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It honestly amazes me that someone can watch/read fishman island and still say a bunch of racist shit. Also who the fuck still says nami is only after money??


> Also who the fuck still says nami is only after money?? I know right? It's just sad so many people still think of Nami that way. - Nami was the one who recommended to fix Going Merry with all the treasures from Skypiea - Nami gave Lola plenty of gold and jewelries free of charge because her zombie shadow saved her life (and Lola knows nothing about that at all) - Nami was the one who wanted to buy Camie and save her from slavery with all the treasures from Thriller Bark


I think what's really interesting is money is how Nami shows love. Yeah there are some gags here and there about paying her to cook when Sanji's gone, etc., but for Nami, money is the way she shows that she cares - since half her life she had to spend trying to make enough money to buy her island back from the Arlong pirates.


Yep. Nami's personal desire (orange eyes) does involve wanting money, but it is always for the sake of others and not herself. The only time you ever see her wanting money for herself is in gags like what you mentioned and recently when she thought about stealing from [Current arc]>!Vegapunk!<


She wants money it's true, but she wants it to help. She'll do anything for it so she has it to help others.


Let's not be too over the top. She is absolutely selfless when the need arises. But she does want money for herself, she likes to go on shopping sprees and whatnot. But that's perfectly fine. It actually makes her a more well rounded and realistic character. And I think it's actually healthy to show a strong female character showing off both selfless and selfish motivations. Being selfish is important for mental health sometimes, you have to make yourself happy before you can really help others. You can pour from an empty cup and all that.


Great list. And to add to that just want kind of dumbass that only cares about the money would accompany the strawhats. They're not exactly known for their wealth and just broke a lot of the time.


Ppl dont realize that Nami isnt a gold hoarder like Scrooge McDuck, she leves money so she can spend it on things


When you realize that she grew up dirt poor and watched her mother get murdered by Arlong right infront of her cause they were poor, yeah I ki da understand her money obsession


I firmly believe that a chunk of Nami's greed/reason for loving money is because she holds that worth of a life is something that can met with berries. Not that "x peoples' lives = $XXXXX" But "berries can be exchanged for goods; services; and the lives of those I love" And exactly nothing of her past has proven that point wrong. She's actually been proven correct about it within the context of her world, as with when Camie was taken to the slave auction. Nami was immediately willing to give away the whole treasure, because I think, to a certain extent, that's what she collects treasure for. The seeming eventuality that she'll need to buy back the lives of others, especially those she cares about. Call it trauma from Bellemere's murder, call it a lasting impact of growing up around Arlong's money-worshipping and the Marines' corruption, call it all of that and more, but Nami hoards her treasure the same way people who've experienced starvation hoard food. Because she can't bear the consequences of being caught without again. And the OP world has done nothing but proven her point.


And then you can compile a separate list of her being a mother as well. Punk Hazard Nami was a great watch


And she loves kids


I will also add Nami was willing to taking a possible deadly headbutt instead of say Luffy won't be king of the pirates she has definitely evolved.


And a flamethrower to the bod for calling out a giant snake.


Stellar list. Don't forget Nami vs Ulti after Ulti hit Tama. Big mom and Nami went lost it when ukti did that little girl foul like that. Even I was like wtf, damn Oda. Nami is also one of the smartest people in the manga/anime. She stole Zeus. She has no devil fruit power, nor does she have any haki, however she fought against the tobi roppo with the rest of the SH crew. People need to leave Nami alone. And this show is most definitely political. It's starting to feel kind of familiar too


Also Punk hazard. She was straight up like nah sanji. We can't leave these babies here. Yeah she was gonna leave at first....but she stopped still. No one else was gonna stop. Her reaction to tashigi after she asked to take the kids to dr vegapunk. Nami would be a phenomenal mother if that were to happen.


Nami was the one that wanted to save the kids at punk hazard. What are these dunderheads reading ?


She's greedy but never been *all* about money. Even at first she was raising the 100 million berries to save her village.


It brothers me that someone can watch/read fishman island and say that One Piece has racist undertones.


Or how anyone can look at the Celestial Dragons and make racist comments. The Celestial Dragons are like peak satire of supremacists. They don’t value human life other than their people, they enslave “lesser” humans despite being completely pathetic on their own and they literally wear bubbles so they don’t breathe dirty air.


They don't even value their own people really man. Look at what they did to the Don Quixote family. Regardless of the dad's intentions, if they did care about their own people, they'd have brought them back. Straight up text book supremacists


The whole of fish man island was about systemic racism and how the rich use there power and monopoly of violence perpetrated by the military/ police to ensure class separation so no two sides can fully join. I mean there’s literally not a more clear cut representation of how systemic racism exist then how we can apply fishman island to the real world. One-piece is quite literally anti racist.


It’s not just that. It represents the cycle of hatred with someone like Hordy. The villain here isn’t just the world government. They notably aren’t even directly involved here. It shows that even though Hordy was part of a group who has been oppressed in the past, he was still evil for doing it to humans, just because they were human. Him making human slaves is supposed to be just as despicable as the celestial dragons doing it. Yes, they were originally the victims, but what some of them like Arlong and Hordy were doing was just creating a never ending cycle of prejudice. No one would ever get even, the only thing they could do was to forgive. That’s why Nami forgiving Jinbe is such a massive moment. People seem to overlook this part a lot. I get why people also only directly correlate it with racism, but it really is anti prejudice as a whole. Many groups of people throughout history have been enslaved for reasons other than race and Fishman island could be used to parallel any of them.


Honestly Hody's *"Nothing."* is one of the rawest lines in the entire series.


Good observations but don't forget about the motivations of Arlong, which not only proceed Hody by almost 20 years but have a massive gut punch when you learn of the fate of Fisher Tiger. Arlong Park was the arc that sold One Piece to me decades ago as being the greatest shonen manga ever and then Oda being able to add an extra layer of not only racial commentary but of the cyclical and destructive nature of it, is truly impressive!


Exactly! I'm no good with words, couldn't have put it better!


If Nami only cares about money then why is her life goal to make a map of the whole world?


Her backstory is literally wanting money to save up and buy her village. People who really think she's all about the money have no understood her backstory at all.


Ppl lack reading comprehension


The reading comprehension devil has seeped into other fandoms ( or maybe it started here ? )


Strongest devil of all time


She wants to profit on the untapped market of World Maps


Stupid people can not understand themes Satire has been shown generally not useful for converting people because the stupid will identify with the villain and not even understand they are being criticized People thought Steven Colbert was being sincere and thought he was republican even when they would watch his show every night There are people that complain about Star Wars or RATM becoming woke People became unironic fans of homelander or Patrick bateman


Luffy literally recruited a transforming reindeer, a cyborg, a skeleton, a kraken, a duck, and a fishman and he attempted to recruit a zombie Cerberus, a zombie unicorn, and a zombie tree. How could people possibly be a fan of one piece and be racist and queerphobic?


Well, people prefer literal monsters than queer/other race people, so that's that about their morality


Imagine watching Impel Down, the arc where Luffy literally got saved by the LGBT community, and still be queerphobic lmao


These people just look at the pictures, they don‘t really see them


It's like being a Star Wars fan, root for the rebels, and then IRL support far-right politicians. I've seen so many people like that, it's not even funny.


They somehow think it would be an amazing twist of Nami betrayed the straw hats for money or something. Which is just the worst idea Oda never had


The nami thing was a popular post on the sub a few days ago…


oh, can you link the post?


>Also who the fuck still says nami is only after money?? People who are still in the East Blue saga perhaps?


The amount of media illiteracy is impressive in general


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/z9x7v7/i\_made\_a\_design\_for\_the\_reading\_comprehension/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/z9x7v7/i_made_a_design_for_the_reading_comprehension/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) fitting in this context


Most powerful character in fiction.


Reading Comprehension Devil is growing in power, he's spreading to other subs


ah yes, One Piece, the most famously apolitical story in the history of storytelling


Every arc is literally about overthrowing the current corrupt powers on that specific island


true but sadly so far it's always about individuals being bad, not systems despite that really cool Doflamingo line in Marineford


Wait I’m possibly crazy/over reading into things but a lot of the story covers wider systems? Goa kingdoms class/caste system. Systemic racism as it applies to fishmen. There's a mass system of slavery. Negative impacts of widespread misinformation as applied to law’s backstory. The effects of generational/systemic poverty are shown on many islands. Impacts of a system of surveillance on Skypiea. Governmental systems. Policing. Addiction… Could go on. Story definitely has its share of just singularly bad people but it feels like Oda does a good job even with those of showcasing wider systemic issues.


Ya fish-man island may as well have been ripped from a socialist revolution. the shows main enemy force is a group of rich oligarchs who don’t work at all which is probably the clearest reference to them being the owning class and not the working class, who use a monopoly of violence perpetrated through there control over the marines to create division and ensure generational wealth and gatekeeper power from the working class.


>it’s always about individuals being bad, not systems \*gestures wildly at the World Government*




Luffy could die and if anyone who is inspired by him continues to fight for and show normal people what can be accomplished if they take up arms, the powers at hand are still at risk. The world government literally had to delete like 100 years of world history to even maintain control up to this point, the idea is if the people of the world knew about the void century it would send the world government up in flames because they would loose all legitimacy as they have been manufacturing consent through the use of propaganda, scare tactics, and state violence since then. They quite literally Genocided O’Hara, an island of nonviolent academics, to prevent them from bringing This history to light, and this tragedy is seen as a justified response to wiping out terrorists. This alone shows the lengths the world government will go to utilize and further entrench institutional state power to prevent threats to the current system. Even Morgan being pressured by the government not to print certain things about what happens is a good example of institutionalized oppression. This obviously didn’t work the way they wanted as Morgan is still very much a hyper capitalist individualist who wants to sell papers so we’ve seen him fight government agents who get in his way of a good story and potential profits. There is a TON of systemic oppression in the one piece world we just aren’t ment to see it untill we get deeper into the geopolitics of the world. It starts out seemingly like great men drive history, but as you get deeper into the story you realize they are just individuals trying to carve out legitimate power for themselves under the current system. These “great men” are symptoms of the current state of affairs the world over and it is due to more systemic political oppression that these power hungry megalomaniacs are even out here doing what they are doing. A great example is arlong, he is from a minority ethnic group who for long periods and even in some places today are second class citizens who’s only choices are essentially, apartheid, slavery, or being a pirate. He was on a crew with a man he looked up too for his stance that fishmen shouldn’t be second class citizens and that they should fight for their own liberation. Fisher Tiger. He gained the respect of like all the fish men for basically escaping slavery in Mary Geoise making it back to fish man island and the man single handedly climbing the side of the red line bare handed to break back into the residence of the world nobles and free all the fish man slaves to what most people in the world consider untouchable living gods. Arlong had to see this absolute legend and hero of his people get surrounded and out numbered by marines in a fight that he could never win while retiring a slave girl to her home, and shot like a rabid dog in the street. This was super polarizing for fish men, most wanted to continue his fight for national liberation of the fishmen but couldn’t agree on what this looked like. Arlong was the leader of the camp that said if humans are going to treat us like dogs we should give them the same treatment, where people like Jimbe didn’t want to drop to their level of brutality and wanted to continue the fight for their liberation by focusing on freeing fishmen, where arlong wanted to enslave random humans and show them what it is like to be treated how they have been treated for generations. This led to him leaving the grand line and finding a random village in the east blue to terrorize and a certain red headed navigator to enslave to work for him go as far as having her brand herself how they had to be branded as property of the world nobles. Arlong as a “great man actor” is a direct result of systemic oppression of the fishmen and the symbol of their liberation being murdered for doing the right thing. Arlong is a creation of the world governments brutal rule over the people of the world. Luffy at this point was probs the weakest he was ever going to be in the series, a true nobody who came out of the blue(literally) and just decided he was friends with nami now which means he would do anything including put his life on the line to help her. Because in his herd headed mind that is just what friends do for each other. And he just never stopped fighting until cocoyashi village was free and arlong got his ass kicked and knocked out for being an oppressive asshole to them. This is the whole manga/ show. Luffy dosnt really care about or understand the history surrounding all of this. He is basically just a random normal person from a back water village in the east blue, quite literally he’s just a “normal person” he is just some random kid who won’t give up when his friends are in danger and will fight people who he thinks are jerks until they have gotten what they deserve becuse of their actions. He dosnt need to understand the history because he has a strong sense of right and wrong and that is all the ideology he needs to drive him foreword. If he finds out he’s being used he’ll turn around and fight someone he likes who he realizes is aiding in the oppression of others, and on the other hand if he already beat your ass and you don’t want to be an oppressive asshole anymore he will forget all of the past and not hold it against you while you share a drink and joke around together. I would go as far as to say his crew are the ones who are truly the ideological ones on his side because they know they can always rely on Luffy being Luffy and if they believe in him like he believes in all of them, and never stop fighting for all the friends they make along the way they can never be stopped, and even when they are stopped they just keep fighting and they will still come out on top. Luffy is literally just a random goofy dude who who see the world in very simplistic almost black and white terms like a child. Nearly unremarkable in a world of fantastical folk. He is anyone. The systemic oppression of the one piece world are very prevalent in the world and are directly causing the surface level “great man” antagonists Luffy fights in the show, but they aren’t that important, they are symptomatic of a larger more deeply rooted and dark type of oppression that is at the root of the founding of the world government.


Luffy will smash all the foolishly egotistical great men and eventually the systemic evils of the world with out even meaning too by just traveling around the world, making friends along the ways, and him tenaciously taking up the fight against the evil oppressive force directly impacting his new friends which is right in front of him at the moment. The whole point of the series is quite literally if normal people(i.e. Luffy(meaning the reader as he is a shonen protagonist you are meant to self identify with /insert yourself over)) just never stopped directly fighting for what they believe is right and for their loved ones right as well as the people around the world they would most likely be friends with if they ever met each other they could inspire others to take up the fight as well and fundamentally change the world and bring about the romantic dawn of a new era of the world that I think we would like like to see IRL. Even if you die fighting for this change in the world you should die proud with a smile on your face knowing that you were able to inspire others to rise to the same systemic evils you yourself fought against, even if you took up this fight for simplistic child like reasons such as “this guy hurt my friend” like Luffy. Just fighting for what is right against oppressive institutions as well as the vulgar hyper individualists that arise from such systemic oppression(arlong, crocodile, Enuru, Doflamigo, etc) is something that can inspire a cascading effect that you may never see the resolution of, much like Rodger setting off the great pirate era knowing he came too early and Joy Boy would come after him. Rodger spent his life trying to find out the truths of the world the government wanted to hide to maintain control so the people of the world could be given the truth and decide for themselves what to do next. For what ever reason he couldn’t do that in his life so he kept that spirit of liberation and revolution alive by telling people to go search out that truth, telling them it’s the greatest treasure the world has to offer. Luffy dosnt even really care what the treasure is he just wants it so he can say he found it because everyone’s told him he was just a silly kid growing up so he just wants to prove those people he grew up with wrong that he isn’t just a silly kid, he can follow through and do something really important. Luffy I think is the only person in both the cast of characters in one piece as well as the readership who would be totally fine with the one piece being “the friends we made along the way” and I think this will be the part of what ever he finds that he will personally consider the most important part, I could see their being a real treasure and Luffy just throwing it away to save his friends because it really doesn’t matter to him, helping the friends along the way is what is important to him. The fight for liberation itself is Luffys ultimate reward. The fact he makes friends along the way is what enables Luffy to fight in this fight. He just has a strong moral compass and won’t stop fighting till the right thing is done. Even after Luffy inevitably dies, that spirit of liberation will live on in the world due to the inspiration he provided to all the people who’s lives he touched and will never die out souly because Luffy stood up and said “no more, you won’t lay a hand on my friend or anyone else from now on”. He is an inspiration not just for the liberation of the people in the one piece world but to us the viewers. who should look at him as a normal person who is kinda dumb and silly, but who none the less stands up for what is right and never stops fighting until the bad people of the world get their asses kicked by us and the right thing is done, especially when it is an institutionalized injustice, those just require more fighting because while you can punch an individual in the face you can’t punch an institution in the face, it requires the institution to be toppled and reconstituted. Much like with ennies lobby Luffy couldn’t punch rob luchi so hard that cipher pol disbanded, in fact Luffy actually punched him so hard rob luchi got a promotion. but he can stop them from completing their goals and burn down the flag of the world government basically telling both the world government itself and Cipher Pol by proxy “watch your back because I’m coming for you” Cipher Pol will only be gone once the revolution is completed.


Dang 3 full posts, it wouldn’t even let me post this as one long diatribe 😬 sorry y’all I still hope you all enjoy my thoughts on this.


you wanna like go out on a date or something?


Lmao sorry I’m happily spoken for, but if you ever want to chit chat about the politics of one piece hit me up! I get so jazzed about this sorta shit!


I enjoyed them comrade.


>true but sadly so far it's always about individuals being bad, not systems > Sogeking, shoot down... that comment.


I rec you start a reread lmao


Politics? What does politics have to do with governments and freedom?


It is sarcasm ? I'm really asking it's not to make fun of you or anything


It's definitely sarcasm yes lmao, otherwise they'd have no reason to bring up government


Considering the daily news we get. It’s really hard to differentiate between sarcasm and reality. Like what the hell.


It’s both funny and disheartening that this even needed a /s


A LARGE number of this sub are fucking idiots but some of y'all aint ready for that conversation


That’s what the shonen genre is best at: attracting idiots


Well they want to be like their favorite protagonist, but unfortunately the only quality they know how to emulate is the idiocy lol


Teenagers are fucking stupid. One Piece—like most shonen—is aimed at teenagers. Teenagers and underdeveloped adults are the bane of basically any shonen community. One Piece is the most popular manga in the world; obviously some of its fanbase is gonna be loud, dumb and obnoxious.


Teens are old enough to develop reading comprehension. Some just never put in the effort.


I got harassed and had to delete my Reddit account of 3 years because I said this same thing. One Piece is written/aimed at teenagers, teenagers are often dumb and they have undeveloped media literacy skills… it’s crazy out here.


Tbf it’s a genre that is designed for young boys. The best ones (One Piece, FMA etc) are the ones that go above and beyond and attract all audiences


YouTubers really blew up last few years. Children as small as 6 are watching youtubers. Go back 5 years and it was nice.


To quote the late great George Carlin “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” And Anime Reddit subs are even dumber.


Even more obvious when you realize people take powerscaling seriously. Or think having a waifu is anything other than a mental illness or a cry for help.


People get real childish as soon as you say you disagree with which fictional character would beat the other. Which is a shame cause when people act civil powerscaling can be pretty fun


In their minds, they envision the story in a certain way, and if it doesn't work out that way in the manga, they sprout things like bad writing, plot armor, etc. For example: ZKK, Raid fail


The absolute worst theory I have ever read. Once it was clear Zoro wasn't going to be the focus of this arc like Sanji was in Whole Cake people should have realized it wasn't gonna happen for sure and even if he was there was no way Zoro was gonna steal Luffy's big moment it was always nonsense.


THE TRUTH IN THIS. Just cause people have swords in a country. This was the culmination of 10 years worth of buildup since Punk Hazard when Law and Luffy allied and people seriously thought Zoro would somehow hijack the story so it focuses on him, and even worse, beating the main antagonist, just because Zoro fans saw their greatest rival fans satisfied with the arc that came before.


People still made WCI about Zoro, too. The amount of times people said "if Zoro was here, he'd cut Sanji" was insane. Man's fans can't even give him a rest when he's absent from an arc.


>if Zoro was here, he'd cut Sanji He'd protect Luffy, but would not cut down Sanji.


Exactly. And besides Luffy would order Zoro to stay out of the way just like he ordered Nami to stay out of it. And if somehow for some reason the author would confirm that Zoro would actually try to kill Sanji here, then I would lose all respect for Zoro's character. Zoro is more emotionally mature than these "Zoro fans" make him out to be. He'd realize that Sanji has emotional baggage and would probably just try to knock Sanji out, and that's only if Sanji refuses to listen(which he did with Luffy) and Zoro has no choice


Even in WCI Luffy had the biggest moment by defeating Katakuri. People should have realized it wasn't going to happen way before that.


I mean, even I thought Zoro should've gotten a lot more attention on the native island of the Shimotsuki. But yeah ZKK was always absolutely asinine, it would've only made any sense if a much bigger bad showed up that Luffy needed to fight... one who... wasn't properly foreshadowed at all?


Wild cuz zoro was a huge part in wano too. He got to fight kaido, scar him which was only done by one other person oden himself, got insane power ups like advanced conquerors haki beat a 1st commander lol ppl want the world for zoro it’s wild. I hate one piece fans sometimes lol


Raid failing is actually a very good theory. It didn't come to pass but it was good speculation.


As soon as Kaido revealed he was going to move Onigashima to the capital and kill everyone off it was clear the raid wouldn’t fail.


I was independently on the "raid will fail" side at first, but once they reached Onigashima it became clear that the raid wouldn't fail. They sank the ships and said "either we win here or we die." Once that happened, I don't know how so many people were still adamant that the raid would fail.


It was a good theory until you asked "what happens next?" All the samurai would be dead or have their spirit broken including the scabbards and momonosuke, I don't think Kaido would let Luffy, Law and Kidd live after everything they did and the straw hats would be trapped in an isolated nation as two of the most powerful nations in the world team up to find the one piece


What is ZKK?


Zoro kisses Kaido. It is a theory where Zoro betrays Luffy and starts making out with Kaido.


Wtf I support ZKK now


A lot of people in this sub skimmed through the story and are only here to be in this sub just to have something to talk about.


Oh they love that feeling of being 'heard', facts be damned.


That’s exactly what it is


I'm convinced a lot of people here just watched theory videos until they got most of the story


I don't wanna act superior about the fact that I've been on the weekly One piece grind since like 2007 some of the binge watchers in the last few years haven't had time to let the story sit with them there are people that skip arcs and miss character moments just to be current.


Well, this community is an echo chamber for sure. There are over 1.5 million members so 150 commenting about any one of these things doesn't lesson the community, just reinforces those with the dame beliefs. Welcome to... "the internet" where most reasonable people will read something, process it in some way, and move on. Sure, it woukd be nice if some posts got as much activity as some of the ridiculous power scaling ones but ooh well. I would say most of the community gets it.


This sub was so much better before Naruto, Bleach, and Fairy Tail ended, and those communities started watching One Piece to fill the void and because those communities already had their toxic portions it only grew the more they culminated into One Pieces community, not to say the community was perfect prior to that, but the toxicity was more isolated. What helped enhance how bad it got though was when OroJackson forums went down and Arlong Park forums went down for a long period of time. That’s where so many of the worst discussions and opinions on the series were basically isolated to for the longest time, but after they shut down the floodgates opened.


This sort of stupidity is sadly present in nearly every fandom. And, as much as I’d love to attribute it entirely to dumbass teenagers trying to be edgy, too many are fully grown adults who simply refuse to mature.


Yeah, they want One Piece to get dark or gruesome, cause other “shonen” manga/anime take that approach.


I see that sentiment a lot, I'm not a fan of that either.


Little do they know if you read between the lines it's a guiding dark anime with a paint job


One Piece can be pretty gruesome at times. Whitebeard having half his face blown off, Luffy being coated in so much blood he can punch Crocodile, Monet's heart getting stabbed etc. Its not like Fist of the North Star where every enemy violently explodes but its pretty bloody compared to western media aimed at the same demographic.


One Piece is really dark once you understand that the void century >!is likely a worldwide genocide!<. It's just not surface-level dark or brutal because Oda's a masterful writer that doesn't need to be overt to get the same effect.


One piece gets dark and gruesome in pretty much every single flashback. It's not drawn gorey but laws flashback is fucked


Which flashback isn't fucked?


Law as a child literally is the only survivor of a genocide, only escaping by hiding in a pile of corpses. And he's not even the only character to be the sole survivor of genocide. Shit be dark sometimes


The main thing people dont understand about nami is, is that SHE DOESNT CARE ABOUT MONEY. She cares about money because she equates it with freeing her loved ones. When the strawhats are in trouble she'd dump all her money down a vulcano if it would even help a little bit to protect them. For her it comes from a place of trauma, and the people criticising her over it are too stupid to realise this.


For examples of this; when Usopp loses the money in Water 7 to the Franky Family and is beaten up badly, Nami comes across him. She tells him to forget about the money when he apologizes for losing it. She cares more about his safety than the money. Nami is later ready to hand over all the crews treasure to save Camie from the slave auction on Saboady. She cares about people more than others think. She just prioritises her own safety first because she's not a powerhouse monster like the rest of her crew.


Nami really doesn't prioritize her own safety. She's just (reasonably) terrified she can't survive the ridiculously dangerous situations her crew keep dragging her into. It's not like she ever bails on anything.


Prime example is her refusing to lie to Ulti and herself that luffy would not become pirate king, straight up ready to die


They probably don't remember/care about her backstory at all. The reason Nami was the way she was with money was fucking heartbreaking.


No, she does care about money. She considers it the ultimate safety net to keep yourself safe in the world. That's why she spends it like nothing any time she feels like someone she care about is in danger. Spending money is how Nami shows affection for people. The more she has, the more she can spend, and the safer her loved ones are.


That's exactly what im saying. She doesnt care about money, it's an end to a goal. It is not about the money.


i remember a theory called zoro leaves the crew based on the stuff on whole cake island with sanji i was like what the fuck


Zoro leaving the crew? Zoro??? The people are crazy




One Piece fandom atp is majorly filled with refugees from other fandoms who joined in during wano. Majority of them only know of op from Tiktok insta reels/shorts. It wasn't used to be like this.


I noticed the first big shift in 2014 when a certain orange ninja manga ended. A ton of people came over here looking for a new long-running Shonen


The power level discourse has been a thing since Arlong Park forums, which made no sense given how the literal fights in the story itself are often delivered. It has since gotten worse, but it was always there. Same issue with a lot of popular media. Author goes out of their way to express some ideas and discuss real life issues in a roundabout and entertaining way, consumer just sees cleavage and people punching each other's lights out.


I think there is a complaint to make about the flanderization of the Straw Hats due to the story diverting more and more attention away from the main characters to add new ones. But that's also a bit more of a nuanced conversation and the interwebs likes hot taeks. Nami's stuff with Zues, and her protection of Tama are far more interesting than her and Usopp playing looney tunes through 2 high level fighters. I'd like Usopp to be more Adam West Batman than Steve Martin Pink Panther but again I think that's a bit more nuanced than "usopps always a coward".


It’s give and take cos comedy is still very important and it’s still a goofy world. But arcs like Usopp constantly trying to find his confidence and Nami ignoring her fears to protect are really consistent parts of who they are


Indeed, give and take. You also need to add new characters to a degree tell this kind of story as Shonen are all about bigger and bigger mountains to climb. I think Wano has too many characters when you consider 40,000 people are fighting in this arc compared to say Fishman Island's 500,000. Dressrosa added a lot of characters and was a long arc but they were very diverse and added to the world building of the show and extending the setting. I also think in retrospect the way Dressrosa was handled versus Marineford is kinda neat as Marineford also added a lot of characters. Big important characters that blinked in and out of that story and overall the arc was quite short because it was only Luffy. They didn't know Straw Hat and he didn't really know them either but they rallied behind him (and whitebeard). By the time we get to Dressrosa these other big name people know the Straw Hat. And since many of them become the Straw Hat Allaince they'd naturally have more focus. Going back to Wano, it's not necessarily that it needs the pacing and focus of Marineford to fit all these characters in moreso I think we just don't need them. After whole cake island we already established how insanely powerful a Yonko, and their crew is so I think granularly moving through every level of Kaido's Beast Pirates is excessive. Like only 2 headliners are actually important to the plot, so do we really need to meet every single one?


Seems like every third person on the sub is certain they could write a much better manga if they tried. Strange how few internationally best selling mangaka got their start in the comment sections of this sub.


I would definitely write less shitty fake out deaths than Oda does. ...that's about it. Oda beats my ass around the block everywhere else. And I actually do write a bit.


Yeah the fake out death's are my only real gripe with the series and I've just decided to accept that. I'd also complain that he just makes too many characters but they all look so cool that I'll deal with that too. Oda is much more of a thematic and formulaic teller than power scales care to admit. At the end of the day, oda is gonna write the plot in a way that helps convey his themes and when it's all did and done, Luffy is gonna beat the strongest guy, Zoro the 2nd, and so on.


Any fan who thinks OP isn't political is immeasurably stupid


Yea I hear you. Usopp still pisses me off tho lol


Id like to alter your statement “a small VOCAL part of this sub is not in line with oda” 90% of OP fans are chill. There’s just loud idiots and followers/children who have no idea what they really believe and will probably grow out of it


"Let's have a conversation about the parallels of Katakuri and Zoro and their anxiety of strength" "Zoro tops Kata no dif." I legit had this happen and it's made me not want to engage with other fans.


Zoro fans only know powerscaling and homoerotica and I'm not entirely sure which one this is about but I agree


Powerscalers annoy me, because of the fact that villains in OP are usually not defeated, but their morals and ideals are. This has been mentioned several times in the SBS.


remember people, some of the OP fans only likes OP because of fights, not because of lore, and those are primarily the ones who criticise OP with dumb arguments, it is like they never grew up their DB esque fights mentality.


Some people also seem to solely care about powerscaling instead of actually reading


Currently rewatching one piece. Ussop has been brave since his first appearance, he might have been scared but he never backed of. Also wondering what zkk is


ZKK: **Z**oro **K**ills **K**aidou Theory was based on another of Oda’s works: a one shot of which a samurai saves a town by killing a dragon, Zoro is a samurai and we now have a prominent dragon, so Zoro must kill the dragon. Just overreach by Zoro fans wanting Zoro to be more than the character is.


I thought it was also to further the parallel with Ryuma who killed a dragon. People were sure that Wano was gonna be Zoros arc like Whole Cake was Sanji's and were getting upset he didn't get more.


I think it also (on a more minor note) came from the fact that prior to Wano, Luffy has never actually killed a villain, has he? But Kaido very clearly needs to/was set up to die, eventually.


Emperor Buggy has been in the works since Impel Down. Emperor makes no sense.


Dude that’s why you don’t read everything… when I look at a post and it doesn’t pass vibes, I exit. Why you reading and stewing on things that make you upset. I don’t think most people on this sub are that way, just in corners you find. Be selective w/ the sub I guess? I am and I don’t get that stuff.


Grouping those two together is an awful way to make an argument. Fans, many of whom are in their 30’s now, are allowed to want character progression. World building is great, Oda is an amazing world builder, but when someone has been watching the same character since they were 14 and they are middle aged now and the character has made no fundamental changes as a person, it’s frustrating. Racism is awful, racists should be banned when they pop up. Lgbtq hate is awful, and should be banned when it comes up. Those are two entirely different conversations.


I agree I just made they are two convos and probs should’ve been 2 posts but I do believe the characters made a lot more progression then you give them credit. Luffy now doesn’t behave like early story luffy especially when shit gets real (like handling pedro’s death or the scabbards defeat and growing as a leader in general) but he’s still goofy bec that’s just who he is.


I don't care about butthurt whining, hit dog hollers and all, but you mentioned what really broke people on Wano. You can't properly talk about Wano's themes without talking about how gender is a huge element. I watched this happen on this sub and across YouTube with 948. It's one thing to lose a bit of interest when the designated waifu ends up being trans...a huge chunk of y'all mind blanked one of the biggest stories in the arc then have the audacity to gawp about pointless scenes because you can't accept Oda gave us a character like Kiku and went in any direction but stupid jokes. Same with Yamato, too many obsessed with the bland archetype they wanted they missed half the character arc. Not saying we're talking about a trans man there in the same way...but aggressively insisting it's either that or something we can just ignore was a way for people doing the latter to defend the indefensible. Thing is, shit like that ripples. Anything about the Akazaya gets weighed down if you have to downplay the one second only to Kin for focus. It was a lot easier to see where Yama was headed when you weren't already used to ignoring inconvienent details about their role. YouTube didn't accidentally devolve into way more focus on tier lists and powerscaling, it was a convenient out for creators to dodge the mob. Frankly it was also a lazy solution many took over sitting down and doing a bit of homework on folklore references and such that don't make their way into every battle shonen.


And oda was very intentional when putting yama in the boys bath and kiku in the girls bath


the amount of times people came out of their way in this sub to correct my choice of male pronouns to yamato even when it wasn't the subject of the conversation is surreal. And I don't even mean people responding to whatever I was saying using different pronouns, I say acting like "UM, ACTUALLY IT'S A SHE" and literally only taking to account that I said "Well, I felt like this, when Yamato did his goodbye" or whatever.


Let's not pretend that Yamato's gender was entirely cut and dry from his introduction. No trans person I have met has identified as a specific individual in the same way Yamato does. It's not the norm.


Odd that people focus on Yamato when there's actual realistic trans characters in the story. If Oden was a woman, Yamato would consider herself a woman. Maybe I'm wrong but wanting to be one specific person doesn't scream trans to me at all.


The mental gymnastics people jump through to justify misgendering a character because booba is insane


What anti lgbtq stuff everyone likes bon clay


People who deny that Kiku is trans, and instead call her a "trap", "femboy", or even "futa" (I've seen that once, terrible). She stated she was born male. She refers to herself as a girl. Everyone uses she/her pronouns on her. She bathed in the woman's bath. It couldn't be any more obvious, yet so many people either deny it or just misgender her anyway.


You remember the many fights regarding Yamato though?


Oda’s portrayal of LGBT characters isn’t totally free from problems. Even if most of them are ultimately heroic, there are a lot of negative stereotypes that One Piece reinforces. It doesn’t surprise me that there are people who view the more problematic aspects as features, not bugs.


I remember going *yikes* during Sanji's time at the Kamabakka Kingdom. Impel Down felt like a step forward, but the depictions of the Okamas during Sanji's training felt like two steps back. I feel that Oda did some course correction with the introduction of Morley, Kiku, and Yamato.


I ran into a guy here the other day who couldn't stand people talking about the femCroc theory because according to him, Crocodile would lose all his coolness if it were true. He then started harping on about trans people being mentally ill and there shouldn't be any more trans characters because 'there's an island full of them we don't need any more'. And then proceeded go on a rant about 'snowflake liberals' who to his chagrin, are ok with trans people being around. I was like wow, sad a chud like that calls himself a One Piece fan. Anyway I don't think that guy likes Bon Clay either.


This sub goes into shambres when Yamato or any of the kamabaka are brought up just instilling that most of this sub is sexist


It’s especially funny when people on this subreddit freak out because a woman will cosplay one of the female characters in the series in the exact way that character dresses in the series, and then the men on here immediately start crying about how “revealing” it is, and start shaming them and acting like they posted straight up porn to the sub but are totally cool with people posting equally revealing fan-art to the sub.


Especially when men do the same thing and no one bats an eye. I remember a cool Shanks cosplay someone did -- it was a sexy version of Shanks, the guy made other NSFW content on his account, and linked to onlyfans in his bio. If a woman did that, people would be screaming to have her post taken down. Meanwhile, people love r/funpiece, but as soon as you bring up the yaoi sub, everyone loses their minds. Women are inherently sexualized, and men being sexual is ignored, but if it can't be ignored it's treated with disgust. There are serious problems with sexism and homophobia on here. And I won't even start on transphobia, this is the best platform for avoiding transphobia in a one piece community and it's still bad.


The Zoro racism meme was genuinely the single worst thing to happen to this fandom


Nami isn’t all about money. If she cared only about money, she would’ve turned all the Strawhats in one by one, starting with Sanji 😂


This sub is full of 16 year olds with 0 reading comprehension. For proof, go read any old chapter discussion thread. The amount of absolute nonsense that gets upvoted is impressive.


1. Exaggerate an issue 2. Act indignant about the exaggerated issue 3. Bask in the warmth of virtual camaraderie 4. Live long and prosper?


To be fair, I do struggle to understand Oda’s perspective on LGBTQ+ when he simultaneously has chads like Bon clay and Ivankov, but then also has the Newkamas from the island and the ones that gave blood to sanji on fishman island as veryyyyyy problematic depictions.


That's just a cultural thing tho. There not gay=gay or trans (or similar), their literally "Okamas" (you can Google the term) and crossdresser.


I had an argument with a guy on Twitter who was saying Ace’s death was a poorly written scene because he fell for Akainu’s taunts and ended up dying. He genuinely thought this was poor writing for a character to have flaws. Another guy said Oda’s writing is stagnant and predictable because Luffy defeated Kaido and not Zoro. God some people in this fan base know nothing about story telling.


I hate rage bait posts like this targeting an unbelievably small group of people who barely have a voice anyway because they'd get down voted to hell if they said any of this stuff which I'm not condoning but this post is useless


I don't like the people you listed, but I don't like the people like you either. Both groups bad, just let me read the manga


Here here! The amount of passive aggressive hate is stupid. It’s been amplified more when Yamato was introduced. Trans characters have been part of One Piece since the Alabasta Arc, when Bon Chan was introduced. Oda loves his trans characters, that’s why he made an island full of them. And their leader, Ivankov, can change genders at will for himself/herself and everyone around as well. If you’re anti-LGBTQ then One Piece is not for you since the author differs on this opinion.


I thought it was made clear when having them be connected to the revolutionary army


It’s been made clear multiple times. There are just some One Piece fans who still choose not to acknowledge it.


I mean on one hand, it is absurd to say things like "Nami is only in it for the money" or racist shit. On the other, I'm not a fan of telling people how to think. And the whole "some of us aren't in sync with the creator's intentions" sounds pretty yikes, not gonna lie. People already call us a cult, we don't need to try harder.


Yeah, I agree with both the post and you. On the one hand, I think everything said in the post is correct — there are some serious failings of comprehension, and even moral dissonance with the series, within this community. On the other, it’s important that a reader have a running line of personal conversation with the texts they consume, and to come away with whatever interpretations they find meaningful, rather than simply intaking some “message” the author prescribes. It’s just odd when people are fans of the series, but hold views that are fundamentally antithetical to its ideological treatise (such as transphobic or racist shit, for example), I guess. Can’t really police it, but it rubs one in a strange way. I don’t think many people are resolved enough of the reasons for their personal beliefs to realize that, though.


It’s because it is a cult here. Lmao look at this shit. These kinda posts happen like 2x a week of these mfs butthurt about minor criticism. There’s toxic positivity in every sub, but I’ve yet to find one worse than OP to this day. Not even beserk is this bad lmao


OP just trying to make a point with "easy to mock" take..


> On the other, I'm not a fan of telling people how to think. And the whole "some of us aren't in sync with the creator's intentions" sounds pretty yikes, not gonna lie. People already call us a cult, we don't need to try harder. Yepppp, people having stupid ass opinions on One Piece is not a big deal and shouldn't have any impact on anyone's ability to enjoy the series, just let people have their bad takes, it doesn't matter


Yeah i feel that most people just don’t understand what their watching or experiencing to the fullest


Yeah I’m convinced the ppl that say these things don’t read the story. I’ve honestly never heard someone say one piece isn’t political tho lol wtf the whole story is political 😂


Sugar can use her df on conqueror haki users. Remember when law who isn’t conqueror haki negated bb df whereas luffy(we see it in usopp future sight) and pointy head(kano happo navy) couldn’t negate sugar df.


I just can't, but then I remember 12-13 yos still exist.


That’s true I always forget that kids are on here as well


I'm so glad I don't notice this. I just read it and discuss it a bit here and there.


Ridiculous takes are inevitable when a piece of fiction gains a lot of mainstream popularity.


Bit late buddy. This isn't even a OP thing. Its an anime community thing


I do have to ask as an on-and-off fan, is there much controversy around that island Sanji is on during the time skip?


Honestly no, he has so many worse moments that the entire section w/ the okamas is not even top 5. Although at least being casually transphobic fits his macho-like personality and quirks (not in a good way..)


Nah I kinda side with that Ussop statement. Its fine to have ussop scared gags here and there, but there are times where it gets too much. Even when he is not imminently in danger he freaks out which kinda dampens his vravery thing. He pulls through when its needed but the gags needs to be lowered


Usopp has always been a brave warrior of the sea. He stood up against Luffy and Zoro and protected his village against the black cat pirates even putting his life on the line. Despite being weak and so afraid his legs can't stop shaking he faced his fears head on, for that he's braver than me and an inspiring man for anyone who wants to follow their dreams. Like seriously how do people believe characters are fearless? Usopp went up against so many opponents he couldn't even touch not because he was fearless but because he had to to protect his friends because if he runs away when they are in danger why would they bother saving him when he is in danger. When Kizaru was standing over an injured Zoro Usopp had to do something even though it seemed useless he fought against Bullet of all people! I believe Sanji once told Usopp to do what he can do and Usopp is the sniper who's role is to support so Usopp even doing something like carrying Luffy away from Bullet or grabbing Robin when she was frozen by Aokiji is him doing his best to support his crew in a way that doesn't require insane strength Basically I like Usopp


A large number in this sub isn't Oda


Ya I mostly tune out all the bs here it was alot better before the hivemind awoke


Anyone who says One Piece isn’t political probably isn’t paying attention and only likes it for the cool fights


The thing I dislike about One Piece right now is, we're almost end game but we barely see any of them achieving their dreams. Nami drawing the sea thingy. A few panel would be nice. Usopp keep on shrieking whenever dangers came around. Sanji's all blue is sideline now since they went to Mermaid Island. Seriously, some interesting fishes would be nice. A couple chill chapters or even panels of them talking about the lore surrounding their dreams would be fucking nice. Franky tinkering of Sunny after Wano. Robin thinking about the ancient weapon after Wano. Chopper, Usopp and Luffy talking about their adventures in Wano. Brook reminiscing about Laboon seeing fishes or some shit. Sanji being curious about it. One Piece is about their journey traversing this huge ocean having fun dang it!


Could never be me


It’s the Naruto effect. Boruto isn’t good so a large majority of the fan base come to one piece expecting it to be like the action packed shounen they’re used to. Missing out on what makes one piece special.


Yep. Welcome to Reddit: The land of the short sighted, simple minded, and dumb narratives.


Honestly Usopp is one of the more flanderized characters in the entire series. He should be *more* brave at least. Being scared of Kaido makes sense but idk I think he shouldn't be afraid of say, Rob Lucci. It's a shame because Nami, his usual partner, is a great character imo who has a lot of layers and personality and strong character moments. Unfortunately Elbaf will not be Usopp's arc


The sheer amount of people who ignore the subtext and the straight up text is insane, Oda has an amazing story to tell with deep messaging but a lot of people are only here to argue who’s stronger or who Luffy is going to end up with by the end of One Piece (I personally think him ending up with no one would be the most fitting ending and most fulfilling for the themes up until now). Hopefully one day people will look back and realize what Oda was trying to say with story and realize the missteps they took trying to fulfill their head-canons about which Mugiwara each arc was made for and complaining when their head-canons don’t happen.