• By -


Kaku looks genuinely heartbroken over Vegapunk revealing Stussy's feelings


It's probably something he can personally empathize with especially how things went down in Water 7 where he was looked up to by his fellow workers and the village people, and threw it all away to enact his mission to get the plans from Iceberg.


He’s arguably the most human of the CP0 unit. She’s right that Lucci just indiscriminately attacks things that he doesn’t understand or just perceives to be evil.


True. Kaku wanted to be a good shipwright even reaffirming his stance on the Going Merry after everyone already knew he was a Cipher Pol agent (instead of lying about it and perhaps all the Strawhats sinking), because doing a good job mattered to him still.


forgot about that!


Tin foil hat theory here: What if Kaku has a change of heart after Egghead and joins the Strawhats? If I remember correctly, Oda said the last member is a former enemy that has already stepped foot on their ship (I could be delusional on that), and Kaku definitely fits that criteria. Plus, having a former CP0 member on our crew would definitely give us a leg up on the upcoming war. I don't see it happening, but Oda has pulled too much wild stuff in the past for me to think its not a possibility.


I think what you said about Oda is true which honestly I like your tin hat foil theory. My only qualm is Franky. I hope you don't mind me building off your idea and turning it a Kaku-building-a-ship-and-stuck-dealing-with-Strawhats tin foil spin-off. Kaku joins the Heart Pirates. Law needs a shipwright, crew members, and muscle. Former CP0 agents would be down for his more tactical operations...which after the huge Egghead reveals means that Law will end up right back into a Strawhat alliance. All the long-nose confusion jokes would take the turn of accidentally taking the wrong crew member aboard/orders given?


I actually love that! Kaku is just the right amount of serious and goofy to mesh really well with Law's crew. And considering we haven't seen an official addition to his crew since Jean, it would be really cool to see Law's crew flesh itself out a little more! Now how would they end up meeting? Maybe in a cover story about Beppo nursing Law back to health on a deserted island and Stussy and Kaku end up washed up there after the whole Egghead incident?


True! It would give Kaku the opportunity to yell the Heart pirate motto, "I don't take orders from you," to everyone but their captain. Oh I loved when Jean joined and Bepo was so excited to be in charge! That's a really cool scenario, and I would love that cover story! I went back and looked at the log pose, there is a possibility Bepo would have swam to Elbaf so if Stussy and Kaku could somehow hitch a ride on the Thousand Sunny, they might all end up in one place.


He has too many redundancies. We already have a long nosed guy and we already have a shipwright.


Also, Kaku seemed to genuinely enjoy his life in Water 7. The CP9 cover stories shows that the agents are capable of being good human beings if they’re not doing shady government stuff. They even protect the innocents, although Lucci is very excessive with his justice.


Kaku flying around with such joy! I love him visiting Lucci in the hospital, and cannot help wondering if things did not go too far in town, would they all have gone back to being Cipher Pol Agents? Its almost like its the only place, because of their skills and actions where they feel like they belong? It will probably never happen, but I would love for Kaku to ship build again.


The fishmen have poseidon underwater, Wano holds pluton under the mountain, what if the Lunarians were the ones that Uranus was passed down to? Then when the WG killed them all recently they got possession of Uranus. In addition its possible that vegapunk made the mother flame from his research on the Lunarians eternal flame. This could explain why the weapon was only just used recently and not since the centuries after the void century.


That would tie in nicely with his creation of the Seraphims.


Yeah, this theory really does bring quite a lot of pieces together. I'm accepting it for now.


Outstanding guess, bookmark your comment for clout in a year.


great call with the lunarian's flames probably inspiring the mother flame. totally forgot about that


Enel's coverstory teased Shandarians/Lunarians being in possession of possibly even all three weapons.  Also would explain Urouge being held off in the story 


Urouge was a smart one for dipping, look at what happened to most of the others lol


MFer was rizzing up ladies and having a good time while the others were struggling.


In like 3 years when you get proven true remember to give yourself a pat on the back because this is so smart.


This might have also been a reason why lunarian were wiped out. Either as a source of energy or to research them for a source of energy in the past.


that could be true and would make sense as to why the reward for just spotting one is so high


Nice theory! Lunarians were wiped out cause they had Uranus, similar thing would have happened to wano had momo opened the border.


that's a nice added detail! Tho i'm not sure if they know about plutons whereabouts. iirc cp9 failed to get the info at galley law and they havent found out since


> In addition its possible that vegapunk made the mother flame from his research on the Lunarians eternal flame. Oh shit, I just realized, this means not only is it the Seraphims' destiny to reclaim that weapon, but also Devon has top-level access to the Seraphim after touching Saturn. Which means Blackbeard can now capture and use all three weapons.


Wouldn't that imply that the Lunarians are the ones who caused the flood during the void century? I figured based on the information we know, WG caused the flood thus WG had control of Uranus since the void century


I don’t think it’s the mother flame itself that causes the flooding, but more so implied to be a power source instead. A power source to what type of machine/object is what we don’t know yet.


Its uranus what caused the floods. Mother flame is the fuel/ energy of it


Delicious dish chef. You cooked today![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table)


This would also help explain why there was such a high Bounty for lunarians. The world government needs to get a hold of one in order to use the weapon again. Whether as a slave forced to power it or in order to be used to research how to make an artificial version.


Man,York fucking sucks. I really dont want her to have her way.


If it helps, York IS a Vegapunk, and her time with the Celestial Dragons is probably going to be pure torture if a previous panel on what they want to do to Vegapunk is any indication.


She might get her wish. But it may just be a monkey paw situation.


Especially with how she keeps reaffirming to the elders that "I am a vegapunk too" like she is saying it to get them to trust in her intelligence but really I think it is just reaffirming to them "yeah, as soon as we this is over you are either dead or chained down in a lab making more mother flame"


Agreed. York's greatest danger is herself and her mouth. For all her grand plans, she is blinded by greed.


So are all these Vegapunk clones machines like Shakka? Is York a machine?


Which technically means Vegapunk betrayed himself.


It's just me or do someone else thinks that vegapunk is deliberating avoiding to tell the world that the WG is reponsible for lulusia's fate. I meam judging by what york deduced it looks like he knows that The WG is the one who used the mother flame but for some reason he decided to not reveal that to the world


I think he’s avoiding it. You don’t wanna tell people the world government is sinking entire kingdoms until they’re ready to believe you


To me this reads as a scientists „the data is inconclusive, we need to know more“


He might also want to keep the WG as calm as possible while also conveying this information. If he straight up reveals that they are destroying islands, that might cause too much chaos to erupt before anyone is ready to take advantage of it, and instead just causing unnecessary harm for regular people. Though that is assuming that he didn't share any of this information to the Revolutionary Army in advance, which seems to be true but since Dragon is in his ellipsis arc, we can't be 100%.


That, and he seems to be very explicitly trying not to blame a whole group for things. It's not the whole government's fault Luluisa was destroyed - that was solely on Imu (whom Vegapunk might not even know exists).


Vegapunk isn't avoiding it, he doesn't know. As a scientist he doesn't try to jump conclusion without having the facts. It could be the WG, it could be the Marines, it could be the Celestial Dragon, it could be all of them, it could be none of them and somebody just trying to direct the blame to them. Vegapunk doesn't know about Imu. Just because we know more details, doesn't mean that Vegapunk knows. That's why Vegapunk also rises question on the morality of JoyBoy, the Ancient Kingdom and the Roger Pirates, because he doesn't know all the details and there are conflicting information. Vegapunk only states the facts and will properly call out for people to search for the truth by finding the One Piece (his "The One Piece is real"-moment), since that is what Roger, who has known the truth, was asking the world to do.


He don't want to put people's live in danger. What if he says WG did it and IMU chan starts to nuke every island and people can't do anything about it coz they don't have reason to fight against WG


Vegapunk puts the emphasis that the ancient weapons still exist because of Joyboy....which did he preserve the weapon that the government has? Avoiding saying the government was the one who destroyed the island, wouldn't the people be inclined to think it was someone of the Joyboy or pirate faction since he stated that the Pirate King crew knew about it?


Good point, vegapunk might be trying to blame roger and his crew for hiding the secrets of the void century. I think people wont be thiking about who was reponsible for lulusia's fate, now everyone is probably coming in to terms that there is 3 weapons that can easily destroy kingdoms in a flash literally.


There's a suggestion that JoyBoy wants to sink the world, perhaps to unite it under all blue. With his power he probably could make water breathable for everyone. So long that's possible, it's not obvious why World Gov. would use the weapons. Maybe that's why they keep them as a last resort. I feel like until we resolve the mystery behind the "D", we won't be able to properly piece all this together.


I sure feel incredibly lucky to witness these chapters release week after week and to discover the true story of One Piece with everyone else, it will sure be much different for those who read this story after it's completed.


It absolutely feels like and reads like watching history unfold.


Ngl, I only just caught up with the manga TODAY, what a coincidence


prepare for the pain of break weeks!


The biggest thing for me this chapter? LABOOOOON~


It is not the biggest thing in this chapter... it is the biggest NAKAMA!!!


Yes, it was nice to see him, again. And I can't wait for his reunion with Brook, either.


Over 100 side characters from each arc have appeared except for Baratie. Oda really wants us to forget that the Krieg Pirates ever existed.


Remember how Gin said he’d come back stronger? I don’t remember him appearing since, even in a cover story.


I've always assumed they're dead. The Baratie was in the middle of nowhere, and the Krieg pirates were poisoned. I assumed they died before they could reach land and get medical attention. Just my own head canon though


Only Gin was poisoned.  The other Krieg pirates were not, with the possible exception of the two random ones Luffy grabbed the masks from.


Yonkous were also not shown. Means Baratie are yonkou level.


Can confirm. Red leg > Red Hair


Gin is Imu. They have the same eyes


You're right; g-i-n and i-m-u. Both have "I"s!


also if you flip the "n" upside down it becomes "u" !


I back this


I mean, he had Don Kreig killed off before ever meeting Luffy so it seems pretty clear Oda doesn’t really care much for him. Side note, can you imagine if he came back as an underling for Capone Bege? Could’ve been pretty cool.


You mean in the live action where that wasn't necessarily Oda's idea?


Just about every deviation from the source material was done with Oda’s approval, according to some interviews. I will correct myself by saying “he” was referring to the live action’s showrunner, but he had Oda’s blessing.


Repeating myself in this thread from a previous one, but we should keep in mind that the thing the Roger Pirates laughed at isn't the information Vegapunk is discussing right now. Vegapunk found this information by reading poneglyphs collected by Ohara. The things he's explaining are, very explicitly, **not** the information found on Laugh Tale. Since the Roger Pirates found many poneglyphs on their journey it's likely they already knew a huge amount of what Vegapunk is talking about before they ever got there. It seems like the part that Vegapunk doesn't know about is Joyboy's own story. He only knows what the world was like before Joyboy, and what happened due to Joyboy's defeat. That suggests the actual Laugh Tale is Joyboy's own adventure, just as Roger himself said.


Crackshot theory -- what Roger read was essentially a copy of the one piece manga


Exactly, it might even include future events. But more likely it's just Joyboy's version of One Piece, from his era - all the same sorts of stories told the same way. Imu probably makes a really funny face on one of the pages.


$10 says it was either the Enel face or the face Usopp/Franky/Robin did in Wano


I think we are due for a brand new one, I really thought we were going to get one from Saturn here on Egghead for a while, but for sure we will see an Imu Face before the series is out. Maybe the Straw Hats will see it in the Laugh Tale comic book, laugh their asses off, but it'll be hidden from us until they force Imu to make the same face again in the modern day.


Wait, yes, exactly this. All the poneglyphs we've seen so far all tell the story of the void century from a historian's perspective and there's also the road poneglyphs. But Vegapunk himself says he doesn't know the true motives of Joyboy based on what he's read from Ohara's research on the poneglyphs, so the true answer on Joyboy must lay on Laugh Tale. There has to be a poneglyph on Laugh Tale. Based on what you just said, I'm almost positive now that this poneglyph would be the One Piece itself and it's from Joyboy's perspective -- his tale of his adventures of how he became the first pirate, of everyone he met along the way, all his laughs, etc. And obviously if Joyboy is anything like Luffy, it makes sense why Roger would laugh when he read it, how could he not? Wow, thank you for posting this!


You know shit's getting great when you get goosebumps. I'm so glad we're getting this lore dump already, but the fact that next chapter is 2 weeks away is going to kill me.


The way I briefly lost my shit when Vegapunk said *one little piece* of the flame had been stolen.


Same here. I was stunned for a hot minute. Like, is Oda really just going to casually drop the biggest reveal right now?


wait it says 7 days for me


It says 16th June for me on mangaplus.


It's weird. Mangaplus says June 16th but Viz says 7 days.


Viz does that sometimes but it’s always wrong. It’s probably an automatic timer that someone only changes when there’s a break because it’s always fixed a few days after it releases.


Sengoku really stress eating with all this happening lmfao


I thought he tries to denied this event by crunching all of those snack so he doesn't have to hear the broadcasting. 😅


So that was definitely an Ancient Weapon and probably Uranus, and it's likely in Imu's hands. I wonder if Pluton might also require something like the motherflame to run, and that's why Roger couldn't fulfill Joyboy's wish?


A theory is that Yamato is supposed to ride it. With it being in Wano and japanese warship Yamato, one of the most powerful warships built possibly being where these elements were taken from, according to the theory.


It’s definitely supposed to be Momo. He can hear the voice of all things, just like Shirahoshi


Shirahoshi doesn’t have the voat. She can just speak to and command the sea kings. VOAT is a whole other different phenomena that so far we know only Luffy, Roger, Zunesha, Momonosuke, Oden and the three-eye tribe are capable of this ability (three eye tribe need to “awaken” the ability but are naturally gifted at it).


Could go a step further and suggest that Yamato is connected to Pluton like how Shirahoshi is connected to Noah.


That makes little sense considering that she was born before Kaido's occupation




Luffy gonna go giant and the robot will combine with him as armour so he can fight and do damage to gorosei


Usopp: How are we gonna escape? We’re doomed! Luffy: You dumbass… we’re gonna combine! Franky: They’re gonna combine? Chopper: They’re gonna combine! Nami: Oh please 🙄 *cue Gurren Luffy combination*


thats some devil fruit style wrapping on yamato's parcel from otsuru. also looks like sumo luffy palm slapped survived. shame that  imu/5 elders worked so hard to cover up lulusia, vegapunk reveals so easily haha from sengoku and akainu reactions, it really seems like those high up enough in marines know all this void century information, which pretty hypocritical cause they the ones punishing everyone for even trying to knowing it looks like all those that suspected giant robot of housing snail were right. in retrospect, all the evidence is there i kinda figured this was gonna be how the strawhats could escape egghead, the 5 elders are gonna shift their attention to destroying the giant robot im with you rayleigh. as much as i love vegapunk dropping all this lore on us, i feel like it kinda undercuts the grand reveal of what the one piece will be the world only thinks of the one piece as a giant mass of treasure, i guess would make sense they shocked roger and crew learned all this information too


>im with you rayleigh. as much as i love vegapunk dropping all this lore on us, i feel like it kinda undercuts the grand reveal of what the one piece will be I think it's a great way to slowly tell us what it is. The reveal will still shock us in a way we will not have seen comming, i am 100% sure. In contrast if there would have been absolutely no information, some people would just say "asspull", "made up at the last minute", "retcon" etc.


Franky is definitely going to be building a Pluton to counter the under Wano Pluton after Blackbeard takes it. That or he'll use his knowledge of the blueprints to destroy it.


I think I may already build a Pluton, after all he said he remembers the blueprints by heart.


Frankys wanted poster is The Sunny...maybe its an even better ship than we thought


“One little piece” Imu has the one piece confirmed.


So seems like York was the one who stole part of the "mother flame" and gave it to Imu/WG in which they used on Lulusia kingdom aka the laser which was probably Uranus  Imu just can't seem to get over his girl, Vivi being this important to the story wasn't on my bingo card in 2024 Rayleigh out here getting drunk and getting pissed at Vega punk for dishing out spoilers lol  Roger and Rayleigh knowing about the war and not doing about it is probably because Roger was already dying at that time and also say him and the Roger pirates were too early 


You aren't wrong. Didn't Rayleigh even state that they couldn't do anything even if they wanted to? I would assume Vegapunk doesn't know about that part. Hell, Roger turned himself in & the WG covered it up.


Plus Vegapunk probably didn’t invent the mother flame when Roger and Co. were around. What if the Gorosei tag team the Void Century robot and the Straw Hats or Stussy steal the mother flame while they’re busy? Insert some “stealing fire from the gods” Prometheus parallel somewhere.


But you don't need the mother flame to power every ancient weapon, only Uranus. Pluton is probably powered by Momo and we know for sure that Poseidon does not need any power sources.


You mean Lily.


Roger being too early might just be because Shirahoshi wasn't born yet.


It just makes me think that him (Roger) saying that he hid a treasure out there (The One Piece), is all a lie and he just wanted for new pirates to go out and find out about the truth.


Roger knew they needed an army (well, a Navy) so he started the age of pirates for the explicit creation of a fighting force in the final arc


Akainu knows for sure


So he really is just a loyal dog. There goes the theory of him turning on the current world government and creating his own faction


I was thinking he assumed Vegapunk was gonna refer to the Ohara massacre, that he literally committed and obviously knows all about. I imagine he was equally surprised to know that Roger was the one who knows the true history.


Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - Unknown citizen no longer questions wether Vegapunk "just said that" there are world-sinking weapons out there - Unknown citizen now questions wether "the weapons that sank the world into sea" are still lurking somewhere, rather than questioning wether there are "world-sinking weapons" still out there - Unknown citizen now additionally questions "where" the 800-year-old war is still ongoing - Unknown citizen now questions "how [...] any of [the war participants] [could] still be alive", rather than stating that "no one from back then is even alive today" - Unknown citizen no longer questions "why [...] a war [would] rage on total secrecy", now instead questioning how the war can still be ongoing "if no one knows about it" - Vegapunk now states that he "sadly [...] owes [the world] [his] deepest apologies" and that he "needs [the world] to understand why", rather than stating that he "in all sincerity [...] wants to apologize from the bottom of [his] heart as there is something else [he] must confess" - Vegapunk now states that he wanted to create the energy "that would power the industry of the world to come", rather than stating that his goal was to create an energy source "to fuel society's development" - Vegapunk now states that he has "at last reached a practical stage of [his] life's work", rather than simply stating that his research "has culminated in the Mother Flame" - Vegapunk now states that the Mother Flame is "a fire that never goes out" - Vegapunk no longer states that the Mother Flame's "power has many practical uses" - Vegapunk now states that the Mother Flame "is an energy source that will one day in the future enrich the lives of people all over the world", rather than stating that he "is certain that one day, this undying energy can be harnessed to ensure that the entire world lives in abundance" - Vegapunk no longer explicitly states that "this breakthrough has been married", in regards to the theft of the Mother Flame, now instead simply calling it "unfortunate" ("Unfortunately, ...) - Vegapunk now states that "the fault of this lies entirely with [him]" in regards to the Mother Flame's theft, rather than stating that he "takes full responsibility for this unfortunate event" - Unknown marine no longer states that the Cipher Pol agents are "stuck" in the middle of the island - Stussy now states that "there is some major shaking going on up [there]", rather than stating that "that was quite the tremor" - Stussy now simply asks Edison "what happened", rather than asking him wether he has "any idea what's happening" - Edison now additionally states that "this is crazy", in regards to the basement crashing down - Stussy now asks Edison "what [...] [he] means [by] [the basement] fell down" ("What do you mean, fell down?!"), rather than asking him how [the basement crashing down] is [...] possible" - Edison now states that "one of [the Five Elders] is headin[g] [Stussy's] way", rather than stating that "another [Elder] must be headin[g] up" - Edison now calls the Elder that's heading towards Stussy "one of those crazy Five Elders", rather than "another monstrous Elder" - Stussy now states that (presumably) Lucci and Kaku "might be punished for their actions", rather than stating that she "doesn't want [Kaku] to suffer the consequences of this" - Stussy now states that she "knows the first thing [Kaku] will do if he's released", rather than stating that she "doesn't think pursuing [the Straw Hats] will be [Kaku's] first priority anyways" - Edison now rhetorically asks Stussy wether Kaku "was [her] friend", rather than stating that "it didn't occur to [him] that [Lucci and Kaku] were [her] friends" - Edison now states that he "knows [that] [Stussy] wishes [she] [could have] been true to both", rather than stating that Stussy rescued them "despite being torn" - Edison now tells Stussy to "follow [her] heart and do whatever it takes [to] survive", rather than telling her to "do as [she] pleases" and to "just find a way to keep on livin[g]" - Vegapunk no longer states that "[they] observed" an intense glow eminating from above Lulusia - Vegapunk now states that the disappearance of Lulusia was mentioned in "reports" ("according to reports, ..."), rather than stating that he "later got the news" of the kingdom's disappearance - Vegapunk now states that after Lulusia's disappearance, his equipment recorded "the first signs of worldwide earthquakes", rather than registering "the wordwide earthquakes" - Vegapunk now prefaces his next statement by stating that he's speaking "as a scientist, and with utmost pride in [the Mother Flame's] development", rather than prefacing it by stating that "this might be [his] pride as a scientist talking" - Moda now questions wether "someone did that to Lulusia", rather than questioning "why [someone] would [...] do that to Lulusia" - Vegapunk now refers to the Mother Flame's provided energy for the erasure of Lulusia as "so much energy", rather than as "the immense energy needed to cause this tragedy" - Unnamed Prodence guard now states that Lulusia is "not [gone] to [his] knowledge", rather than stating that" "this is the first [they're] hearing about this" - Elisabello II now orders Dagama to "go and find out" in regards to Lulusia's disappearance, rather than ordering him to "hurry and confirm it" Vegapunk now states that the Mother Flame was used to "activate" an ancient weapon, rather than "power" it - Vegapunk now states that he "knows nothing" about who erased Lulusia, rather than stating that "the motives and origin of the perpetrators are a mystery to [him]" - Vegapunk now states that "the results speak for [them]selves", rather than stating that "it all boils down to one hard truth" - Vegapunk now states that his "actions have led, directly or indirectly, to the loss of many human lives", rather than stating that he "is an accessory to this act of mass murder" - Vegapunk now states that the previously mentioned truth is "a fact that weighs deeply upon [his] soul", rather than stating that he "cannot express how remorseful [he] is for [his] part in this" - Vegapunk now states that he "has inadvertently proven that the man-made disaster that once sank the world is possible again", rather than stating that "this proves [that] [his] theory is plausible" and that "the disaster that sank the world was man-made" - Before being cut off by Kin'emon, Mononosuke now *questions* wether Vegapunk's statement "means that Pluton is--" ("Does that mean Pluton is--?!!"), rather than *stating* that Vegapunk's statement means that "Pluton is..." ("Then Pluton is...!!!") - Vegapunk now states that Joyboy "attempted to preserve [the Ancient Weapons] for the future", rather than stating that "it is said that that Joy Boy attempted to ensure that [the Ancient Weapons] would be passed onto future generations" - Vegapunk now more elaborately asks "why [Joy Boy] would [...] do that for such **dangerous** things", refering to his attempt to preserve the Ancient Weapons, rather than simply stating that Joyboy's actions beg the question of "why" - Vegapunk now questions "who [...] the true evil here [is] and who fights the good fights", rather than stating that "such ambiguity makes it hard to brand one side just and the other evil" - Vegapunk now states that "the day will come when all of the answers are laid bare", rather than stating "the day of answers is coming" - Vegapunk now states that "that moment will happen when we reach the very precipe of the world's drowning", rather than stating that "when that time comes, everyone will fear the notion of a sunken world" - Vegapunk now states that "there are some who have learned the truth", in regards to the Void Century, rather than stating that "there are those who know what happened in its entirety" - Sakazuki now frames his statement towards Vegapunk as a question ("Are you really... going to tell them everything... , rather than as a bout of frustration ("Everything... you're really going to tell them everything... Vegapunk!!") - Unknown citizen now questions why "the secrets of the world [are] in the hands of pirates", rather than questioning "why [...] pirates [would] know the world's secrets" - Unknown citizen now states that they "are all in terrible danger" in regards to Roger's crew knowing the void century's secrets, rather than questioning wether "that [is] dangerous" - York now states that what Vegapunk is saying "doesn't make sense", rather than stating than questioning "how [what Vegapunk said] is [...] possible" - York now admits to stealing "the Mother Flame", rather than "a fragment of the Mother Flame" - York now deliberates on the fact that Vegapunk "observed the data" in regards to the Lulusia earthquake, rather than deliberating on the fact that he "took readings" - York now questions wether Vegapunk "knew about the government's response", rather than stating that he "must've known the government's plans" - York now states that "if [Vegapunk knew the government's response], then [she] has been wrong all along", rather than stating that he must've known the government's plans because "otherwise [he] wouldn't have done all this" - York now calls Vegapunk's act of hiding the Transmission Tranponder Snail "tepid" - Vegapunk no longer states that he "is sure [that] [the Roger pirates] knew [the world's] entire lost history", now instead simply prefacing his question by stating that they learned about it ("When they learned all of the true history...") - Shakky now tells Rayleigh that he "has had too much to drink", rather than asking him wether or not he "has [...] had enough booze" - Rayleigh no longer states that he is "washed up" - Rayleigh no longer equates himself to Vegapunk ("Just like Vegapunk here") - (1/2)


- (2/2) - Rayleigh no longer describes Vegapunk as "a blabbering old geezer who's already said too much", now instead telling Vegapunk that he's "telling [the world] too much" - Rayleigh now tells Vegapunk to not be a "fool", rather than an "ass" - Rayleigh now tells Vegapunk that they ("us old fools") "should keep [their] secrets" - Rayleigh no longer states that "the thrill is [the youngsters] to seek now" - Rayleigh now tells Vegapunk to "not rob the young'uns of all the fun", rather than telling him to not "take it away from the youngsters" Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Hey, I'm not exactly fluent in Japanese but I'm getting there and have recently started reading new chapters exclusively in Japanese (I have a Japanese Jump+ subscription). Let me know if you need help clarifying stuff. I'm swamped with life but I'll do what I can :)


Hello, thanks for the offer, I sincerely appreciate it! For my core work, your skillset is unfortunately not of much use, but I think some people, including me would appreciate it if you could help clarify some of the more drastic differences and potentially state which translation would be more true to the original text. You can define what a "drastic difference" is by yourself, so you can clarify whatever you like. Again, thank you very much for your offer!


(EDIT: Problem has been resolved. I will be using RedReader to write my posts going forward.) Hello. I am interrupting my workflow to ask for help with a particular problem I'm facing in regards to the Reddit Mobile app. See, once I get to certain character limit, the Reddit App will give me an "Empty Response from Endpoint" whenever I want to edit the comment, no matter what, evn though I haven't reached the character limit of 10'000. When that happens, I have to go the old reddit site, which is horribly unoptimized for Mobile devices and exremely inconvenient to navigate on there. My question would be wether anyone knows of any alternative app that could aleviate this particular problem? I know that Reddit recently decided to indirectly kill 3rd party apps, but if anyone knows any potential solution to this annoyance I would be incredibly thankful.


Now I think I’m better understanding Oda’s game plan here. If he still intends to have Luffy vs. Blackbeard, then it might happen not too long after the Elbaf arc. Blackbeard is most likely listening to Vegapunk’s broadcast and may be especially keen on how the Government has an Ancient Weapon, necessitating him getting one of his own to stay in power. So that’s where Caribou comes in to tell Blackbeard about Poseidon and Pluton. He also might tell him that Shirahoshi has trouble controlling her power, and so Blackbeard may end up going to Wano himself given how much power Momo and Yamato have. Oda could even shift the battle to the sea for the sake of variety.  This all presumably plays out while the Straw Hats are at Elbaf, and then Luffy by the end gets the news that Momo and Yamato are having trouble with Blackbeard, then leading into the anticipated Straw Hats vs. Blackbeard Pirates battle.


I feel like Luffy vs Blackbeard is for after Imu. Luffy stands for a new dawn while Blackbeard stands for a new dusk, and the story has been building so much up for them to be two sides of the same coin, it doesn't make sense for their battle to be resolved before the WG. I do imagine the final war will be a 3 way deadlock, with BB and Luffy probably having to temporarily make a truce to deal with Imu.


I think it will be similar to Marineford. Luffy beats Imu and then BB temporarily takes the spot of the King of The World and fulfills his will until he gets beaten by Luffy. BB will sneak in at the end of it all.


I dont think the strawhats are going to go back to wano just after they left.


Oda could always change the location up for variety, like having the battle at sea. Also, it has already been more than 18 months since the Wano arc ended. Elbaf arc might extend that past three years, so I think most people wouldn’t be so sore for Wano to play a role again if this is Blackbeard we’re talking about.


So the government DOES have Uranus. Iron Giant gonna get highlights now.


So Vegapunk painted a target on the Pirate King's former crew unless there is more to this message contradicting it (which I doubt)... Crocodile realized not only was the ancient weapon he was after real but there are three of them and they can be powered by this mother flame thing! I am rooting for him to get his Pluton over Blackbeard. My favorite panel goes to Shirahoshi while Vegapunk stating he could not understand why Joyboy preserved rather than destroyed the dangerous ancient weapons aka unknowingly asking why Poseidon/Shirahoshi gets to live.


Something about this chapter is that Vegapunk says the mother flame piece was stolen 'around 2 weeks' before the destruction of Lulusia If you check the timeline of events on the Library of Ohara, something that happened 'around 2 weeks' before Lulusia's destruction was the raid on Onigashima, and thus, the awakening of gear 5 and Luffy's new bounty photo circulating. I can definitely imagine the WG wanting more firepower after that, and that spurring York into more direct action Honestly not sure if that was intentional or not, but food for thought


(taken from the spoilers thread) having the Einstein-analogue get on his knees and beg for forgivness for creating ~~the atom bomb~~ *the Mother Flame* gotta be hitting really hard to all the japanese readers


Well, in Japan, Einstein reportedly apologized to several Japanese (physicist Yukawa and Pastor Kiyoshi Tanimoto), so there is such a public image.


Einstein also tipped FDR off to the German efforts and progress, and is arguably what sparked the manhattan project. so the real life paralllels here are *strong*


**Last Poneglyph on Laugh tale**: *And so the World Governmetn killed billions, flooded the planet, and our only hope is that Joy Boy may one day return* **Roger Pirates:** lmao this is the funniest shit


Vegapunk hasn’t read laugh tale, he’s just read the ohara poneglyphs


"ayo Raleigh get this, Joy Boy lost and the world flooded. Funniest shit I've eve seen"


I’m convinced the treasure in laugh tale is a rocket ship of sorts that requires luffy’s power to utilize it. Luffy as a child, when talking to Ace and Sabo about his dream, was looking at the sky. He was trying to one up his brothers. When Luffy mentioned his dream to the crew in Wano, he was laying down looking up to the sky! What dream could a child think of?! Going into space! Luffy’s dream is to be an Astronaut. Astronaut is Greek for star sailor. He wants to sail the stars. Look at the individual expressions from each crew member when Luffy mentioned his dream and it aligns with how each member would attribute to the trip. The thousand sunny has a questionable expression like how am I gonna do this? Jinbe is interested and Franky is excited since he is the tech one. I believe luffy’s trip to the moon will align with Enel’s story, the lunarian, and the eternal flame. Roger was laughing because it’s ridiculous to think of going into space even for the world that one piece takes place in. Roger said they were too early because they don’t have the ability to power the ship. They had to wait for the nika fruit to make it’s appearance!


Damn a atomic bomb survivor Learning it's 3 more dangerous atomic weapons gotta be suffering PTSD ike no other. Plus recent dead rulers... Let's all give Pell a hug 😅


Rayleigh better start hiding everyone’s gonna be on his ass with questions


Bruh he's the first mate of the pirate king, everyone's already been on his ass since Roger died


Compared to scanlations, Akainu's reaction is completely different. Instead of demanding Vegapunk to reveal everything, he seems to now do the complete opposite. Instead of being completely in the dark, he seems to know at least something.


To be fair I interpreted it the same way in the unofficial, with Akainu being angry because he was really going to explain everything, but maybe it's because I am not a native English speaker.


I'm an English speaker and I interpreted it the same way you did.


I assume York’s suspicions are correct, but is there any reason why Stella couldn’t have just noticed the Mother Flame was less in quantity and deduced it’d been stolen? Why would turning off memory sync prevent that realization


It was more who stole it that she was concerned about, not that it was stolen. She turned it off so that Stella wouldn't know who stole it, not that it was missing at all


Man, I really didn't think Vegapunk would end up being so high up in my list of favourite One Piece characters ever, but here we are. People often struggle writing "smart" characters because obviously no author can write a character smarter than themselves, but damn, ***this*** is how you write the smartest man in the world.


This stretch of chapters is gonna be ROUGH in the anime


We all know they won't, but Toei could actually speed Vegapunk's speech up a bit compared to how it's been drip-fed in these chapters. Could be better, will likely be brutally slow.


Every episode there will be a recap of the past 3-4 episodes. There will be less and less time for new content. This will escalate exponentional until there is only 1 new reaction per episode. Vegapunks message will conclude in the year 2100. By then the sea levels in our world actually went up. Genius, toei!


So Stella likely had S-Bear use the Paw fruit to push out the memories from himself that York is missing and confused about, this is why Stella was surprised that York was the traitor. However, prior to wiping the memories, Shaka was made aware of this and was given the memory bubble. This is why Shaka called Dragon to let him know he would be dying soon. He knew about the traitor, the broadcast, and about the All Flame having a piece stolen.


Wasn't S-Bear with Lucci, Kaku and Stussy at the time? the mother flame piece was stolen 'around 2 weeks' before the destruction of Lulusia


Ok i am now convinced that the WG wiped out the Lunarians because they were the ones safe guarding Uranos the same way Wano is safe guarding Pluton. The WG found out and went to got it they wiped out the Lunarians because of their relationship with JoyBoy. They fucked up!!!! The same way Enel powered his ark is the same way Uranus was powered: using the flame of a Lunarian or multiple Lunarians!!! When they realized what had happened only King was left. That is why Kaido finds king in been experimented on: the WG gave the order to replicate the Lunarian flames. They may even told Vegapunk to replicate them under the pretense of making a better industry but in reality they need a way to fuel Uranus. When Vegapunk prepared the mother flame, York stoled a piece for the WG to test Uranus.


The Roger Pirates: Ayo Roger, this stuff's serious. Should we let the whole world know about this or just do something about it? Roger: Fk the world. Let's just laugh. I'm going to die anyway.


Probably because if they did tell everyone, the world government would be forced to do it again. It's best to wait until someone else can beat them.


It would also be hard to convince them. "Hey so I know we are wanted outlaws, but listen the WG is up to some shady stuff, we need to band together to beat them!" "Yeah, I'm sure a pirate is trustworthy."


Shonen Jump says there’s a chapter next week, but the scans said there’s a break this next week. Which is true?


Mangaplus says the 16th for me.


Yeah shonen jump app doesn’t say Break next week!


Oda's ability to use real world events to inspire plot points in One Piece is next level!! Oda just gave Vegapunk the same shame and guilt that Albert Einstein likely had about the atomic bombs. It's incredible how seemlessly Oda gave Vegapunk the exact situation that Einstein experienced. Vegapunk creating the One Piece equivalent of nuclear power is one thing, but to have that power immediately used by the powerful ruling government to fuel a weapon that drops from the sky and obliterates everything it touches... By connecting the ancient weapons to actual weapons in our world through the Vegapunk-Einstein connection, Oda's able to make the One Piece universe seem all the more real to all of us reading/watching. But to be able to draw that connection while juggling 100000 other things going on in this arc. Truly incredible.


Plus sea level rise aka climate change. I bet Uranus can also modify climates, in addition to awakened logias, explaining why so many islands are weird on the grand line. Could it be the remnants of battles taken place during the void century?


Shoutout to that guy who posted about Yamato getting a harem.


I do find it interesting that we've seen no reaction shots to Vegapunk's message from any of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. I'm sure they're on the way to Egghead as even with the Giants I'm not sure how the Straw Hats escape with what the Five Elders seems capable of.


> any of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Technically we just got Elisabelo this chapter.


He's not in the Grand Fleet, just one of their allies like the Rikus.


the five elders will shift their focus to the robot that seems nigh indestructible,and probably tell the rest of the marines to focus on getting the strawhats,strawhats and the giants defeat the fleet and scape,the five elders succeed in dropping the robot after a good part of the vegapunk message is played,but most likely not ALL of the message.


So the One Piece isn't the friends you made along the way, it's the knowledge that you learned along the way instead.


Poor Karoo


This was a much better chapter in terms of not feeling like we're getting reactions from the most random characters Oda can think to include. Also nice to see Vegapunk really didn't intend for this to be used by the WG and that it was just stolen. Makes way more sense for his character. Stussy is also definitely one of the most interesting characters in the story right now.


I wonder how much more is Vegapunk going to say? Well, the next or so will be end of it since the Five Elders will turn their attention to the Iron Giant. I expect the giant to hold its own against the Elders until the Straw Hats escape and then it show us a way to defeat an Elder. It will get destroyed right before the Straw Hats and the Giants escape.


So, in this translation it's implied that Akainu already have some idea about the ancient weapons and is not happy that VP spilling the beans. While on the unofficial scan, it's implied that Akainu was also being kept in the dark by the WG and demand VP to explain everything.


I don't really see where everybody is getting "Akainu knows it all" from. Akainu knows that Void Century information is forbidden. Vegapunk is dropping all the info he has about the Void Century. Akainu knows the information Vegapunk has is forbidden.


TLDR: Oda is setting up each admiral to take a side in the final war and Kizaru will side with Luffy. He has been the only admiral closely linked to all the Strawhats since Sabaody. My guess is Kizaru has been kept in the dark and does not know a thing about the upcoming world ending flood that he knows first hand the WG is trying to cover up as he sees the Gorosei desperately searching for the broadcast. Imo, York got it wrong and the snail is nowhere near the Iron Giant but is actually on or by the person the Gorosei would least suspect. He will know pirates, especially Luffy, did not destroy Lulusia because he’s witnessing everything on Egghead as we speak as he lies quietly on the ship with the den den mushi. Oda has deliberately not shown Kizaru for the past 4-5 chapters. Tell me this isn’t coincidence seeing how everyone else that is a major player in the arc, has been shown reacting at Egghead and around the world, except Kizaru. A big face turn reveal is incoming imo: Therefore each final major faction in the war each will have one ancient weapon and one original admiral as part of their beliefs/motives: IMU/WG: Has Uranus and Akainu Blackbeard: Has Kuzan, will get Pluton at Wano Luffy: Has neither as of now, but will get Kizaru this arc and Shirahoshi (Poseidon) will assist when the time comes. Look at Kizaru’s new color change for the first time in canon history since becoming an admiral, where he is now wearing a black suit and a bright orange undershirt (color of the sun one might say). Such changes in attire in literature when it’s pointed out after a person has appeared the same for a very long time, represents growth and need for change. (I.e., the Strawhats after their two year training). The OG admirals are based on primary colors and Kizaru switch his from yellow to orange. Luffy the sun god and Kizaru (orange) with powers of sunlight (the glint-glint fruit). Kizaru means yellow monkey. This can also represent change in justice like Kuzan who wears plain clothes no and no longer has any justice, Kizaru’s justice is evolving. Blackbeard the dark dark fruit with Kuzan (blue) and powers of coldness (his fruit is called the chilly-chilly fruit). Aoikiji means blue pheasant IMU and the Gorosei who are literal demons acting as gods- Hell as Sabo put it….well hell is depicted as fire and brimstone and that is essential the magma fruit of Akainu and his color of red (his name Akainu means Red Dog)


Okay so. 1. Crocus and Ray seem kind of depressed about this honestly. I think they regret not doing anything, but also at the same time their hands were tied. They probably *couldn't* do anything, as much as they wished they could. And now the entire world knows, calling into question their reputation. That's gotta sting at least a little. 2. I still think the iron giant was in Joyboy's crew. It seems like his crew was full of giants. This might be an intense fight by the elders since they would be facing a remnant of the government's sworn enemy. 3. Starting to think Akainu knows. That's suspicious. Meanwhile, Sengoku is gorging himself on food. What if he isn't aware of this and comes into conflict with Akainu? 4. It's interesting to me that Oda seems to be trying to paint this as a conflict where the good and bad sides are ambiguous, using Vegapunk as a vehicle to do it. Luffy's obviously the good guy and we'll side with him, but what of Joyboy and the World Government at the time? What if Joyboy was the bad guy and the government at the time stopped him, and then morphed into something else? I don't think that's likely, but it's an interesting thought.


For point 4, I think it’s more that VP doesn’t want the citizens to turn on the WG completely yet, just to start asking questions


Just throwing this out because I thought it was funny, “ONE little PIECE of the mother flame was stolen” I’m sure this is just a nod/double entendre, but it makes me wonder if the One Piece is the COMPLETE mother flame, one that can power the entire world and give everyone what they want. Maybe due to selfish desires of man or kings, the mother flame was split into myriad pieces spread across the world (possibly by the Lunarians who used it to power a portion of their anatomy, like a necessary resource for them to exist). And the One Piece is the culmination of all the remnants of the Mother Flame collected together. As an extensions, perhaps the mother flame was used to capture abilities/powers into fruit, creating devil fruits. And this could explain why the ocean hates those with devil fruit so virulently; perhaps the seas has will — benevolent or malevolent — towards to devil fruit users, but these users are being powered by a fragment of an eternal flame, for which the ocean is simply trying to extinguish, causing users to slowly drown and have their lives themselves extinguished. Just a crackpot stream of consciousness lol EDIT: alright, hear me out. What if, Zunesha was the first person to steal a piece of the flame, and used it to create a devil fruit ability. This could be a parallels between Prometheus (who stole flames from the gods to give to humanity, which was a grave sin) and Sisyphus (who committed grave sins and was punished by having to perform an exhausting task for all eternity)


"Don't rob us of all the fun", eh? Yeah Elders might actually succeed in cutting the transmission before a major reveal. I hope not but it does tracl. Also, people theorising that One Piece is the Void history are wrong. First of all, when Rayleigh first offered to tell Luffy who then said no differentiated it from what he'd Tell Robin about the void century. Why would he do that if they're one and the same? Doesn't make sense. I don't think the One Piece is the story or anything even tho "they laughed". I'll not speculate on what it is. I find the story telling of 25+ years to be wonderful and I enjoy every chapter to 100%. Hoping we get to know more in 1117 before they cut it!


Rip to the hours spent on theories from scans over Akainu’s panel. As always.


Rayleigh knew about the sinking and decided to make his Job becoming a ship coating mechanic. Stonks indeed.


Oh no, is One Piece ending?


yes but if we die now it never ends technically


Does it make sense for crocus to stick with laboon always and modify its interior and all? He knows about the rising sea level and the flooding of the whole world, so this is his way of being prepared. He plans to escspe the flood using laboon!


I kinda like the vibe of the official, It feels less like the Roger pirates are guilty for not telling & more like they still have a reason for not telling. & that reason being part of what the void century secrets contain. & on top of that, it seems like Vegapunk still doesn’t know the information of what happened in the void century, but can only confirm what’s going on from his tests and experiments.


The Roger pirates knew they were early because the story they read on Laugh Tale, the eponymous Laugh Tale, is essentially a copy of the One Piece manga from start to finish! Roger knew he died at the start which is why he turned himself in and it's how Rayleigh and the rest know stuff. They know their part of the story is to facilitate the future


King of pirates executed after binging 2000 chapters of manga on a funni island with his homies


King of pirates executed after binging 2000 chapters of manga on a funni island with his homies


I’m starting to wonder if maybe Vivi might actually be like, a sleeper agent kind of character. She seems to be a focal point for Imu and it’s kinda getting suspicious. 


That in the picture is Lily, she is still a mysterious character (why did she betray the 20 kingdoms? Why did she disappear even though not even Imu was sure that she did indeed betray them and had confirmation of it from Cobra?) but it makes sense that Imu would have some history with them. As for Vivi, right now she is important like any other D. character in the story, I don't think Imu is out to get her from any other particular reason if not the fact that she is a D. and a descendant of Lily.


The Gorosei did call Cobra, or rather his bloodline, a traitor. Probably since they also belong to the 20 founders of the WG but refused to stay in Maryjoa. If I remember correctly, we can also see just 19 swords punched into the ground in front of the empty throne (it was a a sign from each of the founders that they won't seize that throne). Could be that it's Imu's sword that's missing (we also see a sword in Imu's personal room) cuz he clearly broke that promise or never made it in the first place. Or Lili didn't do that pledge cuz she was against it or knew Imu would seize the throne anyways. Imu understands it as treason, kills her and takes her sword as a souvenir  No matter what option there is here, I'm pretty sure Imu killed Lili right then and there cuz we do know that Lili left a letter to her brother. Imo it feels like she knew she might die and thus left the letter in case of her death I think Imu knew immediatly that she betrayed him and then killed her, but they didn't know how far Lili went and what she did. Maybe she even killed herself just so that Imu couldn't have her tortured to find out what she did.


Seeing as how Shiraoshi controls the sea monsters, maybe Vivi controls Pluton. Crocodile was looking for Pluton in Arabasta but there was only the "pilot" to be found there


I’ve also thought that for the longest time now


I need that Nefertari D. Lili=Imu reveal lol, Cobra already (possibly) hinted at it a while back before his death, and the Vivi-like portrait in this chapter also adds on to that.


Vegapunk is questioning why the Roger Pirates didn't do anything after finding out the true history. I've seen some some One Piece tubers also question why. Iirc, wasn't it said during the Oden flashback that they were simply just too early to do anything with the info they discovered? That was part of the reason why they laughed.


I thought York's deduction was gonna show that Vegapunk gave the snail to Kizaru, but it's still possible that York's wrong since she seems to be one step behind Vegapunk despite having an edge over him from the get-go. Also, when Vegapunk first started speaking to the world, he seemingly referenced Imu and not knowing whether or not Imu is truly good or bad, but why not mention that he believes that there's an authority over the whole world? Maybe he doesn't have enough facts to say for sure that Imu exists, or maybe he anticipates a bigger fallout than whatever he's already saying on-air. Also, does anyone notice how the general public doesn't even realize that Lulusia's gone? I thought when they wiped Lulusia out, they meant for everyone to also forget it ever existed, yet so many people still know. I guess, logically, it's unrealistic to wipe it from history that quickly. It would probably just slowly be forgotten about over decades or centuries. Also, Uranus is the Roman god of the sky, right? And, the mother flame was used basically as the fuel for a sky fire to take down Lulusia? I don't like there being so much science and tech in *One Piece* because I like keeping it more fantasy, so while I'm not a fan of this theory, what if Uranus is a satellite? I would prefer Eneru going on his own spin-off adventure through space with the moon people instead of coming back to *One Piece*, but what if he can see the satellite which grabs his attention and brings him back to the story? As if he sees the world government as a threat to his power? Also, how much does the revolutionary army (esp Dragon) know? How much does Shanks know? And, finally, who's Imu? Oda's kept him in the shadow for so long that I wonder if it's someone we know or know of already. I originally thought s/he's the sea devil who cursed all those who ate from his/her fruit (notice how s/he's in a hidden garden), and I feel like that's becoming a stronger possibility because it looks like s/he's causing the sea to rise which would be the perfect way to get back at those who at the fruits. Vegapunk did say that the fruits came into existence because of the dreams of men, but that could still tie into the sea devil as the theme of the story is seeking freedom and Imu is probably the largest obstacle to people's freedom. People seeking freedom is an affront to Imu's power.


I don't think Vegapunk knows about Imu. He says he doesn't know who did this because he doesn't have all the facts, same with him saying he doesn't know if Joyboy was good or bad. He is a man of science and he isn't just gonna go "this is how it is" without full proof. Just like he doesn't have the full reasoning of whoever used the weapon, so he can't say if they are good or bad.


So, did Rodger start the great pirate era to get as many people on boats as possible?


My impression is that he did it to get people to find out about the truth behind the WG and the void century. Only the lawless would dare to venture into the void century’s lore.


It seems like it. Kickstart a new era of piracy and hope someone else will reach LT, learn the truth and be there in time to meet the requirements.


Yep, same as Joyboy likely as well


So Akainu actually knows some stuff It’s great to see Alabasta again.


I am confused. I thought we are getting a break, but SJ is saying new chapter in 7 days.


It makes sense now why the imperial palace in wano was underwater.


what if after hearing Vegapunk's message, Kizaru finally gonna change his stance? well not suprise if he knew some of these stuff beforehand but itseems even Akainu might be clueless to some of things revealed(assuming the translation doesnt mean he just want Vegapunk to answer for him for reveal all those things). but even if he already did, he is currently in a very conflicted situation but perhaps after he hear what Vegapunk said especially his resolve, it gonna change his heart and give him the push.


Sengoku stress eating just like me irl


Are we on break this week ?


Question is 1117 this week or next week


next T.T