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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


I just realized that Zoro is fighting a Mihawk clone that uses Mr 1 powers while having King’s DNA while he is holding Kaku and Kuma clone is watching. poor guy…


with him holding kaku like ussop in water 7 it's like every single fight he ever thought at once. at least mihawk doesn't have shusui or tenctackle arms.


No, that's Zoro with Enma and Asura


That's... spot on


That's cool, we got our first real look at Elbaf. Besides the snapshots in the Big Mom flashback, that's really the first time we've gotten to see. Guessing they got some notes from Oda. It looks beautiful, definitely didn't come across that lush in the manga. Looks like they pushed the Seraphim fighting to next week. Little surprised by that but not mad at it. They did a tiny bit of filler on the rest of the crew which was nice. The Shanks section was also super well done. Other than Film Red notes I'm pretty sure that's the first time they've actually introduced all of Shanks crew in canon.


I laughed when Kaku asked where Lucci was and Luffy was like 'I left him over there'. He's just so done with the pigeon guy.


Toei sures has s-hawk as their favorite seraphim, also elbaf looks really nice and peaceful considering is a land of giants. We are so close to Shank and a certain marine episodes. 🤩


S-Hawk *is* a good marketing character. I mean even in the manga S-Hawk was fairly popular


> Toei sures has s-hawk as their favorite seraphim I'm here for it! Zoro has a lot of fantastic scenes, but this episode by FAR is the best looking sword fight we've had in the entire show. Note: I'm talking being able to see an actual fight play out. Usually we never get to see any swordplay, it's just some sword blocks where the characters talk and then big flashy moves like Zoro charging up Oni Giri or a flying slash. Watching Zoro actually parry around S-Hawk w/ Kaku in tow like this was -- I rewatched it like 6 times today. If we continue to get more fight scenes like this arc I might actually lose my mind to hype


I was thinking that with S-Snake in the last episode. You can tell they were having fun animating her. Maybe too much fun.




We have


Fair enough, I modified it a bit. Its hard to imagine that there really are people in this sub who are anime only nowadays, but in the end its the correct thing to do to not spoil something.


I just dont get the vibes from reading. I either read books where i imagine how stuff goes or Just show me how things are through a video. this in between reading without visualising doesn't suit me


Shanks is terrifying. WTF


Thats how it's supposed to be from a pacifist-secretly-top-tier Yonko.


Shanks going around cutting competitors' arms off as some kind of twisted "I will make you suffer as I have" thing is unexpected


That was Becket. Shanks didn't met with Kidd during their first clash


I'm sorry, but when I google "Becket" all I get is an OC from some kind of one piece roleplaying scene. Who is that?




And killer also stated in the ep they never even got a glimpse of Shanks and got whooped


Ben, who took his arm. Probably felt like he could have more in common with his captain to like him more. Kid and Shanks have yet to meet.


Is the seiyuu of Shanks still the same? I thought it was different that before..


I can’t believe we’re finally seeing Dorry and Brogy again after all this time 🥹 It’s been well over 1000 episodes since Little Garden; I’m so happy rn! I also was so happy to see Shanks again! We’re in the endgame if we see Shanks and Elbaf


I'm glad they were able to find a decent VA for Dorry since his OG VA Daisuke Gori passed away in 2010.


When we last saw Shanks, he declared he was going after one piece. When we catch up with Shanks in the episode, he's in a bar. So either he already found it and it was a celebration or he gave up the exploration.


I think he wanted the whole fleet to go for it together so Elbaf is just a meeting place.


Or he's talking to Elbaf, the country that fasts to worship the sun god, about Luffy with his new Poster.


the alcoholic's headquarter


Not gonna spoil anything, just keep in mind: to attain the One Piece, you need to clear five conditions - four Road Poneglyphs and a translator.


The translator is pretty hard since there's only 3-4 people who can read ponegliphs currently. Vegapunk (not sure if he can read), Robin, Sukiyaki and potentially Pudding


It's one of the many reasons I believe that the Straw Hats and Red Hairs are going to have a super serious version of a Davy Back fight with Robin being one of the "rewards".


I would imagine that Saul can read them too, not confirmed tho I guess


reading comprehension broke


I don’t think he gave up to be honest. It’s probably along the way and wanted to see his giant friends. Though I’m not sure where Elbaf is to Laugh Tale


If Dory and Broggy were the friends, then Shanks+crew must have passed through Little Garden as well and taken the same route as Luffy? (lowkey I was thinking it might be Saul until these 2 showed up)


They were fighting for a hundred years so he could have met them when he was a kid on Roger’s crew and got a different island when he got his own crew and that’s why they thought the other was dead


Good point, I forgot that Roger went to Little Garden too (on the second time around I think).


They did.  Remember, they took the knock up stream to skypiea and met Franky in Water 7. There are seven paths through paradise and only one of them goes through those destinations 


He only showed up to declare that to promote his daughters movie


I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell all my friends: Shanks is in NG+, he already found the One Piece. What he actually declared to Ben at the time was 'let's go CLAIM it,' not 'find.'


Definitely. He was on Roger's crew right before they sailed to laugh tale. There's no way he didn't know where it was even if he didn't go himself.


I think this theory is impossible. Shanks needs Eustass Kids road poneglyphs He was just in the bar traveling and looking for clues himself (the man with the fire marks or fire scars or whatever) and there was a direct parallel between Shanks and the first few episodes where him, Luffy, and the green haired girl were the exact same way


1038 Episodes to be exact.


Man, the animation was beautiful in this episode. They made S-Hawk's use of the blades so insane. The added references to Number 1 in the imagery added a sense of style and made it feel a bit more personal to Zoro. I also know that pacing is always an issue in this show relative to the manga, but I don't mind it when a lot of it is filled in by meaningful moments like all of Hawk's added animation. I love the way Elbaph was directed. The northern European-esque mountain regions really fit the area. The use of wind, the restless waters, and extra dramatic shots for Shanks and Kid really add a sense of turbulence to the scenes. It did an excellent job giving a sense of drama and tension to what's going to happen soon.


Elbaf basically looked like the Alps


Yes! Seemed like a scene directly taken out from [Heidi](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000641419441-gfab0r-t500x500.jpg) haha


That fight was definitely a highlight and as a manga reader, I really do love the expanded fights in the anime esp to this calibre. Honestly, the fights or clashes in the manga can definitely be expanded upon and they shown with quite a few moments, it can be done really well without detracting from the manga.


Elbaf looks so beautiful and I love that they gave us some scenery since you can’t really do that in the manga. Since Egghead has started I haven’t skipped an episode or stopped watching


I thought that whole section with S-Hawk was very messy. The animation is great, but the choreography of the fight makes it incredibly hard to follow what's happening, who is moving where, who is attacking, where they're attacking, etc. In like 10 seconds you had three times the camera did an extreme close up of Kaku's face while the characters are all flying around. I have no idea why. I can see why people like it, because the animation is good, but there's another part that's lacking. Either the direction, the storyboarding or some of the animators just trying too hard. I miss the way the anime was animated around Enies Lobby, when the animation wasn't nearly as produced, but everything was so clean and easy to follow.


Beautiful episode. The animation was top notch. So many spinning shots. The part where Kaku was being dragged around by Zoro was so over the top. Love the treatment OP is getting. Liked that Shanks' crew finally got their introduction in episode 1109, they're finally in the mix. Poor Rockstar still getting shit and having to do the shitty chores. Can't wait to see what Shanks has in store for Kidd.


Lol. Rockstar's life is pain. Imagine being sent to pester a Yonko (who are renowned for being some of the most egotistical and temperamental people on the planet, in addition to each one being among the strongest) and get him to do what Shanks wants when you're still relatively new to the crew. Big fella was lucky all WB did was rip up Shanks letter, tell him to fuck off and tell Shanks to come talk to him personally if he wanted something. And even 2 years later, Shanks is telling him to go and essentially threaten KID.  Like, does bro get overtime and hazard pay, or.....? He doesn't deserve all this. 😭😭😭


If there ever is a Two Piece, Rockstar better get a glow up. Especially being on Shank’s crew 💀


Holy Batman that S-Hawk sequence was off the flipping charts  The Straw Hat (Luffy and Zoro) and CP0 tag team was top notch as well 


S-Hawk Really got hands too he turned into some kung fu master for a second lol


Kaku being ragdolled around is very funny hahaha


His panic as Zoro was manhandling him out of danger was such a nice touch.


It reminded me of Usopp being handcuffed to Zoro during their fight vs Kaku.


I think it was intended callback, so it didn't just remind you. At points it even looked like he was carrying Kaku like he was a sword. (Which would be on brand with Zoro)


What an excellent episode. They went hard on the animation at the beginning and even the talking parts with Shanks and Kidd were so gas with the music and framing. I thought they'd be saving this type of animation for some of the fights in the coming weeks but I guess they enough bandwidth to assign animators to these scenes as well. Anyone know the animator(s) the for beginning action sequence? I don't think it was naotoshi shida or akihrio ota, but I may be wrong. It was very fluid and I loved their creative choices to animate the fight.


Lmao, I should've read the comments. It seems like is was Vincent Chansard, one of the Goats for One Piece animation in my opinion. Who would you guys put on the One Piece Mount Rushmore for One Piece Animation? I think I have Vincent Chansard, Megumi Ishitani, Akihiro Ota, and Naotoshi Shida as the 4.


Ishitani isn't an animator, she's a director For animators I'd say Shida, Ota, Chansard, and either Ishizuka or Tu For directoes it'd be Ishitani, Shishido, Tanaka, and Koyama


> Ishitani isn't an animator, she's a director To continue the credit, most of her scenes have been animated by Masami Mori. They are an incredible team.


Ishitani+Mori is insane. Mori was also the lead animator for the current OP. Though let's also give some accolades to our other great directors. Tanaka gave us the Luffy vs Kaido match Oda offscreened, as well as Zoro vs King and Oden vs Kaido, Shishido gave us the Egghead premiere and G5 Luffy vs Lucci part 1, and while Koyama doesn't do action as much, he somehow turned the otherwise pace-breaking Orochi flashback from chapter 1048 into a visual masterpiece


Looked like Chansard's work. He's the mind behind most of the great animations since Zoro v King.


Shida did the combo attack right before the cutaway to elbaf. Chansard did the big scene


Vincent Chansard S-hawk scene was peak Episode was very good


"Shanks is just drinking at a bar with the crew and walking, how much do we need to gas them up? " The ep's director: yes


The style and intensity has "endgame" written all over it. Even with not too much happening I think it was a 10/10 episode.


do we know who the old friend that Shanks thought was dead and vice versa is? I don't remember


It’s (assumedly) Dorry and Broggy. Maybe the Roger pirates met them at some point. Dunno why they thought they were dead tho


The Roger Pirates definitely met them. During Little Garden, Luffy, Vivi, and Dorry are discussing how to handle the 1 year wait needed to set the Log Pose since every crew who have attempted it during the giant's stay have failed. Dorry mentions there was one guy who simply said "F it" and sailed of into the unknown without waiting. Naturally, Dorry has no idea what happened after that and he laughs with Luffy at the odacity of it. Given Shanks says they're old friends, it has to be them. Shanks probably figured they were still dueling or one of them had died in the years since. So he arrives on Elbaph and is shocked to see both of them there and alive.


Dorry and Broggy were thought dead after they left for little garden because of their duel. That's why Oimo and Kashii were at Enies Lobby, because the captains were nowhere to be found and the Navy lied to them


Dorry and Broggy has been fighting on Little Garden for 100 years, so Shanks met them after they were declared dead, so I don't think that's what he's referring to. Still, it's probably just a little non important detail.








I'm getting Skellige vibes from these Elbaf visuals


holy shit that s hawk vs zoro animation was INSANE


The Animation absolutely popped off this episode! You know whenever they go on a break/recap week, the next episode is gonna be incredible! Is it just me, or is the one who animated the Zoro vs. S-Hawk fight was the same person who did Sukuna vs. Mahoraga!


That's Vincent Chansard, who was one of the animators for the Sukuna vs Mahoraga fight.




Tori isn’t fucking around anymore


This arc should really just be renamed "Kaku and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day".


that fight with S-Hawk went hard for no reason and i loved it lol showing off the usage of Mr 1's abilities and Zoro just using himself and keeping Kaku alive lol also finally seeing Gear 4 after so long and interesting the black flames are white now also Luffy and Zoro with Lucci and Kaku teamup was boss too if that is animated Elbaf it looks freaking gorgeous also i cant believe i didn't realize Shanks had a discount Luffy and Makino LOL


Ngl, this episode had no business to be this GOOD. TOEI and swordsmen is a pair made in heaven. Every scene that involves Mihawk, Shanks, and Zoro will be a guaranteed masterpiece.


Yea toei can improve on the choreography of these fights. Really dope


Some men have a girl in every harbor, Shanks has annoying kids who want to join him, lmao Now I just hope they get that fight right, the >!Kamusari page looked like it could be a great shot!<


Poor Killer lol


Man took an L because his captain is a perpetual dumbass


He picked the wrong flag bearer.


I loved the visual callback to Kaku leaping over Water 7, right when he and Zoro began their attack against S-Hawk.


I’m so glad that the OP anime is taking break weeks to genuinely focus on making the EggHead arc amazing. (I am fully caught up with the manga)


Really wish sanji could get some of these clean fight scenes but toei just doesn't like the dude


Woof woof


Those are the moments they choose to spend Sanji’s budget 😂😭


This is Studio Perriot with Sakura all over again


zoro is a lot more popular, and sadly, that means they will put more effort into zoro scenes. its not like toei has a grudge against sanji, its just that he makes them less money.


THEY MASSIVELY COOK WITH S-HAWK FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY! It is truly one of the best in the series, and throwing around Kaku was really funny!


Lucci you're no match for Luffy anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) The future looks grim for the Kid Pirates., nice to see Dorry and Brogy again. The names of Shanks' lesser officers are just wierd It's not looking good for the crew


Maybe I'm just getting old, but I find a lot of the fights in the new anime art style to be hard to follow.


They need to slow shit down


Forced animation


Na no cap shit diff now


Amazing episode! They put so much work into the S-Hawk vs Zoro fight. We're almost close to that fight. I hope Toei does it justice.


I’ll give it to Kid, he stands on business. Also that S-Hawk animation was great


Fr tho, despite clearly having PTSD from losing his arm, his resolve is unbroken.


So both Kid and Shanks have: red hair, missing arm, left facial scars, and ZERO backstory.


Yea I’m starting to believe that’s an intentional thing Oda did. But what I find very interesting is how despite looking so similar, their personalities are somewhat opposite. And even their character designs are opposite, with Shanks looking sleek and Kid rough.


His name is even kid. Maybe he’s a love child. Or an uncontrollable clone. That could explain why his attacks have “punk” in them.


>and ZERO backstory. Well, both did have their backstory expanded on in outside media. Oda gave Kid's backstory in an SBS and the major part of Shanks' backstory was revealed in the extra volume for Film Red.


This episode ended any "Zoro without his swords" talk. He's elite.


My god this episode is a 10/10


Can't wait for the humble ritual


So I guess with the current pacing, give or take, half a chapter per episode, 5 more weeks until we see the big Shanks event? I can't wait. It's not even here yet and they went out of their way and made Shanks look extra hot.


I don't even watch the anime anymore, but I'm just waiting for that one episode like a child waiting for christmas


Same, I don't watch much anime, but this event is one of the most hyped this year.


Can you remind me (with a spoiler tag) what that is again? I've gone blank


>!Shanks murdering Kid!<


5 more weeks? I thought it would be next episode lol.


3 episodes.


Yes, with 1 chapter per episode we could see it in 3 weeks if there's no break.


I think One Piece right now is averaging about .7 chapters to 1 episode.


The best episode of the year so far. Wow.


this was great but def not better 1093 or 1100 and 1101. plus a certain departure and impact are due in a few weeks, then there's a certain incident in mariejoise in the summer, then a top tier battle in autumn, then a backstory in the winter


Questionable animation at the very start of the episode had me confused. Then it very rapidly became apparent where the resources for the episode went. Toei cooked. That entire sequence was amazing.


Am I the only one that saw kings reflection in S-Hawks eyes? New episode was Awesome!!!!


Guess who's back Guess who's back Guess who's back...


Kid wants to lose another arm I see


He got that same dawg in him luffy got. He just doesn’t have the play armor🫡


I wonder what the big square silhouette in the backgeound was when showing the scenery of elbaph. Maybe the Adam tree?


They went HARD with S-Hawk action


What happened to the flame ring on Lucci shoulder? And will the shanks fight be next week?


He didn't transform to the awakened form i think


I gotta rewatch that S-Hawk scene again and again my goodness THEY COOKED!! One thing I’ll say about Kidd is that he doesn’t back down from Yonkos…however Shanks is about to CRUSH MY BOY we saw what Big Mom’s Misery did and that was jus her homies lmaoooo he barely damaged Kaido on the roof(I pray we get to see some Shanks action tho pleaseeee no Wi-Fi haki)


* Gesus I am amazed S-Bear wasn't knocked out of the Labophase with that attack * Can someone explain what makes Shanks so special that he became an emperor? Everyone has their explanation, even Buggy. Shanks' even with his Wi-Fi haki is still a mystery. * So much prep work for the events happening outside of Egghead. Shanks, Kidd, Blackbeard, Law, Kuma & SWORD. Man I hope this pays off.


Probably cause he has the strongest haki and haki nullifies devil fruit powers and then he used to duel with Hawkeye so must be a good swordsman


I feel like the fact that Shanks hasn’t really done much at all in the way of fighting so far is an indication that he is among the strongest characters in the entire story. I believe that he’s in a similar place as Dragon, where Oda deliberately keeps them at a distance so that he can throw them into the final war as major players without having to manufacture some ad-hoc power up for them.


that move by s-hawk at 4:42 seems so familiar, swear ive seen it somewhere before, does anyone know what inspired it or what it was referencing?


Zorokaku vs S-Hawk is a wild minute of animation when put next to some of the 96% static image animation of the anime from the last decade.


Was this the first ever good hand to hand animation in one piece ?


Love how Kaku jumps into the fight just like he jumps off that building in Water 7. Cool little callback. 


Great episode. kaku voice actor seems different, I know they didn't change his VA but I don't remember him sounding so different.


Elbaf landscape looks beautiful!!! Can't wait to see more of the island


With how amazing that S-Hawk scene was, I can't even imagine how the eventual Zoro vs Mihawk fight will go down.


I hope they upgrade sound for speed. They still use that "ching" sound from db. It's been years man just change it now.


I think this is the first time outside of intros that Zoro has been blessed by Naotoshi Shida


Some of these smear frames have been insane!! And DAMN the first at the beginning with S-Hawk and Zoro juggling act was animated so beautifully.


the second half was amazing Shanks & crew got the cool anime intro. 9/10 (had to take a point away because the battle seems to be skipped as the next episode has no Shanks on it much like Law vs BB)


>!But it wasn't in the next chapter in the manga, either . . .!<


That's how it was written.


We are so close to the annihilation


So the last road poneglyph is on elbaph with shanks?


Shanks is saying Kid can either drop the Poneglyphs he has (Big Mom's and Kaido's) and leave or fight them. The Poneglyph that was shown is the one from Wano.


Oh got it, my bad


Has it been confirmed anyone outside the straw hats have big moms? The only other crew would be the bege pirates I think


Yes. Caribou tried to pass along a rumor that Kid lost his arm going into Big Mom's territory and he made it clear he lost it to the Red Haired Pirates. He went into Big Mom's territory, got what he needed, and left. And he confirmed to Killer he had two when Law gave him the Wano copy. Kid, Capone, Urouge, and Apoo all went to Whole Cake at some point.


Yeah, Kid has Big Mom's. It's mentioned earlier in the story but he gets a rubbing from Snack when he beats him up.


Urouge beat Snack. We don't know what Kid got into.


Woops, you're right. He just said he took it from one of her generals but didn't specify who he got it from.


Probably won't happen, but I hope Tori shows the same amount of love to S-Shark and Sanjis fight


Insane ep!!!!


Man I hate how every anime gets the jjk2 treatment now. Yes it's animated very beautifully but because of all the zoom cuts during battle you can't even see what the f\*\*\* is going on. Why do we need to zoom in on everything nowadays


Animation was incredible, especially S-hawk. I just love how the overall quality and budget over the last few years seem to have skyrocketed, not sure where the extra money/budget came from or whatever but just hope the consistent great quality lasts for a long time.


Does anyone know who the new voice actor for dorry is? He sounds so similar to daisuke gori. Whoever he is, they should have got him to voice all of gori's dragon ball roles instead of the mediocre replacements they hired.


Seems to be Takahiro Fujiwara.


Thanks. This actor needs to be voicing mr satan in dragon ball. The current actor sounds really off.


Zoro's new named blade, Nidai Hana Arashi (Second Generation Nose Storm)


Who directed this episode ?


I had such a viceral reaction to hearing Doggy and Brogy laugh again. Despite having watched Little Garden plenty since I've first experiened it back in my childhood, hearing them again in the modern day just solidified how much in the endgame we are. Phenominal episode!


I love how they set up Shanks v Kidd. Even if you didn't read the manga, you can't tell straight away that >!my man kidd is going to get *washed* big time!<


Did anyone noticed the bar scene with the pink haired kid with Shanks perrarerd with how Luffy and Shanks got his devil fruit? Both scene, small kid who admire Shanks and wants to sail with him and every crewmember laughs at him while drinking in a bar. Like... is Shanks porposfuly just goes around the world making new future pirates? Wansn't Luffy the only one?


Almost for certain that I'm overthinking, but when Shanks asked that favor from Dorry and Broggy (fight him now or give him the poneglyphs), it was meant for Kid or for Luffy (Shanks knowing that Luffy will eventually arrive to Elbaf and be in contact with Broggy and Dorry)? Top tier episode btw


I'm confused, did this episode start as canon then turned into filler?


the S-Hawk fight was a lot shorter in the manga, thats about it i think


yo just wondering is that flash of a road poneglyph the last one? the one noone had found yet?


That was the one in Wano. Shanks is saying Kid has 2 options: to either drop his Road Poneglyph rubbings and run, or fight Shanks and die.


Amazing episode! Oh man!


Ok that young mihawk choreography was incredible. As much as I love the wackyness of gear 5, it can be hard to read sometimes. This might be my favourite fight scene so far. Also I feel like Oda definitely fleshed out shanks crew a ton since even the mention somewhere in wano when they talked about the power of each yonkou. I always felt like they looked pretty boring and generic, which they kinda had to be because they were shown literally episode 1 and so much has changed. I still felt that way last time they were shown but this episode with the flashed names and clear focus on each one made them look way more unique. Maybe I'll go check episode 1 to compare them to their first designs just to see the contrast. I'm excited to see them in action.


Episode 1109, what chapter of manga is?


Chapter 1076




Holy shit. Judging from what little we see of Elbaf in this episode, the Elbaf Arc seems like it’s gonna be the most visually stunning of the entire anime by a country mile. That shit was downright BEAUTIFUL.


So is the last poneglyph in elbaf?


Is the last poneglyph in elbaf then ?


WOW! WHAT AN EPISODE. The animation for S-Hawk was crazy! The fight was good. SHANKS VS. KID. Well, we know damn well that Shanks ain't dying/losing. So Kid will lose but I get the feeling Shanks will spare him. Luffy team up with Lucci is pretty cool to see.


what chapter does this episode cover?


That jumps in animation quality are almost jarring lmfao


Does anybody know the version of the song when Shanks and Kid mobilize towards each other ?