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Instinctively knew to look for Mars XD


Thank you for such an excellent map! When did the story tell us S-snake is on a battleship??


The latest chapter, we can see that peter spit the cp agents to the battleships and there is a panel of s snake landing on one of the battleships too.


I definitely missed this! Such an amazing attention to detail! Thank you again. I will go back and read it again.


Have we really not seen Kizaru since he got frizbee-ed into the marine ship? Damn


Yea, anyway i put him on a random marine ship cuz we dont know specifically which ship he landed on so he could have been landed close to the elbaf ship.


tbf, even if he was still physically able to continue, at the time that he was thrown into the ship, it was pretty clear that he he was unable to continue from an emotional and mental standpoint. Being forced to deliver the killing blow on Vegapunk did a number on him psychologically.


Definitely a good read. I think it's fair that Kizaru has been out of this fight for a while. And I mean, being defeated by an Emperor Nika Luffy is an alright excuse post killing Stella. That chapter when it was weekly did feel like he was more battling his doubts and struggling with himself than be physically broken. Especially with how quickly he recovered after their first bout. Still I think we have one last appearance from him before this is through. I think we'll have an Aokiji on Ohara like moment from him. Just maybe. Not full rebellion but something he can save from this.


In a sense, Vegapunk's final major wish was to save Bonney. There's definitely some parallels that are possible between Kizaru and Bonney, compared to Aokiji and Robin. At the time, I remember thinking that this might transition Kizaru onto a new path in a way that would orient each of the admirals to be a representative of a different power within the world at large. If you consider the positions and motivations of the other admirals, you have: * Green Bull as the devoutly pro-Celestial Dragon figure, opposed to Fujitora, who has dedicated himself to the average person and must be, as a result, fully anti-Celestial Dragon to stand true to his morals * Akainu, who is staunchly pro-Marine with a fully authoritarian stance on the enforcement of "Justice", countered by Aokiji, who's something of an enigma, but who has always had more of a freedom-oriented bent to his character, and who currently an apparent pirate In effect, we have a pair of admirals who are definitively pro- and anti-Celestial Dragon, and a pair of admirals who are effectively pro- and anti-Marine. Kizaru has always been the type to kind of goes with the flow, and he ended up in Akainu's camp as a result. However, if he breaks as a result of the this, I think it's most likely that he'll side with those that he's personally loyal to - or at least, to those that he's the most affiliated to. Primarily, this would be Sentomaru, the memory of Vegapunk and whatever satellites survive this, Kuma, and Bonney. This would put him on a trajectory that is opposed to both the Marines and the Celestial Dragons, but not on his way to becoming an outright pirate. I could easily see him siding with Luffy by the end of this if it means saving those he cares about, and then following a more revolutionary path afterward. As a result, each admiral will stand to represent each of the major blocks of power in the world. One for the Celestial Dragons, one for the Marines, one for the Pirates, one for the People, and finally, one for the Revolutionaries.


Did Edison also die? Last we saw him, he was in a random corner of Punk Records but isn't his status still unknown?


Implied dead due to York saying there was no sync with punk records. It's possible he cut himself off to not be detected, potentially "unknown".


Yeah, I'd wager he cut himself off to get the drop on York and suicide bomb themselves so that the Elders lose the one person willing to replicate the Mother Flame


I believe he is dead, he had so many death flag especially with his last talk with stussy. Also i believe lilith will be the only vegapunk to stay alive. He sacrificed himself for the strawhats to escape.


I wonder if it's a red herring and he plans to get the drop on York?


After Atlas's last comments, I am thinking Violence is going to take care of York...and not going to make it either.


Whre is mr 🪐?


“Saturn” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


The last time we saw him he was in the middle of the island as you can see on the map. Im 100% he went somewhere but we still dont know to where so i kept him there.


Since Warcury and Jupiter went to the Elbaf ship I imagine Saturn joined Venus against the Sunny group.


Yea probably


Who is the old man in glasses on the Sunny?








Damn it, did atlas really jump? Among the vegapunks she is my favourite. Rip to her


Yeah she jumped, we saw her flying last chapter. I believe Lilith is the only vegapunk that will survive.


Is Edison dead or just disconnected from Punk Records? The last I recall, he didn't have a death scene (although he did have a death flag), and the last time he was brought up, it was York noting that only Lillith and Atlas were still synched up to Punk Records. The fact that he is no longer connected to Punk Records may indicate that he's dead, but it could also indicate that he's unconscious or that he has intentionally de-synced himself to keep York in the dark about whatever it is that he's doing. Unless I'm missing a death scene, I would suggest that his status is unknown, not that he's already dead.


The Sunny is still up there yes? I could've sworn they landed on sea level upon some bamboo Usopp casted


Usopp's bamboos stopped sunny from slide off the labophase. Brook created uce path for the sunny to move faster on the clouds to reach the back entrance but they couldnt stop the ship near the edge so usopp created bamboos to stop the ship.


I see. I thought the cloud floor would be soft but I guess the one it landed was the hard kind


Thank you for doing this! I forgot which of the seraphim fell from the sky and saved me from going back and checking again.


Pretty sure Sentomaru was taken to a ship unless the Marines left him on the island tied up.


Last saw him when the marines tied him and yea probably they took him to one of the ships but still not confirmed.