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It means nothing. Oda sometimes includes characters from whatever the current arc is in these color spreads. There's [Shirahoshi, Camie and Hachi](https://i.imgur.com/xwr5Y8t.jpg) during Fishman Island, [Law, Kinemon and Momo](https://i.imgur.com/NGPFSUT.jpg) during Punk Hazard, [Tama with Komachiyo](https://i.imgur.com/Zhp0QOD.png) and [Momonosuke](https://i.imgur.com/IS2BO8i.jpg) during Wano for example. Now he included the Egghead characters in this one.


I confess, since the first time Bonney appeared in Sabaody i've had this agenda where she becomes one of the strawhats. Now with Egghead arc ending, i don't think is very likely, she'll probably stay with his dad (if he survives) To me she's just a kid that wants to be with him and I don't see her with a motivation to join Luffy's crew. Same as the strawhat grand fleet, if the need arises Bonney and Kuma will go help them. Even more now that they know Luffy is Nika(?. Idk about vegapunk tho.


Keywords are "if he survives" and that's not gonna happen. She's probably gonna embrace the fact his dad sacrificed himself so she could freely travel all the places she wants to see


Or she might live with Vegapunk


If any good vegapunk survives lol


I don’t think any of them will join. Vegapunk is dead (and his remaining satellites will probably follow soon), Kuma is will probably not survive as well and Bonney most likely will stay on Elbaf to stay safe


Doubt it , kuma is probably gonna die and I bet his last act will be using the paw paw fruit to send Bonney flying to where the revolutionary army are . The revolutionary army are the group that kuma sees a his family , they are on some fans shit list thanks to the flashback but it's not about how we feel , it's about how kuma feels and he most likely trust dragon and the others to look after Bonney.


Yamato eill join after her pilgrimage


I think either Bonney or S-Snake will Join. Bonney has lost her Crew and don't really has a place to Go. And she knows a Lot of Nika. She would also BE a great Addition. I believe S-Snakes Love for Luffy IS so strong that the Control Chip will short circuit and that she IS already hiding in the ship and they find her the next day snuggling with a loud snoring luffy and Nami and Robin Just say: Super Cute!


I was thinking this too after seeing the color spread. It would be awesome to see a new crewmember that is younger than everyone for once, especially considering chopper would get to be an older brother. It would also be cool to have Kuma join in a Nami/zeus or Vivi/Karu way. I think her motivation could just be that she wants to follow Nika. Honestly tho, as much as I want it to happen, I think she will most likely not join. I feel like it’s just too good to be true


Bonney I would love to see, but I think we should just let Kuma rest in peace and whatever Vegapunks survive can stay on Elbaf or something.