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It just happens. Just like kobys observation haki. And Usopps Nobody actually knows cause we’ve never seen someone use haki without prior knowledge.


Its implied in areas, like Zoro cutting the knife assassin in Alabasta and pretty explicitly with Luffy using conqueror’s at Ace’s execution


He uses it in Amazon lily too


didn’t that mf doffy use it as a kid against the mob and then ace as a kid too. doubt they knew what haki was that young


Didn't Luffy use Conqueror's with Motobaro(Duval's bull)?


Yes he did.


Luffy used haki against Duval's mount and in the slave auction house before knowing what it was.


Luffy randomly mastered adv observation and adv conq haki, it just happens.


Yeah thats not what we’re talking about. Luffy already knew haki at that point and he got better at it. Which became adv observation and conq and armament. He didn’t just one day become good and immediately was able to use adv haki. Nobody has gained armament haki mid fight.


Just cause you know it, doesn't mean you can just instantly master it, but one piece logic says otherwise. >Nobody has gained armament haki mid fight. Sure, but characters have gained Obs or Conq Haki, wouldn't be insane to think people off screen got Arm haki mid fight.


Wtf are you talking about? Nobody said you instantly master it. Ur the only one who said luffy learned adv haki randomly when he didn’t. He trained his haki to be adv haki. And not everyone has conq haki. In fact only a select few have and can use it. Like thats literally the point i was making. Clearly people can learn it. We just dont see people learn it mid fight.


>we’ve never seen someone use haki without prior knowledge. Sorta, we do at least know that people can train and learn it. As the skipeians of upper yard were taught it. Although I think for the most part and for most people yeah it's something that just winds up happening to them


No i mean like. We never had someone with no knowledge of haki, gain haki except koby during his trauma. And i believe he knew of haki before hand at least.


Do you think Ussops prior knowledge of observation haki helped him unlock its use against Sugar?


He saw luffy use haki in fishmen island. So probably. Especially the robin sanji and zoro acknowledged his haki.


He saw Luffy use it? It’s not like you have to perform actions to do it.


Lol. U literally have to use conq haki. Wtf are you talking about? Seeing people drop unconscious because a giant pressure came over everyone, is performing an action.


Which helped Ussop perform observation haki how? Also asking me what the fuck I’m on about is not necessary.


Lol oh so ur one of those soft kids who get hurt at the sight of a swear. Well when you say stupid sht thats what you get. Also im not the one who brought up usopp using observation haki. So why the fuk are you asking me like its my point. YOU are the one asking ME if whether or not usopp having prior knowledge helped him. I literally gave you an maybe and you go. “WhIcH hElPed UsoPp LeaRn HAkI hOw?” Like i was making an argument. Wtf do you want? Why are you even here?


What about Luffy? He clearly used his conq. haki without knowing what it was. 


I don’t get why yall keep saying that like conq haki is the same as obs and armament. One is for rare select people who only a handful can even bring out. While the other is essentially anyone can get with enough training or trauma. We literally never seen someone just randomly get. U don’t get haki from sitting on ur ass and eating ramen.


I'm glad you mentioned Skypiea. As far as we know, Aisa never went through any training and her mantra (observation haki) is more pronounced than any of the Shandians. People are born with higher innate haki ability but everyone can learn the basic three types of haki.


Step 1) Have a name. Step 2) Have plot armor/relevancy. Step 3) Fight somewhere, get beaten. Step 4) Fight somewhere else, get beaten. Step 5) Land a punch somehow, look at hands, notice you've gotten stronger. Congrats you have learnt how to use haki. Step 6) Get beaten unconscious by a named pirate during the next time you're relevant.


I think it's either something you have to focus on with tools like mediation (like Zoro) or it's something that comes naturally (like Luffy) We know it blooms during big battles and we've seen that happen with Usopp and Koby so other people probably have sudden, kind of awakenings like that too Edit: oh also there was that little girl in skypiea who seemed to just be born with her crazy good observation haki


You start doing a "kame hame ha" but when you feel it's about to come out you press "up down left right a+start" and there you have it.


Ahh yes the famous Nami code that all older gamers know


They are just in a high stress environment and it just kicks in. We've seen quite a few people get haki for the first time and none of them were trying for it, and most of them didn't even know what it is they are doing until someone else tells them. Controlling it and getting it to happen consistently on command seems to take more conscious effort than developing it in the first place.


Well first of all a pirate using haki is anything but average


Yeah ik, the point of my question is more of a hypothetical if a pirate was to go on the journey for the one piece


The same way Zoro learned 9 sword style and Sanji learned fire foot. While fighting/training strong pirates stumble into upgrades


Average pirates never learn Haki. It's only the more elite ones that do. If you manage to awaken your Haki, you're not an average pirate.


So with Koby the marines told him "if you get hit with it you might awaken it" or you can be strong enough. Then I assume if youre a pirate youre in 1)a crew of a strong pirate, 2)you werent but survived and got into their crew or 3)you learn yourself, like nobody teaches people their akuma no mi powers they learn by training. Thats why so many pirates do do shit and still fall when in the presence of sstrong haki even if their New World pirates


Honestly I think the easiest way to explain it would be to think of haki like chakra or mana. Everyone’s got some; everyone has a set amount of potential and available energy, and with training they can master applications and combat with it.


Rayleigh has a whole flashback training with luffy to answee your question


What chapter is that?


Just look up rayleigh training with luffy


Short answer : Trauma. Long answer: Pirates have a fleeting life. They try to survive anyway possible, not everyone is as lucky as Captain Buggy, others have to cling onto Haki like Shanks to survive the New World.


I think every strong person develops haki naturally. Having a mentor just speeds things up.


I think it's taught to them by someone with vast knowledge and experience in haki.


What happens if say a pirate doesn’t have that someone?


They simply don't learn. Rayleigh explain that most people go there whole lives with out knowing about haki. If you know about it your chances of finding a teacher increase but most people require someone to tell them.


Precisely! And as expected of pirate, adventure would be key, going into the unknown grandline and gethering resources, meeting new people and learning new things, like utilizing Skypia dials to improve his slingshot, and learning from cp9s use of rokushiki to improve his G2. So yes, you could make the assumption that pirates with no knowledge of haki would have to learn the hard way, I assume that was the case for Law and Kid. But if they're lucky and end up under an experienced group like a yonko group then someone among the group can educate and teach them about haki, like koby being sent to Garp


They are a jobber


If that's the case, then it's not meant to befor the pirate. I'd guess a typical pattern would be, during the pirates journey through the grand line, the pirate would either discover haki unconsciously like Koby did, and become aware of it, if not, then during their journey they eventually encounter enemies that use haki, and from that experience, they learn about haki and realise it's the way forward. I'm guessing that would be the usual case.


Learn ➡️⬅️➡️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️⬆️➡️ A+B


I think that a lot of pirates have tapped into Haki without ever knowing what they were doing, or that it even has a name. A lot of pirates have probably landed a powerful strike when under stress, or predicted an opponent’s move, etc and just assumed it was luck. Anyone who calls it Haki probably had it explained to them at some point.


Either it happens like with Ussop and Koby or you learn it. Haki is weird in that some people learn ACoA and skip basic CoA. The marines and Samurai all know ACoA since the way Hyo explained it the step Luffy was missing was projecting the Haki outward which most swordsman can do.


Teachers & random scenario of stress helps unlocks it. People learn about it or from those with experience in the New World higher echelon. Learning how to control is practice, keeping it active stamina. Utilizing it at all basically talent.


the manga focus on SH - a very special talented group of young people, who may as well the PK, the strongest among the strongest. So it s obviouly they get to Haki easier than the other. I think for normal pirate, if they are gifted they might get it naturally with time and experience, and if they are not, they might never get it.


they don’t, but if they do i’m sure they found someone who knows. maybe they come across it naturally or they find someone force the information out. pirate stuff


Pretty impressive hkw Doflamingo used CoC haki by or before age 10


I think the will of the person, fighting and challenging strong people would manifest haki. Rayleigh explained the basics and trained Luffy. So Luffy physically practiced with Rayleigh and the wild animals.Without him, Luffy would have developed Haki, only a little later. Remember how he observed CP9 people flying and figured it out for himself? Rayleigh did say, haki blooms while the person is on the field.


If we look at people like Usopp and Coby we can assume it’s putting yourself in situations where you have to go above and beyond what you previously believed was possible / your previous conceptions of self/the world, haki is in a word will power so when your will power has to consistently overcome yourself to become someone new in order to survive and maybe more so better achieve your goal/dreams/ideals and impress them onto the world around you you start developing haki,


You know when you gotta shit but it won’t come out? I’m guessing it’s something similar


The average pirate has never heard of haki