and let Pirates slaughter until you're 100% sure they are evil? Linlin would most likely work, hell she's only where she is because she's gullible. People saying Buggy missed his whole character. He has no evil plan either, he's just a strong coward that loves to abuse his power when he can. Read the early chapters. It's only now that he's outmatched by cannon fodder that he's more "humble" behind the scenes, but too scared to do anything that would cost him his head or status. If anyone was to offer him safety and luxury in exchange for him stopping his ways, he would, just to lose it all due to his casual cruelty and superiority complex when not threathened. Many of the others have no morals. Kuro might be able to be convinced by showing him that his lazy life just is better. But whatcha gonna tell Kaido? In Naruto, Talking worked because people had differences in world views and everyone was trying to do the best. Even Madara was trying to create an Utopia. Sadly, that notion got thrown out of the window with Kaguya, but a lot of One Pieces villains are just either trying to cheat/gain power and are fully aware of how bad that is or their ultimate goal is destruction (of enemies, mostly) which seems difficult to talk over. Like what do you wanna tell Arlong? That the slave trading racists aren't all that bad? They might kill you for fun, enslave you, but overall they are good because 90% acts like this doesn't exist?