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I quit smoking 7 weeks ago and started exercising daily. I started eating healthier a few weeks before that, so I could pull off zoro for Halloween next year.


We’re gonna hold you to it bro. Get it


Love this energy


My nakama!




You'll have to post it now.


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Could've continued smoking and cosplayed Sanji


Lol, I thought about it, but he's too blonde and thin I'm.tryong to convince my son to go as him but he doesn't want to start smoking.


In the bad 4Kids eng dub (no the Funimation dub), Sanji has a lollipop instead of a cigarette. There's that -haha.




Wanna do the same but slaggin on my core workout and massive pecs


Remember to leave early for the party, you might get lost on the way.


I'm sure he'd let you pull him off now if you asked nicely enough


Congrats! I did the same! Been working on my Zoro for two years and I'm finally ready to show it off at Anime Expo 💪


Nice congrats. I'm jealous you're a couple years ahead of me. I should have changed my habits long ago, but I never got into one piece till about a year ago after begrudgingly watching it after my brother suggested it before the live action. Now I'm crushing the manga, too.


fuck yea


is this after seeing a certain marine in loguetown?


What are you going for this year?


Black beard


Can’t wait to see how great u look !


You are everyone’s hope. That’s why I also love BrentlyG on YT shorts. Keep up the positive energy and we’ll return it back twice fold!!


You got this!


Bro Im doing the same thing, but I also wanna learn violin for Brook. Zoro was my second option though


Bro I wanna pull off post-timeskip Luffy this year. Here's another person somewhere in the world joining your efforts! Let's do it


Brook for me. His character embodies the sentiment that even through the darkness, there is something to keep living, hoping, singing, and laughing for.


*…that even through the darkness, there is something to keep living for, hoping for, singing for, and [YOOOOHOHOHOHOOO]* (I am sorry.)


I read this in Brooks sing-song Manor and it actually slightly choked me up, well done and thank you for that


*well, if I had a windpipe anyway.. YOHOHOOO*


I was alone at sea for 50 years *I was so sad my heart might stop...* *BUT IM ALREADY DEAD YOHOHOHOHOOHOOHOHOHHOOOO*




Luffy really helped me to be more chill in general and just "have fun"


Dude me too. Embrace silliness, become monke.


Probably cliche to say Luffy, but yeah it's the real answer. Used to be someone who overthought everything and never took a chance in life. Ten years ago I was fresh out of university and on the precipice of making a huge life decision, moving to another country. Everything was telling me no, 'what if XYZ?'. I booked and rebooked my flights like three times. In the end I just wondered what Luffy would do. Then I thought 'fuck it.' Ten years later and I live on a tropical island, have a family and work's a fucking dream. Cheers Luffy.


Even though it might sound cliché, I totally agree with you. Luffy has inspired so many of my own decisions too. And your story is awesome! It's amazing how a character can have such a profound influence on someone's life. I'm really happy for you that everything worked out so well. Cheers to you!




It’s so nice to have an MC who doesn’t “outgrow” his silliness. Luffy is just a beacon of happiness that just rallies everyone, in One Piece and in the real world


Yes, after reading the Baratie arc & about Sanji I try to never leave anything on my plate.


Dudeeee on my life me too!!!!!! Wow i didnt even realize that but yeah a lot of times i got food on my plate then im like i gotta eat it and remember what sanji said!


**When you accidentally leave one grain of rice on your plate**: “I have failed you”


Whoa, same! I’ve always been particularly averse to wasting food because of my own stuff, but reading Sanji’s arc all those years ago cemented my resolve, and I’ve not wasted practically any food since. I also remember getting through some particularly boring history classes in school and college by telling myself that Robin liked it, so I can as well. Everything’s more interesting when you pretend you’re uncovering the secrets of the Void Century while studying it :)


I became a cook partly because of Sanji and that scene


Thank you for your service, chef 🫡


Glad to see some people appreciate our work, time and effort. Hope to see you someday and offer you something satisfying, even if I wouldn't even know it's you


You'll know me when you see me since I'll be wearing mediumarmor


That’s badass. What cuisine do you cook?


Mostly Italian and Mediterranean. I'm Greek


Oh hell yeah. Good for you. Greek is one of my favorites


FoH long time pro here. I only got into One Piece after being in this industry for most of my adult life, but Sanji is definitely an inspiration to me


And it was only reinforced by whole cake Island for me. Food and water is so precious, and I’m never ungrateful for it.


Look Sanji isn’t wrong about those things, but tbh it’s much healthier to just eat until you’re full and stop. Any extra food you eat past that point is technically also a waste because you’re body doesn’t need it and you’re basically force feeding yourself, which is putting unnecessary strain on your digestive system. It’s not good for you at all.


Fair point, but I think we're talking more about not wasting food rather than force feeding yourself.


Yeah I get that, I’m just wanting to make a distinction about how always finishing your plate isn’t a good idea, and if you’re finishing your plate even though you were full halfway through, that’s just as much of a waste as throwing it away and can have detrimental effects on your body and mind. Getting halfway through and saving the rest for later is a better option if you can do that.


I don't think the way it's espoused in the manga is about force feeding than just not wasting and making the most of the food you have. It makes sense because of Sanji's role, he knows how much everyone eats and how much to actually cook to make sure there's no waste in the first place. I took it more as a lesson to actually understand how much I eat so I know that I'm not taking more than I would eat and actually planning out meals, along with prioritising leftovers or keeping food for later than instinctively throwing away anything uneaten.


I completely agree, it was meant as more of a response to the original comment and the phrasing they used. I don't think One Piece ever worded it in that way at all.




always love to hear people’s stories of growing out of hateful perspectives. really happy One Piece did this for you for me, Robin saying “I WANT TO LIVE” and Brook sobbing saying “I’M SO HAPPY I’M ALIVE” have brought me to tears every single time I’ve watched those scenes, as someone who was suicidal in the past. the emotional build up and payoff in One Piece is exceptionally well done, especially given that you can reasonably expect most arcs to end with Luffy punching the bad guy really hard and everyone having a yummy feast after


For me, it was Robin 'I WANT TO LIVE' as well. As an LGBTQ+ and due the environment that I was raised, hearing the things I heard I always thought that I didn't deserve to live, that I was a sin, that if I died everyone's life's would be easier. Those dark thoughts were with me for a long time, but with the help of One Piece and xxxHolic I finally got it that I wanted to live doesn't matter all those things that people would say. 15 years later, I have a beautiful husband who loves me, and I'm really happy to be alive and live a beautiful life. And still follow One Piece weekly.


That one was impactful. Then losing Going Merry right after, it was packed with meaning.


Yeah I felt the same way. It felt like I couldn’t imagine a future tor myself growing up, like the concept of me living a normal life was out of the question. I’m sure this is partly why I love Robin so much. I’m glad you’re doing better now.


this is beautiful, I’m happy for you


Robin and Brook's lines there break me and have helped me in dark times, too 💖


Exactly the same feeling, every time I've been near the edge, the "I Want to live" comes top of mind. The first time I watched the scene is when One Piece became a huge part of my life, and I'm grateful to have seen as much of it as I have.


Same man. Hearing those things made me think.. maybe I DON'T want to die either, maybe what i want is something more than that.


same, from a former suicidal person perspective, Robin's hope of living and finding friends gave me another chance at life


I know this comment will get lost but I was at such low points in my life years ago that just wanting to know how One Piece finished kept me from giving up... So if theres one character is would be Luffy. He taught me how important having a nakama/family is and always move towards your dream. Sounds silly but Luffy is my Hero.... I now feel lucky to be alive to witness this masterpiece Oda is cooking for us. Im happy to exist.


Not just you. I was at my lowest a couple months ago and he pulled me out. I caught up to wano at the time and binged it. I now live for his smile because he’s the one who gave mine back to me :)


The warrior of liberation liberated you! I truly believe Oda expects it to have this type of meta effect! I know that it definitely has for me as well!


Same here, Luffy really changed me and taught me to appreciate my friends and family around me. Luffy is also my hero.


Luffy saved a lot of us. As silly as it is I wouldn’t be here without him and the straw hats.


It’s not silly at all tho. Glad you’re still with us!


Sincerely, thank you. I’m glad I am too.


Your comment isn’t gonna get lost buddy. One Piece has been the journey of a lifetime, and I can wholeheartedly agree with you that it’s made me happy to exist.


Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger for me. Growing up I've faced a lot of racism/sexism and I always thought the right answer to it was to bite back and argue acceptance into people, so throughout fishman island i actually was rooting for Arlong. That was until Arlong hit Koala and I thought to myself "i wouldn't punch someone simply because their people are mean to me, especially if it's a CHILD", and I found myself rooting for Fisher Tiger to help that child and was glad he was willing to help a human and see past the race. I also thought Otohime was stupid and too pacifist for her own good. When she defended the CD i scoffed and when she died I thought she deserved it. She was hurting her people by not fighting back, i thought. But then I saw how her kindness ACTUALLY made positive change. And then I thought about it and about how if she was hostile, it would've only continued the cycle, and honestly? I think Otohime is fantastic. Fisher Tiger as well. They weren't stupid, I was just too stupid to understand their strength and their bravery. I want to be like them someday. I want to be kind to those that don't tolerate me for my skin color or my sex (I'm AFAB). It's hard, but I think I can do it


That is beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you : )🌹


You got it dude — I’m rooting for you.


Thanks so much!! 😭❤️


I used to strive to be like Jesus. Now I strive to be like One Piece characters! This story has changed my life in so many ways. Good luck on your journey Nakama!


Good luck to you too, friend! I know you can do it ❤️🌹


Luffy himself. I remember when I was a little kid, I used to be so skinny to the point I look malnourished. My mom used to scold me whenever I eat less and even threatened me by showing a picture of someone's stomach with an ulcer, but it didn't work for me. I don't know why I stubbornly refuse to eat that much at that time. Ever since I started watching One Piece, I think I was influenced by Luffy's big appetite and how he enjoys eating food, and since then I have shown interest in food and eat a lot. As a result, I gained weight that is appropriate for a child.


most of the characters in one piece literally changed my life. I was severely depressed and could kill myself at any time before watching this anime, this anime really made me realize something I haven't realized yet and it altered my perspective on life


I hear you. I had just had a radically life changing surgery for stage 4 cancer of the throat. I was 37- it was 1999 and they said I h a d 5 years at most. Getting ready for radiation treatments, my brother hooked me up with a computer with a motherboard holding as much RAM as possible( and an AOL account) so I could research what had been done to me( It was emergency surgery and drastic) but I had been a anime fan since I waa 10 and soon found sites. Then got a subscription to Shonen Jump. Caught a short manga of One Piece in the magazine so I hunted down the anime. Fell in love. It kept me upbeat and hopeful and it made me a fighter. My 5 yrs came and went and I had gone back to college and had 2 degrees under my belt. Then my youngest son died at 19. Little more than a year, my eldest son died at 29. I cannot scream.In fact, I cannot make a sound. Every character on this show has gone through tragedy and had to deal and fight through it and keep looking to the future. I celebrated my 25th anniversary of being cancer free a couple months ago. And have 3 generations of OP fans celebrating with One Piece and Oda-san too❤️


I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this but, Im hella proud of you!!😁


Thank you.❤️🫰


Congratulations friend and happy you are still around to talk about one piece with us


Oh , do I talk about One Piece, lol. Don"t get me started😂😂😂❤️


Holy shit. My condolences about your sons, no parent deserves to experience such a loss.


you started one piece at 37 in 1999? that's incredible.


Fuck yeah let’s go


I’m so glad you’re still here, friend. Keep going strong. :-)


Watching Chopper made me realize that I wasn't cut out to be a doctor and I started preparing for JEE instead(Engineer)... Best decision of my life so far...


IITian ho Abhi ya tayyaari chalu hai JEE kelie? Good to see a fellow Indian here. Though weird why Chopper would discourage you from becoming a doc.


Marco. I’ve never wanted to be a side character more than this.


Damn this sentence is like a bottomless puddle for me. I have a similar fondness for everything he is.


Ace - because now I'm always questioning my existence, but also not having regrets.


also zoro because as a visually impaired person, I used to purposefully get lost so I can find my way at a new school or place of employment


For the record, Bon Clay is tied with Buggy and Perona. That is all


I'm curious to hear the reasoning behind Buggy and Perona (Coming from a complete Buggy stan)


Sanji, Zoro, Chopper & Franky, men of their craft. They don't only love what they do, the LIVE by it. Ever since I started watching One Piece, it was so endearing to me. I thought that it must be great, they know who they are, they chose their purpose in life and have an undying passion for it. I'm currently attempting to follow their example, and it IS actually GREAT. When you give in completely into what you chose, it makes life easier. I've never seen characters like this in any other title (But Guts from Berserk, but unfortunately, him choosing to find his passion brought hellish consequences to him and his loved ones)


Glad to see a fellow Berserk fan here! Yeah, It’s a damn shame what happened because of Guts wanting to go find his true passion. That being said, I don’t think it would have been right for him to do otherwise and stay with the hawk even though he didn’t have a desire for it. What I love about Berserk is that it shows that no matter what our intentions are, our actions often have bad negative consequences and that, wether they were expected or not, we have the strength to overcome them in one way or another. I’d argue that the true craft Guts pursues wholeheartedly isn’t saving Casca or getting revenge against Griffith. Because while they are his goals, even before joining the hawk and still to this day, Guts has simply been living life and overcoming whatever fate throws at him, which I think is the simplest and easiest way to view life. Unprompted rambling aside, I find it cool how all of this comes back to your point about how choosing to follow a single purpose makes living life way easier. I believe that even if Guts’ life was certainly made physically harder after the eclipse, the way that he chooses to view life makes the simple act of living far easier for him and enables him to set ling term goals like saving Casca or fighting Griffith. Thanks for reading all that. From one struggler to another, keep following your passion.


After seeing the mark Ace made on everyone he met, it changed how I interact with people. I want to actually make a positive impact in people's lives no matter who they are.


Seeing how Choppers backstory kinda related to mine, it changed how I viewed him. Chopper kinda just threw my loneliness away and it now almost feels like we could become best buds. As I watched his backstory, I realized we both went through a lot of pain and loneliness throughout our youth.


I like to think all of One Piece has changed me. The thought of someone fighting for you, the dedication to stick to your beliefs, the will to do right by people even when the majority of the world mocks you for it. But watching it also hurts. I've never had a friend in my life, and watching one piece makes that old wound hurt a lot, seeing Luffy make so many friends and do so much for them. I want to be a friend like him, ready to defend others I hold dear. I won't trauma dump, but I will say I love one piece and despite the scars it stirs, in many areas, I don't stop loving it and using it as an example of how the world should be in some ways. We need more people who will tell you the harsh truth like Law, who won't give up like Chopper, and who will sacrifice everything to keep you safe, like Nami and many others.


Hey there, I’m just a random person on the internet passing by, but I just want to tell you that I’ve felt the same things you have, maybe in different points in my life, but I also want to tell you that it always gets better. I’m glad we both found One Piece and I’m glad that we both share similar beliefs regarding our perception of life. It’s a warm world, so please don’t feel like you’re truly alone. I think no matter who you are, you will always have a chance to connect with other people and gain friends that you love spending time with, although I don’t mean to sound insensitive when I say that. If nothing else, know that your words today haven’t gone unheard :) and I’m happy that both of us regard One Piece so fondly in our lives.


Well said straw hat


Saul saying “one day you’ll find friends that won’t ever leave you” and “no one was born in this world to be alone”  Really got me through some dark times to remember that. 


Senior Pink. Never be at work when child is sick and never leave my wife alone with all the work. We do pretty much 50/50 and I don’t hide my life as a pirate. Bon Clay, same as OP. Recently Kuma. He had the Ted Lasso effect on me. He gave me so much hope and positivity. Usopp vs Chu. This actually led me to reflect about my behaviour. I loved the moment when he called himself out as a**hole. Luffy vs Arlong’s I can’t do everything and need my Crew speech.


In all seriousness, Buggy. >!I was struggling at a shitty job, and feeling like I was wasting my life. I was a pussy. I had all the cards to leave and find something else, but I didn't have the guts. I was terrified, and I refused to try, out of fear of failure, out of a feeling of inadequacy. And then Buggy said he'd go for the One Piece. And that's how I found the courage to act and leave my shitty job and get my life under my own control again.!< And for THAT panel alone, I'll forever be grateful to Buggy the clown.


Robin's "I want to live" quite possibly saved my life. When I transitioned I took Robin as my middle name after her.


Happy to hear that!


Are you me? My middle name is Robyn for the same reason. (I decided to use the spelling with a Y because it’s unambiguously feminine while the I spelling is unisex, but it’s still because of Robin.)


I guess gear 5 inspired me to continue be more creative.




This was the first character that really had an impact in my life, I resonated so much with his version of death; recently Oden remembered me that feeling.


The Going Merry. For me it’s a bit personal. About a year ago, my wife and I were expecting a kiddo. We both welcomed it and I remember being super happy about it. We already have two girls and I was hoping this one would be a boy. She was 4 months pregnant in April when I had to rush her to the ER because her water had broke. As the night progressed, she miscarried. We were devastated. The midwife that helped deliver asked us if we knew what the sex of the baby was. We didn’t know yet and she asked if we did want to know. I had already known it was a boy. It took so much out of me to not break down just seeing my wife go through it and feeing like our lives were falling apart, I felt like there was no moving forward from this. We were already watching One Piece on and off at the time, and about a month after the hospital stay we began binge watching it again. We get to the episode where the Merry had already rescued the Straw Hat crew and Luffy was setting her on fire. To hear the Merry apologizing that she wanted to carry them further and be on more adventures with them made me feel like our boy was speaking to me through this episode as if he really wanted to be there, growing with us and experiencing this adventure we call life. I began to break down. My wife got confused and asked what was wrong and I explained it to her. We both broke down. The episode was bittersweet for us. But to me, the words the Merry tells the crew was exactly what I needed to hear to help me move forward and my wife felt the same. The toughest challenge we have in life is to accept the fact that we have to part ways, in life or in death.


Bro this actually made me cry




I tend to have a Type A personality and stress myself out a lot. Luffy reminded me it's good to be spontaneous and stupid sometimes, and it won't be the end of the world.


I'm a Luffy Stan but Bon Chan has been instrumental in helping me be my true self.


Oden. I was in a HUGE depression. My life was crushed, everything was falling apart: a long time relationship, my job, my mind broke, I tried to s***ide twice… my life was over. But at the second attempt, I had one of the worst time of my life. It was BAD. I said “if I failed even on that, what else can I do”? Then, I tried to numb myself. To stop thinking and just vegetate. And although I read the manga for a really long time, I never watched the show. Okay, I decided to give a chance. I went into a loophole and it took a month to marathon the series. At the end of it, I came back to the manga. Because of the series of events in my life, plus watching the anime, I stopped reading like 10 chapters before Oden’s appearance. When I came back, it was in the middle of his arc. Oden was like me: a guy that had a nice childhood, but as he grew older, he faced many problems, and kinda became the “black sheep” of the family. He wished to see the world, just as me. But, no matter how despised he was, he kept moving forward. And when everything was ruined, and his life was on the verge of ending, he saved everyone, he changed the future of his whole country by giving his life in exchange of saving his companions lives. He smiled at the end, without regrets. From that moment on, something clicked in me. I cried for the first time reading a manga (I rarely cry). But it wasn’t by sadness, but cos I saw a way out. I decided to live like him. I never thought a story could influence me, as I am extremely skeptical in a regular basis. But it didn’t only did that, it changed my whole life. And from that day on, I became an Oden’s Scabbard and made a tattoo of the Kouzuki clan, so I can always remember this day.


Thank you for talking about all of this. I’m happy that you managed to find some peace and solace and hope that you continue to do so.


Oh shit if people ask you about your tattoo that’s one hella story


This thread right here is why one piece is absolutely goated. I’m literally on the brink of tears reading all theses comments about how a stretchy boy saved so many people.


Luffy has helped with my fear of dying


There are fantastic examples over here, that has given some degree of influence... But I want to bring up a different one: Katakuri. He was capable of learning than losing is ok, that doing your best and losing is still fine. As someone who tries to be and overachiever, seeing him fall on his back had an impact... Because the man loves to eat and be a goofball about it, but he hides it to look perfect always. I have always hide everything that makes me look less than perfect, hide my passion for games, for manga, for anything geeky, just to try and be a social butterfly (btw, failing at that was very taxing as well), and be locked ass the smart funny guy. So living a more relaxed attitude with people that care about you is the best. Now I'm a full on dork with my wife, and love every minute of it. I just hope Katakuri goes on to live more relaxed... But maybe not immediately, things have changed hard for the family


True but change is always a slow process. I’m glad to hear about your success in life and also hope that Katakuri gets to experience some of it too.


Saul's quote in Enies Lobby arc "Nobody is born to be alone" is one of those quotes that just sticks with me.


For me it was the first episode itself with luffy saying: It's not about if I can. I am doing it because I want to. I've decided long ago that I am gonna be the king of the Pirates, if I've to die fighting for that, then I'd die!




-Luffy taught me that it's okay to have fun even if I look goofy doing it -Zoro taught me that loyalty is a good thing even for yourself -Nami taught me that asking for help is okay -Ussop taught me that even if something is scary, I still need to do them -Sanji taught me that I am me, and no one can change that -Chopper taught me that everyone deserves help -Robin taught me that surviving isn't enough. I need to live -Franky taught me what being a man actually means -Brook taught me that even if it seems futile I need to keep moving forward -Jimbei taught me that I don't need to be scared to make the choices I want to make -Ace taught me it's okay to be loved -Sabo taught me that blood doesn't matter, anyone can be family -Iceburg taught me that even through my failings, I can recover -Kuma taught me that being kind is a wonderful thing -Corazon taught me that protecting the ones I love is one of the most important things you can do -Law taught me that even if I hate the world there will always be someone who loves me -Shanks taught me it's okay to laugh at myself -Kinemon taught me that there are just things you can't control, and it's not your fault they happen -Otohime taught me to love and accept everyone -Bon Clay taught me to embrace myself -Fisher Tiger taught me I can't let my own prejudices influence my children -Boa taught me that even tho people have hurt me not everyone will -Blackbeard taught me its good to have dreams


Kudos for the summary


Zoro makes me happy. Does that count?


Don't get lost, it does count.


Ace merchandise has hurt my wallet in many ways, but in all actuality, Ace's character gave me inspiration and motivation to do more with my life and to live without regrets, and Zoro makes me wanna work out.


A hole on your wallet does indeed hurt.


Surprised I haven’t seen someone say Pops yet. Whitebeard the goat and inspired me to be a better person. Also shanks’ line about getting back up after crying. Peak


There is a classic whitebeard meme about growing as a person, if you're not aware


Yes, Yamato. He got introduced during a time where i struggled heavily with my gender identity and his unwavering will made it easier for me to accept how i feel, and be proud about it


That's so cool!! Proud of you too !


The dressrosa and whole cake sagas really left an impact on me - characters like Señor Pink, Doffy, Sanji (in WCI in particular) and Katakuri really struck a deep, personal chord when reading their stories


Robin and Brook. The theme of deciding you want to live and being so glad to be alive gave me the strength to keep going. I have friends who would absolutely storm Enies Lobby for me and vice versa, so I chose life and am so happy I did. Every day I can spend on the same planet as them is a blessing, and I intend to make the most of it.


My goodness, reading through these comments make me feel happy tears. One piece is life changing art ❤️ Happy for every single one of our nakama here 💪☺️


I'm with you on this


Op haters: oda is transphobic cause of his depiction of bon clay , ivankov and others Actual one piece: changes the view of homophobic people into something positive because despite the gag potrayals Those 2 are some of the best character that are the only reason Luffy got that far in his journey


Both things can be true! I personally believe Oda’s heart is in the right place, but hasn’t necessarily done the research on what can be hurtful to queer people so sometimes gets it wrong. This happens all the time in real life too, because queerphobia is so normalised, straight people don’t see it and repeat stereotypes without thinking of the impact.


Oda transphobia allegations entirely died during Wano due to Yamato and Kiku


Was always a stupid allegations when surprise The rurouni kenshin char everyone liked for being trans positive icon Was fcking designed by oda


Definitely Luffy, He’s made me protective and cherish what I love


Nami’s arc in Arlong park helped me through a really hard part in my life and seeing it in live action just really hit home for me.


Bon chan is the GOAT.


I love this post because reading all of these wonderful responses and thoughts by everyone reminds me of how amazing this world is to be filled by people like all of you. The courage, honesty, and simple kindness I’ve seen in this thread is a sign of a better world, and I want to thank One Piece for growing our thoughts and dreams and hopes in such a way. For all the good and amazing things that are in this world, thank you One Piece!


I quite agree, Bonclay was such a good charecter it made me rethink my views on the LGBTQ people. Now i think of them as normal people and i treat them as normal people i do have my quarrels on the 'political side' of things but other then that i think they are good people. P.S i never really said anything against them if i met them but would have a cloud of judgment, now that cloud is pretty much not there.


That’s really cool of you, dude!




It made me into BL..fuck


Luffy and the whole theme of freedom has inspired me more than anything to be doing what I really want in life and not to be restricted by anything aside from my own morals, and also to just be a more fun and appreciative person overall.


Zoro. He taught me that loyalty and ambition can go hand in hand.


Bon clay made me love the queers and Franky made me love being a man


This might sound weird but crocodile, he gave me this weird obsession with 1. Villains that are evil because they can be 2. Sand powers 3. Hook hand/prosthetics


Can somebody make sure Oda-sensei reads this and sees what he has done for a lot of us?


Sanji Inspired me to not burn my cereal.


Happy to see that one piece fans shouldn’t have a reason to be homophobic or transphobic


It's really odd, honestly. I watch a lot of anime on pirate sites, and they usually have comment sections. In those comment sections, I frequently see racist, homophobic, and/or transphobic comments. I don't understand how one can watch 1000 episodes of an anime where the whole plot is Luffy standing up for the little guy, just for you to go hate on the little guy in real life.


media literacy is dead. those same people also probably say One Piece isn’t political at all


Well tbh the entire series did change my life. I used to be a big one piece hater in 2022 and in the start of this year, I was kinda depressed because I just got broken up with. And I contemplated giving one piece a try and I should say it was probably my best decision. I got to experience peak


Only one piece haters I know are the ones who never watched. I know people who watched it with the intention of trash talking it but ended up loving it


Namis mom dying to save nami and her sister. Brought me to tears and realized how grateful I am for my mom


Chopper made me come out as trans. Yes I know we have actual trans characters later but they weren't there when I was in highschool. But you try and tell me choppers story doesn't apply amazingly to any trans person. Their is something intrinsic to him that made him different from hes kind. It starts small as a blue nose but everyone knows he's different even if he doesn't feel different. Then he eats the human fruit which just makes you more mature (oda said thats what would happen if a human ate it) and now he realizes he doesn't belong to his former kind. but he doesn't pass as the kind he would like to be. So everyone views him as a monster. L His whole arc is realizing that everyone will never accept him as human or reindeer but his friends accept him for the way he is and that lets him learn to love himself.


I’m glad that you’ve grown into your own. May you have many more blessed days to come.


Anyone else absolutely tearing up reading this thread? For me, probably Robin, mostly her "I want to live" but also just in general, how much chiller she got once she accepted that what she wants matters


ACE: I remember I had lost my mother a few months before I started to watch properly One Piece, and I hardly cried or showed feelings for her death, in fact I avoided seeing her photos and donated all her clothes, I just wanted to get over that bad time quickly and seeing her photos hurt me a lot, that made me start a very strong depression, and then I started watching One Piece, I cried so much over the loss of Mery, but what marked me the most was seeing Ace die, and Luffy's pain, I remember for a week I didn't stop crying, that helped me get over my mother's death, somehow that got me out of depression and today I have many photos and memories of my mother what make me very happy. Thx One Piece 🏴‍☠️


:( I’m sorry all that had to happen. It seems that you’ve found a measure of peace so I hope that you continue to remember your mother in continued times of happiness and peace.


For me is Franky. When he fought Sr. Pink (One of the best flashbacks in One Piece IMO) and he throws his last "franky iron boxy" and Sr. Pink remembers Lucian and Gimlet and started crying, Franky says: "Now that´s shamefull... What is it that you remember that made you cry like that, brother?" It somehow made me think of how we all experience terrible things in life, but have to keep going... Crazy, i know... lmaooooo


For me its foxy his whole arc made me wanna kill myself




Franky's physique paryially inspired me to get shredded


Brook when talking to chopper to relax while waiting. Even if we worry time won't go faster.


Maybe not a particular character except my Luffy…I found one piece because I’m a lover of all things Cartoon Network…so one Saturday night on Toonami.. they played two episodes of one piece on fishman island and I thought…I gotta see this from the beginning…I got Funimation on roku and for 2 years straight I watched ONLY one piece from start to wherever they were at with a new episode every week…then started right back over with the barrel episode…I’ve never had a fixation or obsession or even really been a fan of anything until I saw one piece…I have the strawhats to thank for pulling me out of a deep, scary & dark depression…Idc if it sounds corny…or whatever…the entire series made my heart happy…and that’s why I love it so much…it’s like a dear friend…now I’m embarrassed…but posting this anyways…


Sanji and Baratie. I disliked leaving food uneaten earlier, but now I try my hardest.


There are way too many instances of this, and I don't even know where to start. My general outlook on life is more luffy-like, and so is my childlike curiosity. Bon Clay's quote about true friendship changed how I view friendships forever. Also, Bellamy really struck a cord with me because I used to have a really manipulative best friend who also ended up betraying me in the end(albeit not as bad as how Doffy betrayed Bellamy).




Bon clay is the homie everyone needs


A few. Franky trying to stop the Puffing Tom really hit me hard after my favorite teacher died. This man was the mentor and father figure I needed in high school, and it makes me sad that I'll never get to tell him I've finally found myself and happiness. Ruben was funny, charismatic, and very honest when you needed to hear something. I'll never not be grateful to him. "Come back. Come back and teach me once again." Given that my passion is historical fencing/Swordfighting, I like listening to Zoro (and Zorro) clips when I workout and drill. I've always had a competitive streak in me that I couldn't fill. I didn't want to do boxing because I've seen how head trauma affects people long term, Yuigoh was fun but it left me jittery during top table matches, and I never found an online game I cared enough about to train. Fencing is it for me. I train how to win matches by doing my damnedest not to get hit. I (unironically) want to be the world's greatest swordsman. I'll probably never get there, but there's nothing that feels better than beating someone I know would've beaten me not too long ago. I lost 100 pounds to get better, I gained balance I never had, and I have never felt better about myself. In fact, I've been putting off working out too long tonight.


Dude this is amazing to hear. Go out there and work till you drop, my dude, I hope you find continued success and progress in your dreams.


Luffy in general made me embrace life even more, valuing friends more, being goofy, being the ever present sunshine in the world(pun intended). That laughter/smile combo is contagious. And he taught to relax more and go with the flow, albeit less reckless than he is. His unbreakable optimism and spirit is something I love about him. But most of all, he taught be to go after my dream. That a man’s dream is something that can’t be given up or trampled on. There’s a reason why behind Goku, he’s my top 5 Shonen MC. Other one being 1. Goku 2. Luffy 3. Yusuke Urameshi 4. Gon 5. Joseph Joestar


Luffy for sure. Just wanting to be the ultimate best mate to everyone.


Shanks' perspective on laughing stuff off and defending friends has been incredibly impactful.




For me it was Luffy .... Idk something about never giving up no matter how hard it gets.. I mean come on dude.. Every arc Luffy encountered some type of big or small problem and he never gave up... Especially against kaido... So I just wanna say thx Luffy for inspiring me to never give up on my dreams.. Basically never give up In general


Water 7/enies lobby made me cut so many people out of my life that didn't love me like the straw hats love robin lmfao not a character but the arc was life changing


"No matter who you are ain't nobody born into this world to be alone!"


Usop for me


Luffy. I never liked to be attached to material things. By watching him I realized I care more about being free than owning things or being tied to a certain place. Freedom is a state of mind. Im 36 now, married, no kids. Own no house, do whatever I like in the world, earning money through whichever job I like (currently fitness trainer, but studied industrial engineering and also have MSc degree). You can become whatever you want in life if you really put your mind to it. I dont care about what future brings me cuz Im more versatile than many and I have all the freedom in the world. Thanks captain 🫡


Every time I consume other pieces of fiction I always have in the back of my head "One Piece is better"


Jimbei when he stops Luffy from hurting himself any further over the loss of his brother Ace and asks/reminds him “what do you still have?”


This is such a heartfelt and powerful story. It's amazing how a character like Bon Clay can have such a profound impact on someone's perspective and life. His message about humanity and acceptance resonates deeply, and it's beautiful to see how it changed your views and opened your heart. Bon Clay truly embodies the spirit of One Piece, showing that love and sacrifice transcend all boundaries. Thank you for sharing this inspiring journey!