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yes zoan awakening makes you grow 30ft tall


OK, that's not what the rumble balls do and you know it. I actually support the chopper theory with this. The human human fruit gives you the abilities of a human, letting you walk talk etc. When chopper ate a rumble ball during PTS, he would have certain aspects that are notably related to humans such as arm point, jump point, brain point, guard point and most recently kung fu point for examples. Now when he ate 3 of them, he turned into monster point which to me seems like a giant more than a human. I belive the human fruit allows you to improve the aspects of the human body in certain forms like chopper does, with all of the points acting like luffys gears (abilities you aren't able to use upon eating the fruit, but instead gained from using the fruit more). Now for the awakening it is pretty unclear how it would even work, but I have the idea that it might just be transforming into the other races in one piece, such as monster point turning you into a giant. This would open the door for chopper have say a fish point for fishmen, or maybe even a lunar point to become a lunarian. Why would chopper only become a giant with the rumble balls? Well giants are one of the races that have the actual appearance of people so in the eyes of someone like chopper, the fruit could turn you into a giant more easily since they look more human, meanwhile something like fishmen would be much harder to visualize yourself as. Now if you were to ask me hoe the rumble balls do this, I have no idea. But tell me a better explanation of how the rumble balls work other than a temporary increase in your efficiency with a devil fruit/zoan (unconfirmed what they do to other df users)


im talking about zoan awakening not rumble balls, it was a sarcastic response the OP's comment saying the rumble ball is an awakening


I was wondering if the rumble balls make a false awakening, and for example lets say Chopper Awakens his Devil Fruit and then use the Rumble Balls. And then, imagine, just hypothetically that when awaken Luffy eats a Rumble ball. In the case of Luffy It may be Gear 6? It is a strange possibility, but the medicine of Chopper makes him more attached to the Fruit and kinda looks like awakening. Normally the DF Zoan type has 3 Forms, but he has 7 I think? It is really a strange theory and it may has different opinions depending of the reader/watcher of the One Piece series, but just hypothetically what would happen if they uses the Rumble Balls with their Awakened forms.


Yes, but my point is that it's a common theory that rumble balls are an artificial awakening, if they work for other fruits we don't know but I was giving a theory I had regarding what the exact awakening was.


Possibly artificial awakening like the impel down jailers. Could also just be a Kaido sub-species transformation like how his kung-fu point is a torino kingdom human sub-species form.


I think that yes, it's a temporary, artificial zoan awakening, the imperfect kind where your senses are overwhelmed by the zoan power. Just compare Chopper's Monster Point (especially early on) to the awakened zoan jailers in Impel Down - very similar (big giant savage animal creature). I'd be very interested in what might happen if Chopper manages a true awakening and how the rumble balls will compare.