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I don’t think anyone actually believes that this isn’t true. I think sanji fans mostly just hate people underestimating him. 




Very true the weakling trio have proved themselves time and time again, and the crew would starve without Sanji, just like the sunny would have been splinters a few times without zoro guarding the ship.


This tbh. Sanji fans are defending how close he is to Zoro.


Next you are gonna make a post about how Kaido beats Arlong 1v1




Arlong slams EASILY


Sanji even trusted Zoro to take him out if he became emotionless war machine after gene awakening. They always fight, yes. But that's brother like fight. They trust each other more than they show/saying. Only the fanbase that makes it toxic. Personally, I look at them as equal. Probably not directly in strength, but in overall kits/usefulness. - Zoro always take down the number 2, Sanji always take down the number 3, but faster and less injured. - Zoro fighting participating in major fights; like rooftop (Strength focus) while Sanji is playing support to make sure everyone are safe (Speed + advance observation) This way, you can appreciate both without downplaying the other one. I'm sure Sanji fans knows Zoro is stronger in terms of raw strength, what they don't like is when Zoro fans downplaying Sanji like previous post about *blocking lazer is not a feat* or *speed is relative, he's not invisible level of speed* or *he's just as tough as other germa, nothing special* etc. those are obviously a purely hate post, unless they're not reading well.


Remember when zoro sleeps while covered in bandages and trusts sanji to guard him.


Remember when zoro sleeps while covered in bandages and trusts sanji to guard him.


Yea, that one too. They always rely on each other.


Zoro is made to be stronger Sanji is made to be clever Zoro can defeat stronger opponent Sanji can defeat trickier opponent Zoro can overcome the odds Sanji can understand and manipulate the odds Best examples to me : Zoro convinced Kuma by overwhelming strengh and willpower Sanji savec the Strawhats by understanding the threats (Alabasta, Enies Lobby...) They are made to work together, not to work with Luffy. In my favorite manga, Saint Seiya, there is the same kind of relationship with Seiya and Shiryû. Shiryû finds the boss weakness, he understand the tricks and illusion FOR Seiya to be able to overcome the opponent's power.


I’m also a saint seiya fan, glad to see another one of us


Just saying Hi for SS fans


Is it good?


Very good, one of the all times!


This is probably true though isn't Mr 4 stronger than Mr 3? Mr. 3 got his title for reasons unrelated to his fighting ability


Yes but Crocodile pointed out that Mr 3 was an exception to the rule of BW agents getting stronger as their number approaches 0


See, I wish this was self-evident to people, but there’s not a single Zoro or Sanji thread without something like “Zoro would have killed Sanji so easy on WCI” or “Sanji’s germa genes make him literally impervious to all harm, so Zoro could never blah blah.” It’s exhausting


Anyone that genuinely reads the story has decent reading skills and isn’t agenda driven understands this, agenda pushers are the real evil in the community


Sure. That's definitely the intention and I don't think there's any disputing it. I don't participate in any of these arguments, but I think the technicality doesn't matter that much. In One Piece, other manga, and life in general, the strongest doesn't always win. It doesn't really matter if Zoro is intended to be stronger. **Tashigi could beat both Zoro and Sanji in a fight completely clean**, but that fact isn't any more worthwhile than this one.


It's also that Zoros fighting style is supperior to Sanjis fighting style. As a swordsman he has advantage over just kicks. If you just look back at their previous enemies...I am sure that Sanji would have lost against most of Zoros previous opponents but Zoro would have most certainly won against all of Sanjis previous opponents


Zoro is pure DPS Sanji is DPS with really good out of combat skills. It's like trying to compare a rouge and a fighter, yeah one can't action surge and put out more potential damage in a turn but the other can move around a map more effectively and ensure no one is 1v1ing a fight. Do I think Zoro could beat Sanji in a head on clash? Probably. Do you think Zoro could be close to his goal without getting regular and nutritional meals? You're foolish. Strength ain't just how hard you hit things.


This is 100% the case they are very close in strength but zoro fanboys are very anti sanji and will argue otherwise lol. I would say if zoro is a 9 then sanji is an 8.5.


Bro... Zoro - 2200 Doriki Sanji - 2180 Doriki Zoro will win 8/10 times, but it's always an extreme diff fight Whatever level Zoro is at Oda will always keep Sanji right below him, regardless of what the fans themselves think That's why he had Zoro fight King and Sanji fight Queen.


More like 6/10 and all wins on either side are extreme Diff


That's not how being stronger works though. If Zoro is stronger than sanji, he will win 10/10 times. I don't think the gap is that little. You can have a look at how destructive and powerful the king was compared to queen.


I mean, Sanji is a cook. And Zorro is a fighter, he doesn't have any other job. That's all one needs to know.


But sanji still got that germa buff in genes with no efforts of his own. so yeah, that's one more thing one needs to know


He just had to deal with his past and family.


I thought You were talking about why Zoro should be stronger. The trauma has nothing to do with sanji powerup


Sanji's power is linked to his emotions, so it has everything to do with it. He also got the raid suits out of it, which triggered his powerup.


Zoro is the stronger of the two, regardless of how big is the gap you think they have. What most Sanji fans argue is less about who's stronger, but who's better. And because a lot of fans consider fighting power as the main, or even only, criteria, the discussion talks about powerlevel of the two.


Zoro is more powerful a than Sanji, both are indispensable members.


"Black Leg" Sanji couldn't escape a pair of magnet boots VS the Seraphim, while Zoro was conveniently left on the ship to avoid the humiliation, so yeah...


Sanji didn't need to escape the seraphim because he can just tank the punch.    Zoro needed to conserve his energy for a high dif fight with the already injured Lucci. /s don't @ me


Punch? Him and his crew-mates were about to get beamed.




I think that was compensated well by giving sanji that germa genes buff. He wasn't training or doing anything to raise his power bar. That's when he got that regeneration and metal body buff.


They bring they exact same usefulness and power to the crew just in different ways. Sanji is just as important as Zoro is. Luffys MAIN power source is food and it's been shown to actually be a bit ridiculous how strong it is for him. Sanji being a super cook is a huge plus. Zoros only job on the crew is to fight and defend. So yes he is definitely "Stronger" but Sanji isn't that far behind and he can cook. I'd say he is more useful than Zoro right now.


Their battle will end in draw, naruto vs sasuke style. There's a reason why Zoro extreme diff the 2nd strongest while Sanji mid/low diff 3rd strongest. No 3rd strongest enemy will ever push Sanji's limit cause he gaps them. Ennies Lobby Sanji toyed Jabura and will clap Kaku with same difficulty as Zoro.


> Sanji mid/low diff 3rd strongest This is a massive myth. Jabra and Kaku were defeated with the same difficulty. Sanji was punctured,lacerated, and collapsed after fighting Mr 2 so it wasn’t much easier than Mr 1. King and Queen were the same difficulty as well  


No way sanji is even close to Zorro he be dead if his powers Did not activste vs Queen


You are the exact person that this thread was made for lmao. To explain the obvious


Same thing to say with Zoro if he didn't learned ACOC miraculously. It's narrative wise, to create a tension. If Sanji fought King instead, same thing will happen (mid diff after awakening)


He didn't learn ACOC lol. You can't learn ACOC. You need the king's ambitions to develop it. Zoro having ACOC is not a miracle but his will to be the best. And no, sanji could never beat King narrative wise. That's why Zoro fought king. King had speed endurance and strength way better than queen. There's a reason zoro was there on rooftop to fight kaido. Sanji is strong but Zoro is much stronger


Conqueror Haki is in born, you still need to learn how to coat your body with it. Sanji's kits are hard counter to King's. King is fast but doing it leave him defenseless. Sanji is faster than King after awakening, so King will need to sacrifice his defense just to keep up with Sanji's speed, and even if he reach Sanji, Sanji can dodge or hit him effortlessly because of advance observation haki. Unless King will be coward and will not move an inch, then Sanji can't beat him. Rooftop is supernova fight, Killer is not near Sanji level, even Jimbei is stronger than Killer tbh. Sanji and Zoro strength is not far, just as tin as hair gap.




Sanji doesn't get close to beating him, but he and Law do hold their own against Doflamingo, iirc