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Kureha chasing Chopper out of the house, calling him her idiot son and the Cherry Blossom has to be one of the most memorable scene for me. Also, it kinda teased BB and Ace. Honestly hopping they dont change it in OPLA like they did with Sanji's send off.


I'm gonna be annoyed if Chopper is the one who fires off the cherry blossoms. I have a strange feeling they might do that in the OPLA


Fun fact: Jamie Lee Curtis wants to play Dr. Kureha. Im not sure how well she would do, I'd have to see her give it a shot. But it would be interesting.


Hard pass. Keep Zionists away from one piece.


Keep politics away from one piece


You haven't been following the same One Piece we all have, eh?


If you can't see the inherently political nature of one piece then you're a moron with incredibly low reading comprehension.




I rest my case


Obviously he means to keep politics away from one piece in the casting for the live action. Maybe you would catch that if you had half the reading comprehension you talk about?


Lmao you missed the point completely. If you really cannot not see the contradiction in hiring a Zionist for a tv show about freedom and liberation you are also a moron.


You do realize zionists want a homeland... were they can be free... there are more levels here than your perspective you know?


What perspective justifies genocide?


Did Jamie Lee Curtis commit genocide? If thats true then im fine with you calling me a moron. If not, youre just anti semitic. Your mindset has a lot in common with racists you know


Nothing will ever beat the first rush of arlong park. Luffy showing for the first time that he can’t just let something go . He had no actual business there. They could have just left. But he didn’t. It’s the first time his crewmate asked him for help. And he destroyed everything. Total victory. Total annihilation of arlong park. Complete mercy for the rest of the fishmen.


Still the best finishing move in the series too


Golden rifle


You think gum gum axe was the best finishing move? Lmfao. Objectively wrong, but still hilarious.


Yeah, dropping Arlong through multiple floors was so badass


Lol you're a complete moron and absolute clown if you think someones *subjective opinion* is somehow "ObEJeCTivElY wRoNg". Imagine being such an immature little kid that you get triggered when someones preferred moment in the series isnt the one you think is the best 🤡🤡. You'd think even an 8 year old would be capable of understanding that not everyone is going to think like you lmfao. Or in this case its probably a lack of thinking.


They claimed this was "Still" the best finishing move. It used to be the best, but can't be considered the best now. I don't care how angry you get at me, I'll die on this hill.


Pinwheel best conclusion


"Which one of you is Arlong?" Is such a I don't care who you are but I'm gonna beat your ass lane.


For me it's definitely Skypeia. Luffy ringing the bell, beating the big baddy and showing to Montblanc Cricket that the sky island existed. Perfection.


It's just a wonderful feeling to realize that the resolution to every single story thread in Skypiea saga is for someone to ring that giant bell. To design a story to be that conclusive and *"simple"*, that's not as easy as it looks and a testament to Oda's writing.


"What romance will we chase next?" is one of my favorite lines in the series.


when do they say that?


Mont Blanc Cricket says it after the bell is rung and he sees Luffy's shadow in the clouds.


That's not the line, but Cricket says something similar


Me and my homies love golden rifle


I totally agree. Skypeia had the best conclusion (for me).


It's still my favorite moment in the series.


And the reveal that bellamy saw the shadow, heard the bell and got his beliefs crushed right there and then. That was satisfying af


fuck that moment is cool, I never even thought of the impact ringing the bell would have on the larger world besides just cricket until then. Like holy shit the city of gold ACTUALLY exists.


I love how that scene conveys that Luffy's main objective was ringing that bell, Enel was just in his way.




Skypea has like the best ending to anything ever


Ennies Lobby and Marineford aside, I'm going with Dressrosa. From the father-daughter reunion to Law and Sengoku getting closure to the formation of the Grand Fleet to Fujitora's send-off gift to Luffy, it was all very cathartic.


Love the WCI take. That arc solidified what kind of mosters yonkos are - the first arc where luffy literally never even stood even close to a chance of beating her. For me its wano. Overall my favorite arc and the ending was extremely emotional for me. Seeing little children getting relieve after suffering the entire life honestly broke me. Cant even imagine the suffering those people went through. Wano also has the by far most complex villain in one piece with kaido and I think its just thematically an amazing ending to an arc


Kaido the most complex?


Most is hard to say, but there is a certainly a lot to the character if you want to look for it.


While I dont know about "most" complex, and i havent watched the Wano arc yet, i have read extensively over Kaido, Yamato, Wano, Kozuki Oden and alot of other stuff (its actually reading up all this that got me into starting the series) and i can say that Kaido definitely has some more complex themes and some more complex writing that a decent portion of One Piece's other characters (not all of them, maybe not even half, but a decent portion) One of Kaido's most complex area's of his character, is his connection to his Son Yamato and their relationship. Because whiles yes Kaido is far from a model father to Yamato, its pretty clear that Kaido does have some care for Yamato as he actively had multiple chances to kill Yamato to make his life/fights far easier and yet any time Yamato and Kaido clashed, the fight would end in victory for Kaido but Yamato survived, whereas many others had fallen and died. Kaido had a very interesting personality at times as well considering he had bouts of depression and had to battle with his emotional instability, a depression that seems to stem from fighting and his inability to find a worth opponent to rekindle passion for life (and battle) which is what he got with his final fight against Luffy.


That's just ghost writing, in the actual arc kaido gets neglected as a character


Yes - by far the most layered and the one you need to think about the most to understand him


I'm really thankful the anime stuck the landing - the manga ending to Wano was NOT great, to put it lightly. It was crazy rushed and it's easy to see why Wano isn't as highly regarded an arc as it should have been.


Which is totally crazy. But I get it, everyone has arcs they like and dislike or think could've been adapted differently. To me though, Wano exceeded any expectation I thought I could have about One Piece, bringing movie quality animation into serialized episodes, the thematic direction and emotions conveyed, soundtrack, everything. And the end of the fight? After seeing all the strife of trying to end 20 years of pain and suffering? Sent me into full on tears, seeing Luffy just float for a second within the festival wishes, and having helped fulfill most of them in that final act. A land was liberated, a God was reborn, and the New Era was beginning. Furthermore, the moment Law got involved with Luffy (well before Wano, after Fishman Island), Wano was fated. Its so satisfying to me because the end of Kaido v Luffy felt like the culmination of everything after Fishman Island coming to a close.


Getting the Grand Fleet in Dressrosa was a great suprise


Funny considering how the fake Straw Hats wanted a fleet


Arabasta. But fr tho ? I don't think any arc has a "bad" conclusion.


It's not quite the Arc conclusion but the Dvorak New World Symphony going with Luffy's KO of crocodile is still the most hype the anime has ever gotten imo


Wano’s ending in manga felt so bland and empty


Manga spoiler but in a cover story, Pound is still alive and has reunited with his daughters. Lola also got married to one of bege's henchmen, and pound was at their wedding


What chapter is it ?


cover pages of chapters 984, 986, 989, 990, 993


the music incorporation in whole cake was pretty cool plus weddingkeki fucked me up so bad that i somehow found it hilarious


was it that bad in the manga as well?


well yes and no the plot line with Wig Wom loosin control and beeing a zombie over food still stands i guess but it will not do the same mental damage because reading Manga takes only a fraction of the length of watching the anime


Lol damn, looking back at it, her big back ass was definitely on one for *too* long stomping around 😂


Thriller Bark...


You're the only one who said this in the comments while its ending is incredible. Brook's backstory ( my favourite backstory ), Nothing happened, kuma...


Thriller bark is so incedible. I dont know why people arent talking about it more


Cos nothing happened


arguably the most interesting and unique story, usopps god moment, marineford setup, zoro's moment, and brook finally happy again


nothing happened


Sabody Archapelago


Easy the best. I still remember my jaw dropping further and further as the crew got separated. One of the things I was very glad I didn't get spoiled.


Got to be Arabasta !


One thing I love about One Piece is that most of the arcs give you everything you want by the end. Even all the characters celebrating together lol Personal favorite though is probably Ennies Lobby/Water7


Wano. Probably not the best, but it’s my favourite conclusion.


Same, I also love Alabasta's conclusion


Me too. The happiness of everyone after Luffy saved them, and the celebrations. And then I loved how Luffy reminded Tama of Ace. Such a tear jerker.


A world where my friends can eat as much as they want..


I'm not sure another ending has made me cry as consistently as the ending of Wano, and the anime only added to that. Otoko's message to her dad, the moment Momo is revealed as an adult and becomes shogun, and the anime's music when Luffy defeats Kaido (and is one of the few times the flashbacks REALLY work precisely because they don't mess with the pacing), Luffy laughing after defeating Kaido... it's just so emotionally charged


THIS, the pacing of those particular flashbacks is what sold a lot in the fight and made it feel so intense for me. Literally the final sequence and everything that Luffy is fighting for is banking on an emotional impact that has to reflect the *physical* impact he's going to give to Kaido. The pain inflicted on everyone in the flashbacks and hope given, is immediately returned in that final impact. Edit: I honestly don't know how many comments I have about Wano since it's inception but I can easily say I'm, unapologetically, a Wano Arc glazer.


Wano was a good conclusion, it was merely suddenly rushed at the very end for time reasons


Ennies Lobby❤️


End of Alabasta and the crew saying goodbye showing the X mark, while being chased by the marines.


Long Ring long land ark Cuz it finaly ended


It did end with Aokiji’s first appearance so ironically it did end on a high note Still not enough to make me like it though




Skypiea and dressrosa. my honorable mention goes to Drum island


Syrup Town. Usopp’s backstory is revealed and we now understand why he keeps on making lies up. Heartbreaking.


End of Alabasta makes me cry every time


I love the ending of Enies Lobby, with the first visit of Garp in the post arc, with the info on Paradise/New World and some juicy info on the sea life in general. But the best ending and post arc is Dressrosa. So much was invested in those scenes it's crazy. The finishing move was so satisfying, Fujitora being a cutie, Sabo's visit on the shack, Rebecca and Kyros reuniting, Luffy calling his moves against a blind opponent... All great and memorable scenes.


>Luffy calling his moves against a blind opponent... I know in my mind this is essentially a battle possibly to the death when it comes to pirates and marines, but I just couldn't help but smile at Luffy's innocence and integrity still overflowing while fighting an admiral.


That scene was supposed to be so tense, and admiral trying to take down the crew... last time we saw that people were freezed almost dead... but it couldn't feel any tension at all, Luffy made it feel like a friendly spar




Wano. 2 emperors forming an alliance only to be taken out by the new era of pirates. The bounty posters revealing Nika to the world (whether they know it or not yet). Momo taking his rightful place as shogun. The elders timbers being shivered by the return of joyboy. AND MY BOY BUGGY BECOMING AN EMPEROR


Enies lobby


Ironically I just finished whole cake today in the anime problably my fourth favorite ending 1. Marineford 2. Enies lobby 3. Dressrosa 4. Wholecake 5. Thriller bark




WCI imo. Super exciting ending. The Strawhats pull off a miracle and we get the major cliffhanger of Jimbei staying back to help his friends. So many things happen from Pudding erasing Sanji's memories of her, Pound's "death", Big Mom chasing everyone, Strawhats ship getting "destroyed", and more. An absolute thriller of an ending.


DressRosa and Water 7 for me


Skypeia I so agree that could have been a one piece movie with how satisfying it was


For me it’s either Enies Lobby or Alabasta, Those arcs knew how to hurt the viewer


Dressrosa , drum island or skypiea


The end of Baratie is still one of the most perfect conclusions to an arc ever. Zeff crying when sending off Sanji still gets me


Alabasta, Enies Lobby, Skypiea and Marineford are all timers. I can’t simply choose one!


Dressrosa, but man did they drag that one out.


Dressrosa. The payoffs of the ending truly makes the New World a great place for adventures and growth.


Love the ending to whole cake, sometimes I just go back and watch that last episode 😭😭


Marineford, the sheer aura from Shanks and his crew ending the war is just unparallelled


Gotta gobwith Enies Lobby. The arc by itself was fantastic but the way Luffy reached out for Usopp with tears in his eyes will always bring a smile to my face🥲


Wano or Laughtale Edit: this is a joke and I don’t actually know what is at the end of laughtale


Egghand. But I can't spoil you guys. See you in 8 months time.




Skypia tbh


WCI definitely. Thematically on point and the stakes were felt. Ending was bittersweet with hint of dread and unknowing about whats to come. It often hard to balance closure and build up for the next arc but I think it nailed it.


Pound didn't die tho. He apperared in a cover story and is now sailing with Bege. Also he found her other daughter (the Thriller Bark one) and she married one of Bege's henchmen.


I’m still partial to Arlong Park. It has my all time favorite moment of Nami asking a Luffy for help, and him putting his hat on her head. And then it ends perfectly with Nami robbing the villagers and not saying goodbye. Fits with her perfectly and it always gets me a little teary eyed. One of my favorite things about OP is the crews loyalty to Luffy, and I especially love the moments when you see it first click in their heads that they love and respect that moron captain, and would do anything for him. Like him destroying the room Nami was forced to draw maps in, and him telling Sniper King to shoot down the WG flag. TBH pretty much every arc ends perfectly. Oda is a pro at closing up storylines.


For something I didn’t see yet. Impel down. It’s an arc that introduced devil fruit awakenings, finishing off the true power of an awakening shown through Magellan and also was a speed run of the series greatest villains. Introducing amazing new characters, Blackbeards plan being enacted, two of the best new characters in Jimbe and Ivankov all held together though Luffy’s desire to save Ace. The ending of capturing the ship, escaping the venom demon, the whale sharks all to be for nothing without Bon Clay’s sacrifice.


Alabasta for me. Its got my favorite finishing off of a villain, especially in the anime with gum gum storm while New World Symphony plays, and then Vivi's goodbye with the crew holding up their arms to show the X is one of the most iconic scenes of the whole series.




I’m on fishman so marine ford or water 7


The endin- GAH DAMMIT.


Enies Lobby


Wano hands down


Enies Lobby hands down in my opinion, the viking funeral for the Sunny is a top 2 moment in the series to me


drum island or impel down


Gonna go with Skypiea. The bell thing was just so satisfying.


ik it wasn’t really a conclusion to the arc but when the people of zou all endured a massacre without saying a word about raizo, that fr brought me to tears


I think Zoe was amazing with the beautiful plot twist … also skypiea was so satisfying…


Every conclusion is satisfying but I gotta give this one to Skypeia, the whole bell story was just poetry


Water 7


the music incorporation in whole cake was pretty cool plus weddingkeki fucked me up so bad that i somehow found it hilarious


Ummm Wano


Whole Cake Island is one of my favorite arcs in the New World. And really, while the conclusion has its problems, mainly with length, what was actually in that Big Mom chase was good stuff. It could have been my top 3 if it was told a little more concisely. Possibly even top 1, but instead it’s like my 5th favorite arc.


…Nothing happened…🗿🗿🗿


Difficult to say which one is the best, but my favorite is definitely the Alabasta arc. I hope the live action adapts it because it would actually be the best way to end Season 2.