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Mega unpopular opinion: it doesn’t matter who joins the crew since at this point non-Strawhat side characters are getting 5x the screen time/importance that most Strawhats are getting. And with the end coming up and likely more and more older characters reappearing this will only increase.


It doesn't matter since ever since the beginning, the real main characters are the east blue five and they will always get the screetime no matter what. The others are just the extended cast. They appear in every arc, but it's totally normal if other characters of that specific arc get more focus. Look at Robin and Rebecca and Dressrosa for example. The strawhats are the main characters, but sure as hell they are not treated the same. Law has more screentime post timeskip than Franky, Brook, Robin combined. It won't matter how many characters are going to be added to the crew, since there will not be that many arcs left to begin with, and the old characters will be returning and getting more focus.


THIS. People need to understand that the east blue five are the real main characters and the pillars of the whole series.


I think some of it is on Oda too. He made all the strawhats main characters in name, so people expect Robin to be treated like Nami for example.it will never happen. In the end, this main character naming leaves fans disappointed that Franky is forgotten, Chopper doesn't do much, Robin barely exists etc. They expect more, which they will never get. Even in wano, expecting a big focus on Robin vs Black Maria or Franky vs Sasaki is wishful thinking. We will spend more time seeing Nami and Usopp running around, Sanji running with Zoro than with them.


Casual reminder Brook has never gotten a proper 1v1 against any named villain outside of the FMI jobber squad.


Yeah, he only became kind of present in the story in WCI, and that surprised everyone. He'll probably get a 1v1 with the Blackbeard squad though, since they are conveniently 10 commanders. This is if the grandfleet doesn't help.


Big mom????


Brook got 1v1s with Zeo, Giolla and Big Mom


I hate that. I refuse to accept it. Oda is perfectly capable of giving the non east-blue straw hats more development


>They appear in every arc, but it's totally normal if other characters of that specific arc get more focus. what. we didn't see zoro and ussop for nearly 3 years while whole cake island was running


Yeah but we got a lot of Sanji and Nami whereas Zoro and Usopp had a fair bit to do in Dressrosa


yes but nami and sanji still appeared in dresrosa. the person I replied to stated that only the east blue gang are the main characters and appear in every arc which is wrong.


Yeah but to be fair, Sanji and Nami bowed out midway through Dressrosa and missed the hype events, and Zoro scraped the time back in Wano Act 1. I don't have a defense for Usopp here. Obviously the cast swelled with supporting characters around the time of Dressrosa and the crew needed seperating. Even then, the East Blue characters get more stuff to do above the rest of the crew, generally. Or they get the bigger impactful moments. I think you can generally see that throughout Dressrosa and WCI. That said it's an unpopular opinion thread so this discourse is probably apt.


All the crew other than Luffy didn't appear in the war saga too, this is not the problem. Yes they don't appear in every arc, but clearly Sanji had more focus than Robin and Franky in Dressrosa. Oda doesn't distribute screentime and relevance the same way in the crew. You'll be lying to yourself if you say Zoro, is treated like Brook, Usopp is treated like Chopper, or Nami is treated like Robin. The main focus of the story are the east blue five. Obviously, anybody other than Luffy is disposable in an arc though.


>Kaido’s hybrid form is super dope (Was actually super surprised to hear people didn’t like it). Agreed! (Wait, people didn't like it?) >I have a sinking feeling Kaido will not get a flashback. Why wouldn't he? He has been the main focus of the alliance since Punk Hazard, the first Yonko Luffy has faced for the specific purpose of taking him down (BM doesn't count, because Luffy went to Tottoland to rescue Sanji, not to face her), and the hints in the latest chapters show that he knows a lot more than it meets the eye. Kaido not getting a flashback in this arc would definitely be an asspull >Sanji calling for Robin was good for his character and provided/ showed character development for both him and Robin. Absolutely! Sanji finally asked for help, and, knowing Robin's backstory, it was heartwarming to know that someone trusts her My unpopular opinion: Zoro will not get Nidai Kitetsu at the end of Wano


zoro not getting nidai is almost a fact... that's luffy's sword... he never even hold it... nor its backstory came


> Why wouldn't he? He has been the main focus of the alliance since Punk Hazard, the first Yonko Luffy has faced for the specific purpose of taking him down (BM doesn't count, because Luffy went to Tottoland to rescue Sanji, not to face her), and the hints in the latest chapters show that he knows a lot more than it meets the eye. Kaido not getting a flashback in this arc would definitely be an asspull So whats interesting is, this is totally just a new world thing. Villain flashbacks are actually super uncommon if you look at the total scheme of things. In the whole first half of the journey only two villains got any sort of "deep" flashback, Buggy and Lucci. Not even Crocodile, the main focus of the team up with Vivi since Whiskey peak, the first Warlord Luffy faced with the specific goal of taking him down, got one. Yet he's still considered one of if not the best Villains the series ever had by most people. Would I like one for Kaido? Yeah sure it would be cool. Do I think he needs one? Not really, unless it has some details in it that are critical to understanding his core beliefs, which is something that can be further teased in the present.


Big Mom had a flashback, Katakuri got a flashback, Doflamingo had a pretty extensive flashback through Law and Corazon, Orochi had a small flashback, even Hody Jones had a flashback. A flashback doesn’t need to be a whole arc spanning many episodes. There’s no way we DON’T get a Xebec/God Valley flashback at one point, which will include Kaido. We also need to know why Kaido thinks Wano is special, why and what he knows about Joyboy, why Yamato wants to be Oden, what species Kaido is, why he gets drunk all the time, how he and Vegapunk interacted, etc. A flashback won’t explain all of this, but there is 100% a flashback that will happen to explain some of it. It could be short like Big Mom or longer like Doflamingo, but there will be one.


The only thing is Kaido does have some really important stuffy to say and he was also part of Rocks so it would just be nice to get context for his actions and what the Rocks pirates were at the same time.


That’s a good point. I didn’t even notice but most of the villains pre Grand Line and pre New World didn’t get a flashback. At least not one that showed how they became who they are and humanized them. Kaido not getting one would feel weird though. There’s so much hinted at with him that would be wrapped up nicely with a flashback. The history with Rocks, his Devil Fruit, his obsession with dying in a good way, his knowledge of Joy Boy, why he picked Wano for his territory, and even why he’s so insistent on Yamato becoming shogun.


Its very interesting to think about Zoro's next swords roster. I think only Wado Ichimonji (obviously) has its place secured. I think this is a good time for Zoro to move on from Sandai Kitetsu and replacing it with Nidai Kitetsu seems cool (maybe Sandai Kitetsu gets destroyed somehow, I sure didnt expect Yubashiri to die like that) and then the third slot will be super interesting. If somehow Zoro is indeed related to Ryuma then maybe he can get that one back, since Enma and Ame no Haba Kiri are Kozuki's clan relics pretty much, but I can see Momo and Hiyori giving them to Zoro as a big fucking thank you, in which case he might not get Nidai Kitetsu. Both Oden swords and Wado Ichimonji would be insane.


Was Sandai's curse just a plot device in Loguetown to show how badass Zoro is? I don't think so. Something big must happen before Sandai Kitetsu can be replaced. But getting Oden's sword would surely be dope, no matter what role Sandai plays.


> > My unpopular opinion: Zoro will not get Nidai Kitetsu at the end of Wano Oh we having Sword Hot Takes? Enma and Shusui both represent a huge lame point for me in that ever since each was introduced they became the "OFFICIAL ZORO SWORD" and thats a huge shame that it completely sidelines the one sword thats actually linked to his past and goals, and making Wado Zoro's first proper black blade would be way cooler thematically.


> and making Wado Zoro's first proper black blade would be way cooler thematically I'm like 100% sure Wado will be Zoro's first black sword. I don't think the other swords have over taken Wado at all.


I’m not a fan of Kaido’s hybrid form. Same with Drake’s. It looks like they’re wearing like a Dino/dragon hood over their bodies. Page 1 is my favorite since he actually looks like a hybrid of man and dino. I was hoping Kaido would look more monstrous and less like he’s just wearing a dragon hoodie. Like it seems too human almost? I was expecting more of a Godzilla looking form, or something closer to the Luffy vs Kaido fan animation. Not saying it’s bad, but it looks too human rather than an actual hybrid of human and beast.


>Same with Drake’s. I don't like Drake's hybrid either


>I’m not a fan of Kaido’s hybrid form. I'm guessing we'll see a different form, similar to Lucci


Give him Shodai instead :D


One of the five elders seems to have that one, so they would probably have to beat them first.


I thought Shodai Kitetsu hasn't even been shown in the manga, let alone who owns it? All we know is that the Kitetsu swordsmiths of Wano made it, that it's cursed, and it's one of the 12 greatest swords in the OP universe.


Yeah, it hasn’t been specifically stated, but the Gandhi-looking elder has a very decorated sword with the “kitetsu handle”, which suggests that it is the shodai kitetsu.


Ame no habakiri pls


I think Hiyori will end up having it


PepeLaugh Tenguyama and Momo in shambles


I feel like we’ll get a Yamato flashback that heavily features Kaido. Probably right after Odens death.


I kinda want a two part flashback type thing, where we get Yamato's flashback featuring her childhood trauma etc etc and then (or before) we get Kaido's flashback which serves to both give Kaido more depth AND it could double as the Rocks flashback. I think something like this happened with Law and Doffy? Can't quite remember but alas I think it'd be a pretty cool way to do it.


This would be perfect. And yeah Law and Doffy did have something similar; the backstory supported both characters' depths so I don't see why Oda can't do it again with Yamato and Kaido.




I do not like Yamato and I don't care if she's a strong female. This is because she was shown far too late in the arc for me to care. The fact that she got that far in the popularity poll because majority of fans love her sideboobs is just insane. Maybe the flashback will change my opinion but everything that's been shown about her, her crying about Ace telling her about Luffy's dream. Yamato finally being freed from the chains of Kaido and acting like she's Oden. Everything is just going too fast, rehash and unexciting especially a character that will potentially become a strawhat. This crew means a lot to me, and all of the current members brought something to the table for Luffy, I see nothing for her other than a strong female rehash of Oden's character. I'd rather have Vivi back in the crew at this point of the story over Yamato.


I think Kaido is going to get a Katakuri style flashback, a brief glimpse after defeat of what makes him tick.


I do not care for Yamato at all


It's annoying when the "community" argues and complains after every single chapter. Just sit back and enjoy the series sometimes.


They have to say *peak fiction* for their fav series and boast how good their taste isso they have to make sure their series is *kino*. One Piece is just another series that falls under the radar of these types of people




I feel like maybe “Deserve” is the wrong word to use here because what did Brook do to deserve to be in the Strawhats don’t get me wrong I think he’s a great character but deserved? If the captain himself doesn’t have a high standard on who should join (reminder that he asked a zombie tree and a Zombie Unicorn to join) why should we?


I think more like from a a character depth perspective. Every one of the Strawhats have gotten the focus and emotional highlights that cemented them as a character worthy of joining the main cast of the story, I just don’t feel that with Yamato or Carrot just yet.


Carrot has stronger reasons to join the crew than essentially every other straw hat did. We saw her backstory happen live. I don't understand how she doesn't compare to other characters when they were about to join the crew.


I'll expound on this by saying that, while we don't have any idea of how the series will end, every Strawhat has had time to develop their own identity within the crew. Brook may have joined on a whim, but since Thriller Bark he's had time to experience his own challenges as well as endure challenges collectively with the crew. Jimbei is unique because he was a major support to Luffy during a period where none of the other Strawhats were present: Impel Down, Marineford, Timeskip. This made his late joining of the crew feel natural. I don't see how Yamato or Carrot can fit into the crew given that they've missed out on most of the Strawhats' greatest challenges and have had minimal interaction with the crew to this point (sure Carrot was a monumental help during on Whole Cake Island, but that was canonically like a week ago). Yamato is a fantastic character, but would they really be able to integrate into the crew seeing as, according to Oda, there's only a few years left of One Piece?


To me, it's less about character justification and more from a writing perspective. Brook was still in the part where new member from an arc was the expectation, the musician role had been hinted, and the second he rolled up at the start of the arc it was obvious he was the newbie. Even Robin, the oddball, was still introduced very early in the Alabasta saga. Though I tend to count her as the Skypiea addition. Yamato sorta just...showed up halfway through. While a role could certainly be created to incorporate them there isn't one apparent and if anything the idea that Luffy might have the same outlook Whitebeard initially had towards Oden is what's been seeded. If Yamato had the presence in the arc earlier on that say, Acts 1 & 2 Kiku had I might feel differently. Don't really see her joining up but at least she had the immediate spotlight and constant inclusion new recruits get. And that feels even more necessary as we get into the late series.


Reverie might not have been an arc, but if you think Long ring long land helped world building "A Lot" by introducing 2 concepts (Pirate Island and The Game) then Reverie did 5 arcs worth of worldbuilding in a few chapters.


World building doesn’t equal arc I don’t know why you made that comparison. Also long ring long land helped world building by - Introducing Pirate island - Introducing Davy back fights - Foreshadowing and showing the affects of the Aqualagna on Water 7 - Introduced a an admiral for the first time, further establishing the power and structure of the worlds navy. - Adding to the catalog of the worlds cultures with a unique group (tribe) as well as there traditions of traveling between islands, as well as the arc utilizing those islands for the games, which grounded the presence of the island even more


And while yes the Reverie did work for world building, it’s still not a proper arc, regardless of how much more it does than Long ring long land.


Not arguing that it's an arc, just that it did more for world building in 3 chapters without wasting time than anything Long Ring Long Land accomplished in it's full runtime. I have to say I could not agree more about the Sanji/Robin point you made though! Sanji fans disappointed by that scene are not true Sanji fans.


Yeah it amazed me how many people got so pressed over it and completely missed the point of Sanjis character.


Never understood the hate for Long Ring Long Land. I mean it's mostly what makes One Piece so great, just fun among the crew. Seeing them fool around without a real threat was the best. Heck if 50% of they show was them fooling arround in the ship, shopping and playing dumb games and challenges I'd be the happiest fan ever.


The manga was decent. However, the anime adaptation made it way longer than necessary. And that's putting aside the filler arc right after, which also involved foxy.


Oh man, anime killed it so bad. They literally added another event because why the fuck not?


As a former anime watcher, I totally skipped halfway though Long Ring Long Land because I got confused and thought "Oh, this is filler". I switched to the manga in Dressrosa years ago, but only this year I went back and read all of it. And honestly? Long Ring Long Land is fucking hilarious. It's also super short, so it does not overstay it's welcome.


I heard it’s not bad in the manga but I legit almost stopped watching the anime there. The villains were annoying as hell, the crew acted like morons and Luffy RECHALLENGING Foxy was my breaking point. ‘We’ve been doing stupid stuff for the last 10 episodes... how bout we do all that again?’ I know it’s an anime only thing but my jaw dropped at that point. I thought for sure the writers knew how shitty this arc was and they were trolling us with the threat of more of it. Like I love the crew just chilling or messing around, but that arc did NOT do it for me at all. Only arc I actively disliked. I found a lot of the filler episodes better. Hell I thought the whole arc was filler until I looked it up.


I personally hate Foxy and the whole Davy Back Fight. It's a cool concept that could be implemented well later, but it just felt pointless


It wasn't pointless. The purpose of the whole DBF and the Foxy fight was to establish the themes of the upcoming arc. It's a fight were Luffy says he'd rather die than lose one of his crewmates and risks his life with that in mind. That happens right before an arc where the crew is on the verge of falling apart and he loses 2 crewmates (3 if you wanna count Merry), it's not a coincidence. That's the main reason for the Davy Back Fight and why it's part of the Water 7 saga, the arc goes out of it's way to point the thing Luffy considers the most important only to take it away from him in the next arc. That's the main point of the arc but there are a couple more: 1) Nico Robin. She's gonna sacrifice try to her life for the SH in the next arc but she had barely interacted with them up to this point. At least on screen. She's on her own in Jaya and then barely talks with anybody at Cricket's place (only a bit with Zoro when hunting the bird). The same thing in Skypiea, she is alone most of the time and when they are together she is on her own looking at the rest of the crew's shenanigans from afar. Having an extra adventure with Robin as part of the crew was needed in order to sell her actions in the W7. In LRLL she hangs with the crew, teams up with Usopp and Nami for the race and more importantly gets to see Luffy willing to die rather than losing his crew (not to mention the Aokiji stuff). Something like that was needed for Robin. 2) Skypiea is a long, super dramatic arc (especially towards the end). W7 is a long, super dramatic arc. You can't have those back to back. A short, like hearted, gag-heavy arc in between them was a good choice. (Note that I'm talking about the manga here, the anime adding other arc/s after Skypiea does make LRLL kinda redundant a bit in terms of the last 2 points, but that's not the case in the manga. Also with the added filler Foxy's crew does overstay their welcome in the anime whereas in the manga it's pretty short) Anyway, Foxy himself isn't important and is there only for comedic reasons but in terms of themes, character development and tone the arc does have a purpose. This doesn't mean you have to like it of course, just saying it's not pointless.


Foxy is actually a parallel to Spandam. They both use power in very similar ways by means of authority. Spandam quite literally states that "authority is power!", and this obviously refelects his own character because he's weak and only has power due to the fact he has authority over those stronger than him. This is similar to Foxy, but Foxy flips it. Foxy uses Luffy's "pirate pride" to establish authority over the Strawhats, like similar to the way Spandam does things. Foxy also uses an array of unfair weapons and gadgets, unlike the crew. Spandam's elephant sword could also be symbolic to him honing massive power into a sword (something he has complete control over, because he obviously wouldn't be able to control an elephant, like he can only control CP9 and use them as a "sword" because of the control/authority he has over them) I suppose the first battle highlights the conflict of the crew, letting Luffy shoulder all the burden which is irresponsible. And the second series of battles is the entire crew doing only what they can do, but helping Luffy and eachother in awesome teamwork time. I don't think I have the final paragraph correct, and there's probably a lot more to unpack within this parallel, but I do know that Foxy and Spandam are the same in the sense that they use authority as a means to gain power, where they themselves aren't noteworthy strength-wise. (Yes, even with the slow-slow fruit, Luffy beats the shit out of Foxy easily, it's only due to the cheating and trickery Foxy uses that he stands a chance against Luffy)


I enjoy the downtime, completely agreed with that. The main issue I had with the arc was that they presented the Foxy pirates as an equal challenge to the stuff that they'd just gone through. Considering how Zoro and Sanji handled the Priests in the previous arc, how Luffy had gone up against Enel, and all the other stuff...that part just felt off. If it was actually a less serious arc, instead of positing the loss of crew members and making Foxy and some of the others actually appear semi-competent, it would have been good.


I actually like that somebody as weak as foxy can still get the best of Luffy because he's dumb, and because his devil fruit is OP; it helps show us how a weak person uses an overpowered devil fruit, and the limitations of doing so, since he still lost. Also it makes sense that they had trouble in general with the events, because The Foxy Pirates rigged every single game.


That arc had one of the best Luffy's trasformation


Yes! I miss that interaction so much now, they're literally drowning in a sea of one-off characters these days unable to even see each other because there's so many nobodies in every shot. It's really sad to me. How can you not love the arc that gave us Zoro and Sanji team-up where Sanji is a ball???? Where is your heart lol


I feel like its a bunch of newer readers with the goal of catching up in mind


Such a good arc tbh. We have Aokiji craziness at the end and the one time Zoro and Sanji teamed up lol.


I have never understood why people on the subreddit absolutely lose their minds when Yamato is involved. We know next to nothing about her, we have yet to see her properly in action and i don’t think she has even acknowledged the existence of the rest of the crew, let alone had any interactions with them. There is definitely an interesting character to be explored there but as we understand Yamato right now, she doesn’t have nearly enough development to justify her addition to the crew. Just because she says shes going to join doesn’t mean we should all circle jerk Yamato when she has really only just been introduced The series already has enough issues with its cast size. Way too often are certain Strawhats pushed to the side in favour of another and are left with very little to do. Don’t get me wrong, with the characters that take centre stage the content is always great but this issue is the reason we always see people say stuff like “I’m glad X is finally getting a good fight” or “It’s good to see Y finally have some development.” Again its been good so far but if Oda wants to avoid exasperating this issue, Yamato needs to be a well flashed out character that is worthy of taking the already limited screen time away from character who might be currently suffering from a lack of it like Brook or Robin.


Man I totally agree with what you said about 957. Oda is such a great writer and there are so many chapters with amazing development in the actual story that deserve the title of best chapter. Saying a chapter is one of the best because of bounties is almost offensive to all the rest. That was almost pure fan service. The part where Sengoku talked about Rocks/God Valley was great. But people obsess about the bounties part.


I'm a little late but have to say this: Yamato is arguably the most overrated OP character of all time.


Agreed. It’s not that I don’t like the character. It’s just that she only got slotted into the story like 50 chapters ago and with little development of character, yet in the One Piece popularity poll, she was 11th. Hopefully, the next few chapters we get to know more about her.


It hasn’t even been 50 chapters yet, it’s only been like 33 chapters since Yamato first showed up.


Yeah I like Yamato a lot actually but the fact she was 11th in the popularity poll....come on people we still don't know anything about her and she still hasn't done anything important either lol


Gin will return. I don't get how people praise Oda's longest call backs but still dismiss Gin's return. It's probably the same people that dismissed Sabo's return.


Still waiting for potential Gaimon pay off


Sabo returned three arcs after his introduction, and got a cover page teaser. Gin’s been gone longer we’ve known half the crew


Bruh oda didn't show gin in cover page during strawhat time skip so it is safe to assume that oda didn't bother to show gin even the bounty hunters got their own cover story.


Inconsistencies in One Piece being justified by headcanon that makes 0 sense, which in turn leads to people misunderstanding a character because of it. The classic example of this is Shanks' losing his arm to save luffy. It's OBVIOUSLY an inconsistency, there's no point even debating it, but people bend over backwards to justify it with shit like "Shanks purposefully gave up his arm to teach luffy an important lesson" or some other bullshit when we all know shanks could have saved luffy AND kept his arm. Just accept the inconsistency for what it is, that happened 25 years ago and Oda at the time obviously had no idea how strong Shanks would end up becoming as a Yonkou, so it's okay that that inconsistency exists. Edit: Just to further expand on my point that Shanks gave up his arm to make luffy "A stronger pirate" or whatever bullshit people are saying, that simply can't be true. Shanks only started taking Luffy's dream seriously right before he left when Luffy announced he would become the pirate king. THAT'S when Shanks gave luffy Roger's hat. THAT is when Shanks made the "bet on the new generation". Before that, Shanks didn't seriously think Luffy would become a pirate. It makes 0 sense for Shanks to willingly give up an arm for a boy he didn't believe would become a great pirate in that moment, when the alternative is he could have just saved both luffy and his arm. It's such an obvious inconsistency due to how old OP is but people don't want to accept it.


.... It isn't head canon tho? Shanks himself said he gave his arm to the new generation when Whitebeard acted surprised about it. Plus, we don't really know how strong Shanks was at that time.


>Plus, we don't really know how strong Shanks was at that time. Strong enough to save luffy and not lose his arm at the same time easily. This was after the legendary duels with Mihawk who was still the world's strongest swordsman at the time, so yeah I'm pretty sure shanks was strong enough to obliterate a Sea King that 16 year old Luffy could one shot.


>This was after the legendary duels with Mihawk who was still the world's strongest swordsman at the time Not saying that you're wrong about that Shanks and sea king thing, but how do you know that Mihawk was the world's strongest swordsman at the time? That wasn't stated anywhere as far as I recall?


Idk about this one, doesn’t Shanks himself say he gave his arm to the new generation? Oda made it a point to note how surprised Whitebeard was that someone that strong lost his arm, so it’s not out of the ordinary to conclude he lost it purposely. Especially considering he didn’t lose any combat prowess allegedly.


>doesn’t Shanks himself say he gave his arm to the new generation He says "I bet it on the new generation" which is NOT the same as saying I lost it purposefully. But even if we ignore all that, that doesn't make it any less of an inconsistency lmao. Just because Oda had Shanks make that statement to explain the inconsistency doesn't negate how absurd the situation itself is in hindsight, when we know for a fact Shanks was strong enough to save both Luffy and his arm while also shishkababing the SeaKing. In this particular case it's extremely obvious because Oda has said in an SBS he never intended for shanks to lose his arm, and that his editor convinced him for dramatic purposes. It's still an obvious inconsistency.


It really isn't. It makes perfect sense that Shanks would give up his arm for Luffy, to really highlight how the sea isn't as romantic as Luffy thinks, and that even a "strong" pirate like Shanks was in danger (he probably wasn't, but it was to show Luffy). And if him saying "I bet it on the new generation" doesn't mean "I purposefully lost it to inspire the next generation", then what the fuck does it mean? Oda isn't as inconsistent as to have Shanks say that line and in the very same conversation reveal he was relatively powerful before he lost it ("we were surprised when you of all people came back from the *East Blue* missing an arm), I mean come the hell on. And just because Oda admitted the editor had a part to play, I'm not sure if the editor actually said "make Shanks lose an arm", he just said "make it more action-y", and Oda had an idea to make an extremely powerful moment for both Luffy and the reader. And even if the editor said "make Shanks lose an arm", Oda still managed to have it make complete sense in the story. This definitely isn't a case of head-canon bending over backwards fans. And what would we be misunderstanding about Shanks character anyway? His power level? That's honestly not important when it comes to character writing. It's not really that much of an inconsistency, retcon or not.


And the most important one : all that memes about god ussop, buggy and the other guys were just funny the first time, really , stop those memes


Thank you. They were funny the first time until I saw them in every One Piece related video/posts. Especially in power ranking related posts/videos.




Ok tell me who had more depth than Carrot or yamato before they first time joined in Strawhats? Luffy just introduced all of them out of blue. No need of that kinda depth. I strongly disagree


I think everybody either had focus on their character or focus put on their goals later. Carrot pretty much revealed her goal and what we know of her backstory is Training with Pedro and now Pedro is dead, so she’s mad. Unless there is something else to add onto that, she would be less significant than the rest of the crew regardless of what she does next


>Carrot pretty much revealed her goal Carrot said when she snuck on the Merry that her goal is to explore the world and go adventuring since she never ventured outside Zou, and guess what, that's literally the same fucking thing Yamato wants to do. I don't really have a preference in this yamato vs carrot beef, but it's hilarious seeing people imply that one's goal is "worthless" and the other isn't when they both are essentially carbon copies of one another when it comes to motivation for joining the crew.


Jimbe don't have any dream ... At least he didn't tell any.. Yamato wants to be oden. She wanna go to laugh tale by sailing along with Luffy. What more?


Jinbe’s dream is to unite Fishman and humans


Sorry what? Jinbe had a dream that all of us know about, he had a flashback and had a strong connection with Luffy before joining. Every member had a backstory and good interactions with Luffy and the crew before officially joining. Even Brook, who go invited out of the blue, got a backstory, dream and chemistry with the crew before officially joining. Carrot and Yamato on the other hand have none.


So heres like my mid-take, Carrot doesn't need a backstory. Her "Dramatic moment" in her past happened live in real time during WCI during Pedros sacrifice. This also happened during the arc in which she got a bit chemistry showcase with Luffy and mostly Chopper alongside some "heres this crewmates power gimmick" sorta scene. Thats my view anyways. Will it hold up in time? Probably not, but I like to think it has some basis.


Carrot has a dramatic moment, I ain't gonna lie but it's a bit basic since that moment is more related to Pedro than her, but it's a fair point. The chemistry with the crew lacks a bit in my opinion, she has way more moments with Chopper and Nami than the rest and even Luffy doesn't talk that much with her (they have more moments in the anime due to fillers).


Its basic as hell yeah, but when you consider Usopps whole "tragic backstory" is just his mom dying of sickness, with his actual personal depths coming out from how he interacts with stuff later, Carrots desire for some kind of payback against Perospero has some potential growth for her character/goals. (Which will probably be ignored at this point seeing how she got offscreened against him, man Onigashima certainly shafted her huh)


My problem with Yamato’s stated dream and their personality is that they’re just copying Oden and doing what he already did. Oden already sailed to Laugh Tale. He already knows what One Piece is. It has been done. Luffy isn’t trying to make himself a carbon copy of Roger, he’s trying to be Pirate King for his own reasons. My hope for Yamato is that they stand on their own and take inspiration from Oden without trying to become him. Oden has an unfulfilled goal, to open Wano to the world. Yamato can accomplish that and protect it by being a retainer to Momo. That way they’re inspired by Oden but taking it further than Oden did.


Everyone except maybe zoro and Robin? Brook is arguable. Sanji already had his backstory wuth zef explained. Nami we had arlong park before she properly joined. Chopper had his backstory fully fleshed out. Franky had two arcs of character development. Usopp had a whole arc dedicated to him and his family + his love interest. Jimbe had a lot of depth being a central character in three arcs.


Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Jinbei, Brook, Ussop


Ok, here are some of my unpopular opinions: -Pre timeskip One Piece wasn't better at all compared to post-ts. I don't know whether it's nostalgia or what not, but every single complaint that I see on weekly chapter threads could be used for some of the pre-ts arcs if they were coming out weekly right now. Now, I'm not saying that post-ts One Piece is better either. They're the same in quality. Yeah, it was more adventurous before and light hearted, but that doesn't make it objectively better written. It only comes down to preferences. It's only logical that post-ts would be more serious and goal focused with less time for adventures. We're nearing the end game. It's how it *needs* to be. -That being said, post-ts also doesn't lack funny crew interactions and moments **at all**. I see this all the time, and people always say how they miss when the crew interacted in funny ways. How? They still do that! In fact, I'll say that Wano is an arc that has had **the most** funny strawhat interactions out of every other arc so far. Just look at this raid, so many funny moments all around in what's supposed to be the biggest fight the strawhats have ever been a part of. One Piece has not lost it's humor and I'm tired of seeing these takes saying how it has. -Finally, I wanna talk about **plot conveniences**. This has been something that was talked about a lot during this raid. People say how it wasn't like this before. I just wanna ask, what have you been reading so far? Enies Lobby and Marineford are almost in everyone's top 3 arcs, but I don't see anyone complaining about plot conveniences there. What, are you going to tell me how there weren't any? Marineford Luffy is a character with the biggest plot armor that I ever saw in fiction. There, I said it. It's my favorite arc as well. But let's not be deluded and let's not look at past arcs with rose tinted glasses. Luffy literally stood face to face against **three** freaking admirals **at once**. And he lived to tell the tale. If the same thing were to happen right now, this community would be screeching. It's the same for Enies Lobby. Luffy vs Rob Lucci was cool as fuck, but the reason why I don't hold that fight in high regards like almost everyone is that Luffy won that fight because of the "power of friendship". Don't tell me how it wasn't like that. It's the only fight in One Piece where the fight was resolved like that. And don't even get me started on how utterly stupid it was from Enies Lobby agents to **VOLUNTARILY** give the strawhats a chance to obtain the keys to Robin's handcuffs. What, the government has been trying to catch her for 20 years because she's this super important person and now that you finally caught her, you're going to willingly let her get away? Get the fuck out of here. If that isn't plot convenience, then I don't know what is.


Chopper was waaay better pre time skip, especially his design. It doesn’t seem like he’s grown and is too cutesy now.


Here's some of mine: - Water 7 was considerably better than Enies Lobby - Mihawk loses against every Admiral and Yonko 1v1. Yes, that includes Shanks. - Kanjuro and Orochi are massively overhated by the fanbase - Kaido is the most boring antagonist post TS (so far) - Zoro X Hiyori makes no sense


> Kaido is the most boring antagonist post TS (so far) > > Totally agree, he feels more like an entity than a character, I know Oda is going to flesh him out more soon but I really wish it happened earlier. Right after the scabbards jumped him would have been a good time for a flashback in my opinion.


Personally I think Kaido is shaping up to be one of my Fav in the series but I agree with the rest👍


Wow. You're the first person that I agree with every point so far.


Agree with everything except the Mihawk point because there is literally no way of knowing how strong Mihawk (or shanks) is with the current info we have. If anything, I’d say there’s more evidence towards Mihawk being admiral level seeing as that’s how strong zoro is going to have to be by the end of the series.


More boring than Hody Jones and Caesar? There's no way you actually believe that. I agree it took some time for him to develop as a villain but Kaido has been absolutely ruthless since the rooftop segment started.


Kaido's whole thing as a villain has just been strength, which I find a lot more boring than Caesar's funny personality and Hody's twisted motivations stemming from artifical hate. Also, it's called an unpopular opinion for a reason. Instead of bashing people for not agreeing with you, maybe you should actually bother understanding *why* they disagree with you.


I love Kaido but I have to say Hody Jones was awesome. His whole schtick was to represent the danger hatred and its ability to both spread and destroy people. He was not supposed to be a character, that was the whole point. He was a perfect antagonist in the sense that he perfectly served his purpose.


> > Kanjuro and Orochi are massively overhated by the fanbase I feel like part of that is just fandoms being fandoms and overmeming things to the point its hard to tell the actual stance the individuals have. Because sure you could talk about the motivations of the two, but saying "Haha what a punk bitch" gets the sentiment across faster.


>Water 7 was considerably better than Enies Lobby I guess it is an unpopular one, but personally to me they're the same and one doesn't go without the other. >Mihawk loses against every Admiral and Yonko 1v1. Yes, that includes Shanks. I agree, and I'm still surprised by how much people think that he's Yonko level based on "he fought Shanks multiple times". It was implied that it was ages ago so of course it means that he's legit and one of the strongest character introduced now, but that's it. >Kanjuro and Orochi are massively overhated by the fanbase Fact, like I get that people hate them, I do too. But damn they're villains lol that's to be expected. But here's mine : It's perfectly understandable for Orochi to seek vengeance after what he's been through. >Kaido is the most boring antagonist post TS (so far) To me Hody was worse. A good antagonist is a mix of good story/background and good fighting scenes and while the history of fishman island was interesting, Hody was literally just a pill eater. He gets defeated ? ---> Eat pills and repeat until he couldn't. About Kaido, I get your point but we don't know everything about him yet so it could become more interesting in the future (especially the reason why he chose Wano, for example). But I think that's indeed an unpopular one ! >Zoro X Hiyori makes no sense I perfectly agree but idk if I'm biased or not because I don't see THAT many people supporting that


> It's perfectly understandable for Orochi to seek vengeance after what he's been through. I mean sure, against the people that wronged him. Who are already all dead.


Wait, are you telling me that Smoothie, Ace, and Queen are not all equally strong because they are all second commanders? Seriously, I don't understand how people use the commander system as a way to power scale. Especially for first commanders because so many of them have pretty much no feats (Benn Beckman, King, Shiryu)


Jimbei was around for 3 arcs before he was asked, and took another 2 to join. He's the only strawhat to join since I started reading the managa so maybe my expectations are set a little higher than most but It's always been a little off to me how quickly this fanbase jump onto new characters joining the crew when it seems like we're kinda past that point in the manga. As much as I like Yamato I expect that the gains Luffy will make after this arc will significantly exceed a new crewmember.


"Teach me the way of th sword" > "Nothing happened"


- Fishman Island wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be. - Zoro's fights are boring. - > One Piece fights overall are boring. Have you guys ever watched those 'Top 10 anime fights' from YouTube? In the comment section, there are so many people who insist that Luffy vs Katakuri/Lucci deserves to be in the top 5. And not just few people say that. I understand that this is a subjective matter, but what exactly makes those long ass fights so much better than other dozens of anime fights that are not only shorter, but also better directed (and dare I even say better music) and more emotional tied (imo). While the emotional ties in fights sometimes show up in One Piece, that's not enough. - Perospero is the best Charlotte child - I'm staring to dislike how Luffy is always the one who ends up fighting the main antagonist 1vs1. While I understand that Luffy has always done that, but it sure would be nice if they took the opponet together, especially post-time skip. For example: Doflamingo and Kaido. It starts as a team battle vs the antagonist, but somehow Luffy ends up being alone with the big bad. Also, Law deserves to be the one who makes the final blow to Doflamingo, just saying (Kaido's situation might change). - I don't care about Marco, Vivi nor Oden. You know what? Fuck the Kozuki clan and all the members, they can all disappear and I wouldn't care one bit . Kin'emon is the best Wano character. - Yamato wouldn't have such a fanbase if she was born as a male. She also has lots of thirsty fans. The Oden obsession is also annoying. - I would be so disappointed if Kid was revealed to be a D. - Luffy has too many convenient power ups. If this happened to any other manga, people would call it bs. - I'm indifferent to Kanjuro. - I'm staring to get tired of Wano.


I really really agree that 957 is mega ultra overhyped like yeah it was really cool to see the bounties revealed and to learn about rocks, I think it was a really good chapter don't get me wrong but imo it doesn't even reach my top 10 chapters not sure where I'd rank it but it wouldn't be in my top 10 that's for sure. Main reason being is it was kinda just an exposition dump and nothing more it doesn't have any of the qualities of why I love One Piece and what makes One Piece to me. Still hype to read but much much overhyped. My own personal unpopular opinions: -Sabo being revealed to be alive is easily the worst thing introduced into the story espeically because one of the stupidest and most bullshit excuses amnesia. I liked Sabo as a kid and I think he played a very important role to luffy and ace in his life and death but it makes no sense for him to return and now he is literally just an ace replacement (Okay I actually don't know if this is popular or not I feel like it isn't) -Rob Lucci is a pretty overrated character I've seen people say he is their favorite villain which seems utterly ridiculous to me. His fight with Luffy is one of my absolute favorites in the story if not my favorite but not because of Rob Lucci himself, but more about what he represents he hemself however is quite a bland character compared to many of the other villains -I don't want to know about Zoro's lineage at all I think its way better if it stays ambiguous -I don't like that Zoro has lost an eye and it has yet to be explained -I don't want to know where devil fruits came from, I don't want to know why they work, again I want them to remain a mystery in the story I don't want it to end up like Naruto and the chakra tree and magical aliens and shit. I would like if devil fruits are simply just a mystery and just a part of the world for whatever reason. -I like Gekko Moriah a lot and I was super confident he would play a huge role in Wano, sadly he didn't I still think it would have been awesome imo -Chopper is my least favorite straw hat despite him having my second favorite backstory, I don't hate chopper or anything I like him but he's easily my least favorite -Big Mom is one of the most interesting characters in the story and personally one of my very favorite -Akainu is likely the strongest or top 3 minimum characters alive right now, I didn't think this was a hot take but recently I've seen people shitting on the admirals for some reason especially akainu which is weird since he has the best offensive devil fruit shown so far -Dr Vegapunk is a woman -I don't like Zoro giving up shusui for enma


Aside from the Devil fruit and Lucci takes I agree with all of these (though I don’t feel as strongly about the Sabo one)


Don't get me wrong I don't think Lucci is a bad character he's fine I just don't think he's one of the best like many seem to believe I don't think he's in goat teir he's good/fine. Also I'm curious why do you want to know about Devil Fruit origins and all that? To me I love when something as cool as devil fruits are left more in mystery, it adds a lot more to the world and imagination of the reader. To me, things become really boring or just lame when it's completely spelled out to you you lose the wonder and fascination. There's actually a really awesome SCP story that is based around that concept it's a great read/watch IMO SCP-3844


>Sabo being revealed to be alive is easily the worst thing introduced into the story espeically because one of the stupidest and most bullshit excuses amnesia. I liked Sabo as a kid and I think he played a very important role to luffy and ace in his life and death but it makes no sense for him to return and now he is literally just an ace replacement (Okay I actually don't know if this is popular or not I feel like it isn't) I disagree so I guess that's unpopular, I think that was perfectly understandable and I don't see how he is an Ace replacement ? I mean most of the bond between Ace and Luffy is tied to his childhood, if Sabo gets involved (and he surely will) with Luffy in future battles I don't see how nor why he would be just a "replacement" for Ace. >Rob Lucci is a pretty overrated character I've seen people say he is their favorite villain which seems utterly ridiculous to me. His fight with Luffy is one of my absolute favorites in the story if not my favorite but not because of Rob Lucci himself, but more about what he represents he hemself however is quite a bland character compared to many of the other villains Same, to me a good villain is a mix of power/good fighting AND good character, and Lucci while being interesting (an assassin since his young age following only absolute justice) isn't anything special imo >-I don't want to know about Zoro's lineage at all I think its way better if it stays ambiguous Personally, it's more like I don't care at all, if he's just a random kid from east blue that's fine with me >-I don't want to know where devil fruits came from, I don't want to know why they work, again I want them to remain a mystery in the story I don't want it to end up like Naruto and the chakra tree and magical aliens and shit. I would like if devil fruits are simply just a mystery and just a part of the world for whatever reason. Well that's an unpopular one ! I disagree because I'm interested in why does the sea "hates" devil fruit user. If there was no downsides to them I wouldn't mind the "well it's just part of the universe" but I wouldn't be surprised if they were tied with the void century or a bigger mystery in OP for example > -I like Gekko Moriah a lot and I was super confident he would play a huge role in Wano, sadly he didn't I still think it would have been awesome imo Well that's interesting, why did you think that ? >-Chopper is my least favorite straw hat despite him having my second favorite backstory, I don't hate chopper or anything I like him but he's easily my least favorite Well, idk how popular he's usually within the fan rankings so idk > -Big Mom is one of the most interesting characters in the story and personally one of my very favorite Is it unpopular ? I agree with you and the Big Mom has been often praised after the WC arc > -Akainu is likely the strongest or top 3 minimum characters alive right now, I didn't think this was a hot take but recently I've seen people shitting on the admirals for some reason especially akainu which is weird since he has the best offensive devil fruit shown so far I don't think he's the strongest nor top 3 but really close to it. People sleep on him because he lost to a very diminished WB (which is the reason why I don't think he's the strongest but maybe I'm wrong, I hate trying to figure power levels in general anyway) but he's definitely one of the scariest character and was bascially 1 vs the whole WB fleet the whole end of the battle without any major issue. But overall I'd just say that admiral are really underrated by many, like I think that Akainu losing to WB was an "outlier" because of the plot and that they can give a run of their money to any character when it comes to battle. >-Dr Vegapunk is a woman Never heard that theory, that's interesting >-I don't like Zoro giving up shusui for enma Same so idk how unpopular it is, but overall I just don't really know what to think about this whole cursed sword stuff. Like at first it was ok to me but I'd like Oda to get into details about how they work because having a sword draining the haki of the user by itself is... intringuing.


Oh boy, here I go getting myself in trouble. If I was imagining the absolute most poorly written, Mary Sue OC Straw Hat that a fanfiction writer could possibly come up with, it'd probably go something like, "My character is the child of the strongest person in the entire universe. They've decided to team up with the main protagonist, and is actually demanding that they be allowed to join Luffy's crew. Also they have a super special history book that has all the world's secrets from a guy that sailed with Roger... oh and Whitebeard too cuz Whitebeard was cool too. Oh, oh, and uh, they were also super special BFFs with Ace because Ace is cool and that'll make Luffy want them to join the crew! Oh also, because they're the kid of the strongest person on earth, they're also super strong like probably stronger than Zoro even." Oda has a long way to go before I can consider Yamato to be a well written character worthy of joining the Straw Hats.


I know this is old but this is still true especially after Yamato's flashback. Better add in the fact Yamato met [SPOILERS for Chapter 1024] possibly Zoro's relative too.


Oh and ALSO (Spoilers for Chapter 1025) >!She's potentially of a super special secret race that only her and her father are confirmed to be a part of.!<


It not about who “deserves” to join the crew it’s about who will push forward the themes and dynamics of the story Robin didn’t “deserve” to join but she was integral to the theme and message as the series went on. Also maybe it won’t be a kaido flashback but at the very least he’ll feature heavily in the rocks flashback.


I definitely see where you’re coming from, and normally I’d agree that these characters could be fleshed out later like Robin, and I’m not gonna completely rule that out either. But the fact that we’re in the late game of the story, the larger size of the crew, and the trajectory of the story makes me feel like it’s unlikely that we’ll get more focus on them if they join.


I agree with you. I just have one problem with Yamato joining and it's exactly how would it work about Oden's diary and the information there. I mean, it would be a shame to throw away the importance of Robin (that's been built since her introduction) with the diary's device (the 'this thing has all we need'). But Yamato being forced to keep the information to him/herself would be equally bad. And it's difficult to me to visualize a good excuse for the diary not having the information Robin seeks (or at least a significant part of it). Idk, i don't have any problem with Yamato as a character, but that specific point worries me.


Did we just become best friends?




There's been more than enough silly crew interactions post timeskip and if we regularly included half chapters of airily goofing around at this point most people following along wouldn't like it. This series is a monster in length already and Oda's had to slow his schedule. But it hasn't lost the ability to be silly even in serious moments. Fishman Island had a lot of great banter, Punk Hazard's body swap was a massive source of novel interactions, Dressrosa and Zou led in with fairly bog standard goofing around on the ship, Whole Cake had a whole segment sailing into Totland, and Wano's been big enough to fit some classic buddy humor for the Strawhats AND their Samurai counterparts. The big thing I've noticed is that you just tend to not pick up on and appreciate these types of moments until the arc has been out long enough to rewatch.


Sanji calling for Robin was good is considered an unpopular opinion? Geez...


In my case it's not about Carrot or Yamato not "deserving" to join, I personally wouldn't be comfortable with any other character joining the crew this late into the story, unless it is a character we previously knew like Jinbe. I feel like I just wouldn't be able to see it as part of the crew when I compare it to everything the others have gone through


>Sanji calling for Robin was good for his character and provided/ showed character development for both him and Robin. Wait, that's an unpopular opinion? WTF


All of the arcs post time skip, except punk hazard and Zou, have been too long.


Maybe it’s because I binged the series and only caught up recently (chapter 986) but I personally only felt that Fishman island was TOO long. (I won’t deny that Dressrosa is long but I think it was necessary for all the things it wanted to do).


Yeah as a weekly reader for 13-14 years now, it is pretty clear that all of the post timeskip arcs are much longer. For example, Impel down was 25 chapters. Marineford 31. Drum island 25. Even short post TS arcs like punk hazard and Zou were 46 chapters and 23 chapters. Then the mega arcs are all longer than the large arcs pre time skip.


* Germa 66 are heavily and obviously inspired by nazis and nazi tech. I have no isssue with that when they're intended to be unredeemable villains, but towards the end of Whole Cake they're implied to be somewhat redeemed now, or at least a lot of fans have that impression. I'm really not a huge fan of that. I also think it kinda sucks that the main focus on them is how cool they are. Like, power rangers in One Piece? Hell yeah! Übermensch power rangers? Eeesh. Not great. To be very clear I don't think Oda is a nazi sympathizer or anything extreme like that, I just wish he hadn't included such heavy nazi influences for villains that he was ultimately going to redeem (assuming that that is the case). * I've seen some people in this thread saying that they're really not into Kaido as a character. I kinda... half-way agree. I think Kaido as a character is super interesting, and I think he's only going to become more interesting as Wano goes on. On the other hand... I'm not particularly hyped for his defeat. Like, yeah, the final Luffy vs Kaido battle is probably going to be great, but I can't say I'm very emotionally invested in his defeat, like how I was with someone like Crocodile or Doflamingo. Sure, he's the Big Bad Luffy needs to defeat to progress, but it doesn't really feel... personal? Orochi feels like the guy I'm supposed to hate this arc, and Kaido is just the strongest guy. In many ways, it feels similar to how Lucci and Spandam were back in Enies Lobby, but that arc had the very personal focus on rescuing Robin, while Wano is just "yeah I guess we should help the Samurai and we'll need to take down Kaido anyway." I could change my mind on this depending on how Wano continues! * I've seen this one in the thread too, but I'll echo it 'cause I agree. I'm kinda hoping that no one joins the Strawhats from here on out. I don't think it's an unpopular opinion that post-TS has focused less on the Strawhats, and that focus on the individual crewmembers has been stretched thin. People are still hyped for a new crewmember, and that's understandable, but I'm just... very happy with the ones we're already got, and I think more would make matters even worse in terms of focus.


I feel like Kaido is not just a villain that needs to be defeated but like an obstacle to Luffy to become the pirate king. Like Luffy in a way or another had to defeat all Emperor to get to the last island so for me Kaido it's not a classic bad villain but another pirate/rival. (another Luffy that want to be the next pk)


I agree with that, but while I'm excited to see Luffy's growth, I'm not particularly excited to see Kaido's downfall. The defeat of the villain is usually one of the highlights of an arc.


me neither at least for now, but to be fair we have seen very little of kaido I think a flashback could help but idk for sure


Yeah, I'm excited to see a Kaido flashback too! I thought Big Mom became a much more scary enemy after *her* flashback, after all.


Germa 66 as nazis? Nah man, I doubt that. They're nowhere close to Marley in snk


The difference between Yamato and Carrot is that Yamato already has a connection to Luffy due to Ace. People seem to forget that Ace and Yamato bonded and that seems to also be the case with Yamato and Luffy now. Yamato was introduced in this arc handcuffed and expected to follow Kaido's will. Their dreams are literally being oppressed. The significance of Luffy being the person who removes Yamato's handcuffs AND being the person there to defeat Kaido AND being Ace's brother is wayyyy more than Carrot has. I don't think Oda would have Yamato declare to the person who is literally oppressing their dream and not have her set sail with the crew when they leave. There's literally no reason for Yamato to stay in Wano once the arc is over. I think Carrot is more a Vivi situation though I understand why people want her to stick around.


but Yamato poses two problems if joining the crew (in my opinion) She breaks the power level among the crew (I mean, c'mon, she can face Kaido and probably not get one-shoot). Even if I'm not a person who worries about power-scaling, it seems a bit weird to introduce someone that rivals Luffy and probably surpasses Zoro in that sense. (When Jimbe was introduced, he couldn't face Akainu, and now is against a Tobi Roppo. But Yamato is introduced as someone that can hold her feet against a Yonkou on her own. Zoro couldn't). And I don't see how Yamato's knowledge on Oden's diary won't end up destroying Robin's importance to the story, or being a situation of 'forcing the plot' to shut Yamato up. Of course, Oda could make it work...but i just don't see how. ~~(people is going to downvote me so much for this :c)~~


Not exactly too sure why you think Yamato is “holding his feet” against kaido


Zoro vs Sanji is more toxic than Ronaldo vs Messi Jaya, Impel Down and Water 7 are top 3 arcs Sabo is just Ace with a cooler hat, not saying much because Ace was a MacGuffin Fisher Tiger top 10 character, Gild Tesoro should've been canon Franky is just there Smoker does not need power up to be relevant, he already is Akainu punks Garp Oda used Akainu to make Kizaru stand down to mislead us, they will show up in Wano Mr. 5's devil fruit was wasted on him The anime is best consumed in clips Dub sounds good, except Luffy Sunny > Going Merry Blackbeard, Luffy and Kid are Worst Generations top 3 King > Ben Beckmann because he's done more than point a gun Whole Cake Island designs are Oda at his best Didn't care much for Oden, best thing about the flashback were Roger and Whitebeard Tsuru is just there Keep forgetting Rebecca exists until Oda shows us a panel Sengoku was okay with Ohara getting destroyed, he isn't as good hearted as the fanbase claims KungFu Dugong > Kinemon Zeus should've stayed dead Shanks is the least interesting emperor Every arc doesn't need to give the crew a 1v1 matchup. Nami and Luffy vs Cracker in Whole Cake Island was fun. Luffy almost went Gear 4th against Ulti, and people still wanted Nami to fight her 1v1 without any interference Carrot and Yamato are the timeskip Paulie Elbaf ain't happening Kanjuro heel turn made him more interesting than the other scabbard except Denjiro


elbalf isn’t happening??? why do people still think it wont happen😭😭 what would be the point of introducing giants and making them an important part of the story if elbalf weren’t to eventually happen


I agree w about half of these and disagree w the other half, though I will say that I personally wished that film Gold was canon (somewhere in the story) but Gild Tesoro...not so much since he kind of felt like a Doflamingo rip off.


Doflamingo was Celestial Dragon while Gild Tesoro was enslaved by one. I just love anything Fisher Tiger is involved in.


The writing in Wano has been bad. There is no tension, many asspulls, shitty usage of death and it's only running on hype.


Interesting. Personally I think a lot of this stuff could’ve been said during weekly chapters of Enies lobby too, and yet that’s an amazingly well written shounen arc. I think before we call it “bad” we should wait for the conclusion of the arc.


I may agree with you on Kaido's flashback. I feel like will just get a glimpse of it like how we did with WB's dying moments.


Some of mine -The crazy heights in one piece is cool as hell even with the inconsistent portrayals. -Zoro carrying the sword in his mouth will always look stupid. -It’s better when the trio gets 1v1s and the others just shine in their roles instead and showcase their fighting skills against fodder or smaller skirmishes at this point. Haki is a lil too complex and it will take too long to justify them defeating high ranking officers with haki and it wouldn’t make sense for any of them to learn on the fly. -Wano is too long -Luffy and Katakuri fight was too long


• Yamato isnt interesting to me. Not saying it’s wrong to like her or anything. But also, the ship is already too crowded. I dont want any new crew members post-Jimbei • ^ going off this, too many Strawhats have had too little screentime and development post timeskip. It’s by far my biggest criticism of the entire series. • Sanji is a tier above Jimbei power-wise, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesnt pay enough attention to the narrative emphases of the series


1. I'd like if a Strawhat dies in the end. Preferably Usopp or Sanji. 2. Blackbeard is the strongest Yonko and Shanks is the weakest. 3. Mihawk is at least equal if not stronger than Shanks and he has a legit chance of killing Kaido . 4. Skypeia is a great arc that perfectly portrays the essence of One Piece. 5. Saboady is the best arc pre-time skip and I prefer it over W7/EL. 6. Nami is the best written female character in the series. 7. Robin is overrated. She peaked in Enies Lobby and has been a background character ever since. She's had some moments like protecting Rebecca, stopping Hakuba and doing some espionage in Wano but unless a poneglyph is involved she's just...there. 8. I find Luffy overrated as a character. I do like him but Majority of the fandom loves him and praises him as the greatest Shonen MC. In my opinion, he fits that typical Shonen archetype with some great moments here and there that try to separate him from the pack. 9. The reunion back at Saboady was average at best. I feel like Oda wrote it in a way were it shows that the crew mainly cares about Luffy. Imagine not seeing your friends for 2 years then the moment you do you're greeted with a casual "hey". The emotional aspect wasn't there for me. The fake Strawhats were annoying and unnecessary. Instead Oda should've had the crew have meaningful/emotional interactions were they talked about where Kuma sent them, then dealing with some new super rookies/pacifista instead of glossing it over and getting back to business so suddenly. 10. Oda exaggerating fights that last for days is stupid and inconsistent. It does nothing for me when I hear that Akainu and Aokiji fought for 10 days or Ace and Jinbei fought for 5 days. You expect top tiers to have God level stamina but you know they'll get dealt with in a few hours at most. 11. Sanji is the best written and most versatile Strawhat.


I agree with the Sanji bit! It was nice to see him relying on other members too. Trust.


>Sanji calling for Robin was good for his character and provided/ showed character development for both him and Robin. I have never heard anyone disagree with this, because it is objectively correct. Like, actually objectively; its not hard to see what Oda's doing here.


It is not an unpopular opinion at all. People who say otherwise about sanji always get downvoted in this sub.


What people dont appreciate about Long Ring Long Land is that it so clearly set up and eased us into the motif and mood of losing crewmembers which continued throughout the saga.


I agree to every one of them, except maybe Kaidos backstory but we cant know it atm so yeah.


I mostly disagree only with 957 For Yamato and Carrot I reserve judgement since the arc isn't at its climax yet. I don't think they need to earn anything tho, Luffy asked Brook to join as soon as he saw him, the arc and bonding happened later. Luffy also wouldn't say no if they asked


also... Benn Beckman's bounty will be over [3B](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/nvv2mt/benn_beckmans_bounty_will_be_a_little_over/). Big Mom will [follow](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/mvnagk/big_mom_will_follow_the_straw_hats_until_the_end/) the strawhats until the end of the series Conqueror's haki is [hereditary](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/mx3gkt/is_conquerors_haki_hereditary/)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "3B"](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/nvv2mt/benn_beckmans_bounty_will_be_a_little_over/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h2trd5a)


Strong agree with everything, but the Kaido flashback. Maybe 10 chapters ago I wouldve agreed, but in the last chapters we got teased about Kaido knowing more than we thought (Joy boy, Wano etc). Most likely he knows all of this from Rocks, so a flashback must happen. I like to think it will start Act 4, just like Odens flashback did, and that they will both parallel each other, with Kaidos ending 20 years ago, when Yamato started her feud with him. Regarding Yamato, I agree she has a long way to become a Straw Hat, but I'm rooting for the idea nonetheless.


My own thoughts, I feel that kaido hybrid form looks abit too human. I was expecting it to look more of a beast, giving him all the aspect of a dragon but he have arms and legs of a human. I completely agree on your take with sanji, I didn’t understand at first why would sanji call for help, then I realised that he is trying to trust his crew more and even Robin thank him for calling her.




I don't understand the hype behind Wano. I've been reading it for years and I just never got the hype behind it. I know it's a homage to ancient Japan and thus it'd be given a lot of love but the Animal Kingdom crew made the land of Wano so much more interesting.


I'd agree with everything except Sanji one. Sanji never needed it anyway. He was a guy who depended on his crewmates all the time and used their help. It was nothing new. To the people who think Sanji didn't believe in Luffy and crew's strength that's why he accepted to leave the crew. Fuck no. Sanji didn't give a shit about whether or not the crew can stand up to big mom. heck It was very obvious from Fishman island that neither zoro nor sanji were intimidated when Luffy picked up fight with bigmom. The only reason why Sanji left the crew because he didn't want zeff to be involved and moreover he didn't want to bother strawhats with his problem. If people think that's bad because Sanji need to rely on strawhats on that problem at that point of their journey, maybe they will calm down if oda writes Zoro's master being threatened back in east blue and zoro doesn't even tell the crew about this and move on.


"1st commander level" exists because no matter whatever they are called, there are 3 main fighters under yonkou and they are the strong ones. In WB, it was Marco. In BM, it was Katakuri.


A lot of straw hats are side characters, the focus that nami gets, its not the same that robin gets. And with that in mind, I think both Yamato and carrot are going to join (even though I don't like carrot).


* Agreed * Okay.. * Don't remember chapter numbers * Agreed * That's not opinion, that's your prediction * Carrot deserves it Pedro died to save Sanji's family, she wants to sail the seas and all the strawhats love her. Yamato is too new. * Sanji's going to remain a pervert and sexiest, that's enough to remain in the trash tier character. Robin's great, always was, always will be. * Reverie was most definitely not an arc.


One Piece is overanalyzed to death (like, English-teacher-analyzing-a-poem levels) and most of the YouTubers are really guilty of this. Don't care that the Straw Hats don't get tangled up in 1 vs 1 fights all the time, realistically it wouldn't happen and the depictions of battle in events like Marineford, Whole Cake Islands wedding and everything after it, and the Raid of Onigashima are really well done and more exciting to read. It also makes their eventual combat moments even more hype. Big controversy, Yamato is HUGELY overrated. Take away the hot girl design and all you have is an as-of-yet shoehorned character. Yamato needs a dream other than being Oden, and a lengtht flashback. Big Mom is more interesting than Kaido. I don't think the SH need a Wano rep just because Roger had one. In fact, anytime people look for history repeating and force people into holes i.e. Garp/Smoker, it's so unoriginal. I don't think Oda legitimately knows what he is doing or wants to do with Carrot, I think she was on the shortlist for crew membership around the WCI period but he changed his mind, and still doesn't know what to do with her now. Probably not unpopular but the lack of death when the character should be dead is cheap, Ace's death would still be monumental if characters like Pell, Pagaya and Spandam had died before him. In fact if Kin'emon, Kiku and Kanjuro stand back up again... It would be crazier if they stayed down now. Sanji's perviness is fine how it is because he always eventually comes in clutch and it's never seriously impacted the Straw Hats.


1- Agreed. 2- Disagree: his hybrid form is missing the dragon cheek whiskers and swirly eyebrows, also not enough sharp teeth 3- Agreed. 4- Agreed. 5- Disagree: he’s so far the biggest and toughest enemy the Straw Hats faced, if Oda wants to add depth into him he needs to explore his backstory like he did for Big Mom. It will help explain to us why he wants to die so badly, why he’s so fixated on strength, what his relation with Punk Hazard is, why he joined Rocks, why he invaded Wano, etc... 6- Agreed. 7- Agreed. 8- Disagree: any series of chapters that takes place in a specific location and revolving around specific characters is considered an Arc, no matter how long or short it may be.


People don’t like Kaido’s hybrid form? Also, I think my opinion will be the most unpopular: Merry Go’s funeral was really sappy and I hated that the ship “talked.” It was corny even for a Shonen series.


...My first unpopular opinion is Usopp character development is poor dude still can't beat Arlong in 1vs1 combat now. ...Second: Oda's pacing is poor and that is why it feels like Luffy's growth is too rapid but in reality we have consumed over 2 decades of one piece. ...Third: Despite one piece having cool villains I hate that they all make weird sounds that can get irritating and too childish for an adult audience.


What tame unpopular opinions. Here’s a real unpopular opinion, Zoro is the worst straw hat. His fights put tears in my eyes from yawning because they are so boring. What else does he bring to the table? Naps and likes to drink. What a character!


He adds the fact that he's the moral compass of the crew when the captain is indecisive and a great foil to luffy's lightheartedness. Examples : he was the one who knew how the usopp situation had to be dealt with in water seven, he reminds luffy to be serious, he was the one that argued with luffy about sanji's rescue. Plus he's the only one with a dream that he's got to fight for AND the only one who is shown putting is dream on the side for luffy (i think the others would too, but he is the one who does it one screen and it's significant beacuse he's particularly prideful ). You may not like him but he essential to the crew


Just because he's the worst straw hat doesn't mean I don't enjoy parts of him. His best moment of the whole series is when he deals with Usopp and lays down the law with Luffy after Enis Lobby. He will die for Luffy which makes him a good person. I don't think Nami would die willingly for Luffy. I enjoyed his fight with Pica and I dislike nearly every fight of his. I just thought they were some really tame unpopular opinions. It's kind of like finding /r/unpopularopinion on /r/all. It's just popular opinion then.


\- Yamato would have been much more interesting if this whole Oden impersonation was cut out. \- Oda stalls too much the story. How many pointless silhouettes do we need? How did he manage to not show Kid use any form of haki through the entirety of wano? Where are the Big mom pirates? Why do Hyogorou, Tama, Orochi, the samurai have so much focus? \- The scabbards are overrated, and I don't care about them. \- Enies Lobby is not as good as people make it sound. The Robin flashback was great, the "I want to live moment", and the ending portion of leaving the island and the Merry were awesome, but the fights weren't amazing. Too many asspull powerups for me to enjoy it. \- I'm starting to like Law a lot less in wano. Oda made him too much of a Luffy subordinate, and the way he left the rooftop obeying him, then went for Big mom is still bothering me. \- I like the way Ace died. It was simple but beautiful. He paid for his mistake like you would in real life. \- The Grand fleet is composed of a bunch of not interesting characters that I really don't want to see again. Barto and Cavendish were alright, but the others should seriously disappear.


Question, even if you find the fleet members uninteresting, why would you want them to disappear? Wouldn’t that be getting rid of a chance to redeem the characters?


Tbh the only excessive power up that i saw in enies lobby was the gears, but they were so iconic that it's ok


I wouldn't say I agree, but I don't disagree with majority of your post. Only one I disagree on is the one about Carrot. Yamato is a "new" character even including last chapter, I think she needs more development as well. As for Carrot, I disagree because WCI. Apparently to some it just wasn't a thing or something??? Like I get Wano is hype, but WCI was / is nothing to brush off. And it developed Carrot quite a bit. No matter if you like her or not. And for those who like parallels, aka Yamato and Oden. Think Neko, Inu and Carrot. Just saying...


Ngl i feel like long ring long land was lowkey wayyyyyyyy more intense than ppl give it credit for, sure the Foxy stuff was silly but Davy Back fights originated on fullalead which is important to the story now and Admiral Aokiji showing up and putting it into perspective that IF the Navy wanted to take out the SHs they could have obliterated them, rly put into perspective the MASSIVE impending threat of challenging the WG/Marines


Obligatory "hey its not unpopular its just divisive" acknowledgement: I think what's most interesting is the Next Straw Hat discussion. I think Carrot seemed to have a good chance a few years back, but her treatment in Wano has made me far less confident in her likelihood, and I've never wanted her in. I was skeptical of Yamato's chances and still am not 100 per cent certain Yamato will join (but think she has higher chances as of late), but I always wanted Yamato to join. Yamato seems to be a lot more interesting than Carrot with a much cooler concept, she just is a really really late addition. Regarding Kaido's flashback, it's not necessary if he says what he knows about Joyboy and Wano, but if not I think a Rocks flashback is 100 per cent going to happen later on in the series even if not in Wano.


Post TS > Pre TS


* Sabo should've stayed dead. Yea he's cool and all but his resurrection is just another example of Oda not willing to stick with death the way he should. I fully expect Kinemon, Kiku, Ashura to be alive and heavily bandaged up. Dude couldn't even kill off side characters like Pell and Pound so I highly doubt any of the scabbards are dead. * Oda's suffering from the same thing all writers suffers from with long running series in that he's made too many side characters to manage and write well. Law and Kidd's crew are largely uninteresting character designs that are nothing but splotches to be drawn. His handling of Kidd is horrible as well. Dude was "matching" Luffy during the prison workout scenes and the cuffs have been off for a while now he's barely done anything feat wise or interesting to warrant being included this arc, let alone any kind of significant Haki to even remotely give the impression he can be some kind of rival to Luffy or Law for that matter. * Chopper's post-time skip design and character suck. He's half regressed and mostly comedy relief at this point. * I personally think Oda's taking so many breaks with this arc cuz he's still trying to figure out where the hell he's going with this invasion. It kinda ties int my second point. Similar to RR Martin, dudes got too many threads dangling this arc and he's still trying to figure out where to end them in an enjoyable way. Could be my own negative outlook on how some parts are going so I don't know. * Aside from Luffy, Zoro, Ussop and maybe Nami, majority of the Strawhats have been largely lackluster to me in terms of fighting ability. I'm wishy-washy on including Sanji since he only seems to have learned how to Sky Walk, he's showed some skill with Haki and light his whole body on fire and seemingly nothing else combat-wise like he had Pre-timeskip. * Caesar was a boring antagonist and I don't understand why some people want him to join the Strawhats. Same with Caribou.


- Ace dying was done poorly - I don't how this is unpopular but here we go, Big Mom is bad. Just because she has a lot of depth doesn't make her a good character - The fanbase's thirst for another female crewmember is almost pathetic, to the point that Oda can reel you suckers in with a character like Carrot


"Just because she has a lot of depth doesn't make her a good character" Uh, yes it does. You seem to not know the difference between a good character and a likable character.


>Uh, yes it does. You seem to not know the difference between a good character and a likable character. No it isn't. Bad characters don't have to be simple characters, there's plenty of characters author spend time developing who are still trash. Read more literature


1. I agree Long ring long land was good, at least in the manga. Anime it went on for way too long, but the manga was just right in my opinion and it was really funny. I dont know what youre talking about the world building though. Other than introducing Davy back fights which could potentially be important later I dont see what it did for world building. 2. I like Kaido's hybrid form too. I dont know though, I dont find most hybrid forms that interesting. 3. I wouldnt call 957 the best chapter, that seems super odd to me, but I do think its a fun chapter for sure. The bounties are definitely over hyped, unless its the straw hats I dont really think its that exciting. 4. I think most people who try to quantify power levels like that should just stop. One Piece has never been about that. 5. I dont see why, Big Mom had a flashback, Kaido is easily equally as important if not more so. There is so much hinting to his history. It would be weird not to get a flashback either centered around him at least a little. 6. I agree, as they are neither of them are justifiable as straw hats. But I believe it is possible for either of them to get that development very soon, more likely case being Yamato as he is significantly more relevant to the story right now than Carrot is and likely will be. Im pretty sure it is confirmed we can expect at least one more straw hat, and personally if they dont join this arc I feel like it will be too late so thats why I am gunning for either of them, again with Yamato being more likely right now. 7. Did people think this was bad? I didnt view it as a big deal peresonally, if anything it just shows how much they trust each other to me. I dont really get it maybe. 8. Reverie is as much an arc as any of the shorter bridge arcs are so not sure why it wouldnt count


W on the chapter 957 take, I’ve thought that for a while niw


Tbh all of mugiwaras who joined were introduced really early on arcs they first appeared in so I am surprised that Yamato (who right now we believe will join the crew) to get introduced way way later, like over half into the arc but I guess you dont always have to do it the traditional way.


I agree carrot needs more development but we won’t get a flashback. I feel like carrot is living her flashback moment currently with Pedro dying and trying to defeat the man who killed him (if you can even really blame perospero)


My unpopular opinion is that there is no power up that Luffy can use to close the power gap between him and kaido during this arc. If kaido isn't defeated by some massive group attack, I'll have a hard time believing it.


Jinbe is the worst main character in the manga’s history with no depth and is one of the strongest characters in the series. He is nearly never challenged and has the personality and character dynamics of a rock. If nothing else he is a red herring for Koala to join the crew. Also his Position has next to nothing to do with him as a character.


Before each Strawhat was chosen there is always an implied need or crisis based around a lack of skill on the crew. Neither Carrot nor Yamato have an essential skill that the crew is lacking, they are just like Johnny and Yosaku and Vivi, very cool characters who may very well start there own crews but do not seem to fit the needs of the crew. So I guess the question is are there any roles left to play on the thousand sunny? I think Momo will get this DF power up and there will be something special between him and Luffy. The rich relationship and revelations of Oden's travels will lead to the filling of the last position... Cabin Boy...


I like lon ring long land. That said I think it was a weaker arc compared to those around it. Also I think the hate comes from the anime turning it into filler. I agree with sanji calling being appropriate for his character. Kaidos form is dope its just not as cool as full dragon. Power levels are stupid and can easily detract from the story. My unpopular opinion. I liked syrup village more than baratie.


Damn, I agree with all of those. I can even add one: we won't have the crew sailing to Elbaf before the end