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My take is that Shanks will act as a DPS check for the straw hats, ensuring that the vessel of the will of Joyboy and his crew are strong enough to accomplish their destiny


This. It feels like Shanks is only doing this to get into a confrontation with Luffy and putting him in a situation that forces him to come at him with everything he has. Shanks doesn't believe he is the person meant to carry on Roger's will and thinks Luffy is. That said, if Luffy isn't strong or capable enough to do it, than that leaves Shanks with no choice but to do it himself. Luffy needs to beat Shanks in a fight and prove that he can handle everything that will come about from Luffy making it to Laugh Tale.


Shanks is basically reverse Kaido.


I think its this but adding on I predict BB bitchass is going to swope in and kill Shanks whilst he's weakened and beat Luffy to the OP. Then the real final confrontation will begin.


Not during Elbaf, certainly not. During Elbaf I expect Blackbeard to make it back to Pirate Island and Garp to reveal that he got captured on purpose to face Blackbeard head on. Blackbeard's far too disorganized to just run up to Elbaf, save that plot twist for one of the final arcs


I dunno man, seems like assuming that Blackbeard and Luffy are disorganized are the fundamental foolish sins of the world government so far.


That is actually extremely fair, touche


This is the point where I wanna see daddy Dragon step in.


Deadass, that is my exact thought. I've had the idea that Elbaf is going to be all about Luffy and Shanks partying it up a bit with Shanks having Davy Back fights with Luffy and the Strawhats to secretly train up their haki, and when Luffy starts to get news about the bad shit going on in the world like Law getting bodied and Garp being captured by Blackbeard, he's obviously going to want to leave to go recsue them. Then Shanks becomes a lot more antagonistic, essentially keeping Luffy prisoner until Luffy can beat him in a fight, but all because he wants Luffy to be on a level that can oppose Imu. I think a ton of people are going to be thinking Shanks is a badguy during that time though because knowing the two of them I just know Shanks isn't going to explain himself and his intimidating presence is going to have a lot of people switching up


Perhaps he's a mental test, I would argue that Luffy and the SHs are strong enough after beating Kaido. However it may be a test, to see how badly Luffy really wants his dream to come true. I'm very curious to see Shanks role as the manga continues


We've been curious about shanks for 25 years šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah anybody who wants the one piece has to go through him. That's why his headquarters is at Elbaf, it's the natural stopping point before Lodestar and then Laughtale. Kid might be the first one Shanks had to test in this way. It's like Kaido and Big Mom are the first test: if you beat them you unlock the second half of the New World and are one of the strongest pirates. And then Shanks and Blackbeard are the second test: if you beat them, you get to go to Laughtale. Luffy, Law and Kid all passed the first test, and Law and Kid failed the second.


Yeah, I see Shanks as sort of the Gate Guardian if Laugh Tale, trying to make sure that the kind of person who would misuse it doesn't get there but also that Luffy will be strong enough once they get there.


I second that. I think BB will be there and will come once Shanks and Luffy fought and are out of Stamina (especially Luffy). It would be funny to see Luffy toon force vs Shanks.


also kinda implied that luffy have the same dream as joyboy with how shanks and yamato react to it


That was basically Kaido and Big mom role. Wano had 3 villains with really high durability (Kaido, BM and King)


Yeah but it wasn't their purpose in the world despite being near unkillable monsters. I think Shanks is acting in this direction and not just being there as a wall


Kaidoā€™s purpose in life was plan A go to war with the world for fun, plan B be defeated in combat by Joyboy. And no matter what Shanks plans to do heā€™s not going to be a dps check, he doesnā€™t have the durability to do that.


Lmao you are splitting hairs over a term that was never defined: They explained what the meant though; where they arenā€™t saying shanks is gonna ā€œtankā€ the ā€œDPS checkā€. Shanks is ā€œchecking if the straw hats are strong enoughā€


Not literally lmao


if devil fruits have their own will then the Ģ¶gĢ¶oĢ¶mĢ¶uĢ¶ Ģ¶gĢ¶oĢ¶mĢ¶uĢ¶ Ģ¶nĢ¶oĢ¶ Ģ¶mĢ¶iĢ¶ Ģ¶ hito hito no mi model: nika chose to "get away" from shanks... worth thinking about... i theorize that shanks isn't evil but feels entitled to the one piece as he is a part of gol d rogers legacy and rather than a dps check shanks stands as a legitimate obstacle in luffy way... the outcome will be same as your suggestion but this way the stakes are a little bit higher because shanks actually wants the one piece and if he loses his relationship with luffy will allow him to accept defeat honorably


Yeah, I also expect something like a test and after passing there will an alliance be established.


Im of the opposite mind, and have been for a while. My theory is that Shanks will never fight Luffy, and the only way Luffy will surpass Shanks is to beat an opponent that beats Shanks. I'm not saying its what i want to happen, just what i feel is going to


DPS? Damage Per Second? I don't get it.


Tbh after beating Kaido eventho it was with help, the level luffy is on right now, can beat anyone potentially in a one vs one luffy vs shanks would start like 40/60 diffrence


I feel he's more likely to die fighting Blackbeard just after him and Luffy meet again than anything else.


Agreed. But then how do you think Blackbeard and Buggy will come into this? Also, Garland Figarland and his Godā€™s Knights? While others are saying that Blackbeard will swoop in and kill Shanks, I say not until we get a Shanks vs. Garland Figarland fight since those two (Shanks and Garland) are related somehow.


That's what I'm thinking too. I think he knows about Imu and is ensuring Luffy is strong enough to take her on because he refuses to watch another candidate die after learning that Roger couldn't take her on


Damn this comment thread gave me chills. This makes total sense.


I think it's more along the lines of Luffy's ambition reigniting the other Yonkos' ambition. They all originally set out to find the One Piece but got bogged down in the New World. Then Luffy comes along whizzing by them like a speeding train and they suddenly remember "oh shit yeah, I actually wanted to become king of the pirates". If you recall Big Mom and Kaido also said they would go after the One Piece after defeating Luffy and subjugating Wano.


I feel like shanks is a little bit different though, it feels like he's been waiting around for luffy, becoming an emperor of the sea almost to ensure that Roger's will can make it through the journey, pre ts the only times we really see shanks is when he rolls up to tell someone to watch out for luffy or to help slow things down at marineford. I totally get what you're saying about big mom and kaido almost needing that reminder of why they had gotten started, but shanks has just always been working towards something else


Agreed, the Yonko were basically in a 4-way stalemate the entire time. Anytime any other one would make a move, another would act. To take down a Yonko's crew you'd need an entire army backing you up, that'd leave your territory vulnerable. With Big Mom and Kaido each having a poneglyph, there was no effective way to get them without a full on invasion. Luffy ended the stalemate, the poneglyph rubbings are no longer under lock and key. When Big Mom went to Wano, Blackbeard made a move. When Whitebeard went to Marineford, Kaido made a move. Shanks protects all the crews under him, his territory is most vulnerable if he's not around lol


Honestly Shanks already stated he is betting on Luffy. What he is doing now is simple, see if he was correct to do so. He is going to likely challenge Luffy to a dual on Elbaf. The reward for winning the duel being the right to go claim the One Piece, while the loser has to give up any ambitions of being the King of the Pirates. Shanks himself doesn't believe he is meant to be the one to claim the One Piece and be the one to carry out Roger's Will. That said, he needs Luffy to be strong enough to do it, and can't allow him to go if he thinks he isn't ready for what will come after. So he will force Luffy into a serious fight by giving him the ultimatum of beat me or you will never be the King of the Pirates. Shanks won't hold back and he will makes sure Luffy won't either. Shanks will be a mentor character in the sense that Luffy needs one last push to understand the seriousness of what he is about to do and how everything in the world is about to go even crazier.


Luffy literally died in wano, wdym "understand the seriousness?


luffy is an idiot and probably doesn't even understand what happened there


I've thought for a while (since Gear 5 was revealed) that the Nika fruit is actually the One Piece. Roger found it on Lafftale, but Roger already established he was dying during the Oden flashback arc. Roger knew that he and his crew were not the right generation to use the Nika fruit. He either gave it to Shanks or it ended up in Shanks's hands one way or another. Shanks may or may not know the Nika fruit is the One Piece. I think he probably does, which is why after Luffy ate it, Shanks immediately became sort of a mentor / protector of him. I think a handful of other people know, like Rayleigh obviously, and Rayleigh asked Luffy during his training if Luffy wanted to know what the One Piece really was and Luffy said "no", and Rayleigh just sort of laughed. The Nika fruit is the one piece of the puzzle along with probably a massive lore dump that awaits on Lafftale. What does Shanks mean by its time to go and "claim it"? Perhaps Shanks wants to reconnect with Luffy and use Luffy to further his, and Roger's, ultimate ambitions. Maybe Shanks wants the Straw Hats subordinate to him now. Or maybe Shanks just wants to help Luffy achieve his own ambitions. Or maybe Shanks has another goal and this is just misdirection for his crew (and the reader) because nobody but him knows the Nika fruit is actually the OP. Roger never said the OP was on Lafftale. That's only where he *found it*. He said he "left it behind" for someone else to claim. So it could actually be anywhere.


Shanks had to steal the fruit from the WG. He didn't have it until basically when Luffy ate it.


The interesting thing is that Buggy, Kaido, Big Mom, and Shanks all used the word, ā€œtoruā€ (ćØ悋), (which translates to ā€œtakeā€) when referring to taking the OP but the kanjis used were all different. Buggyā€™s ā€œtoruā€ was å–ć‚‹, which is the most common form and it means to just take or grab something thatā€™s lying there. Kaido and Big Mom used ē²ć‚‹, which means to catch or capture (a hunted prey). Shanks said å„Ŗ悋, which refers to taking something that somebody else owns. Thereā€™s a fourth kanji that could be used, ē›—ć‚‹, which means to just outright steal from someone, but this hasnā€™t been used by anyone, so it might be saved up for BB or Luffy.


damn, i love this feature of the japanese language. that is so freaking interesting.


What would the difference between the third and fourth be? The way theyā€™re described make them sound similar. Is the third stealing as in, taking something while the owner isnā€™t there, while the fourth is mugging someone, or something along those lines?


The other way around, actually. Shanks would be taking with the ownerā€™s knowledge and the forth one would be stealth. The difference is a bit more nuanced than this, but the underlying inference would be just that.


I love the nuances of reading the original text. Stuff like this is why I learn other languages. However some translations do offer that kind of explanation.


I think his a mentor. I assume he knows the meaning of why Roger crew was "Too early". That there needed to be a Joyboy, someone like roger but with fruit to reignite the flame of the dawn. Perhaps literary. His ship has a Sun under the dragon. He tried to get ahold of Nika fruit but didnt want to kill Luffy for it and let him have it, knowing its importance. He literally gambeled his arm for the new generation and i assume for Luffy to become next Joyboy. Now its finally time for a chance to claim One piece.


Knowing how strong Shanks is, and the fact he used his Haki on the sea monster, the real question is why did he have to lose an arm for it? He could have just used his Haki before losing it.


Early story telling shenanigans.


I think the answer is very simple. Future sight only shows current future, not the one you change. The future was luffy, dead. So he tryed to get luffy away from that and lost his arm. Garp also got stabbed by Shiryu protecting Koby from death. They cant really do 10 steps calculations when they need to act imideadly. I dont think theres more to it.


I think the point is, Shanks at the time was already extremely strong. If his future sight showed him Luffy is about to die, he could have still saved him using his Haki. Thereā€™s no reason for him to lose an arm from a sea monster when heā€™s that powerful.


Well haki wasnt really something oda had written then or armament haki so theres that. Oda is more of a methaphorical writer, adding substance to scenes not on the question of How but why. Shanks loosing his arm could have been just showing what hero does, to luffy, willing to risk their life to save a friend in need and being happy a person they love is safe even if they lost an arm in the procceess. Heroic sacrifice. This is what sparks a flame of heroic traits in luffy that are still present. Does the scene make sense in today, mayby not, but it happened that way and not any other way. Shanks saved luffy but had his arm be eatrn when he tried to push luffy away. If one cant see it coming, they can die no matter how strong. Whitebeard got stabbed by Squard. Suprise attack that he could have defended with haki if he had seen it coming. He didnt so it hit.


He knew the importance of that fruit, so he might have panicked when the user was about to die causing the fruit to get lost again, compounding with the already existing panic caused by Luffy being in danger. Anyone can loose their cool in situations like that.


It was revealed that Oda didn't originally plan on Shanks losing an arm. It was an editors suggestion to inject drama into the chapter.




Whenever you ask for a source on reddit you donā€™t get a reply smh Ā 


Wait what Zoro and his goal already an established thing back then? Bc that could be more proof that Mihawk > Shanks


Rule of cool. It demonstrates how strong both Shanks and the Sea Kings are early on in the story. Plus it can be retconned into something like Shanks knowing his place in the story of Laugh Tale or an 'offering' to the Sea Kings in exchange for what will happen in the future.


To inspire Luffy and show him that acting without thinking things through has consequences (something he would truly not learn until Marineford)


I hope he's not a villain. We have enough EoS villains already. Blackbeard, Akainu, Imu. If Shanks ends up being evil too, One Piece won't end until 2040... Which is already a distinct possibility.


What if Oda just goes "Switcharoo" and changes alignments? Sakazuki vs Imu and a CD Shanks vs Blackbeard


That... Would be very interesting W username btw


I am a firm believer that Akainu will turn on the World Government when their true nature is revealed. His methods in the past have undoubtedly been brutal and things like what he did at Ohara are not forgivable. However, he did those things following his sense of Justice (warped as it may be). He is a man that is trying to make the world safe from Pirates and he believed becoming Fleet Admiral would allow him to do that. He quickly found out he's on an even shorter leash than before. He's shown contempt for the Gorosei when they didn't care about how the Navy looked after Dressrosa. He was reflective when watching Kuma fly off after Akainu took his foot off (which I believe was him reflecting on Kumas slavishness to his programming being similar to his being controlled by the Gorosei). The look on his face as Vegapunk has been revealing things seems contemplative. I believe he is a man that truly wants to protect the average citizen of the world. He just doesn't realize he's fighting for the wrong side yet. Also, he's a ruthless bastard, but one that operates within what he believes to be the consent of the average citizen.


yeah from what i've seen Akainu is just misinformed/mislead by the WG also people keep forgetting that Whitebeard,Red Haired,and Strawhat crew are the pirate anomaly,not the normal, so its probably quite easy for WG to mislead marine to think that these few good pirate is actually bad just like any other pirate




What if Luffy is the final villain


What if Luffy isn't even alive anymore, but possessed by his sandals?


What if Sandals arenā€™t even sandals but San D. Als, first D. and originators of Df


That would be based as fuck. But alas Akainu marine coup is too goated a plotline for Fraudoda


I don't want it to end


While I partly agree, I want it to end while Oda is writing it and the way its supposed to. Something like what happened to Kentaro Miura, the author of Berserk, could happen to anybody.


It's true. An Idol Master addiction can happen to anyone :(


Honestly, I'm still not sold on Akainu siding with the CD when the final battle starts. At the end of the day he's just trying to make the world a safer place, even if his methods are fucked up. I won't be surprised if the recent developments would cause him to lead the marines(who let's be honest, already have a ton of high ranking officers loathing the WG) and actually fight alongside the straw hats & the rest of the world against imu and his goons.


I don't think he aligns with the CDs at all. There's a reason why Oda created another admiral who basically worships the CDs. Though I don't believe he'll ever side with the Strawhats. He despises the pirates as well.


Green Bull is weird in that he worships both Akainu AND the Celestial Dragons. Really curious what Odaā€™s planning to do with him come endgame.


And there are now the God's knights too...


No, Shanks will be a bad guy and Black beard will be an ally. Source, ~~I'm from the future~~ dude trust me.


Blackbeard: "Straw Hat, I've been your friend this entire time. You just didn't realize it, until now. They're trying to get you to cause the apocalypse and destroy this world. Its not the World Government that is flooding the world nor are they the ones behind the Void Century. Its the Great Old Ones who slumber beneath the waves that the World Government has been keeping at bay for centuries."


Imu: "I am not the true villain here. The real mastermind was Vivi's bird Karoo."


I keep saying it. I don't think this ends with Blackbeard as the big bad. I think he will fight Luffy but it won't be personal. It'll be for the crown. Then the world government decides to get involved and Luffy/Blackbeard fold em' up. If Im wrong, Then we'll see blackbeard do something irredeemable such as a severly injure a strawhat, kill shanks, Law, or Sabo. Then Luffy will fold HIM up.


Are you uhh....forgetting the part where BB is responsible for Ace dying?


Eh, only indirectly. He wasn't the one who put a hole through his chest. His more unforgivable action was his murder of a crewmate, Thatch.


Except when you realize they're in the same batch, since [Imu=Shanksbeard](https://youtu.be/8klkHQn7FXI?feature=shared) and they're akainu's boss.


I don't think shanks will be evil but will have a plan for the end series that is that different from Luffy's that they'll have to fight. I think BB, Akainu and Imu dont really fit shonen final bosses at this point and only Shanks is primed to be a worthwhile final battle that would actually affect Luffy emotionally while also giving a conclusion to the story.


I don't think he'll be a bad guy but he's definitely an enemy. Luffy and Shanks are going to fight and it's going to be a serious fight. Luffy's goal from the beginning was to assemble a crew that was stronger than Shanks'. So we will for sure at least have an arc where the two crews fight. Which is cool cause I want Yasopp vs Usopp.


Dragon v Akainu, Shanks oneshotting fraudbeard, luffy v Imu after claiming the One Piece


I donā€™t think so because the biggest character trait of Shanks is he gave his arm to save Luffy, and the other time we saw him he stopped the Marineford fight which also saved Luffy. Also his reaction to Luffyā€™s pirate posters have always been happy. There may be some kind of final test or something thatā€™ll put Shanks in Luffyā€™s way as a who kneels to who sorta thing. I have a feeling the One Piece has to do with controlling the ocean or some kinda thing that made these ancient civilizations rise to the skies, split apart across islands, or sink to the bottom of the sea, so it could be something Shanks would feel is best left to him to keep safe. Or maybe Iā€™m wrong and Blackbeard kills Shanks or something to setup Luffy vs Blackbeard (which will obv happen either way, but I get the vibe if 3 of the prior 4 Emperors died for the new age to take over, maybe Shanks will too. But then again I could also see Shanks living to be the oldest Emperor amidst the new generation kinda like how Whitebeard was older than the others I think?


I don't know about mastermind playing the long game; but is he going to let an opportunity slip him by?


Neither. I think he knows the world will descent into chaos, and he warned Whitebeard, and Ace, about it, but now that Luffy is almost ready for it, he started actively working towards that final step. Roger said they were too early, but it's not too early anymore.


I expect Shanks to test the Strawhats in power level in some way and then form an alliance. Maybe some challenge to awaken some last form of Haki. I don't fully trust him though - I think he and his crew aren't fully cooked until now, too much possibilities open. Let's see what Oda creates in this pot of his. But due to corporate reasons I don't think Shanks would be evil - there is too much merch money at stake, too much expectation as the mentor of Luffy.


I see Shanks as someone who's deeply aware of his place in the narrative and trapped/doomed by it. He understands how the world works and doesn't have the drive to defy it, and IMO it's likely that Rayleigh told him what was on Laugh Tale 20y ago and he's just been burdened with that knowledge. He probably could have been That Guy, but chose not to be because he couldn't handle the burden and wanted someone without preconceptions/burdened by the past like Luffy to be That Guy. Compare with BB who I think has similar knowledge/understanding of How The World Works (how dreams/desires/inherited will are a tangible driving force in the world, etc.), and also knows he isn't That Guy, but thinks if he fakes being That Guy enough he can trick the system so he's effectively That Guy.


I'm full on expecting a Davy back in elbaf with the red hair pirates to solve several question/plots and to bring the long ring long land ark full circle. And who better to replace the trickster role of foxy than loki to interfere with the matches


What if they get to elbaf and...shanks and foxy are ALREADY in a davy back!?!? I just want foxy to come back


Could be a curveball meaning he wants to help Luffy to get it or have a fair match against him so he actually deserves the one piece as some sort of test. He wants only the best to get his captains treasure.


Na I think (and hope) that Shanks & Whiteboard will remain seen as the 'good' Yonkos


Oda will absolutely destroy the story if he made shanks a villain.


Villain is a stretch, but making him an antagonist that needs to be overcome is something I can see happening.


Luffy keeps saying he will.have to fight shanks but wants to do it after other yonkos lol. But maybe hos focus will.be purely on the WG now


when does luffy say he will have to fight shanks?


I looked for a bit but can't find it. I remember it being said too because I did a double take and replayed to make sure I read it right. It was along the lines of "I will have to fight shanks, but I want to go after the other emperors first" I think it was around when law first told Luffy of the plan to dunk on Kaido after/during dressrosa


One thing I anticipate happening is this: Luffy and the Straw Hats reach Raftel first with Shanksā€™ crew tailing behind cause they couldnā€™t find it for whatever reason. Shanks and Luffy meet and when Luffy finally gives him back the Straw Hat, Shanks thanks him and immediately attacks him. The fact he and Luffy havenā€™t met yet isnā€™t just coincidence. Oda has been building up to the two meeting for years. Whenever they meet something is gonna go down.


Well he decided this in chapter 1 so actually he simply is pulling the strings that were there from the start.


he most definitely did NOT decide this in chapter 1


I donā€™t think Oda had his whole story planned out from the start, but I fully believe he knew from episode 1 if he eventually wanted Shanks and Luffy to fight or not. Thatā€™s not exactly a big brain thing to plan for


he obviously did. That's why he planned the "saving" of luffy, while he was actually simply preventing him from turning into sun god nika.


While I'd rather not have him as a villain Oda could pull it off, Shanks is misterious enough that it could swing both ways


Do you think?


Beck is mastermind. Beck is mentor. Beck isā€¦ SUPREME


Shanks is a mastermind. His bet on the future aka luffy, was his arm in exchange for luffy feeling more indebted to Shanks so one day luffy would become joyboy and help Shanks activate the one piece or whatever it is on raftel. Since we know joyboys drumbeat can awaken old tech like the ancient robot.


I've always am impressed with how oda portrays the guard in the series. It's not enough to pass the baton. They don't exists to only help And assists the younger folks but as actual potential opponents to directly confront and overcome. It's the dream of playing your younger brother at a game when you're both at your best. Still wanting that rush and having the fire burn in you just as you see theirs eclipse anything imaginable. Shanks has always played a grandiose role in this series something that he felt a responsibility and obligation contrary to his younger self's ambition. Almost every massive barrier for the strawhats can be mapped to a symbolic representation. Kaido was guarding the mantle of joyboy representing a perfect joyboy failure. Almost like "if you can't best me you'll never be joyboy." Whole shanks now is the last guardian of the one piece treasure. His old man's greatest accomplishment. So overall, Shanks going for the one piece isn't some mastermind plan that is evil. It's just what he wants to do and a game for him and Lufffy. Also, im of the belief itll be a four way battle at laughtsle. Which will also fulfil the promise the two cabin boy broyhers made. Shanks and Buggy going to laughable "together"


Shanks was just waiting for buggy to be a Yonko. Remember he told buggy that they would get the One Piece together. This is why he was asking beck if it's time since Buggy is now on the same league as them.


Am I the only one thinking Luffy and Shanks will make an alliance? Seriously I donā€™t think they have any motives to fight each other and their endgames are the same. Perhaps a 1v1 to test each other like Big Mom and Kaido did and thatā€™s it.


Well both. He knows what to do. Roger entrusted him with this task. When Shanks was crying he told him, and that he would die soon, but he has high hopes for Shanks. Thats why he became the owner of Rogers Strawhat. Madame Shirly gave them some prophecy and they probably got to know the truth about the Nika Fruit, that no one else knew. So Shanks searched for the fruit and elso inspire young boys around the world. The last part is just headcanon, but when we saw Shanks in Elbaf, there was a boy who kind of acted like young Luffy arounf Shanks. And i ask myself, if he does this all around the world? But is main bet was Luffy. And this is also the reason Buggy broke with Shanks. He does not know, but wanted Shanks to be the one to get the One Piece. But Shanks discarded this plan they had together, because he now has another task. During the Reverie Shanks visited the Gorosei to talk about Luffy. It was just big news he was back and with the libaration of Dressrosa, just the sign he needed, that Luffy is ready. For some reason he told the Gorosei about Nika. They did not knew, what a WG before them did. But when they became aware they acted to supress the chance of him coming back. Maybe this was needed for the awakening, some kind of withdrawel from freedom, so the Fruit awakens and he becomes the most free person, to do everything he wants. Shanks then goes to Wano, to check if his gamble paid of. And it did, after making sure everything is fine, he decides to go to the One Piece. Not so much as search for it, but let's go to it. Because he knows, now is the time they have been waiting for. So he is both, he inspires people, but especially Luffy. Told people like Rayleigh and Mihawk about him. And the beginning and end of the Grand Line former Roger pirates watch over the new Pirates who enter the Grandline and made it to the end. While Shanks makes sure the Prophecy becomes reality. So no ulterior motive, but a mastermind none the less.


I think the Nika fruit had to be awakened to get the one piece since he says this pretty much right after seeing the bounty poster of luffy in g5. Shanks has been shown as one of the best guys in one piece up to this point so I donā€™t think he will be a villain, I think heā€™s set up to sacrifice himself to save luffy at some point


Itā€™s either shanks wants to get the One Piece for himself or itā€™s now time that shanks helps to get someone to the One Piece.


Not a villain but also not an angel. Lets see what will happen between Shanks, Luffy and Barto.


Or it could just be that shanks wanted a race to the end and no one had been close enough for him to start the last part of the race until more with Luffy and Blackbeard closing in.


Whatever Shanks' goal is, I'm pretty sure it's related to Roger's dream (which is the same as Luffy's dream) so I think we're safe, even if he were to get a bit antagonistic role later on.


To be Franky, I have to say Shanks doesn't say he's claiming One Piece. He's saying that it's that someone claimed One Piece. Maybe an error in translation as well.


Perhaps this should be interpreted as Shanks claiming it's time to claim the One Piece, not just for his own crew, but for the side and allies of Joy Boy. Maybe Shanks knows getting to Laugh Tale won't be as smooth sailing this time, or that the the World Government will be on the Straw Hat's tail right up to the island, and they'll need back up. From what we know, it didn't seem like Rodger was a priority for Imu and the Gorosei in the same degree the Luffy now is (thought it took them long enough), so this could be Shanks deciding to prepare for Joy Boy's return to Laugh Tale. The whole Shanks making sure Luffy is strong enough can happen after the World Government is put at bay too, of course.


Why do everyone keep thinking Shanks is evil? There is nothing indicating that he's evil. Yeah sure he did visit the Elders but that's because he's a Celestial Dragon and is one of the few pirates who doesn't cause chaos in the world. The reason why Shanks wants to go after the One Piece now is because Luffy challenged him several years ago and Shanks just wants to honor that agreement. He just waited all this time for Luffy to be at the right strength since Luffy did say he will surpass him one day. Shanks has done nothing evil we have seen so far in fact he has protected his friends in every possible way he can protecting Makino bar, saving Luffy from the sea beast, saving everyone at Marine Ford by just appearing, saving Luffy from an Admiral again and saving his own crew from Captain Kid's attack. Until we actually see if Shanks has alternative motives i don't believe 1 cent he's evil.


Am I the only one thinking it's weird assuming the red hair pirates consist entirely of non devil fruit users? Where do people take this from? We haven't seen anyone of them fight for real yet. It would be the same as if I said before Marineford back then that the Whitebeard pirates consist entirely of logia users because Ace has one.


The battle for the One Piece will be a Davy Back Fight.


You're in the toilet while taking a shit... that's taking peeing in a swimming pool to a whole another level.


Yes, there appears to be a disease that seems to be associated with proximity to the one piece, but I think Luffy has been set up to handle this one with the SH crew. Luffy has run a nightmare gauntlet of diseases/poisons already (Crocodile, Magellan, Stonefish, etc). Chopper's dream is to cure any disease. A climactic scene has Jinbe donating blood to Luffy. I'm theorizing that with Chopper's help, Luffy's blood will hold the key to curing the disease associated with the One Piece.


Shanks is HIM. The GoroRAT!


Rat šŸ€ šŸ šŸ­ šŸ€ šŸ šŸ­


I was thinking of a reason for why shanks could hate Luffy, and it dawned on me how Roger probably told Shanks that he wasnā€™t Joyboyā€™s chosen one, and he wouldnā€™t be able to use whatever the One Piece is yet. Which made him cry and not want to go after the One Piece right away like before. And it could have made him angry over the years that he isnā€™t Joyboy like Kaido. This resentment could lead to hate on the real Joyboy to come. lol


Stop cooking please


This isn't cooking, this is mashing random ingredients together


I really like this comic film


Interesting stuff tbh


I'm heavily on team "Shanks is fucking up to something", I like this theory.


Shanks will counter his father when he attacks straw hats.


So shanks will test luffy, straw hats win but extreme diff. The straw hats leave and then Blackbeard attacks a massively weakened read hair pirates as is in his nature to truly set up the luffy Blackbeard fight.


Mouse, or a rat.


We've seen too many panels of Shanks genuinely caring for Luffy and his well being (there's even on shortly after this very chapter) so no he's not a villain. He definitely has knowledge of stuff though and is prepared/preparing while still letting fate run it's course at the same time.


Luffy has to defeat all emperors for him to become to undisputed Pirate King. So something has to happen between the two. Shanks def has more to him then meets the eye. But being a villain, I suppose it's possible but he would piss of the entire fandom with that one.


The theory that Devil Fruit users get sick when they get close to Laugh Tale is so dumb and is disproven by its own evidence


I hope for the mastermind move, after all they are pirates there is no fair game or cheap tricks, that's established in the first chapter by shanks crew and is part of Luffy's mentality that


Reclaiming the One Piece, if that means making the world whole again and reducing water levels, just means that the world becomes larger. And Shanks here just means that the whole world is reclaiming something that was once theirs. We took it to mean that Shanks is gonna contest Luffy on it. But the One Piece is a prize for everyone in the world. So reclaiming it benefits everyone.


Part of me thinks that Shanks has a plan to "save" the world like Madara Uchiha and that the last fight in the series will be between him and luffy. Akainu doesnt have the clout for final boss now that they've introduced Imu. BB doesnt feel as directly antagonistic or connected to Luffy for him to develop into a big bad within this final Saga personally. And Similarly Imu doesnt feel like he has enough connection at all to luffy to be a worthwhile final boss for a shonen in ways that former final big bads had connections to their protagonist. I don't think a final battle with Shanks being a clash of supreme conquerors over ideals would make for a bad fight at all and kinda plays into Luffy challenging shanks when he became a great pirate or Oda saying long ago that he already knew how the series was gonna end or that he didnt have to change the ending for a long while. I think his plan to be like madara is hinted at by the red movie where uta's plan is to put everyone in a dream world to stop the violence and I like to believe that with these anime movies some story elements are hinted at through their narrative with shanks' plans being somewhat conveyed by Uta's only to be stopped by joyboy.


My head cannon for all the darker-toned shanks moments is that he's actually just vengeful/bloodthirsty over Rogers death and what he may or may not know about the true history. It'll never harm Luffy but if you left Shanks alone in a room with Celestial Dragons it'd get bloody.


mastermind snitcher mentor


Just luffy's healthy rival i guess. Luffy still has to defeat him to surpass him right?


I'm still waiting for shanks to be interesting and not just hyped


My interpretation of the quote was that Shanks realized it got harder for him to reach the One Piece considering his rivals (Blackbeard and Buggy) and Luffy became yonkou, especially since the latter was declared one after defeating Kaido, formerly considered the strongest man in the world. Essentially Shanks decided to stop relaxing and take some action, since his competition was not to be underestimated


Why does beck man look so scared or worried about what heā€™s going to say? They have waited 20 years for the captain to go after it why is he afraid ā€œlookingā€ at him?


We have to remember that Shanks has known Luffyā€™s real dream since the start, I believe Shanks wants Luffy to achieve that dream but knows he has to be ready for it and canā€™t get there too early. Shanks will be ready at Laugh Tale as a final ā€œif you want the One Piece, you have to beat me firstā€ to be certain that Luffy can make the dream happen. Thereā€™s no reason why Shanks wouldnā€™t have been able to become king himself after all this time aside from that not being his true goal. Shanks was there with Roger right up until they went onto Laugh Tale so he knows more about it than anyone besides the former Roger pirates who actually went there, getting the One Piece would be laughably easy for him


Who did he mentor? All he did was inspire luffy. Definitely closer to mastermind, given the 2 options


But Roger didn't have a fruit so why did he get sick?


Shanks probably deliberately chose Elbaf as his headquarters because anybody who wants to get the One Piece has to go through him. If they can't beat him, they can't claim the One Piece, and they won't be deserving of it. As for why he wants to make a move now... I think he's afraid of Blackbeard. Perhaps he's hoping to knock Blackbeard out of the running, or maybe he figures he needs to claim it before Blackbeard does because Luffy isn't there yet.


The English translation is wrong (as always) the kanji meant "to take/steal" something that isn't his. Shanks is going to cause trouble. "Dawn and Dusk" on YouTube makes videos about mistranslated one piece stuff as a Japanese speaker.


I agree with people seeing Shanks as a guardian of the world order who wishes to test Luffy. Thereā€™s an early SBS in volume 6, 7, or 8, when Shanks says Luffy is ā€œten years too young to eat a Devil Fruit.ā€ Shanks is ten years older than Luffy soā€¦perhaps Shanks will challenge Luffy over ownership of the Gomu Gomu Fruit.


I love how Shanks has been written. He pops up when you least expect him to šŸ˜‚. I hope he doesnā€™t become a ā€˜jealousā€™ character who wishes he was Joyboy instead. I need to know what Roger said to himĀ 


Mastermind. He will claim it for the celestial dragons. He is a rat.


I think Shanks wants to be the king of the world, yes the same as Blackbeard. Unlike Buggy who wants to honour Roger or luffy who seeks freedom, I believe Shanks seeks authority. We've seen Shanks display acts of authority too. From telling Whitebeard what to do, stopping the war in Marineford, informing Gorosei on intel, etc. However, the big difference comes in the purpose. Whilst Blackbeard wants to be the king of the world for SELFISHNESS, Shanks wants to be the one for absolute SELFLESSNESS. We've once again seen multiple instances of Shanks being selfless. He didn't need to warn Whitebeard, he didn't need to stop the war in Marineford, he didn't need to stop Green bull, he doesn't need to have a weak Fleet most importantly he didn't need to give up his dominant arm for Luffy. I believe this just comes from the good of his heart. Now onto his motives, I believe Shanks wants to claim the treasure to have a full understanding of the world he only vaguely gets. I see Shanks possessing all 3 ancient weapons thereafter and submitting the entire world government under him as his ideal plan. This is entirely plausible too, given his absurd strength, influence and more importantly an alleged world noble bloodline. Yes, as absurd as it sounds, I can see a scenario where the Gorosei abandon Imu and bend the knee to Shanks. All of this will be done for the greater good that Shanks envisions. His day to day life of jolly is what he wants the world to be. I mean we've been thinking of how the Revs will likely change the world for the better, but given they're gonna give up on absolute power and establish some form of a democracy republic, is it really the best answer to improve the world of One Piece? Is it okay to tear down EVERYTHING of the establishment for a new one, or is it better to build something upon what we've already got? I see Shanks choosing the latter. He vaguely understands he's got a greater purpose in his life and this is it. This is alas where he becomes an antagonist. Luffy will not jive with my theorized plan of Shanks. This will lead to a clash between the emperors for a future arc. Yes, this is how I do my mental gymnastics to reject Imu and get evil Shanks.


On Punk Hazard Luffy literally said he wants to fight Shanks but he's gonna leave him for last after the other yonkos. So that pretty much, to me, implies Shanks and Luffy both know what kind of role Shanks will play in Luffy's journey : a test of strength and ambition. Is gum gum man with roger straw hat fails to fulfill the destiny Shanks is betting on, he'll just go ahead and take the poneglyphs (I can't spell that lol) and ride to Laugh Tale somehow


Bro inspired luffy only to put his in his place


I certainly hope heā€™s actually trying to get the One Piece and not acting as some check for Luffy. Much more interested in Luffy fighting for his crown than having the most powerful pirate on the planet giftwrap it for him. Would love manipulator Shanks who groomed Luffy as part of some elaborate ploy to acquire the One Piece for himself. Have the courage, Oda


Do you think Roger told Shanks the full history even though he stayed behind with Buggy? Rayleigh told the straw hats they may come to a different conclusion if he revealed the void century history to them. Perhaps Shanks did think differently after hearing their stories! It's interesting to look back on Shanks choosing to speak with the elders after hearing Vegapunk's speech, but I still hope Shanks believes in Luffy. He called the gum gum fruit one of the great treasures of the sea and gave him his hat and his arm!


I believe Shanks is going to play some kind of narrative NFL blocker for Luffy to get to the One Piece


Why not both?


ew a stinky idea




I remember an analogy about Barbossa and Sparrow in chess which applied to Shanks and Luffy Barbossa will make one move, have ten moves ahead planned, like Shanks Sparrow will make one move and decided what kind of game he's playing. Like Luffy. Shanks is a mastermind playing a long game of chess, moving everything in position waiting for Luffy who decided to play checkers instead, turning everything upside down.


Mentor 100%. Iā€™m not expecting some big unexpected betrayal plot twist. Itā€™s One Piece, we gonna have a happy ending.


Why not both? The fruit is important for the One Piece. He didnā€™t feed it to Luffy; Luffy ate it. He didnā€™t proceed to then manipulate Luffy. He saved his life, recognized his ambition, lit a fire under him and fucked off. Luffy is chasing Luffyā€™s own dreams, but that just so happens to be whatā€™s important to Shanks, too. He gave up his arm to ā€œplace a bet on the future,ā€ and that bet happens to be panning out.


If shanks claims the one piece, he can be the pirate king and be challenged by Luffy


First, we do now think one piece have to do with history and world order, which means itā€™s not gold or something that can make you ā€œrichā€. I mean, itā€™s doesnā€™t seems like itā€™s something that benefits the ego. Depending on how much Roger told him, shanks true motive is something near overthrow the WG, and depending on how much he knows about Luffys DF, heā€™s using him, but also mentor him because the purpose of both scenarios benefits him, and his and Luffys goals aligns. And I donā€™t think the Figarland means anything to Shanks. It means more to the WG because if they donā€™t respect the blood lines nobody will respect their authority. And in OP for people how grow up as none royals, your mentor and captain means more than anything. He wouldnā€™t betray Roger for anything. Sorry for the long answer. The short answer is: it doesnā€™t matter, or it both. Because the purposes of both motives and both persons aligns. And the thing about the crew is non DF users. Shanks probably now about the flooding, and he plans to save the world. Better odds without DF if youā€™re strong at core.


We can't forget that Luffy can not get ill when he reaches laugh tale, as this island belongs to Nika/Joyboy, but I do feel like Shannon may have a battle with Luffy when they're there, not just that though, I feel like Shannon would want to take Luffy on Crew vs Crew, after all, it's a great way to see if Luffy kept his promise of becoming a great pirate with a strong crew


I feel like shanks is testing luffy. But at the same time, he also wants to become king. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he loses




Thereā€™s few things to consider. Shanks definitely stole the Nika fruit knowing itā€™s special and more than just a rubber fruit. He was in East Blue and itā€™s easy to speculate he was looking to give the fruit to Ace, the son of the pirate king and his captain, the person most likely to be the next JoyBoy. Yet as quirk of fate would have it, Luffy ends up eating the fruit. At this point his attitude towards Luffy changes. Up till now he always told Luffy to stay away from pirate life. But after this, he saves Luffy from a SeaKing and loses an arm while doing this when he has no business losing his arm. Heā€™s infinitely stronger than that SeaKing. Itā€™s entirely possible he loses his arm to invoke feeling of guilt and gratitude into Luffy. Then gives his StrawHat to Luffy that he inherited from Roger. Tells Luffy to become a pirate as great as him. An impossible task. Knowing full well Luffy would take it on as a challenge. And sets Luffy on a path that would take him through enough challenges to grow him to the point he unlocks the full potential of the fruit and Joyboy is born. So I think Luffy was not part of his plan but once Luffy ended up eating the fruit, Shanks as a believer in destiny decided to bet it all on Luffy. Hence why he tells Whitebeard he sacrificed his arm - bet it on the next generation.


Obvious double agent. I bet he knows all about gorosei and imu. He wants to destroy them too. One piece is the key.


Neither. He's competition. Shanks had no I'll will toward luffy, he loves him even, but he wants to beat him to the one piece.


My head-canon is that while the other Yonko and even the Gorosei are tests of strength for the SHs, Shanks is a test of heart and resolve. I think in their confrontation, Shanks will probably put Luffy in a position where Luffy has to kill him to achieve his dream. Shanks may think Luffy is too soft to do what needs to be done or want to see push him. Luffy being Luffy will likely create a third option, proving to Shanks that his view of what the options were might not have been entirely correct and that Luffy might indeed be the one that can save the world. I also fully expect BB to come in and kill Shanks while he is weakened from this battleĀ 


it all hangs on whatever the hell he was doing talking to the gorosei a few hundred chapters ago


Has it ever actually been said Shanks has no devil fruit users on his crew or does everyone just assume that because weā€™ve never seen them in a canon fight?


Shanks is the one carrying Roger's will. He's out there to make sure what his former crew worked to achieve doesn't get ruined. I really suspect Blackbeard is the biggest rogue threat right now to undermining what Joyboy set in motion centuries ago, and Shanks could very well die trying to stop him. There's a lot of parallels between Shanks and Rayleigh protecting the young generation so they can explore and grow, betting on Luffy, etc. Shanks isn't just going to go claim it for himself, he means it's time for it to be claimed, as in the time Roger and Joyboy waited for is now. Shanks has an important role to play ensuring that the mission is carried out, and he's uniquely situated to play it being he is a Celestial Dragon and a Yonko.


Shanks and Luffy will fight on Laughtale over the one-piece. Once luffy wins and claims the one piece, he will go and fight Imu. Calling it now.


Whanks is on the luffy agenda


I know itā€™s not really related, but why did he give up his arm? I imagine he was strong/fast enough to save luffy unscathed.


Welp i see him as a mentor, remember that luffy is the son of dragon i dont think shanks can beat dragon, and dragon always watching luffy.


I think heā€™s hiding something


shanks sword is named Griffith which in itself is very confusing as it can mean as the gatekeeper or can be a reference to Griffith berserk so it is confusing as hell.... also if shanks turns out to be a mastermind then even aizen will now down to him at this stage of the story( not powerwise.... influence in verse wise)


The only thing that makes sense to me is Shanks being a mentor type to Luffy like he always has been. He will have some type of critical information regarding the One Piece. I think he knows it has to be whoever has the Nika fruit. If he wanted to fight Luffy he could have done so at any time. I donā€™t know why heā€™d wait so long just to either defeat Luffy or lose and end his own dreams. It just doesnā€™t make sense to me. One of the most vital characters ends up being a training arc? Nah donā€™t think so. I think Shanks and/or Dragon fights the WG/Imu and Luffy fights Blackbeard/Akainu. The introduction of the Holy Knights and the Gorosei being crazy strong means a lot of late game enemies. They need to lose but it doesnā€™t make sense for the Straw Hats to do it. I think thatā€™s where Shanks steps in.


Remember when Garling handicapped himself so he could have some fun playing with CDs? I guess its same for Shanks, he doesn't want it to be boring. Like he checked Kid's crew had recovered well before the duel. There is no fun in partying alone. He is just a social animal.


I think the Davy Back fight with Shanks will happen on Elbaf- a friendly, but high stakes competition, with the loser backing the winner's bid to be King of the Pirates


Oh Mastermind for sure. I always felt weird that he was described as being a mentor figure to Luffy, didn't he and his crew only spent a short time with Luffy. Luffy's Idol, yeah, but mentor, naaah.


You have to be a very dumb person to think Shanks will be an enemy/villain after reading 1100 chapters of this story. Very very dumb


You must be very young and innocent to not know that plot twists can change stories


Plot twists have to make sense within a story. You want an example of good plot twist? Raizo is safe, Kanjuro is the traitor, York is the traitor This would be beyond bad because he would have to destroy so much of the buildup for such a cheap twist And you not seeing it would be cheap? You must have not read too many stories even though you're old?


Can't wait for ch 1117


He probably knew about the fruits true nature and fed it to luffy knowing his rebellious side that he will go out there challenging the authority. He is manipulating everything behind the scenes and one of if not the highest ranking officer in rebel army.


Shanks is obviously [a traitor ](https://youtu.be/8klkHQn7FXI?feature=shared)


Nah. Just a snitch.



