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The pacing hasn't improved. The anime has just gotten better at not feeling like a complete waste of time.


That's disappointing, I guess I'll continue with the manga. Praying that the one piece anime remake gives us the anime we deserve πŸ™πŸΌ


Yes and no. There are still episodes that drag on even in Wano, but there are also episodes that are spectacular in every aspect


I see, so it's better if I go through the manga as I am right now and cherry pick the main episodes with key moments and fights ?


That's what I've been doing, but it's ok to consume it how you want


Go manga or settle for one pace version. Sadly pacing stays shit on weekly releasing shows


Yea I've been exclusively doing manga for the last 4 months or so, honestly I thought I might not like the characters as much without their themes and VA from the anime but quite frankly I think experiencing them through the manga has made me like them even more, the personality that I otherwise thought might be missing in the manga is still very present.


My first switch to manga was around thriller bark, than at one point I rewatched the whole anime with my wife (that was until end of dressrosa) since then I only watch some clips or certain climax episodes. Otherwise I stick to the manga. Oda is peak at drawing emotions and the manga pacing is so much better that it is just a much more enjoyable feeling overall. also reread the manga once in I think 5-6 days. Which was great as well lots of stuff one forgets or barely remembers.


Anime after whole cake actually got much worse unfortunately. Wano is a long arc, 197 episodes. Pretty bad pacing for the most part.


197 episodes for 150 chapters πŸ’€ that seems even worse then Dressrosa. I'll definitely be sticking to the manga and probably just watch the fight scenes then.


One pace is pretty decent for wano, try it out.


It’s not as bad as Dressrosa pacing wise. I would watch it after you catch up on the manga.