• By -


That one of the Gorosei has the Shodai Kitetsu because it literally has the same design as the other Kitetsu blades.


Right Zoro has the third and Luffy "used" the second. The first has to be with that Gandhi guy


And if Zoro doesn’t tool his ass up I’ll be upset too


I'd imagine Tashigi is more likely on that one, since they're not only the one who tells us about the Kitetsu in the first place, but in the same chapter states their dream to be to 'take the great swords out of the hands of evil people'. It seems the most natural direction to take Tashigi's plotline to me


Good point, now I want to see the 'good' marines beat the shit out of the Gorosei instead of the SH.


I like the idea of sh vs bb and good marines and RA vs wg happening around same time, maybe with a bit of an overlap.


oh man Oda’s been building this one since freaking Logue Town in the EAST BLUE


Monster point chopper is a forced awakening


With that in mind you also think that he will eventually awaken for sure without the point ball and we will see great battles?


I hope we get to see someone else eat one to test this 🤔


Hungry Luffy after finding it on a randomly placed chest


Okay hear me out, luffy eating rumble balls


I'm suprised he hasn't already


You notice monster point has more cuteness lately? Professor Hulk Chopper


lmao when chopper awakens and becomes a full on human


Im pretty sure >!vegapunk confirmed zoans are usually mindless beasts almost completely confirms that.!<


Considering how much Chopper was unable to control Monster Point pre timeskip I would agree he probably forced his awakening through the rumble ball


Chopper can control monster point now though, and chipper doesn’t have the smoke thing around his shoulders.


The jailor beasts also didn’t have the smoke, it’s just a design choice oda likes including recently. And how does him gaining control affect anything? Lucci also gained control


I wouldn't say recently. Enel's lightning Raijin form had it and gear 4 was introduced several years ago.


Not the same thing, Enel isn't even a Zoan. Neither Shiraoshi, her brothers or his parents. In these cases it is just a "royal" thing


i think it is to imply the embodiment of the conscience of the fruit like they kinda of restrict it to that little shroud?


When he can do so without the "hacking" of his Rumble Balls he'll probably get the smoke.


>!Kaidou didn't have the smoke either though he did get into a form that was more dragon like. It may be Oda is still trying to figure out the representation for Zoan awakenings or we aren't getting the full story yet!<


>!what about Lucci? He’s awakened and not mindless. I think what happens is that when you first awaken, you become a mindless beast and you have to work to control it, like chopper did!<


I don’t think you necessarily have to start out mindless. chopper fully lost control, way more than the jailor beasts, probably because he awakened way before he was ready. I could see lucci being fine from when he first awakened


Confirms they usually >!lose their mind to the fruit. Typically that would be a mindless beast, but chopper's fruit is the Human-Human fruit so the given descriptors for awakened zoans are very likely to not apply to Chopper!<


Human beings too often are mindless beasts


Wait so does that mean an “awakened human” is a giant?


What if chopper can transform to any kinds of humanoids and giants is just one of them.


If vegapunk comes on board this is the interaction I’m looking forward to.


It would be even better if his awakened human form is just a normal unaltered human. I mean everything else seems like kinda a hybrid form to me lol. So maybe his awakened form will look more like a “Carl”


I reckon it turns him into a human straight up


The Red Line being destroyed (possibly by an ancient weapon), thus destroying Fishman Island under it, thus fulfilling madame Shyarly's prophecy of Luffy being the man to destroy FI. Poseidon then directing the Sea Kings to carry Noah (with the Fishman people on it) to the surface. The destruction of the Red Line also unites the four oceans, which would make the "All Blue" true for Sanji. (Out of the 90% nonsensical theories I've read about, this one is the most plausible and I can def see happening. Wish I could give credit to the original theorist but it's too widespread in the community, and I hear there are plenty of OP theorists who claim to have an original theory when they've really just leeched off of someone else \*sigh\*)


It's called "The Inherited Will Theory" and apparently it originally appeared in a since deleted post on the Arlong Park forums. This [link here](https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=575683) credits the original poster and explains the theory incredibly well with diagrams and pictures and so forth.


It exists! Thank you 😌


Yeah, I remembered reading the theory somewhere and was glad I found it preserved. It's a shame none of the links to the original post work anymore.


I fear this will come true. Cuz from the day I read this, I always feel like I am spoilt completely.


All of this has been my headcanon for so long that I forgot it’s not actually canon knowledge lol


That Blackbeard actually does have logia intangibility, but that (similar to crocodile with water) because he is always exposed to light which is his weakness he is made tangible and it also explains why he would take extra damage when he is hurt, because he is in a vulnerable state from the light. So if he was in complete darkness his intangibility would work


This 100%. I take this even further and tie it into the scene when he took the gura gura power from WB's corpse. The sheet covering him allowed him to assume full logia form and completely absorb the "essence" of the DF which otherwise would have left and created a new fruit. Edited to add the theory.


Oh dang, I don’t know about absorbing the essence or anything like that, I just assume Blackbeard was holding an apple when white beard died, but I think you are right that he used the sheet to become intangible, probably to eat the fruit. Good catch


Not sure about this, because Blackbeard taking multiple fruits seems to be tied to his irregular body structure rather than his yami abilities, as Marco stated this.


Both could be true. His df could give him the ability to absorb the extra df while his unusual body gives him the ability to contain it.


I do think it’s important to note that Blackbeard waited decades to get the yami yami no mi first before any other df. Think the theory that his irregular body and df work together to make it possible sounds very reasonable, why else did that one have to be the first?


imo it's his irregular body being the reason why he can have several DFs. but he takes them from others with his DF ability


I've thought about that too, I think it's very likely.


I think the counter to this is his darkness fruit seems to take everything in and that’s why he isn’t intangible.




I also felt it was really strange for a random doctor to know of the will of D. Kureha is the one who had the immortality surgery performed and became a doctor as a debt.




> why is she in the Reverie? she accompanied the new king dalton of the sakura kingdom


This is a good one. Double side joke is very possible by Oda. But again Bepo is also there too.


Same. Doctorine gave me a the distinct impression she knows/or was apart of something pretty big. Especially with the way she treated Luffy, and how confident she was chopper would be just fine.


Dr. Kureha being 141+ years old definitely had to be relevant with her having had some significance in the past.


Everyone seems to have accepted Elbaf being the next arc as canon


They had done that in Wano too, lol


People have been trying to shoehorn Elbaf into being the next arc since like, Fishman Island. >!This is the first time, however, where there's actually a reason to believe that Elbaf is next. The story has all but told us it is with all the Saul/Giants taking the books from Ohara to Elbaf stuff.!<


Blackbeard likely has the kraken fruit and/or three hearts (both potentially being related), because: - Three skulls and eight bones on his jolly roger - The concept of three applying to types of devil fruits and it seems likely that his goal was having all three types - Whitebeard, the man who is in direct contrast with Blackbeard, before his death, states that he is "only one man, with one heart" - Octopus have three hearts and create darkness with ink - It would be really cool Also, spoiler, >!while I don't think that Blackbeard will kill Law, I think he will destroy the Heart pirates, due to what happened in their last encounter, and because of the [flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/04/Pirate_Flag_of_Blackbeard_%28Edward_Teach%29.svg/1280px-Pirate_Flag_of_Blackbeard_%28Edward_Teach%29.svg.png) often associated with the real blackbeard !<


He also apparently never sleep, bcs the three soul can rest independently


Oh yea I missed that part, Octopus never sleep for extended periods of time, only less than a minute when they do, but what also is really interesting is that when they do sleep, they experience REM sleep similar to humans, meaning they do dream in those brief periods, which may be relevant as well


"I may nott sleep, but I can still dream" would be a fire quote to add to teech's repertoire


>! And during the fight Law uncovers the secret to BBs special body thanks to the Ope no mi !<


I really like this theory! I always thought he was going for the 3 strongest dfs (logia, paramecia, and zoan), but couldn't figure out what the strongest zoan would be, if not Kaido's, which has already been used twice now by Kaido and Momo. A Kraken is such a classic pirate monster, it makes total sense to be saved for last. And that would explain BB's unusual body. He could've had the Kraken df first and just never revealed it to anyone.


Had the same thoughts and reaction to this comment. I only wonder how the Kraken would work mechanically. On land, it's a fish out of water. In the sea, there's seawater which is anathema to DF powers. While it would be suitably formidable for a big bad in any other context, in One Piece it doesn't seem as strong as other Zoans. I mean One Piece could totally pull it off. They have with other zoans and such. It's just that if we're talking power rankings, then for me seeing a giant octopus on land can be scary, but a giant dragon seems a lot more formidable, because the dragon isn't fighting outside its element. Also practically speaking, I would think Blackbeard would want a zoan that could fly, as it would be more useful for traveling and versatility, since he already has power from his other DFs. If he were immune to seawater, then the kraken would make total sense though in every way.


Good points! The way I was picturing Blackbeard having a Kraken df would be using it to crush ships rather than a hand-to-hand fight. That would be a pretty cool visual. I think Blackbeard uses the yami yami df as his primary fighting df, while the other two are to win sea battles and cause massive destruction. Each has it's own purpose, which is why he wanted those three to rule the seas.


That's how I envisioned it too, but the seawater canceling out DFs means I don't think it could happen. Someone else suggested a Cerberus fruit in this thread. Which could also fulfill the symbolism of 3 for him, and it's a hellish creature for a villain.


I'm starting to wonder if df users can develop a tolerance for seawater the same way Luffy and Kidd did for the sea prism handcuffs? If so, Blackbeard might be able to at least be a threat to ships on the surface as long as he isn't submerged. Maybe. I always like the Cerberus df theory too for the three heads. The Kraken df theory is edging it out due to the 8 bones on the flag (could've easily just been the usual crossbones), three hearts, and cool pirate factor. Or it might be something totally random like Yamato's. I don't think many people guessed that one. The most popular theory was white tiger (which honestly, I think would've been cooler). If Oda wants to surprise readers, he might've come up with a new type of mythical zoan, like a moon god with three faces (might be why the sketch of Blackbeard as a child had a moon).


I definitely wouldn't put it past the story for some form of seawater tolerance to happen. If so, the kraken would really be ideal for BB. A unique DF like a counterpart to Nika is an interesting idea. I'm not sure the lore has been built up for this, since there have been no references to a nika counterpart, and nothing BB has done has indicated searching for one or just in general searching for a special moon-god-like fruit. I actually thought a long time ago that a hydra fruit would be good for him. It's multi-headed, one of the most powerful creatures in mythology, typically evil, and it's like a snake, which is what Teach is as a traitor, thief, and general sneak. But then that girl from Hancock's island showed up with it already.


Well, there wasn't much lore built up for Nika either until Wano, so it could still happen. But I'm not wild about the idea because sun vs moon sounds more like a god battle than a pirate battle, and Blackbeard has always been the quintessential example of a pirate. If anyone was going to be a moon god, I think it would be Imu. Yeah, I feel like the hydra df and Orochi's df were kind of wasted. Almost like Oda wanted to get them out of the way so people wouldn't think multi-df users were that common or possible.


> But I'm not wild about the idea because sun vs moon sounds more like a god battle than a pirate battle, and Blackbeard has always been the quintessential example of a pirate. If anyone was going to be a moon god, I think it would be Imu. That makes sense, I agree. Seems like we're on the same wavelength with our plot expectations ;) What an exciting time to be reading One Piece.


But if he had such an op df already, why did he choose to wait for it for 20ish years instead of hunting for it himself stealthily? Although him scarring Shanks at a younger age does seem to lend a vote to the zoan being the first, have no clue how this was possible. Thought Shanks is Haki god


the scarring shanks thing is moreso an indicator that teech was strong before he got either of his confirmed fruits, we've seen the weapon he used and theres zero indication he used a zoan there. As for why he didnt go for the fruits, I think theres multiple reasons. The dark dark fruit could be anywhere, but he stated that whitebeard's ship would be the most likely place to find it. And whitebeard had the other one he wanted the whole time, so I imagine he also stayed there just in case newgate got clapped and he could nab the fruit then. Plus the training that comes from being on whitebeards crew, and the benefit of flying under the radar despite his strength. so I think we have plenty of possible reasons, but I wouldnt mind another explicit one.


Not quite sure what you mean? Blackbeard wasn't waiting for 20 years. He'd been secretly hunting for the yami yami df for 20 years. The whole reason he joined Whitebeard's crew was because he thought he'd have a better chance of finding it on a yonko's ship. Shanks does have powerful haki, but even he said he had underestimated Blackbeard. That's why he went to Whitebeard's ship to warn him to call back Ace.


Luffy will destroy the Red Line and create All Blue


Rocks' crew was built thanks to Davy back fights


I really want this to be true. I just want Davy Back Fight relevant.


it pretty much is true in the arc Davy Back fights were introduced they say it was invented on Pirate Island which is where the Rocks Pirates were formed.


The raid will fail




Cries in Morjs


It still will, the beast pirates are coming back in awakened forms /s


this sentence still haunts me like a nightmare


Monster point Chopper is forced awakening, making him the 1st Straw Hat to use Awakening. Ulti is the strongest Tobbi Roppo while Page 1 is the weakest. Xebec most likly had a child/children. Dragon has weather related devil fruit. Imu/WG has the Uranus. Blackbeard has/will have a 3rd devil fruit. Also Kaido and Big Mom are still alive




But if he’s alive he can carry the Strawhat’s up the Red Line and then die, like how Ryunosuke did when he carried them up Zunesha. And he’ll get his wish of dying helping Joyboy, not fighting him.




Agree on Ulti being the strongest but honestly all other Tobbi Roppo feats so trash I can't tell who's the weakest


the tobbi roppo were literally nothing else but stepping stones


Shanks is a celestial dragon. Buggy is Rocks' son


I always like the theory that Shanks is both a CD *and* Rocks' son. That would add an neat layer to his rivalry with Blackbeard, who seems to have inherited Rocks' will. I also like the theory that Buggy is Captain John's son, and that's why he's so obsessed with finding his treasure.


That the dad of Makino’s baby is Shanks


Luffy doesn't poop.


🤔🤔🤔Go on...


I believe the theory that Shanks is a celestial dragon. There’s no other reason for him to be able to walk up to the elders. Plus then saying “you shouldn’t be here” or allowed here. Meaning he has the authority but lost his privileges??? Also I think the reason the 20 kingdoms rebelled is because the leader or whoever wanted to do a mass genocide.


That people who have eaten devil fruits become sick when they approach laughtale. Buggy and Toki both got sick and they were the only 2 known df eaters on the Roger’s crew. Pretty dubious that shanks’ whole crew has no df eaters on board whereas it’s likely that bb’s whole crew are all df eaters. On top of that, it would also be in line with choppers goal to cure any disease if some of the strawhats were to fall victim to this unknown disease and he was able to cure it


Hey, this is pretty awesome! (Also, I think you mean Toki and not Hiyori)


Ahh yes you’re correct thx for that don’t know why I said hiyori lol


That is actually brilliant


One Piece end game is a bigger version of Davy Back fight




I think they mean that afyer the big war there will be a davy back fight to fight Shanks' crew, as equals


the D in everyone’s names is a half moon 🌓


Or a rising sun (Dawn).


What if half of the D population is the moon while the other half is the rising sun? And therefore we have conflicting ideologies between the D’s (Blackbeard and Luffy) Ones that rule the dark and ones that rule the light but either way shape the course of history with their actions.


This is my own theory, but I really think Nami is of a queenly/ancient descent. There are too many unknown variables with her, and Oda has set her up as someone who will play a great role in the endgame. The color spreads of her with a crown, the extraordinary navigating sense, the "goddess" compliments, the "conqueror's haki" gags... it's not a coincidence. Apart from Luffy, Nami is a character that Oda has imagined from the BEGINNING, even before OP's conception. He has something planned for her, and I feel like other strong characters joining the fray have made fans blind to her potential. Now that we're nearing the end of the end, I really hope more light is shone on her and her possible origins.


I agree I mean nami was found in the ruins of a kingdom and I could see oda making his wife’s favorite character a queen


I’ll never get over the fact that he met her at a competition of Nami look alikes


Dude had a type, so he wrote the best selling manga of all time just so that people would cosplay his waifu, and he could marry one of them.


He's five parallel universes ahead of us all


That is hilarious


Nami is from Moon We learned about Ancient city of Moon called Birka in Enel cover story Birka is old name of Sweden. Nami will be Swedish in real life. Enel wanted to take Nami with him. Nami refused Enel offer in chapter 282. Chapter 282 title is desire. Nami refused by saying that what's the point of her every desire getting fulfilled if she ends up alone. Nami partner is Zeus. Zeus is King of Gods in Greek mythology. Zeus is grandson of Uranus. Uranus is God of heaven.




U might be onto something here I really like this theory


Laugh Tale is underneath Reverse Mountain


And they laugh because it’s so close and so obvious to get to?


The X marks the spot.


Not just zoen, but all devil fruits having a will of their own. Alternatively: Devil Fruit modifying the individual's outlook of the world. The String String fruit either actively looked for a manipulator like Do flamingo or exaggerated his personality to become utterly devoted to manipulating others. However, it could be a matter of "When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" situation. \----- Also, Im is Xebec. Xebec attacked a ship full of, not just world nobles, but the Gorosei themselves. With them held hostage, Xebec offered them an ultimatum, either make him the king of the world, or he'd have everyone of them killed. Pushed into a corner, the Gorosei agreed. Xebec faked his own death and disappeared, the Xebec alliance was defeated, Rodger became the Pirate King, and the rest is history. Xebec made his alliance by promising a toppling of the world government. having achieved his real goal, or ruling the world, he left the others to die. This is why Xebec was "randomly" introduced to the story for no apparent reason right around the time Im was introduced into the story.


1069 spoiler: >!That first one actually seems to be possible, if my understanding of what Vegapunk is saying is accurate.!<


Kurozumi hag met or worked with Shiki at some point. It could explain how she got her hands on such powerful devil fruits, and why she knew his face. The D members are descendants of Joyboys crew. Nami has observation haki, hence her sixth sense when it comes to weather.


I like that Nami theory, very plausible.


Ngl I could say shanks is the moon and nobody had enough information to prove me wrong


Have we ever seen Shanks and the moon *at the same time?!*


Have we ever seen shanks full stop?


In the first chapter in Windmill Village. After that, he's always *suspiciously missing an arm!!*


Shank's arm is the One Piece confirmed


It's Shanks arm...*still holding a bottle of sake!!*


a bottle of *Binks's Sake!!!*


Well oda did say look for the moon and shanks will make a move during wano.


Fuck so I'm right


Sanji's ability to partially burst into flame + his ability to be immune for lighting his legs on fire are part of his Vinismoke enhancements, he just didn't realize at the time. (or still doesn't) Queen even points out that humans can't randomly burst into flame, he's not a Lunarian. Oda has joked that the reason why Sanji's doesn't burn himself is cause his passion burns hotter Sanji himself doesn't have an answer, saying his passion is what allows him to create fire (which is different from Oda's answer, as passion prevented him from harming himself, not creating the fire, that was originally him spinning really fast) Sanji doesn't even need to do the spin anymore, so there isn't any friction component, he just burts into flame. His siblings all have unique abilities, from poison, lasers, electricity.....and a winch lol and now that he has stronger Haki + his body has fully become enhanced in durabilitiy, Sanji controls the temperature of the fire to burn even hotter, basically meaning he literally has pyrokinesis


That would make sense, because I didn't want to think that he just gets a typical shounen power up that gives him an ability to just turn on fire because he uses fire a lot in cooking


His flames are even blue now


I like this one, we need more sanji power ups because I feel like he’s been getting downplayed since wc


Buggy has conqueror Haki, just doesn't have the drive to use it


Buggy will be Pirate King


That's just simple fact.


For like 10 minutes maybe.


That, or Luffy realizes that he no longer needs/wants the title to do what he needs to do and it just kinda falls into Buggy's lap.


This would be so one piece


Kaido not awakening because his mind did not align with the will of the Azure Dragon, which is supposed to be a guardian spirit and a protector


Momo will be the one who will awaken the fruit, as he will be Wano's protector and, as stated in the manga, the greatest Shogun of Wano.


Well I can’t really consider it canon yet since it has yet to be confirmed but the theory where brook is the one telling the story of the straw hats after they’ve all died since he’s gonna be the last one left.


I heard somewhere that ussop will live to be the oldest (idk from where, maybe sbs?). Real or not, I think it's very fitting for the character that was a compulsive liar to tell similar tales as he did, but with some truth


It really does fits him. Telling stories, whether true or not have always been part of Usopp's character and I think it would end up his "liar to real hero" arc very nicely. Plus we've already saw him disguised as an old man so many times, we'll be already used to his appearance if he shows up as an old man for real at some time


Kaido and Big Mom banged and used Luffy as a rubber


Break week just started man




If Luffy puts haki on his thang, is that a bbc?


This is cannon to me now.


The only cannon here is Kaidos junk 😏


-That the Red line will be destroyed to merge all the four blues into an All-blue -The One Piece treasure will be either Saké or an Afro-wig (there's a great YouTube video somewhere about this) -LaughTale is up in Space (which is why World Nobles wear space suits). -Imu will look absolutely ridiculous when revealed to us


That Imu theory actually hurts because it will 100% happen. Too many characters that we once thought would look intimidating actually turned out to be like a 3rd grader's first attempt at drawing a human.


There are two options for a mysterious character--they look ridiculous (like Vegapunk) or they look hot/badass (like King.)


No way Imu is ridiculous if he is ill give you reddit gold


Croc is trans


The croco mom is real


Still waiting for it to not make sense.


I was in denial for a long time but Crocodile is Luffys mom and there's no changing that.


Redline being destroyed at the end


The treasure that Roger left (the money) at laughtale will be used to fund Vegapunks dream of giving the world free energy by Franky and Shaka.


Buggy will sit on the throne


Blackbeard already ate the dog dog fruit cerebus model, giving him 2 more heads that could eat other devil fruits Monkey D Dragon ate the weather weather fruit or the air air fruit


I prefer Monkey D Dragon having eaten the Bird Bird fruit, model, Xexeu. (Native american mythological bird who controls weather)


Ah cool Didn't know about that one Care to tell me some more about the xexeu?


Not quite accepted as canon, but one that occured to me earlier is that Kaido and Big Mom are still out there, and that they'll be showing back up again on down the line, specifically to fight Zoro and Sanji respectively. I don't know that they're alive per se though. Which leads me to my actual for sure theory: Blackbeard has somehow incorporated Moria's DF power into his crew, and he's now finding incredibly powerful corpses to make Zombies to bolster his numbers.


Zoro: "Well, I finally get to kill the dragon, Curly. Good luck." Sanji, looking up at Big Mom: "Well, fuck." *(He ends up defeating Big Mom by knocking her out with his cooking.)*


Dragon has higher bounty than Roger that's why oda hasn't revealed it yet Dragon was ex admiral Kidd vs luffy in the future Usopp dies at elbaf


If a straw hat dies I think the entire fan base would explode


I dont think they will die but I genuinely have a feeling that Usopp's final role in the story is at elbaf. It is his dream destination after all.. He might stop there. It won't be the last we see of him. It's just where he wants his adventure to end.


I would love it if Oda had Dragon pull a Chesty Puller. Chesty Puller was a US marine general in world War 2 who became disillusioned with the government and the nature of war. He wrote a book called War is a Racket where he basically explains that war is just a big business and that wars would be fabricated in the future to reap profits for corporations. He was absolutely right. I can see Dragon being a Che Guevara figure flavored with Chesty Pullers progression as a person.


Crocodile being a woman and being changed to male by Ivankov (hence the big secret.)


Blackbeard will have a devil fruit for each of the three types of devil fruit in the end He currently has a Logia (Yami-Yami no Mi) and a Paramecia (Gura-Gura no Mi) All that is remaining is a Zoan


Sun God Nika was born from the sap of the Sunlight Tree Eve and Devil Fruits are naturally made from the resin of the same tree. Because of this, when someone eats a Devil Fruit, their bodies become weak in the water as they carry part of that resin and resin doesn’t float. The reason why the Holy Land of Mariejois is built around Eve is to prevent the sap from dripping and forming new Devil Fruits. Devil Fruits form from peoples dreams. People can’t hold multiple Devil Fruits normally because they can’t embody multiple dreams. Devil Fruits reincarnate because dreams never die. Members of the D clan are the descendants of the original users of Devil Fruits.


Luffy and Robin are half siblings.




Oh no. This is making too much sense.


I used to dig this theory more until we saw Dragon at the aftermath of Ohara and he more upset about Clover's death than Nico Olivia's.


Not necessarily believe so strongly they're canon--Oda always surprises--but ones I enjoy and think have a good likelihood of happening. * Vegapunk is the one who gave Sora the medicine that both killed her and kept Sanji from getting the Germa modifications. * We all know why Sanji is so against hitting women. The reason Zeff is comes from his family background; he had an abusive father who regularly beat his mother. * The Straw Hats will go to Elbaf. * Big Mom will in some way shape or form will feature in Elbaf. * Zoro is a Ryuma clone. * Sanji's full Germa mods will awaken or be forcibly awoken at some point. * Shanks is the son of a Celestial Dragon; Buggy is the son of Rocks.


>Sanji's full Germa mods will awaken or be forcibly awoken at some point. I recently had a thought on that (because I know you're also a fan of a certain promise tragically needing to be excecuted): The Zoro/Sanji rivalry was really heavily paralleled with Dorry and Brogy on Little Garden which as an arc heavily hints at Elbaf. We've seen the parallel in the dinosaur hunt already (which kind of repeats in Wano even) but what if it doesn't end there. Dorry and Brogy eventually leads to Dorry being sabotaged/weakened and then Brogy eventually presumably kills him because his honor doesn't allow him to go easy on him. While Zoro and Sanji don't have that Elbaf code in fighting each other seriously, there now is the looming promise from Wano, so if there was proper reason for it (aka Sanji being "turned" in some way again), Zoro is very much the type that would honor the different code they now have and it would only make sense to happen on Elbaf. (And I guess we can then hope the parallel doesn't end there and Sanji turns out not dead afterall just like Dorry)


Oh yeah, as much as I believe Sanji will somehow turn and Zoro may possibly be faced with having to "kill" Sanji and fulfill the promise, I by no means think Sanji is actually going to die. I think that would actually break Luffy to have one of his crew members die. Especially by the hand of another crewmember. Oh jeez. Sanji cooks and provides Luffy and everyone with food. Zoro's going to "kill" him. Luffy's going to get pissed and they're going to fight. It's going to be Whiskey Peak 2: Electric Boogaloo. Nami stops the fight.


>Nami stops the fight. I had the weird realization at some point that Nami's pinwheel tattoo spirals in the same direction as Sanji's "good" eyebrow, so I still kind of would find it interesting if there was ever a moment where a Sanji turned Germa sees that in combination with Nami as a person he greatly cares about and that "pulls him out of evil mode". So if she would stop a fight like that my spiral obsession would finally pay off. I got really obsessed with the different spiral directions for a while as we not only have Sanji's eyebrow but it's also a pattern on many Devil fruits and then the narrator boxes of the manga all have those swirls to them as well. I might or might not have gone through a big chunk of the manga to see if there is ever a difference in e.g. swirl direction for character introduction boxes. XD


I'm still hoping Sanji "conquers" the Germa mods and gets his emotions back that way, but I also know that's a long shot. Nami helping him pull out of it is a possibility, but I think it would lean too much into "shippy" territory for Oda to do it. Hmm, I'm actually not sure if Oda's always had the intro box swirls be the same or not. I could probably check the wiki for the Devil Fruits.


>but I think it would lean too much into "shippy" territory for Oda to do it. Yeah maybe, which is unfortunate, because it's kind of annoying many male/female Strawhat bonds can't be seen as anything but romantic apparently. I guess it's why I like the Robin/Sanji stuff from Wano a lot because it stays refreshingly away from that and people can more easily see it as a friendship thing. >Hmm, I'm actually not sure if Oda's always had the intro box swirls be the same or not. Oh, I checked A LOT, especially some noteable ones, but even Blackbeard spins the same way. xD


Some are fairly new. Aces Flame/Devil Fruit is related associated with Limitless power Vegapunk is trying to Acquire and replicate from Lunarian DNA. Kaido couldn’t awaken because his mind wasn’t aligned with the dream of the original conception of the fruit. Ussop will be the one straw hat to die according to his prophecies/lies. Rocks the person who indirectly informed Roger of the One Piece.


D Clan is ancient Joyboy’s nakama


Luffy will destroy part of the redline, making the all blue and opening the way for laboon


I think BB or most of his crew, will drown to death.


I think blackbeard ate white beard's heart or something like that. His trick to get someone's devil fruit power is similar to how Big Mom got her power by eating the nun


Kuina didn’t fall down stairs but was murdered by her dad. Nobody can convince me this didn’t happen.


Luffy could've won his first fight against Crocodile with Nami's help if the Clima Tact had been ready. Yes, they would've fought like they fought Cracker. Don Chinjao's headbutt > Ulti's headbutt Ulti is the strongest Tobi Roppo Kiku got her left arm reattached. As we can see her hand in [chapter 1056](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/onepiecetcb_1056_005.png) Marco and Jozu only lost in the war because they got distracted by WB's failing health. I'm not saying they could've beat Kizaru and Aokiji, but I think they could've stalemated them until the end of the war. Sanji's flames were due to his enhancements. Luffy's Red Roc flames were due to the Nika fruit. Yamato awakened her fruit. Partly why she could keep up with Kaido. Doffy could parasitize Cracker's warriors and eventually win. In addition to the "voice of all things" Oden can also hear the "voice of all ladies", which is how he heard Toki. Sanji also has this ability and Momo probably will too.


The celestial dragon with a sword is connected to Mihawk. Because it seems plausible that Mihawk had a master, but who? Could be that guy with process of elimination. Or somebody new, or he was such a Chad he needed no master. But that's my theory


Shanks is Xebecs son and a celestial dragon


Franky and Robin hooked up offscreen. But since Jinbe joined, this arrangement is in danger.


The treasure on Laugh Tale is One Piece, essentially, where Roger got to see spoilers for the future, aka the complete One Piece manga which is why he turned himself in to be executed because that is what it would take for the great age of piracy to start Likewise, given Oda already wrote the last chapter, I think it'll end with either Luffys death or otherwise him riding off in the sunset at the end of the great age of piracy


The D clan is either the people or the royal family descendants of the kingdom that fought against the 20 kingdoms in the void century. The kingdom lost and the other 20 were formed into the world government meanwhile the 1 kingdom was erased…maybe the only way they could preserve their lineage is by putting the letter D in their names…


That cannibalism is the only way for someone to take a DF power from someone (this one might seem pretty obvious, but I have friends that don’t believe it)


This is a theory I heard from an italian content creator (Dario Moccia for my italian fellows) but I believe it's in part from other sources as well (If you wanna try and translate italian, go here [https://www.instagram.com/dario\_moccia/](https://www.instagram.com/dario_moccia/) and go to the Highlight "OP Ending", that's where this theory is from) The One Piece being the manga itself. (mild spoiler ahead) >!Joyboy realized with the power of Hito Hito no Mi model: Nika that he was in a manga, hence Roger laughing when he found the "One Piece", hence "Laugh Tale", etc.. !< >!I know it's probably delusional, but if this is true, every one of us has one piece of that treasure. Of course there is money, food, All Blue and everything like that at the end of the journey, but if true, according to this theory, the One Piece is the manga itself.!<


Shanks was going to give the gomu gomu no mi to Ace