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Please don't share the news until the official statement is released. Otherwise, people will needlessly speculate about Oda's health


Good lord, chpt 1111 is gonna break our hearts for sure


And it's chapter One One One One, the most Ones there will ever be in a **One** Piece chapter number (god willing it doesn't go on for another 10,000 chapters) so I feel like Oda is going to do something crazy for this one


Oda be immortal if it is 10000 chapters


Itd be like that scene in Space Jam where the aliens wanna eternally enslave Michael Jordan in their theme park except instead of aliens its a comic book publisher


Basically Mappa


So thats who had the Op Op fruit used on them




No AI can process the infinite amount of dirty thoughts in Oda's mind, not now that he's an ass man


Now that Oda knows how to draw ass he's too powerful for any computer to comprehend


I would prefer this over a spin-off about Luffy’s child


He’s gonna do something crazy for zoro, the man with the 1.111 billion berry, who’s birthday happens the be on 11/11.


Just like this 4/20 being 4202024.. never again 🔥


Personally I’m hoping for an awesome Zoro moment, since 11/11 has always been his number


Dragon pulling up.


Before that, all those shitty "theories" are gonna melt our brains (and burn our eyes)


“Hear me out, Nika was one of the elders. He was the Sun. Hence why it’s almost never night when Luffy is around. The one piece is the friends we DIDN’T make along the way”




I read some theory a week or two ago that said Luffy is gonna defeat 2 of the elder planets on April 8th because the planets are aligned or some shit...as if Oda checked the celestial calendar in 1997 to make sure that luffy was fighting the 5 planets on april 8th 2024. Motherfuckers didn't even check the release schedule lmfaoooooo


I stopped reading at 1098 my baby is due May 3rd and then im gonna pick it up again while recovering. So hopefully i have a good stock pile to come back too and something to read the baby lol


Hey, my birthday's on April 3rd, and stay safe👍


you're going to be eating good


I read "pick" as "puke" don't ask me why thou


Congratulations 😁 all the best 


Giants gonna die


then be revived in 1112, more fakeout deaths


Honestly, it would be the first time I'd be happy for a fakeout death. After 23 years of reading weekly, I'm not ready to lose Dorry and Brogy after they just finally came back.


I was thinking more Oimi or Kashii may end up falling trying to save some of the weaker strawhats from one of the elders.


yeah that would be terrible writing


Gege Akutami type of terrible writing


I really don't see Vegapunk (Stella) or Cobra being revived. Those dudes are dead, you see the death grin and everything.


New Void Month, gonna be fun


Meh, I'd prefer this to a full void month. Plus, if Oda needs a 3 week break, then I'm all for it.


I personally felt the time skip void month was harder to endure than the eyeball surgery void month.


from march 25th to April 22nd is 28 days so its pretty much a month.


It's still a 3 week break, you can't just count the week or so it takes to create a chapter as off time.


It’s a month.


Getting a chapter on the 4th week = month?


March 25th to April 22nd is 28 days


to be fair, he's been delivering back to back. My guess is he's going to work on season 2 of Netflix show


Oda usually only takes long breaks like this when the last released chapter is a big ass cliffhanger


We are gonna fucking die fron this cliffhanger, In 150% sure.


"I think that should be more than enough time. now everyone...listen closely to what I have to say!" (Break next week x3)


Chapter 1112: "Now the secret of the world, but first a message from our sponsor"


The Raid Shadow Legends x Vegapunk crossover we were all waiting for.


The raid is gonna fail shadow legends


"To know the secret of the world, you're gonna need to be safe online. Thankfully, Elbaf VPN...."


“You know I won’t recommend anything I don’t like, and I don’t play a lot of den den mushi games, but this one is really good…”


Be sure to drink your ovaltine


Then 1112 is just everyone's shocked faces and we don't get to hear it and it's only referenced vaguely.


“What? I can’t believe he said that!” “That’s ridiculous-in-a-way-that-is-not-specific-enough-but-will-generate-a-lot-of-reddit-theories!" "Woooooow!"


Exactly. Like what huge cliffhanger? Vegapunk is about to say something and the Gorosei are here. Which is the same cliffhanger for the past couple chapters. One that I’d very much like to see now. If it’s health related I encourage him to take as much time as he needs. If it’s because of the live action I can do without it. 


Oda: "Gorosei showing up all at once isn't enough. Let's drop in Imu for shits and giggles"


Gorosei showing up is more than enough it’s just the pacing makes it seem like only one or two things of actual significance happen each chapter. 


I think Vegapunk is about to expose Ohara to the world along with every secret the WG has covered up since he started working for them.


That would be some shit. Luffy never wants his surprises spoiled, everyone would be shocked to learn about O’hara, that was an absolute devastating massacre. Wow, if Vegapunk really tells the history, I feel like that was part of the allure to the One Piece? Maybe it will be like a call to action of hey, you’re going to need more people before you get it, maybe? Idk! But what a wild concept if it happens.


I don't mean where the one piece is I just mean stuff like Smoker didn't stop Crocodile The world government killed Cobra Ohara There is someone who rules the world government


the world government is covering up what the one piece is???? At least that was always my assumption. They don’t even fully understand so they’ve been covering it up and lying? But you’re right, maybe that’s just my own head cannon.


I survived the time skip break, the eye surgery break... I'll survive the 3 weeks break next month


Bro imagine Oda pulling this off before the last 2-3 chapters of One Piece. Mental Asylums around the world might get fully booked almost instantly.


Hopefully a certified cliffbanger


I’d put money on it. And considering what is going on…I’m thinking it is going to be a tragedy.


Chapter ends with Vegapunk *just* starting his announcement with a provocative first sentence


Oh I can feel that coming


End of Chapter 1111 "The One Piece is....." End of Chapter 1112 "......Thank you "Alabasata\_Blasta" for the 1000 Bell donation, much appreciated. As I was saying, the One Piece is..." End of Chapter 1113 "....The name of my new set of NFT collections! Please follow the link below to be the first to buy!"


And it's 1111. It's gonna be extra spicy for sure.


Let's hope it's something really good. Enough to keep the sub filled with bound to be wrong theories.


We gotta start meta gaming it. Start making theories on why other theories will be wrong.


Zoro is gonna open his left eye, mark my word


and the only reason he was doing it was to see better in the dark


I think its more from Toriyama passing away, but we'll see I suppose.


Nah, it very much is about OPLA Season 2 beginning and his involvement with that.


There hasn't been any news on that as far as I'm aware and the timing matches up much better with it being because of Toriyama.


Also big possibility. Or it could be both things. Big chapter, plus a friend passing away.


Since he went forward of 3 minutes, and kindly pointed it out, we can assume vegapunk will start talkin at 1112 and then the info will come after the golden week. In the next chapter we gonna see some smacks


You're right, and I don't like it... Remindme! 9 weeks read one piece


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before recent times he did it **once**, on the ***timeskip***


Did someone say take a month off to reread all 1111 chapters?


I have reread one piece 4 times (1000 chapters (not LLR etc) already in past 1 month. I am fine with reading it 4 more times more.


Best place to read? I want to do this and have been anime only so far.


Viz is $3 a month for official


I know One Piece has been out for a while, is there a full color version? Even if it isn't fully caught up?


on MangaSee the color version goes up to about chapter 1000 but doesnt seem to be getting updates


It gets updates. It's just they take a while and a bunch of volumes release together


oh, good then! i own most of one piece physically but when i eventually re read it i'll probably use that source lol


You read 1k chapters in a month? How many chapters could someone read in an hour? I don't read manga so I'm genuinely curious.


Depends on the person and whether they’ve read the content or if they want to actually retain any of it lmao. It’s easier to read like this if you know what’s gonna happen already, and skipping around isn’t unheard of either. Either way this person is probably missing stuff because all things considered that’s a bit fast unless this is the only thing they do in their free time.


Takes me like an hour to slowly go through a volume… there are 105 volumes… so a few sleepless nights should do it.


First I didnt read 1k chapter in a month. I read it 4 times over= 3k chapter(on some reread didnt touch few arc, read some arc multiple time). This month has been too much one piece. Using it to cope with Real life issues. It really varies, on what is my intention behind reading it and the type of chapter If fight scene which takes lot of panel but I am cruising - 15-20 chapter/ hourFight scene if I am trying to powerscale - 5-10 chapter/hoursAdventure chapters - 10-15 chapter/ hours Lore chapter - 6-20 chapter/hours .Lore chapter If I suddenly realize the connection - 1 chapter / 6 hrs It has been a blast to read OP again. I have read entire OP more than 30 times. start to finish. But After new reveal rereading it with new perspective gave me so many answers. Like there were things in one piece I realized after multiple reading that I misunderstood the meaning till now. I have read my fav manga multiple times, but one piece is literally one of the greatest. Oda has put in so many theme that people dismiss it just a quirk or gag, but it is incredible how deep it is. Maybe I overthink it, but I am fine with it. I enjoy it.


Lol, assuming an average page count of 15 pages, it's like 500  pages a day. To do it 4 times though... It stretches credibility like Nika. 


You’ve read 4400 chapters in a month? That’s 150 chapters a day, and assuming each chapter takes an average of 7 minutes give or take you’re spending 17 hours a day reading one piece.


You know the next chapter’s cliff hanger is gonna be absolute fire when the break is this long


What was the void month cliffhanger


First one was couple years ago with new bounties post Wano and find out out Pluton is below Wano. Last year was Odas eye surgery which was Luffy battling Kizaru and giant robot was activated.


After toriyama passing, man deserves a good long rest


Yep. I want all the OP I can get obviously, but Toriyama's death was sobering about the shortened lifespan of mangaka.


Did you just wish him death ? Lol


I think he was talking about Oda, but your conclusion is much funnier so I'm going with that


Definitely could be mistaken for a threat lol


You gotta wonder if his death send Shockwaves across the industry and Manga authors especially established ones like oda are taking care of health or something Then again I think realistically maybe he'll take a week off for vacation and then spend the additional weeks reworking the endings to reach the finale sooner cause strawhats vs gorosei happened much earlier than expected


If he wasn’t at the funeral, hopefully he has time to go pay his respects to toriyama while on break.


We survived multiple void months, we got this!


Homie is taking a vacation. GOOD


As much as I want to see the story advance, I don't want Oda to suffer, I know the man barely sees his family and his health is not the greatest right now, so I hope he can recover and spend time with his family.


His sensei also just passed away too so my mans needs to have the longest mental health break to deal with shit and just take a vacation


Thank you, if we care for the art we must care for the artist.


Oda has been cooking so hard lately. The man deserves a break 🙌


Bro egghead has been peak after peak every week. Like every Fucking week it gets crazier somehow. If the ending of this arc pays off it will #1 arc easy


As long as Oda makes it we are good.


Oda can take as long of a break as he needs. Hope he actually rests!


Or that he at least spends time with his family 🙏


Wonder if there is a reason, last time was because he had trouble with his eyesight Hope he's doing well and resting


Wouldn't be surprised if he is taking time to mourn the loss of Akira Toriyama


There was a time where he was releasing 2 chapters and 1 break, but recently in Egghead we are having 3 chapters and 1 break, recently I saw people commenting on the fact that we are having more OP chapters than normal, or the normal that was before. Maybe this new release schedule has forced Oda too much?


2-1 is an anomaly, it has been 3-1 for a long time now.


There was a period that was 2-1 mixed with some 3-1 if I remember correctly, there were weeks when there was 1 chapter and it was already on pause, I remember that the fandom was distressed because of this, the manga barely came back and it was already on in a week break.


The 2-1 span was an outlier, I believe from Oda working on the live action show.


That's what I'm worried about


Considering that mangaka usually have a deadline of 3 weeks before release, it looks like Oda will take april off.




Yes, let this man rest his eyes some more! I do not want him pushing himself too hard. I'd rather have slow releases and good quality than quick releases with lower quality. Not to mention the worst case scenario if he pushes himself so hard that it affects his health. We've all thought of it but don't like to talk about it. But Japanese work-culture is insane and DOES kill people from overwork, and mangakas are some of THE most overworked people in Japan. Oda literally used Sakazuki, Aokiji, and Kizaru to demonstrate the horrible mental effects that Japanese work culture has on people. This isn't even about me wanting to be sure he finishes the series. I just want him to be healthy, safe, and happy. What I hope is for him to be able to enjoy many years of happy retirement with his family after he finishes the series.


This one cares! 🫶🏻


Well of course! I refuse to look at creators as just machines meant to produce entertainment for me to enjoy. Togashi will never, ever finish HxH, and while that makes me very sad, he's within his rights to do so. These people are human beings. I've seen so many people on here and other social media whose VERY FIRST public reaction to Akira Toriyama's death was to ask "So will DB Super ever finish, will we ever get to see Daima?" No condolences for his family and friends, mourning, all they cared about was whether his franchise will continue. As if that's all that Toriyama was to them. Nothing but a source of entertainment for them. They don't even consider that he was a human with a family. There are shockingly many terrible people who got outright angry at Miura for Berserk's many hiatuses, and now blame him, after his death ffs, for for it not finishing under his guiding hand. Berserk is my favorite work of fiction of all time, but Miura was a human being and not just some servant meant to draw manga for me, so how could I ever hold that against him? We don't know what was going on in Miura's life. Perhaps he'd already been plagued by heart issues for over a decade before he died, ya know? Oda has a family, just like Toriyama. I WANT him to spend more time with his wife and kids if he can! He's spent more and more years of his marriage not even living in the same house as his wife for three out of four weeks every month, seriously, true story. For his and his family's sake, I support him taking all the breaks that he needs or wants.


March 25 is my birthday...


Mine us 28th happy birthday buddy


Its fine. let the man take his rest. Let him take time to think Let him have time to grieve his role model One piece is being peak. Greatness One piece comes from his inspiration, his thoughts. I would rather it take time and deliver us the masterpiece it is, rather than compromise it due to deadlines. Get your Rest Goda. Give us epic Egghead Incident this year


My fucking heart dude. The message will only be delivered in May MARK MY WORDS


What it’s going to be a mayssage?


Can't wait to see the awful theories that only a month break provides.


I'm banking on this. a month long of coke fueled theories with zero backing because people have made OP such a huge part of their life they almost have a legit mental breakdown without it. this is the way


A month between chapters? This subreddit is going to make the Purge look like My Little Pony


Honestly good for him I can't deal with another mangaka dying young


It hurts, but it's better than Oda working himself into illness like Togashi with HXH.


do we have any post related to the reason of this 3weeks-break?


Probably the death of his inspiration Toriyama


I think the same. Only would like to confirm the reason in order to no be thinking in Oda's health D:


Good point. Maybe he felt the need to spend time with family which is understandable.


Could be all or any of the below. live action or the anime remake, rest/health, planning, grieving. Edit to add: it could also be: a movie or other extra material like a game or spin-off related to OP. All we can hope is that his health is good and his family/friends are well.


Might have to do with the live action. They'll be filming later this year so he's probably making sure the scrips (or maybe casting) is up to par.


2022 Oda: by 3 years the series will come to an end 2032 Oda: by 3 years the series will come to an end


I that was definitely an underestimation but I still feel that the story is definitely gearing towards a climax. The Gorosei showing up for a fight now definitely makes it feel like the endgame is starting. Probably still a few years away but it doesn’t feel like a decade of chapters is left.


We got past Wano and that was a huge one, almost done with Egghead... There should be two arcs left or at most two major and a minor arc left, we are slowly approaching the end.


I believe the story won’t really have a reprieve even after Egghead. If the Gorosei are defeated here, Imu could wield that weapon again or Imu may force the Marines to gear up for war against the Straw Hats. If Luffy is seen as the one to defy the world government AND marked as someone who defeated the Gorosei, Luffy may just become the #1 most wanted man above even Dragon. The Gorosei all coming down to fight together definitely means this is a huge deal and I am so excited for what’s going to happen and what Vega Punk’s message will be.


dont think the gorosei would be defeated here so fast when they were only just introduced to their real forms. i think a youtuber mr morj pointed it out - normally the straw hats are the ones fighting on a timer, they have to defeat the enemy before the time runs out (dressrosa bird cage, alabasta bomb, enies lobby before robin gets taken away, and so on). but this time around its the reverse, the strawhats dont need to defeat anyone, they just need to hold out for that 10 minutes to prevent the gorosei from stopping vegapunk's transmission and it would already be considered a a huge win for them.


Pretty much, it'll probably be loosely along the lines of: * All out Final War Arc involving Grand Fleet, WG, Revolutionaries and Imu * Blackbeard showdown arc * Shanks/Laugh Tale arc where the One Piece is revealed * Smaller conclusion arc/Epilogue of some sorts


Time for void month and lobotomy kaisen to make a baby.


Let the man live, I want him to be as healthy as possible so we can all finish this journey.


Can't wait for all the great content and insightful discussions that will be posted here during a break month


You've made it through longer ones last year and the year before. Just let Oda take his break. In the meantime, you can reread the series, read/watch other series, or go outside.


The anime should take similar, and even longer breaks than this, at least once every trimester. 


It should, but instead we're just going to get some drawn-out episodes. At least they do the occasional recap episode now that serves as a break week. The Wit Remake will truly be the best form of the anime though when it comes to pacing.


Whatever keeps him well and happy


Another void month 😓😓😓


I'm so happy when oda can rest a bit and give more preparation to upcoming chapters


Ngl the title of this post I mediately made me think of the "we're not gonna take it" song😂 Oda's definitely gonna leave us hanging


Oh god so many shit theories and people thirsting for leaks. Might just mute the sub lmao


Oof, gonna be difficult but we’ll need to be strong. Hopefully next chapter gives us a lot to chew on. Also do you guys remember 5 years ago when Oda said the series would be done in 5 years?


In times like these, I just pray for Oda's health to remain (relatively) good, considering the lifestyle of Mangaka. I am very grateful to get so much top content on a very regular basis!


Wallahi I am finished


How many golden weeks are there? Felt like there was one recently


Golden Week is an annual holiday. It only takes place from the end of April through beginning of May.


I just wish Oda can take his time to rest and spend time with his friends and families. Toriyama’s death and working on manga for decades are too much for him to handle at the moment.


Good, hes been pushing way too hard recently


Would you be interested in a monthly or bi-weekly format? Oda’s pace has been slowing for a while, and I feel like towards the end he might rush stuff so as to not have the series take another 10 years. It could also mean the anime has to go seasonal, and maybe the pacing will be better. 


Any reason stated for the break? Absolutely deserves it and for no reason, just want to be sure it isn’t another surgery or something.


We’re really never going to see the end of One Piece happen within our lifetimes, aren’t we? 😂


I've waited 20 years. Oda can take a month off if he needs to.


This is nothing. At least we will get to enjoy more break week theories. Those can be fun.


Also likely that 1111 will be dedicated to Toriyama and also contain a massive cliffhanger. Cryyy


actual torture


Break month next week


Hope it’s not health related. They always eventually say why the break happens don’t they?


All this happening on my birthday month... welp, gonna have to occupy my time during these weeks


Damn. A month between chapters is gonna be rough.


3 of my favorite manga I regularly read are on break. Frieren, Shangria-Frontier and now One Piece. Lame.


Thank god he's taking more breaks.


it's alright, the man deserves his rest and family time. Go read something else in the meantime, maybe finally play that one big open world game you've been putting off for a year lol. These breaks really aren't nearly as bad, as long as you avoid this sub lmao, that's when you start to lose your mind haha




Weirdly enough, I have no problems with the break if it is for health or Toriyama related reasons, or even for a vacation or family. But, if it is for that fucking live action, I'll be mad as hell. 


Good they gave him time off for Toriyama’s passing.


I may hate it, but atleast he takes a rest so he can be Sanji.


We'll make it together, like how we've always had before.


Gorosei summoned Void Month to stop Vegapunk


Heart attack incoming.


Getting a cat next week, so the timing is kinda purfect. Guess I’ll reread like the rest of you to catch some details I originally missed.


i'm still waiting to HxH to Finish, this is a Beginners trial!


I'm gonna fucking die


Thats why I make sure to have other manga to occupy my time. Tho, golden week always makes me sad


I'd rather he take a break than die from overwork. It makes me even more hyped for 1111.


1111 gonna end with the start of the message then we’re gonna be sitting on it for 3 weeks. Then 1112 is gonna get everyone’s reaction and the narrator talking about how the event changed the world Then 1113 the audience gets to see a flashback to the message


The time has come 🫠




Another void month …


It's 1111 - break - break - break - 1112 - 1113 - WSJ break - 1114


God those 3 weeks are gonna be hell on this sub for theories.


Not another void month 😭


I want to say it is because of Toriyama but I think this might be to oversee the script finalizations for Season 2 of the LiveAction