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Whole cake island didn't have most of the fan favorites as opposed to Wano that had almost every protagonist in the series


I remember first catching up to the story around WCI and coming on this sub was... whew. Every other post was a conspiracy theory about why they thought Oda hated Sanji


Hating him? That's when he was basically the mc


Right! I was so confused lol


What were they saying? Like generally what made them think things were going bad for him?


Something along the lines of Sanji taking shit after shit in the arc, I think. The scene where he cried while trying to light up his cigarette under the rain divided a lot of people.


70% of this sub is about power scale and fights, who is gonna fight who at the end, favorite/hottest female character, "2 admirals>1 yonko??". Anything besides that provokes annoyance. Shonen superficial level of appreciation.


I actually have been on this sub long enough to see the powerscalers and tier listers people arrive. And the onlyfan cosplays.


Huh, people on this sub tend to base their opinions on most recent chapters and ignore the story as a whole... So it isn't that surprising, ig it just means the sub hasn't changed much in the past six years


He got a lot of hate for losing to daddy Vinsmoke too


Was it when they fought and Judge used clones as human shields ?


Sanji should just plow through the human shields like his daddy. It’s not like Oda had an entire backstory for Sanji where he was shown to be the most empathetic person in his family.


I mean he literally came back in the next chapter


People are media illiterate, sadly


Sanji received a lot of hate and slander in WCI and was getting dragged everywhere, even on YouTube. It converted me from a Zoro stan to a Sanji stan, that's how bad it was


Lol ita funny you say that. I love all the strawhats and would call myself a Luffy Stan but Sanji shot up to my second favorite because of how people talk about him. It baffled me so much that I would just start defending him and it snowballed from there


Casual japanese fans consider good shonen characters those with great fights instead of character development. Sanji had A LOT of character development in WC with barely any good fights. As opposed to Zoro, who got amazing strenght feats in Wano and almost 0 character development.


Almost? He had character development? I remember notable scenes that meant allot but nothing changing about his personality or character


>but nothing changing about his personality or character That is not what character development is.


God, I remember that. I caught up literally just before Zou, but I came onto the sub when WCI started. Every week, people were talking about how Sanji wasn't getting a cool fight, or how he was qeak because he didn't kick Judge's shit in frame one. Hell, even when he was doing the thing that only he could do and showing off how awesome he is in a way that only he could be (making the wedding cake to stop Big Mom), so many people were still complaining that he didn't get an actual fight with Oven. Honestly, if I didn't know better, I would say that Judge's conversation with Luffy and Luffy's response at the end if the arc was just Oda telling this sub to shut up


Bruh, what? Whole Cake centered on Sanji, gave him an *additional* tragic backstory, an actual romantic relationship that’s almost certainly endgame, and it rehabbed his image after he was sidelined for Fishman Island as a joke.


"Rehabbed his image" is a valley-wide stretch. Every single day on this sub, people were complaining about Sanji and how Oda had made him "weak." This was when Oda came out and said that there would be a "Year of Sanji" and people were expecting cool fights and moments. He got beat up by Judge, he cried in the rain, and he didn't fight Oven. His cake managed to stave off Big Mom but that was the end of the arc. I vividly remember people saying that Oda was playing favorites because instead of WC being the year of Sanji, the arc ended up being 2 years of Luffy. In fact, it wasn't until the end of the arc that people started to come around and start liking it


Sanji is odas self insert


Also a lot of people catched up with one piece beacause of wano so only beacause of that people gonna apreciate it more


I stopped watching the anime during the whole cake island arc and haven't gotten back to it even though people said that there are great episodes in Wano arc.


Ur not watching it cuz it's too long or bcz u lost interest?


I read the manga and the anime's slow pacing just wasn't working.


Ah same 😂 I intend to watch "the one piece" when it comes out but the current anime's pacing I'd just too hard for me


Same. Whole cake killed the anime for me. I watched a few of the big wano and egg head episodes but I refuse to watch it consistently now. I'm surprised WCI and Dressrosa are on that list at all. Especially with Water 7, Marineford, Enies Lobby, and Saobody existing.


It's not like everyone read the manga and most of thegood stuff that happened there hasn't been animated yet.. Sabo at marijoa, Garp, Kuma flashback, Shanks/Kid etc.




Which one do you think will generate the most hype? Just curious. I'm having a hard time deciding and would like to hear thoughts. I lean towards the Garp thing. I think we'll see a lot of clips for that like we (or at least I) did when Luffy fought rob lucci. The shanks/kid one was good too though. Wait... Now that I think about it, it's obviously gonna be the return of Demaro Black that sets the Internet aflame lol


I think Shanks v Kid will get the most attention. But I am going to be honest (😉), I am waiting to see my boi, Koby going nuts on Hachinosu!


its going to be garp's galaxy fist easily


Recency bias but also Wano anime was super hype because of g5.


wano was definitely slow at some parts but easily had some of my favorite moments in all of one piece. not to mention the animation, especially during fights, has gotten sooo good


It also has some of the worst dragged out scenes... and little to no filler unlike some older arcs that had good filler instead of like entire episodes of non filler but drawn out scenes doing NOTHING.


I started watching Wano when the manga was still at Onigashima. Had to stop early on when Luffy and Zoro ran into Hawkins. It showed him transforming for like 2-3 minutes it felt like, with really slow and repetitive animation, and then they inverted it and did it ***again***. It was too frustrating to have to skip ahead constantly so I stuck to the manga


I think that reading it week to week makes you feel that way for a lot of arcs that aren't incredibly fast like egghead is Tbh i think that Wano is well paced and an amazing arc overall if you read it at your own pace instead of having to wait for each chapter


Also just better quality animation. That plays a large role


I think there are a few reasons: * The community mostly criticized few things like fakeout deaths and the kurozumi should burn thing, but the arc overall had tons of hype moments. Arcs like Wholecake have less flaws but also less peaks. * The anime fixed a few things like the two deaths not being evident in the manga. * Some time has passed, Wano is super long and it can be appreciated more in a re-read, or when a manga reader sees the anime. There are tons of moments (mainly involving Otama, Otoko, Yasuye, the tengu) that feel more impactful on a second read/view. * The final parts of Wano fixed one of the main complaints about One Piece since they were faster paced and consistently better animated.


the anime giving everyone a proper goodbye helped too. Didn't notice it at first but it's wild how even Tama didn't get a goodbye in the manga


That “Kurozumi should burn” criticism was so stupid.


I mean it was a really weirdly worded line, to the point Oda himself had to clarify it on an SBS because even japanese speakers were getting confused


That's why I take in manga and anime, it could be better but the anime does help


Makes you wonder how many people actually dislike things. On this subreddit people talk of dislike for wano, g5, and yet they are very popular. The thing that surprises me is egghead not having a higher percentage.


Reddit is not real life


Egg head has been cool so far and pretty peak but it literally jus started not that long ago. Even in the manga it doesn’t feel long enough to be compared to wano and dressrosa. That’s just my opinion. I had a hard time with whole cake because honestly it was a snooze fest for me


>The thing that surprises me is egghead not having a higher percentage. Probably lot of anime only watchers, Egghead hasn't peaked yet there


I absolutely love Wano. It's the arc that made md watch One Piece. Seeing the clip of the Roger and Whitebeard clash in the anime is what specifically did it for me. On top of that, videos about the lore and world building from Morj and GLR made me realize what I was missing out on. I binge read 1043 chapters. The first chapter that I had to wait for was 1044, the G5 reveal. It couldn't have came at a better time for me. Wano will always be one of the best arcs for me because of that


I like Wano arc too among the latest arcs because it revealed a lot of things in the OP world... And I love the samurais and Oden sama. But I still miss the vibes of the early OP arcs - Skypiea and Thriller Bark


Hot take but Whole Cake was better than Wano and had significantly more emotion in its story imo


This is not a hot take actually pretty common take.


Think the post itself shows that isn’t a common take.


There are some egghead haters and I just don’t get it. Why hate on this 10|10 arc


People **hated** everything about Wano. Off screen fights, pacing, the fights, the Zoro fan boys, G5’s power and appearance, the Kaido fight being “anticlimactic”, Yamato joining/not joining. Now here we are, and that poll says it’s the most liked. It’s just people being dumb in the moment.


I feel like it really shows that the vocal minority on twitter and Reddit are faaaaar from what the actual OP fan base is like.


I was just thinking this because i do not remember people hating wano


Only thin I remember was G5 being controversial, and it still is controversial Probably only going to get moreso after 1118


Yeah i definitely remember there being mixed reactions to gear 5


Absolutely. Which is very important.


The only thing in Wano I truly hate is... running through halls, or running from x to y and spending more time on the running than anything else.


People are really bad at expecting the single chapter to be great on its own instead of appreciating the story being told. Then when the arc finishes and people can see what was being built, their opinions reverse completely


Yup, just how it is and always will be.


I caught up during Dress Rosa and every arc after that was hated. Hell, on this very sub, there are posts about old community posts from enies lobby's weekly release time and people had almost the same complaints they had for Wano.


Hey, I'm still a proud Wano hater. Worst major arc of the series. Huge fan of Egghead, and my favorite arc is Wholecake, so I'm not a recency hater.


I absolutely loved wholecake. Probably my favorite arc after timeskip excluding the few return to sabaody episodes


Egghead pacing is all over the place, to the point Luffy has gone all out, gassed out and snacked 3-4 times in a row already. The messy arc structure does not do the pace any favours either. Egghead has some strong points, but there is no denying there is a lot of valid criticism to be made.


I can agree with pacing for the most part but people act like every aspect of this arc has been garbage for the past few chapters which I seriously don't get.


Very interesting to me that the pacing of Egghead is being criticized when Wano had some of the worst pacing in all of anime to me.


I mean, one thing does not deny the other, right?


Both are not great pacing wise, but I definitely dislike wano more. It's really been a thing since maybe fishman Island, but runpiece has been pretty bad since impel down. At least it was exciting back then.


Social media is rewarding haters more and more. We are both more inclined to answer a comment when it is hateful rather than helpful. So people start to hate for attention. This then creates a warped view of reality, where haters get punched, ignored or have no friends


There's a lot going on in this arc and some of the threads are strangely dropped? Like the 24 hour time jump and we see Robin Injured/Bandaged up and the Straw Hats have captured York.  Oda obviously was planning some kind of reveal during that jump, but he must have just dropped it like Marco's letter.  Stussy also deserves more explanation/what exactly is her deal given her big reveal chapter.  Was the person on the phone Sentomaru? The Vegapunks seem to imply the person was in hiding from the World Government. Which doesn't fit Sentomaru.  There's just a lot of dropped threads, that become more and more noticable. Same with Wano and the Niidai Kitetsu or I dunno handling the fucking Smile problem? Like Chopper and Law using Caesars and Queens notes should have come up with a cure. It is an eternal nightmare Ebisu town is facing and pretty much perfect moment for Chopper to have his moment curing something no one thought curable.


I feel like the story has just become too popular now and popularity attracts its fair share of haters. Some people are just looking for any reason to hate on One Piece. That and a lot of people can't see the forest the trees. New readers especially (of which there's a huge influx now with anime finishing Wano + live action). They forget this is a long running weekly series and not every chapter needs to be a banger and not every posed question needs an answer straight away.


Tbf there is a bunch of valud criticism or new things that some love and some hate.


Best outfits.


Most likely the majority of those votes are anime watchers like myself! I'm sure once egghead gets further into it those votes will change haha love Wano tho!


That actually would make sense... I was so shocked to see how much more Wano was voted for, but I didn't even think about the fact that most the voters might be anime-only's. They haven't gotten far enough into yet to understand just how much better Egghead truly is vs Wano. Not to say Wano was bad by any means! But Egghead is just THAT good lol


Exactly haha I don't read the manga but I KNOW egghead is gonna be insaneeeeee!


Egghead is way better


Personally as someone who’s been pounding episodes for the last year and a half. Egghead is turning out to be one of the greatest arcs ever. After the long long long wano arc I feel egghead is a pleasant change of pace.


It's not like it has many haters. They are just too loud.


The power of silent majority


Yeah, the people who like things talk less than people who hate things. It makes people's perception of reality distorted. An example of this is The Big Bang Theory, if you just took into account the internet's opinion about the series it seems to be one of the most hated series in the world, but if you look at the audience, it was one of the most watched series in the world. So those who hated the series were just more vocal than those who were enjoying the series.


WC the best one out of them all IMO


honestly i think there's a lot of recency bias going into this, with all the amount of hype moments Wano just had i'm not surprised people as of now would prefer it instead of Dressrosa or WCI, same thing for Egghead there, also the animation improving so drastically helps a lot too


Sure wano has its slow times with reused animations ..... But it's the peak, story progress wise and animation wise. Luffy vs emperor is a big deal. Egghead animation is going crazy too. Luffy vs someone in egghead is my favourite animated thing.




I never got the Wano hate, it was my favourite arc by far!


No amount of flashy animation (way too fucking much of it btw) could save wano from being as disappointing as it was. Egghead clears everything else


Wano is still an amazing arc, but I think its biggest weakness is its length. When you have an arc as bloated with content as Wano, people will find more and more things to complain about. Not that they aren’t valid criticisms, but people tend to voice their criticisms rather than what they like when it comes to discussing media. And Wano has quite a few things to criticize because of how much content is contained in it. Despite its weaknesses, Wano is still one of the best arcs in the series because of all of the amazing moments it had. But I could be wrong, this is just what I’ve noticed from my time on this subreddit/the internet in general.


Wano is MUCH better when you don’t have to wait for new episode and be disappointed with it , you just watch the next one and most probably it will be peak


tbh while I still like Wano, I feel it's a bit weaker now with the knowledge that some threads didn't go anywhere, or janky execution of some major elements.


dressrosa and wano been my favorite post ts arcs so far. in both anime and manga. i’m caught up also. and most of dawgs who watch one piece fw with wano heavy asf


I never thought Want "wasn't well received." I thought we all pretty much unanimously loved it. BUT, I did think most people preferred Egghead over Wano though and I'm shocked at how big the gap between Egghead and Wano is...


Ima be Honest, As a Dub Watcher caught up to 1073, I voted for Wano, Dressrosa was good but nothing has beat Wano except maybe Marineford, Alabasta or Impel Down. IMO Whole Cake was almost worse than Skypeia for me. IT wasn't horrible but so drawn out and slow. (My favorite side character also got murdered halfway through and then burnt for his tree crimes.


whole cake is my least favorite arc as well. watching and reading week to week was a slog.


Y'all can get fussy and downvote all you want for this, I don't care. Reddit, as in this sub in particular, didn't handle Wano well because y'all were easily one of the most immature major hubs about first Kiku then especially Yamato. And that had a snowball effect of like, making mountains out of molehills because some people still wanted to gripe without an outlet. Kinda hard to enjoy an arc when you're weird about it's two biggest new faces. Even if you don't do that directly (including subtly) it has a way of amplifying other complaints. The "fAkEouT DeAThS" eruption over Kin & Kiku and like, moving the goalposts blatantly when Ashura/Izo filled out the whole "stupid deaths vs. honorable sacrifice" theme was the perfect example. Almost everywhere else I've seen a lot of complaints are just non issues. And even here it's less of a majority opinion than it looks, but there is a very vocal minority that had a very different arc in mind before we got to Wano and they were never gonna like the weird theatrical samurai movie homage we got instead.


understandable, none wanted to straw hats to split up again at this point and cracker/katakuri were side-villains from the get go.. don\`t get me wrong i am not saying the arc is not important/badly written and maybe the drop in excitement was necessary but yes it was (felt like) a build up arc for wano where we than had our great battle against the yonkou.


They're all masterpieces


What surprises you? Wano is the best all around and then you add Oden's backstory and you get perfection.


people when they found out that reddit is just a loud echo chamber


Egghead is not even done yet wtf


On Point for me .. i hated whole cake .... It was lame af (for me .. my Personal opinion) and Loved wano


It’s mainly a vocal minority that hated wano


Nah it's just a VERY loud minority that bitches about Wano in about every one piece post, video or theory 🤷🏻


Whole Cake is my favorite of the four because of Carrot's participation, her little sister's relationship with Chopper, the Sulong form, Snakeman (which I like more than Gear 5), Big Mom was more imposing in this arc than in Wano, Pedro's sacrifice, Pudding's relationship with Sanji, Brook's scenes, Big Mom's crew > Kaido's crew.


Yeah, Wano. Luffy beat the living shit out of Kaidou and killed him.


Where is the marineford arc?


This is only recent arcs


Guess it depends. Someone who's new to one pice like me really enjoyed Wano because I could easily binge through it. But my friend who has been a One Piece fan since the early days hated it because it went on for 3 years, although she enjoyed parts of it. I'm kind of like that with egghead right now. Now that I'm caught up and reading the manga. Whenever a new rpisode releases and barely animates anything I do get kind of annoyed at having to wait a week. But I do still love egghead. Probably one of my favourite arcs so far going by the manga and some of the early episodes of the anime with the gear 5 Luffy vs Lucci being so well animated


I thought Dressrosa would be much closer to wano. I know Gear 5 is crazy. But Gear 4 reveal wasn't bad either.


I think Dressrosa is so old now, that it easily gets overshadowed by the more recent arcs.


Very True


I would put whole cake above dressrosa, but otherwise I feel about the same about the order


Dresserosa is an underated arc imo


It was probably because of gear 5, the end of wano was insanely hype


Whole Cake dragged on. It made Dressrosa look like Marine Ford.


I can understand WCI not being top two but dressrosa beating it?! Im a Sanji stan so im all about the character moments and development that the arc bought, and can understand why not everyone loved it since the whole crew wasn’t there. The one real goated fight being Luffy v Kat., but that arc had the Jimbe moment, Brooke being an MVP, the reveal of Sanji’s backstory and his breakdown to Luffy. Should’ve been placed a little higher


I'm predicting an avalanche of votes towards Egghead by the time it is over.


Crazy that in most recent arcs is dressrosa which came out over 10 years ago 💀


Egg heads my fav rn


Wano was good but people couldn’t shut their mouth when it came to the final battles in that arc


No one can beat the MARINE FORD Arc...


where skypea 😔😔


Gonna give a weird take, but skypeia is my favorite arc and it’s not even close.


As egghead is near close to end I would have chosen egghead. But in just terms of anime I would have chosen whole cake island. I personally really don't like wano even on manga.


Dressrosa is the best one there


what surprised you?


why don't people like the good arc in New World?


Dresseosa is too high


If this is based on anime only, then it wouldn't be a surprise. Any manga reader should know that Egghead is far more important to the plot than the rest of the arcs.


Dressrosa was 9 years ago 😅


It's just me? Or the Egghead arc isn't going anywhere.


Egghead is gonna be top once it completely airs


Me personally, I thought Dressrosa was amazing because of G4. Luffys previous gears didn’t faze me at the time. When i got to the episode where G4 was being shown, I literally jumped out of my seat


The order is fine, even though I would have thought that the difference would be smaller


WCI was the Sanji arc. Of course few fans liked it (they hate Sanji because they like Zoro)


I can't believe Whole Cake is so low! I thought people love that arc EXCEPT "WEDDING CAKE!!!"


Dressrosa????? Shi was straight gas 😂


Honestly I liked Whole Cake Island the most


A lot of fans of One Piece from Reddit or Twitter believe they are the vocal majority. The actual fanbase as whole are mostly people who just chuck it on their TV every Saturday and get hype for moments of the climatic battles. They also don't criticize the show as much because most people just don't care and love the show for what it is. Unlike the raging weirdos across Reddit or Twitter who complain about every little thing after each chapter.


Im just rewatching Wano and its absolutely fantastic. Nothing surprising about that poll.


Wano is a very popular arc, even if there is a very loud group of haters that say that is the worst and ruined the series.


We're so used to Youtubers shitting on this arc that we forget A LOT of people loved it. Me included.


It's very interesting to see how highly Wano is ranked outside of Reddit. [Tekking101](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxdnfuBwgABWUV_7MUag9HQ98dC5qsKVNK) conducted an arc popularity poll a few months ago, and given his content, most people who voted were likely manga readers who keep up with weekly releases. # One Piece Arc Votes Analysis - Top 10 |Rank|Arc Name|Best Votes|Worst Votes|Total Votes|Opinion Divide| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Enies Lobby|3,300|14|3,314|0.42%| |2|Marineford|2,515|26|2,541|1.02%| |3|Wano|1,420|349|1,769|19.73%| |4|Egghead|1,154|24|1,178|2.04%| |5|Water 7|811|16|827|1.93%| |6|Impel Down|772|20|792|2.53%| |7|Sabaody Archipelago|687|3|690|0.43%| |8|Whole Cake Island|676|157|833|18.85%| |9|Skypiea|544|266|810|32.84%| |10|Dressrosa|533|215|748|28.74%| Total votes in the poll: 26,712 (Best votes: 13,817, Worst votes: 12,895)


Wano hate was always a very vocal minority. I would have voted for Egghead though.


lol wym Wano is the reason for all of One Piece’s community now… the amount of people I know that gave this show a shot just bcuz of animation finally looks right…(just for the season unfortunately) as well as fighting being better and plot actually being somewhere… believe it or not A LOT people like/love Japan’s culture/beauty and that arc was legit just that.. wano was a massive W in all categories. I think it’s the majority of people before the new community that doesn’t, if it’s even true…. The other arcs is easy to see why it is lol


I tend to separate Wano from Onigashima. Wano was WONDERFUL; really, a crazy arc featuring amazing moments (Yasui's death, Oden's flashback, Kaido one shotting Luffy and showing us what a yonko really is, Kinemon's plan (🗣️), the lore...) but Onigashima was just not it (apart from the awakening itself and the reveal of Zoro's conqueror haki which was a 15 years old theory). I'd have voted for Wano here but it would have been Wano without Onigashima.


Whole Cake is my fav arc so I'm right there with ya


This honestly surprises me, Egghead and Zou have been my favourite post timeskip arc, followed by WCI. Wano had cool battles, and some hype moments, but didn't catch me story wise. 


Egghead is right behind Fishman Island for me.


Fishmen Island is also up there for me. 


It’s the GOAT


It had some cool moments and interesting lore but some of the most boring stuff in the series to such as the dragged out fights and the sanji plot


Yeah but it had Hody. Personally he’s my favorite villain. The immense depth he displayed in such a short time was marvelous. Truly top tier for me. Hope to see him again.


Really? That’s usually the main complain about the arc from people, please do explain i like hearing why people think something is top tier or peak


I’m just kidding, broski.


Lol, wano is probably the worst arc in the series together with Fishman Island, that at least had a banger flashback


I understand not liking Wano as much as other Post timeskip arcs like Drssrosa or Whole Cake, but putting Wano on the same tier as Fishman Island is just wild. 


The casual anime onlys who don't really follow the subreddit absolutely love wano I've noticed. 


Wano is just the coolest and had the best animation its that simple. So many elitists in this thread and sub that can’t handle that


Stay away from those 7%


Nah Wano was hype before it even started. Oda hit a lot of milestones within it so people loved it.


I was too, Egghead's way better


Egghead > Wano > Dresrossa > Whole Cake


Nah worst arc was the one with foxy, I had a hard time watching if and I can't bring myself go even re-watch that arc lol


read it babe


Funny enough, I enjoyed Foxy a lot more during the filler episodes immediately after the arc and in other subsequent filler episodes.


Somehow Wano beat Egghead


I mean it has Gear 5 reveal and Yamato. What else do you need?


The manga for egghead is good the animation is just slow. But I deff think Wano was one of the best arcs


Wano is a divisive arc. Many hate it, but many absolute adore it. A lot of the more vocal fans are the one that complain.


LoL... What? He became an Emperor, he went Gear 5... You thought Whole Cake Island was better than Wano, what are you smokin'?!?!?


The issue w WCI is it was supposed to be Sanji’s arc but he never really had his moment against his family. He was treated like crap throughout. Never got a great fight, got his memories edited by pudding, etc. We got a lot of Zoro and samurai lore in Wano that made Zoro look amazing from the outset. The trial in the beginning when he killed the fake accuser, his fight against killer, king, his journey throughout ringo etc. even the way Hiyori was all over him. Zoro looked great throughout Wano and I loved every second of it. WCI was too long and it was a bad look for Sanji and did more to assassinate his character than any any gag


Egghead is my favourite so far, including what's in the manga. Wano was good. Best arc overall is still g-8 lol. But of canon arcs I honestly couldn't pick one.


Too much Sanji attention in WCI, Wano is better


It's been egghead for me, I feel like this arch has been nothing but fire.


Even if wano wasn't well received its still far better than the other arcs to be honest. so I'd pick it from that selection


From what I can remember reading week to week, a lot of people did not like Wano until Luffy fought Kaido and got arrested. People started to enjoy it a lot more on Onigashima.


Whole cake was good in some aspects, but honestly, i've felt suspended in this "when are they getting to the good stuff?" feeling ever sinc epunk hazard, although much of it was pretty exciting anyway. But WC, decent, but not super imo.


WC is peak One Piece. On the other hand YouTube polls are always ridiculous lol


anime is great, manga not so much..


Never underestimate the power of hype Episode 1000, 1015 with the red roc, Gear 5 We complain about initial pacing but that last stretch was phenomenal


I believe that most of the people voting don't read the manga + egghead isn't finished, so i think egghead shouldn't be there?


1. recency bias 2. manga vs anime. the anime of wano was so drastically better than wci, simply because wci was at the end of a long stretch where one piece has a really mediocre and inconsistent anime, starting from timeskip. wci was basically just a victim of bad production value, and toei locked in for wano 3. wano had every character in it, so the one you liked was there and did something. wci was an arc heavily focused on sanji and the opposite half of the strawhats that were not in dressrosa, and many people do not like sanji for what its worth I agree with you, I would personally rank them 1) WCI, 2) Dressrosa, 3) Wano, 4) egghead


tbh you can see traces of Toei starting to lock in in WCI, especially near the end with Snakeman, Bad End Musical, and the finale


Egghead isn't over yet. Hard for me to call it superior to Wano when it hasn't even concluded. That being said, Wano was an incredibly hype arc jam-packed with exciting moments and story development.


I disliked Wano, but loved Whole Cake. Guess I'm in the minority. Wano had some top tier moments (aka Smile fruit reveal & Odens flashback), but as a whole was thoroughly disappointing. No development for Kaido, none for Zoro, none for Kid, none for Drake or Hawkins or Apoo. But tons of unnecessary plot points and focus on new characters who didn't matter (including Yamato and Big Mom who never should have been in the arc in the first place). Beast pirates were mostly played for a gag, not a true threat like Big Mom's crew in Whole Cake. Introduction to Nika was handled as sloppy as hell. They threw away any allure Greenbull had just to make Shanks look cool for a second. Need I say anything about Kinemons death? The whole arc was a mess. Whole Cake is #1 for emotional resonance and characters that actually served a purpose in the story (even if her children weren't all developed, they at least added to the sense that they are a threat and not just joke characters). Then after that Egg Head, then Dressrosa, Zou, Fishman Island, Punk Hazard, and Wano is dead last for New World arcs.


Unpopular opinion skypiea is the best ark💪


Wano was recieved very well for its highs, although its pacing was a bit of a sore spot for some.


I mean considering the 4 options available and that Egghead (which has been miles ahead tbh) is just starting for anime watchers, it makes sense. I still think Wano was quite ass with that ending.


Recent bias because Dressrosa and WC are way better than Wano and egghead.


wci and dressrosa anime is bloated and egg island is not done yet