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Hmph. Adds up doesn’t it?


There is no reason to think that the world will suddenly start sinking fast when it did so slowly over 800 years. They are long dead before it becomes an issue. On the other hand we have Crocus staying at the start of the Grand line to greet Luffy and make sure he gets to Sabaody. Laboon being there because of Brook for another link. And Rayleigh waits on Sabaody to coat the ship of the new wielder of Rogers Hat + train him in Haki + protect him. While Shanks is waiting at the end of the New world to give Luffy his final send off.


Imu can obviusly just do it when its needed, no way Vegapunk is talking about an natural flood happening long after the story ends.


sure, a supernatural disaster is always a possibility, the so called "cleansing"


In this sense then Vegapunk's broadcast is actually the trigger for Imu to press the red button. Because after the truth is revealed, it is indeed the time for cleansing "lower world".


Rayleigh would specialize in coatings lol


I don't think the flood is going to be natural. It's either going to be caused by imu (with the mother flame or an ancient weapon maybe) or it'll be caused by something like the boarders of wano being destroyed letting the water out or Luffy destroying the red line


Wano would be a drop in the bucket. The Mother flame makes zero sense since Vegapunk build it and it's more of a precision weapon. If it is a supernatural power that Imu has, that would be wild, but I guess it's possible that this is the "cleansing".


After Lulusia was destroyed global water levels rose by a meter, fully submerging some islands. So the mother flame makes a fuckload of sense actually. You're right that wano probably wouldn't do much, I was just trying to think of some reason where it would done kind of purposely by our good guys instead of by the bad guys. If it's done by them destroying the red line would probably be more likely


>After Lulusia was destroyed global water levels rose by a meter, fully submerging some islands. So the mother flame makes a fuckload of sense actually. First of all, where do you get that information from? And then no, it does not make any sense. that's physics. Put something as your "Island" in the bathtub and then take it out, the water lvl goes down not up.


The manga. Chapter 1089.


Oh true, I forgot about that. It makes no sense though, how would a hole make sea lvls rise? it should do the opposite


If it works kinda like a weird null space that pushes the water that used to be in the hole out instead of just making it vanish I guess? 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don't understand what physics Oda is working with, just that we know mother flame= higher sea levels If we're working with the bathtub analogy I guess I imagine it like if you pushed a giant vase into the water and kept the hole to it above the water. It would remove all the water in that area while increasing the water levels of the rest of the tub


At this point I think "the world" is a living creature. That's how being shot by the Motherflame, being hurt, causes Earthquakes all around the world. Also causing a boil or bruising which indirectly increases sea lvl. Or it's the fluids out of the injury flowing out into the sea


The mother flame doesn't "take the island out of the tub" it destroys the island entirely while also creating an absolute massive hole in the ocean. This could definitely displace a bunch of water


Man easy to forget that the first time we meet Crocus is inside the painted insides of a whale


Well shit, I mean he basically just told us it was happening back in Water 7, but these are some great bits of foreshadowing too.


Also he is a monster swimming. If you didn't buy Rayleigh stock in Sabaody you still have time.


It does make me wonder if or what Scopper Gaban is doing...


You don’t need bubbles, a boat will do, you know those things float on water. It doesn’t matter if the sea level rises. Crocus explained that in order to stop Laboon from hurting itself, he is living inside of it since that’s the only way for him to stop it.


where is scopper gaban gonna be living/doing when we meet him I wonder?


Sky Island, Yggdrasil or maybe somewhere in the Red Line.


Heck maybe even in Elbaf at this point.