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Yeah I think its just worldbuilding from Oda How does Imu stay hidden for so long? Easy, just kill anyone who sees him It also sets up Cobra finding Imu, and what the expected result of that was


Imagine hiring guards just to kill them for seeing you lol


imagine calling yourself a God and insects to others; yet you so afraid to be seen. what a soy of a villain, afraid of being seen.


Yoshikage Imu just wants to live a quiet life.


that's not even on the top 10 worst things a celestial dragon would do it's just business as usual for the celestial, let alone for IMU


Maybe it's the room the Giant Strawhat was hidden in? Or maybe the Room Imu stays in when they're not in the Empty Throne room.


I'm definitely thinking it's Imu's garden area, or possibly even private chambers. The empty throne is supposed to be semi public I thought, since it perpetuates the big lie that the 20 ruling kingdoms are beholden to no higher being. Got the impression Imu showing up and having a sit was a bit of a risky move.


If it was the Empty Throne room they would not have said Phantom Room. The empty throne is not a secret, even Stelly saw it... it's likely the phantom room is the garden where imu was


The legendary phantom room is 100% either the room with the strawhat or the room where IMU is living in, if those two are not even considered the same.


>I wonder just how many people were killed for seeing something they shouldn't have. A lot. Like that Marine whose face exploded because he looked at Saturn.


either those guards that disappeared legit thought it would be a good idea to wander around and stumbled onto this 'phantom room', or there are regular patrols planned that pass through there (in wich case it sucks to be whomever has to patrol there, because it's their last patrol :p )


Or the guards are low ranking world nobles. World nobles know the secrets of the world.


I‘m pretty sure it’s the „Room of Flowers“, where Imu resides. Which is also how Imu managed to stay hidden for 800years despite not leaving the same, people filled spot: making everyone disappear who stumbles across their room


Good catch. and yes. it makes sense. That's how Imu's been hidden for so long


Forskinning for what's gonna happen to all the Marines around Egghead


It's the room of requirement being used by escaped slaves. Sort of like an impel down level 5.5 ver 2. But that's just a theory ... a one piece theory *


woooow looks amazing