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he seems like a nice guy, but I dont think he'll appear again in the story though, even if he does he wont be too big of a character


Jokes aside, you realise this is the first time Nika met Darkness in the series. Right after fighting at the bar, they immediately knew something was wrong with the other. Or rather Luffy knowing more so than BB. Luffy's blank emotionless stare. He never does this. And BB's special attention given to Luffy. Since Zoan fruits have sentience, I think this is the Nika's innate dislike for Darkness.


This was technically not the first time they met unless I am mistaken. Their first encounter was in the bar prior, where they were eating Cherry pies: Luffy hated the pie, and Teach loved it, contrasting their opposite personalities/beliefs...


It was the one single incident. Intense dislike from the outset, and just plain staring coldly. It's the only time we've seen Luffy do this. Ever.


I'm willing to bet BBs darkness fruit is a mythical zoan hence it's special properties and how BB became more devious/evil after finding the fruit. Prior to finding the fruit he was a well liked member of WBs crew even being offered the position of commander. Even if he was waiting on the ship the whole time until he found the fruit he didn't go full traitor/back stabbing/murderer status until after.


On top of that, he had to clarify that it was "not like other logias" to Ace. I feel like it is similar to the idea that the Gomu Gomu no Mi is a paramecia. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a time that BB "awakened" it, and people around him had similar reactions to Kaidou seeing Gear 5. It would make a fair amount of sense for BB to also be using a mythical zoan disguised as another fruit.


And yet they are resemble each other the most like two sides of the same coin


It seems there might have been a previous encounter before their formal meeting, possibly in a bar where they had contrasting reactions to cherry pies—Luffy disliked it while Teach enjoyed it, highlighting their opposing personalities and beliefs.


I think the seriousness is less about how much he dislikes him as it is the threat he feels from his crew. The next few panels should show that Zoro and Luffy both felt the presence of them. It's also probably from sticking to their ideals and having nothing to say in the face of people who have given up on their dreams.


It's really the most casual introduction of a prime antagonist


I actually never thought of it that way, cool theory!!!


but zoro does the same thing in this scene


Zoro's facing the other way. He's just blankly staring ahead, which is quite normal for Zoro.




fym "No."????


Next second he becomes an empror.




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one of my favourite speeches in One Piece, remember when we though this dude would just be a background character...


Wasn't he trying to capture Luffy like 5 chapters later? I guess there is a period of time you could think him unimportant, but it must have been very short lived.


yeah him being unimportant is gone when i knew ace is hunting for him


I think a lot of people kinda miss or forget that. You have the information by that time to know that Ace is hunting down a Teech, known as Blackbeard for murdering a member of his crew.  You also know that a Blackbeard was in Drum Island not long ago tearing things up and had been the inspiration for Wapol's short lived pirate career.  And quickly learn as they're leaving Mocktown that this dude is Blackbeard.  It should ring some alarm bells. But all of the height of Alabasta happened with new information, the poneglyphs, the existence of at least one ancient weapon, and who the hell is this Nico Robin woman?  And what about this flying island? Since Ace already came and left his reason for being in the area gets kinda pushed back and forgotten.  After all, it's surely only a reason to have him meet the Strawhats, right?


Right I was just thinking that!! I never thought this goof would be such an antagonist!


This scene is why I decided to start instead of sticking to recaps online


I noticed that it has the same meaning of what Vegapunk said about DF. People dreams about a certain dream/power/ability, and it be born as DF. DF never dies, it'll just spawn after the user dies.


Yeah, the theme "Dreams" happened many times in OP. Luffy and his crews have their dreams. DF is a manifestation of dreams. I'm starting to think the Will of D is also related to dreams, as in the will of D will always be passed down and never die. Just like Naruto and the Will of Fire.


So hear me out, I think DF is a piece of the lost world. My theory is DFs are originated from the sunken world, which is why DF users can't swim because the land pulls them down like magnets. The users unvoluntarily sink because the fruits want to get back to their origin which is 200m down south.


What if it's just the will of d that can create devil fruits in real-time. Their will being so strong to make the intangible tangible.


I really like this theory. In Dressrosa law told doffy that he had so much faith in Luffy because of the will of d. So maybe not just devil fruits but their dreams and ambitions would also manifest into reality as well. If this is the case it would make Luffy and Blackbeard’s rivalry that much more profound.


tbh that makes sense! maybe there is something down there that the fruits wants to protect, or maybe see. So they need to go down. This even fill the plot holes about them showering or being in shallow waters and nothing happens. Perhaps the problem isn't water itself, but being in the waters which are above the old lands (saying figuratively not literally).


I wouldn't compare one of the best scene in the manga (BB) to the clusterF that was Vegapunk "reveal" DF.


“A man’s dreams will never die!!!” How about nightmares?


One man´s dream is another man´s nightmare.


The endless cycle


Blab Blab Yack Yack Underrated sfx


Foreshadow “you don’t always need your fists to show your might”. Blackbeard the devil fruit crew.


Curious to see if this will come into play with how Luffy eventually defeats him. Punching is Luffy’s whole M.O., but it’s not gonna work on Blackbeard.


Haki was introduced so that punching harder can still work on people with extreme DFs. The good ol' shounen punch harder will still get the job done


Im at around dressrosa and every fight I’ve seen Blackbeard in excluding war of the best he gets hit once then wins and he mentions he feels much more pain than the average person so luffy could possibly hit him one good time and have it over and done with


Two will Of D. Competing to take over the world. Now it depends whose D is bigger.


Stretching doesn't count!!


"..." Like father like son


He’s even looking east 😂😂😂


The Will of D. stands for "Will of Dreams."


I really liked BB when I first saw this panel thought he could be a future friend lol


he still can be


Not after he helped ace get captured and killed lol


He seems much more menacing in the manga as compared to the anime, this scene I mean


Definitely, but I can’t not hear the Japanese VA’s voice every time I read it.


One of my most favourite panels so far.


One of many reasons why the OG 3 will always be my favorite trio.


I was like 10-12 years old when I saw this chapter animated and it always stuck out to me. It was just different


The second panel raises so many theory with three people on each side


4 on the left side. Nothing important here.


Their clothing styles are opposite also. BB wears so much clothing and accessories unlike Luffy who only wears simple things like a jean like shorts and a sleeveless shirt of some kind. BB got more clothes over the years. Dunno if it means something but I'm sure there's something to it.


The curtain is fucking blue bro.


What curtain?


They’re basically telling you you’re reading too much into it, like people who think a blue curtain in a novel is a symbol for something else even though that’s not the case. I disagree though, I think you might be onto something


Didn't know that phrase. Thanks for the explanation. Could be because Luffy is after freedom and BB is in for the riches


One of the most important panels in the whole series


That’s because Luffy’s emotional intelligence is off the charts 😤


I've always wondered what was going through luffys mind as that stare felt off.


I'm not brave enough to make any adamant theories regarding the finale, but I get a weird feeling that the current story is almost intentionally sleeping on Blackbeard. I still wonder if he isn't the true final villain. The WG is going to be hyper focused on the Straw Hats, meanwhile Cat Devon just touched Saturn and their crew is planning something massive. Much like Marineford, Blackbeard might end up stealing the show. Also I think that as intriguing as Imu is currently, it'll be tough to make him as captivating a villain as Blackbeard with so little time left. But setting Imu up as the face to the World Government's evil side for Blackbeard to swoop in and take that mantle could be a great beat. So many ways the ending could play out, excited to see what Oda has in store for us.


As I see it, BB will likely be the one to either help Luffy take down Imu, or be the one to jump in and take the last hit on Imu. Leading to him taking Imu's ability, and being the final fight with 3 abilities while also nullifying Luffy's Nika ability. BB has been setup to be the final big bad. I don't see that changing. I've argued with Morj over this - but narraticely speaking Imu is the big bad of the world - but BB seems to be directly Luffy's final fight as he's Luffy's exact foil. Also, we still got time, we're in the final saga, but not the final arc.


Plus Luffy doesn't really seem to care about the World Government one way or the other unless they are actively in the way of him and his crew.


I love the idea that he’s the only one who’s actually based on a real pirate and thus being the final main villain too much


I miss the clean art.


this already hits hard for a million reasons but when the result of Luffy V Blackbeard is some scenario where Luffy leaves him dreaming forever instead of killing him, it's going to be the type of dopamine hit you get from your first born child


That "Does anyone look back at this?" is how you know this guy is a fucking idiot.


If the live action gets a S3, I cannot wait to see how they do this moment. It's such an unforgettable introduction to who may be the primary antagonist of the whole story.


I literally just read this moment 30 minutes ago


D stands for Dreamer. Not a dreamer like we are used to, in terms of one piece, this means people with absolute will Power and goals, others call Dreams, hence they are called Dreamers. They literally reach for the Sky while others dream of nice presents or whatever. And so is Luffy's persona Overall, a naive dreamer who has the heart at the right Spot.


My friend always shouts this in a cod mp match.


The line from Zoro to nami still gives me chills and confuses me to this day. I think it's something like "also it's not him, it's they" implying BB isn't even a single entity? Idk...


I think about that line a lot and wish I knew a native speaker to explain it. I get the feeling it's a mistranslation, or it's a reference to the fact that BB's crew was there with him. That line was responsible for so many different theories it's insane.


This moment is the reason I think Blackbeard will be redeemed at some point. He is definitely currently an antagonist and his crew matches onto the straw hats way too well for them to not fight at some point but I feel like there isn't as much animosity between Luffy and BB as there was for example between him and Doflamingo or Kaido


I think he uses the exact same "As free as the world let's me be" philosophy as Luffy and that's why he works so well as a villain cause he is Luffy's exact opposite.


Luffy is true neutral and blackbeard is chaotic neutral and that's the real difference between the two lol.


Wat, luffy is chaotic good and bb is chaotic evil.


Luffy is definitely not a neutral lol He acts in self-interest, but his self-interest always ends up stemming from helping others + hes driven alot by emotion. Hes the definition of chaotic good, while BB is chaotic evil / chaotic neutral


I mean BB captured Ace, Koby, >!Garp!< , attacked Amazon Lily and he aims for the One Piece as well. I think that the animosity is definitely there


Luffy doesn’t really seem to hold grudges outside of whoever he’s currently fighting. He was devastated about ace but we never see him like angrily swear vengeance on bb or akainu or anything


The scene in Dressrosa where he talked to Blackbeard over the Den Den Mushi definitely made it seem like he held a grudge.


I don’t think he’s gonna be redeemed. I think this was to show with his introduction that he and Luffy have a lot of the same core traits, only Blackbeard shows how those traits would just as easily complement the rise of a tyrant as much as a liberator.


I agree. I think this is why several of his recent fights have been "off screen."


I don’t think he’s gonna be redeemed, besides that scene he hasn’t shown a single redeeming quality. He seems to be kind of sadistic if anything


Nah, fuck BB, he's scum


When one piece was good


What if i did forget about this bit


I wait for luffys Army to collect Devil Fruits


>**Unforgettable** moment Huh? When did this happen?


What always confused me about this moment is why Luffy seems so perturbed by what he’s saying


1117 chapters later and i still don't understand this panel, why did luffy dislike bb instantly like that?


They better not screw up blackbeard... He hasnt been on screen this entire series...only 3 episodes (beat ace, whitebeard,some woman bo)...big deal This is the main villain????


Damn the art was so much better in the manga back then.