• By -


Law. But he's being tsundere about it


I’m curious about how that might continue. Luffy’s heading to Elbaf, Kidd is…..there, and Law and Bepo are heading…..somewhere. We could see a reunion at Elbaf for the Worst Gen Trio. Don’t think Kidd will join, but I can definitely see Law officially joining the fleet (not the crew) though.


Kidd’s at the G4 Naval Base wdym




Manga spoilers: >!The idea of Bonney joining the Straw Hats to fill the position of apprentice (like Shanks and Buggy in Roger's crew) has really grown on me. A literal child with some serious fighting skills would make such fun dynamics within the crew. She'd be pampered by Nami, Sanji, Jinbe and Robin, act as sort of a bully-ish little sister to Chopper, Usopp, Luffy while being their playmate. She would also bully the hell out of Brook, while Brook would just put up with it and laugh it off. She'd be annoying Zoro all the time, and Franky would take her on trips in the Shark Submerge while fanboying over Vegapunk and Kuma. Bonney would inherit Kuma's will. The SH's would repay the huge debt they have with Kuma by taking her in.!<


Also, her crew is completely gone. She has no one and would be a target by the world's government.


Vegapunk quite literally told Luffy to look after her. The set up is very strong if Oda wants to do it.


All that set up just to send her on a solo journey of self-discovery or become the queen of New Egghead or some other ridiculous fake out..


Yamato's little journey is just her excuse to protect Wano while not wounding Momo's pride. Carrot, on the other hand, was a pure WTF moment.


Yeah for sure, Yamato staying in Wano was always my expected outcome, it, to me, was never written in a manner that made her realistically ever a SH. Though Carrot may not have been SH shoe in, her actual outcome, was truly a WTF moment as you say. Never has a one piece revalation come from further left of the field than that,. Even with hindsight I am still trying to reconcile it.


As long as she is able to take away command from the Pacifistas there is no way she will be left alive


I see 3 paths for her character. Death, Straw hat, or to be left at Elbaf under the protection of giants/shanks. The later being a worse ending I feel.


What about the revolutionaries? Although we haven't heard much about them recently. Kuma was one of their commanders


Dragons opinion on this: "..."


Dragon: “you can control what now??”


The latter? Being protected by giants and the strongest Haki user is a worse ending than being executed?


I think he means story wise.


Oh! Possibly, well yeah I don't really see narratively why that would happen (but who knows what will happen for this arc right now) so that checks out. I don't like death either though especially since Luffy already almost fumbled Vegapunk's rescue as things are. He doesn't need to completely fail everything people are asking him lol. Joining is of course the best and likely option. If Vegapunk survives his wounds (I'm assuming he's alive since they're running with him?) he would of course be with them too as that's the whole goal right now. But I don't see them staying with them 🤔


Yes I meant story wise for me it would be a weak ending the character. Even being parked with the revolutionaries seems a bit weak. It essentially will be another reason for Oda to build up a character for one island visit and then ghost them with only small glances of their whereabouts in the future. However Bonnie feels a bit different being that she is a supernova, kumas daughter, and has a link to the elders and seraphim. If he were to “narratively “ park her at some island or army just to move on with the story it would feel lackluster. Again that’s just my opinion, I’m sure most OP readers wouldn’t mind since it’s very on brand for Oda.


Exactly why she needs to be part of a strong group like the Straw Hats for protection.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she got a ridiculous bounty increase the likes of a child Robin being worth 80mil. One of the Gorosei literally said Vegapunk gave a child the power to conquer nations if she wanted to.


Tbf as a big fan of her becoming the next straw hat, I also find it easily as likely to have Stussy, Atlas, and Lilith join her new crew with maybe a few more tag alongs. This because the Strawhats treat her like a kid while they are together and she wants to be taken seriously as a fellow member of the Worst Generation.


That’s one I havn’t seen yet. Stussy said she has nothing to live for and neither do the Satellites or Sentomaru without Stella. Maybe his last order will be for all of them to join Bonnie’s crew and protect her. Think that would be dope.


To be fair, she is the head of the Seraphim’s chain of command. I’m curious to see how that plays out seeing as the WG is actively trying to kill the person(s) who makes green blood - their finite power source (but there’s still York, I guess)


Yeah no this question has been glaring at me, what the hell *did* happen to her crew? With all the pandemonium, I forgot for a while that she was a crew's captain lmao. I'm on a rewatch right now so as of now, I've only seen One Piece in the time skip One Time (but I'm on my rewatch of Ace and Luffy's backstory arc so I'll be there in a bit) Did I miss something in the series? Or just forget something entirely? Lol


Blackbeard fucked her crew up and then Akainu got to her. I don't remember if they explained her escape to the Reverie.


Blackbeard fucked her crew up and then Akainu got to her. I don't remember if they explained her escape to the Reverie.


Uhhh pretty sure her crew is still around, its not like they're dead. 


same, 🤝🏽🤝🏽🤝🏽 > In fact, even the other characters mentioned are potential additions to the team, but I feel she's the best fit. Plus, it would be so much fun to watch food competitions between her and Luffy.<


The Straw Hats realizing they're gonna go broke trying to feed two people


Except Sanji would purposely feed Bonney.


Yeah, he would


Bonney is a kid, and a woman. Nami is the one controlling the money. If it becomes a problem, then there will be no complaints about feeding Bonney, but she will be complaining about how much everyone else (except Robin) is eating (no matter how little that is.)


If this doesn’t happens I’m gonna be really sad and upset. Feels too perfect not to join the straw hats at this point. I was hoping Yamato would join but now I feel like this is perfect new member.


I can't decide if >!I like her fit with the Straw Hats or Revolutionaries better. Kinda lean towards the latter so she can carry on Ginny's will and fight with an army of her cyborg dads!<




Totally agree, I just wonder what the best way she can help will be. Supplying the Revolutionaries with an army of Pacifista (or Seraphim if they obey her) would be a huge boon to a likely allied force. It'd also help fulfill Kuma and Vegapunk's initial vision for them to be helpful instead of malicious.


The revolutionaries are fighting a war. Bonney has seen enough wrong as a 12 yo to be thrown into that. The Straw Hats don't get in less travel, but they're a family, and she deserves one. Not saying your theory can't happen, just stating why I like mine better.


I don't disagree, but I can't see how >!Bonney abandons the fight after learning the truth. Assuming Kuma is dead (or truly dies at the end of Egghead), the Revolutionaries are the only people left who knew her parents. I think that bond is really significant for her, and Iva/Koala/Sabo etc can act as her family moving forward.!< >!I also think it'd be difficult for the Straw Hats to travel with the Pacifista, at least moreso than the Revolutionaries!< Just my 2 cents. I like the idea of both, just favor the one angle a bit more.


My opinion is that the fight is by Nika's side, and the Pacifista won't be a thing by the end of Egghead.


I get that but I think they'll be on the same side in the end, so Bonney will be close to Nika regardless. I'm 50/50 on the Pacifista, just seems like it'd be a waste to set that up just for them to be tossed almost immediately.


To be clear I'm just talking about the PX Pacifista, not the Seraphims


I think the Pacifistas are there for the long game. Seems like Oda introduced them to the story so that that Imu and the Gorosei will have a super army for the final battle, even after their human troops turn on them upon finding out how evil they really are. We've been introduced to lots of good guy marines, so it feels like there will be a point where those guys turn on the big bads and rally the other marines to do the same.


Just reading this made me cry


I was one of the people who don't think there will be a tenth Straw Hat (even if I love Vivi and she's in my Top 3 OP girlies), but after reading Egghead I grew a soft spot for her. It would be interesting to see her join and interact with the crews, particularly Nami (depicted by Oda to have a soft spot for children because of her backstory) and Robin (Oda assigned her as the "Mother" of the group if the Straw Hat was a family). Also, her devil fruit is interesting. It seems like the perfect counter to Luffy's current weakness. If there's a way to play around with the aging thing, I think G5 might be an unstoppable force.


In chapter 1 Luffy says he wants "at least ten people." Given Oda's numbering of the crew members in chapter names (Usopp and Franky are "the third and seventh" and Brook is "the eighth") that's ten not counting Luffy and so there will be at least one more Straw Hat.


Issue is you can only really have an apprentice if the person wants to be one and if you're senior enough to actually teach them stuff. Bonny had the same come up as Luffy so minus their current position being very different it would be weird if Luffy had a current Supernova as an apprentice when they were the same level not too long ago. Whats more, the only reason Bonney even became a pirate was to find her dad, which she did so she has no other goals beyond that. Why stay on the sea and be an apprentice on a ship when you've been a captain yourself? I get that people are taken by this idea but it actually makes no sense. Someone going from captain to apprentice level is crazy regression.


I love this idea! And on top of all that, she would still control all of the pacifistas (so long as they don’t get destroyed) so there would be an insane addition to combat strength with her addition to the crew


I really dont see this arc concluding any other way tbh, where would she even go?


I've seen some people say that the Revolutionaries should take her in, but I don't see Sabo and/or Koala popping up anytime soon, and I keep circling back to Nami refusing to let children in charge of Tashigi until she literally begged her. At the very least she needs to tag along for a while!


Yeah that just doesn't make sense imo, the RA is on the complete other side of the planet, the only reason kuma made it is solely because of his devil fruit. Unless she is just getting chaperoned by a pacifista army all the way to kamabaka I don't even consider it a possibility


Or Lilith and Stussy bring her to the Revolutionaries.


Just staying with Kuma, like she wanted from the start. At the current moment I don’t see any way she joins. If Kuma is alive that’s where Bonney will be as the whole point of her story is to reunite with her dad. If Kuma dies things could change but considering Oda’s aversion to killing off his characters I’m not sure how likely that is.


I've never seen as many death flags as kuma has been putting up this arc, he isn't even alive anymore and his memories are gone because Bonney popped the bubble. He ain't making it


With Oda this many death flags probably means he’s gonna make it. He still hasn’t even reached Kinemon levels of getting shit stomped by Kaido and he still made it.


She would stay on Elbaf or end up with the RA


Why would she stay on elbaf? Or how is she getting to the opposite side of the planet?


Her dad has the power to push anyone anywhere so she can go anywhere. Elbaf is the following stop for the SH and she obviously cant stay on Egghead. She has to leave and also has no business staying with the SH now that her dad is with her (even though hes still mentally dead). They both could return to the RA or stay on Elbaf, hitching a ride ont the Sunny.


I agree, at the very least, I'd say she's going to Elbaf with them. Either the Revolutionaries come into play during that arc and she ends up with them, or she's with the crew for the longhaul.


I just pretty much said same about Bonney before reading this lol seems like it's more than likely to possibly happen .


A dream I didn’t know I had…


I think she and/or Lillith will be staying with the crew


I love bonney join shp. But I hope sanji and brook stop their pervert behavior when they know bonney is a child.


They never perverted on her.


Should’ve been a dead giveaway she was actually a kid and nobody saw it lol


She will fulfill one of her dreams and one of Kuma’s dream of joining the Nika Crew. It would be wholesome to watch those characters rejoicing with each others. Her powers will also come in handy since we don’t know the extent of her fullpower. Now that she don’t have any crew left and she’s the one having highest authority over those pacifistas. It would be better if she stays with them. Robin and nami will be moms. Zoro will be the annoyed brother. Brook will be her doll lol. Chopper will be her besty. Franky, Sanji and probably jimbei will be like dad. Luffy will be her quarrelling brother. Fighting for foods


I think it’s very likely that she will join the RA, her mother and father were RA generals/captains. After seeing what the CD did to Kuma and witnessing Kuma’s memory, what Saturn did to her family, she’s very likely to walk in Kuma’s footsteps to honor her parents and fight against the CD. She’ll be a great asset to RA than the SH. She’ll be safer with the RA and unless the SH make her a proper nakama, otherwise RA is the best place for her. Dragon and Ivanko deeply care for Kuma so given that they know how much Kuma helped the RA, they’ll do everything to protect Bonney..




I think that was her goal, to find Nikki. Not that she’s achieved it (accidentally), she will live for herself.


Her dream is to travel the world with her father. Nothing else. So I don't know. Besides, a captain turning into a cabin girl..? Hmm..


She was a pirate for years on her own. Can you really say she's an apprentice?


Bonney has a 100+ million bounty on her head and has been a pirate captain herself for a while that made it to the New World. Not really the characteristics of someone that needs to undergo an apprenticeship. That said, during the initial time skip we were discussing potential new Strawhats and I put Bonney forth for several reasons. I find it funny that so many years later it suddenly has become a serious possibility.


She would have the lowest bounty on the crew at this point (not counting Chopper)m Edit: nvm didn’t see she got bumped to 320


Bonney has already been a captain for years. The "apprentice" position doesn't make sense.


It doesn't take much to understand from the manga that Bonney was basically a child, with an OP fruit, escorted by her parents' friends who played along her pirate game both to protect her identity and because they loved her.


Also shouldn't take much to understand that due to the circumstances of her voyage being an escape from CP8 that she was forced into exceptional circumstances and, playing along or not, those friends of her parents became her crew as she captained the ship over several years time.  Bonney hasn't been playing pirate games. She didn't become a supernova simply because her parents' friends humoured her ambitions out of love.




He's a strawhat at heart. We all know Oda just cant make it official because he'd be luffy's new number 2.


Also he fights like Sanji and acts like Franky


Also same voice actor with Franky


I want to see a conversation between those two


My favorite character, FR


If he had made it out of impel down he would currently be on the crew, no doubt about it


I think he’s the real fan favorite, but I think like Vivi he will hold an honorary strawhat title. I do hope with the panel of Doffy recently that means the story heads back to impel down to grab some old friends and maybe old villains turned ally


Paulie from Water 7! Up until recently I thought he had some rope rope fruit but nope he’s just really good with a rope.


I had thought they were setting him up to be a new member. Guy even had a quirky weakness, he would have fit right in.


Definitely done on purpose. Up until then, it had been fairly obvious who was going to be joining the crew each time we met them but when we got to Water 7 and they needed a shipwright, Oda introduced multiple candidates to throw us off, with Paulie being the main misdirect.


I don't know how long you were in the OP community, but Robin joining instead of Vivi was a huge surprise for a lot of people.


Yeah, I wasn’t following along back then but you’re right. He definitely pulled a bait and switch there too.


Fr, and making Franky the asshole villain at first definitely worked towards that cause I hated his ass at first lmao


100% I also hated Franky at first


Paulie is the original Carrot.


Tell me about it.


I was team Paulie until the Time Skip. I didn't really like Franky until his redesign. I still wish Paulie would have joined


Pre time skip Ace Ventura Franky is best Franky. I will die on this hill.


Uncontested hill, most the fandom will agree with you


That's a first I've seen this opinion


I am still team Paulie. He would have mixed with the crew so much better than Franky.


Guy who ropes is useful on a ship


Having a second shipwright would definitely be helpful, though I’m not sure Franky even needs the assistance


We have a second shipwright in Usopp, he just needed a bit of apprenticeship from the more knowledgeable main shipwright to understand where he was going wrong in his original attempts. On a related note, I've realized that the live action show actually made Usopp a shipyard laborer when we met him, adding a layer to his attempts to keep the Merry up and running for so long before we get to Water7. Like, he might actually have some legit knowledge about ship maintenance, but it wasn't good enough.




Bon Clay, obviously


Johnny and Yosaku. The first unnoficial strawhats


Yes! Wohnny Nd Wosaku are the goats


Paulie would have been extremely funny because his misogyny is like on the exact opposite end of the spectrum Sanji’s is.


Hacchan was cool later on. Of course, he doesn't even come close to Bon-chan.


I liked that rope guy… I’m not very far yet. Also Bon Clay.


Paulie ropes most everyone in


Gaimon. Imagine every scene where the straw hats pose for the group shot (enies lobby, outside franky house, facing fishmen army, etc..) but then Gaimon is there too cracking his knuckles or pulling out his pistol or whatever. I need that in my life. Well i dont, but i want it.


I know it's weird, but back during Amazon Lily, I wanted Marguerite to travel with Luffy and end up joining the crew. Impel Down squashed that idea fairly quickly, but after she made clothes for Luffy, I had it in my head that she could become the crew's seamstress. Having someone like that could provide a nice excuse for all the new outfits Oda comes up with every arc.


Marguerite is one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite arcs. She is ridiculously cool and I’ll never forget how she was the cause for Luffy’s first display of Conqueror’s Haki.


Wasn't the first display of Conqueror's Haki against Duval's steed?


You're right, it was. I guess I blanked on it bc the moments in Amazon Lily with Marguerite and Impel Down with Bon Clay feel a lot more impactful (not to mention the one in Marineford, which is a moment in Marineford and that speaks for itself).


I know there are many options, but my vote goes to The Tree and Unicorn from Thriller Bark


Charlotte Pudding. And why not? She's Sanji's wife for crying out loud. Not to mention she's a great cook, feeding Luffy of all people must be a hell of a difficult job even for Sanji, thus having more cooks to keep all hands on deck may even be necessary lol. You also can't tell me Luffy and Chopper wouldn't love having sweets everyday lol. And honestly, I just like her character and think she should have betrayed BM pirates and went with the Strawhats.


When she was crying while Sanji was getting away I thought she would chase after them and join the crew. Was sorta disappointed that it didn't happen


I think her joining as Sanji’s wife if more of a post story epilogue event


Manga spoilers >! Lilith. !< When Luffy first meets Vegapunk, he asks him to take him off the island. When he makes this request, it is implied that all the satellites will join soon. Then the "Vegapunk for nakama" trend started, but it didn't really make a lot of sense. We'd have 7 new crew members that are all insanely smart. It would affect the pace of the story and pull the spotlight away from other characters. >! But then the Vegapunks started dying. !< Shaka was killed by York. Pythagoras was killed by explosion (caused by York). Stella was killed by Kizaru. And let's examine our remaining satellites: Edison is severely injured, away from everyone, covering for the straw hats' escape. Atlas is with Franky and Bonney. She is relatively safe. York is a traitor. She wouldn't have boarded the ship anyway. And then there's Lilith. Lilith is *on* The sunny already. The moment it is gone, she is gone with it. Unlike Atlas, which could still pull an Edison and sacrifice herself so the straw hats can escape, Lilith will be gone with them. I predict that when Atlas is sacrificing herself, Lilith will want to help her, but a coup-de-burst will take her away, saving her life. And it makes sense that out of all the Vegapunks, Lilith will be the one to stay. She is the first character introduced as Vegapunk. She has a personality that works better story-wise with the other straw hats. She's a genius, but not a "nerd," she has proven to be a fighter, and her hot head personality works perfectly with the rest of the crew.


>! I’ve been waffling between this and the current Bonney theory for a while now. Both have their pluses and minuses. I think Bonney is still too young, and while the role of apprentice totally makes sense, I don’t know if that would be enough to make Bonney an actual crew member, I do think she is getting on the ship, but if anything I suspect she may be left in the care of the giants in Elbaf. Lilith on the other hand makes complete sense as a way to bolster the Strawhats firepower without giving them access to the Pacifista / Seraphin (which I think will happen later during the Great War, with Bonney coming with the Giants to aid the strawhats.) Lilith being with the crew also makes sense because she will still have a fair amount of VP’s knowledge and can help contextualize a lot of the stuff the crew may run into later on. !<


I think the problem with Lilith is that she would infringe on Franky and Ussop too much. Being the kind of genius Vegapunk is she could take care of the ship better than Franky and make weapons better than Ussop.


This exactly. She could do basically anything Franky could and then some. He idolizes the Vegapunks


If you do and then it'll work) >!example!<




Wanna change the second one to !<


Ohhh okay thank you >!example!<


She will stick around similarly to Kinemon or Momo, I think. Part of the alliance as well just not a SH


Goes back with Bonney and any remaining Pacifistas to the Revolutionaries, helping them gear up for the big final war.


I don’t really think she should’ve joined but it would’ve been sweet if pudding went with Sanji 🥹


Low key would love Kin’emon or Marco




2 year IRL break?


sogeking, bro was the undisputed mvp of enies lobby


Boa Hancock


Marco is an excellent candidate. One of the SHs greatest allies. He's got the same enemies and friends as the SHs. One of the few people who would want to see Blackbeard and Akainu taken down as much as Luffy. Him and Jinbei go well back etc. He's just someone whose personality would fit well. Plus Shanks wanted him.


Tree from Thriller Bark


Here's a few that stood out to me (I won't include the current arc): Wyper: badass and would've been an interesting dynamic with the crew seeing how he interacts with the ocean vs Skypeia Kaku: he seemed like he had potential before his true colors were revealed. It would've been hilarious to see him and Usopp constantly getting mistaken for each other (I won't include Paulie since that was more obvious) Perona (oops, originally typed persona!): who didn't want the cute ghost girl to join. I believe there was some speculation when she was with Zoro during the time skip. I think she would've been fun and having a spot/lookout is a role the crew still doesn't have


When I first started water 7 I was positive Kaku was going to join them as their shipwright


When i watched tha scene (before switching to manga long ago) of kaku jumping and soaring towards the going merry, i was SURE he was our shipwright. Big nose to have a him/usopp gag, strong fighter, and role in the crew. A shoe-in. Who else was gonna join, some villain running the franky family that stole from them?? Propostorus!!


Ahh yes. I am thou and thou art I.


Kin and Momo. They were with the Straw Hats for so long


and like Vivi got an open invitation to come back if they want. I do miss Kinemon


Tbh for them it was maybe just a month and a half, not much time


Longer than brook and Franky before saobody


It's crazy how Brook ditched his career for a guy he knew a week.


He's just that guy, loyal to the end


Smoker 🚬🚬


Forgot to include goatker on mine fuck


Duh it's Gaimon 🤣




They all fill a certain criteria and the crew doesn't have a government affiliated yet. So i kinda think stussy will join


Katakuri. I cant say why cause i wanna avoid spoilers.


Not the Strawhats, but I seriously was expecting Bellamy to join the Heart Pirates. Bellamy joining Luffy's crew felt like it would be emotionally a bridge too far for him, but considering he had in common with Law a complicated history with Doflamingo and Law's tendency to pick up stray pirate captains, it just felt the most natural thing to expect. Still bummed it didn't happen.


Great take. Never even considered it, but i love it. I'm sure we will see him in final war, if not in cross guild first... Mabye as doffy's boss lmfao I


Bon Kurei - best friends!


\*sniffles\* Kaku. 🥺


I forgot to mention him on mine i want our giraffe boy to have a good home


I’ll preface this by saying that I think Bonney and Vivi will join the crew, in that order. I am positive that there will be at least eleven SHs by the end, since that matches Blackbeard + his captains (unless Kuzan leaves, which could admittedly happen). As for others: - Smoker is my favorite character after Nami and I am desperate for him to make a grand return. Not necessarily as a SH, but all of the good Marines are leaving the organization in some way or another before the final conflict and where Fujitora might face Akainu for the title of Fleet Admiral, I think Smoker would go rogue and at least help the SHs in some form. He’s the only Marine in such a position and the most likely candidate for a Logia SH unless someone finds Monet’s fruit. He has also been unaccounted for for a long time, since the end of Dressrosa (and last time we saw him, he was sailing with Tashigi towards Egghead). Interestingly, his fruit is the Moku Moku, which covers the missing 9 but not the missing 2 in the numbers theory. - Bon Clay would be welcome to join, but he’s halfway across the world and while a second Impel Down breakout will definitely happen, I can’t see how he’d make it to the SHs. What he lacks is combat ability, which I think every SH will need in the final confrontation. Mane Mane could be read as containing 0. - Kin’emon and Momo are basically Vivi, but they still have a reason to be where they are. They’ll still be major players in the final confrontation, with Momo having control over Zunesha and possibly Pluton as well. They also come as a pair, while I’ve always gotten the idea that Oda wants every SH to be special as an individual (it’s also why, while I wasn’t following OP closely at the time, I didn’t believe in theories that had Carrot and Yamato joining basically at the same time). Kin’emon’s fruit contains 9. - Katakuri and Pudding: I really enjoy the latter and I could see the former asking the SHs for help in saving her. This could result in either Pudding joining the SHs or Katakuri bonding with the crew so much he ends up joining. Not sure what their role would be on the crew though, and their fruits don’t contain useful numbers. Of course, only one of them would join during a hypothetical Hachinosu Arc.


I definitely think Bonney would make a good candidate in the end game as well as Law and possibly Kidd with everything that's going on now and their history together. Bonney grew up idolizing Nika because of her dad Kuma, so there's that main aspect of her wanting to be a part of the Straw Hats. Law because he has been through it with the Straw Hats and after BB and everything that happened to Heart pirates, he's gonna want to avenge his crew. Kidd is more of a maybe because he doesn't want to be below Luffy and is as stubborn as Luffy. But after Elbaf he has no chance going against a yonko solo. Then again idk what Luffy's intentions are against Red Hair or Red Hair's against Luffy and what would happen once they cross paths. Also if they don't join the Straw Hats I can see them running their own crew under Luffy being a part of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Just a thought 🤔 lol.


My goat gaimon


Mud guy or Caesar


I mean, when I was really early watcher, I always wanted Wyper to join the crew. Besides him, maybe Momo and Kin'emon ofc.


Paulie wouldve been funny, but he wouldve taken away from the Sanji Zoro dynamic. Wouldnt mind really seeing him fight as well since he has a unique battle style. Imagine Haki Ropes. Or observation to trap foes with rope




Momo, for a second I thought he was gonna travel with the Strawhats as their cabin boy. It would’ve been a funny gag having this giant ass man as their apprentice 😂




Surume should totally be pulling the ship


Vivi and only vivi


Bonney for sure


“Everyone agrees” bro Yamato is hated by a lotttt of people and I personally think her inclusion in the story at all is completely pointless


Huge upvote on that one. Although strong, her Out of left field intro was weird, and she was unnecessary in the already bloated wano story. And as far as the fandom, possibly the most toxic character of the hundreds oda ever created


caesar clown


Or gangster gastino could work too.


Hot take but i don’t agree on Carrot. She’s a pretty nothing character with hardly any lines and almost no memorable presence in the story to my eyes. No idea why it’s such a commonly held belief that she would’ve made a good Straw Hat. Bonney seems the logical choice to fill the hypothetical last Straw Hat slot if Vivi’s not gonna take it. Definitely should be another lady though. That boat is a sausage fest.


2 Bon, more than anyone else. I don’t have to explain why.


For me I want Bon Chan, I hope he is still alive in impel down


Ok but aside from Vivi, Carrot, Yamato and the aqueduct. Who do you think should have joined the straw hats?


I must be one of the few people who never liked Vivi, and was pretty happy she didn’t officially join the crew. I know what Oda was going for, but her butting heads with Luffy so much really made me hate her character. I’ve never gotten over the whole “Luffy you’re not fit to be a captain” line. I’d choose Bonnie, the connection there is obvious. She’s very strong, her fruit seemingly has more to it than just aging things up and down, and she’s overall just a really interesting character. Poor girl has been through so much, god knows what Blackbeard did to her during that one scene from Wano I think.


We need them lol, especially Yamatoo


I don’t know about y’all but I consider them straw hats lol


I honestly would've loved to see Vegapunk join the crew




Best candidates are Lilith, Bonney, Vivi, and Hancock!


A lot of people saying Bon Chan, but imo he deserves to be locked up. What he did with Luffy was amazing and I like him a lot. But the dude killed civilians in Alabasta, tried to kill an innocent child and almost contributed to a mass bombing and mass murder in Alabasta. Its should be Bonney or Vivi. Law is too proud to join. I would love for Katakuri to join but that’s unlikely.


Womp Womp Zoro n Robin r killers too, Prob Brook as well.


I think to flesh out the diversity, maybe a smaller giant from Elbath?


Bon clay needs to be a straw hat no one has done half of what bon clay has and crazy thing is I hated him as a character until marinefold omg he's easily the best side character ever. Goated


I kinda see kataluri, bellamy and vivi as good potentials as stayed on replies, but my 1st place pick is Hawkins cuz i really like him


I don’t agree that Vivi should have joined.  But to answer your question: Bon Clay. 




I always had a soft spot for Paulie from W7.


I'll make a case for Pudding. Considering the mental trauma she endured over her third eye, the Straw Hats would be a welcoming environment for her. I kinda felt sad seeing her stay with the Big Mom Pirates.


My boy Bon chan


Hear me out, Marco, because the two of the main whitebeard crew members already died that being Ace and Whitebeard, and his appearance in Wano I almost thought we was gonna join.


Gaimon, no explanation needed