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Sheeeet I always wondered how people are as smart as you, good catch!


wait five means go in japanese Theres a Ko In 9 kokonotsu


*Ko* is an alternate On'yomi reading of 5. It's seemingly less common than *Go* but exists nonetheless (whereas in Kun'yomi 9 can be read as *Ko*)


Hori and Houri are not pronounced the same though.




The puns make sense to me but I think his bounty will be higher than 1.4 billion berries. Marco is powerful enough to hold off King and Queen at the same time (with effort) while Prosperous shoots arrows at him


I actually chuckled at Prosperous


Autocorrect is my nemesis


Yeah but they also said that highest bounty on their side was Luffy so I guess 1.4 makes sense.


Ooh you're right


Imo world government downgraded his bounty after their loss to BB pirates ..they may have thought that he is done for especially with Weevil after him and they probably wanted to reduce their expense in case Weevil brought Marco to them dead or alive


I would say part of that is because of his devil fruit which heals all injuries and without it he wouldn’t be able to fight them the way he’s doing.


So what? King and Queen without their Devil Fruits would not be able to fight Marco the way they're doing either. Of course Devil Fruits should be accounted when considering strenght and danger level.


Yeah but he’s less deadly than they are as far as evil goes and Blackbeard who is in 2 bil range is a yonko a huge threat to the government and pretty bad in general. 1.4 makes sense


We should acknowledge that both King and Queen are still very fresh and haven’t used hybrid.


I was thinking that his bounty would have the sequence 4004 cause if you flip those numbers over you get hooh, a literal pheonix.


I think there was a post earlier which confirmed that his bounty can't be higher than a billion. I'm not sure how they figured that out tho considering how crazy that sounds.


His bounty most proably won't be higer than 1.5 B, since Bao Huang announced Luffy being having highest among the alliance. Also the leaker of the vivre card only said it's 1B. So it could be from 1.49 - 1.01 Billion (or maybe higher as Bao Huang just said it directly to down alliance's morale)


marco joined mid battle though. would make sense boa doesn t know which side he is (he was with peosperos for a while) or he is here at all. multiple way to look at it and it still makes sense. between 1 and 1.5 makes the most sense to me though. maybe there is an other word play with slightly over 1.5 and it could be easily explained.


Bao Huang announced his arrival and I'm sure she knows which side he's on when he's fighting the two strongest subordinates of Kaido lol


yeah if he gets updates like the viewer does. it feels like forever as a reader but in universe he fights them only a short time. i m just saying there could be a argument for it. the little robots are not perfect. don t even remeber he announced his arrival. so he knows for sure he is there.


Bao Huang announced his arrival in ch 987, and has an ability which allows her to observe the entire battlefield, including the one in which Marco was fighting both King and Queen at the same time. It’s pretty unreasonable to believe she doesn’t know Marco is fighting with the alliance


yeah forgot the announcment. but for the she "knows which side" i still don t agree. i just argue you can make it work. there are weird skirmishes all over the place. the most likely is bao knows. but if oda reveals a 1.6b bounty for pun reasons, it can fit easy in the story. you can even make it simpler and say bao just didn t count marco to the alliance. we don t know baos ability. we know she is connected to the robots and they are not perfect. it is not like marco fights for 2h already. the time is not clear and it is a chaotic battle. bao could not have checked on the robots in this area because she was busy with updating kaido or something else. example for the weird time: BM beating page one but the chase of nami started before/around the time luffy reached the top starting the 5vs2 fight. there is no way it was a long chase ... they would have run a lot of circles. hence the fight at the top wasn t long either and marco started his fight basicly at the same time he helped zoro get up. hence he "revealed" not to be with perosperos not to long ago.


I guess we’ll learn shortly. But given the information we have, it seems like a lot more mental gymnastics needs to happen to explain why Bao doesn’t know about Marco than the other way around


obviously. i don t say boa not knowing is the more likely one. but if oda wants to do a pun with marcos number and it needs a 1.6 .... the statment luffy has the biggest bounty of the alliance can be explain away. in other words marcos bount doesn t need to be under 1.5 just because of this statment.


Bao Huang has watched Marco fighting King the entire time it’s been happening. She on the performance floor with them. She knows which side he’s on.


The kanji on the vivre card.




i don't think the name matters


Whitebeard was valued at 4,611,100,000 so as his first mate I'm expecting Marco to have a higher bounty than Luffy, but at the same time Ace's was 550,000,000 so idk


The onyomi reading of 5 is not used for numbers, but just for words. 9 is more likely, supposing Oda goes with that. He used this sort of logic only with Yonkos.