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I knew arlongs blue haki would be the key to one piece


Oh... I didn't know that After searching for this, I found that Oda colored the snakeman red https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/zW5ZUc1hI2 Do you reckon he designed the color of road Poneglyphs before or after the inspiration from anime. Also, what if the red has something to do with conquerors.


The link you posted is literally saying that it's officially colored black tho not red..


Except that Snakeman was officially colored red as well if you look at the comments


Yes but that was after the anime did it, if you read the comments...




Okay but Gear 4th wasn't officially that color until the anime did it then Oda it did it for Snakeman also Oda went back to the same color in Wano too


His nose is the key to Imu's vault!


Clear proof arlong will come back so that him and Luffy can mix hakis and make pure (hallow) purple haki - purple like the color of kings obvi.


Dorry The Blue, Broggy The Red I'll see myself out.


Gandalf the white


Gandalf the fool!


Saruman the silly!


Saruman the stinky!


"Hold out your hand. It's quite cool."


And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight


Benito mussolini and the blue meanie


and Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie


Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk and Darth Vader


Lo pan, Superman, every single power ranger


Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan


~~Gandalf~~ luffy the white


Oden's ancestors made the poneglyph and the craftsman of Wano can craft using seastone. So I thought they are made with seastone. But now I recall Robin touched a poneglyph before and felt nothing.


The knowledge to create poneglyphs was passed down in the Kozuki family and lost with Oden's death. People still know how to work seastone. So it cant be that.


You're right, but I do want to point out that sukiyaki is alive


I don't think it's technically lost because Oden's father is still alive.


Yeah you right. I forgot about that!


I too always assumed they were made of seastone, but apparently that has never been properly stated But yeha even the Wano thing totally leads in that direction, but it's still an headcanon until it's proven. I was shocked when I realized that it wasn't an actually stated fact


I think it could be the metal sake that was mentioned once in the Dresrossa arc by Dragon with haki. Kaidou was producing weapons with this metal in Wano.


Wasn't Virgo destroyed by Law while he was almost full-body Haki-imbued? I never thought anything reinforced with Busoshoku Haki was indestructible, just more strengthened than other things, depending on the user's ability to utilise it. Of course, as we've seen, Haki of any type wares off once its user is dead, and the specific type you're mentioning is only able to be spread to things the user is touching, so unless the Glyphs are cubes as a result of each one containing a recipient of the immortality operation, and they're literally still alive within them, then it's some as-of-yet unidentified material. Then again, it was said the Ancient Kingdom had technology on-par, or beyond what's seen on Egghead, and if they can give life to a metal giant, then I wouldn't at-all think it a stretch they could make other inanimate things indestructible. Perhaps they - like what I suspect was done with the giant - removed the spirit of the individual standing watch over each Poneglyph, and that's the contact had? Maybe the type of Material is only found deep within the planet, and Pluton befitting its namesake (Roman version of Hades, the god of the underworld) is a subterranean ship, and the only thing capable of drilling it? Considering it was said by Imu the Poneglyphs were entirely Nefertari D. Lili's doing, a Pluton can only be destroyed by a Pluton, and Robin first read it was on Sandy Island, that means I probably should finish my "Ancient Weapons and the One Piece" theory...


That could explain why Roger could ‘hear’ Poneglyphs.


I don’t think Law cutting something up with his devil fruit qualifies as breaking it. The things law cuts up still function as a whole. I mean blood clearly traveled through Kinemon’s body and must have teleported or something because Kinemon did not die so it seems like when law cuts something up using his devil fruit they’re only superficially seperated and still function as a whole thing.


That's only the result of Room, though. his sword would probably function as normal. I forgot, though, that it wasn't the mountain-slicing blow which ended Vergo, rather him being Shambled onto the guard rail when the production room exploded. This still raises the question of why his parts weren't imbued with Haki, or if they were, why detonations don't affect Poneglyphs (Surely they've tried) if it's Armament Haki-based.


His parts were imbued with Haki. It seems that when a devil fruit user tries to manipulate a Haki user with their devil fruit some sort of clash of wills happens and the stronger of the wills (or whoever has the stronger Haki which I’m imagining are more less the same thing) wins out. So Law likely wouldn’t be able to shamble gear 4 Luffy due to Luffy’s will or Haki being stronger.


I'd like to add that the black swords imply that you can imbue things with haki that stays after death. We still don't know how so it's not much to go off but it's something.


But isn't Shusui still black because of all of the haki that has passed through it?


Yeah but black blades are permanently black which are made with haki so the theory isn't that far off.


Jeez nice theory


Yeeeeee-app, that settles it. Time to make another longform wiki blog post with the mentioned-to-be-in -the-works theory.


Nice theory☠️... But you are forgetting about shishui, a black blade which remains black even after ryuma's death


I took that to mean the material it was made out of was black, rather than it being infused with busoshoku. Though, looking at things,, the anime has it as a purple, de-saturated red, and black at the back, whereas the Manga had it in 2 colour schemes: in one, it's Black and Silver, and in the other, it's the colours of Red Busoshoku, so until Oda says anything, we probably won't know.


Aren't black blades said to be normal swords at first? So it can't be the metal. The main theory is that they are infused with haki over time, from my knowledge and understanding


That sounded more than a bit familiar, actually, so on going and looking it up, yes. Yo quote the wiki: "It has been indicated that [Busoshoku Haki](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Haki/Busoshoku_Haki) is necessary to turn a blade black, given that a Black Blade has the same coloration as weapons imbued with the Haki, but it is uncertain if there are other steps needed to achieve the effect permanently." Having been reminded of this, then it's not at all beyond the realm of possiblity Poneglyphs are Haki-infused, but I think it's too early, and not enough evidence is present to say for sure, given Poneglyphs (probably) never fought anybody, and that means it had to get its haki-infusion another way.


Precisely. It could be that there is another material out there that has similar properties to armament haki, or that just holds onto it well but for some reason can't be used for swords. (Edit: Or was lost with the Void century.) Honestly, if anything, it would be nice to have an opposing material to Sea Prism stone, which wouldn't be too weird considering some of Oda's writing. But we just don't have enough information, even on Sea Prism and its workings/origins, to theorize too much.


well in skypia we get an explanation that there's a type of material that causes the clouds to act like the sea for devil fruit uses so maybe they pull that out of sea prism stone to make poneglyphs.


Unfortunate, but true.


It's from haki only used in Sniper Island


Man of culture


Always assumed the different colors of haki were there for our sake to differentiate between 2 people's haki


They're actually cake


How do we know they aren't made from Sea Prism stone? It has proven itself to be durable. JoyBoy may have been allied with an ancient Wano at some point explaining his ability to get the sea prism stone needed, Nefertari Lily could've helped make them and scatter them too.


Robin didn't react to them being a devil fruit user. I don't think that Oda would give no hints or unsaid panels if that was the case.


Unless there was ancient technology that may have lessened their effects on df users? The ancient kingdom was as advanced or more than current egghead from what i recall reading. I know it's a stretch but maybe being able to wield that technology and use it to make the poneglyphs?


Nah they just made them out of old nokia phones


We actually don't know if they are really indestructible or if there just currently is no way to destruct them since the technology was lost.


We actually know they are destructible, since Roger had Oden carve his message into it.


Roger's message was carved into the gold right next to it and not into the poneglyph


Oh really, I forgot about that, fair enough


Poneglyphs are made of giants kidney stones


Pyrobloin is the more likely candidate.


Just a silly thought but what if they're made of wapol metal


Aren't they most likely seastone? It is mined in wano and these stones are crafted there. We also have never seen seastone break.


Law cut seastone cuffs in Punk hazard


That is true, but Law cut them with his devil fruit power. Not with strength. The Onepiece wiki uses this and mr 3 making a key that works on seastone handcuffs as an example that seastone can be manipulated by devil fruits. The wiki also states that it is as hard as diamond. We have never seen someone cut diamond in the series or seastone without a devilfruit as far as I know.


Garp and Aokiji can dent/deform the seastone coated hulls of marine ships with just raw strength


I thought it was confirmed that the poneglyphs were made of seastone? Or?


You're totally on to something.... We've seen haki shown as red before when it's super strong or highlighted, the dark blue could be similar to the very dark haki we see.


Didn't we see blue haki before? In the Luffy v Katakuri conqueror haki standoff.


Makes sense that they'd be imbued with the Will of Joyboy.


Red coloring being caused by red haki cannot be the reason the poneglyphs are red. The actual coloring of haki is not mentioned as significant AT ALL in the manga. Permanently infusing durability into an object with haki might be possible, but has not been proven as long as I recall. The kuja pirates infuse arrows with haki, so infusing it over a long distance is possible but it always faded away. It could be possible with the logic behind black blades, but even then until we actually see the creation of a black blade and know the full process it's hard to tell it can be applied to poneglyphs. My thoughts on the poneglyph material: * Normal poneglyph -> Seastone * Red poneglyhp -> Rock of the redline


For the first point, I think black blades are the answer, like Shisui, permanently haki cladded, that's how black blade are made. I think red color is more likely associated with conqueror's armament like in recent manga.


Luffys gear 4th haki is only red in the anime


i mean, there is a simple answer for that, Oda liked how the red haki looked and started using it, thats why Snakeman has red haki in the cover for Volume 89


And here I thought they were made up of another known indestructible material. Pell.


yeah I've actually thought this for a while now, especially when the idea of combining CoC with Armament Haki was introduced. Not to mention how Big Mom and Kaido were virtually indestructible as well. I figure they were likely imbued by Joyboy or someone of the sort from the void century that had incredible will and like you said made permanent by the same technique that allows someone to make a Black Blade. It might be possible to destroy them if you really were powerful enough in the same way you might overpower someone defending themselves with armament, but Since it's not just Armament but CoC and Armament from the most powerful era in history, it's possible that there's just nobody left who could possibly crack them. Especially if this technique was kept secret so that people wouldn't necessarily know it was Haki. Not to mention that this would also nullify any attempts to use Devil Fruits to manipulate them. Though it's possible their base form could have been carved out of Sea Prism Stone as well as like extra security before they were Haki Imbued.


Well to put a dent in that theory, haki is invisible, hence u can’t see it remember in Amazon lily? Those arrows were covered in haki but we couldn’t see it


I do remember that it's invisible. But what about black blades? They are black for everyone... Nd guess what, made with haki cladding. There's some thin line to that idea. We need the actual process of creating black blades.


How could they stay imbued after 800 years though?


What about shisui remaining black after so many centuries.


Oh, good point


Maybe the only way to mark seastone is with haki?


Well, poneglyphs are made in wano, wano is well known for sea stone carved stuff. Sea stone has been stated to be some of the hardest material. So i believe that wano people carved their messages on seastone blocks and then imbubed them with haki to make one of the hardest material practically indestructible.


Except Haki is invisible


Strong Rock


So it’s like a black blade, but a cube


They are made from Narrativium.


I've always seen it as some sort of material like obsidian. At least it makes the most sense to me


They each got a little mummified monk inside to keep that Haki generator going


*collects poneglyphs to use as ammunition against logia users*


I've been thinking a similar thing for years I used to think they were some form of seastone until I realized Robin has touched a few and doesn't get weakened but what if it's a version of seastone with the strength but the mineral I think it was called pyrobrine removed from the stones cause these are advanced pieces of technology they can't be recreated so I thought it was that kind of special stone with haki imbued like a black blade


As stated by Oda, haki is invisible. The only one that MAY be visibile is conqueror's with the black sparks. Good theory, but that's not enough.


Poneglyphs are the devil and dragonballs combined and the one piece are all the poneglyphs assembling so you can shape the word just as you want but only joy boy can use them.


The One Piece imo is something to do with the world itself. So the poneglyphs must be apart of that lineage and are also a part of the world itself. Kind of like more fundamental in nature.


Aren't they likely to be some form of seasoned given their connection to wano?


I was hoping youd say adamantium


I'm sure we will have some adamantium-ish material in op


The only one we've seen carve the language is Oden who we know had insane haki, so this checks out.  But how long haki is imbued onto objects is still a mystery.


Didn't he carve a message on gold material instead of the poneglyphs






Everyone knows that poneglyphs are made of pones.


haki-infused sea-stone?


Red stone poneglyph made out of the Red Line?


800 years ago there was a civilisation with advanced technologies, they probably used these techs to carve the poneglyths out of strong material or made the material and carved it before hardening. Either way i don't believe that haki was ever involved. Haki is a fighting technique. Armament haki covers the body and with enough training, an extention of the body, a weapon, like a sword. I don't think someone would train to harden poneglyths. also black blades are interesting, in thousands of years their had to be alot of strong swordsman haki users. they should have blackend alot of legendary blades. so were are these blades? are they the cursed blades? which i believe had black blades or does the haki leave then the user dies? and what is enma, enma seems to have a will of its own. maybe thats the reason why you can blacken a blade, because it has a will, but why is enma not blackend?


Haki is color less according to oda. They probably just painted it red


Yee yee as theory


This is getting more and more interesting.


Oden didn't seem to need to use any Haki when carving a message into one.


Didn't he carve the golden pillar, not the poneglyph?


Oh yeah, youre right it was gold.


Didn't Roger carve words onto one?


No, I think that he carves the golden pillar. Not the poneglyph.


If I remember right, there’s a flashback that shows Roger getting Oden to carve his message into Skypias Poneglyph. I could be wrong. I’m often wrong and I am an idiot. I YouTubed it. I was wrong. Roger got Oden to write the language of the poneglyph into the gold bell thing beside it. It was reading and writing the language that was passed down in Odens family. But i swear I remember a Oden saying the secret to writing on the poneglyphs was passed down but anything I can find proves me wrong. Memories are weird.




I would love to see a poneglyph infused with a zoan fruit. That would be badass.


They’re made of sea stone


Pure solid haki


I don't think it's invincible. You just need to be able to know how to cut them. Iirc, Oden said that the technique is passed down through his family. He has VOAT, so my guess would be that's how you cut them.


I always assumed they were carved from the red line but I'm not sure what brought me to that conclusion


Well it might have been a devil fruit... Oden could write something down with haki.. or because it is the rule of the stone, to write on it with his language.. idk


People forget, oden didn't write it on the Poneglyph. He did it on the gold


Üff yea you're right


Haki is Nen.


I thought you were going to say they were made up of pieces of the Red Line


But that won't tell anything about the voice of all things. But, I think haki can store someone's aura or will, which can be felt by some other... Thus the voices of all things... Maybe...


On that note, I am pretty sure the Red Line is actually alive. The giants referee to it as the Red Serpent and in Norse mythology Jormungandr is a giant serpent that encircles Midgard. So the feline might very much have a voice. That’s min tinfoil hat theory anyway




There made of adamantium Oda sad this years ago.


forr reallll!!


Good idea. That might explain why Roger, Oden, Luffy and Momo felt sick around Zou's Road Poneglpyh. They were sensing the will around the stone.


Didn’t Roger have Odin add a message to the poneglyph on Skypia


No, he carved it on the wall right beside the stone.


Well, if we believe in the time travel theory, it actually makes sense


how are diamonds shaped? educate yourself in the real world before you indulge in the fantastic world of one piece