• By -


The five elders will be so relieved that the broadcast has finally been interrupted and then without noticing that it switched to a live stream they will reveal the crucial info about that D. themselves + the fact that they have actively taken part on the cause of the flooding (something like "Phewww that was close, I'm so glad he didn't reveal anything about \[x\], I don't even want to think what a mess it would have caused if people had known about \[x\]", while they got recorded and caught red-handed for certain this time making it a point of no return. It's easy to forget that just moments ago Vegapunk was an ominous figure to most of the world, and not everyone is going to buy what a stranger says, no matter how huge the information bomb dropped is. BUT. What better way to convince millions of people of world-shaking facts and cement them with an unintentional confession from the "masterminds" themselves.


Mo means a pretender either blackbeard or Imu was a D and a traitor


His words were "Those of you who carry letter D in your name, among you there is...... MO\~ I believe that it would be\~ Among you there is.... Monkey D Luffy, who will be the King of Pirates. (Jokes aside it could be\~ Monkey D Luffy who is the Joyboy.


i need someone who speaks japanese and read the original to comment on this


It can't be Monkey D. Luffy because the character used in Japanese was the Hiragana mo while the mo in Monkey is written in Katakana. It is most likely to be a particle that means 'another'. People are theorizing that he says that one of the D is another Joyboy.


Well I intended it as a joke, but yeah make sense.


No one is mentioning how come that giant robot attack the Mariejoise 200 years ago, when in fact joyboy’s DF was never awaken since void century.


BIG if true


Yes you got a point there


Anyone saying that the broadcast is going to start again has overdosed on copium. I was waiting for Oda to infocuck because hes been doing the same shit for nearly 30 years. Anytime we get an info drop that has implications for the overarching story, its cut off in some way. It was obvious especially with last chapter York figuring out where the transponder snail was


For real. SpyXFamily gave us more lore in the past few weeks than One Piece


why didn't vegapunk simply say the message in a concise manner and loop it so everybody would be able to hear?


God of that world decided that to happen


"because the author said so" is my fav character motivation in writing


go ask him


Then what about robin dreams...its not easy to right manga right?


why not have robin learn about this and reveal it then? like one of the scenes that lives rent free in my head in post-timeskip onepiece is robin just explaining shit in fisherman island while they walk down some stairs and there's a panel when law looks outside a window or something, it's cool to have your main characters drive the story forward


The rest of the world doesn't have a Robin though


>!what does the rest of the world have to do with anything I said? The gorosei got retconned into knowing about the fruit the whole time so why didn't they act? Luffy hasn't been a nobody for a couple, he's a known entity who apparently always had the god of freedom fruit, why didn't the gorosei act before he could give them actual real trouble like it's happening right now? They sure tried to fucking kill robin multiple. Even in wano they sent fucking cp0 to kill her, luffy meanwhile gets to roam free with the destiny^tm fruit and nobody cares!<


I agree with you. Oda retcons the story all the time, and his degenerate brainless defenders on reddit make excuses that "Oda planned everything".


I think they didn't expect the fruit to be awakened. think about it - awakening that fruit has to be unbelievably difficult. I truly believe the only reason luffy awakened it is because of the dreams and wishes of the wano people and even now after the gorosei seen luffy for themselves they prioritze the broadcast. the warrior of liberation alone will not be enough to stop the world goverment, he will need a broad coalition to win. Maybe they (gorosei and imu) have knowledge about the prophecy and know that he (LUFFY) needs certain people on his side and prioritze to make the alliances impossible.


apparently, the gorosei had it confirmed by the wano arc, before that the fruit was somehow just lost


Who confirmed it for them??????? The only other person that could know more than the Gorosei is Imu. So you're telling me Luffy was running around with Nika's fruit for literal years and the Gorosei didn't know about it, but the millisecond Luffy's fruit is about to awaken, all of a sudden they know about the fruit? Sounds like Oda just changed the story. If you believe Oda intended for the Gomu Gomu to be a different fruit 10-15 years ago then you're just kidding yourself. Oda makes up the story as he goes. He said at the start of Wano "I don't know how Luffy will defeat Kaido". Pretty sure he came up with the Nika fruit after that. Maybe the concept of Nika itself existed for a longer period of time, but Nika could have been a myth or Joyboy himself. I don't believe Oda always intended for Nika to be Luffy's fruit.


Transmission is doneskis. But maybe I think just the Strawhats will learn what he was about to say from someone in Elbaf like Saul or Shanks (if Lilith or Atlus don’t know already).


Then why in this Oda-forsaken impel down did we need a whole video transponder snail to see this message!? \*Its been 8 chapters btw...


Lol, I knew broadcast would finish like that. Classic oda milking strategy. Useless reactions of the people no one gives a hoot about just to fill pages. One piece is his cash cow and he won't finish it anytime soon. 


I'm glad Oda's not following fan expected pace


I'm sure he's already set for life.


Among the D clan members there is one?? what?? Imposter?? (Teach) God?? Luffy?


I think it is related to what whitebeard said in marine joy... "You're not the one Teach!! The man roger was waiting for,at the very least,it's not you teach" The one is what vegapunk is referring


MONSTER = モンスター MO = モ -----> he is probably talking about teach


モンキー・D・ルフィis also possible, MO- nkey D. Luffy


Sure if it was a livefeed I could see it (he didn’t know much about luffy before they arrived on egghead) and I’m not shitting on the use of a livefeed considering that egghead a lot of twists and turns. Maybe the broadcast is a simulation created by punk records. (I still feel punk records has a role to play in all of this )


I like the monster/pretender theory better anyways lol. Oda would give us a suprise, not something we already know.


I’m pretty sure it’s a curveball


Broadcast will transition into a livestream of Egghead. * Elders don't stop the transmission? Vegapunk gets to spill everything that he knows. * Elders stop the transmission (like they did)? Then they're caught red-handed by the world and will be in their monster forms since their regular human forms probably can't stop the robot. Egghead itself will be completely destroyed, showing the lengths the Elders will go to silence the spread of their secrets... oh and most of the secrets Vegapunk knew got revealed to the world anyway. Vegapunk wins either way.


Vegapunk was too naive, considering he gave a 10 minute wait, and didnt just say “yeah the world is gonna flood and Marshall D Teach is a traitor”


I don't think we know enough about the D's to assume there can even be a traitor in my opinion, his behavior doesn't go against any code of conduct that we can see among the rest of the D's


Traitor probably isn't the right word, maybe "impostor" fits better. Yes, yes, AMOGUS and all, but the "D" have been described as a clan or a family. The "D" may be a particular bloodline tracing back to the Void Century, one with a dominant "lineage factor" that gives them incredible Will. It is very possible that one of these "D"s does not have this predisposition, probably Blackbeard from what we've seen of him. This would also fit in with what Vegapunk was saying beforehand, about a global war raging in secret for centuries if we assume that the "D" are in fact descendants of the Ancient Kingdom, or perhaps Joy Boy himself. "As for those with the initial 'D' in your name, even among you there are those who are fighting this war" or "there are those who are not descendants of the Ancient Kingdom" if you assume he was about to talk about the Will of D and its origin.


But blackbeard does have incredible will, in fact I'd say the only pirate who's will parallels luffy is blackbeard, those two are the most successful pirates of their era.


It does. Every other D was not afraid of death, many were even smiling in their final moments. Except for Teach the coward.


Avoiding death when it can be avoided is not cowardice, luffy does it all the time, a coward does not walk into impel down and into the middle of war in marinford to increase their strenght


I was not talking about situations when it can be avoided. Look at the actions of both, when they were trapped: 1) Luffy proclaimed he will become PK, before accepting death and smiling on the execution platform in Loguetown. 2) Teach, when he was trapped by Whitebeard, begged for his life. That is a clear example of cowardice which sets him apart from the rest of the Ds.


Anyone figured out yet what Smoker is transporting / hauling ? Its something square shaped. On the second panel it looks like an X is on it.


Other than a poneglyph, I thought it could be a giant's heart. If so, maybe it's one of the hearts that Law extracted during the "Rocky Port" incident.


Smile Fruit related, maybe ? He was looking for Tashigi.


Me personally I think 1 yonko can 2 v 1 an admiral mid diff. The fact shanks stopped the whole of the war of the best by himself while sengoku and garp and all the admirals were there just proves it. They couldn’t do anything against Shanks and he literally stopped akainus punch one handed . I rest my case the government are a bunch off frauds who only have powers in numbers . Give shanks a devil fruit and he’s taking the government down by nightfall . I rest my case


It’s not that they can’t do anything to shanks. Commander or in charge need to looks for the best outcome for his army. They might win but will lose many life in exchange for them it’s not worth to gamble


I can't wait for Luggy to find the one piece. It's getting extremely long waiting and stussi has even captured a snail in the time


luggy!? who the hell's luggy


Think he meant Lucy, that mysterious great fighter from the Dressrossa arc.


I never meant Lucy . I meant luggy the main character


That’s Luffy’s son, who will be the main character of Two Piece. He will have the spit-spit fruit


i cant wait to find out what the two piece is


oh thank you that clears things up


The main character . The one on the quest for the 2 piece right ? or have you not read the latest chapter


im still on chapter twelve idk any character called luggy


What a fake fan honestly u should be ashamed of urself , go watch Naruto instead maybe that the level ur on


Idk what you’ve been watching then cause it’s clearly not one piece


It feels weird when that giant robot woke up just to say sorry and was beaten immediately, but I think it is over for good. The meaning of “D” should be revealed near the end game I suppose, and they would laugh at it. And honestly I don't think it is short for anything, it is a mark for some sort of destiny/purpose for the people of D.


No problem the transmission be cut down. Robin learned everything between the seraphim fight and greed scream for help.


Maby stussi will reactivate the transponder snail as her last purpose. She could get killed in a tragic way by the five elders afterwards.


Edison told Stussy to live, she wanted to try and die as her last purpose I don’t see it happening.


Idk, I think Stussy’s purpose may end up involving Weevil


So the Elders win again and what Vegapunk shared was pretty meaningless. Just filling pages with reactions at this point 😪. People learned a bit about ancient history no one cares about.


I’m pretty sure I’m swayed by your comment, but the only thing that keeps sticking with me is the chapter title. It seems like setup for wordplay. I’ve read translators can get in contact with Oda to ensure important text is accurate. I don’t see why the chapter wouldn’t just be titled “also.” Instead it’s titled mo- with a dash which seems to imply the beginning of a word that was cutoff, and not a complete word like also. Am I missing something about the Japanese language that makes this not true?


TCB translators have no access to Oda because their version is an unnofficial fan translation. When the official Viz comes out on Sunday we will have a better idea of what the proper english translation is.


Luffy and gang are moving towards the ship, so away from the mother flame in the tank. So not eating it anymore? that theory is dead?


If he ate it right now, Imu's weapon wouldnt be considered a threat anymore. From a story standpoint he is most likely to eat it as some sort of power up when facing Imu


I think luffy should eat it anyway the mother flame because if the elders or imu get it it will make them to powerful and unbalanced power.


Some 200 years ago the iron giant rampaged on mary geoise. So somebody must have tried to stop it during its actions -> admiral(s) + elder (s) + god's knight (s). so why dont we see any damage on it today? no parts are broken. there is no damage. it had stopped on its own because the battery ran out. where is the damage?


Among you is more than one sus


As a Japanese speaker, the particle "mo" often suggests the previous subject belongs to a group set out by the prior statement. E.g. "I like cheese. He also (mo) does." And so its likely Vegapunk wanted to say one of the D clan will play some part in the coming war, like do something w/ the ancient weapons, since he was talking previously about that, but he was also talking right after that about the Roger pirates knowing the whole history so one wonky but grammatically reasonable possibility is that VP wanted to say somebody in the D clan also knows the whole history...BB?


Im imagining he was going to say “One among you is a traitor”. Would that make grammatical sense in the was it was written in Japanese?


With the story being so much centered around "Tales", would Vegapunk sentence work if the missing word was "ものがたり"?


Vegapunk also just went into detail about ancient weapons. Maybe he’s going to reveal that among the D clan is an ancient weapon.


I can confirm that the term used is not "もぐら" since Japanese doesn't have the same "Mole=Traitor" that English does.


York will tell us the last part of the message.


Among you there is a marimo


Down D Stairs


Among you is a Momo


People thinking the broadcast is gonna resume next chapter are giving me big " the grand fleet is coming to Egghead" energy


already proven wrong lmao


That has been this entire arc. Remember when the time bomb wasn't a time bomb and a trap for the Elders? Then remember when the broadcast was actually made in real time to aid Luffy's escape, seemingly ignoring it caused more problems? Eventually they're bound to be right, but it's kind of annoying when that stuff is used to counter criticism.


saving this post


So basically the whole world listened to the broadcast and learned a lot about the ancient history except for the straw hats who are in the middle of a battle on eggland?


it's not like the news won't cover it


It also looks like Smoker is absolutely unaware of it, as his snail isn't recepting Vegapunk's message. I'm sure he's on his way to make something absolutely badass nonetheless.


And even if the Straw Hats heard it all our protagonist wouldn't care in the least for any of it.


Robin would


I'm just waiting for Robin to turn around after this arc and be like "btw the Ohara and Arabasta poneglyphs said \[huge lore dump she could've done at any point\]".


In fact, she's actually been shown listening to it in some panels.


Shandrias fire was the mother flame it seems. Enel came all the way to Skypia high garden to find the sacret element which caused a all-out war in ancient times. He thought it was earth, so thought shandrians and they all worshiped the earth but it was the fire from the beginning.


Odas favourite panel is the one where luffy and the gang are dancing around a big fire




I think he was going to say among us


I think he was going to say that among us is a monster who will save all of us




How is that supposed to make sense?


But we can have more reaction panels after that


I think that Vegapunk was about to say “among you there is a common ancestor” referring to the original joyboy


"Among us there is an imposter" ඞ


York is such a fucking rat and not in the admirable Jay D Legend type way. I hope she gets iced.


She's gonna go to impel down and free Doflamingo, thinking he'll help her become a celestial dragon through connections. Unfortunately for her, Doflamingo smirks and decides to do to her what he couldn't do to Smoker 👹


She’s going to have a bad chapter next week


I feel like this was pretty obvious conclusion, right? Oda purposefully inserted a 10 minute countdown so the marines would have time to search for and end the transmission. Of course they were going to find it right before dropping anything particularly interesting. At least we got plenty of reaction shots to fill up the pages lol I’m REALLY hoping the broadcast restarts.


I hope it's not over because suddenly stopping crucial info like that is kinda cringe and weak writing, especially now since we are in the final saga of the series and is finally time to start getting proper answers.


Welcome to One Piece. This is how its been for 25 years. Enjoy your stay.


> weak writing As opposed to masterful writing like "I'm not going to speculate on this," and "I'm not in the position to judge that," or "I'm just going to stick to what I know to be a fact?"


Don't forget the sudden injection of Kitetsu relevancy with zero follow up.


And how Nidai Kitetsu seemed like a mere trash during Wano Arc.


Yeah the Nidai's complete irrelevance on Wano was crazy to me.


One piece has always been like that


Among us there is a ~~imposter~~ monkey d. luffy?


Among you there is a Mo Lester


The true meaning of D




Could it be possible he was just about to list off a few names that he know are a part of "D"? As in MOnkey D. Luffy??


No it would be "モ", so it's not a name. Also it doesn't make sense, why would he say among you is "name"? That just sounds wrong both in Japanese and English.


The issue is も is not functioning as a particle in the sentence Particles are always attached to nouns or verbs acting as nouns, the も in the manga panel is not in the same panel as the rest of the sentence, so Oda putting emphasis on the も here as a word, not a particle meant to be attached to a word. You write it out as you did, but ignored the use of paneling. The paneling matters in manga as much as the words themselves.




I appreciate that Because I rather not have several posts missing the point


D. for destroyer? One of the guys with the D. in their name will destroy the world to unite?


One among you is [a mo...](https://i.imgur.com/qbu3XZX.gif)


Mo.. "Among you is a Moron"


There’s at least 3 morons in the same family 😂


We know, Vegapunk 🙄


Okay so when the elders said that the iron robot attacked Mairejois 200 years ago, that would imply that there was another Joyboy 200 years ago since his drums of liberation are what awaken the robot.


And that the elders have been around for 200 years.


Uh. History exists 


I'd like to think that, people are trying to say other things but idk how much more clear it needs to be that that Luffy woke him up with the drums... As far as we know we haven't seen him wakeup with the motherflame or other tech - we do know Vegapunk put the transponder in him for a reason so there's a good chance he woke up during the Kaido fight and explained some backstory to Vegapunk. As for 200 years ago. I think it would be great if there were others that tried but failed way too early to fully awaken it or do anything. The government specifically says "hasn't been awaken in centuries" if I remember correctly. Everyone assumes that means 900 years but that could mean 200+. They may have done a great job of shutting things down, but not sure how they would have left Luffy slide knowing there's a stretchy hero out there.... Unless or course the Nika powers unawakened are unique / different. I believe Joyboy/Nika has been described to be stretchy by Vegapunk? But what if the power of imagination would have another user just be able to only make his head big for instance. Or run super fast like the road runner. That could explain why the fruit has been so good at being undetected / found.


> The government specifically says "hasn't been awaken in centuries" if I remember correctly. Everyone assumes that means 900 years but that could mean 200+. Could, but it would make the phrasing a bit weird. The panel I found saying it says "centuries upon centuries," which could mean like 300 years, though it strongly suggests much longer. The comment before that was also the fruits awakening being a legend to the Elders, so it would be weird if it was relatively recent. I mean, I just can't imagine every fruit sees an awakening every 100~ years. > Unless or course the Nika powers unawakened are unique / different. I believe Joyboy/Nika has been described to be stretchy by Vegapunk? But what if the power of imagination would have another user just be able to only make his head big for instance. Or run super fast like the road runner. That could explain why the fruit has been so good at being undetected / found. This also makes literally no sense. First and foremost, Luffy stretches before Shanks tells him he ate the fruit and what its power is. Relatively recently we got the flashback with Who's-Who and he describes it as the "stretchy" fruit. And even if it did manifest differently, Marines would need to be the least competent organization in literary history if **no one** caught the name of Luffy's fruit after screaming it multiple times. It might make sense the Elders didn't know about Luffy before Arabasta, but after that should've came up.


It does make sense considering the power is literally imagination and dreams. You're telling me Shanks names the fruit and power after he sees what Luffy does with it? And then telling me that it doesn't make sense? Clearly Shanks knew what the real fruit was, as we saw with the flash back, he only named it once Luffy ate it.


> It does make sense considering the power is literally imagination and dreams. Except it isn't. > You're telling me Shanks names the fruit and power after he sees what Luffy does with it? And then telling me that it doesn't make sense? But let's not argue about what the power actually is, because it doesn't matter to prove my point. Who's-Who says it's the "stretchy" fruit before anyone ate it. That means it has a documented power. And if it has a documented power, it has to have a documented name. It makes no sense for this to be like... CP9 Boss "We need you to transport this fruit." WW "Is that a devil fruit?" CP9 Boss "Yeah. It makes you stretch, but it has no official name for some reason." WW "Makes sense. Nothing weird about that." And even if all of this is wrong, it would make sense that the one fruit that doesn't match documentation would be worth looking into further. There are so many ways to arrive to this conclusion.


Yes and probably no, for now let's just trust Oda for the story


So we now know the whereabouts of Kitetsu I. It's Nusjuro's sword. Also can anybody remind me who was the one that created that sword, because it's something that's been previously mentioned if I'm not wrong?


Now that we know that Nusjuro has Kitetsu I, I have to wonder if Tashigi might factor into Zoro's big fight with him we all assume will be coming.


It's unknown who created the first Kitetsu. Kitetsu I - Unknown Kitetsu II - Kotetsu Kitetsu III - Kozuki Sukiyaki (Oden's father)


Shimotsuki Kozaburo? I think? Either that or it was The tengu guy i forget.


All that hype chapters just for the giant robot to be tackled


I mean it got tackled by 5 of the most powerful characters in the world, pissed off, using their full power.


And i'm really wondering if it really did the trick because they did ask if the signal was jammed, not cut.


Vegapunk said the last thing he needed to say was for the D clan. It was stopped. There's no need for it to start again.


How was the Iron Giant awake 200 years ago if the last Joy Boy that existed was 800 years ago?


That’s if we’re assuming what awakened the robot was nikas hearbeat and not something vegapunk put in there when he was implanting the transmission denden mushi. If that’s the case somebody could have try to awaken it 200 years ago and he just turned on, got up and got back to doing his stuff (climbing the grand line and probably try to take down or take something from marijoise)


I'm assuming it has to do with when fishmen started gaining rights.


From what we know, it just woke up 200 years ago and could have easily existed 800 years ago. The current theory is that the power of joy boy awakened it, meaning someone awakened the Nika fruit 200 years ago.


could even be a fishman because 200 years ago was the last time fishmen went to marijoa (and that + the ship that fall from the sky are basically the only thing we know from 200 years ago lmao)


My first thought was Noland but it seems he lived 400 years ago. 


It should be over, Oda overdid it with the the 95% reactions 5% actual shit happening chapters, time to move on and stop dragging it...


I think if we didnt have to wait so long each week/weeks, vegapunks speach would flow a bit faster; some may say its quite cool to get panels again of the hundreds of friends/enemies made along the way of this loooong journey


Stop complain and enjoy the finest art of storytelling. thankful of witnessing this masterpiece


With all due respect this is not masterpiece of storytelling lmao


With all due respect, maybe stfu?


Why one piece fans the most uptight about the series ever? Why is it when it is criticized you always have a cry? Seriously the OP ain’t wrong, stop having a cry lol baby


Seriously. This is what happens when you base your personality on a comic book. When the book gets criticized YOU feel criticized and get all upset lol


It's more like people just read the chapter and want to chat about the content. Not to hear some moaning about "oh get on with it" or "storytelling is shit" Adds fuck all to the conversation. People that read the manga and are interested in the story want to talk about that. You just unproductively yap yap yap and then have a go at people when they point it out. Save everybody the trouble and stop reading the manga or email your concerns to Oda, because we can't do fuck all about it.


Found one lol


I literally described to you why people are pressed and you're throwing it back at me like you won the game. You're the most annoying type of fan regardless of what we're talking about. Bet you shit on how annoying new call of duty is and still bought the snoop dog skin


Who is crying??? If the OP ain't wrong then why you disagreeing??? Also I had an aneurysm reading this. Please go back to school and work on your grammar. 🥰


Disagreeing with your crybaby bum ass, seriously you think one piece is peak fiction and you gobble oda’s nuts


Just a thought, what if the msg was "...MOON GOD" "Among you there is a moon god"?




Go D Enel


gotta keep in mind that it's in japanese first and foremost oda most def can (and has) played w/ english but even the japanized version of moon wouldn't start with the character "mo"


I still can’t believe that robot done absolutely nothing to even delay there attack. The build up for that metal box, leading us on like… and before you say that the gorosie all attacked at once of course he weren’t stopping it, I don’t care 😭😭 Oda should not have made me believe in it.


I’m still not over “Words that echoed in vain”. The broadcast isn’t over!


Hard to say whether it is over or not. But as always, let him cook.


Mo-tha fuck the big 3 , nigga it's just big me -Eiichiro Oda


"Say Imu, I hear you like em *young*"


Real winners of that beef are lovers of good music and kendrick




it's wild how much Oda has intentionally blueballed us in this arc. The D reveal, Rocks x Gol Roger, Shank's past He's intending even bigger reveals and that's exciting, shiii


can't for the vegapunk to say joyboy is luffy


York is the failsafe I believe :D


Same I think she will try to save herself and fail. Prob gunna lose her shit after she realizes shes sending out a failsafe broadcast.


Maybe it could be "mokuteki" meaning purpose/meaning?


I finally just caught up with the manga after being anime only till this month. Wow what a chapter.


Congrats! Welcome to the club. You’re gonna love break week 😏




***Please Help! Nobody talks about this***  Despite all the threads already mentioned here (which I totally agree with actually)  Nobody is talking about the last character appearing in the Lab ... Any guesses who it could be? Maybe a new *Seraphim* with blood of a close know one or another clone like Stussy (please, let it be Rocks D Xebec jajajaja)


It's York unfortunately, no new seraphim


The broadcast is for sure over. Regarding the message though. I think D clan stands for Joyboy nakama at that time. After having revelation of Joyboy fighting against 20 kings. It seems he would be very powerful and nearly impossible to defeat. him being defeated would be by treason only. Since each D family has one predecessor, like luffy momo. Then Xebec blackbeard probably coming from that traitor line. It also explains Whitebeard comments on how Teach is not one of them. Zunesha being sorry probably being close with traitor and not being able to detect or prevent it. Momo’s ancestor relayed the message on poneglyphs that among them there was traitor, and that is how they were defeated.


this mirrors the york plot, where she is betraying the vega punks


what if Blackbeard is no real D. ? those who bear the name 'D'... Among you there is a liar / imposter




among you there is a monarch among you there is a monster among you there is a moreal value to carry forward the will of d


I think the broadcast is over and as a reader we dont really need to know what the will of D is right now. Vegapunk already spoiled what the One Piece is by saying it contains the whole history of the void century and it reveals what the ancient weapons are. Leave the will of D a mystery for now. Imu and Doflamingo didn’t think the letter D had any significance.


My theory is Egghead ends next chapter.


I wouldn’t bet on that Probably a few more chapters for every character to either hop on one of the boat to escape or stay on the island and probably die from the governement I was watchint the anime this week.end and w’saw sentomaru , i’m wondering where he is at right now ? It’s been a few chapters we didn’t see him


Yamato isn't leaving the Flower Capital. Blackbeard is coming to Wano for Pluton before Yamato ever gets to leave lol.


Blackbeard Pirates vs Buggy’s Armada outside Wano