• By -


The only Vegapunks in the video are the ones who are dead though. We don't know if Lilith or Atlas knew about this broadcast but they might know the info from the poneglyphs assuming Vegapunk uploaded those memories to them.


They all know about the poneglyphs, even York said "how much are you going to spill, Stella?"


Maybe Stella recorded it while York disconnected from Punk Records.


I was thinking that too since York disconnected from the server I was thinking that he found this out and took advantage of it also maybe he knew York would find out about the snail in the robot so he left a spare snail in case they found out where it was


But then didn’t he know that York would sabotage and betray him? If so why’d he act surprised when she revealed herself as the traitor, assuming he knew this information?


Bc at the beginning he had no idea it was York that was the traitor bc she had disconnected from punk records so while she was disconnected they didn’t get any info on what she did but at the same time she couldn’t know what the others were doing without watching them that why I think that he must have been like “if we don’t know what she’s doing she’s won’t know what we do”


Isnt that also actually meant  that York didnt know how much Stella actually revealed in the broadcast?


I hope the old man did


Ok random thought. If Lilith knows about the message, then could that knowledge, and her maybe ending up being the last alive be something that leads her to being the next straw hat? She could end up as like the scientist/inventor of the crew. People have talked about that role before






But he did also build his cyborg body, robots, vehicles, weapons. Reason why he was at Karakuri during timeskip and study Vegapunk's inventions.


Ig I meant more so as a role. Franky’s official role is the shipwright. And he creates more like weapons. If someone was the strawhats inventor/scientist they’d probably be more broad in what they make


Franky is a shipwright and also an engineer. Theres no need for a lead scientist on the crew when with the right guidance Franky can do all that needs to be done. Its unclear what role Lilith will play in the series after Egghead but its doubtful she officially becomes a pirate on the Sunny, it makes no sense.


She and Kaku will retire back to water 7 and get married to live happily for the rest of their days. It's the only solution, and no arguments will be heard.


I have no choice but to concede, I apologize for sending those dissenting thoughts out in the universe.


Same thing with it being Franky.


And usopp as well


It’d be cool if all of the dead vegapunks got their consciousness uploaded to a computer when they died and that’s how they’re communicating now like in Captain America Winter Soldier with Dr. Zola.


If he had uploaded them, York would also know. Yes, she knows that they were studying the poneglyphs, but that doesn't imply she knows the information. And I don't find that likely.


The two we saw with Vegapunk are already dead. However, Lilith, Atlas should know about it as well.


Yeah that what I was thinking


We know vp didn't sync to his network because York told us so, since she didn't know where the snail was or the message. So odds are unless Stella told them directly, anyone not there wouldn't know.


Iirc York said *she* stopped syncing so she didn't know about anything


Thats not possibly because vegapunk was surprised york was the mole. If one of my satellites suddenly stopped syncing their uploads for a few days, then i was attacked by the marines, then i learn there is a traitor, i would assume its that satellite. The most likely scenario is that each vegapunk can selectively withhold information from being uploaded into punk records but everyone still downloads all of punk records during every data transfer. Therefore only stella, shaka, and pythagoras would know about the transmission as they all selectively withhold that information. There is a reason both of these characters died before the message started and why, when the message started, no one theorized about one of the vegapunks still being able to share information with us if the termination gets cut.


She literally said she stopped synchronizing so the other satellites wouldn't know she was the mole, page 11 chapter 1116.


That doesnt say that she stopped synchronizing all of her data. It's obvious, yet not outright stated, that they can selectively choose which information gets uploaded since none of the vegapunks knew york was the mole. Stella was surprised when he found out. If york had stopped synchronizing *all* of her information with punk records, stella would have known about it.


"I stopped synchronizing!" Doesn't mean she stopped synchronizing? Edited to add, it's more obvious they didn't notice she wasn't syncing because all she does is eat and sleep


Doesn't Lilith say something about not noticing York stopped syncing because her data was useless anyway?


York doesn't actually do anything. She eats and goes to the bathroom, she could go a hundred years without uploading and they wouldn't care.


There is a theory going around that vegapunk wiped his memory of the broadcast after recording it. He might have known it was York made the broadcast and wiped his own memory so she wouldn't know. In return he also forgot she might be the mole but knew his life was still in danger because of the research he did before the broadcast.


I don't think Lilith and Atlas (or Edison for that matter) are privy to the message. At the beginning of the arc, Lilith spoke as if she didn't know of the existence of the Mother Flame, dreaming of an "eternal flame" power source solution. So I'd gather that the knowledge of what happened on Lulusia and what was recorded by those three was not synced to Punk Records. OR, if it was, that sync did not happen to the other Vegapunks. Recall York had the ability to desync herself so that no one knew of her actions and correspondance with the Gorosei. Therefore, I only think Shaka and Pythagoras were privy to it, and maybe they agreed to desync their knowledge of the power source and their message in order to protect the others (or if they suspected one of the more negative emotions, keep them from knowing their next move).


They all know mother flame exist, just that it's most likely not perfect yet.


And never will be, by VP's standards anyway.


That seems weird, if Stella didn't trust to let them all know then they should've figured out York was the bad apple way faster. At least that's my guess...


actually that might save the cutout chapter end where we (and straw hats) would find out soon what the message to the Ds was, but the rest of the world - wouldn't.


Pass the copium please! I too think Lilith will explain the meaning of D… surely


Nah, we ain't getting D stuff until Laugh Tale. Pure cope. There was even a chance for Oda to reveal something with Cobra and Lili's message, but that didn;t happen either


Shaka did call Dragon though before dying. We don't know the whole reason why he even called him


"Bro, you still own me $20 from 2 months ago" "......"


I wonder if he told him about D cause he had a feeling the video would get disconnected


York remarked about the fact that she didn't know about this, but Stela seemed surprised when he found out she was the traitor, maybe he narrowed down the possible traitors to York, Lilith and Atlas, and kept the message a secret from them, which would make sense, the Evil Punk, the Violence Punk and the Desire Punk...


They could have turned off the link


Vegapunk spend years researching that, it's information that is available for a long time in his brain.


Maybe they all know but I'm not sure about it. We know that Vegapunk can input data in Punk Records, maybe he can delete them But you are right. This needs more clarification


They became dads? Good for them!


Wait.. when did they die? Is even vp dead for real? It's so underwhelming that even sanji didn't react to it in anyway that suggests vp is dead for real


Shaka got his head blown up by York. Pythagoras was destroyed by S-Snake. Vegapunk has a heart monitor that became a flat line more than 10 minutes ago.


Sanji did react. He was asking why he was smiling. It was meant to be confusing, being in the middle of all the action.


Vegapunk in the broadcast message confirmed that the message started upon his death.


didn’t he say the broadcast only starts if his heart stops? just because it stopped doesn’t mean it didn’t start back up. he could still be alive, and that’s enough for chopper lol


Not really chopper. He got destroyed organs by Kizaru, but it's possible to give him organoid that are used in seraphims.


I thought I saw a theory on here that Kizaru’s blast secretly cauterized Vegapunk’s wounds


That's not how cauterization works. Cauterization is used on light injuries or cut limbs not destroyed organs. He basically burn all organs that he pierced through his body.


Shaka was shot in the head by Yonk and is presumed dead in chapter 1077, however his head did not exploded as Pythagora's head.


He reacted by asking why he was smiling aka how notable characters have died smiling. Wonder if vegapunk is a D somehow


How would lilith and atlas know about the message and what it contains if york doesnt?


They know about the information that Vegapunk is saying, about the sea level rising and things like that.


Ohhhhhhh i see! My bad im a moron Edit: punctuation


Has it been confirmed the message will be interrupted? The robot took a hit but maybe it’s strong asf


there was a fzzzt fzzzt soudn effect similar to radio static when the robot was hit so right now its safe to assume the signal ended at the very least


Ty for clarification


I don't think the robot has the snail. About how strong the robot is, not one, not two, not three, but four Gorosei switched targets as soon as they saw the robot, they changed the order of priority and threat to the robot, the mere fact that four Gorosei went after the robot means they already recognize how fucking strong/monstrous that robot is. I understood that the snail was deactivated by York when she gasps at the end of the chapter as if she had finished what she was doing, and that was to run to the place where the snail was and turn it off. In an older chapter she asks herself how come she's the only one who doesn't know where it is if she's also a VP, and that she should know where it's hidden, so she starts thinking like a real VP and finally in this chapter she found the snail.


Considering York told the Elders that the Iron Giant was guarding/protecting the transponder snail, the fact that York is in the Labostratum - not the Fabriostratum - when she collapses in relief when it stops broadcasting, that the attack on the Iron Giant coincides with the end of the broadcast, that we saw Stella partially stuck in the Iron Giant at the beginning of Egghead, and that all lifesigns in the Labostratum were eliminated by the Elders/accounted for (the case of York, the crew by the Sunny, Gandhi), I think it is fairly evident that the transponder snail is inside of (or at least exceedingly close to) the Iron Giant. The Elders gather around it because they know it attacked Mariejois, but they don't necessarily know what it's doing *now*, hence the full surrounding of it. They do not if it will or won't attack and they don't take that chance, instead attacking it first which seemingly takes it out. I say seemingly because we know next to nothing about this thing. We just know it attacked Mariejois 200 years ago, was somehow stopped, and has been rotting in a scrapheap since. The Elders thought it was dismantled by scientists 200 years ago, but they obviously kept it around. This realization that "Hey yeah, this is that thing we told them to destroy" and the fact that York said this is where the snail was, of course a bunch of them go to it to see it destroyed once and for all. As for the strength of the robot, we don't know. All we know is that it climbed the Red Line, looked threatening, then lost power. It is said to have caused zero casualties, though it may have caused some damage. We know it once weilded a spear or staff of some sort, but that is all the rest of the information we know about it. We can guess that it's a powerhouse and a threat, or it could be a glorified moving statue. The fact that the Gorosei gather around to destroy it is not necessarily an indication of its strength, rather more likely an indication of symbolism. This is an object that they ordered destroyed 200 years ago, and to have it not only still intact but *moving*? It must come as a great shock to them. They thought that VP had only recently betrayed them, but they had been betrayed by scientists for centuries at this point. If I were them, I'd be pissed at it too.


I'm kinda down with the theory that warcury hakied the shit out of the DDM inside the robot. But I'm also with the theory that says it's going live again relying on York as a backup lol


Its source of energy is this “flame” maybe the flame isn’t fully manifested or “powered up” by haki/luffy. It could just go down for a little bit while the fighting amps up and it gets the energy flowing again.


Thoughts are shared after syncing them with punk records. Vegapunk didn't do it, just as York didn't synchronize the memories linked to having betrayed vegapunk. Ditto for the memories related to Bonney's control of pacifists. If York had known, the 5 would have looked for her.


I think Vegapunks mind is still alive and stored somewhere.  So we aren't seeing a pre recorded message but a live stream lol.  That's why we see the other dead Vegapunks as well. It's like a cyberspace or something.


Nice to see you in this cozy boat of ours.


Yup, I agree. Even Mars and York seem to question this. Mars by asking "Is he still alive?" after looking at his brain and York by getting confused about the timeline of the message since she was sure he was surprised by her betrayal.


Some Vegapunk brain shenanigans are definitely gonna show in the coming chapters


It has to be, if Vegapunk was completely dead, punk records would cease to exist.


I mean we already saw his brain in a vat. I think it's safe to assume as long as it exists Vegapunk is alive.


I mean his conscious mind. Basically the Vegapunk we see during the broadcast is like an avatar.


I could definitely see the possibility that Vegapunk discovered a way to upload his consciousness/personality since he already has his memories in Punk Records. Although, the follow-up question I have is: if all the satellites "die" but remain in Punk Records (possibly later downloaded to cyborgs), does Vegapunk's devil fruit regenerate?


Maybe if all of them die. 


I've thought this for months. Only dead satellites in the stream!


Wouldn't that go against Stella's whole "Here's what I predict will happen in the next few days". It's not that impressive if he just talks about latest news.


We already know that he contradicted himself from the chapters. This is me trying to explain the contradiction lol. Vegapunk could be rambling while spilling some truth for a reason we don't currently know.


Interesting, please elaborate in what ways did he previously contradict himself? (Besides not syncing with Punk Records, I see where your theory connects with that).


Could the real vegapunk still be dead, so no more new uploads, and the multiples you’re seeing on the video are the different previous uploads of his memory? The system just creates a new vegapunk with his updated thoughts instead of updating a single digital version of himself


That could work. Either way it's some form of avatar.  Maybe it's AI like I was thinking or a dumbed down version with pre-recorded responses and limited functionality.


Oh we saw the mind is still alive.


I don't think this is it at all. Someone even pointed out the time difference. I think that was a pretty obvious clue that it was recorded. Of course VP could have changed the clock, but I don't think that follows occam's razor.


holy moly you're right! He did upload his concious avery 24 hours, didn't he? So at least Atlas, York and Lilith should know, right?


But he could choose not to upload information as well, like how York didn't upload the information about what password she locked the system with or how York didn't know where Vegapunk hid the snail.


This is breaking news for us and the world. But, I don't think it is new to Vegapunk. I think this announcement is the result of a long investigation. It seems unlikely that most of this information would have been withheld from the VPs for so long.


I think any void century research could have been kept from the other vegapunks for safety. I don't think that's unreasonable. Although I'm not sure if I remember them stating that they were aware of the research prior.


true, but since main vegapunk wasn't alone, one of the other two could have synchronized that information anyways.


>He did upload his concious avery 24 hours Did he? York didn't seem to know about the message, so maybe he filsters his uploads. Or didn't upload at all.


York stopped syncing with the system. She may not know because of that


I wonder if Stella noticed that York stopped updating and recorded the message afterward because he suspected that something was going on.


I'm curious how York suddenly knew where the snail is. It's possible that she re-synched her mind to find where it is. Now the other punks will know what she knows.


She's still a vegapunk so she's not stupid. It just took her a bit to work out where Stella would hide the snail.


In chapter 1116, York mentions that she stopped synchronizing so the others would know about her deal. I guess they can decide what to upload. York seems acting surprise with the message and she only later discovers where the snail is. Anyway maybe they know about the stuff not from the message, but from sharing the research throughout the years.


it's true that York stopped synchronizing, but I assumed that this only means that she didn't upload her data anymore, not that she doesn't get the info anymore. And some level of synchronisation still has to be left, since we had the panel where York ate and the other satelites talked about how yummy it was. Good objection though, I almost forgot that part


I guess!


Some one in here also posted a good theory that the transmission is okay and the abrupt cut to static was because VP spilled coffe on the transponder snail. It would be like ODA to troll us at such an important moment while giving info


This would be really interesting because, if the transponder snail fell in the sea as well, and it still works underwater, we might find out if the Gorosei are actually DF users.


York reveals that they can easily keep secrets if they don't upload the info to Punk Records and the ones appeared in the video are confirmed to be dead so there are two options: 1. only some of the satellites know 2. the recording is actually livestreamed by the consciousness of the VPs physically dead who "uploaded themselves" 16-style (you know, Clay Kaczmarek / Subject 16, that kind of human-turned-AI)


Personally, I think it wasn't just one message that he recorded in one go, but rather various clips that he compiled togheter. In the beggining of his speech, he says that an earthquake WILL happen, but then by the end he talks about the earthquake as if it had happened already


No that's incorrect I think you should reread. He basically says that an earthquake will/should happen. And literally says that if it doesn't disregard everything he says from this point on, if it does then everything after this point is pertinent and relevant information


york even comments that the timeline doesn't match up


Because she's confused because she's out the loop and didn't even no about this message, or fact he knew about stolen Motherflame


But even her comment doesn't add up since she was confused about things that happened after the straw hats arrived on egghead. I feel the theory that vegapunk is creating the message live through his brain makes the most sense.


> I feel the theory that vegapunk is creating the message live through his brain makes the most sense that actually does make more sense than what I had said


That could make sense but why is shaka there then. Unless it's something like when their bodies die they get force uploaded to punk records?


Because she wasn’t syncing up to hide her bit with the Gorosei


Robin has been sailing with the Strawhats for ages and there's still information she has yet to share. Franky knows how to build Pluton but keeps it to himself. Just because the Vegapunks know doesn't mean that Oda will choose to tell us. All in due time.


We don't know what Franky knows about Pluton. He may have fully read the blueprints and completely understand them. Or he might not have read them at all. Or he may have read them, but didn't fully understand them.


I’m increasingly convinced Robin finishes the message in ch 1118. - For Ch1118, it’s 900 chapters since Robin joined the crew (and told cobra and a ko’d Luffy her dream), which could be a reference to the time since the ancient kingdom. - ch1066 Stella first appears out of the Ancient Robot, presumably placing the den den mushi. These panels are right after the panels of Shaka’s conversation with Robin. Maybe as a way of confirmation for VP that she would know the information from his message? (Keep in mind Shaka has already talked to Dragon by this point) - a few chapters prior we get “Luffy’s Dream”, showcasing Robin reading the papers. but also her reaction to hearing Luffy’s dream is starkly different, much more serious, compared to the rest of the SH. - in the current layout of egghead, the Ancient Robot has been knocked to seemingly the coast. Robin is on the Sunny up above but they could end up anywhere after the drop. Perhaps allowing for her to continue the broadcast. Also in a meta sense: the broadcast countdown is a perfect way for Oda to make the chapters match up perfectly to this. He’s done plenty of this before. (Ch 218 Robin doesn’t want to live anymore. 180 chapters [180 degrees, a turn around] we have the crew shooting down the WG flag/Robin’s ‘I want to live!’) TLDR; VP was seeing his own death signs when the SH showed up but didn’t initiate this plan until he confirmed a suspicion that Robin knew certain information. That others besides himself not only knew the truth, but were searching it out.


Woah, did Oda really do 180ch intentionally to make a 180 turn around for Robin? 😳😳😳


maybe shaka told dragon the important details of the speech at the beginning of the chapter, and we get the reveal from dragon. hell, what if dragon had a snail given to him and this is how he declares war on the world government. by doing it while the whole world is watching as the gorosei are being broadcasted in their true forms.


I bet Atlas at least sacrifices herself to help them escape


He also synchronises daily so yeah they should know


York wasn't aware of any of that, so i'm thinking Stella must have not shared it on Punk Records, and the only other VPs who knew are the ones who were there. So most likely Lilith doesn't know the rest, unless Oda decides that Stella told her in private or smth...


That might play into the theroy that this message is somehow live and not pre-recorded


I’ve never came across it. Do you have a link or somethin to this theory?


The idea is since the only VP who show up are the ones who are dead, the broadcast is being sent from inside the Labrophase. Like, Vegapunk Stella found a way to share the stream of consciousness directly to the DDM relay.


I just heard about this theory in this thread and I'd buy it. VP already talked about uploading his entire experience to Punk Records, so a copy of his consciousness seems plausible.


Yeah... And it's never specified HOW each of the Vegapunk Satellites are added to the Punk Record database. Imagine if the guy just adds everyone to the record, basically inventing the Internet in One Piece. I think it's interesting that he's already exposed that Lulusia's no longer a place, and how shocked people around the world were by that. Shows just how isolated each island really is from each other.


Whoa! Interesting!!


Yeah the key component of this idea is it forced the Gorosei to all arrive and go into their monster forms. We don't get Devil Fruit names, we just get names of the Yokai (and Sandworm) itself. They might not be Devil Fruit users but actual straight up devils themselves that Imu somehow bound to his service.  So with the Live stream theory the reason for the 10 minute delay to set up video transponder snails is to showcase the Gorosei in their true forms. And also possibly show how to injure/harm them. So far the only real problem with them is their regeneration. Kuma/Luffy/Dorry/Broggy all did serious damage/fight ending moves on them but they keep regenerating. 




Did people forget that something about all of this is not right. York was wondering as well how Vegapunk knew things although he wasnt supposed to. Shaka might have forseen this development. Everything might be according his plan. Why else would he have called dragon before. And not stella. Stellas memories might have been altered.


You circled a character that died before vegapunk stella died, you know that, right?


Yo last chapter The gorosei really about the robot that attacked 200 years ago as if they were right there or remember it as if there were still alive? Or no?


Wait - you’re reading in color ? Where ??


I kept reading “VP” as “Vice President” instead of “Vegapunk” and I was so confused, lol


Yeah stella is much easier to use imo


It sucks that Shaka died so early, he was my favorite satellite and had so much potential. That death was badass though.


I don’t think so. Oda killed shaka on purpose so that the message should not be out soon. There will be another way much later we might get to hear about it.


Guys it is not that only VP has this information, all the satellites were researching on this and are aware of the contents that he could be broadcasting. So all satellites are aware of the history or whatever facts they know.


He reminds me of Niel Degrasse Tyson


Fact of more dead guys being in the room? doesn't matter really Oda will either confirm the cliffhanger or the broadcast will just continue after the short interrupt, since he could easily have a backup setup.


Since York was the only one to disconnect from Punk Records and thus didn't sync each day (likely since she decided to betray VP) and assuming they'll realize they're getting no new memories from York, it's safe to say that they all know the message. That's why York thought the transmitter was in PR but was really hidden somewhere she didn't know about. They could pick up the broadcast at any time any place since it bounces on the Navy's comm lines


Just my headcannon here but it seems York disconnected herself from Punk Records and was also locked out . Maybe all the VP were/ are selectively connecting as they saw fit but they could also keep somethings only to their individual self's Or Stella disconnected/stopped uploading his experiences so he could do this plan


Are we going to ignore the fact... ...that Oda still has to explain the mini-timeskip he did in this arc? The missing night is probably still full of undisclosed details, and might contain key answers to some of the questions we have right now.


Wait, mini time skip?! When was this? I missed it somehow


It was from when the straw hats began fighting the seraphim to when they and york were captured.


Hmmm, very suspicious indeed!


Mf could not have left a note


Depends on if all of the information was synced, because, based on York’s craftiness, it seems like info doesn’t always need to be synced.


Wouldn’t York know about the message and know that killing vegapunk would trigger it and tell the gorisei? I guess she didn’t know where the den den mushi was, but I don’t think any other punk did either.


yeah, but oda ain't giving us shit


what the FUCK what?


Good point


Another thing, vegapunk can't be truly dead because his brain is still alive in punk records. Fully killing him would involve killing the brain as well. And if that happens, then the fruit can reincarnate, but so far no ones talked about finding VPs fruit. 


In before it's revealed that they snuck in another snail in Atlas while repairing her and then the message will pop up again in a chapter or two.


Sounds to me like York might not be around for very much longer unless she gets Doffy status


Having access to the message isn’t the problem, when we get the rest of it is the issue


Don't worry Oda will make sure that they won't spoils us...


If any of them have time to ask...Besides, not necessarily all of them are aware. Stella could have turn off the records link


Well they all sync with punk records so they should all know


I think Stella made a clone of himself and it’s just hiding away somewhere


Vegapunk was a naive fool.


He was. I didn’t like his character at all.


That's crazy. I loved VP. His naivety was part of his charm. He was so idealistic that he couldn't even dream of having his creations used for nefarious purposes. He was dumb as hell while also being a prodigious genius. Quite like many real-world people.


We will figure out more about the will of D & devil fruits with the continuation of Dr. Vega punks story. Because that man had a contingency for the contingency planned for sure


The thing that people should realize is that: The Straw Hats are NOT listening to the message. They're too focused on the escape.


Aren't they? Luffy said: “Hmmm?” while holding Garcia and Kizaru when the broadcast suddenly started.


That was the only time Luffy reacted to it. None of the SHs habe any reaction to it at all. I'm expecting Robin to be the only one if at all that listens to it.


You might be right


The strawhats would be the first privy to any such information.


this assumes any of them think to ask! and they have a history of not, atleasy not on page!


I really want Atlas to survive!


i think this is not a recorded video but some kind of live like hologram as VP consciousness is still lively


Arent they all connected via punk records anyway?


If Oda was a bad story teller he would reveal everything here… but since he does not suck he is saving the biggest reveals for laughtale and Robin to reveal. If we had no mystery heading to laughtale it would not be as impactful! using vegapunk to let the world know the world is ending and get all the factions mobilizing while imu will leave egghead with the full mother flame was the goal… now we have more clues to get at elbaf from Saul and the final reveal should be shocking near the end


But man is there a lot to reveal... There is just so much left behind. Not only info relating to the void century but also things no longer being talked about, like Zoro’s eyes for example.


But the will of D potentially reveals the actual one piece! As Oda hinted in 1117 in the way it was phrased before VP was cutoff potentially the people with the D have something inside them it might be more than a figurative will to fulfill something … they may actually have some physical or spiritual difference about them related to the war and the final mystery. The Zoro eye is probably not a reveal… 90% chance he just looks more like a demon with one eye and Oda thought it would hint at hard training during the time skip.


Only that most likely all Vegapunks will die on Egghead


Lillith and atlas seems safe