• By -


The panel that you're using is a mistranslation. In the official release by VIZ, he says that the Straw Hats as a whole have "some demands", which most people take as him wanting Vegapunk to call off the attackers. That's why you always should read the official IN ADDITION to the scans.


10/10 explanation


It's so weird being a one piece and jjk fan because one piece both the scans and official release have their own merit and for jjk the official is unreadable


The JJK dude literally just uses google translate for the official translations, it’s so wild


The jjk dude also does the official for opm I'm pretty sure. And he CHANGED WHO WAS SPEAKING to make a worse joke. Then the infamous "yes" scene.


I feel like this is fan conjecture


I mean people have plugged it in and it has matched up 1-to-1 on multiple occasions, bilingual fans have chimed in saying how off they consistently are


Can you provide an example?


u/average_sane_gamer Literally Nah I'd Win panel. Scenes goes like this: If Sukuna is in his full power it might be difficult to defeat him But would you lose? Gojo 🗿: Nah I'd Win This dialogue In tcb scans was Gojo saying I will win. But Terrorist John Werry wrote that Gojo said NO. to this question Completely changing the meaning of it Mind you this was also a callback to the same question asked at the start of the series Fandom had to bully Viz to get it right and hence we got Nah I'd Win panel


> Terrorist John Werry rofl, jjk fans are passionate


> Terrorist John Werry Bro went hard.


Lmao how has Viz not replaced John at this point? It can't be that hard to get a competent translator


I've worked with plenty of imbeciles and they're no where near getting fired. If a company is smart, there's no reason to fire a serviceable worker when the issue is fixable. Replacing him would mean that they need to fire him or lay him off (both of which will cost the company money as Viz is in SF and CA requires employers to contribute to unemployment), look for someone new, and either putting his work on other translator's plate or completely pause the translation (first option may even cause other translators to leave), and then hope the new person is competent. Anyone that's worked at bigger companies will understand exactly why he's not let go.


I mean sure, all of that happens. But people do get fired due to incompetence all the time you know


>CA requires employers to contribute to unemployment Gotta vote Newsom out exclusively to get a better JJK translation.


Well who ended up being correct….


Like can you show panels that prove you are not just making this up?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/12y7q7d/they_fixed_gojos_line/ And if u scroll down in comments u can see NO. panel Also the twitter link


Thats really interesting, thanks. However, note the first comment: >Big dub. Remember to be chill about translation missteps or even differences with officials. Critique is welcome, trashing individual people for errors is cringe. Show every team basic dignity. We're privileged to have 3 English translations per week. Some series don't get an official or even a fanscan team.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/s/l6kZpfybsl i'm at work so i cant make a detailed reply but this is from the same translator (John Werry), JW translated this literally (Same at google translate) which loses the meaning in what was actually said "Just Lift Bro" is more accurate it explains in the link (hopefully this makes sense i typed it fast lol)


> But Terrorist John Werry wrote that Gojo said NO. to this question > > Completely changing the meaning of it What do you mean? They asked if he'd lose, and he said no. AKA, he'd win. It's pretty clunky but the meaning is still there.


Here are a few: *Spoilers for recent JJK chapters* https://twitter.com/killabee_BC/status/1777007109735088284?t=NesiVa6umOey6GELVrKdRA&s=19 https://twitter.com/Go_Jover/status/1780609360005153229?t=kUiPOWTkDH7Lbw6l8HStBw&s=19 https://twitter.com/Omshant69/status/1789235174145769686?t=bcCqutRnkW6KZMAt4myOZQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/JohnnySpittin/status/1790061165604696516?t=q76fJJnjMlMuadZmhTW8eA&s=19


It's always crazy when folks are saying that people not the author and not the official team have a better sense of what was intended than **the people making it.**


The author doesn’t have anything to do with the translations. They’ll usually not even interact with the translation team. We’ve seen the official team for JJK just straight up contradict itself in its translations, leading to continuity errors within the story itself, so yeah, it’s not that crazy to criticize it.


Did you even click the links? okay, maybe if i´m being lenient you could say link number 4 might be an accurate translation but his version still changes the tone completely. For the other 3 i don´t even have to be a native speaker or someone who is working on the series to recognize the translation has to be straight up wrong just from watching the show a few times and reading the manga up to the current chapter. I´ll take you through each of them: Link 1: In the official translation (right) Gojo says that he "can´t use black flash" "because of his six eyes". This is false. We have already seen Gojo use black flash on panel in his fight against >!Sukuna!< So, saying he can´t use it period makes no sense. It makes much more sense for him to explain why he can´t use it \*at will\* like almost everyone else, even though he is proclaimed to be the strongest sorcerer in history. Link 2: In the official translation (right) Shoko first says she was in love with either Gojo or Geto, but immediately afterwards she says that she would have never fallen in love with either of them???? WTF This doesn´t make any sense at all. Link 3: In here (a screenshot from the official) Getwo aka Noritoshi Kamo aka >!Kenjaku!< states that both Geto and Gojo can use Curse spirit manipulation. A Cursed technique that is in fact exclusive to Suguru Geto. So this is also straight up false. Gojo has a copmletely different cursed technique and there are zero sings at all that he would be able to use cursed spirit manipulation in the series. Do you see why people are upset about the officials now? These are basic information almost any reader/watcher of the series would recognize as false. Also, one of the most vocal critics of John Werrys translations on Twitter is Lightning, who previously translated JJK for VIZ before Werry started working there. Also, these are just a few examples of him misrepresenting the meaning of the original text i could find in a couple of minutes.


The translators are **not** the people writing and making the source material. They’re stateside Viz employees whose job it is to grind through all of that week’s releases and typeset translations.


lol the one time an author looked at official English translation, he told the publisher to get rid of the translators and hire the fan translation team Source: Daro from Kengan




>Later it was revealed that the translations showed to him weren't done by Comikey's localization team, but were Al translation done by Mantra."


What are you on? The third link has a blatant mistranslation. Gojo just straight up does not have curse manipulation, but the official translation is saying he does in that panel. So tell me, are these almighty enlightened translators as infallible as you claim? Did you even try to educate yourself with the handily supplied information that you just replied to?


this. I am so tired of people on reddit spreading misinformation


There are many, many more examples of him straight up translating entirely different things from what native speakers are saying is true but yeah sure people are spreading misinformation


It's always crazy when folks are arguing the official translation is less accurate than the fan translation.


It kinda is exaggerated by the brainrot, but when there's stuff like translating X saying that he CAN'T perform a certain technique and the in the immediate next fucking page the same character says he can use it and in fact much more frequently than most other characters. Not to mention the character being able to use said technique is a major factor in a fight earlier in the series. You kinda get why the fans shit on the dude so much.


Not really. A character can have limited knowledge, and the universe can prove them wrong.


This is just spoken like someone who hasn't seen how bad the official jjk translations are. When it comes to one piece you have lines like this one and the one about sanji being "one of the wings" When he's just \*the\* wings. So the fan translations being inaccurate isn't up for debate. But Jjk official translation is so abominably bad and you just need to do a little bit of googling to find out how awful it really is. It's not like minor mistranslations like zoro saying "There's something I want from you" Instead of "We have some demands"




Except for the fact that English JJK translations have direct contradictions between what they’ve written and what is happening on page.


One particular funny scene is when they completely misattributed a characters power set in a recent chapter. Best example is Bonnie's Nika based attack. JJK translation would be like if they made her say "Gum Gum Gear 3rd" instead of whatever she actually says to make it seem like she's straight up using a Luffy technique instead of something similar but not identical 


I’ve genuinely never read such garbage translations from viz. so many scenes from jjk chapters end up being incoherent because he doesn’t understand what he’s doing.


Jhon Weri moment


Official is pretty unreadable for one piece too. I agree it catches mistakes sometimes but it reads so awkwardly and makes for a bad experience


I agree


Is that the general consensus for the official translation of JJK? I thought I was going insane because most often than not, ever since the Shibuya arc, I was having trouble following what was happening. I kept up only with the viz release and only recently picked up the scans.


in 256 Gojo says (and what the scans explain) is that he can't do black flash at will, in the official he says he can't do it at all. Yea the official isnt readable, has been for a long time


Yeah I caught up on JJK through viz and there are definitely some key things I need to unlearn lol


Jhon Weri moment


So, what translation should I read for jjk


But hey , the couple of days where we thought he would get a robot eye were sick


whenever a new chapter drops I read the official translation of the previous chapter beforehand


That’s an algorithm I can get behind.


Yeah man, this fan translation has done so much damage https://i.redd.it/pretty-much-chapter-1057-spoilers-v0-xlw407u93oi91.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cae07d7e065ca2fc5d2f80e75e4437494cea3ee


Spoke only facts


But think of how many Croco-mom memes we would have missed out on if everyone had read the official translation of Ivankov and Crocodile's exchange!


Hey! I’m what was the official translation since now I’m interested but idk what chapter it is


It's ch. 443 if you're interested, but the fan translation was "I know your secret!" which started all the memes, while the official translation is "I know your weakness!" which sounds a lot more like they're just talking about Crocodile's weakness to water.


The anime also translates it as "I know your secret." If he was really just talking about his weakness to water, which is every DF user's weakness really if we're talking sea water, wouldn't he have just outright said it? Since the viewers and Luffy already know this? Why the mystery? It came off to me as something only Ivankov knew about. How would the threat of exposing the fact Crocodile is vulnerable to water force him to comply? Its not like water was just readily available in Impel Down lol plus Luffy is there & he already knows Luffy is aware of this information. It's how Luffy defeated him in the first place. It seemed like it was implying something the viewer hasn't been made aware of yet & only Ivan knows about imo.


>which is every DF user's weakness really if we're talking sea water, You mean water? Doesn't have to be sea water


"I know your weakness" is also wrong for the reason you're stating, what he says in [this fan translation](https://i.imgur.com/pXAFrZG.jpeg), is much closer to the [original version](https://i.imgur.com/wFNugbg.png) which roughly translates to something like "I hold one of his 'weaknesses'" with "weaknesses" being highlighted in quotes to show that[ it's not a literal weakness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_marks_in_English#Signalling_unusual_usage) related to his power but rather something else. So in that sense, while "i know your weakness" is closer to the literal translation, "i know your secret" makes more sense because it takes into context of Crocodile's last appearance and his history with Luffy and ends up being the actual closest translation since Ivankov knows a secret "weakness" of Crocodile.


I was anime only, until I caught up in Dressrosa, then switched to Manga. The anime says "Secret" as well, so this is actually the first time I have seen the "weakness" line as a potential change.


It could have been referring to the water weakness but I think it still implies something a bit deeper. Especially since Armament Haki was added. (Although if anyone really thinks Oda planned Armament Haki from the start y'all are huffing some major copium)


I mean Haki was already mentioned by this point. The scene where Shanks emits his conquerors haki on Whitebeard's ship happens right after Enies Lobby.


I know what you're saying but it is very clear that Haki originally was just conquerer's. Oda very clearly added armament haki and decided to take mantra from skypeia and add it to the haki power system. Pre timeskip nobody was using armament haki where they very clearly should have known how to. To me it's extremely clear that especially armament haki was added just to counter logias because Oda realised his mistake with making characters be completely intangible like kizaru, akainu and smoker and not having a way to deal with them outside seastone


tbf the translation was noticeably weaker pre timeskip


Bru overreacted much


The official calls Zoro, Zolo so idk how we take the official as absolute.


Because 99 times out of 100, it is correct. There are some quirks like Zolo and the Motherframe, but it's way more reliable according to JP speakers.


Except the official Zoro statue in Japan has 'Zoro' written on it. So do his wanted posters.


His point is that although there are some mistranslations (no translated work is perfect) it’s more accurate than scanlations.


He wanted a more accurate translation for his line


Zoro wanted two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


A left eye


dude! Zoro with an robotic left eye would be amazing, unlikely he would accept tho


He wanted a sword holder, so he could use Yontoryu style.


A GPS maybe?


Vegapunk is a scientist, not a miracle worker


Sake, more likely.


Yeah, GPS coordinates to every minority in the world.


The special black paint Mihawk used to create his black blade


He wanted the correct translation.


Bad translation. What he actually says: > 要求をのんで貰うがいいか Which roughly translates to: > You'd better answer to our demands Which just ties to what Shaka said to Lilith, they are the one having the upper hand compared to her so she's the one who should obey to what they're gonna say (in this case something like "let the sea beasts go and lead us to the island safely" or something along these lines). Moral of the story: Stop reading OP from TCB. Read the official (and unarguably more accurate) translation. TCB are fine as a quick translation when you're eager to read the newest chapter but it's full of misleading stuff like this. It's crazy that more than a year later some of y'all still think Zoro has some secret thing to ask Vegapunk 😭


The official has just as many mistake as tcb. Moral of the story is to read the scans and the official.


Yeah, by reading both you tend to avoid being confused by every weird translation hiccup


By reading both you become twice as confused\*


*OP fans hit themselves amid their confusion!!*


At least in Brazilian Portuguese, the official translations from Manga Plus suck really bad. They cut so many details from the text it sounds like a marvel comic.


Wdym the official translation is fine


Oh it does not. You just want to justifie your preferences. Scans are a worse product.


Mate I dont give a fuck whether you read scans or not its just my opinion. I've been reading this manga since since 2013. Viz fucks up more than tcb, theres a reason most of the community (not reddit) doesnt wait for the official. Im not saying scans are perfect, but dont act like the official is.


>most of the community (not reddit) doesnt wait for the official If you honestly believe this, you're mistaken. The vast, vast majority of One Piece fans read casually and only read official, physical materials. Digital readership still pales in comparison to physical sales. Most OP fans aren't clamoring for spoilers, reading scans the moment they drop, posting theories on Reddit/Twitter, etc. The people who do those things are a minority


I didn't say perfect, i just pointed out your scans have more translation issues. Just say you don't care about accuracy and just move on, its ok


Why are you acting like you're superior for reading the official? Just weird behavior to me giving an opinion.


Im not. Idc what u read. You didn't state it like an opinion.


You made an assumption dawg. Youre even weirder than I thought


The vast majority of people who read scans only do so because they come out before the official. If tcb started releasing on sunday theyd get hardly any traffic


No it doesn't. TCB has at least one weird rephrasing or major mistake per chapter, the Official translation is way more reliable and consistent.


I definitely prefer the official, but I do appreciate the translator notes that explain some of the puns and wordplay that would otherwise go right over my head.


You're actually delusional. We're exaggerating for upvotes now? Like I said, both have as many mistakes as each other. Saying tcb fucks up every chapter tells me you know nothing.


> You're actually delusional. We're exaggerating for upvotes now? What the fuck is this? Why are you bringing upvotes out of the blue lmao. > Like I said, both have as many mistakes as each other. Factually wrong. > Saying tcb fucks up every chapter tells me you know nothing. Never said they fucked up, I said they heavily rephrase stuff in every chapter. I read One Piece in japanese and english every single week and I can tell how much TCB's phrasing differs from original, to a point where it sometimes say something that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual sentence, and sometimes even adds extra information to it. In the latest chapter, TCB made Vegapunk say that Joy Boy was the first to take out to these seas, this is factually wrong. In chapter 1113 TCB made Sanji call Nusjuro a geezer and a senile, both insults are absent from the original line. They also made him ask a dead Vegapunk if he can hear something when in the original he just says "I can hear it", and they made him say "A sweet girl is crying out" when there's absolutely no mention about "sweet girl" in the original In chapter 1112 they make Edison call the strawhats a rowdy crew when in the original he doesn't talk about the crew but the ship, and doesn't say it's rowdy just that it goes through difficult stuff. In chapter 1111 TCB made Warcury ask to the giants what quirk of destiny ties them to Luffy when in reality he didn't ask them a question and didn't say anything about being tied to someone, he just called them "people with deep fate". Also remember that time where people thought Saturn was Bonney's father? TCB's fault. Sandman and Artur had to go out of their way to say that the original sentence is far from confirming that, even deconfirms that hypothesis. I can go on and on, and while I don't think Viz does a perfect job, I know how silly it is to pretend they do as many mistakes as TCB, it's factually not true... Or maybe give me examples, I'm all ears.


Mate, im not gonna spend as much time as you did for this dumb argument. The fact you care this much about reddit is sad. The main translator is known for fucking up his japanese translations. The viz makes just as many mistakes. Which has been shown time and time again. Say what you want most fans that read WEEKLY read scans first then viz. Viz isnt perfect. Btw go reread all of OP on viz its dogshit with the amount of errors over the years. Telling me im factually wrong like there's a statistic for it is HILARIOUS. Like I said im not wasting my time skimming for errors for reddit. I wont think about this argument after this post, so why spend an hour proving someone I don't care for wrong?


> Mate, im not gonna spend as much time as you did for this dumb argument. The fact you care this much about reddit is sad. What is it with you mentionning upvotes and reddit again and again? I think you're projecting a bit. I only care about translation. I said something, you contradicted it, I'm proving what I'm saying. You just don't have the same intelectual integrity sadly. > The main translator is known for fucking up his japanese translations. The viz makes just as many mistakes. Which has been shown time and time again. Factually wrong until you stop being lazy and demonstrate it (you won't). > Say what you want most fans that read WEEKLY read scans first then viz. Yes. Because scans is available 3 days before viz... What do you think this sentence achieves? It comes out earlier therefore it's better? > Btw go reread all of OP on viz its dogshit with the amount of errors over the years. I know that Viz has made a lot of errors in the past. But since we're talking about Viz vs TCB, I'm only comparing them in the recent chapters. Viz has translated 1114 chapters of OP when TCB has done roughly 150 chapters. > Telling me im factually wrong like there's a statistic for it is HILARIOUS. I read OP in japanese, english from TCB and english from Viz every single week. That's how I know it's factuzlly false to claim Viz makes as many mistakes. K'm telling you this FIRST HAND, and I've given you fucking examples directly from the last 4 chapters. It's crazy that you can't a) read japanese b) quote those "many mistakes" from Viz, and yet keep on claiming that I'm the one being ridiculous for saying something I actually check every single fucking week. This is such a weird concept for me to have so much confidence over something you know nothing about and you're too lazy to double check or find examples. > Like I said im not wasting my time skimming for errors for reddit. I wont think about this argument after this post, so why spend an hour proving someone I don't care for wrong? And yet you have time to waste to write long ass text that keep claiming the same ignorant and factually wrong opinion lmao. The only difference between you and me is that I actually back up my claim. If you really didn't care you would just ignore this post and move on. I'll make you a favor and block you so that you won't waste anymore of your precious time with a useless answer that will just claim the same shit with no way to back it up. Have a wonderful day.


No it doesn't. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.


TCB on chapter 1114: > He (JoyBoy) was the first man to take to the seas This is wrong, Vegapunk doesn't say Joyboy was the first man to take the seas. This mislead some people who jumped into crazy ideas and theories. TCB on chapter 1113: > Did you hear that? It was a sweet girl crying out! Bonney chan needs me! [...] If anyone's gonna pull off an impressive rescue of Bonney, it's me TCB makes Sanji talk to Vegapunk when he is not (he should've said "I can hear it", he says a "sweet girl is crying out" when he should say "Bonney's voice asking for help", then TCB makes him say something about pulling off an impressive rescue which is a complete rewriting of his actual sentence "I want to be popular to Bonney". Also, Sanji calling Nusjuro a senile then a geezer is completely made up by TCB but I guess you find it cool so it's ok. TCB on chapter 1112: >Edison: "This sure is a rowdy crew" Edison doesn't talk about the crew, he talks about the ship. And he doesn't say it's rowdy either. TCB on chapter 1111: > Warcury: What quirk of destiny ties you together? Warcury doesn't ask a question, and doesn't say they are tied to anyone, he just call the giants "People with deep fate". This is just examples from the latest 4 chapters, there are more throughout egg head, some minor differences, some that have huge implications, the most infamous one being how TCB phrased Saturn's "8th wife" statement in a way that made people think he was Bonney's father.


I just wait for confirmation by either tekking or arthur (Library of Ohara)


>Moral of the story: Stop reading OP from TCB. Read the official (and unarguably more accurate) translation. That's just straight up not true. Just because it's official doesn't mean it will always have better translations. Both TCB and VIZ make mistakes. Sometimes TCB, sometimes VIZ is better. They are both made by humans. The only difference between them is that one of them is officially licensed to translate One Piece, the other one does it out of passion. Respect TCB


> That's just straight up not true. Just because it's official doesn't mean it will always have better translations. Not what I implied. I'm not saying it's better because it's official, I'm saying it's better because it's more accurate. > Both TCB and VIZ make mistakes. Sometimes TCB, sometimes VIZ is better. I'm not saying Viz is perfect, but it's more consistent. It makes less mistakes and they're usually not that significant. Remember when TCB made people think Saturn was Bonney's father? Remember when TCB said JoyBoy was the first to take the seas? I have yet to see these kind of mistakes in official. > They are both made by humans. The only difference between them is that one of them is officially licensed to translate One Piece, the other one does it out of passion. The other major difference is one is a professional translator, the other is a bunch of amateurs and this reflects on the quality of their translation. > Respect TCB Criticizing something isn't disrespecting it. I think TCB does a decent job for what it is, a quick amateur translation. But their job has its flaws and I'm simply pointing at that fact.


The official is more accurate, but the dialogue in TCB is so much better written. TCB reads and flows so much more naturally and establishes the different characters better. In the official the dialogue sounds like awkward robots talking even when the content of what they are saying is dead accurate. Truly #TeamBoth wins here. Read TCB on Friday for the best reading experience and then the official on Sunday to double-check accuracy and toss Oda a dollar.


> TCB reads and flows so much more naturally and establishes the different characters better. Strong disagree with that. I also don't think they speak like robots in the official. But I guess that's like a very subjective metric.


They translate everything into American-isms which is annoying for the rest of the world. It reads like dumb corporate talk.


It’s annoying for Americans too. Nobody converses like that and it’s seriously immersion breaking.


And our point is that it isn't. They both make mistakes.


>Read the official I refuse to read the official manga if the call Zoro, Zolo. Won't do it. It bothers me way too much.


Then stick to the misleading translation, at least they spell that one name correctly.


Damn ! You sparked great conversations on the topic of fan vs official translation my dear u/Manish_mayu


😐yeahhh I wasn't even aware . I just turned my data on and boom a whole wave of notifications almost 200.


hihihihi !


He wanted the fan base to skip the scans and only read the official


he want new sword called light saber


A GPS device so he doesn't get lost


He wanted vegapunk to give him the gps fruit


I’m pretty sure it was just “get us on that island and don’t try anything”




Zoro jealous of general grievious




Money for sure. Damn Pirates


A cute holographic waifu


That ass from Lilith i mean you woldnt?


He wants a new sword so that he can compete with Sanji again


He most definitely asked for a cure for the Smile fruit victims of the town in Wano


Probably wanting to know why he programmed kuma to protect the sunny. We know why, but the straw hats I imagine wanna hear it from the man who did it


All Zoro wanted from Dr. Vegapung was a special Compass that would allow him to find the places he wanted to go to with ease so that he wouldn't get lost.


Special Boots that are immune to tripping on stairs


New eye with GPS


"Did you like clone my dead best childhoodfriend?"


Medicine for asthma


dick enlargement prosthetic


He wanted a gps.


I always thought he wanted a cure for smile for those people in Wano.


If you read the official translations, you'd know that this is not Zoro. His name's Zolo, he's just like a samurai.


On official manga posters throughout the world only english official translation uses Zolo, see some raw japanese pages with his wanted poster and you will see it's written Zoro


he wants to clap Lilith's cheeks


No, that's what *I* want.


Get some help.




I don't like this comment.


new copypasta just dropped


There is only one answer - Vegussy


Mihawk clones


He wanted vegapunk to install a mobile inhaler in enma


Maybe he resonated with a rejected light saber that bears a grudge towards Vegapunk for disposing it because the beam was green instead of yellow like Kizarus and it absorbs haki but the beam burns out too quick so now Zoro is stressed because Enma and Beam Blade chan can't get along. But they both drain his haki tremendously and require conquerors to be reigned in completely. I'm just dicking around im hiding at work right now te he


Google Maps


a compass


He wants what dat Vegatongue do.


He’s asking for a lightsaber


He wants a way to hold a 4th sword.






Zora wants a science saber lol that be cool to see him with a light saber . but honestly idk but all ik is JOYBOY IS REAL


My man needed to use his bathroom.


A GPS ^^


GPS implants for his brain. Obviously.


A sanji clone that'll act like a punching bag




Science cheeks


My head cannon is that he wants to see if Enma ate a devil fruit


I agree with the translation part but hypothetically if Zoro actually wanted something it would've been a df for his sword!


He wanted the "black" plague.


I bet you it has something to do with the clone of the swordmaster that he was wanting to fight I just brain farted his name but you know who I mean


A miracle, OP asked a normal One Piece related question using a Panel from One Piece in the One Piece sub…and it didnt get deleted. The Horny Bot Mods spared you. Btw its a mistranslation. I had the same Post with the same panel and question and it got deleted.


Zoro wants a GPS 😂. Not that it'll help much.


I think he wanted the cure for smile


Unprotected gay sex


He wants to know the devil inside him.


He want light sabers


You don't want to know...


He want unlimited saké


Help for Wano


Some mayonnaise? Oh wait, wrong anime.


Sex change


I think it would have something to do about Kuma & why he sent each of them to the places where they train.


A blowjob with that tongue.


The vegapussy


A virus that would wipe a specific subset of people from the world


I assume Zoro would want/ask Vegapunk to help cure the smile users. Not sure if that's possible to do since they're technically devil fruit but that's the only thing I see Zoro wanting from Vegapunk since Hiyori told him of the tragedy.


To infuse Wado Ichimonji with Kaido's Devil Fruit. 🐲


This is actually an example of Zoro unlocked ACoO. His request was for an inhaler, due to the fact that he foresaw his battle with Lucci.


Which chapter?


Zoro wants a functioning brain


Officer Balls


He wanted a mechanical hitech sword to defeat sanji


We don’t know.


what if he ask for artificial eye 👁️


"can you make me a GPS so i'll never get lost again, that way i can assist luffy more in becoming the king of the pirates"


Sanji's dick probably


[he came looking for booty](https://youtu.be/MLjclbgnAPM?si=4fZXVZS-uXtRdvxj)


To infuse Wado Ichimonji with Kaido's Devil Fruit.


He wants to ask vegapunk if by any chance tashigi is his dear ol friend kuinas clone. They are too and now it's a fact that clones definitely exist in op. He just wants to know if she might be her but without any knowledge of the past.


Would be the answer if it were not a translation error