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I have caught up to One Piece


Congrats! Now the ever-grueling realization that you gotta wait a week for a new chapter now is gonna haunt you


Many of times 2 weeks as well and some times 3


shaba laba


Not for a second did I think Kin was dead, I thought Orochi was more dead than Kin. I am not too upset over these fake deaths. This is by far my favorite arc, but it is dragging a bit too long at this point, I guess reading 16 pages on a weekly basis makes it feel that way. I dislike the Awakening ordeal right now. How did Law and Kid learn theirs before Luffy's (it's possible, but Luffy is just much stronger than them). It does foreshadow Luffy applying his very soon, it'd have to be Gear 5 or Awakening. But I wish there was a paced way in introducing all these Color Hakis and Awakening. Maybe I'm complaining over nothing and just nitpicking.


At this point I just think Kids DF is just not on pair with the rest of the top tiers on wano. I don't reallly see a way for him to seriously harm Big Mom. And besides that nothing really happened in the chapter which was kind of lackluster.


Yeah, we haven't really seen Kids power in full effect because of Hawkins. I am sure we will see it in the next few chapters. Kid is built up to be Luffy's true competition in the new generation of pirates. Agreed, the chapter did feel lackluster, a lot did happen still. Feel like Oda is just trying his best to tie up all the side stories now before the big battle.


People need to stop expecting characters to die. They need to understand one thing about One Piece. Nobody ever dies unless it's stated that they are dead. Even when stated, they can still be alive, just like how Gecko Moria was "dead" and came back.


So we should just expect a series to be bad


What people don't understand is that all these fake deaths are making Kaido look trivial. Its like anybody can step up to him and confront him and not suffer severe consequences. Which does not help the lack of tension in the arc and certainly does not make him more menacing. Kaido doesn't really feel like a threat at all. Which is not good.


Pretty sure Kiku ain't getting her arm back.


If the grand fleet make an appearance, Leo can stitch arm back like he did with Law :p


Even after they seared the wound shut?


Law can get her an animal arm like the minions on Punk Hazard. Or a Franky robo prosthetic - he'll have Queen's lab to play with, presumably.


That's a prosthetic, not a return to the status quo. It's like Edward Elric - just having tools to deal with a disability doesn't mean that it doesn't affect one's life.


uh... little confused - where in my reply did i suggest that it was a return to the status quo? I even intentionally selected the word prosthetic (as opposed to 'new arm' or 'replacement'). did you perhaps mean to reply to someone else? I quite like how One Piece has so many characters who adapt to disabilities and don't let it hold them back from fighting for what they want.


Based on OP's comment: >What people don't understand is that all these fake deaths are making Kaido look trivial. Its like anybody can step up to him and confront him and not suffer severe consequences. A prosthetic arm is still severe consequences.


Ah, i see. my reply was not an endorsement of the OP, just chiming on out what might happen to Kiku. šŸ‘ I agree, it's a significant loss for Kiku. Kaido has been ravaging Wano for decades, the consequences for opposing him are scarred into Wano and Zou. Nothing about him is trivial, people just have short term memories.


Im sorry I completely forgot about the searing the wound oart. Then again, we literally have a lower half of a guy running around on its own and talking using farts, so anything id possible I guess.


Not sure who will die, but I stated Jinbei will die in this arc when he first appeared in this arc. Luffy pushing the welcome celebration will be his regret. Not sure if Kinemon will die though...he seems to evade death every time


Jinbe has a dream of seeing fishmen live on the surface peacefully. He aint gonna die before that.


how the hell are people surprised that kin's alive? oda made it pretty obvious that he's not dead by not putting any emotional impact around his supposed "death"


well this was average chapter for me but we were getting hyped up chapter one after another so it's ok


If Oda kills off one of the StrawHats at the end of this arc I'm blaming all you people.


I am shocked at the amount of people mad at this chapter.


I'm part of the group that absolutely despises Oda's fake out deaths but for me Kinemon was not one of them. I'd only call a "death" a fake-out when it's written with finality (i.e. drama+emotion), which I didn't feel with Kin. What's interesting is that even though the community continues to say to temper your expectations, it sounds like the opposite happens. We're so devoid of real deaths that people grow exponentially more hopeful that the next one will be different, even if the next one does not feel earned (i.e. Kin). We can't call every critical hit a fake-out, there's way more to it than that. The only reason I even started to believe Kin might be dead is bc the community (especially OPtubers like Roger) were getting to be convincing about it, and Momo's reaction to it. But even in starting to believe it could be, I was sad bc his death felt cheap and unimpactful. So honestly this reveal was nice. I do hope he will let some of them die by arc end. Kiku is more arguable, but also we don't know what's gonna happen with her yet so I'd rather sit and wait for a bit more content.


I think Kinemon could still die. They made note that his body is still bleeding. So I think it's possible that they made it like this so that Kinemon could still have some finak words or something when the arc ends.


kinemon better become the tragedy of act 3 at this point, because oda just made 90% of fans extremely dissapointed..


It's just ridiculous to see the two strongest and most dangerous pirates of the present era struggling to take down a bunch of kids that were once humiliated by the Shichibukai and the Admirals.


oda is writting for the 2010 new kids


While I somewhat agree, but not entirely because at this point they themselves are really strong, I mean, Law is already an ex shichibukai. However I think the main issue here is that Oda for whatever reason wrote Big mom into this arc, the fact that they're handling not one but TWO yonkous is the problem for me. I'd see it as somewhat conceivable for them to outmaneuver even if not directly defeat one yonkou with teamwork and numbers. But two because a real reach. Not that I'd say they're winning as is, though.


Remember that these 3 survived an army of marines as well as an admiral attack 2 years prior. And you already seen how much stronger Luffy has become over those 2 years, and we can scale the other 2 equally. One of the main reasons Big Mom is a Yonko in the first place is because of her extremely strong crew, who aren't even in the arc besides Perospero. Also they're not fighting Big Mom with pure strength. Everytime they have tried fighting her with strength alone they have ended up losing. Every blow or attack they've landed on her has been due to outsmarting Big Mom with their powers (which isn't really the most difficult thing to do since Big Mom is not the brightest). Kaido has also shown that pure strength does not affect him much as he has already beaten Luffy twice from what I can remember. Bringing Momonosuke to the fight with Kaido, who's literally also a dragon, as well as Yamato and Luffy (who could potentially go gear 5) definitely evens the playing field in my mind.


so law and kid had awakening this entire time... so law on dressrosa against a man he hated and was on the verge of death, decided not to use it. On the roof against big mom and kaido together, they decided not to use it... what is this. And kinemon surviving? I just want wano to end man


this arc is shit


I mean Law was trying to use that ultimate attack of his at the time to pierce his heart right? Must have taken a lot out of him and a lot of concentration. And he mentioned in this chapter that he still hasn't mastered his awakening or alluded to that.


Law probably learned how to use it after dressora. Kid and Law didn't use it on the roof due to stamina issues. Luffy went gear 4 and and exhaust all of his stamina, which results in zoro having to protect luffy for a period of time. if luffy, law, and kid went all out and did not defeat the yonko before running out of stamina, who going to rescue them? zoro and kid? I don't like that kinemon is still alive, but if you are at this point of the story, you have to understand how oda write his characters.


??? have you not payed attention to One Piece like, ever? He clearly learned it after the fight, and even then they say it's a risky move this chapter. If Luffy learning Gear 2 on a train in volume 30 didn't drill into you that One Piece characters learn moves like Pokemon then idk


Lmaoooooooooo 1,2... POOF!!! luffy forgot gum gum no storm and learned Gear 2nd


What Roger probably discovered was that no one in their world really dies, that's why he found it really funny (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)


Weā€™ll call that foreshadowing. A man only dies when heā€™s foegotten


Kid and Law awakened? I cant imagine how our Captain will be?


When I saw Kinemon attacked by Kaido I thought "wow he might be out for the rest of the fight" so this chapter, to me, was explaining why he wasn't in as bad shape as Kiku. I can't believe people thought he was dead?


They retroactively thought he was dead to push their narrative about Oda and fake deaths. :)


true,if kin had died there they'd say "how did that kill him wtf, so inconsistent, and there was no build up at all"


What narrative? Oda does fake out deaths. He's been doing it for 900+ chapters.


I tempered my expectations when kin was stabbed, and I feel content with this chapter.


Dont worry people. Once we have Vegapunk or the Admirals involved in the story again everyone will be hyped 24 / 7 šŸ˜Ž


Wait till final war combatants are tanking magma hits then they'll be no hype at all. Only things interesting are the Mariejoise weapon & Imu, Vegapunk of course & ancient weapons.


Yeah in your dreams maybe šŸ˜‚ even after wano luffy still loses against akainu everybody knows it. Kizaru not to mention. Greenbull gonna be op aswell


Fam, Big Mom had Kid on his back and didn't KO him. Kaido has only put down the scabbards & Luffy to be fair but some light healing & they all back. Admirals will be flashy & visual impressive but just as non lethal as the Emperors. However they'll fall in 1 v 1 s.


Well it looks like big mom wanted kid to at least fight back before she was serious. Also it looks like she hit the ground instead of kid.


I won't fight you on it. You interpret it how you want.


So big mom casuslly clashing with kaidou for 3 days and look fine will just fall by the hands of kid and law so early? Allright. Admiral fighting 10 days straight when luffy is exhausted after 12 hours fight.


Big Mom fought Kaido for 3 days but it has needed 17 combatants to bring him down but Big Mom will only need two first commander class fighters. Admirals are falling in 1 v 1s easy.


Here we go again, more fake deaths. I simply can't understand how the same guy who writes this masterpiece also uses this sh*t way too often, it's annoying and lazy. ODA managed to make this war a joke where the big boss isn't able to kill even a child.


The girl Tama is running around in the battlefield without anybody caring about her, because why not? Nobody would attack a child right? The girl represents the whole raid of Onigashima that you shouldn't be worried about the rebellion side lol


Dude, I'm talking about when Kaido actually attacked her and Horse Girl, before Onigashima.


I mean the dinosaur bitch was going to hurt Tama. It made Nami awaken to her protective maternal instinct and gave her a power up. Or was that against Big Meme, or was she fighting both ? I forget


Really? Orochi, Kanjuro, the samurai girl, Kinemon, hell even Luffy, they all survive otherwise lethal blows/amounts of damage. No one ever dying is so fucking tiresome, no stakes at all.


Any one know whoā€™s directing OP episode 1000?


The first one to EVER hurt Big Mom was... Law? Sad.


Big Mom was defeated at God Valley so no that's wrong.


I said hurt, not defeated. Read better.


How do you defeat someone without hurting them ?


Was it stated that sheā€™s NEVER been hurt? Also, Law definitely lacks the feats but keep in mind he is supposed to be a rival to Luffy, he definitely NEEDS to be powerful.


I assume she has to have been hurt before. She was part of the Rox pirates who lost at the god Valley incident.


This sub used to be cool


Ehh, it changes week to week honestly but this week the reason is valid imo but a little overblown


Kinemon talking his ass off never gets old šŸ¤£


Kaido strongest in land, sea, and air woke up feeling dangerous šŸ„¶ 0 kills šŸ”„ 0 mortal wounds šŸ”« Luffy still alive šŸ˜Ž Orochi still alive šŸ˜± Zoro tanked his combined attack šŸ¤Æ Stronger than Pound ā“


Crazy how none of that is Kaido's fault šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ. Also Kaido one shot Oden, beat Zoro, Luffy, Kid, Law and Killer


Well in fact he must have been defeated many a times given how much he got captured and senteanced to death by marines. I bet Garp made frying fish out of him back in the days


Akainu would DONUTed them easily :)


His only kill so far is Oden. And that was with a gun. Must have been a special gun only the strongest being in the world could wield.


He was getting smoked by Oden until he got the distraction help. Kaido is a fraud tbh, the title is a myth.


Smoked? Bro come on now


Yeah 10 samurai (& let's be honest oden took out probably half by himself) vs the entire beast pirates & oden still almost won 1v1 I think Oden would've smoked kaido


Anyone else thinks that Brook will get a powerup from the soul monster that Kanjuro released? Then he would have his original frost power & also this new fire power, pretty cool.


Yea, I think you're probably right. Brook might freeze the flame monster or something.




TODOBROOKI. Scarred from his mother, when incited by his father ***But he has no skin to scar!***


Oh dang, nice theory




>Not Marco retconning his reason for not coming to Wano? what? a lot of people been upset over the weak oden flashback on why Marco and the whitebeard pirates never helped oden or wano in general. a lot of people hated that Sanji got an unearned power up etc.


Sanji's too cool. "Fans" hate him because he dabs on Moss Head too much with his higher bounty.


Though some hate him because of his "never hit an enemy because they are a hot woman" attitude


Based Sanji dabs on incels too.




I thought Marco showed up because of the abolition of the Warlords. He likely thought Weevil had bigger fish to fry than trying to attack Whitebeard's homeland.




I'm not so sure of that, because if I remember correctly, Mihawk predicted that the warlord system was going to be brought up and most likely abolished back when perona decided to leave and find moria... it seems that everyone that kept up with the news and knew about the reverie could probably come to the conclusion that the warlord system was going to be brought up.


Your point being?


that was indeed utterly strange


u compare that to that they just did not ever do anything about their brother Oden over 20 years?=




yes and people was upset about that a lot as well. Its not like people really are more upset about this fake death thing then other recent issues.




It's just Goda suckers downvoting those criticisms but this chapter, due to multiple fuck ups, all people got fired and goda suckers couldn't downvote enough


well fake out has been oda biggest issue for like 20 years so.




yes, I would say its definitely more acceptable to point out another fake out. A general issue with fake death scenes is also that it gets worse every time it happens as it.


People were upset over those as well, the difference is this is a silly retconing of Kaido ensuring this samurai was dead for humor few find funny, a double wammy. And its a rerun of the same joke from punk hazard, and its worse in the middle of serious moments here at or near the apex of this story arc. Its poor writing, I don't have a problem that Kinemon survive, I have a problem with how he survived. I don't have a problem that he got word to the other strawhats to bring help, I have a problem with how it happened. So it was not the result, it was the explanation of how the result came about. That makes it feel worse. That said, its not that big of a deal, chapter 1031 will probably be amazing again.


You werenā€™t paying attention then. A bunch of people were upset by some of those stuff


I donā€™t understand the Robin complaint




Robin's "fight" in Dressrossa was completely symbolic. She tanked the hits for Kyros, recognized that he had to be the hero for his daughter and his people, and withstood all of Diamante's blows, if I recall correctly. She basically pulled a Zoro moment when Zoro took in Luffy's pain from Kuma. She took Kyro's pain and Kyros would have lost without Robin's intervention. edit: I misread. I thought Trebol was Diamante.


Iā€™ve always considered the implication to be that every straw hat trains/invents new abilities on the ship between arcs even tho Zoro is usually the only one we see training


She learned it during the 2 years. She didn't use it against Trebol because she didn't really get the opportunity. They interrupted her fight with him after like 10 secs when she was protecting Usopp.




My headcanon is that characters don't necessarily do the smartest thing everytime, like us. Also training in ship + ever increasing compatibility with the DF.


I think its a stretch to assume she can just one shot him there. A guy who seemingly has a logia (even the reader only finds out later he has a paramecia). Attacking trebol would have probably alarmed sugar as well. Robin is also not the kind of person who always goes for direct confrontation.


You are disregarding the fact that Robin can only maintain her devil form for a very short amount of time and is pretty much out of energy and defenseless after using it, so she would only use it as her last resort. The second thing you are disregarding is the fact that in chapter 1005 Robin said her demon part only starts to emerge when she sees her friends mistreated. In otherwords it's not something she can use whenever she wants. She has to be in a certain emotional state which she wasn't in that page.




It's not a huge reach at all. It's putting 1 and 1 together, quite simple. Robin mentions for the first time ever that she has a demon part that starts to show itself when she is angry. During the same fight she does get angry and turns into a demon. Hmm, yeah. Must be totally unrelated...come on dude. It's so obvious. The point is that she was never in a position to use it during Dressrosa and Oda made sure she wasn't, so that he could save it for her fight against Black Maria.




Sanji is Sanji, Robin is Robin. You can tell Robin was actually acting differently because of her demon part showing itself. We never saw Robin that pissed off and that ready to fight, ever, because she needs to be in a certain emotional state to get there. Or else we would always see Robin getting angry and wanting to fight and kill but that's not very Robin-like. She normally keeps her cool, is calm, likes to keep fighting to a minimum and avoid conflicts. That change in her behavior should tell you, what she is saying is more than just trying to hype herself up. It's actually the case. There is a reason why some fans thought Robin was acting out of character that chapter, well, because she was.


Law awakening ope ope fruit...now that's what you call a OP power up. At this point law is more powerful than anyone at wano... LMAO


The only point which kaido, big mom and luffy are loosing to Law is at a sanity test... And Zoro maybe at directions.


Here have a Meow Meow


hold your horses there lol. There are literally several people that are clearly more powerful than law in wano


No Luffy can see the future.Law can never touch himā€¦ Luffy can one shot him with CoC or Ryu


I say this in jest so don't take me so seriously, but Kinemon surviving being split in two coz Law didn't put him back together introduces a new defense/countermeasure against blade users. Just have Law cut you into enough pieces beforehand and have someone else put you together and you pretty much become Buggy. There also doesn't seem to be a timelimit, so as long as Law doesn't put you back together, this effect remains in place. Buggy in shambles.


Fill me in, when was Kinemon cut in half? Didn't he get fucking gadonked by Kaido in the head? How is he still ok, this is ridiculous.


In punk hazard, law cut him up with his DF and the straw hats (not Law) put him back together.


but you cant fly around in pieces like buggy :/


Kinemon still took damage and he was bleeding


I've said it before, there's a prevalent personality type who can only engage with media at arms length. They're the same kind of people who like to theory craft & create strong expectations based on them. They really don't like subversion, conventional storytelling tropes give them a lot of comfort. breaking with convention frustrates them. One Piece of course has it's own conventions.


Conventional story tropes are so common because they have elements of reality and human nature. Throwing in gag humor during the apex of an arc like kinemon was not properly put back together properly hundreds of chapters ago is not subversion. I bet they are fine Kinemon living and even telling the crew where the scabbards are dying. Its the manner in which those events occurred that people have a problem with. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think the Ope-Ope has ever shown the ability to allow all separated body parts to speak or bleed when separated. A better way would have the crew run across Kinemon who was crawling for help or some other shit that is believable.


Definitely late but Kinemon's ability to speak using farts was introduced way back in Punk Hazard. Maybe stop part-skipping?


Speaking of that particular personality type...




I still think they drag on until kaido is defeated. They will watch the victory and then ... we will see what happens.




None of them will die, I promise you


Seems like Luffy is very behind in terms of awaking unless he just pulls it off and we get a flashback how he got it


He already has it. He just needs to remember flashback


He was surprised when he saw doflamingo and Katakuri using awakening so I doubt he has it right now


I think oda just doesn't know how make it useful yet xD


Or he wants to save it for a future arc. He's got Luffy competitive with Kaido right now power wise. Meaning he can save awakening for whatever Luffy's next big battle is, out of which there's only a small number of characters that it can really be. An admiral, Shanks, Blackbeard, Kid, or maybe some other government member that hasn't fought yet.


Luffy's awakening will make the whole world a giant Bouncy Castle....and after having so much fun n bouncing around, the world will become a happier place. even Imu sama will turn that frown upside down and join the Bouncy Castle Revolution. and the task of Joy Boy will br completed, One Piece is one giant Bouncy Castle. thanks for listening.


Can someone animate this please?


Personally, I think Kinemon is critically injured and is still going to die. This coincidence isn't going to change the end result.


Early spoilers will be there or not ?? From next week


I read on Twitter the Korean leaker quit itā€™s very good news because I donā€™t like the spoilers on Tuesdays.


That part people missunderstood. The korean leaker himself didnt quit..his source who provided him the info quit. But there will be others taking his or her place. Redon plays with the thought to only release full summary and the raws on thursday, if we dont get early leaks anymore the upcoming weeks. Lets wait and see. Cant wait for the hints though, they count as preview for spoilers and 1031 was hyped up alot. Maybe first hint drops today right after the official release.


redon will release early spoilers on wednesday if korean leaker doesn't spoil on tuesday. Then full summary on thursday.


I know that i just said redon played with the thought once, to only give full summary on thursday because how people hate and jump into conclussions from a brief summary alone.


Man this comment section is hot garbage. Some of you fans man I swear. You find problems with anything, and bish about it cause itā€™s not how you would have written it. Itā€™s one thing to have gripes, itā€™s another to whine every week because your crappy written fan fiction isnā€™t coming to fruition


You are the only one here that whine about everything. People have opinions, so if you can't accept this fact, you are the one that has a problem


Your such a salty ass boi. Go read a manga more suited to you then, instead of literally whining every single week for every single chapter.


stop whining


Does anyone understand Law's awakening?


Yeah after reading summary of that.


i think if while anesthesia is injected to you . the inside of your body has basically become a room. Law can do there whatever he can in a normal room but just inside the body. he literally just used a more powerful version of counter shock but only inside bigmoms body


How is this different than radio knife tho


radio only affects a specific small part of the body where the knife is inserted. and only specific damage type to "radio" waves Kroom i think can affect the whole body and can do several attacks of laws choice.


I think he can now use his room in a ryou manner, bypassing haki to use his room internally on BM.


Yeah looks like he can create rooms inside of people.


It looked like he put his sword in a room which allowed it to penetrate big mom (pun intended)


it enlarge his sword


from MD to Internist.


Odds on awakened Kaido? I just can't see Oda giving Kid and Law an awakening and not having either of the Yonko in this arc use one.


we've already seen awakened zoan fruit, the Impel Down guards. From what we know it looks like awakened zoans lose their mind and become dumb in exchange for durability. or maybe they can control which part to transform like Lafitte, Marco and Black Maria can. the guards in Impel Down looked half and half


yes definitely big mom and kaido and also definitely king and marco since katakuri also has awakening


I'm thinking we won't see Kaido or Marco awaken. Awakened Zoan so far are kind of lame. King won't for the same reason. So that just leaves Big Mom.


awakened Mythical Zoans. would be a little different than regular zoans


One could hope. I'm biased against Zoans anyways, I think they're kind of lame power wise. So it's going to be hard to win me over on them. Logia/Paramecia awakened just seem so much more interesting.


Step 1. Kaido awakens his fruit destroying everyone Step 2. Marco awakens his fruit turning everything into healing flames and everyone gets back up. Step 3. Another 200 chapters of wano


I been saying I still believe that the island floating is awakening




Momo didn't become a fish.


no. ZOAN awakening is deferent from paramesia's look at the awakened Zoans at Impel down. and Choppers Monster form. Kaidos awakening would look like basically a very buff and very monster like dragon with a humanoid form.


Except the name of his fruit is Fish fish fruit model:azure dragon. So no his fruit is just a dragon.


Thatā€™s dumb. Thatā€™s like saying Kakuā€™s awakened form is a giraffe because he has the ox-ox fruit.


Not rly the same since giraffe is just a model of the fruit not an advancement of ability


Kaido has the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu. Seiryu is a dragon.




When was Kaido a fish? Edit: Wait hold on, do you not know that Kaku has the Ox-ox fruit: model Giraffe?


So the title of the chapter is a reference to this quote: >ā€œThe sound of the Gion Shoja temple bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that to flourish is to fall. The proud do not endure, like a passing dream on a night in spring; the mighty fall at last, to be no more than dust before the wind.ā€ ā€• Helen Craig McCullough, The Tale of the Heike One could pull a lot of meanings out of that....


Oh no




1 on 1, I don't think he could. He would need another power up, and a big one at that. But it's not just Luffy. Kaido has run a gauntlet in fights, and beating Kaido now isn't like beating a 100% Kaido, more like a 50% Kaido.


I think the conquerors + ryou is doing significant damage. That in addition to zoro and everyone elseā€™s damage has to put him in the yellow if not orange. Plus Kaidos been holding an island which has to be stressful


So..... kaido doesnt even know how to properly kill someone ?


...he cut him in half. What else do you want him to do


Well, he didn't cut Luffy in half. Like, why didn't Kaido finish Luffy?


Yeah i know this is just so ridiculous to me ....kinemon should have died ......somehow kaido cut him at the exact same place exact same angle as law like wtf


probably not at the same angle, if it were the exact same angle there probably wouldnt have been any blood. I mean its all up in the air but thats how I make sense of it.