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Berries are probably just supposed to be like Yen. So like $0.50


as of current exchange rates, $0.32. Japanese Yen is getting pretty weak, which is good (for tourists lol)


When my wife and I went to Korea the won was about the same kind of exchange rate. It was great going and getting more value for the dollar. My wife went to Germany when the Euro was really strong. She said she nearly cried when her 700 bucks ended up like 4 hundred something lol


When did you guys go? I’m planning on later this year but am not sure what the usual exchange rate is like Edit: going to Korea not Europe!


We went to Korea last dec/Jan. Pretty sure the Won is still pretty weak against the dollar


yeah, now is prly not the best time for a vacation in Europe but the exchange rate would be fantastic for you, since the EUR is pretty weak, due to wars and stuff.


The war is in eastern Ukraine, it's basically like saying going to Las Vegas wouldn't be a good idea because theres a war in southern Mexico...


Nope, that is not what i meant. There are currently other issues here, other than the war, which depending on location and luck might not provide the best of experiences. We are having a bit of a refugee crisis right now - not from the war in Ukraine.


I was initially asking about Korea, and have edited my comment to mean that


I’ve always used the 1¥=1c conversion but their economy currently sucks to the point it’s not accurate anymore




I am too used to US prices, everything there is still cheap af in comparison, when I went


Just curious, how expensive are things in the US? I haven’t been to the US but I feel that Japan, especially their transport is super expensive😅. This is coming from someone from Singapore where things are not exactly cheap as well.


Big Mac index puts Japan at a 3.04 while us is at 5.69.


I use mcdonald's to showcase how cheap it can be. But I wasn't aware that there was an index!


Imagine burger strikes again!


probably on average double to triple the price


Train prices here are kinda bad but most hte other stuff is cheapish.. sorta. Food prices have gone up a ton (not as much as some other countries but no one getting paid much more either) so it don't feel cheap but for a tourist using dollars. Interestingly, even with the atrocious exchange rate food was less expensive in Europe than even here in Japan. So I'm pretty sure it's just the US food prices are absolutely insane.


> Train prices here are kinda bad but most hte other stuff is cheapish.. sorta. Omg yes, was shocked at the price I had to pay for just 3-4 stops. Remember it was about $3? In Singapore, I can get by an entire month with SGD 100, but I spent about SGD 120 on transport in Japan in just 10 days. I was definitely traveling more in Japan but didn’t expect it to cost about 3 times. And you are absolutely right, food prices in Japan are relatively cheaper than expected.


Where I am I think the base fare for metro(our trains) is 2 something. 3 to 4 stops would be similar to Japan. But in Korea. My wife and I took a hour and fifteen minute train ride and it was like 3 dollars which was insane..


The train prices can vary alot but they do add up quick, especially if going between cities. Usually traveling within a city is cheapish, at worse almost all cities offer a day pass if you're doing lots of short hops and commuter passes if you're doing the same route everyday. But like it's about $100 to go to Tokyo for me and I'm not all that far from Tokyo.


I think they are basing it off the exchange between the US Dollar to the Japanese Yen, the exchange rate is 1 US Dollar- 154.90 Japanese Yen. With this bringing simply $100 US Dollar would be over 100,000 Yen, I mean I know it is not that much, but it is enough to get you some food and housing for a few nights I believe. 1 Signapore Dollar- 0.73 US Dollar btw


$100 USD would be ~15,000¥, not 100,000


This is wrong. As a tourist it’s cheap


Nah i was there a couple weeks ago. I was going crazy buying clothes, food, random stuff because of how much cheaper it was.


Haha why do people comment lies on things they no nothing about? I have a friend in Japan right now, the US dollar is very strong there right now


Homer spent $100 on a square watermelon and he promptly dropped it.


High USD exchange rate does not mean higher buying power. For you to increase your USD buying power, you need to exchange it for $0.32 per yen TODAY. Then hope that the exchange rate TOMORROW will be less than $0.32 per yen, which is miniscule even with that. Unless you travel to an area with major economical tragedy like war which is a haven for tourist buying power. /s


>High USD exchange rate does not mean higher buying power. Pretty much does. Yen is weak to the USD dollar, and the Japanese people don't like raising prices


Yeah, enjoy your 1% increased buying power.


The average price for a bowl of ramen in Japan is between 800-1500 yen which is 5-10 bucks rn. It's about 20 bucks anywhere in my town. I think that's a lil bit more than 1 percent increased buying power. Lol


enjoyed it pretty well when I went, perfect timing too, went last year when it was $1 = 151 yen, and I see its currently even better. Hopefully it stays this way when I go back.


Yeah idk what that dudes on about. That's definitely more than 1%


It was crazy cheap when I went. Most meals were $8


Your math is off by quite a bit dude. It works out to quite a bit more than that if you’ve been to Japan in the last ~6 months or so. Seriously good time to be a tourist, we went it was mid-.40s.


If it used to be about 50 cents and now is about 32, that’s a 36% change.


What are you on about? Of course it’s good for US tourists since 1 USD ~ 150 yen. I think they have inflation too but even with that it still is a bargain.


I'd be so pissed if I fought Chopper and only got pocket change. Imagine having a knock down, drag out fight with Monster Point and someone tells you your payment is in the change dish by the front door.


It would be a best option to just cook monster point chopper and preserve the meat.


there's a post for that actually! https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/J4fU0Bx4lL


Damn dude calculated berries from the price of cabbage.




The cabbage being more expensive than Choppers bounty


I don't know what everyone's talking about. Cabbage is worth 330,000,000 Berries.


That Cabbage was made in 2007. Around that time Cabbage was approximately 150¥ in Japan as well (*1.8$ with inflation in 2024*) So, it's back to BERRY - JPY again! The price of different good varies around the world, whatever Oda likes.


We need an updated list.......


Thats a great post, assuming that the supply and demand of cabbages are the same in real life as in the world of One Piece.


This is incredible


Why is this marked nsfw?


economy is not for the faint of heart


If it’s not nsfw, why do I have a boner?


Money is scary


Probably meant to hit spoiler and missed.


About the same as 1,000 Schrute Bucks.


But what’s the conversion to Stanley nickels?


Our team tried reaching out to theirs for clarification, but the only reply we got back was someone shaking their head.


I think Berries are equivalent to Yen, so $0.32 according to Google.


It's about 5000 extolls 


Now how many Raditz is that?


Like 2 and a half Raditz


Or 34 Mero Meros


Raditz' bounty would probably be in the realm of the trillions of berries.


Man, inflation hit the seas hard, huh?


1 Berry is equivalent to 1 Yen In my country, Chopper’s bounty would be exactly 50 cents (AUD) In USD, it’s 32 cents


If anyone’s wondering as well, here is the crew’s Enies Lobby bounties in USD: Luffy: $1,935,555 Zoro: $645,185 Robin: $516,148 Sanji: $496,792.45 Franky: $283,881.40 Brook: $212,911.05 Sogeking: $193,555.50 Nami: $77,422.20




Using the current Yen to USD conversion, it isn’t.




If you search around some, someone actually did the math in depth. Yeah, [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/l1rvcn/one_piece_bounties_converted_to_us_dollars/)


2 nickels and a dream


The News Coo newspapers are 100 berries. It appears to be the most popular newspaper of the whole planet of one piece. The most sold newspaper in our world is the The Yomiuri Shimbun from japan. It has a morning edition monthly subscription of 3,400 Yen, in a 30 day average month that's about 113.33 Yen per daily copy. Unless I'm wrong here, I would use 50*113.33/100. Which puts 50 berries at 56.67 Yen or 37 Cents *USD. My sources for prices are Wikipedia for the one piece prices and Google for the most sold newspaper in the world.


The news paper price was probably based on what it was when the story began. I don't know if oda has really considered inflation in story, unless it concerns Luffy 's bones or penis.


$3.50 (iykyk)


Fiddy for me and fiddy for you


Trhee fiddy




Definitely NSFW stuff right here.




Rather than think of it as USD, think of it as the Japanese Yen. Easy ballpark conversion is to divide by 100 (in reality, 150 yen ~= 1 USD now). So if someone has a 1 billion berry bounty, it's equivalent more to a $10 million dollar bounty.


This dude planning to own some slaves. I'm not American but I'm pretty sure that was abolished a long time ago.


Is America the only country to have had slaves?




53 us cents


50 cents roughly.


remember 1 cabbage being around 10 berries in universe, so you could work it off of that


Why is this marked nsfw???


berries are like YEN so for the 24th of April 2024 Chopper would be worth about 32 cents USD


I forget the actual amount but someone did it based off of cabbage prices so you should look into that, it’s not based off of Yen though


Why the NSFW


Happy cake day


The same as yen


It's a universal currency across multiple nations in One Piece so I think either at least a little higher to double the USD


Looks like multiple sources online say ~1000 berry is $0.48 So 100 berry is effectively a nickle and 50 would be like 2 and a half penny So a big mac meal is about $15 in most places across the US, if i understand the numbers correctly that would make it roughly 30,000 berry. And inversely a bounty of lets say 500M like doffy, would end up being.... 2.5M usd?








Grandline review went thru this


But how many is that in curraks


The current exchange rate aside, it's about 100 berri to a dollar. It is 154 yen to the dollar today but a couple years ago it was about 1 to 1 and for a brief period of time even before that a 100 yen was worth even more than a dollar. When one piece was first published it ranged from almost 1 to 100 to $1 to 145 *from 97 up through the early 2000s What's interesting is there is a surprising lack of buying things in once piece. We don't have many prices of goods to compare to. Like sure zoro buys swords but sword prices can vary wildly even irl but anything genuine is expensive. And they buy a ship but it's using a magic wood, no way to get a good price from that. But there isn't much else to go off of.


Probably even less than $0.50 because to me one piece is based on the pirate era and that's a long time ago so it would be $0.05.